TFMA Agency Sponsor of the Year Nomination Form This Award may be presented yearly (as deemed appropriate) to one Agency that has demonstrated excellence in pursuing the goals of flood loss reduction and in the prevention of loss of life. Nominations may be submitted by any Full or Life member of TFMA. TFMA selects an Agency that has shown high level of excellence in the field of floodplain management. Nominations are received by the Executive Office and forwarded to the Member Services Committee. Nominations are evaluated by the Member Services Committee and recommendations are made to the TFMA Executive Board where the awardee is selected. Criteria: The following criteria will be used in selecting an Agency Sponsor of the Year Leadership - Agency that has shown leadership in the field of floodplain management. Innovation – Agency demonstrates innovative thinking to improve the field of floodplain management and public safety. Products or Activities to Promote Safety: Agency must demonstrate excellence in the development or implementation of innovative floodplain management activities, products, or programs that support the goals of TFMA, with at least one specific example cited on nomination form. Internal/External Relationships- A unique experience where the public/community was positively affected by Agency's actions, attitude or demeanor. Agency Sponsor of the Year must meet the following requirements: Membership Status: must have a Full or Life Member within the Agency. PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO THE TFMA EXECUTIVE OFFICE Agency Sponsor of the Year Procedure/Process: 1. Criteria and current edition of the nomination form will be posted on the TFMA website, a link on the home page directly to the forms. Forms will also be available in the TFMA’s Office. 2. Completed forms will be sent to the TFMA Executive office at; P.O. Box 1237, Cedar Hill, TX. 78630 or by email; or by Fax; (512) 260-1409. 3. Each nomination will be logged and referred to the Member Services Committee to ensure the criteria for Agency Sponsor of the Year are met. 4. If there is no nominee for a given year and/or the Member Services Committee chooses not to recommend an Agency for an award that year, there may not be an Agency Sponsor of the Year Award for that given year. 5. Final selection of the award will be determined by the TFMA Executive Board. Agency Sponsor of the Year Award Nomination Form Nominee’s Information Name of Agency: Contact Person: Office Telephone: Nominator’s Information Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Signature: Nominator’s Employer Employer Name: Department: City, State, Zip: Office Telephone: Date: PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO THE TFMA EXECUTIVE OFFICE REASON FOR NOMINATION (See the questions below. If additional space is needed, please attach information to form. Please limit your total response to two pages.) What is the purpose of the agency? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ How does the nominee demonstrate leadership in the field of floodplain management? Please give specific examples of Agency success in the reduction of flood losses and/or the prevention of loss of life. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO THE TFMA EXECUTIVE OFFICE How has the Agency implemented innovative measures to improve the field of floodplain management and promote public safety? Give specific examples: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Describe how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the area of Promotion of Flood Safety, including floodplain management programs and activities, give specific examples: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Describe how the Agency has had a positive relationship with communities and demonstrated a partnership in promoting flood safety. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO THE TFMA EXECUTIVE OFFICE How has the Agency worked with other local entities to improve floodplain management within communities? Give specific examples: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ List public policy initiatives that have been attempted or implemented in an effort to reduce flood losses and promote public safety. How many communities or people have been served by these initiatives? __- ________________________________________________________________ S_ ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO THE TFMA EXECUTIVE OFFICE _____