Triticale TRITICALE Triticale, a cross between wheat and cereal rye, has a niche on farms across Victoria due to several attributes. It has a reputation for tolerance to harsh soil conditions such as acid and alkaline soils and soils of low trace element fertility. It is a tall crop bred for strong straw strength which can be useful in rocky paddocks or circumstances where crops have been known to lodge. REVIEW OF 2014 Season The area sown to triticale has declined substantially in recent years as growers favour wheat or barley. Despite the good start to the season some yields were reduced by the lack of moisture for the later part of the season in the west of the state. Despite reduced yields in Mallee NVT trials quality was maintained with minimal screenings. Disease Triticales are noted for their resistance to a range of diseases and there were no reports of disease issues in this crop. LOOKING FORWARD TO 2015 New varieties KM10 is a new variety for 2015. It is a fast growing variety ideal for situations where forage is required early in the season. It tends to smaller grain and is ideally suited to short season environments. Bison is a high yielding early to mid season triticale from AGT that will be available to growers in 2016. VARIETY DESCRIPTIONS denotes Plant Breeders Rights apply End Point Royalty (EPR) 2015-16 quoted $/tonne ex-GST. BERKSHIRE A mid-season awned variety with good straw strength. Stem rust R, stripe rust MRMS# and leaf rust RMR. Has been purpose bred for feed quality traits for pigs by the University of Sydney and Pork CRC, registered 2009. Marketed by Waratah Seed Co. BISON An early to mid season reduced awn variety. A high yielding variety. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust R# and leaf rust RMR. Bred by AGT (as TSA0451) and registered 2014. Marketed by AGT with seed available for 2016. BOGONG An early to mid season fully awned variety. Higher yielding than Tahara. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust MRMS#, leaf rust RMR and susceptible to CCN. Bred by University of New England, registered 2009. Marketed by Seednet. CANOBOLAS Early to mid-season awned variety with stiff straw, shorter than Tahara. A widely adapted spring variety with acid soil tolerance. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust MRMS# and leaf rust RMR. Bred by the University of New England, registered 2009. Marketed by Seednet. CHOPPER An early maturing, awned semi dwarf variety which resists lodging in high yielding environments. Has good grain quality and performs best in short growing seasons or late sowing situations. MRMS# to stripe rust. Bred by AGT, released in 2010 and marketed by AGT. EPR $3. Fusion is currently the highest yielding triticale. Disease When selecting varieties up to date rust resistance ratings should be consulted as previous ratings may have changed due to new rust strains becoming established. The important diseases to consider are stripe rust and CCN. MORE INFORMATION Detailed NVT trial results and links to variety information. Australian Field Crop Disease Guide app AG0497 Growing triticale AG1160 Cereal disease guide FUSION A mid-season variety (similar to Tahara), fully awned grain only triticale. A moderately tall variety that yields well in dry or sudden finishes. Stem rust R, stripe rust RMR#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Tested as TSA0291, released in 2012 and marketed by AGT. EPR $3. GOANNA An early to mid-season, fully awned grain only triticale. Stem rust R, stripe rust MR#, leaf rust RMR and resistant to CCN. Released in 2011 by Cooper & Elleway. HAWKEYE A mid-season maturing, fully awned, spring variety with broad adaptation. This variety produces large grain with low screenings. Stem rust R, stripe rust MR#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Released 2007 and marketed by AGT. EPR $2.50. JAYWICK A medium maturing, fully awned spring variety which has displayed good yields in tough finishing seasons. Also produces large grain with low screenings. Stem rust MRMS, stripe rust RMR#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Released 2007 and marketed by AGT. EPR $2.50. 40 Victorian Winter Crop Summary 2015 Triticale KM10 A fast growing early to mid season variety with good early production of forage. Tends to smaller grain and is ideally suited to short season environments. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust R#, leaf rust MRMS but susceptible to CCN. Released in 2014 by Cooper & Elleway. RUFUS A mid-season maturing variety, with a tall growth habit and reduced awns which is favoured for hay production. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust MRMS#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Grain yields in higher rainfall regions have been superior to Tahara but may also cause lodging. Released in 2005 by University of New England. Seed available from Cooper & Elleway. TAHARA A variety that has been widely grown for many years because of its reliability across a range of environments, but now outclassed by newer options. It may lodge in high yielding situations. Stem rust RMR, stripe rust MRMS#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Suited to most districts with rainfall up to 550mm. Released 1987 by the forerunner of the Victorian DEPI. TOBRUK With a strong winter habit Tobruk is a dual purpose or long season grain only variety with excellent grain yield. Stem rust R, stripe rust MSS, leaf rust R. Earlier flowering than Breakwell and Endeavour. Released 2007 and marketed by Waratah Seed Co. YOWIE A medium to tall mid-season grain variety that is fully awned and white-chaffed. Stem rust R, stripe rust MR#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Released in 2010, seed available from Cooper & Elleway. TUCKERBOX Tuckerbox is a late-medium season, tall, high tillering variety with reduced awn head type, which may be grown for forage or grain. Stem rust MR, stripe rust MR#, leaf rust R and resistant to CCN. Released in 2009 and marketed by Yankalilla Seeds. DUAL-PURPOSE TRITICALES YUKURI A reduced awn type of medium to late season maturity. Stem rust R, stripe rust MR#, leaf rust R but susceptible to CCN. Yukuri is a fodder type option which produces good quality hay and silage. As a grain crop it is best suited to environments with 450mm plus rainfall. Registered 2005, limited seed now available. These varieties can be grazed early and then allowed to produce grain or cut for hay. ENDEAVOUR Long season variety with similar maturity to Breakwell. Semi-awnless with excellent dry matter production and grain recovery after grazing. Stem rust R, stripe rust RMR#, leaf rust R. Registered 2008 and marketed by Waratah Seed Co. Table 1: Triticale time of sowing guide. This table is a guide only and has been compiled from observations of the breeder and local departmental agronomists. MALLEE April May June July Berkshire, Bison, Chopper, Fusion, Hawkeye, Jaywick, KM10, Rufus, Tahara, Goanna, Yowie WIMMERA > April Berkshire, Bison, Fusion, Hawkeye, Jaywick, Rufus, Tahara, Goanna, Yowie Chopper, KM10 NORTH CENTRAL X April > April X X X X X X May > Berkshire, Bison, Credit, Fusion, Hawkeye, Jaywick, Rufus, Tahara, Goanna, Yowie Chopper, KM10 NORTH EAST Jackie Abacus Berkshire, Bison, Credit, Fusion, Hawkeye, Jaywick, Tahara, Goanna, Yowie Chopper SOUTH WEST > < < June July > X X X X X X < > May > X X X June X X X < July X X X X < < > > May X X X < June < > July X X X X < X < < > X X X < > X May X X Endeavour, Jackie, Yukuri > X X X Abacus, Prime 322 > > X Berkshire, Bison, Credit, Fusion, > > Kosciuszko, Tahara, Tobruk >earlier than ideal, X optimum sowing time, < later than ideal but acceptable X X X X X X < X < X < < X X X X X < < April X > X < June July Victorian Winter Crop Summary 2015 41 Triticale Table 2: Triticale variety agronomic guide and disease reaction. Stripe rust Leaf rust Yellow Septoria CCN PratylenchusPratylenchus thornei leaf spot tritici resistance neglectus resistance resistance Berkshire E-M T W R MRMS# RMR MR R MR MS Bison RMR R# RMR MR RMR R MR Bogong E-M M-T W RMR MRMS# RMR MR R S MR S Canobolas E-M M-T W RMR MRMS# RMR MR R MR MSS Chopper E S-M W MRMS MRMS# R MR R R MRMS MSS Endeavour L W R RMR# R MR RMR Fusion M M-T W R RMR# R MRMS R R RMR MSS Goanna E-M T W R MR# RMR MR R R MRMS SVS Hawkeye M M-T W R MR# R MR R R MR MS Jaywick M M-T W MRMS RMR# R MR R R KM10 RMR R# MRMS MRMS R S Rufus M T W RMR MRMS# R MR MR R Tahara M T W RMR MRMS# R MR R R MR S Tobruk M-L W R MSS R MR MR Tuckerbox M T W MR MR# R MR R S Yowie M M-T W R MR# R MR R R MR MSS Yukuri M-L W R MR# R MR MR S Maturity: E = early, M = mid season, L = late, VL = very late Height: M = medium, T = tall Colour: W = white, Br = brown Disease: R = Resistant, RMR = Resistant to moderately resistant, MR = Moderately resistant, MRMS = Moderately resistant to moderately susceptible, MS = Moderately susceptible, MSS = Moderately susceptible to susceptible, S = Susceptible SVS = Susceptible to very susceptible, VS = Very susceptible # Varieties marked may be more susceptible if alternative strains are present. Variety Maturity Height Head colour Stem rust Table 3: Long term predicted triticale yield 2008-2014 expressed as a percentage of the yield of Jaywick (main season). The numbers in brackets indicate the number of site years in that area. Jaywick (t/ha) Abacus Berkshire Bison Bogong Canobolas Chopper Crackerjack Credit El Alamein Endeavour Fusion Goanna Hawkeye Jaywick Rufus Speedee Tahara Tickit Tobruk Tuckerbox Yowie Yukuri 42 Victorian Winter Crop Summary 2015 Mallee 2.52 102 (10) 109 (4) 106 (12) 102 (12) 103 (12) 110 (10) 101 (8) 103 (12) 100 (12) 100 (12) 100 (12) 100 (5) 97 (10) - North East 4.35 101 (13) 110 (4) 102 (13) 101 (13) 98 (13) 100 (3) 111 (10) 96 (8) 103 (13) 100 (13) 95 (13) 77 (3) 93 (13) 87 (3) 85 (11) 93 (10) 80 () South West 4.58 71 (8) 98 (11) 91 (11) 96 (11) 91 (11) 81 (7) 68 (4) 104 (9) 86 (9) 104 (7) 89 (5) 101 (20) 100 (11) 87 (11) 85 (13) 88 (15) 80 (16) 92 (12) 84 (18) Triticale Table 4: Yield and Protein level (%) - 2014 triticale trials. Yield expressed as a percentage of the yield of Jaywick (main season). Fungicides used in the North East and South West. Yield Mallee Ultima Walpeup (F) Sowing Date 8/5/14 Protein North East RutherYarraglen wonga South West Streatham 5/5/14 16/5/14 14/5/14 16/5/14 2.70 115 106 99 98 113 94 104 100 101 93 93 87 - 4.07 111 109 110 103 108 123 95 102 100 95 87 86 74 - 4.31 114 136 103 104 120 98 102 117 100 91 88 77 81 - 5.62 107 116 101 104 110 104 102 111 100 91 92 86 100 68 2.82 3 5 4.11 12 19 4.50 7 11 5.75 4 7 Jaywick (t/ha) 1.63 Berkshire Bison 117 Bogong 96 Canobolas 100 Chopper 107 Fusion 128 Goanna 110 Hawkeye 101 Jaywick 100 KM10 87 Rufus 112 Tahara 108 Tuckerbox Yowie 100 Yukuri Site Mean (t/ha) 1.75 CV (%) 5 LSD (%) 8 F = Multiple frosts Mallee Ultima Walpeup 12.8 13.1 13.6 13.1 12.2 12.8 12.6 12.5 13.2 14.0 13.4 12.8 - 12.9 13.0 13.0 12.9 13.0 14.2 13.1 13.4 12.9 13.7 14.3 13.6 - North East RutherYarraglen wonga 9.9 10.5 9.7 9.9 9.7 9.6 10.3 9.8 9.5 9.6 10.5 9.5 9.5 - 11.5 11.2 11.6 11.7 11.3 10.5 11.9 11.8 12.0 12.6 12.0 11.4 11.1 - South West Streatham 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.3 12.5 12.3 12.4 12.3 12.6 12.4 Table 5: Screenings and test weight (kg/hectolitre) in Victorian 2014 triticale trials. Screenings expressed as a percentage of grain below a 2 mm sieve. Screenings (%) Mallee Berkshire Bison Bogong Canobolas Chopper Fusion Goanna Hawkeye Jaywick KM10 Rufus Tahara Tuckerbox Yowie Yukuri North East Test weight South West Mallee North East South West Ultima Walpeup Rutherglen Yarrawonga Streatham Ultima Walpeup Rutherglen Yarrawonga Streatham 0.70 1.70 1.90 1.00 1.10 2.60 1.00 1.30 1.10 0.40 1.90 2.50 - 0.90 0.80 1.10 1.00 0.80 0.40 0.70 0.90 1.50 0.50 0.80 0.50 - 0.46 0.91 1.94 1.64 3.20 1.89 1.30 0.58 1.79 1.28 2.67 2.65 1.05 - 0.41 0.51 0.67 1.32 0.76 0.94 1.58 0.23 0.54 1.00 1.02 3.04 0.98 - 0.41 0.00 1.81 0.38 0.17 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.62 2.04 0.74 4.28 70.9 73.6 74.4 72.6 73.4 76.0 73.9 72.9 74.6 69.7 70.0 72.7 - 75.4 79.5 78.8 71.9 78.6 79.3 77.6 76.8 76.4 76.5 75.5 75.8 - 70.2 69.8 67.9 70.2 65.0 67.8 69.6 68.8 67.7 66.8 65.5 66.2 67.6 - 77.0 70.5 76.0 76.8 71.8 72.8 76.4 75.6 73.4 71.2 71.9 74.1 74.0 - 75.4 69.6 73.8 74.4 71.0 70.8 76.6 73.3 73.3 70.6 71.9 72.3 73.6 72.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Frank Henry Grant Hollaway Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Hamilton Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Horsham Victorian Winter Crop Summary 2015 43