What`s new for 2013-2014? School meals offer students low fat

What’s new for 2013-2014?
School meals offer students low fat white and flavored milk; a wide variety of fruits and
vegetables; proteins and whole grains; and meet strict limits on saturated fat, sodium and portion
size. All schools at Mount Horeb offer a Salad Bar daily with a variety of fresh fruits and
vegetables to encourage students to take larger portions of fresh produce. Students must take at
least ½ cup of fruits and/or vegetables to qualify for a reimbursable lunch. Water and Lactaid is
available in the cafeterias in place of milk but please encourage your student to bring a water
bottle to fill at lunch time if they would prefer to drink water with lunch.
Students may receive an alternative at school lunch if they do not care for the main entrée. We
offer a string cheese & yogurt or ham & cheese daily in place of the main item. Grades 6-12 only
have the option of a PBJ Uncrustable, also.
At Mount Horeb Area School District we strive to use as much fresh, locally grown produce as
possible throughout the school year. This year we are receiving an abundance of donated fresh
vegetables again from Vermont Valley Community Farm to incorporate into our school lunch
program. Fresh veggies will be available to the student’s in the fall and the surplus will be frozen
for use throughout the school year. Watch the Mount Horeb Farm to School Facebook page to
see the most up to date information.
Check out our new menus! Each menu will feature a fruit and vegetable of the month with
nutritional information and tips. The fruit and vegetable will be local when possible and will be
served in the cafeterias throughout the month. Watch for information and recipes featured at
Miller and Sons to coincide with our Fruit and Vegetable of the Month!!
Lunch Purchase Procedures
Payments may be made in any school office or mailed to: Mt. Horeb Child Nutrition Services,
Mt. Horeb High School, 305 South 8th Street, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572. You may also pay online
at https://www.myschoolbucks.com/. There is a $1.95 service fee charged by Heartland Payment
Systems if you pay online but you can continue to send a check to school at no charge if you
would like. Myschoolbucks will allow you to track your student purchases and account
information and set up email alerts at no cost to you. You can also download their mobile app on
their website.
Lunch Prices
Grades K – 5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
Reduced Price Lunch $0.40
Chef Salad/Adult Hot Lunch $ 2.85
Recess Milk
Extra Portion (9-12 only)
Uncrustable (6-8)
Nutrition Break K-5
*Free for those with free or reduced lunches
Nutrition Break Adults
A la Carte Items K-5
(Available at Nutrition Break only)
Free and Reduced Lunch
Assistance for free and reduced school lunches is available to families who meet income
guidelines. Forms are available in the school offices and online. You can apply at any time
throughout the year if your income changes.
Nutrition Break
We will continue to offer Nutrition Break at the ELC, PC and IC for the 2013-2014 school year.
Every morning in the cafeteria, students may choose up to three items and a milk for $1.10 or a
milk only for $0.40. Students must take at least 3 items to be qualified for a reimbursable
breakfast. Individual items are $0.50 per item as a la carte so please encourage your students to
take at least three items. The morning nutrition break is free for those who qualify for free OR
reduced price meals but they must take at least three items to count as a reimbursable meal.
Recess Milk/Milk Break
We will continue to offer milk break for K-5 students. The cost is $0.40/day for full paid students. This
charge will be taken out of your student’s lunch account the first week of each month for the month prior.
The Federal Special Milk Program allows us to offer recess milk at no cost to you if you qualify for
free or reduced price lunches.
Food Allergies
Our Child Nutrition Program does not knowingly serve products containing peanuts or tree nuts
in grades K-5. However, it is increasingly common for product packages to contain disclaimers
such as “may have been processed in a plant with peanut/tree nuts.” These types of disclaimers
and hidden potential allergens can also impact other types of food allergy exposures such as
dairy and gluten or wheat. Therefore it is imperative that parents/ guardians of students with food
allergies review the menu and continue to consult with the Child Nutrition Director before their
child eats hot lunch or Nutrition Break. Please call 437-2400 ext. 1222 or email:
denkmichelle@mhasd.k12.wi.us if you would like to review the items served.
Wellness Policy
Please review the school’s Wellness Policy online at www.mhasd.k12.wi.us. Click on “Services”
and “Wellness” in the dropdown menu. When bringing snacks to school, we encourage you to
make healthy choices. A classroom catering menu is available for you under “Services” and
“Food” if you would like the Food Service program to provide Institute of Medicine approved
snacks for your child’s classroom.