Supporting Information Table S1: Comparative analysis of AA metabolic genes distribution among tomato chromosomes The nucleotide sequence of each gene was blasted versus the whole tomato genome. Chromosomes containing these genes were identified as listed. Figure S1: Average correlation coefficient and network properties before and after removal of TAAs in the background of the 2005 dataset Shown are the results of the average correlation coefficient (ACC) and three network properties: weighted node degree average, global clustering coefficient, and assortativity. The ACC of the TAA cliques was compared to the ACC of the random cliques. The network properties were analyzed after removal of the TAA cliques and random cliques. All properties were measured for different stages of network manipulation, representing the size of the cliques 3 to 6. E.g. the weighted node degree average was calculated after the removal for all possible combinations of subgroups of the TAA clique of size 3 and compared to the removal of all cliques in the network of size 3 not containing any TAAs. P-values were estimated based on empirical p-value calculations, error bars represent standard deviations. Abbreviations used: met = metabolite/s; target AA = target amino acids; “-” in front of met indicates removal of clique Data S1: Glossary of network terminology Definitions of network terms used in the manuscript. Data S2: Comparative analysis of different community-detecting algorithms applied Shown are the results of the different community-detecting algorithms (CDA) applied (fast-greedy, walktrap, and edge-betweenness) to the 2004 seed metabolite network. For each CDA different numbers of communities were imposed (3-23) with subsequent analysis of the clustering of the TAAs and the residual nodes. Data S3: Results of average correlation coefficient (ACC) analysis of the TAA cliques and neighboring nodes The magnitude of the ACC of the TAA clique was compared to the ACC of individual TAAs to other adjacent nodes forming a clique of size 6. For each TAA, all cliques of size 6 to other adjacent nodes were identified and the ACC estimated and compared to the TAA clique ACC. The number of identified cliques was used for p-value estimations. Data S4: Results of the GC-MS AAs metabolic analysis of the new grown tomato ILs of chromosome 2 (season 2013/14). Shown is the relative content of 18 amino acids for lines M82 (WT), 2-5, 2-5-1, 2-5-5, 25-6, 2-5-13, and 2-6-5 quantified by GC/MS from seeds grown in the greenhouse, Midreshet Ben Gurion, Israel in 2013/14. Values were normalized by the fresh weight and the internal standard ribitol. Data S5: Amino acid alignments of candidate genes between M82 and S. pennellii Alignments of predicted amino acid sequences of candidate genes described in the main text between M82 and S. pennellii. Differences in sequences are color-highlighted. Data S6: Alignment of SIFT predicted amino acid sequence of the two Proline dehydrogenases between M82 and S. pennellii Only for the two identified Proline dehydrogenases Sorting Tolerant From Intolerant (SIFT) predictions, predicted differences in the coding region impacting enzyme functionality. The alignment between M82 of and S. pennellii of the amino acid sequences for the two Proline dehydrogenases are shown here. Data S7: Summary of cross species alignment results of matching genes. Listed are the identified candidate genes, summarizing the results originated from the alignment between M82 and S. pennellii of the coding regions and ~1000 bp upstream regions. Data S8: Upstream region alignments of candidate genes between M82 and S. pennellii Alignments of DNA nucleotide sequences upstream regions (~1000 bp) of candidate genes described in the main text between M82 and S. pennellii. Data S9: Summary of gene upstream region analysis, including transcription factor binding site and tandem repeats. Listed are the identified candidate genes with identified transcript factors and their descriptions, and tandem repeats within the genes’ upstream regions (~1000 bp). Data S10: Truth-table of all identified transcription factor binding sites and their occurrence in upstream regions of genes of interest. Truth-table listing the transcription factors binding sites corresponding to the transcription factors described in Data S9 and their occurrence in the upstream regions of the candidate genes described in the main text. Data S11: Detailed analysis of RT-PCR, promoter regions, and transcription factor binding sites Detailed description of the experimental procedures applied for RNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR, analyses of coding and promoter regions complementing the sections of the main text, titled: i) RNA extraction and quantitative real-time qPCR analysis of gene expression levels; ii) Analysis of coding regions; and iii) Analysis of promoter regions.