Form 14—Writ of mandamus (rule 25.08.2) PURSUANT TO SECTION 75 ss (V) COMMONWEALTH CONSTITUTION 1901 IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA No. {mandamusno} of {dolyear} {state} REGISTRY BETWEEN: For and on behalf of Queen Elizabeth 11, Queen of Great Briton and Northern Ireland, and Lawful Monarch of Australia {filersname} CPO Plaintiffs and {parliamentarian} EMPLOYEE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT OF {state} A.B.N. {abn} Respondent WRIT OF MANDAMUS To Of {Respondent} {RespondentAddress} THIS WRIT COMMANDS you to remove yourself from our Parliament and stop personating an Officer of the Crown of the Commonwealth. Further you are commanded to stop personating a member of a lawful Parliament when you are an employee of a Company disguised as a Political Party representing the State of {state} being the people. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO make a return to this Writ by filing a notice on or before {writresponsedate} stating whether you have done what you are commanded to do by this Writ or stating why it has not been done. TAKE NOTICE that disobeying this Writ is a contempt of Court as is refusing to file this writ ref: r v Rogerson, which may be punished by imprisonment, fine or both. Dated: {dolmday} of {dolmonth} {dolyear} ........................... Registrar Page 1 of 5 Application for an order to show cause Form 12 Form 12-Application for an order to show cause PURSUANT TO 75 (V) OF THE COMMONWEALTH CONSTITUTION 1901 IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA {registryname} REGISTRY No. of {year} BETWEEN: For and on behalf of Queen Elizabeth 11, Queen of Great Briton and Northern Ireland, and Lawful Monarch of Australia {filersname} CPO Plaintiffs and {parliamentarian} EMPLOYEE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT OF {state} A.B.N. {abn} Respondent To: {parliamentarian} OF PARLIAMENT HOUSE OF {state} {parliamenthouseaddress}. TAKE NOTICE that this application has been made by the plaintiff for the relief that is set out below on the grounds that are set out below. IF YOU INTEND TO DEFEND the proceeding you must file a notice of appearance in the office of the Registry named above. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SUBMIT to any order that the Court may make, save as to costs, you may file a submitting appearance in the office of the Registry named above. THE TIME FOR FILING AN APPEARANCE is as follows: (a) where you are served with the application within Australia14 days from the date of service; (b) in any other case-42 days from the date of service. THE RELIEF CLAIMED is 1. THE PRESENT PARLIAMENT BE DISMISSED AND ALL EMPLOYEES be dealt with according to law. 2. A lawful Governor be appointed for the State of {state} under the Letters Patent for the Office of Governor for {state} issued by Queen Victoria on 29 th October 1900. 3. A lawful Government be elected for the State of {state} under the provisions of the State Constitution of {state} {yearofstateconstitution} as put in place with a Letters Patent by Queen Victoria on the 29th October 1900 and the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Commonwealth Constitution 1901. Name: {filersname} Phone: {filersphone} Address: {filersaddress} Email: {filersemail} Page 2 of 5 THE GROUNDS ON WHICH THE RELIEF IS CLAIMED are 1. THE Parliament is not established under Chapter 11 of the Commonwealth Constitution 1901 nor does it comply with the Letters Patent's being the Constitution of the State of {state} put in place by Queen Victoria on the 29th October 1900 and the Office of Governor for the State of {state} put in place on 29th October 1900, both by Letters Patent. 2. You and all other Politicians in {state} are employees of Companies called Political Parties and sit in the State Parliament under the Company known as the State Government of {state} A.B.N. {abn}. 3. You and all other Politicians employed by the State Government of {state} A.B.N.{abn} a subsidiary company of The Commonwealth of Australia, a company registered on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by number 0000805157, which is a Foreign Corporation owe your allegiance, obedience and adherence to that Foreign Power, contrary to Section 44 (i) of the Commonwealth Constitution 1901 and therefore are incapable of sitting in our Parliament. This application shall be heard at the time and place stated Either [If a summons is to be served with the application] in the summons served with this application Or [If no summons is to be served with the application] in a summons to be served at a later time. This application was filed by the plaintiff: QUEEN ELIZABETH 11, QUEEN OF GREAT BRITON AND NORTHERN IRELAND, AND LAWFUL MONARCH OF AUSTRALIA. Signed____________________________________ Name : Commonwealth Public Official Dated: {dol} Name: {filersname} Phone: {filersphone} Address: {filersaddress} Email: {filersemail} Page 3 of 5 IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA {registryname} REGISTRY BETWEEN: For and on behalf of Queen Elizabeth 11, Queen of Great Briton and Northern Ireland, and Lawful Monarch of Australia {filersname} CPO Plaintiffs and {parliamentarian} EMPLOYEE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT OF {state} A.B.N. {abn} Respondent AFFIDAVIT I {filersname} of {filersaddress} affirm as follows: 1. The Cause before the Court is a Writ of Mandamus issued under Provision 75 (V) of the Commonwealth Constitution 1901. 2. The Writ is issued in original jurisdiction of the High Court. Refer to Quick and Garran Annotated Constitution page 780, states "A Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition,- A Writ is a document in the Queen's name, and under the seal of the Crown, or of a Court or Officer of the Crown, commanding the person to whom it is addressed to do or forbear from doing some act. (Sweet's Law Dictionary). 3. Due to the unlawful use of an unlawful State Constitution by {state} with 32 sections missing at Federation. The State of {state} has never been lawfully established under the Letters Patent issued by Queen Victoria on 29th October 1900. The contents of that Letters Patent are found in Quick and Garran in Chapter 2 of the Commonwealth Constitution 1901. This has the effect that a lawful Executive Government of {state} has never been established. 4. The laws effected have been continually challenged in the Magistrates Court, District Court and the Supreme Court of {state} and have been ignored. It would not matter anyway as all Courts were and are sitting under unlawful Acts and Statutes made by unlawful Parliaments. 5. Because of the facts in Part 1 and 11 of this document being the use of the unlawful State Constitution and the sitting of the unlawful Executive Government of {state} all laws and decisions of Courts in the State of {state} are invalid. 6. Annotated Constitution Quick and Garran Chapter v in relation to States. 7. The Original State Constitution of {state} is subject to Letters Patent issued on 29th October 1900 and must be complied with. 8. Annotated Constitution Quick and Garran pages 99 to 718 in relation to Executive Government of Commonwealth extending to the States through their Governors. Must be complied with. 9. The interpretation of vexatious by Collins World Dictionary which states: - characterized by or causing vexation, annoying, troublesome, ECT. Law instituted without real grounds chiefly to cause annoyance to the defendant, said of legal actions. As all laws in {state} have not been lawfully constituted, the laws instituted against me are vexatious and my response is not. 10. Instructions passed under Royal Sign Manual to the Governor of the State of {state} dated 29th October 1900. Must be complied with. Page 4 of 5 11. Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, constituting the Office of Governor of the State of {state} and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia dated 29th October 1900. Must be complied with. AFFIRMED* by the plaintiff at {registryname} in {state} on {datesigned} Before me: Name: Commonwealth Public Official Witness administering affirmation Name: {filersname} Commonwealth Public Official Signature of Plaintiff Page 5 of 5