
Chapter 6 – Sampling Distributions
In most experiments, we have more than one measurement for any
given variable, each measurement being associated with one
randomly selected a member of a population. Hence we need to
examine probabilities associated with events that specify conditions
on two or more random variables.
Defn: A set of n random variables ๐‘‹1 , ๐‘‹2 , … , ๐‘‹๐‘› constitutes a
random sample of size n from a finite population of size N if each
member of the sample, ๐‘‹๐‘– , is chosen in such a way that every sample
of size n has the same probability of being chosen.
Defn: A set of (continuous or discrete) random variables X1, X2, ...,
Xn is called a random sample of size n if the r.v.’s have the same
distribution and are independent. We say that X1, X2, ..., Xn are
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.).
Note: We will also use the term random sample to the set of
observed values ๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฅ2 , … , ๐‘ฅ๐‘› of the random variables. Prior to
selecting the sample and making the measurements, we have
๐‘‹1 , ๐‘‹2 , … , ๐‘‹๐‘› , with each ๐‘‹๐‘– being an (unknown) random quantity
having associated probability distribution f(x). After selecting the
sample and making the measurements, we have ๐‘ฅ1 , ๐‘ฅ2 , … , ๐‘ฅ๐‘› .
Note: In practice, it is often difficult to do random sampling.
However, random sampling is basic to the use of the statistical
inferential procedures that we will discuss later. These procedures
are used for analyzing experimental data, for testing hypotheses, for
estimating parameters (numerical characteristics of populations),
and for performing quality control in manufacturing. In each
situation, we must somehow obtain convincing evidence that the
data collected do approximate the conditions of randomness.
Example : In a manufacturing situation, we have manufactured
items coming off an assembly line. Assume that the population of
items that have been completed is relatively large. We want to
check the quality of these items by selecting a random sample of
them and making measurements on each item in the sample. If the
sample is random, then it has a good chance of being representative
of the population, and we can obtain useful information about the
quality of the entire population. For example, we are interested in
knowing whether the average value of a certain measurement is
“close” to the specified target value. It is very unlikely that the
sample average will be exactly equal to the population average, but
it is likely to be close.
The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean
Defn: A statistic is a random variable which is a function of a
random sample. The probability distribution associated with a
statistic is called its sampling distribution.
Example: Let X1, X2, ..., Xn be a random sample from a population
1 n
(probability distribution). The statistic X ๏€ฝ n ๏ƒฅ X i is called the
i ๏€ฝ1
sample mean. Since The Xi’s are random variables, then X is also a
random variable, with a sampling distribution.
Some other examples of statistics are:
1 n
1) The sample variance,
n ๏€ญ 1 i ๏€ฝ1
2) The sample median,
Theorem 6.1: Let X1, X2, ..., Xn be a random sample from a
distribution having mean ๏ญ and standard deviation ๏ณ. Then the
mean of the sampling distribution of ๐‘‹ฬ… is:
๏ƒฉn 1 ๏ƒน n 1
๏ญ X ๏€ฝ E ๏›X ๏ ๏€ฝ E ๏ƒช๏ƒฅ X i ๏ƒบ ๏€ฝ ๏ƒฅ ๏ญ ๏€ฝ ๏ญ
๏ƒซ i ๏€ฝ1 n ๏ƒป i ๏€ฝ1 n
The variance of the sampling distribution depends on the size of the
population from which the sample is drawn. If the population is of
infinite size, then
๏ณ X2
1 2 ๏ณ2
๏€ฝ ๏ƒฅ 2๏ณ ๏€ฝ
n .
i ๏€ฝ1 n
Note: The quantity ๐œŽ๐‘‹ฬ… (standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of the sample mean) is also called the standard error of
the mean. It provides us with a measure of reliability of the sample
mean as an estimate of the population mean. This term will be
important when we discuss statistical inference.
Note: If the random sample was selected from a normal distribution
(we write X1, X2, ..., Xn ~ Normal(๏ญ, ๏ณ) ), then it can be shown that
๏ณ ๏ƒถ
X ~ Normal๏ƒง๏ƒง ๏ญ ,
๏ƒท๏ƒท .
Example: On page 134, Exercise 5.27. If I randomly select a single
assembled piece of machinery from the population of assembled
pieces, the time for assembly will be a random variable X having a
Normal(µ = 12.9 min., σ = 2.0 min.) On the other hand, if I select a
random sample of size 64 from the population, the distribution of ๐‘‹ฬ…,
the average assembly time for the sample of pieces, will have a
distribution that is
๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘™ (๐œ‡๐‘‹ฬ… = 12.9 ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›. , ๐œŽ๐‘‹ฬ… = 0.25 ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›. ).
Note that the variability in the distribution of ๐‘‹ฬ… is only one-eighth
the variability in the distribution of X. This is an important
The following theorem is EXTREMELY important (as well as
astonishing). This theorem provides the basis for our procedures
for doing statistical inference.
Theorem 6.3: (Central Limit Theorem) If X1, X2, ..., Xn are a
random sample from any distribution with mean ๏ญ and standard
X ๏€ญ๏ญ
๏ณ < +๏‚ฅ, then the limiting distribution of ๏ƒฆ ๏ณ ๏ƒถ as n ๏‚ฎ +๏‚ฅ is
๏ƒจ n๏ƒธ
standard normal.
Note: Nothing was said about the distribution from which the
sample was selected except that it has finite standard deviation. The
sample could be selected from a normal distribution, or from an
exponential distribution, or from a Weibull distribution, or from a
Bernoulli distribution, or from a Poisson distribution, or from any
other distribution with finite standard deviation. See, e.g., the
example on pages 179-180. See also the illustration on page 184.
Note: For what n will the normal approximation be good? For most
purposes, if n ๏‚ณ 30 , we will say that the approximation given by the
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) works well.
Example: p. 187, Exercise 6.15.
Example: The fracture strength of tempered glass averages 14
(measured in thousands of p.s.i.) and has a standard deviation of 2.
What is the probability that the average fracture strength of 100
randomly selected pieces of tempered glass will exceed 14,500
Example: Shear strength measurements for spot welds have been
found to have a standard deviation of 10 p.s.i. If 100 test welds are
to be measured, what is the approximate probability that the sample
mean will be within 1 p.s.i. of the true population mean?
The T Distribution
Use of the above discussion (Central Limit Theorem, etc.) to draw
conclusions about the value of the population mean, µ, from a
measured value of the sample mean, ๐‘ฅฬ… , has a flaw. If we have to
depend on sample data for information about the population mean,
then we would tend not to know the value of the population standard
deviation, either. We would also have to estimate σ. We need to
modify our theory somewhat to take this complication into account.
We introduce another probability distribution that allows us to use
sample data alone to make inferences about the population mean.
Theorem 6.4: If ๐‘‹ฬ… is the mean of a random sample of size n taken
from a normal distribution having mean µ and standard deviation σ,
and if
๐‘†2 =
∑(๐‘‹๐‘– − ๐‘‹ฬ…)2
is the sample variance, then the random variable
๐‘‹ฬ… − ๐œ‡
( )
has a t-distribution with degrees of freedom ν = n – 1.
The t-distribution (which is actually a family of distributions,
characterized by the degrees of freedom) has characteristics similar
to those of the standard normal distribution, as we can see from the
figure on page 187. Note that for large d.f., the t(n-1) distribution is
very close to the standard normal distribution. In fact, the standard
normal distribution provides a good approximation to the t(n-1)
distribution for n of size 30 or more.
Note: Cut-off values and various tail probabilities for the tdistribution, with various values for ν, may be found in Table 4 on
page 516. Note that in order to use this table, we must know the
degrees of freedom in the particular exercise. However, we will find
these values using Excel. The Excel functions to be used would be
๐‘ƒ(๐‘‡ ≤ ๐‘ก) = ๐‘‡. ๐ท๐ผ๐‘†๐‘‡(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘‘. ๐‘“. , ๐‘‡๐‘…๐‘ˆ๐ธ ),
๐‘๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘ž๐‘ข๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘™๐‘’ = ๐‘‡. ๐ผ๐‘๐‘‰(๐‘, ๐‘‘. ๐‘“. ).
Example: page 188.
The Sampling Distribution of the Variance
The above discussion provides us with the tools to do inference
about the value of a population mean. If we want to do inference
about the value of a population variance, ๐œŽ 2 , then we need to discuss
the sampling distribution for the sample statistic, ๐‘† 2 , that we use to
estimate the population variance. For this, we need to introduce
another family of probability distributions, the chi-square family.
Theorem 6.5: If ๐‘† 2 is the variance of a random sample of size n
taken from a normal distribution with variance ๐œŽ 2 , then the random
(๐‘› − 1)๐‘† 2 ∑๐‘›๐‘–=1(๐‘‹๐‘– − ๐‘‹ฬ…)2
๐œ’ =
has a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom ν = n – 1.
Note: Cut-off values and various tail-probabilities for the chi square
distribution, with various values for ν, may be found in Table 5 on
page 517. Note that in order to use this table, we must know the
degrees of freedom in the particular exercise. However, we will find
these values using Excel. The Excel functions to be used are
๐‘ƒ(๐œ’ 2 ≤ ๐‘ฅ ) = ๐ถ๐ป๐ผ๐‘†๐‘„. ๐ท๐ผ๐‘†๐‘‡(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘‘. ๐‘“. , ๐‘‡๐‘…๐‘ˆ๐ธ ),
๐‘๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘ž๐‘ข๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘™๐‘’ = ๐ถ๐ป๐ผ๐‘†๐‘„. ๐ผ๐‘๐‘‰(๐‘, ๐‘‘. ๐‘“. ).
Example: p. 190.
The F-Distribution
When we do analysis of experimental data, our conclusions about
whether the experimental treatments had an effect will be based on a
statistic which may be imagined as a “signal-to-noise” ratio, with the
“signal” being the treatment effect (differences among the treatment
groups) and the “noise” being the variability of the data within
treatment groups.
The sampling distribution of this statistic is given in the following
theorem. This statistic may also be used to do inference about the
differences between two population variances.
Theorem 6.6: If ๐‘†12 and ๐‘†22 are the variances of independent random
samples of size ๐‘›1 and ๐‘›2 , respectively, taken from two normal
distributions having the same variance, then the random variable
๐น= 2
has an F distribution with parameters ๐œˆ1 = ๐‘›1 − 1 (the numerator
degrees of freedom) and ๐œˆ2 = ๐‘›2 − 1 (the denominator degrees of
Note: Cut-off values and various tail-probabilities for the F
distribution, with various values for ๐œˆ1 and ๐œˆ2 , may be found in
Table 6 on pages 518-519 (note that this table is an abbreviated
version of an F-table that would be used in practical situations).
Note that in order to use this table, we must know the values of the
two degrees-of-freedom parameters in the particular exercise. We
may also find probabilities and quantiles using Excel. We will come
back to the F distribution later in the course.