English B: Introduction to College Writing English B—Fall Semester 2014 Section 6152 Section 6167 Monday H213 9:15-11:20 Monday H101 11:30-1:35 Wednesday H312 9:15-11:20 Wednesday H312 11:30-1:35 Please note that I am deeply committed to your success. Professor Peppard Office: H 321-J Office Hours: M/W 8:15-9:15 a.m.; T/Th 9:15-10:15 a.m. & by appointment Phone/Voice Mail: (310) 660-3593 Ext. 6772 Email: bpeppard@elcamino.edu Be sure to put your name & “English B” in subject heading Writing Center: Located in the Humanities Building, Room 122, the writing center offers students free pre-writing conferences, full draft writing conferences, grammar conferences, reading conferences, and more. You will need either an assignment sheet, a writing center form completed by me, or a specific assignment from a textbook. You will also need a student ID for services. For more information contact the center at (310) 660-3593 Ext. 3873. Required Materials A notebook for journal writing activities. This will be different than your notebook for taking notes in class. Constructing Paragraphs by El Camino faculty. This is available in the bookstore. An electronic version of the text exists at http://issuu.com/brucepeppard/docs/english_b_handbook_edition_3_2013 However, you must purchase a hard copy of the text at the bookstore. Two different colored highlighters A USB flash drive or Cloud Storage (see below) Cloud Storage: I highly recommend you get a Dropbox account. From your home computer go to http://db.tt/of7FO8aE and sign up for a Dropbox account. Get in the habit of saving your documents to your Dropbox folder so you can access them in the classroom or from any other computer. Be sure to use a legitimate email address and a password you will remember. Course Description: The following description is taken from the course outline provided by El Camino College: “This course introduces students to the processes of creating, developing, and revising paragraphs and short essays based on personal experiences, observations, and reactions to short reading selections. Students learn basic rules of grammar, mechanics, and usage. Students practice a variety of sentence types and paragraph structures. Students revise their writing with the assistance of weekly one-on-one tutorials” (157). Course Objectives: 1. Read and apply critical thinking skills to pre-collegiate texts for the purposes of writing and discussion. 2. Apply appropriate strategies from the writing process to create, compose, revise, and edit drafts. 3. Demonstrate ability to participate in draft-review activities, such as peer review and one-on-one tutorials. 4. Plan, write, and revise paragraphs based on personal experience and observations, including a topic sentence and supporting details, and avoiding grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning. 5. Write and revise summaries of, and personal responses to, short magazine or newspaper articles. 6. Compose a variety of sentence types and edit them for correct grammar, appropriate word choice, and accurate spelling. Student Learning Outcome: 1. Apply appropriate strategies in the writing process including prewriting, composing, revising, and editing techniques. 2. Write paragraphs based on personal experience and observations that have undergone multiple revisions and respond to a text discussed in class. 3. Compose logically organized and focused paragraphs that include a clear topic sentence and provide specific supporting details. 4. Use basic rules of grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation so that the ideas are clear, and follow MLA guidelines to format a document (heading, indentation, spacing, font, centered title). Students with Disabilities: It is the policy of the El Camino Community College District to encourage full inclusion of people with disabilities in all programs and services. Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class should contact the campus Special Resource Center (310) 660-3593 X3295, as soon as possible. This will ensure that students are able to fully participate. Course Requirements Attendance: Come to class regularly and on time. I need you in the classroom participating. If your absences exceed 10% of the scheduled class meetings, you will be dropped from the class. Also keep in mind that excessive absences adversely affect your grade in that you will be graded on your participation in class: if you’re not there, you can’t participate. Please note, you are not being graded on your absences, but on your lack of participation. Two tardies, two early departures, or combinations of the two equal an absence. Keep track of your own attendance (TAPE). If you are absent three days in a row, I will assume you have dropped the class. Conferences: This class is designed for one on one conferences. Once a week you will meet with a tutor or me to go over your writing strengths and weaknesses. Listen carefully to our advice and work to improve your weaknesses and build upon your strengths in your next writing assignment. Class Participation: The best way to learn something is to participate in an activity. I expect you to participate appropriately and not disturb those around you. Cell Phones: Turn them off and put them away. It is rude to answer phones or text message during class time (this includes stepping outside to answer your phone). This class is worth tuning in to, so please do so. Computer Lab: This semester we are fortunate to meet once each Tuesday in the computer lab. No food or drink is allowed in the lab. In addition, you should never be looking at inappropriate web sites or playing games on the computers. Save your work often and be sure to bring a flash drive to each class. Only work on class related activities in the lab. If you finish the daily work, please get started on your homework. If you still have time, I recommend you study areas of weakness either in your text or at http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/. Homework: Doing the homework will help you write better. Choose to do it on time, as late homework will not be accepted. If you write in your textbook, be sure you either photocopy the assigned pages or are willing to tear the pages out so I can collect them. Expect two hours of homework for every hour we spend in class. Academic Honesty & Plagiarism: Be sure the work you hand in is yours. I want to improve upon your writing, not someone else’s. “El Camino College places a high value on the integrity of its student scholars. When an instructor determines that there is evidence of dishonesty in any academic work (including, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or theft of exam materials), disciplinary action appropriate to the misconduct as defined in BP 5500 may be taken. A failing grade on an assignment in which academic dishonesty has occurred and suspension from class are among the disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty (AP 5520). Students with any questions about the Academic Honesty or discipline policies are encouraged to speak with their instructor in advance.” Late Assignments: Assignments will be lowered one grade for each class period they are late. Grading: You will receive grades in the following categories: Formal paragraphs Homework In-class writings, journals Quizzes Class participation 75% 05% 10% 05% 05% This is a pass/no pass course. You need a 75% semester average or higher to pass the class. Assignments and Class Schedule: The following schedule is tentative and likely to change. Journals, quizzes, and other material will be added as the semester progresses. Week 1 Mon 8/25/2014 Tardy Absent Present Early departure Classroom Activities: What’s in a name? (First day ppt. 1-6) Introduction of course, self, syllabus, and text. Room change. What’s in a journal? Personal thoughts, reflections Habits of successful students (ppt. 7-21) Taking smart notes (Cornell) Diagnostic: Sample writing (collect name exercise) Homework: Purchase book or visit the online one. Read pages 13-21. Complete the exercise on pages 20-21 and 1112. Wed 8/27/2014 Tardy Absent Present Early departure Due: Exercise pp. 13-14 Classroom Activities: Homework review Introduction to writing as a process 8 parts of speech to know Parts of speech: Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives Parts of speech: Verbs and adverbs Identifying your goals (Ex. 20-21) Homework: Read “Studying Effectively” chapter pages 24-29. Complete exercise on page 27-28. Memorize being verbs. Journal writing activity: “Letter to Younger Self” Week 2 Mon 9/1/2014 No class due to Labor Day. Homework: Journal writing activity: “Eulogy for Myself” Fill out the form (outline) on page 47 Wed 9/3/2014 Tardy Absent Present Early departure Classroom Activities: Due: Completed page 47 Homework review Quiz on being verbs Parts of speech: Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections How the parts of speech function in a sentence o Finding subjects, and verbs in sentences o Adding adjectives and adverbs Introduction to body paragraph format (pp. 42-44 Ex. 1&2) Writing the topic sentence Paragraph Development—Narration (pp. 45-47) Expectations for tutoring days Write a letter to yourself about how college will assist you in achieving your greatest goals and dreams Homework: Type a narration paragraph following the four steps on pages 47-48. Journal Writing Assignment: “Greatest Past Success & Greatest Future Success” Week 3 Mon 9/8/2014 Tutor Day Tardy Absent Present Early departure Due: First Draft of narration paragraph Classroom Activities: Finding Subjects and Verbs in Simple Sentences (pp. 69-71 & 88-89) 20-minute QUIZ: Finding Subjects and Verbs Journal Writing Activity: “Bedroom Description” Revise and rewrite your narration paragraph after meeting with tutor or me Homework: Revise and rewrite your narration paragraph Wed 9/10/2014 Tardy Absent Present Due: Final draft of narration paragraph Classroom Activities: Homework Review Fragments and run-ons Introduction to description paragraph Photograph Civil Rights Movement Reservoir Dogs Descriptive paragraph outline (48-50) Homework: Fragments and run-ons, your nemesis and mine (112-115) Fragment and run-on handout Type a description paragraph based on your outline Early departure Week 4 Mon 9/15/2014 Tutor Day T A P E Due: First draft description paragraph Classroom Activities: 20-minute QUIZ: Fragments and Run-ons Problems with Subject Verb Agreement (128-129) Rewrite, revise, and retype your descriptive paragraph. Submit by end of class. Journal Writing Activity: “Superhero Ability” Homework: Complete all changes to the descriptive paragraph Wed 9/17/2014 T A P Due: Final draft of descriptive paragraph Classroom Activities: Semester’s assignments checklist Subject and verb agreement 20-minute QUIZ: Subject and Verb Agreement Transitions E Introduction to process paragraph Complete pp. 62-64 Homework: Type process paragraph based on your outline (No recipes, please) Week 5 Mon 9/22/2014 Tutor Day T A P E Due: Typed process paragraph Classroom Activities: Edit, revise, and rewrite process paragraph Overhead and peer review of process paragraphs 20-Minute open-book QUIZ Fragments, Run-ons, Comma-splices 20-minute QUIZ: Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas Homework: Journal Writing Activity: “Community Service” Revise and type process paragraph. Wed 9/24/2014 T A P E Due: Final draft of Process Paragraph Classroom Activities: Sentence combining Journal Writing Activity: “If I Could Change One Thing About” Introduction to persuasion paragraph A few arguments for analysis (let’s debate) Read and complete pages 56-58 Homework: Type persuasion paragraph based on your outline Week 6 Mon 9/29/2014 Tutor Day T A P E Due: Typed draft of persuasion paragraph Classroom Activities: Review of persuasion paragraph Clauses, phrases, and combining clauses and phrases (108-111) Plagiarism and quotation marks (not in book) Homework: Edit, proofread, revise, and type persuasive paragraph Read pages 108 and 147 Journal Writing Activity: “Million Dollars to Unknowns” Wed 10/1/2014 T A P E Due: Typed persuasion paragraph Classroom Activities: Intro to MLA Smooth transitions Integrate two outside sources into your persuasive paragraph using MLA Homework: Rewrite, revise, and retype persuasion paragraph with outside source Week 7 Mon 10/6/2014 Tutor Day T A P Due: Typed and revised persuasion paragraph Classroom Activities: Manipulative Quiz Bonus Using verb tenses properly: Read and complete pages 72-81 E Add another source to your persuasion paragraph Journal Writing Activity: “Local Problem to Resolve” Homework: Revise and rewrite persuasion paragraph Wed 10/8/2014 T A P Due: Final draft of persuasion paragraph Classroom Activities: Homework Review Emphasis on transition words and transition exercises Transition exercise handout Homework: TBA E Week 8 (Break Class in Half) Mon 10/13/2014 No Tutor Today T A P E Classroom Activities: Intro to comparison/contrast Conferences. Review Homework: Read and complete pages 133-135 Read and complete pages 51-55 based on two readings Type comparison/contrast paragraph Wed 10/15/2014 T A P Classroom Activities: Intro to comparison/contrast Conferences. Review Homework: Read and complete pages 133-135 Read and complete pages 51-55 based on two readings Type comparison/contrast paragraph Week 9 Mon 10/20/2014 Tutor Day T A P Classroom Activities: Due: Typed draft of comparison/contrast paragraph Review H.W. pages 133-135 Using correct capitalization 87-88 and 144-145 20-minute QUIZ: Capitalization Homework: Revise and rewrite comparison/contrast paragraph Wed 10/22/2014 T A Due: Typed comparison/contrast paragraph Classroom Activities: Overhead review of comparison/contrast paragraphs Comma work. Comma exercise handout Homework: Revise and type comparison/contrast paragraph Mon 10/27/2014 Tutor Day T Classroom Activities: Due: Typed comparison/contrast paragraph Quiz on Commas E E P E Week 10 A P E Journal Assignment: Are you a successful or struggling student? What behaviors and thoughts make you a successful or struggling student? How could you become a better student? Offer ample evidence to support your claims. Adhere to paragraph structure. Other punctuation. Read and understand 140-143 If time permits, work on revising your comparison/contrast paragraphs. Homework: Revise and rewrite comparison/contrast paragraph Journal Entry: “Two Kinds of People” Readings to be announce Wed 10/29/2014 T A P E Due: Final draft comparison/contrast paragraph Classroom Activities: Readings in class Introduction to article/literature response paragraph Introduction to the apostrophe (136-139) Exercise 139 Homework: Type article/literature response paragraph Commonly confused words (read and complete pages 130-131) Week 11 Mon 11/3/2014 Tutor Day T A P Due: First draft article/literature response paragraph Classroom Activities: Developing paragraphs further: More attention to detail. Writing about articles and literature Begin article/literature paragraph Homework: Finish and type paragraph begun in class Wed 11/5/2014 T A Due: Typed article/literature paragraph Classroom Activities: Peer review article/literature paragraph Introduction to the summary Homework: Journal writing activity: “This I believe” P E E Week 12 Mon 11/10/2014 Tutor Day T A P E Due: Final draft article/literature paragraph Overhead review of peer review Summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting (MLA) (Not in book) Revise and rewrite your article/literature paragraph in class and submit in class Wed 11/12/2014 T A P E Classroom Activities: In-class readings “Cheating Often an Act of Desperation” Introduction to the narrative response. Handling two paragraphs Avoiding plagiarism Begin your summary and narrative response Homework: Type the summary paragraph Week 13 Mon 11/17/2014 Tutor Day T A P Due: “Cheating Often an Act of Desperation” response paragraph Classroom Activities: Work on revising summary paragraph Begin narrative response to summary paragraph Faulty parallelism (124-125) Homework: Write and type first draft of narrative response Wed 11/19/2014 T A P Classroom Activities: 20 minute QUIZ on faulty parallelism More on sentence combining Adding personal, specific details Homework: Finish summary and narrative response assignment E E Week 14 Mon 11/24/2014 Tutor Day T A P Due: Final draft of summary and narrative response paragraph Classroom Activities: Misplaced and dangling modifiers (126-127) Journal writing activity: “Musician/Athlete” E Wed 11/26/2014 TBA Combing summary with narrative Introduction to the essay Homework: Type combined summary with narrative. Week 15 Mon 12/1/2014 Tutor Day? T A P E Due: Combined summary with narrative. Misplaced and dangling modifiers Introduction to the essay 20 minute QUIZ on modifiers More sentence variety (109 and beyond) Homework: Write and type an introductory paragraph and an outline for the remainder of the persuasive essay Wed 12/3/2014 T A P Due: Essay introductory paragraph and outline Classroom Activities: 20 Minute QUIZ on Sentence Variety Career plans/life plans TBA Journal Writing Activity: “Where Do We Go Now” Mon 12/8/2014: Classroom Activities: Review and grades Conferences T A P Wed 12/10/2014: No Tutor Day Review and grades Conferences T A P Week 16 E E E