REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR SELECTION # 1174729 This Request for Expression of Interest is for a Firm Selection. Please log in as a valid Firm User if you wish to express interest in this selection. Selection Information Assignment Title Inland Water Terminals - Technical Consultant Publication Date 27-Feb-2015 Expression of Interest Deadline 09-Mar-2015 at 11:59:59 PM (EST) Language of Notice English Selection Notice Assignment Country IN - India The World Bank intends to finance the assignment/services under Trust Funds: BB - BANK BUDGET TF052432 - DEVCO ADVISORY FUND - CORE FUND Funding Sources Individual/Firm The consultant will be a firm. Assignment Description SELECTION FOR CONSULTANTS BY THE WORLD BANK REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Electronic Submissions through World Bank Group eConsultant2 ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Assignment Title: Technical Consultant for Inland Water Terminals Assignment Countries: - India ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION IFC is currently in discussions with Inland Waterways Authority of India (the "Client" or IWAI), Government of India, to provide lead advisory services to assist with the identification of terminals that are suitable for PPPs and structuring the Project for implementation under PPP mode. As a part of its overall objective of developing the inland water transport sector in India, IWAI intends to develop terminals located across all the waterways of the country. IWAI has also adopted a policy of developing these terminals, to the extent possible, on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. In this regard, IFC is seeking to hire a Technical Consultant for screening the terminals and help in understanding the business case for each of these terminals. This would entail a broad assessment of the cargo potential, type of cargo and identification of potential cargo owners for each terminal. The consultant will be expected to take into consideration the work of an ongoing World Bank funded study which is similar. IFC also intends to retain the same Technical Consultant for providing technical assistance with the implementation of a brownfield terminal, which also has the potential for expansion, through private sector participation (the Project). To assist with this Project, the technical due diligence would broadly comprise, but not limited to, the following 1- Strategic and commercial analysis of Project - This would include, but not limited to, cargo identification, traffic and demand assessment, identification of potential origin-destination pairs and competition analysis 2- Technical analysis of the Project For the brownfield terminal, as well as the expansion site, this would include, but not limited to, analysis of site conditions, site layout planning, assessment of cargo handling equipment requirements and estimation of capital and operating costs for developing this Project 3- Helping in developing the technical schedules of bid documents for the development, operation and maintenance of the Project. 4- The consultant will be expected to liase with central and stage government authorities, agencies and other entities to get the necessary data for carrying out the assignment INDIVIDUAL / FIRM PROFILE The consultant will be a firm. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The World Bank now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. Interested consultants are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest. Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through World Bank Group eConsultant2 ( NOTES Following this invitation for Expression of Interest, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the engagement of IFC and availability of funding. Qualification Criteria 1. Provide information on the core business and years in business relevant to the assignment * 2. Provide information on experience with inland water transport projects relevant to the assignment. Experience in inland water transport in India would be an added advantage. Global expertise relevant to the Indian scenario would also be an added advantage.* 3. Provide information on experience with inland water terminals relevant to the assignments. Global experience which is suitable for the assignment would be an added advantage * 4. Provide information on the qualifications of key staff. Experience in Inland water transport sector in India is an added advantage. Global expertise in the sector relevant to the Indian scenario would also be an added advantage. Experience of working with Central and State Governments would be beneficial. * * - Mandatory