GENERAL GUIDELINES, adults and children take part together in

Just-in-time Task Launching
JIT TASK 3e 00
All Ages Participate in Worship and enjoy Holidays
Yes, Lord, with Your help, we will arrange for adults and children
to do worship activities together, so that all voice your praises and
edify one another, as your Word requires.
Yes, new leader, you are free to follow New Testament norms for
worship. May the tears of repentance and the laughter of liberation
flow freely! Balance quiet contemplation and spontaneous dialog
to strengthen, exhort and console.
Let all believers, including children, take part actively in corporate worship.
Have children do brief activities during weekly worship, and they’ll know they’re a vital
part of the church body.
Let all, including children, do serious work during the week to enhance church life.
Provide edifying activities for adults and children. Encourage all to participate joyfully.
Recognize during worship what workers have done during the week.
Heed the many New Testament “one another” commands.
God desires participatory worship and interaction, and displays it in the Gospels, Acts,
Letters and Revelation. Reciprocal edification is easy if you …
 Let each cell or home church gather in a time and place that is convenient.
 Let each group discern what its members currently need and which of the
ministries required by the New Testament it will focus on next.
 Practice New Testament “one another” commands during worship and during the
week. These include teach one another, console one another, correct one
another, encourage one another, etc.
Celebrate Communion regularly, keenly aware of Christ’s Presence.
Help the entire congregation sing during worship.
Worship leaders must avoid performance in which folk merely observe or listen to
entertaining musicians. Some musicians keep out of sight and keep the decibels at a level
that encourages heartier singing by the congregation.
Let young people lead and disciple younger people.
Avoid excessive segregation by age. Children crave and respond to attention from an
older child. Most children, especially teenagers, grow rapidly in the faith when they work
together to lead and teach younger children. Let those who brim with energy disciple
younger children, serve as role models and help lead meetings.
Let children do serious service.
Give children and young people important responsibilities.
Celebrate sacred holidays joyfully and meaningfully.
Special holidays can be highly edifying for children and an opportunity to bring nominal
believers to vital faith.
WATCH OUT! Common Traps
 Failing to recognize some Evangelical customs for what they are ─ traditions of men.
Some “doctrines of demons” hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in meetings, and believers
embrace them without realizing it. Some churches stifle free interaction during teaching
times; other churches carry it too far.
 Importing models for worship and organizing from churches that work with different
people in different circumstances.
 Entertaining performances by worship leaders that leave people listening passively.
Avoid people merely listening to the beautiful music of performers instead of joining heartily
in singing God’s praises. When most people do not sing, something is desperately wrong.
 Excessively segregating children by age.
Let children develop loving, edifying relationships with people of other ages. Allow time for
children to mix with other ages as well to be with those of their own age.
 Letting a teacher’s spiritual gift eclipse other vital, gift-based ministries.
Good teachers and preachers often attract too much attention, crippling the church body.
 Delaying mentoring new shepherding elders for non-biblical reasons.
Establish 2 Timothy 2:2 training right away, in which shepherds mentor newer elders in
daughter churches or cells. You can multiply healthy churches or cells only as fast as you
mobilize leaders.
Dictating when or where small groups meet and what they do. Forcing all groups to
follow the same patterns or curriculum stifles spontaneity, creativity and freedom to
prophesy in the New Testament way. As Paul said, “Where the Spirit is, there is liberty.”
 Making Communion just another teaching session.
Let the mystery and drama of the Lord’s Supper do its work, to move believers powerfully to
appreciate Jesus’ sacrificial death. If it becomes “dead liturgy,” it is because we’ve killed it!
 Relying excessively on technology.
This sacred cow consistently hinders normal multiplication. Deal with the horned beast!