Social Studies – BRADY Monday Writing (20) TDL – SS (40) Small Group (20) Tuesday Writing (20) TDL – SS (40) Small Group (20) AUGUST 22-26 Begin Parts of Speech Unit This week: Verbs Today: Action Verbs Lesson Description: Students will use “Cures for a Boring School Day” by Kalli Dakos to identify action verbs. Teacher and students will brainstorm a list of action verbs that didn’t get used in the poem. Teacher will discuss the importance of using carefully selected verbs to make writing come alive 4-1.2 Compare the everyday life, physical environment, and culture of the major Native American cultural groupings, including the Eastern Woodlands, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, and the Pacific Northwest. Vocabulary Introduction: natural resources, agriculture, nomad, cultural groups Using teacher-created PPT on the Pacific Northwest culture group, students will complete a graphic organizer detailing the features listed in the standard Video “People of the Northwest Coast” on Pacific Northwest Indians Parts of Speech Unit Action Verbs, Day Two Teacher will review the importance of carefully selecting action verbs Students will choose new verbs of their own to write “A Day in the Life of an Unsung Hero”, choosing any subject – serious or silly – and writing in the style of the model text 4-1.2 Compare the everyday life, physical environment, and culture of the major Native American cultural groupings, including the Eastern Woodlands, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, and the Pacific Northwest. Vocabulary Review: “What it Isn’t” – an activity that helps students define words by classifying them Using teacher-created PPT on the Southwestern culture group, students will complete a graphic organizer detailing the features listed in the standard Video “People of the Desert” on Southwestern Indians Wednesday Writing Parts of Speech Unit (20) State of Being Verbs Teacher will introduce pneumonic device to help students remember this important list Students will play “Don’t Say It” – a game of question and answer that demonstrates how many of these special verbs we use in our language 4-1.2 Compare the everyday life, physical environment, and culture of TDL – SS the major Native American cultural groupings, including the (40) Eastern Woodlands, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, and the Pacific Northwest. Vocabulary review: “Showdown” – a family-feud style game that asks students to think of as many examples as possible to further define the terms Using teacher-created PPT on the Plains culture group, students will complete a graphic organizer detailing the features listed in the standard Small Video “People of the Plains” on the Plains Indians Group (20) Thursday Writing (20) TDL – SS (40) Small Group (20) Parts of Speech Unit Helping Verbs Teacher will introduce pneumonic device to help students remember this important list Teacher will demonstrate the way helping verbs change the meaning of the main verb using student volunteers as actors 4-1.2 Compare the everyday life, physical environment, and culture of the major Native American cultural groupings, including the Eastern Woodlands, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, and the Pacific Northwest. Vocabulary review: “Pair-up” Students will spend 5 minutes quizzing each other on the vocabulary terms Using teacher-created PPT on the Eastern Woodland culture group, students will complete a graphic organizer detailing the features listed in the standard Video “People of the Forest” on the E.Woodland Indians Friday Writing (20) TDL – SS (40) Small Group (20) Parts of Speech Unit Verb Tenses Teacher will introduce basic format for three verb tenses Students will revisit their “Unsung Hero” poems written on Tuesday and add past and future lines as time permits Vocabulary Quiz Culminating activity – see below Culminating cross-curricular activity: Groups will be assigned Native American culture groups and will write a verb poem in the style of the model text that describes a day in the life of their group using one stanza for each tense. Poems will be shared and displayed.