131119 Roxas hub - shelter cluster minutes 19th Nov 2013

Meeting minutes
Roxas / Panay - Shelter cluster meeting
Location: Roxas - Panay
Date: Sunday 19th November 2013.
Chair: Roxas Province government office (absent)
Co-chair: Shelter Cluster, Timothy Stats (IFRC)
Socidar Suisse
HEKS (new, welcome)
Humanity First
World Vision
Shelter actors active in the area but not represented :
Philippines Red Cross
WHH and their partner PRRM
Handicap International
1. Key messages – Valerie Amos visiting tomorrow. A good opportunity to get across some key
messages. Messages agreed to by participants:
 Huge shelter needs are currently unmet; current planned operations will not be enough.
At least 300,000 houses destroyed on Panay which represents about 30% or the predisaster stocks. In many communities along the coast, on the smaller islands or on the
mountains closer to the path of the typhoon, 90% of housing stocks are completely
 The displaced families in evacuation centres are under pressure to leave but with are
lacking in basic NFI or shelter assistance to do so.
 Where they can, it’s evident that many households have begun their own recovery
processes, salvaging what they can from their destroyed houses – as such, even a small
amount of shelter assistance would be a highly effective way of assisting them recover.
2. Market assessments – Agreed for shelter cluster to:
- monitor price escalation which will be an inhibiting factor for peoples own self-recovery efforts,
- avoid depletion of stocks from one area when plenty of stocks are available at other locations,
SOLIDAR SUISSE presented findings from market assessment in Iloilo. Prices high and vary a
lot, availability for most things are good. No large suppliers. No local production of CGI. Details to
follow in next update.
Emergency Shelter Coordination
Technical coordinator:
IM Officer:
CONCERN informed partners that many sticks are available from the private sector in Cebu and
savvy suppliers already brining in extra supplies.
1 month wait for new tarps from suppliers in Iloilo.
ACTION: Several agencies have been conducting market assessments over the last few days
and need to feed that data back to the group.
3. Procurement and Logistics Canadian Armed Forces may be able to offer transport of personnel and NFI’s in choppers or
fixed wing aircraft from Manila or Cebu. Shelter needs are very high and many partners could
benefit from this. Requests for access to these to come through the shelter cluster – greater
chance of assistance if the needs of multiple agencies are coupled together.
WFP will soon have warehouse space available in Roxas.
British Navy may be able to transport personnel or NFI’s to islands on the east coast as they go
and return from Cebu.
4. Assessments - MIRA assessment team and forms have arrived.
NOTE: Partners planning on conducting further assessments are encouraged to use the MIRA
assessment form.
5. Land access and tenure – ADRA has been noticing problems with access to land for nonemergency shelter in areas they’re working with. The partners agree this will be a growing issue
as the response transitions from emergency relief to early recovery. HEKS are partnering with a
community based org for operations in Panay who specialise in land tenure issues; they’ve
agreed to get some guidelines to us in a week or so.
ACTION (ALL): partners to feed concerns and observations back to the shelter cluster - we may
look at a technical working group (TWiG) in Manila to assist all shelter hubs (also overlap with
Protection Cluster) for this in the near future.
6. Debris management – currently no agencies working in Panay on debris and solid waste
management so this is a gap where action would be welcome. Shelter Cluster has information,
tools and literature available (from Bopha) to any agency wishing to take this up. Coconut lumber
presents a big opportunity. Assistance with chainsaws could be highly effective – would require
consultation with Phil. Coconut Authority.
7. Coordination with authorities: Meeting at 4pm with DSWD tomorrow. Partners are asking for
clarification on the pressure on families to leave the evacuation centres. Other questions are
welcome before 4pm. The Shelter Cluster will organise an opportunity for DSWD to co-chair
meeting in near future and give us a better understanding.
All distributions should be coordinated with the Municipal Authorities. They have primary
responsible for the affected citizens. Coordination efforts at the hub should be in addition to
coordination with Municipal Authorities.
ACTION (shelter cluster): set up meetings with relevant authorities including:
 Philippines Coconut Authority for further information and direction on the use of fallen
coconut timber
 DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources
 MGB - Mines and Geosciences Bureau – for information about no-build zones.
Emergency Shelter Coordination
Technical coordinator:
IM Officer:
8. Coordination / inclusion of national organisations / CBA’s: ADRA has the ear of local
churches and will extend invitation for church leaders to express their concerns and advise
shelter cluster partners in the near future.
“Urban Poor Associates” in Manila may be able to offer further advice on land access issues.
9. Gaps and duplications: generally speaking, NFI’s and shelter assistance yet to hit the ground
so the needs are currently massively unmet and duplication should be a secondary concern to
beginning distributions. One exception could be islands of Concepcion. Organisations/partners
operating/planning operations on these islands include:
 British Navy
 Canadian Armed Forces
 Humanity International
 Concern Worldwide
 Handicap International (?)
 MSF (?)
ACTION (above): partners to review recently circulated 3W and provide missing details.
Next meeting to be Thursday 7:30pm (no meeting Wednesday) – alternating nights with the WASH
sector. CCCM meetings may precede Shelter meetings in the future.
Emergency Shelter Coordination
Technical coordinator:
IM Officer: