Test Review ANSWERS


OSMOSIS & DIFFUSION: Fill in the chart below:



Material Crossing


Random movement of molecules from

High to Low


O2, CO2; H2O



Same as diffusion but allows bigger stuff in with protein channels

Bigger Stuff


Diffusion, but of

Water through a membrane


Active Transport

Diffusion against the concentration gradient


Material crosses from High to Low concentration to

High to Low High to Low Low to High concentration.

Does it require


No No

Draw a potato in a hypertonic solution and EXPLAIN what happens:

Before After

No Yes


There was a greater concentration of water on the inside of the cell –

High to Low Concentration.

Draw a cell in a hypotonic solution and EXPLAIN what happens:

Before After Explanation

There was a greater concentration of water on the outside of the cell –

High to Low Concentration

Remember that you will need to fill in the blanks on this diagram and be able to explain which ones take energy; if it goes from High to Low or Low to High.

Metabolism Review

Animals have to eat food to both make energy and get nutrients. When animals take in food, it’s called ingestion . When they breakdown the food, it’s called digestion . When they take the food into their cells, it’s called absorption . Since they have to eat other organisms, animals are called heterotrophs . Hetero means “others”, troph means “feeding”, so heterotroph means “feeding on others”.

Some organisms can harvest the energy from the sun and use it to synthesize the molecules and cells of their bodies.

These organisms are plants . The process that allow plants to capture the sun and use it for synthesis is photosynthesis .

Because, in this way, plants make their own food, they are also called autotrophs . Auto means “self”, troph means

“feeding”, so autotroph means “self-feeding”. In photosynthesis, plants take in simple inorganic compounds (CO2 &

H2O) and build organic nutrients such as sugars (C








Autotrophic Nutrition : a.

Organisms take inorganic materials ( H2O & _ CO2 ) and convert them into organic nutrients ( C6H12O6 (Sugar) b.

Auto = self ; troph = feeding


so Autotroph = feed themselves c.

What process do autotrophs use to do this? photosynthesis d.

Examples of organisms that do this: tree; flower; any plant…


Heterotrophic Nutrition : a.

Organisms must EAT b.

Hetero = _; troph = nutrients made by other organisms. so Heterotroph = c.

Examples of organisms that do this: YOU

Photosynthesis: Write the formula for photosynthesis here:

Chemical Formula:



O + CO








+ O


Using words:

Water + carbon dioxide

Photosynthesis is beneficial for many reasons, including:

sugar + oxygen

Provides for all plants and animals

Provides to breathe.

_________________ from atmosphere.

Cellular Respiration: Write the formula below:

Chemical Formula:


Using Words:

Sugar (Glucose) + _Oxygen

→ t i h n e . whole foo


Carbon Dixoxide_ + _Water ATP

Most organisms carry out aerobic respiration (uses oxygen) in their mitochondria .

Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen, but gives less ATP (energy) for each molecule of sugar.

When exercise causes human muscles to run out of oxygen, their cells will do anaerobic respiration . The waste product, lactic acid , causes muscles to “burn” so that you will stop .


Describe how the transport of materials in and out of cells enables cells to maintain homeostasis. (Think about our online

Paramecium gizmo OR walk around the room and describe how any of those cells maintain homeostasis.)

Draw a cell membrane and label the following parts: phospholipid bilayer. Hydrophilic heads; hydrophobic tails; protein channel.

Hydrophilic Heads Phospholipid bilayer

Hydrophobic Tail

Protein Channel

Cell Components and their functions:

Vacuole = Vacuum (stores stuff) ship) Nucleus = Brain (stores DNA)

Ribosomes = Ribs (makes proteins)

Energy) DNA = your genes

Cell Membrane = Regulate

Golgi Apparatus = UPS store (package and

Lysosome = Digests / Breaks stuff down

Mitochondria = Mighty Mouse (Makes ATP /

Cell Wall = Found in Plants, keeps stuff in & out

Chloroplast = turns suns energy into chemical (photosynthesis)
