Protocol Paper Abstract Template:

Protocol Paper Abstract Template
(data on this form will appear in the printed version of the protocol paper)
Study title
Author names:
Institutional affiliations:
Trial registration:
Registration number:
Was this trial prospectively registered: complete
Funded by: complete
Funder approval number: complete
Anticipated completion: complete
Abstract: 250 words
Use subheadings as appropriate (Introduction, Research Questions, Design, Participants and
Setting, Intervention, Control, Measurements, Procedure, Analysis, Discussion). See
corresponding description of each subheading in the “Protocol Paper Electronic Paper
Template” over the page to guide content.
Corresponding author contact details: complete
Protocol Paper Electronic Paper Template:
(data on this form will appear in the electronic version of the protocol paper along with data
that were submitted on the Abstract Template)
Study title
Human research ethics approval committee: complete
Human research ethics approval number: complete
Body of Text:
Use headings (indicated in BOLD, UPPER CASE LETTERS) and subheadings (indicated
by bold, sentence case letters) as relevant:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2 (ie, put a double return between paragraphs) etc…
The research questions are:
1. What are
2. Is the
METHOD (Method section to be written in future tense)
Text here
Flow chart
Participants, therapists, centres
Text here
Intervention / control (where relevant)
Text here
Include details of the regimen according to which the intervention will be applied (dose,
repetitions, duration per session, sessions per week, number of weeks).
Outcome measures
Primary outcome: Text here.
Secondary outcome: Text here.
Provide details of reliability and validity for measurements selected.
Text here
Include procedural details of recruitment, randomisation, masking / blinding, measurement,
and provision of intervention / control conditions as relevant.
Include dates / anticipated dates of trial commencement and completion
Data analysis
Text here
Include details of techniques to be used to examine primary outcomes, secondary outcomes
and a priori subgroup or interaction analyses.
Include details of sample size calculation.
Text here
Include possible impact of trial on physiotherapy practice and/or our understanding of
conditions treated by physiotherapists, strengths and limitations of the research design with
reference to previous trials in field as appropriate.
Conflict of interest declaration: