Eastside Promise Neighborhood Purchase of Service (POS) Proposal

Eastside Promise Neighborhood Purchase of Service (POS) Proposal
POS Solicitation: Out of School Time Summer Programming
Eastside Promise Neighborhood Mission Statement:
The Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) unites institutional and resident stakeholders to look at the resources and
assets of the neighborhood to address its core barriers so that children and their families are inspired to stay, grow,
graduate . . . and stay.
Eligible POS Candidates: Non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, or SAISD faculty/staff that currently
provide or will provide out of school time services to children attending Eastside Promise Neighborhood schools
(Tynan Early Childhood Center, Bowden Elementary, Pershing Elementary, Booker T Washington Elementary,
Wheatley Middle, Sam Houston High) or living in the EPN footprint – zip codes 78202 and 78208
(www.eastsidepromise.org for a map).
POS Solicitation Summary: The Eastside Promise Neighborhood seeks providers that will expand and enrich high
quality Out of School Time programs (existing and new) in the Eastside Promise Neighborhood for Summer 2014. The
proposed model and program design must address the services that will be offered as an Out of School Time provider.
A total pool of funds of approximately $250,000 is available for investment in the students of EPN.
Note: The focus of this Purchase of Service Proposal is to expand and enrich existing out of school time
programming. However, proposals for new programming will be considered if an area of EPN has little to no out of
school time programming available for its students.
Required Criteria:
1. Must contribute to one of the five Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) Plus Factors – Academics (i.e.
literacy, academic enrichment, STEAM [science, technology, engineering, arts, and math]). Additionally,
program must contribute to one or more of the remaining EPN Plus Factors listed below:
a. Un-structured but supervised playtime
b. Creative Arts
c. Physical/Sports Activities
d. Attendance incentives (i.e. STEAM related field trips)
2. Twenty percent (20%) match of requested funds required, in-kind and/or cash match, and must be tracked on
program budget (noted in budget workbook as “Other”). All Proposals must specify the program match source,
dollar amount and calculate the cost per student of the overall program.
3. All funds requested must only serve students who live in the geographic area of EPN.
4. All providers allocated funding of $50,000 or more will be required to undergo United Way of San Antonio and
Bexar County’s Stewardship Review within one year of funding.
5. Letter of Support. If proposed program site is on a school campus the letter of support MUST come from an
EPN principal. If the proposed program site is off campus the letter of support may come from an EPN
principal or agency who has worked in collaboration with your proposed program.
6. Utilize research-based educational curriculum that support enriched learning and demonstrate effective
7. Include active parent involvement and engagement activities/opportunities, including participation with
programming. Parents co-investment may include any of the following:
 Sliding scale co-pay
 Volunteering with the program or with the parent room (minimum of 4 hours)
 Financial empowerment sessions (minimum of 3 sessions)
 Enrolled in job training, GED/ESL/education program
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8. Assist with appropriate access and/or referrals to public program enrollment including but not limited to: CHIP,
Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, TANF, Utility Assistance, etc.
9. Culturally competent as defined as the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with
people across cultures and diverse groups.
Partnerships and Collaboration: The Eastside Promise Neighborhood recognizes that the Program Design and
Required Criteria may be best accomplished through partnership and collaboration with other agencies or
organizations. Applicants are encouraged to partner with others, especially in areas of particular expertise. Evidence
of these partnerships must be described in supporting documentation and should be attached, including any letters of
support. These attachments will not count toward the page limit.
Results approved by United States Department of Education: The broader strategy being pursued by the Eastside
Promise Neighborhood will address these community strategies over the long term. This solicitation focuses primarily
on results 2, 3, 4, and 6.
1. Children are ready for kindergarten.
2. Students improve academic performance and are proficient in core subjects.
3. Students successfully transition from Elementary school to Middle school to High school.
4. Students graduate from high school and are college and career ready.
5. High school graduates obtain a postsecondary degree, certification, or credential.
6. Students are healthier through the consistent availability of fitness, recreational and sports activities and
nutritional assistance and their educational performance improves with the availability of aligned learning and
enrichment activities.
7. Students feel safe.
8. Students live in a stable community with an expanded stock of affordable housing.
9. Families and the community have ready access to comprehensive assistance that promotes learning and
reduces barriers to resiliency and strength.
10. Students have access to 21st Century learning tools.
Community conditions being addressed by this Solicitation:
The Eastside Promise Neighborhood is addressing a broad set of community conditions using several strategies. To
sustain high-quality out of school time programs and better ensure the success of a program, this solicitation includes
the following:
 Students are engaged in educational Out of School activities that are age and developmentally appropriate
 Students access enriching learning opportunities that complement school-day learning, utilize project-based
learning and explore new skills and knowledge
 Parents/caregivers are involved and engaged in participants’ learning and development
 Families are connected or referred to existing community resources
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Do not include pages 1 thru 3 in the copies or electronic version of your proposal submission. Pages 1
thru 3 are intended to be information and instructions only and will not count toward the overall page
1. Total page limit is 9 pages, excluding the checklist, budget and budget narrative. Requested
attachments such as MOUs, job descriptions, and letters of support do NOT count toward page limit.
2. All responses should be in 12 point font and not exceed the length specified per section.
3. Section I Organizational Information Questions 10 and 11 - If someone other than the Executive
Director is named as the contact person, the person named will be the contact for all communication
and clarification concerning this application.
4. All proposal applicants are encouraged to attend one mandatory Bidders’ Conference on Tuesday,
January 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. or January 21, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
5. This is a funding solicitation for summer programming. The funding period for this solicitation is June 9,
2014 through August 8, 2014.
6. Deadline for this application is 3:00 pm, Wednesday, February 19, 2014.
7. Deliver all applications to the Eastside Promise Neighborhood administrative office located at 601
Lamar, San Antonio, Texas 78202 (on the grounds of the Ella Austin Community Center). Complete
submission should include one original proposal packet, (15) 3-hole-punched copies of the proposal,
and one electronic version (on disc or flash drive).
 Questions on this solicitation and the solicitation application packet will be accepted, IN
WRITING ONLY VIA EMAIL ONLY, until 3:00 pm on Monday, January 27, 2014. Phone
calls and/or requests for meetings will not be accepted during this solicitation process.
 Please direct all inquiries to Elizabeth Arévalo at earevalo@unitedwaysatx.org.
 All questions and responses will be posted on the Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN)
website: http://www.eastsidepromise.org and will remain on the EPN website for the duration
of the solicitation deadline of February 19, 2014, 3:00 p.m.
 Please note that United Way reserves the right to only post questions that are topical, pertinent
and/or relevant to this solicitation and the solicitation application packet and/or process.
9. Proposal packet should be submitted in the following order:
a. Checklist
b. Section I: Organizational Information
c. Section II: Program Overview
d. Section III: Scope of Work
i. Program Narrative
ii. Outcomes & Indicators of Success
iii. Outreach Plan & Program Expertise
e. Section IV: Results Expected
f. Section V: Program Budget
i. Budget Narrative
ii. Detailed Budget
g. Program Daily Schedule
h. Job Descriptions
i. Letter of support
j. Collaborative Programs (if applicable)
i. Flow chart describing collaboration
ii. Memorandum of Understanding
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Eastside Promise Neighborhood Purchase of Service Proposal
POS Solicitation: Out of School Time Summer Programming
Solicitation #: OST FY14S
SECTION I: Organizational Information
(Automatic disqualification if any section is incomplete)
1) Proposed Program Name:
2) Proposed Program Site Address:
a. Is this site in the EPN geographic area?
3) Legal Name of Applicant Organization:
4) d.b.a. (if applicable):
5) Mailing Address:
6) Phone:
7) Fax:
8) Executive Director’s Name:
9) E-mail Address:
10) Name and title of contact person for this
proposal. If Executive Director is contact,
enter “same”
11) Phone and e-mail address for contact , if different:
12) Organization Mission Statement:
13) Is your organization a 501(c)(3)?
a. If No describe:
b. If Yes, please provide documentation (Unless Current United Way Partner Agency)
14) Is your organization a United Way partner agency with a formal affiliation?
15) Is this proposal a □ New program □ Expansion of existing program
Note: the focus of this solicitation is to enrich and enhance existing out of school time programming. However,
proposals for new programming will be considered if an area of EPN has little to no programming available.
a. If expansion, has it been funded through UW/EPN in the past? □ Yes □ No
b. If yes, amount of funding awarded: _____________________________
16) Total Proposed Program Cost: $
18) Eastside Promise Neighborhood
Amount Requested: $
20) Cost per child with EPN funding:
17) Total Agency Budget: $
19) Source and amount of required 20% Match
21) Cost per child with total program funding:
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22) Program Summary: Describe your program the way that you would like it to appear in United Way/EPN public
documents and on our website.
23) Number of students proposed to serve:
24) Accepted Age/Grade Level Range:
25) Program Days per month:
a. Total number of Program Days for each
month - June, July, and August?
b. What days of the week will program
26) Will programming operate on Holidays?
27) TRANSPORTATION: (Check all that apply)
 Transportation Provided
 Walking Distance to School
 Near Public Transportation
 Bus Tickets
28) MEALS/SNACKS: (Check all that apply)
 Breakfast
 Lunch
 Afternoon Snack
 Dinner
 USDA Food program
29) DAILY SCHEDULE: Submit a detailed daily schedule of your complete proposed summer program to include
times students will arrive, eat meals, depart, and participate in instruction or activities.
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Program Narrative (Limit 3 pages). Provide a description of the proposed program and the
services for which funding is requested.
A. Describe program services to include activities, strategies, and goals.
B. Describe how program design will contribute to EPN Plus Factors: academics, unstructured but supervised play time, creative arts, physical/sports activities, and
attendance incentives.
C. Identify the research-based education curriculum that will contribute to STEM (science,
technology, engineering, arts, and math) learning.
D. If collaborative partnerships will be utilized, specifically list roles and responsibilities of
applicant and partner.
E. Explain how parental engagement will programming will be supported.
Outcomes and Indicators of Success (Limit 2 pages). Describe the outcomes and
indicators the proposed program would pursue that would provide evidence of impacting
student success.
A. Specific, short-term outcomes the program will track that will help achieve the longterm community change.
B. Experience, knowledge, and demonstrated success to achieve outcomes described
C. Explain indicators and program performance measures you will use to tell whether or
not the outcomes have been achieved.
D. Describe a sustainability plan to maintain services to the Eastside Promise
Neighborhood beyond this grant period.
Outreach Plan & Program Expertise (Limit 1 page). Describe any prior experience working
with the target population.
A. Explain how you will recruit students for the program.
B. Describe previous programming with EPN students.
C. Provide number of staff positions supporting this program the role and
credentials/qualifications required for each position.
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SECTION IV: REQUIRED RESULTS EXPECTED The following results must be reported monthly.
PROPOSED TOTAL TO BE SERVED: indicate the target number to be served Monthly Target
Annual Target
both monthly and annually.
a. Number of children participating in program (unduplicated)
b. Number of children completing the program (unduplicated)
c. Percent of children completing program (unduplicated)
d. Percent of students who increased (or maintained) their weekly hours of
e. Percent of students who spend time in physical development
f. Minutes of daily physical activity
g. Number of fruits and vegetables provided to child weekly
h. Specific program performance measures per child
i. Specific program performance measure per parents/ caregivers
Initial the box to the right to indicate that the agency has the capacity to electronically capture and aggregate the
requested results and program performance measures
a. Type of Parent/Caregiver (annual, basic demographic information); i.e., mother, father,
boyfriend, grandmother, etc
b. Information on the Student (annual, basic demographic information); i.e. age, gender, etc.
c. Number and type of referrals to other services and resources in the community and follow up
d. Additional Program Performance Measures to be tracked (list below):
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