GEOL 2503 Introduction to Oceanography Dr. David M. Bush Department of Geosciences University of West Georgia Topic 7: Ocean Sediments POWERPOINT SLIDE SHOW NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Topic 7: Ocean Sediments Sources of ocean sediment. Sediment accumulation rates. Rivers are dominant source of lithogenous sediment. Different size particles are given different names by geologists, no matter their composition. Sand-size is common on beaches. Note how long it takes for tiny grains to settle 4 kilometers (average depth of ocean). Individual clay particles may take 50 years to settle. The asterisk is because the tiny clay particles usually don’t settle as individual grains but as clumps of grains, attracted to one another by electrical charges. We often group sediments into three size ranges. Compare to the names on previous slide. Anything coarser than sand is collectively called gravel. Anything finer is collectively called mud. Visual of different sediment sizes. Break down of gravel sizes. Different earth surface processes (wind, rivers, glaciers, etc.) can move different size sediments. So size is a very important characteristic of sediment. Break down of sand sizes. Break down of mud sizes. Particle-size ranges in marine sediments. Notice the scale at the top is in micrometers (a micrometer is one-millionth of a meter, or one-thousandth of a millimeter), and the scale at the bottom is in millimeters. Most sediments occur over a range of sizes. By the way, you may come across the symbol “μm” which means micrometer, micro (μ) meter (m). Classification of marine sediment by source. Terrigenous sediments are also known as lithogenous. Terrigenous versus lithogenous A few examples of terrigenous sediment. Major river drainages of North America. Width of river as drawn indicates the amount of water flowing in that river at a given point. The Mississippi River brings a lot of sediment into the Gulf of Mexico. Glaciers introduce a lot of sediment into the nearshore. A glacier flowing down a mountain valley and melting into an ocean bay. Dust from desert wind storms can be carried by the wind for thousands of miles. Volcano eruptions are a source of sediment. The ash cloud from the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption introduced sediment to the oceans when it settled. Microtektites are cosmogenous sediments. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Microtektites. Very important point—glass is a term used in two ways by geologists. One is the chemical composition glass, which refers to things made up of quartz. Just like glass in windows. The other usage refers to texture. That is what we mean with microtektites. The texture glass means there are no crystals. It means molten rock froze instantly and it looks like glass, but the composition is whatever the original material was. In this case, the asteroid and surrounding surface rock that was melted by the force of the impact. We’ll see the composition glass when we talk about biogenic sediments later on. Formation of microtektites The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs created many microtektites. Biogenic sediments An ooze is a fine-grained sediment. There are two dominant types based on composition, calcareous and siliceous. Calcareous sediments are made up of the mineral calcite. Its chemical name is calcium carbonate. These sediments are often referred as carbonate as well as calcareous. Siliceous sediments are made up of the mineral quartz. Its chemical name is silica dioxide. Normal regular old glass is quartz. Common calcareous organisms. Spicules actually come in a variety of compositions. Common siliceous organisms The shells of calcareous organisms bleach to a white, chalky color once the organism dies. The white cliffs of Dover are made up of trillions and trillions of calcareous microfossils (small fossils). This is chalk. Foraminifera are single-celled calcareous animals. They come in all different shapes and sizes. This is a common shape. The animal lives inside the shell just like a snail. A scanning electron microscope image of a single foraminifera. The electron microscope does not show the true color of the specimen. You would see its natural, chalky white color seen previously if viewed under a light microscope. The scale bar at the lower right is 10 micrometers (μm). A coccolithophore is a single-celled calcareous plant. The individual plates of the plant break apart when it dies. The is a scanning electron microscope image. Scanning electron microscope image of individual plates of coccolithophores, which are called coccoliths. Scanning electron microscope image of foraminifera, radiolarian, and sponge spicules. Scanning electron microscope image of radiolaria and foraminifera. Scanning electron microscope image of sponge spicules and radiolarian. There are many different types of biogenic sediments. Think of all the animals with shells. Many plants have hard cases and coverings. Sea stars and sand dollars Sand dollars Corals get broken by storm waves or chewed by fish to become ocean sediment. Crab Reference source for some photos. Muddy sea bottom with shell fragments. Muddy sea bottom with shell fragments. Muddy sea bottom with sea stars. The calcium carbonate compensation depth controls where we will find calcareous sediment on the sea floor. The CCD can be thought of as the bottom of a zone of water extending from the sea surface to a different depth in different oceans. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 A calcareous shell that stays above the CCD (shallower depths, say on the mid-ocean ridge or a seamount) will not dissolve and thus the sea floor will be covered with calcareous sediment. A calcareous shell that falls below the CCD (away from ridges or the continental margins) will dissolve and the sea floor will be covered with something other than calcareous sediment. The depth of the CCD is controlled by how much calcium carbonate is introduced into a particular ocean. Rivers carry a lot of dissolved calcium carbonate, mostly from dissolving limestone to form caves and sinkholes. The world’s largest rivers flow into passive continental margins, and the Atlantic Ocean is essentially all passive margin. Thus the Atlantic receives a lot of calcium carbonate and the zone of saturated water extends deeper than in other oceans. In general, calcareous sediments accumulate in shallow parts of the ocean, such as the mid-ocean ridges. Sediments can be classified by source as we’ve been discussing, but they can also be classified by where they are found—their location. Pelagic is a term we’ll see again. It basically means “of the water column.” Pelagic sediments accumulate slowly. Neritic sediments accumulate at a wide variety of rates because of continental processes such as river floods, hurricanes, and glacial events, to name a few. Hydrogenous sediments precipitate directly out of sea water without biologic processes being involved. These are not shells or other remnants of living organisms. Manganese nodules cover wide expanses of the deep ocean floor in places. They contain valuable minerals in addition to manganese, such as nickel and copper. Slicing through a manganese nodule reveals a nucleus which may be a bone or shell, surrounded by concentric layers of precipitated minerals. The rate of growth of nodules is very slow, maybe 1 mm per million years. Chemical precipitation from sea water only occurs when there is a hard surface on which the minerals can grow. That means precipitation won’t occur if the nodule is buried in mud, and can only occur on the part exposed to water. The concentric layers indicate that the nodule must be rolled occasionally so that precipitation can continue around the entire nodule. This gave us the information that there are strong currents in places on the deep ocean floor, a place once thought to be stagnant and devoid of currents. Manganese nodules could be a valuable resource but they are in such deep water that collecting them is costly and slow. Maybe as technology advances and prices of component metals increases, they will become economically important. Ooids are a hydrogenous sediment comprised of calcium carbonate. There mode of formation is basically the same as manganese nodules except calcium carbonate precipitates rapidly, and ooids occur in warm shallow water where waves can stir the sea bottom. The interior of ooids is also concentrically layered like manganese nodules, but calcium carbonate weathers so quickly and is attacked by fungus and algae that the layering is quickly obliterated. Ooid shoals from the air. Some people have suggested these might be a source of sand to replenish eroding beaches in the US and Caribbean. A simple sediment summary. What you find on the sea floor is a reflection of the original source of sediment, the chemical processes occurring in the water column above the sea floor, and possible dilution by other sediments. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Calcareous where it’s shallow (above the CCD) so you can see at a glance the shallower parts of the world ocean. Mostly it’s the ridges. Why is there a radiolarian ooze in the Pacific but not the Atlantic? There are radiolarian growing in the Atlantic, but because the Atlantic is shallow, the radiolaria accumulating on the Mid-Atlantic ridge are overwhelmed by the accumulating calcareous sediment. Because the Pacific is deeper, the calcareous shells dissolve, leaving the siliceous to dominate the sea floor. Same with diatom oozes in North Atlantic. In the South Atlantic, the ocean is deeper, and siliceous ooze can accumulate. A profile view of the sediment summary. Sediment sampling. Direct—you actually retrieve some sediment and bring it back. Remote—you study the sea floor without actually touching it. Grab samplers and dredges come in many different sizes and types. A clamshell sediment sampler. A large clamshell sediment sampler. A rock dredge has a chain basket to let the fine sediment wash away and retain only the large rocks. A box corer. Corers in general Piston corers work best in muddy, sticky sediments. A piston in the core tube creates suction and essentially sucks sediment up into the tube. Deploying a piston corer. Gravity corer. A multicorer allows several cores to be taken at once. Vibracorers work well in sandy sediments. They vibrate their way down into the sediment. There are many types of vibracores. A large vibracorer. A minivibracorer. Coring like this from a drill ship is basically the same whether you are take samples for scientific research or if you are drilling for oil. Remote sensing Remotely sensing the sea floor. Sidescan sonar makes a sonogram of the sea floor which can look very much like a photograph. Instead of recording reflected light, it records reflected sound. The sidescan sonar fish. It looks like a photograph, but it’s a composite sidescan sonar image. Reflection seismology. An energy source sends sound into the sea floor. The sound reflects off layers and is recorded by receivers called hydrophones. The record is called a seismogram. Seismogram showing sediment layers behind a reef. Ocean sediments as resources Oil and natural gas are lighter than water. If there is some type of barrier, it can accumulate as it tries to float to the top. Here the gray layer is impermeable and traps the oil and natural gas. Wells drill through overlying sediment and rock to reach the layers with natural gas and oil. The process is the same on land as in the ocean, only it’s a lot more expensive to drill in the ocean because much higher technology is needed. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 A large cargo ship carries a semisubmersible drilling platform to its target location. The pontoons will be flooded with water creating a floating but stable platform from which drilling can proceed. Another semisubmersible drilling platform. Different designs of drilling platforms are used in different water depths. Sharks teeth and other fossils are common in phosphate mines. Sediments of the sea floor. Some siliceous biogenic sediments Some calcareous biogenic sediments.