APPENDIX 6 - CDG Programme Specification Template UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE Programme Specification This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17 1. Awarding Institution / Body University of Central Lancashire 2. Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery University of Central Lancashire, Preston campus 3. University School/Centre Psychology 4. External Accreditation N/A 5. Title of Final Award Certificate in Emotional Intelligence for Teachers and Educators. 6. Modes of Attendance offered Part-time 7. UCAS Code 8. Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s) N/A 9. Other external influences 10. Date of production/revision of this form November 2013 11. Aims of the Programme To provide an academic introduction to the role of emotional intelligence and effective communication in educational settings. To provide teachers with an opportunity to evaluate their own emotional intelligence skills, and consider how they and their own students use emotions to understand and manage social and academic situations in the classrooms and other educational settings. To provide teachers with opportunities to further strengthen their abilities to (1) Recognise and identify emotion in faces, body language and tone of voices to reduce potential conflict in the classroom, (2) speak effectively to their students to ensure that a cohesive group develops, 3) manage their own emotions and those of their students more effectively to enhance individual and group academic and social-emotional development, and (4) motivate themselves and their students. APPENDIX 6 - CDG Programme Specification Template 12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods 1. A. Knowledge and Understanding A1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theories of emotional intelligence and communication, and how it relates to academic performance, and behaviour in the educational settings Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures will be used to introduce students to the historical and theoretical roots of emotional intelligence as a subject of academic interest. Theories of effective communication are considered within this context and relevant educational theory, such as cohesive groups, will be discussed. The lectures will be reasonably interactive and are aimed at raising awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence for teachers and their students. B. Subject-specific skills B1. Evaluate own Emotional Intelligence skills. B2. Identify emotions in faces, body language, and tone of voice can (a) impact on their students’ academic performance (b) help reduce conflict in the classroom, and (c) make them an effective teacher. B3. Apply knowledge of EI to be (1) an active listener, who can provide clear feedback to students, and (2) a clear and persuasive communicator. Teaching and Learning Methods Subject specific skills will be taught in interactive workshops. In workshops, students will complete self-assessment exercises and through experiential learning, develop their own emotional intelligence skills. Group activities include watching prepared media to discuss and critically analyse behaviour and outcome, and role-play to demonstrate effective listening skills. Activities are designed to help students understand the importance of their learner’s behaviour within the context of their EI skills. Further, teachers will be given the opportunity during teaching sessions to enhance the following skills, which will help them in their teaching: (1) the ability to recognise and identify emotion in faces, body language and tone of voices in their own students, 2) the ability to speak effectively individually and as part of a group, and (3) being able manage their own emotion and that of others more effectively. C. Thinking Skills C1. Discuss and apply theories of Emotional Intelligence and communication to educational settings. Teaching and Learning Methods See A and B. D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development D1. Evaluate how Emotional intelligence influences ‘real’ communication. Teaching and Learning Methods See A and B. Assessment methods A-D. 1.Journal 2. Essay 3. Individual presentation 4. Peer Review of a Colleagues’ Presentation from 3. APPENDIX 6 - CDG Programme Specification Template 13. Programme Structures* Level Level 5 Module Code PS2887 14. Awards and Credits* Module Title Emotional Intelligence for Teachers and Educators. Credit rating 20 Certificate in Emotional Intelligence for Teachers and Educators requires 20 credits at level 5 15. Personal Development Planning PDP will be student led. Students are most likely to undertake the course as a form of personal development in itself, but links to various resources will be provided for students to enable them to recognise the role of PDP in their learning and encourage them to participate in this throughout the course. 16. Admissions criteria Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information. Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter. Potential students need to be able to demonstrate (1) the ability to benefit from the programme and (2) an interest in the subject; they should possess a degree or equivalent experience. 17. Key sources of information about the programme University Website Factsheet APPENDIX 21 - CDG 18. Curriculum Skills Map Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed Programme Learning Outcomes Core (C), Other skills relevant Compulsory to employability and Module (COMP) or Knowledge and personal Level Code Module Title Option (O) understanding Subject-specific Skills Thinking Skills development LEVEL 5 A1 Note: PS2887 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers and Educators. Core * B1 * B2 * B3 * C1 * Mapping to other external frameworks, e.g. professional/statutory bodies, will be included within Student Course Handbooks