PDAS module template - Activating your university user account

May 2012
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Module Description
Physics with Mathematics Subject Study
Credit rating
Type of module
Taught with independent study
The aims for this module are set into the context of the QAA
Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to
the SEEC level descriptors for level 6 study.
This module is designed to ensure that students develop and
strengthen their Physics and Mathematics knowledge and
understanding and its application to teaching and learning in the
secondary school context. Students will become familiar with
historical, philosophical and pedagogical rationales for both Physics
and Mathematics in the curriculum, in order to engage actively in
professional debates within their subject area.
Learning outcomes
In relation to the QAA Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications and the SEEC level descriptors for level 6 study, by
the end of the module students should be able to:
1. demonstrate critical engagement with relevant research, theory,
current practice, issues and debates within their subject fields,
to reflect on and improve their practice;
2. demonstrate a creative and constructively critical response to
innovative approaches in teaching and learning;
3. act on advice and feedback, taking responsibility for identifying
and meeting their professional development needs;
4. demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of their
subjects for teaching;
5. demonstrate professional engagement with the requirements of
both the Physics and Mathematics curriculum, relevant
initiatives and associated examination and assessment
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To include:
 Skills and knowledge auditing, use of the PebblePad e-portfolio,
target setting and strategies for development
 Subject study workshops/fieldwork activities – tutor and student
led, collaborative teaching
 Independent assignment linking creative practice, research and
 Management of learning in Physics and Mathematics
 Health and Safety legislation and practice; ethics and legality
relevant to subject
Learning and teaching
Contact Time:
Lectures; seminars; tutorials; student-led discussions and
presentations; fieldwork activities
Non-contact Time:
Individual reading and research; fieldwork activities; ongoing subject
auditing and updating of subject knowledge.
Learning support
Hollins, M. (ed) (2011) ASE guide to secondary education Hatfield:
The Association for Science Education
Liversage, T., Cochrane, M., Kerfoot, B., Thomas, J. (2009)
Teaching Science, London: Sage
Osborne, J. & Dillon, J. (2010) Good practice in science teaching:
what research has to say, Maidenhead: Open University Press
Oversby, J. (ed) (2012) ASE Guide to Research in Science
Education,. Hatfield: Association for Science Education
Wellington, J. & Ireson, G. (2012) Science Learning, Science
Teaching, London: Routledge
Chambers, P. (2008) Teaching Mathematics: Developing as a
Reflective Secondary Teacher. London, Sage
Sang, D. (2012) ASE Science Practice - Teaching Secondary
Physics, London, Hodder Education
Education in Chemistry – published by Royal Society of Chemistry
International Journal of Science Education – available via University
of Brighton library
Physics Education – published by Institute of Physics
School Science Review
Journal of Biological Education – published by the Society of
Mathematics in School – published by Mathematical Association
Websites (accessed May 2012)
Association for Science Education (ASE) SciTutors
National Strategies: Science (archive)
National Strategies: Secondary (archive)
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NCETM National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of
Mathematics www.ncetm.org.uk
The Mathematical Association http://www.ma.org.uk/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=000
Assessment task
Assessment will be in the context of the University of Brighton
Assessment Policy and the Faculty Code of Practice in
Assessment, and students will be required to complete the following
Task 1: (Weighting 50%)
Design and produce a teaching resource, which exemplifies good
practice in an area of Physics and Mathematics and includes key
evaluative questions to review the resource with potential users.
Task 2: (Weighting 50%)
A personal rationale for both Physics and Mathematics, including
the links between both subjects, in the curriculum, supported by
reference to appropriate literature, research data and practice.
The word equivalent for both tasks combined will be 4000 words,
allowing tutors to place more emphasis on the resource or the
rationale according to specific needs.
Each task will be marked on a Pass/Fail basis. Students must
submit and pass both assignment tasks.
Referral task(s): reworking of the original task(s)
Assessment criteria
General criteria for assessment are framed by the SEEC descriptors
for level 6. Against specific criteria, credit will be awarded for:
Task 1
A learning and teaching resource which demonstrates:
 a secure knowledge and understanding of Physics and
Mathematics (LO4);
 creative application of curriculum knowledge and the ability to
identify appropriate teaching strategies (LO2);
 critical review of the resource (LO3).
Task 2:
 an informed and convincing rationale which informs and
develops their practice (LO5);
 a critical engagement with literature, research, current issues,
debates and reports in the related area, linking theory to
practice (LO1).
All learning outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the
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Brief description of
module content and/or
aims for publicity
This module is designed to ensure that students develop and
strengthen both their Physics and Mathematics subject knowledge
and understanding and its application to teaching and learning. It
also enables students to reflect upon theory, policy and practice
and to determine their own philosophy of school Physics and
Mathematics at the point of moving into their NQT year.
Area examination board
to which module relates
Module team/authors/coordinator
Normal duration
PGCE (Secondary) Joint Area and Course Examination Board
Site where delivered
Falmer & Partner Schools
Date of first approval
May 2012
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this
Version number
May 2012
Replacement for previous
Route for which module is
acceptable and status in
that Route
Course(s) which module
is acceptable and status
in course
School home
External examiner(s)
Brian Marsh
Two semesters (1 and 2)
PGCE (Secondary) Physics with Mathematics: Mandatory
PGCE (Secondary) Physics with Mathematics: Mandatory
School of Education