NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY FUNDED RESEARCH INTO INJURY RELATED RESEARCH ENDING 2004 TO 2013 CONTENTS Note: Each Administering Institution in the Contents list is linked to the Administering Institution in the Summary pages. To go to a Summary page, ctrl click on the name of the Admin Inst in the Contents page. To return to the Contents Page, Ctrl click on the Admin Inst on the Summary Page. This document can also be searched using the Edit – Find function (ctrl+f) Australian National University Brain Research Institute Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology Centre for Eye Research Australia Ltd Curtin University of Technology Edith Cowan University Flinders University Garvan Institute of Medical Research Griffith University Howard Florey Institute Injury Prevention and Control (Australia) Ltd Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science La Trobe University Macquarie University Mater Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Melbourne Health Menzies Research Institute Menzies School of Health Research Monash University Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Murdoch University National Stroke Foundation Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research Queensland University of Technology Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park RMIT University Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital University of Adelaide University of Ballarat University of Melbourne University of New South Wales University of Newcastle University of Queensland University of South Australia University of Sydney University of Tasmania University of Technology Sydney NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY University of Western Australia University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Victoria University NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 316951 CIA Name: Prof James Butler Admin Inst: Australian National University Main RFCD: Health Economics Total funding: $4,500,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Strategic Awards Title of research award: ACERH- Inovative analyses of health insurance, ageing and the economic burden of illness and injuryACERHInovative analyses of health insurance, ageing and the economic burden of illness and injury Lay Description (from application): An inter-university collaborative research centre – the Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health (ACERH) – will be established, undertaking applied health economics research within three research programs: health insurance; ageing; and the economic analysis of illness and injury. ACERH will develop a unique, unit record, linked data set, including data from private health insurance partners, providing longitudinal data on health service utilisation in both public and private sectors. Research achievements (from final report): This grant was used to establish a new inter-university centre - the Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health (ACERH). Over the life of the Centre, research was undertaken on a range of topics primarily in health insurance and health care financing, the economic burden of illness and the cost-effectiveness of interventions to reduce that burden, and the economics of ageing and aged care. Selected research highlights included work on the economic aspects of health insurance arrangements in Australia and proposals for reform, including an "opt-out" option for Medicare, analysis of the risk equalisation scheme for private health insurers, and a proposal for a Medicare Hospital Benefits scheme (some aspects of which are manifest in the new public hospital payment scheme currently being implemented by the Australian and State Governments). Other significant research in the area of child health in Australia found that, although an increasing income gradient by child age exists when the same covariates used in other international studies are included, the gradient disappears when a richer set of control variables including parental health is included. Other significant and policy-relevant research included an economic evaluation of alternative HPV vaccination strategies in Australia, and a critical appraisal of government policy on GP Super Clinics. Extensive research has also been undertaken on economic aspects of breastfeeding, resulting in an ACERH research fellow receiving several invitations to provide advice internationally on public policy in this area. Expected future outcomes: Through its research outputs, and contribution to capacity building through the development of a cadre of PhD students and early career researchers, ACERH's legacy will be its contributions to health policy debates and its strengthening of the health economics workforce. This legacy will be evident for some time in the future. Name of contact: Jim Butler Email/Phone no. of contact: jim.butler@anu.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 471418 CIA Name: Prof Angela Dulhunty Admin Inst: Australian National University Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $603,100 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Communication between calcium ion channels in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction couplingCommunication between calcium ion channels in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling Lay Description (from application): Ageing, injury, drugs or genetic defects cause muscle weakness, prevent exercise, compromise life style and contribute to poor health and osteoporosis. In order to move signals travel from our brain to muscles, where one calcium ion channel detects the signal and tells a second calcium channel to open and release calcium ions to initiate contraction. The project will pave the way for developing drugs to help with muscle disorders by trageting the site of interaction between the channels. Research achievements (from final report): Work supported by this grant enabled us to perform the first study of the second of three SPRY domains in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR1). In this comprehensive work we used NMR, CD to examine the structure the recombinant DHPR II-III loop bound to the SPRY2 domain of RyR1 and cryoelectron microscopy to locate the domain in the RyR protein (Cui et al., 2009; Tae et al., 2009; Tae et al., 2011; Perálvarez-Marín et al., 2011). We quantified DHPR alpha1s II-III loop, and the variably spliced AS1 region of RyR1, binding to SPRY2. Mutation of specific acidic residues in SPRY2 or basic residues in the II-III loop or in the ASI region, prevent the ASI/SPRY2 binding (Tae et al., 2009). A cyclised II-III loop was expressed using novel intein technology and is a stronger activator of RyR1 that the linear version of the loop (Tae et al. 2011b). In an elite international collaboration we show that mutation of the critical regions in the SPRY2 domain do not influence EC coupling (Tae et al., 2011a), indicating unexpectedly, that there is a specific influence of the DHPR complex on interactions of the SPRY2 domain, possibly involving the intracellular β1a subunit of the DHPR. The grant further supported preliminary paradigm shifting work with the DHPR β1a subunit, and a peptide corresponding to its C-tail, both of which bind to and activate RyR1 with pM affinity, supporting a role for β1a in excitation-contraction coupling (Karunasekera et al., 2009; Rebbeck et al., 2011). Expected future outcomes: We have identified the SPRY2 domain as a potential therapeutic target for modulating calcium release through RyR1, and thus skeletal muscle contraction. The β1a work provided background for current studies of β1a interactions with RyR1 and the alpha1S II-III loop and mechanisms that allow β1a to contribute to EC coupling Name of contact: Angela Dulhunty Email/Phone no. of contact: angela.dulhunty@anu.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157307 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul McCrory Admin Inst: Brain Research Institute Main RFCD: Sports Medicine Total funding: $130,807 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Prospective validation of an ass. and outcome scale for mild traumatic brain injury & to det. the influence of ApoE susProspective validation of an ass. and outcome scale for mild traumatic brain injury & to det. the influence of ApoE sus Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Mild traumatic brain injury has the potential to cause significant morbidity due to its effects on cognitive and psychological function. The condition also has significant social costs in terms of work absenteeism, hospital/medical costs and possible impairment in school performance in younger people. This study developed an assessment scale which may have widespread application in emergency departments, general medical practice, and sports medicine as well as in rehabilitation settings. This scale has now been incorporated into international guidelines for the management of sports concussion. In addition, the characterization of specific sequelae of head injury such as concussive convulsions and second impact syndrome has enabled clinicians to manage these conditions using an evidence-based approach. Expected future outcomes: The work will have two broad outcomes. Firstly, the adoption internationally of evidence-based management guidelines and second, the ongoing development of computerised cognitive screening strategies which will simplify the neurocognitive assessment of head injured patients of all ages. Name of contact: Paul Mccrory Email/Phone no. of contact: paulmccr@bigpond.net.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 527925 CIA Name: Dr Michael Makdissi Admin Inst: Brain Research Institute Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $176,719 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Functional neuroimaging in mild traumatic brain injuryFunctional neuroimaging in mild traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) represents a significant public health issue in Australian communities. Complications can include prolonged symptoms, depression and progressive deterioration of brain function. Clinical management of mTBI hinges on accurate assessment of recovery. The aim of the current study is to investigate the role of novel functional brain imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging and connectivity studies, in the assessment of brain disturbance following mTBI. Research achievements (from final report): Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a significant public health issue in Australian communities. It is commonly observed in sporting populations and following motor vehicle trauma. Whilst many patients recover uneventfully following mild TBI, some individuals have prolonged and debilitating symptoms and/or cognitive deficits in the acute setting. Moreover, mild TBI has been associated with increased risk of depression and long-term deterioration of brain function resulting in early dementia.Clinical management of mild TBI hinges on accurate assessment of recovery following injury. Practical assessment however is limited by the absence of an objective biomarker to directly quantify pathophysiological changes associated with mild TBI. Surrogate measures of brain function currently used in the clinical setting include self-reported symptoms, clinical tests of balance and screening cognitive test batteries, all of which have significant limitations regarding reliability, sensitivity and specificity.Although the pathophysiology of mild TBI remains unclear, data derived from animal models of head injury suggest that linear acceleration or rotational shearing forces result in a cascade of neurochemical, metabolic or gene-expression changes. Whilst conventional structural neuroimaging modalities are typically normal, advanced neuroimaging techniques may provide a direct measure of pathophysiological changes following mTBI. The current study provided prelimiary data on the role of advanced neuroimaging techniques in the assessment of brain disturbance using concussion in sport as a model for mild TBI. Expected future outcomes: Understanding the pathophysiology would be expected to lead to an improvement in the assessment of recovery following mild TBI and facilitate accurate classification of injury severity and risk of long-term complications. Ultimately, this would be expected to lead to the development of specific treatment and prevention strategies to reduce the morbidity and risks associated with mild TBI. Name of contact: Michael Makdissi Email/Phone no. of contact: makdissi@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 183770 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Dr Nicholas Shackel End Year: 2005 Admin Inst: Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology Fellowships (Overseas) Main RFCD: Gastroenterology and Hepatology Total funding: $233,168 Grant Type: Early Career Title of research award: Differential gene expression in hepatic wound healing.Differential gene expression in hepatic wound healing. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The C.J. Martin was an invaluable opportunity enabling me to be trained in a number of important laboratory techniques not commonly performed within Australia. This included the isolation of primary cells from liver tissue, the use of therpaeutic stem cells and viral transduction. Additonal outcomes of the C.J. Martin included the establishment of long-term collaborations within the USA and especially at Duke University and to-date the publication of three peer-reviewed mansucripts. Expected future outcomes: The ongoing long-term collobartion with researchers at Duke University and a further three published manuscripts are in preperation. Name of contact: Dr Nicholas Shackel Email/Phone no. of contact: n.shackel@centenary.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 529918 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Jonathan Crowston End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Centre for Eye Research Australia Ltd Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $280,400 Title of research award: The impact of fluid mechanics on wound healing after glaucoma surgery- an engineering-based approachThe impact of fluid mechanics on wound healing after glaucoma surgery- an engineering-based approach Lay Description (from application): Excess scarring after glaucoma surgery is the major reason why surgery fails.This study will investigate how biomechanical forces in the eye influence wound healing and provide a new approach to regulating scar formation. This will provide key information for developing surgical techniques that improve outcome and prevent vision loss. The annual cost to Australia from vision loss due to glaucoma will double to $4.3 billion by 2025 unless better treatments are developed (Access Economics). Research achievements (from final report): , Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and effects 1 in 10 Australians over the age of 80. Successful glaucoma filtration surgery is the most effective treatment for lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) and preventing vision loss in glaucoma. The success of filtration surgery is dependent on interrupting the wound healing response, where scar formation frequently leads to surgical failure. We wished to use experimental measurements and computational modelling to determine the optimal physical conditions to reduce post-operative scarring., , We created a biomechanical model of the eye after glaucoma surgery, in terms of tissue properties and fluid drainage. This model was informed by experimental data and clinical observations, and describes what is happening to a healing eye. We have used this model to predict the impact of hydrostatic forces at the wound site and determine some ideal parameters for a drainage operation. This knowledge has enabled us to begin developing and testing new glaucoma drainage devices., , Additionally we developed a new method for assessing how drainage operations function in the rabbit, which may improve the clinical relevance of future work using animal models of glaucoma surgery. The new method provides a way to directly measure how the surgically-created filtration pathway is working, isolated from the confounding effects of fluid dynamics elsewhere in the eye., , We also found that a monoclonal antibody targeting Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) displayed antifibrotic effects in cell culture and rabbit models, potentially leading to another target for modulation of wound healing after glaucoma surgery., Expected future outcomes: , It is anticipated that the ideal physical parameters identified using this study's experimental and computational models will lead to the development of new drainage devices and surgical techniques for glaucoma surgery. In conjunction to existing anti-scarring treatments this could increase the long term success of filtration operations. Name of contact: Professor Jonathan Crowston Email/Phone no. of contact: crowston@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 229011 Start Year: 2003 CIA Name: Prof Leon Straker End Year: 2005 Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Total funding: $207,353 Title of research award: Biomechanical and physiological responses of children and young adults to different computer workstationsBiomechanical and physiological responses of children and young adults to different computer workstations Lay Description (from application): Computer use is increasing with 95% of Australian primary school children now using computers. Two out of three children and three out of four adult workers report pain associated with computer use. This has lead to concerns that increased computer use may be responsible for an increase in musculoskeletal disorders in young people. Little is known about the physical consequences of children's use of computers. The information we have on adult use is now out of date because of changes to computer technology and how computers are used. It is therefore not possible to provide evidence-based recommendations for safe use of computers by young people. Critical gaps in our knowledge include the appropriate desk design and computer display position. The proposed studies will use recent advances in biomechanical and physiological measurement and modelling of musculoskeletal stress to evaluate a range of desk designs and computer display positions for young adults, preadolescentchilden and early school age children. The outcomes will include the first detailed description of the physical stresses of computer use by children and preliminary guidelines for workstation design. Research achievements (from final report): Computer use by young Australians is becoming ubiquitous. This project provided the first detailed description of the physical impact of workstation design features when young children (5-6years), pre-adolescents (1012years) and young adults (18-25years) worked with computers and with paper based technology. The project pioneered the use of new measures of stress on the neck and shoulder which accounted for the variation in posture and muscle activity. Variation is thought to be important for preventing the development of pain. The project was the first to describe the posture of computer users in three dimensions. The project also pioneered the use of complex biomechanical models to investigate the stress on muscles deep in the neck which are difficult to access for direct measurement. Providing forearm support during computer work was found to decrease the stress on the neck and shoulders. Positioning a computer display very high or very low was found to increase the stress on parts of the neck and shoulders. Using tablet computers was found to be similar to working with books and paper. The use of new measures of physical stress provided new insights into why neck pain is so common in computer users. The knowledge gained from this project is the most comprehensive available and will guide the development of evidence based guidelines for wise use of computers by young people. Expected future outcomes: We are expecting our research to be the benchmark for future research into the physical impact of computer use by children. We are also expecting the guidelines we develop based on this project to be widely used by education authorities and parents worldwide. Name of contact: Professor Leon Straker Email/Phone no. of contact: L.Straker@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 323200 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Leon Straker End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $682,800 Title of research award: Physical, lifestyle and psychosocial determinants of spinal pain development in adolescentsPhysical, lifestyle and psychosocial determinants of spinal pain development in adolescents Lay Description (from application): This project aims to understand the development of back and neck pain in adolescence. By the age of 16 around half of all adolescents have suffered back pain and one third have suffered neck pain. For many adolescents this pain is disabling and over a third of sufferers miss school, miss recreation and seek medical help. The current understanding of back and neck pain in adolescence is quite limited - restricting the effectiveness of initiatives to prevent adolescents having to suffer spinal pain and of treatment of those adolescents unlucky enough to have an episode. Better understanding and interventions for adolescent spinal pain will also have longer term implications by reducing adult spinal pain. Four out of 5 adults will experience spinal pain. In the USA treating adult back pain is the 4th largest health care cost. Many adults with chronic back pain had their first episode during adolescence. A better understanding of spinal pain in adolescence may help prevent it developing into a lifelong disability. We will collect information from 2,000 adolescents on their experience of back and neck pain and on potential physical, lifestyle and psychosocial risk factors. We believe factors such as their posture, muscle capacity, TV and computer use, mental health and social situation all combine to influence whether a person develops back or neck pain. The project is unique as it will not only collect a broad range of information during adolescence, but will also make use of a large database of health, developmental and psychosocial information already collected from these children since birth.With a better understanding of the development of spinal pain we will be able to develop guidelines to help prevent these problems. We will also be able to develop better treatment plans for sub-groups of adolescents with a particular combination of risk factors. Together these initiatives will assist in understanding and breaking the pathway to chronic spinal pain. Research achievements (from final report): This project funded the collection and partial analysis of information about back and neck pain in adolescents at 14 and 17 years in the Raine pregnancy cohort study. Spinal pain was found to be already common at 14 years of age and to already be associated with disability at 17 years of age. Information on a wide range of physical, lifestyle and psychosocial risk factors was also collected. Posture, fitness, obesity, motor competence, physical activity, computer use, school bag carriage, diet, smoking and alcohol use, depression, externalising behaviours, self worth, parental pain experience, socioeconomic status, family functioning and life stress events were all related to spinal pain. Subgroups of individuals with spinal pain were also identified suggesting interventions could be targetted. The findings refuted a common misperception that adolescent spinal pain is trivial. They also suggested windows for interventions to reduce spinal pain risk (early life and adolescence) and arrest a trajectory to chronic, disabling adult spinal pain. Grant applications have been submitted to follow this cohort into early adulthood. Expected future outcomes: The publiction of the results of this project will correct a misperception about the importance of adolescent spinal pain. We have identified several opportunities to reduce risks and will apply for funding to assess the efficacy of targetting specific interventions. Name of contact: Professor Leon Straker Email/Phone no. of contact: L.Straker@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350992 CIA Name: A/Pr Tony Butler Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $453,500 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Improving and monitoring the health of prisoners in AustraliaImproving and monitoring the health of prisoners in Australia Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This award enabled me to pursue a broad range of research activities in regard to offender health leading to a range of positive outcomes for this population. For example, Australia is now the only jurisdiction to collect national health indicators for prisoners' health and the only jurisdiction worldwide to have implemented ongoing national surveillance of bloodborne viruses and sexually transmitted infections. Work on establishing both these project were possible due to the CDA. Other project have been pursued in other areas including mental health, violence and tobacco smoking. Expected future outcomes: As a result of the CDA and the body of work attached to it, I was awarded a Future Fellowship in 2009 to continue my work. The next evolution for this area is to establish a national offender health research centre. Name of contact: Tony Butler Email/Phone no. of contact: tbutler@nchecr.unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 373638 CIA Name: Dr Anne Smith Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Main RFCD: Applied Statistics Total funding: $138,375 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Characterisation of subgroups of adolescent low back pain & preventable determinants: advanced statistical approaches...Characterisation of subgroups of adolescent low back pain & preventable determinants: advanced statistical approaches... Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This fellowship funded analysis of data about spinal pain in adolescents at 14 and 17 years in the Raine pregnancy cohort study. The experience of spinal pain was found to be already common at 14 years, and to have significant impact on a subgroup of adolescents by 17 years. The association of point and/or trajectory measures of a wide range of physical, lifestyle and psychosocial risk factors with spinal pain and impact were established. Subgroups of adolescence with spinal pain were identified for which preventation and management could be targetted. The results suggest early and targetted prevention and management of spinal pain and disability is relevant and achievable. Grant applications have been submitted to follow this cohort into adulthood., This fellowship also funded other projects identifying early and modifiable risk factors for pain and disability in young athletes, musicians and nurses. Expected future outcomes: Several opportunities for early intervention in childhood and adolescence to reduce the burden of chronic spinal pain have been identified by this research, and we will apply for funding to assess the efficacy of targetted interventions. Name of contact: Anne Smith Email/Phone no. of contact: Anne.Smith@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 425550 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Andrew Briggs End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $198,533 Title of research award: Understanding thoracic spine pain in adolescence and adulthoodUnderstanding thoracic spine pain in adolescence and adulthood Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This funding provided the Fellow with the opportunity to undertake novel and innovate clinical and policydriven research into musculoskeletal health in Australia. Broadly, five areas of work were covered over the funding period, including:, o Epidemiologic research into spinal pain, particularly mid-back pain, in children, adolescents and working adults. Through systematic reviews, important data were collated and synthesised to describe the impact of this spinal pain condition. These data complement other data in emphasising the significance of spinal pain conditions., o Clinical research examining the negative effects of low back pain on skeletal health, particularly bone mineral density in the low back. Preliminary data were acquired to demonstrate the association between low back pain and reduced low bone mineral density., o Clinical research examining musculoskeletal health within families in WA. A novel familial study was undertaken to examine the familial links in musculoskeletal health, such as posture, low back pain, beliefs and muscle strength. The same family cohort was used to examine health literacy among adults in WA., o Continued development and feasibility testing of a novel method to measure bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine. While standard techniques for measuring BMD rely on estimating average BMD within a vertebral body, our novel method enables the user to measure BMD within vertebral subregions. Emerging data suggest the method is better able to identify individuals with and without osteoporotic fractures. Ultimately, the method may be used in clinical practice to better identify individuals at risk of vertebral fracture., o Partnershipdriven research between policy, clinical and academic domains to evaluate the implementation of the Western Australian Models of Care for musculoskeletal health. Expected future outcomes: Future outcomes fall within two categories:, o Innovation: further development and application of novel methods to measure bone mineral density in clinical setting to better identify individuals at risk of fracture., o Expansion of partnership-driven research between policy makers, clinicians, and academics in the implementation of health policy. Name of contact: Dr Andrew Briggs Email/Phone no. of contact: A.Briggs@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 533502 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof James Semmens End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $404,579 Title of research award: The epidemiology, healthcare utilisation, treatment pathways and patient outcomes for burn injuries in Western AustraliaThe epidemiology, healthcare utilisation, treatment pathways and patient outcomes for burn injuries in Western Australia Lay Description (from application): The aims of this research proposal are to investigate the patterns of burn injury, health service utilisation, economic costs, treatment pathways, and outcomes for all patients hospitalized with burn injury in Western Australia for the period 1999-2008. An important focus will also be on the developing preventative injury education strategies. The proposal outlines a new collaborative initiative between the Burn Service of WA and the WA Centre for Population Health Research at Curtin University. Research achievements (from final report): This study involved collaboration between burns specialists, epidemiologists, health economists and health researchers to provide a unique clinical research program to support burns research. The project assessed the clinical epidemiology, health service utilisation, economic costs, treatment pathways and outcomes for all patients hospitalised with burn injury in WA for the period 1980-2008. The project contributed : 1) estimated the crude and relative annual hospital admission and mortality rates for burn injury in Western Australia 19802008; 2) evaluated the health utilisation patterns for burn patients during the index burn admission; 3) measured the crude and relative longitudinal patterns of health care events and health outcomes encountered by patients during the long-term management of their burn injury; 4) estimated the economic cost of the intensive resource utilisation associated with acute and long term burn injury management; 5) disseminated outcomes to inform prevention programs, treatment pathways, disaster response and education all have direct community impact., The project examined trends in burns injury and important outcomes resulting from burns for obsteric outcomes, cancer outcomes, rural versus remote injuries and age related injuries. The project produced 8 scientific papers and 10 conference presentations. Expected future outcomes: The project has led to the establishment of the WA Burns Research Centre, based at the Unversity of Western Australia and led by Professor fiona Wood. The research project has also provided the opportunity for international comparison in Scotland ( the Scottish Information Services Division), Oxfor University (through the Oxford Record Linkiage Unit, and the Swansea Data Linkage Unit (Wales, UK). Name of contact: Professor Fiona Wood Email/Phone no. of contact: Fiona Wood <fw@mccomb.org.au> NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 533504 CIA Name: Prof Tony Butler Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Main RFCD: Preventive Medicine Total funding: $275,401 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Does Traumatic Brain Injury lead to offending behaviour?Does Traumatic Brain Injury lead to offending behaviour? Lay Description (from application): Rates of reported traumatic brain injury (TBI) in offender and prisoner populations are extremely high (~80%). It has been suggested that TBI may be responsible for half the crimes leading to incarceration. Criminal behaviour is complex and the role of TBI in this conundrum is unclear. Our study will examine this question using data-linkage. Should we find a link between TBI and subsequent offending, this opens up the possibility of developing interventions aimed at preventing this trajectory. Research achievements (from final report): This study has demonstrated that the link between exposure to traumatic brain injury and subsequent offending behaviour is not a simple exposure and outcome relationship as many have assumed. What we demonstrated through the careful selection of community and sibling controls is that while exposure to traumatic brain injury is indeed associated with an increased risk of offending behaviours, when we examined sibling controls this relationship does bear out. Thus, in logistic regression models adjusted for treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, psychiatric illness, Aboriginality, and socioeconomic disadvantage, TBI was associated with increased offending in both males (OR =1.7, 95% CI 1.5-1.9) and females (OR=1.5, 95% CI 1.2-1.9) compared with the unexposed community group. However, when compared with unexposed siblings, no association between TBI and offending was apparent in either sex (males OR = 1.1, 95% CI 0.9-1.3; and females OR = 0.9, 95% CI 0.61.2)., The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that TBI significantly increases the risk of subsequent offending. The lack of an association between TBI and offending when siblings served as a comparison group suggests that the risks both of offending and TBI may be influenced by common genetic, familial and developmental factors. Expected future outcomes: We anticipate that future research will focus on the risk of offending in those exposed to traumatic brain injury but will not view this in a simplistic cause and effect relationship. Name of contact: Tony Butler Email/Phone no. of contact: tbutler@kirby.unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 533526 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Leon Straker End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Curtin University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $538,136 Title of research award: RCT of the impact of electronic game use by children on physical activity and energy expenditureRCT of the impact of electronic game use by children on physical activity and energy expenditure Lay Description (from application): Increasing childhood obesity and reduced physical activity are major health issues in Australia. Three quarters of Australian children play electronic games and this is widely thought to reduce their physical activity. Whilst the effect of TV viewing is well understood, the impact of electronic games is not. This study will test whether access to electronic games results in decreased physical activity in children. We need to understand the impact this popular activity is having on child health. Research achievements (from final report): Data successfully collected from 87 families enabling testing for the first time the relative benefit of banning or replacing sedentary electronic games. Expected future outcomes: Advice for health practitioners, educators and parents on whether banning electronic games or replacing sedentary electronic games with active electronic games results in better activity outcomes., Advice to gaming industry on desirable features of electronic games Name of contact: Leon Straker Email/Phone no. of contact: L.Straker@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 534409 CIA Name: Prof Robert Newton Admin Inst: Edith Cowan University Main RFCD: Oncology and Carcinogenesis Total funding: $519,331 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A Phase III clinical trial of exercise modalities on treatment side-effects in men receiving therapy for prostate cancerA Phase III clinical trial of exercise modalities on treatment side-effects in men receiving therapy for prostate cancer Lay Description (from application): Hormone therapy is very effective for treating prostate cancer however it produces a number of side effects including muscle and bone loss, fat gain, and increased risk of death from heart disease and diabetes. In other populations physical exercise has proven particulary effective for preventing such problems however no long term studies with prostate cancer patients have ever confirmed this. Knowledge gained from this study has potential to markedly reduce suffering and increase survival. Research achievements (from final report): This randomised controlled trial of different exercise modes is the longest and largest ever completed in men with prostate cancer to our knowledge. With the primary outcome being bone mineral density it is also one of the first to address bone loss as a devastating toxicity of androgen deprivation therapy. A particularly unique feature of this project was the application of "impact" exercise as highly tailored and specific prescription to slow or possibly prevent bone loss resulting from testosterone suppression. We observed for the first time that exercise could totally prevent bone loss in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy while men receiving usual care continued to exhibit declines in bone mineral density. Importantly in terms of current national and international exercise recommendations a more standard exercise program consisting of aerobic and resistance training did not appreciably slow bone loss in these patients. This was surprising given previous research findings in men and women not receiving testosterone suppression received considerable benefit in terms of bone health from such a standard program. In terms of muscle mass the combination of impact and resistance training produced significantly greater gains in terms of muscle hypertrophy than the standard program and usual care resulted in continuing muscle atrophy. This is also a novel finding as it appears that men with prostate cancer undergoing testosterone deprivation appear much more susceptible to the interference effects of aerobic exercise undertaken simultaneously with resistance exercise. Expected future outcomes: Exercise prescription for cancer patients appears to require much more specific attention to exercise mode and dosage, in particular if treatment side-effects are to be prioritised for management. The principal future outcome of this research should be the change to clinical practice with tailored exercise programs rather than provision of current generic guidelines. Name of contact: Professor Rob Newton Email/Phone no. of contact: r.newton@ecu.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 160052 CIA Name: A/Pr Xin-Fu Zhou Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $461,443 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in plasticity of injured sensory neuronsRoles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in plasticity of injured sensory neurons Lay Description (from application): The fundamental problem of how nerve cells respond to a nerve injury has long been studied by neuroscientists and clinicians. After a nerve injury outside the brain or spinal cord, ie, in the periphery, some sensory nerve cells die, some regenerate to reconnect to their targets, and some sprout to make abnormal connections. Recent evidence from our lab and others indicates that the nerve sprouting is linked to chronic pain experienced by nerve-injury patients. However, how these changes occur still remains largely unknown. Our recent studies showed that growth factors, particularly brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is made by the sensory nerve cells, may play important roles in mediating these changes. This proposed project, directly evolved from our recent exciting findings, aims to further examine roles and action mechanisms of BDNF and its relatives in regulating the responses of sensory nerve cells to a nerve injury. We propose that after an injury, BDNF promotes survival of some nerve cells, enhances sensory nerve regeneration in both periphery and spinal cord, and also mediates abnormal nerve sprouting and is involved in neuropathic pain. With strong expertise and powerful tools in hand, we have designed a series of experiments to investigate the roles and action mechanisms of BDNF and its related molecules in these processes. Results from this project will help us understand mechanisms underlying the responses of nerve cells to a nerve injury, and should provide much needed information which would help in designing new methods for enhancing nerve cell survival and nerve regeneration as well as for inhibiting nerve injury-induced chronic pain in nerve-injury patients. Research achievements (from final report): This project grant enable us to investigate the functional roles of brain derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor in the development of neuropathic pain, in the regeneration of injured spinal cord and nerve cell death after nerve injury. We found that after nerve injury neuropathic pain is partially caused increased production of neurotrophic factors. Suppression of these factors with specific antibodies can alleviate the pain. We found that the neuropathic pain is caused by inflammation but not direct damage to sensory nerves. We also found that increased production of neurotrophic factors plays a critical role in the regeneration of injured cord. These factors can either protect nerve from death or enhance the death depending the microenvironment and expression levels of their receptor p75. Expected future outcomes: Based on our findings, we can develop therapeutics for the treatment of neuropathic pain by using antagonizing drugs to nerve growth factor or brain derived neurotrophic factor. We may also increase the production of BDNF by the peripheral nerves or tissues to enhance the regeneration of the spinal cord. Name of contact: Xin-Fu Zhou Email/Phone no. of contact: xin-fu.zhou@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 160062 CIA Name: Prof Jegan Krishnan Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $188,450 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The design, development and clinical assessment of a new metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesisThe design, development and clinical assessment of a new metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesis Lay Description (from application): Rheumatoid arthritis is a crippling form of arthritis that affects many people in the community. It commonly involves the finger joints in the hands resulting in deformity, pain and subsequent loss of function. There have been implants designed for finger joint replacement, but unfortunately these implants have had only moderate benefits and can break and lead to further joint destruction resulting in the worsening of deformity and pain. A new implant for finger joint replacement has been developed. This implant has several potential advantages. Firstly the unique design acts to prevent recurring deformity in the fingers with rheumatoid disease while allowing functional motion. Secondly, it is thought that patients will return to function earlier and avoid the need for further finger surgery as this implant design relies less on the tissues around it for stability. The purpose of this study is to investigate the biomechanical and clinical benefits of this new implant for finger joint replacement. The new design will undergo specific laboratory tests and be used in a clinical trial to quantify the therapeutic benefits it provides to patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Research achievements (from final report): The reseach in the project assessed a newly developed implant for knuckle joint replacement. This joint was tested biomechanically and manufacturing processes and the materials used to make the implant were refined accordingly. Subsequent implant of this new joint into a person with rheumatoid arthritis showed that the joint was effective in restoring function to the hand. One very important observation from this research was that the tools available to assess hand function were limited, particularly for people with rheumatoid arthritis before and after joint-replacement surgery. Therefore, considerable effort was made to improve and standardise the available tools and to develop new and more appropriate tools and measurement devices. Expected future outcomes: Commercial development of the newly developed prosthesis is continuing with an Orthopaedic prosthesis manufacturer., The development and assessment of hand-function testing tools and devices is also expected to lead to new instruments more appropriate to the rheumatoid hand. Name of contact: Professor Jegan Krishnan Email/Phone no. of contact: jegan.krishnan@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 160091 CIA Name: A/Pr John Wakerman Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Not Allocated Total funding: $215,299 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: SRDC - Research Title of research award: Injury Prevention through Community Development Initiatives in Central AustraliaInjury Prevention through Community Development Initiatives in Central Australia Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The study has provided a detailed description and analysis of injury in Central Australia. Analysis of hospitalisations and deaths due to injury show very high rates in the region, particularly in the Aboriginal population. Land transport accidents were the most common cause of injury deaths for all residents of Central Australia, accounting for 36% of all injury deaths. For Aboriginal residents, homicide and suicide followed with similar rates, whereas for non-Aboriginal residents suicide was the second highest cause of injury death, followed by falls. Assault and other interpersonal violence were by far the most common external cause of hospitalised injury of Aboriginal residents of Central Australia, accounting for about 47% of episodes. Complications of care and falls were other common categories of external causes of injury for Aboriginal residents. Falls and land transport crashes were the most common external causes of hospitalised injury for other residents. There is a very recent history of systematic racism and external injury to Aboriginal people in the region. This includes the Stolen Generation and physical exclusion of Aboriginal people. Aboriginal perceptions of injury were much broader than the standard public health definition of external injury. Aboriginal people also describe a linked concept of 'inside injury' - a psychological or spiritual harm that can be caused by denial of culture or Aboriginal law, racism, failure to acknowledge or support Aboriginal initiative, poor communication of health or criminal justice information, sorcery, alcohol and other drugs. Tangentyere Council is at the forefront of injury prevention. Its Night Patrol and Wardens Program were evaluated and found to be effective Aboriginal initiatives based on Aboriginal systems of knowledge. They address both downstream factors (keeping people out of the criminal justice system) and upstream factors (empowering both the organisation and individuals) in injury prevention. Expected future outcomes: A number of potential benefits arise from this study.Thy include improvements in communication from the health and criminal justice systems; development of a regional public transport system to remote communities; strengthening of the Tangentyere Night Patrol; further research into the economic benefits of the Night Patrol and the concept of 'inside injury'; improvements in injury data collection. Name of contact: John Wakerman Email/Phone no. of contact: john.wakerman@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 229980 CIA Name: Prof Trevor Hearn Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Not Allocated Total funding: $470,000 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Title of research award: Effects of pin biomechanics, coating material and surface roughness on the pin-bone interface in external repairEffects of pin biomechanics, coating material and surface roughness on the pin-bone interface in external repair Lay Description (from application): Some fractures require external fixation, anchored with metal pins in the bone fragments. The reatment is generally successful, although the pin tracts often loosen and become infected. This complication may jeopardise fracture healing and must be treated. The purpose of this project is to determine what aspects of pin design predispose to these problems at the pin-bone interface. Is it the way the pins are initially inserted, perhaps not tightly enough so that the pin is unstable, or perhaps too tight, causing microcracks in the bone? Is it the material of the pin, which might be improved with a bioactive coating? Is it the surface roughness which causes different responses of bone cells? Would it help to have an antibiotic pin? This proposal is designed to answer these questions. The biomechanics of the pin will first be studied with computer models and then tested in the laboratory. The loosening and infection associated with different types of pin will then be studied biologically. The results of the study will clarify the roles of pin biomechanics, coating and surface roughness, leading to improvements in design and better outcomes in fracture patients. Research achievements (from final report): This project has established the foundations for a new device for the fixation of common fractures of the wrist. Curently used fixation pins have had a high rate of infection and loosening, with instability of the pin-bone interface as the primary precursor. The new design will optimize the stability of this interface over the time course of fracture repair. Expected future outcomes: Increasing the stability of this interface will reduce infection rates and decrease need for further medical care. Name of contact: Prof Trevor C Hearn Email/Phone no. of contact: tnahearn@ozemail.com.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 375100 CIA Name: A/Pr Judith Morris Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $472,771 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Neural circuits producing pelvic vasodilation in femalesNeural circuits producing pelvic vasodilation in females Lay Description (from application): The reproductive organs and genitalia in males and females experience a large increase in blood flow during sexual and reproductive activity. This increased blood flow (vasodilation) is a key component of penile and clitoral erection, and enhances secretion from the lining of the internal reproductive organs. Vasodilation during sexual activity is produced by a special sets of nerves receiving signals from the genitalia and the brain. In fact, Viagra works by enhancing and prolonging the actions of these nerves. An important part of this neural pathway is a group of nerve cells in the spinal cord that connects the central nervous system with peripheral nerves in the reproductive organs - these are called preganglionic neurons. Recently we discovered that a major pathway from the spinal cord to the pelvic blood vessels in females leaves the spinal cord at a different level (lumbar) from that thought previously (sacral level). Currently there is no information on how these lumbar preganglionic nerves in females are connected to other nerve pathways that are active during sexual activity, and how they integrate signals from both the internal organs and the brain. We will use an array of modern cellular techniques together with direct observation of dilation in isolated uterine arteries to discover how these nerve cells are wired up in circuits in the spinal cord. This information is vital for us to understand the factors producing increased blood flow in normal sexual activity, and how these might be altered in inflammation or in conditions where there could be selective damage to one nerve pathway and not the other, such as after pelvic surgery, spinal cord damage at different levels, or stimulation of the spinal cord for treatment of chronic pain. Our study also will help understand referred pain and sensations of discomfort in abdominal and pelvic organs. Research achievements (from final report): We studied the nerve pathways that are important for increasing blood flow to the female reproductive organs during sexual activity and the early stages of pregnancy. Using newly developed animal models we showed that a previously under-recognised nerve pathway leaving the lumbar spinal cord and descending to the reproductive organs can be activated by artificial stimulation of nerves from the genital region. However, we found that this new pathway is normally inhibited by other nerves within the spinal cord during genital stimulation. It is unclear at the moment how much this new pathway contributes to increased blood flow during normal sexual activity when other nerve pathways at sacral spinal levels are also activated. However, our results indicate that the lumbar nerve pathway is likely to be very important under conditions where the sacral nerves are damaged after essential surgery or low level spinal cord injury. This pathway is also likely to be involved in some sorts of pelvic pain, and may help to explain sexual and reproductive dysfunction during chronic inflammatory conditions. As the lumbar pathway has not been widely recognised in previous medical research and clinical practice, our results present a shift in thinking about neural regulation of the reproductive organs in health and disease. Expected future outcomes: This study should stimulate new research directions and promote use of our animal models to complement data from current research. Once the significance of our findings have been clarified in animal studies it is likely that they will impact on surgical and medical practice addressing a range of women's health issues. Name of contact: Prof Ian Gibbins Email/Phone no. of contact: Ian.Gibbins@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 375109 CIA Name: A/Pr Xin-Fu Zhou Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $472,771 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Roles of peripherally derived BDNF in regeneration of spinal cord and the mechanismsRoles of peripherally derived BDNF in regeneration of spinal cord and the mechanisms Lay Description (from application): Injury to the brain and spinal cord often leads to permanent disability due to lack of regeneration. The mechanism why central nerve does not regenerate is not known. Neurotrophic factors are powerful molecules which can overcome effects of inhibitory factors on regeneration. This project aims to investigate how neurotrophic factors override the effects of inhibitory factors and how to improve the regeneration by increasing the production of neurotrophic factors within nerves. Successful completion of this project will help understanding the mechanism of how neurotrophic factors work on regeneration and developing the effective way to improve regeneration of the injured spinal cord. Research achievements (from final report): We found that peripheral nerve lesion induced down-regulation of p75NTR and upregulation in satellite glia but spinal cord lesion caused upregulation of p75 in sensory neurons. We showed that 85% of regenerating Fast Blue labelled neurons did not express p75NTR but were surrounded by p75NTR+ satellite glia. , We also investigated the relationship between BDNF expression in DRG and regenerating neurons after spinal cord injury with a prior conditioning lesion of sciatic nerve. We found that majority of regenerating neurons were positive for BDNF and for trkC. We found that injection of exogenous BDNF into the sciatic nerve or into the footpad promoted the regeneration of ascending sensory neurons after spinal cord injury. This work suggests for the first time that peripherally derived BDNF may promote the regeneration of the spinal cord. , Sciatic nerve lesion triggered upregulation of BDNF in the injured spinal cord and in other systemic tissues such as the pituitary gland. The enhanced regeneration of corticospinal neurons was blocked by antibodies to BDNF, suggesting the peripherally derived BDNF may play a role in the regeneration. Expected future outcomes: We now expect that with the support of a commercial company we can expore the use of BDNF by peripheral injection to promote regeneration of the injured spinal cord and to carry a clinical trial for the application of BDNF in patients. Name of contact: Xin-Fu Zhou Email/Phone no. of contact: zhou0010@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 375123 CIA Name: Dr Vladimir Zagorodnyuk Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Nephrology and Urology Total funding: $408,862 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Sensory mechanisms in normal bladder and in cystitisSensory mechanisms in normal bladder and in cystitis Lay Description (from application): The function of the lower urinary tract is to store urine and release it at appropriate times. This requires neural circuits in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral ganglia. When the bladder fills, sensory neurones fire and activate these neural circuits to store urine or to empty the bladder. If sensory neurones are too easily excited (a process called sensitisation ) this will lead to clinical disorders, including the common painful bladder syndromes, whose cause is not known (interstitial cystitis, sensory urgency etc). These are characterised by pelvic pain, urinary urgency, frequency and, in some cases, urge incontinence (loss of urine for no apparent reason) which results from unstable or overactive bladder. Despite a large database of knowledge about the sensory innervation of the bladder, many important gaps still exist. These gaps have restricted the development of new therapies. For example, we have little idea about exactly which functional classes of sensory neurones signal filling of the normal bladder or what different types of information they carry. This is vital information for understanding which neurones are affected in disease states and whether they are all affected in the same way. We have developed new methods that will allow us to identify the major classes of sensory neurones that innervate the bladder, what they respond to and how they are activated. We will also determine whether some classes are preferentially sensitised by inflammation and the most important mechanisms that are likely to underlie this. The significance of this project is that it provides the basic scientific understanding of sensory innervation of the bladder and will identify potential targets for selective pharmacological intervention in common bladder disorders. Research achievements (from final report): The major achievements of the project are the identification and characterization of five distinct classes of extrinsic sensory neurones to the bladder which have different physiological and pathophysiological roles. These include two stretch-sensitive afferents (muscle mechanoreceptors and muscle-mucosal mechanoreceptors), and three stretch-insensitive afferents (mucosal high and low-responding mechanoreceptors and high threshold vascular mechanoreceptors). Transduction by major classes of bladder afferents does not depend upon Ca2+-sensitive exocytotic release of mediators, or endogenous release of ATP. Rather, benzamil-sensitive stretch-activated ion channels are present on their mechanosensitive endings and are involved in direct mechanotransduction. Different classes of bladder afferents have distinct chemosensitivity to agonists and noxious agents. It is likely that two classes of capsaicin-sensitive afferents, mucosal highresponding mechanoreceptors and high threshold vascular mechanoreceptors, are potential nociceptors and targets for pharmacological intervention in common bladder disorders. Discovery of TTX-resistant spontaneous release of acetylcholine from autonomic cholinergic extrinsic and intrinsic nerves which affects bladder contractility is also important in defining new strategies for the treatment of the overactive bladder syndrome. Expected future outcomes: This research is likely to lead to significant basic science advances in the field of autonomic neuroscience and will be beneficial for developing new targets for parmacological treatment of common bladder disorders. Name of contact: Vladimir Zagorodnyuk Email/Phone no. of contact: vladimir.zagorodnyuk@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 375196 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Fran Baum End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Flinders University Grant Type: NHMRC Strategic Awards Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $1,140,343 Title of research award: Changing patterns of work: impacts on physical and mental health and the meditating role of resiliency and social capitalChanging patterns of work: impacts on physical and mental health and the meditating role of resiliency and social capital Lay Description (from application): This project will provide, for the first time in Australia, a detailed understanding of the impact of the changing forms of employment and unemployment on overall health. It will provide original insights into what aspects of the employment relation help or harm health, and on what enables some people to escape the harm that others experience. This will provide vital information to underpin policies designed to gain the benefits of a flexible workplace, with minimum harm to workers. Research achievements (from final report): This project provided, for the first time in Australia, a detailed understanding of the impact of the changing forms of employment and unemployment on overall health. It provided original insights into what aspects of the employment relation help or harm health; and what enables some people to escape the harm that others experience. It has provided vital information to underpin policies designed to gain the benefits of a flexible workplace, with minimum harm to workers. Expected future outcomes: This research has informed future research programs of the National Institute of Labor Studies at FUSA and encouraged them to add health considerations to their work. It also led to a program on work, health and social capital at the Southgate Institute, which will continue to publish in the area. Name of contact: Professor Fran Baum Email/Phone no. of contact: fran.baum@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 426750 CIA Name: Prof Ian Gibbins Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $499,860 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Synaptic environment of nociceptive inputs to the spinal cordSynaptic environment of nociceptive inputs to the spinal cord Lay Description (from application): Pain affects everyone at some stage in their life. Usually, the pain subsides by itself as the underlying cause is resolved. Thus, the damaged tissue heals or we move away from a potentially injurious stimulus and we become free of pain. However, pain can persist for two main reasons: the underlying cause cannot be treated adequately and the painful stimulus continues; or the pain is maintained long after the primary stimulus has resolved. This ongoing pain often is resistant to alleviation by common analgesics. Therefore, a major aim of the pharmaceutical industry is the development of new drugs to target persistent pain. This requires a thorough understanding of how the nerves that detect painful stimuli transmit that information into the spinal cord, and then on to the brain, where we construct a conscious perception of the pain. Various kinds of painful stimuli, such as tissue damage, noxious chemicals, or extreme temperatures, are detected by different types of nerves. Each nerve type can be identified by its characteristic chemical profile. Recently, we found that some of these nerves probably do not transmit their messages to the spinal cord in the way everyone had thought. This means that there must be an alternative way for many types of painful stimuli to be transmitted into the spinal cord. In this project, we will use a sophisticated suite of modern microscopic and electrical recording techniques to find out what this alternative mechanism is. Our central idea is that most types of painful stimuli simultaneously activate two types of sensory nerves. These nerves then connect with specific nerve cells in the spinal cord before painful information is relayed to the brain. Our proposal suggests a new mechanism for understanding how pain can develop from being an acute defensive reaction to a chronic problem. In turn, this should lead to improved strategies for developing and testing new analgesic drugs. Research achievements (from final report): During this project we identified and mapped a significant population of sensory nerves that previously have been overlooked by other investigators. These nerves probably are responsible for a subset of painful sensations coming from the skin and other areas of the body. One charactersitic of these nerves is that they use a different combination of chemical neurotransmitters compared with other types of nerves that transmit painful stimuli. Expected future outcomes: Better understanding of mechanisms leading to chronic pain syndromes or intermittant pain that cannot be treated by conventional analgesics. Name of contact: Ian Gibbins Email/Phone no. of contact: ian.gibbins@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 426758 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Maria Crotty End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Flinders University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $572,543 Title of research award: Individual Nutrition Therapy and Exercise Regime: A Controlled Trial of Injured, Vulnerable Elderly (INTERACTIVE trial).Individual Nutrition Therapy and Exercise Regime: A Controlled Trial of Injured, Vulnerable Elderly (INTERACTIVE trial). Lay Description (from application): Hip fractures are a common and growing problem for older Australians. Unfortunately recovery is incomplete in most people. In this study two factors believed to be important for recovery will be investigated - exercise and nutrition. After a hip fracture the ability to walk is severely compromised, as are appetite and dietary intake. These factors are likely to contribute to the loss of muscle mass and strength frequently observed amongst this patient group. There is considerable evidence to suggest that this loss has serious consequences in terms of ability to return to pre-injury levels of function, restriction in independence and ultimately transfer into a hostel or nursing home. Given these facts it makes sense that an exercise program incorporating strength and functional activities, and a nutrition program aimed at achieving nutritional requirements, will improve ability to walk, but there is no conclusive evidence that this is so. Only a small number of studies have tested whether an exercise program improves recovery after a hip fracture and these have mostly commenced weeks or months after the injury when it is likely that there has been irreversible decline in muscle mass and strength. In contrast, most of the nutrition studies commence soon after the injury but provide protein and calories insufficient to meet requirements, provide supplements that patients find difficult to drink or provide the supplements for only a short duration. This study will use the best quality research methods to test whether providing a 6-month individualised exercise and nutrition program to hip fracture patients soon after injury improves walking and other important health outcomes. Patients will be followed for 12 months to determine what difference the exercise and nutrition programs make. If they help then health services will have the evidence they need to recommend this type of program to the growing number of older Australians that suffer a hip fracture. Research achievements (from final report): The INTERACTIVE trial recruited 175 patients following hip fracture for 12 months. Each received either a combined nutriton and exercise program or the equivalent attention via social visits. 12 month data was collected for the last participant late 2010 and since this time considerable effort has been devoted to ensuring the integrity of the data for analysis by an experienced Biostatistician. There have been some manuscripts published in peer-review scientific journals since the trial commenced and currently there are four manuscripts in draft form. It is anticipated that each of these will be submitted by the end of 2011. The trial has seen the completion of one research higher degree student and two others are currently analysing data for the purpose of their thesis, including a comprehenisive cost effectiveness evaluation of the trial. This is the first cost effectiveness evaluation of a nutrition and exercise trial following hip fracture and it is expected that the findings will have significant policy implications. The investigators have identified an additional 6 potential manuscripts which will be prioritised for drafting in early 2012. Expected future outcomes: The results of the trial are expected to inform current practice for hip fracture rehabilitation, particularly in relation to the effectiveness of exercise programs and the costs associated with delivering a home based service to vulnerable older adults. Name of contact: Professor Maria Crotty Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY maria.crotty@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 535080 CIA Name: Prof Ian Gibbins Admin Inst: Flinders University Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $397,225 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Sensory neuronal pathways from the lower genital tract of femalesSensory neuronal pathways from the lower genital tract of females Lay Description (from application): Many women experience severe debilitating pain upon normally innocuous contact with their genitalia. The causes of this pain are unknown. Therefore, this project will use a suite of sophisticated microscopic and electrical recording techniques to identify the neural pathways that transmit sensation, including pain, from the female lower genital tract. Our new data will help create a rational basis for understanding and treating the physical basis of genital pain in women. Research achievements (from final report): We discovered an extraordinarily complex and dense innervation of the clitoris by large diameter endings that must include low threshold mechanoceptors responding to gentle touch. Such endings are prominent in dermal papilla of the clitoris but are rare elsewhere in vulval and perineal skin and are absent from hairy body skin. Each large diameter ending is accompanied by at least one finer varicose sensory fibre containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), but not substance P (SP) that arise from dorsal root ganglion neurons with midsized cell bodies typical of Adelta fibres. Neurons with this phenotype project both to the superficial dorsal horn and a well defined region in the deep dorsal horn. These CGRP-containing neurons are most likely high threshold mechanoceptors, and are the best candidates for mediating chronic genital pain. , We first used electrophysiological methods to define a novel ascending intraspinal pathway from pudendal nerve sensory inputs to lumbar sympathetic outflows. We then used c-Fos labelling to identify neurons in the sacral spinal cord activated by afferents from the lower genital tract. We found neurons in superficial and deep dorsal horn that are activated by different degrees of mechanical stimulation of the clitoris and labia. Many c-Fos labelled cells are associated with CGRP-containing sensory endings in the dorsal horn. Spinal sections have provided evidence in support of our electrophysiological data that local inhibitory spinal circuits tonically suppress reflex activation of spinal autonomic outputs. Expected future outcomes: We anticpate continuing to characterise the functional properties of sensory nerves innervating the female genital tract including changs in their behaviour that may lead to pathological genital pain conditions. Name of contact: Ian Gibbins Email/Phone no. of contact: ian.gibbins@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 595931 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: A/Pr Michelle Miller End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: Flinders University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified Total funding: $480,246 Title of research award: A TriaL Assessing N-3 as Treatment for Injury-induced Cachexia (ATLANTIC trial)A TriaL Assessing N-3 as Treatment for Injury-induced Cachexia (ATLANTIC trial) Lay Description (from application): The anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil are well documented. Hip fracture is common and patients suffer significant inflammation, unintentional weight and muscle loss leading to poor outcomes. This study aims to reduce the weight loss suffered by hip fracture patients by prescribing an intervention of individualised nutrition support and high dose fish oil. Research achievements (from final report): This trial has completed enrolment of 150 older adults following hip fracture and administered a 12 week intervention where participants have received 20ml of a moderate dose of omega 3 fatty acids or 20 ml of a very low dose of omega 3 fatty acids. The trial has provided these 150 participants with 12 weeks of intensive monitoring by an Accredited Practising Dietitian and an additional 9 months of follow-up, a service which is completely absent from current services. We hope to be able to demonstrate that the moderate dose omega 3 intervention has reduced the inflammatory burden post-surgery sufficient to allow for an acceptable response to nutrition support, that is, prevention of further weight loss, in particular muscle mass. The data are currently being analysed and the findings should be available soon. The trial has also allowed for training of future researchers with two PhD students contributing to the trial and many student Dietitians having the opportunity to observe. Expected future outcomes: We expect to publish at least 4 additional manuscripts using data from this trial and to present the key findings at local, national and international conferences. Name of contact: A/Professor Michelle Miller Email/Phone no. of contact: michelle.miller@flinders.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 325601 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Tuan Nguyen End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: Garvan Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $363,000 Title of research award: GENETIC PREDICTION OF FRACTURE IN A RISK-STRATIFIED POPULATIONGENETIC PREDICTION OF FRACTURE IN A RISK-STRATIFIED POPULATION Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a condition characterised by excessive bone loss and impaired bone quality, which ultimately results in fracture with minimal trauma. Osteoporosis affects 27% of women and 11% of men aged 60 years or above in the community, and costs Australia around $7 billion each year. Individuals with low bone mineral density (BMD) have a significantly higher risk of fracture than those with normal BMD. In the long-term (14year) Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study, more than half of individuals with osteoporosis (e.g., low BMD) did not sustain a fracture, while approximately 60% of fracture cases had BMD above the high risk levels. Thus, BMD alone is not a good discriminant of fracture versus non-fracture cases. It is widely known that the liability to fracture is determined in part by genes. Previous studies, including from our group, have suggested a number of candidate genes that are associated with fracture risk. The fundamental issue that this study is concerned is that how and whether genetic markers could be used to facilitate case finding. It is proposed that common variations of certain genes are associated with fracture risk independent of BMD. That is, they can identify individuals at relatively high and low fracture risk after stratification for BMD. Hence, some markers may identify those individuals likely (and unlikely) to fracture even with low (osteoporotic) BMD. Similarly, some, possibly the same, markers may identify individuals at high risk of fracture despite relatively "good" (ie non-osteoporotic) BMD. It is further proposed that no single gene will achieve this outcome, but rather a small set of such gene polymorphisms will provide clinically useful risk information. This effect is entirely analogous to the use of clinical risk indicators (eg, age, weight, sex, family history, etc) to assess the risk of future fracture. Research achievements (from final report): 1. We have genotyped 85 SNP, including the vitamin D receptor (VDR), collagen I alpha-1 (COLIA1), estrogen receptor, beta-3 adrenergic receptor, and LRP-5 genes, for 2178 men and women in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study., 2. We have completed a genome-wide association study as part of a multicentre collaborative study designed to search for osteoporosis genes. From this study, we have identified a number of loci that were associated with fracture risk of bone mineral density. , 3. We have published 8 papers, including 4 original contributions, in international peer-reviewed journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Genetics, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. We have published an important finding on the association between polymorphisms of the VDR and COLIA1 genes and hip fracture, in which carriers of the VDR CC genotype (16% prevalence) and COLIA1 TT genotype (5% prevalence) had an increased risk of hip fracture. Approximately 20% and 12% of the liability to hip fracture was attributable to the presence of the CC genotype and TT genotype, respectively., 4. We have developed a prognostic model that incorporates genotypes for predicting fracture risk in an individual. This prognostic model represents the first attempt in the world to translate genetic information into practical clinical use. We are planning to make this model available worldwide through the internat implementation of the model. Expected future outcomes: Development of prognostic model incorporating genetic data for predicting fracture risk Name of contact: Tuan V. Nguyen Email/Phone no. of contact: t.nguyen@garvan.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 376028 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Paul Baldock End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Garvan Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $472,771 Title of research award: Hypothalamic signalling in cortical and trabecular bone anabolic activityHypothalamic signalling in cortical and trabecular bone anabolic activity Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a disease associated with an exponential rise in the number of fractures in the elderly. These fractures are so common that around 1 in 3 women and 1in four men will be affected. They cause pain, disability that can be permanent disability and are associated with premature death. Current treatments are able to effectively increase bone strength in osteoporotic patients but can not return bone strength to normal. Some new treatments can restore bone strength to some extent but these are limited by expense and safety concerns. We have discovered a pathway in the brain that reduces bone formation and by blocking this pathway we can achieve doubling of the amount of bone in key bone sites. This occurs due to a marked increase in the amount of new bone formed. In fact, genetic manipulation of this pathway was able to double the speed at which bone is made by the skeleton. Excitingly, these increases in bone were possible in adult mice, suggesting such changes could be potential therapy for human patients. However, in order to be able to harness this pathway we must understand what molecules within the brain are responsible for the signals that reach the bone. Our proposal aims to identify the nerve signalling molecule(s) and the receptor for these signals within the brain that initiates the increase in bone formation. This project ultimately aims to identify a target for new therapies that could cause this beneficial effect by administration of a simple treatment, preferably by mouth in adult humans. Research achievements (from final report): N/A Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Dr Paul Baldock Email/Phone no. of contact: p.baldock@garvan.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 427632 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Paul Baldock End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Garvan Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $662,065 Title of research award: Neuropeptide control of bone cell functionNeuropeptide control of bone cell function Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a disease associated with a progressive rise in the number of fractures in the elderly. These fractures are so common that around 1 in 3 women and 1in 4 men will be affected. They cause pain, disability that can be permanent and are associated with loss of independence even premature death. Current treatments are able to partially restore bone strength in osteoporotic patients but can not return bone strength to normal. Some new treatments can restore bone strength to some extent but these are limited by expense and safety concerns. We have discovered a pathway in the brain that when blocked, results in a doubling of the amount of bone in key bone sites and dramatic increases in bone strength. This occurs due to a marked increase in the amount of new bone formed. In fact, genetic manipulation of this pathway was able to double the speed at which bone is made by the skeleton. Excitingly, these increases in bone were possible in adult mice, suggesting such changes could be potential therapy for human patients. We went on to test the effectiveness of this pathway in animal models of human skeletal weakness and have shown that it is capable of remarkable benefits. However, in order to be able to harness this pathway we must understand what molecules within the bone that are responding to the signals from the brain. Our proposal aims to identify the nerve signalling molecule(s) and pathways for these signals within the bone that initiate the increase in bone formation. This project ultimately aims to identify a target for new therapies that could achieve this beneficial effect by administration in osteoporotic women and men Research achievements (from final report): This project was the first to link a centrally mediated pathway to bone. We had previously identified hypothalamic actions of the neuropeptide pathway involving Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and its powerful control of bone metabolism. The peripheral mechanism was unknown. This project defined the action at the osteoblast and further reported it to be a peripheral action of NPY, which was notable for it was mainly considered a brain active molecule. , Moreover, this work lays open the possibility of direct modulation of osteoblast activity by modulation of the local NPY Y1 receptor. This is currently the focus of a NHMRC project grant [ID_535932]. Models developed in the grant have enabled detailed expression profiling of Y1 action in osteoblasts and the potential for cross regulation bet ween bone and fat cells., This project also enabled assessment of the time course off NPY action during osteoblast differentiation. It highlighted a far more complex and involved interaction between neural signalling and the cells of bone than previously thought. , This information will be critical in considering NPY as a potential treatment for altered bone mass. Expected future outcomes: Curentl work is fi=ocussed upon preclinical models to assess the potential for Y1 receptor modualtion for control of beon metabolism Name of contact: Dr Paul Baldock Email/Phone no. of contact: p.baldock@garvan.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 481313 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Tuan Nguyen End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: Garvan Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $738,163 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): My research activities can be broadly classified into three strands: epidemiology of fracture, genetics of osteoporosis, and application of Bayesian approach in medical research. The major epidemiological work has included the development of models for in Research achievements (from final report): My research seeks to discover risk factors and genes that are associated with fracture, and to translate these findings into personalised assessment, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. With the NHMRC Research Fellowship support, I have been able to conduct important research projetcs within the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study in which I am a Principal Investigator. My research group and I have developed and implemented a fracture risk assessment model called "Garvan Fracture Risk Calculator", which has been used by doctors and patients worldwide. We have further defined the seminal relationship between fracture and mortality which has fundamentally changed the way doctors think about osteoporosis. We have continued working on the genetics of osteoporosis, and by working with international colleagues, we have discovered genes that are associated with fracture and bone mineral density. Expected future outcomes: The above work and discoveries lead us to develop a new model for individualised assessment of fracture risk. This work will move us a step closer to the idea of personalised medicine. Name of contact: Tuan V. Nguyen Email/Phone no. of contact: t.nguyen@garvan.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 535932 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Dr Paul Baldock End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Garvan Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $469,740 Title of research award: Manipulation of neural pathways for bone healingManipulation of neural pathways for bone healing Lay Description (from application): Orthopaedic medicine utilises precise control of critical aspects of the bone healing response. This proposal looks at a novel, and powerful neural-based method for controlling these processes. This will be done by modulating the activity of the neuropeptide Y1 receptor, recently identified on osteoblastic cells and capable of powerful, inverse regulation of bone formation activity. Harnessing these effects will provide a critical tool for existing surgical practice. Research achievements (from final report): Fracture healing is a complex process involving coordination of numerous cell types and signalling pathways. In order to aid our interpretation of NPY's effects on this process, we have first endeavoured to characterise the baseline phenotypes of the models involved., Aim1: The effects of NPY and osteoblastic Y1 receptor deletion have been analysed as a prerequisite to understanding the fracture studies. We have also examined Y1 effects in fat cells, as an important potential side effect of Y1 receptor modulation., Fracture studies have been carried out for germline Y1 KO mice, which show a marked delay in fracture healing compared to wild type mice. This exciting data provides critical data regarding Y1 modulation as a potential therapy, and gives clues to the complex nature of neuropeptide signalling in bone. The repeat experiment using osteoblast specific Y1 KO mice displayed no difference in healing evident from wild type, indicating a non-osteoblastic origin of the reduced callus in Y1R KO., Aim2: Importantly, we have modelled chronic oral treatment of an NPYmodulating compound in mice for the first time. BIBO 0334, a Y1 receptor antagonist has been fed to mice for 2 months, and has produced a skeletal phenocopy of the germline Y1 KO. However, fracture healing in BIBO treated mice was not altered, indicating this is a safe bone anabolic treatement for high fracture risk populations, such as osteoporotic individuals., This is the first neuropapetide-based therapy shown to be affective in chronic treatment and in fracture. Expected future outcomes: This project has provided novel insights into the regulatory influence of the NPY system in bone and the possible therapeutic role of NPY via control of Y1 signalling. Moreover, it has determined which aspects of bone healing are most amenable to NPY-based therapy, and thus defined which specific areas of clinical need in bone repair that might be genuine targets for further development. Name of contact: Paul Baldock Email/Phone no. of contact: p.baldock@garvan.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 231421 CIA Name: A/Pr Nigel Morrison Admin Inst: Griffith University Main RFCD: Rheumatology and Arthritis Total funding: $330,375 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Gene variants related to bone density and fracture.Gene variants related to bone density and fracture. Lay Description (from application): Bone density and osteoporosis have a genetic component. Identifying genes that are involved in determining bone density may permit advances in controlling osteoporosis. We have identified a variant that is related to bone density high enough to protect individuals four fold against Colle's fracture, the common wrist fracture seen in women. In addition, some people with bone fracture at the hip, or low bone density, have mutations in this gene. The gene is a master regulator of the cells that make bone: this gives hope that it may be possible to alter bone formation through this master regulator. Research achievements (from final report): The RUNX2 gene is expressed in both bone and cartilage and is therefore a candidate gene for both osteoporosis (OP) and osteoarthritis (OA). Not only is RUNX2 important for OP and OA, this gene impacts on periodontal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, loosening of prosthetic devices, and bone loss from malignant cancer. At least 20% of the population will suffer from one of these conditions in a life time. Runx2 gene variants have considerable effect on fracture and bone density (BMD). In an average sized school (say 1000 children), 5 will be carriers of Q-mutants. In a community of 100,000 people, 377 will be carriers of the RUNX2 Q deletions that confer -0.6SD lower BMD and 133 others will have the 30Q allele that confers -1.1 SD BMD. For every 1SD decline in BMD, fracture increases two fold. Based on Australia's population, 102,000 people are carriers of Q mutations and will start life with an increased fracture risk. OP and OA are major causes of morbidity and reduced productivity due to the demographic trend of increased aged persons as a proportion of the total population. Osteoporosis Australia estimates that the cost of OP-related fractures and hospitalisation will be $1 billion by 2010. Access Economics claims that the cost of OA to Australia in 2004 was $19.4 billion dollars. This project has contributed to understanding the genetic influences of RUNX2 on bone and future work will cover influences on OA. Expected future outcomes: Three journal publications are in the process of final editing for submission to top journals such as JBMR. These papers cover the resubmitted paper on Q-repeat in RUNX2, the influence of 11-Ala polymorphims on fracture risk and targets of RUNX2 in osteoblasts. Name of contact: Nigel Morrison Email/Phone no. of contact: N.Morrison@griffith.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 277002 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof David Shum End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Griffith University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Learning, Memory, Cognition and Language Total funding: $213,950 Title of research award: Evaluation of rehabilitation strategies for prospective memory in individuals with traumatic brain injuryEvaluation of rehabilitation strategies for prospective memory in individuals with traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from motor vehicle accidents and other mishaps is a leading cause of death and disability in young adults. Memory problems is one of the most common and debilitating symptoms reported by people with TBI. Traditionally, the treatment of memory problems has focussed on retrospective memory or the ability to recall or recognise previously learned information (e.g., remembering the name of a person, recalling the content of yesterday's news stories). Little research has been conducted on problems with another type of memory called prospective memory or the ability to remember to do something in the future (e.g., remembering to attend an appointment, remembering to pay a bill before its due date). The treatment of prospective memory problems in people with TBI is, however, very important for assisting them to return to work and successful integration into the community. This is because the ability to remember to do things at the right time is essential for work and for independent living. In addition, failure to treat this type of problems can be risky or even life threatening (e.g., forgetting to take medication, forgetting to turn off an electrical appliance). This project aims to evaluate the independent and combined effectiveness of two rehabilitation strategies, namely, promoting awareness of memory problems and adopting compensatory strategies. In addition, this project aims to gauge whether a better management of prospective memory problem will lead to better functioning in the community. Research achievements (from final report): Traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from motor vehicle and other causes is a leading cause of death and disability in young adults. Memory impairment is one of the most common and debilitating problems reported by people with TBI. Traditionally, the rehabilitation of memory impairment has focused on retrospective memory or the ability to recall or recognise previously learned information. There has been little research on a new type of memory called prospective memory or the ability to remember to do things in the future (e.g., remembering to attend an appointment or take medication). This type of memory is important for successful independent living in the community and its failure can be risky or life threatening. This project aimed to evaluate the relative effectiveness of self-awareness training (training versus no training) and type of memory training (compensatory versus remedial), alone and in combination, in improving prospective memory in individuals with TBI. Four groups of participants with TBI took part in an 8-week rehabilitation programme and it was found that participants in the compensatory condition showed better improvement in prospective memory than participants in the remedial condition. The effect self-awareness training on prospective memory was not as strong. Interestingly, compensatory memory training was also found to lead to improvements in psychosocial adjustment. Compared to other studies, this study used a more powerful research design and included more participants. The results obtained, therefore, are more reliable and generalisable. Expected future outcomes: By publishing the results of this study, it is envisaged that the memory rehabilitation programme developed in this study will attract the attention of practitioners and researchers. Adoption of the programme in Australia and overseas can help individuals with TBI to better manage and compensate for their prospective memory problems. Name of contact: Professor David Shum Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY D.Shum@griffith.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 511187 CIA Name: Prof Mark Forwood Admin Inst: Griffith University Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $493,817 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Cell biology of stress fractures: activation of remodelling at sites of non-unionCell biology of stress fractures: activation of remodelling at sites of non-union Lay Description (from application): Stress fractures are debilitating injuries. We characterised a model of stress fractures in rat ulnae, learning that they heal by activated remodelling, that key genes are expressed in a temporal pattern, and that part of the fracture remains un-healed, similar to many clinical cases. Now, we will examine cell localisation of important genes necessary for remodelling, and test the efficacy of different growth factors to activate a healing response in the non-healed section of the fracture. Research achievements (from final report): We demonstrated that chemical signals produced by bone cells, at the site of a stress fracture, are crucial for regulating bone remodeling that heals stress fractures. In particular, specific molecules, called chemokines, are produced by cells around the stress fracture and guide the bone cells to the site of stress fracture healing. We also showed that drugs used to reduce pain (such as ibuprofen), or treat osteoporosis (such as bisphosphonates), slow down the healing of stress fractures. Our discoveries are important because they guide physicians in the use of drugs in people who may be experiencing a stress fracture, and also suggest potential therapies to accelerate healing. Our results were used by a task force of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research to highlight the potential aetiology of atypical femoral fractures appearing in patients who have been treated with bisphosphonates for long periods. Expected future outcomes: The observations regarding chemokine regulation of bone remodeling in stress fracture repair, suggest that parathyroid hormone may be a beneficial treatment to accelerate healing when stress fractures fail to repair, or in patients experiencing atypical femoral stress fractures while being treated with bisphosphonates Name of contact: Prof Mark Forwood Email/Phone no. of contact: m.forwood@griffith.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 990761 Start Year: 1999 CIA Name: A/Pr Andrew Gundlach End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: Howard Florey Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $802,291 Title of research award: Dynamics of neuropeptide systems in brain: Focus on novel galanin pathways and receptorsDynamics of neuropeptide systems in brain: Focus on novel galanin pathways and receptors Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This project aimed to characterize the distribution, regulation and function of the important galanin peptidereceptor systems in the central nervous system of the rat and mouse. Initial aims were to map the distribution of galanin receptor subtypes in adult and developing brain; to characterise a newly identified galanin nerve pathway in the inferior olive and cerebellar in the mouse; and to examine the effect of a range of experimental treatments on galanin and galanin receptor expression in different classes of brain neurons, including effects of motor nerve damage, cerebral ischemia and 'spreading depression' in the cortex, and homeostatic changes such as water deprivation or salt-loading. Most of these aims were achieved and yielded important information about the functional role of galanin signalling in the brain., Thus, specific studies revealed: (i) the differential abundance and distribution of two main subtypes of galanin receptor (GalR1 and GalR2) mRNA in postnatal developing and adult rat brain; (ii) the induction of GalR1 receptors in granule cells during the development of the mouse cerebellum; (iii) activity-dependent increases in galanin in inferior olive neurons associated with drug-induced tremor; (iv) the distribution and regulation of GalR1 receptors in vasopressin neurons in the hypothalamus; (v) the previously unknown distribution of galanin-like peptide (GALP) in neurons in the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus and in specialized glial cells (pituicytes) in the pituitary gland, along with GALP upregulation in these latter cells by osmotic stress; (vi) a delayed, transient expression of galanin in cells in cerebral cortex identified as oligodendrocyte precursors, following activation by acute waves of spreading electrical/metabolic depression; and (vii) the presence of galanin and GalR1 and GalR2 in cells within the 'proliferative zones' of the adult brain, where new neurons, glia and oligodendrocytes are produced from neural stem cells. Expected future outcomes: These findings provide a solid framework for continuing studies of central galanin systems, including elucidation of the role of galanin systems in brain injury, particularly in oligodendrocyte precursors, in developing brain and in adult neural stem cells. Findings also suggest new avenues of further investigation of GALP biology and its role in integrating metabolism and reproductive function. Name of contact: Andrew Gundlach Email/Phone no. of contact: a.gundlach@hfi.unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 219325 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Prof Roderick McClure End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Injury Prevention and Control (Australia) Ltd Grant Type: NHMRC Partnerships Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $1,335,418 Title of research award: A research based solution to the public health problem of injuryA research based solution to the public health problem of injury Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The overall aims of the IPCA Research Partnership in Injury focused on the science that underpinned the implementation of community based programs for the prevention of injury in each of the life stage categories and in Indigenous communities. In each of these contexts, the contribution to knowledge made by the Partnership has advanced the evidence base for the design, implementation and evaluation of these programs. Links between the government, industry, researchers and the community, formalised in the IPCA model, has proved to have been essential to the success of this research. The research activity has made important advances that explain not only 'what works' in injury prevention, but 'how to make it work' in population level programs. , The current Queensland Governement injury prevention policy focused on Childhood injury, Falls in older people and Indigenous Injury is a direct result of the foundational research undertaken within three of the programs of the Injury Partnership. A recent review commissioned by the Minister of Mines & Energy (QLD), made 39 recommendations on improvements to the reporting of injury and health issues in the mining industry, many of which are based on evidence derived from IPCA research projects in the Mining Industry. Expected future outcomes: It is expected that over the next 5 years the research will be directly translated to reductions in the population level indicators of injury-related health of children, young adults, adults in the workforce, older people, and Indigenous Australians. Name of contact: Professor Rod Mcclure Email/Phone no. of contact: rod.mcclure@muarc.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 278802 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Dr Yeesim Khew-Goodall End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall) Total funding: $496,500 Title of research award: A tyrosine phosphatase that regulates adherens junctions, cell migration and the epithelial-mesenchymal transitionA tyrosine phosphatase that regulates adherens junctions, cell migration and the epithelialmesenchymal transition Lay Description (from application): Cell-cell adhesion which physically glues cells together to form tissues and organs, also controls processes in development, wound healing and cancer progression. I have identified a novel regulator of cell-cell adhesion that regulates cell migration and cell morphology. Since these events are crucial during metastasis (the spread of cancer) and during wound healing, understanding the function of this novel regulator may provide the basis for new approaches to developing therapeutics. Specifically, in this proposal I aim to further our understanding of the function of this novel regulator in normal physiology and to elucidate how its functions are regulated. Research achievements (from final report): In this study, we (i) demonstrated that the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez is a regulator of epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT), (ii) that its role in regulating EMT is crucial for the proper development of some organs using a zebrafish model to study organ development and (iii) that it is a regulator of the growth factor TGF-beta production leading to the EMT. In addition to its role in organ development, EMT is also a process required for the initial stages of metastasis of solid tumours as well as a source of additional fibroblasts in fibrotic diseases that lead to organ failure. Although TGF-beta level is well-known to be elevated in both cancers and fibrotic diseases and play a role in the progression of both these diseases, little is known about the mechanisms that lead to elevated TGF-beta levels in these diseases. Our findings implicate Pez as a potential protagonist of both cancer metastasis and organ fibrosis and hence a potential therapuetic target for novel drugs to inhibit or retard these processes. The findings from this study and reagents generated as a result led to a collaboration with a colleague in which we identified a family microRNAs that could regulate EMT with implications for their use in preventing or retarding metastasis. Expected future outcomes: We expect that in future we will establish a role for Pez in metastasis and fibrotic diseases and head towards determining whether it is a worthy therapeutic target for controlling cancer progression and/or fibrotic diseases. We will also establish the mechanism by which Pez upregulates active TGF-beta and this would impact on our undestanding of developmental processes, homeostasis and diseases. Name of contact: Yeesim Khew-Goodall Email/Phone no. of contact: yeesim.khew-goodall@imvs.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 234423 CIA Name: Dr Jill Cook Admin Inst: La Trobe University Main RFCD: Sports Medicine Total funding: $97,125 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Is neovascularisation the source of pain in patellar tendinopathyIs neovascularisation the source of pain in patellar tendinopathy Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Tendon injury occurs across the lifespan, in active people in recreation and in the workplace. Tendon injury causes pain when the tendon is loaded, decreasing physical activty and interfering with employment. Tendon injury results in pathology that is resistant to repair. New blood vessels (neovascularisation) are a key pathological change in tendon injury. , Early investigations suggested an association between vessels and tendon pain. This program of research confirmed this association and revealed that it was the presence of vessels not blood evident on imaging that determines the pain. This has been confirmed in research from other groups that have shown nerves associated with vessels may be the source of pain. The research also showed that measurement of vascularity with Doppler ultrasound was reliable, and that the pre-imaging activity may be crucial in demonstrating maximal vascularity. Additionally, it was determined that abdominal obesity was the greatest risk factor for tendon pathology and pain, but abdominal adiposity was not associated with vascularity. , The benefits from this research include better understanding of the role of vascularity in tendon pain and how it changes over time. There is also an understanding of the role of imaging in identifying tendon vascularity and the factors that affect images of tendon vessels. Treatment to decrease vascularity can be directed appropriately to affected tendons., This research also identified abdominal adiposity as a strong but potentially modifiable factor associated with tendon pathology. In this age of increasing obesity, this finding may have important implications for changing the prevalence of tendon injury. Expected future outcomes: Understanding the role of local factors in producing tendon pathology and pain as well as the identification of systemic factors will allow treatments directed at modification of both. Better outcomes for those with tendon pain will result in greater levels of activity and better overall health.. Name of contact: Jill Cook Email/Phone no. of contact: j.cook@latrobe.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 234424 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: A/Pr Hylton Menz End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: La Trobe University Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $214,093 Title of research award: Studies on foot and footwear risk factors for instability and falls in older peopleStudies on foot and footwear risk factors for instability and falls in older people Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The aim of this program was to determine the influence of foot problems and footwear characteristics on balance and falls in older people. The core investigation involved a 12 month prospective study in which foot problems and footwear characteristics were assessed in 176 people aged 65 years and over, and the incidence of falls was tracked using monthly calendars. The findings of this study indicated that (i) foot pain, decreased ankle flexibility, hallux valgus and weak toe plantarflexors are significant independent risk factors for falls, and (ii) risk of falling indoors is increased in older people who go barefoot or wear socks only. This study is significant in that it has identified potentially modifiable risk factors for falling in older people. Expected future outcomes: The results of this research have been used to inform an intervention study to assess the efficacy of a multifaceted podiatry treatment to improve balance and prevent falls in older people. If this intervention is found to be effective, it has the potential to reduce the burden of falls-related injury in older people. Name of contact: Dr Hylton B. Menz Email/Phone no. of contact: h.menz@latrobe.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 433027 CIA Name: A/Pr Hylton Menz Admin Inst: La Trobe University Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $730,975 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Randomised controlled trial of a tailored podiatry intervention to enhance mobility and prevent falls in older peopleRandomised controlled trial of a tailored podiatry intervention to enhance mobility and prevent falls in older people Lay Description (from application): Foot problems affect 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 years and are associated with reduced walking speed, difficulty performing activities of daily living, impaired balance and increased risk of falls. Although a range of health professionals provide treatment for foot disorders, the most common chronic foot problems in older people (such as corns and calluses, nail disorders and toe deformities) are frequently managed by podiatrists using treatments such as scalpel debridement of lesions, foot orthoses, exercise prescription and footwear modifications. The 1995 National Health Survey reported that persons aged 80 years or over were most likely to have reported visiting a podiatrist in the previous two weeks, followed by those aged 65-79 years. Similarly, the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs, which provides podiatry services to veterans and their dependants, documented 606,706 episodes of podiatry care to 103,540 veterans in 1998-1999, at a cost of $23M. Podiatry therefore plays a substantial role in the maintenance of foot health and mobility in older Australians. Despite the detrimental effects of foot problems and the widespread utilisation of podiatry services by older people, very few studies have been undertaken to ascertain the efficacy of podiatry treatments. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of an individualised podiatry intervention designed to reduce pain, enhance functional mobility and prevent falls in older people. Given the high prevalence of foot-related disability and falls in older people and their associated health care costs, the study findings will be of considerable public health importance. If found to be clinically effective, the intervention could be easily implemented into a range of healthcare settings and adopted in both state and federal falls prevention policies. Research achievements (from final report): The project investigated the effectiveness of a multifacated podiatry intervention to prevent falls in older people. 305 people aged over 65 years with disabling foot pain and an increased risk of falling were allocated to a usual care control group or an intervention group. The intervention group received foot orthoses, footwear advice and footwear cost subsidy, and a home-based exercise program. All participants were then followed for 12 months to record the incidence of falls. At the end of the study, there were 36% fewer falls in the intervention group, indicating that the multifacated podiatry intervention was effective in preventing falls in older people. Expected future outcomes: We plan to roll out the intervention to practicing podiatrists in both public and private sector settings and in multidisciplinary falls prevention clinics and evaluate its effectiveness under 'real world' conditions. Name of contact: Prof Hylton Menz Email/Phone no. of contact: h.menz@latrobe.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509129 CIA Name: Prof Meg Morris Admin Inst: La Trobe University Main RFCD: Care for Disabled Total funding: $805,599 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Home based rehabilitation to reduce falls and disability in Parkinson disease.Home based rehabilitation to reduce falls and disability in Parkinson disease. Lay Description (from application): Falls occur in more than half of the 80,000 Australians living with Parkinson disease. This research will examine the extent to which a program of home rehabilitation using exercises, movement strategies and falls education is effective in reducing the number of falls, the injuries from falls and disability. We will also examine the effects of home based rehabilitation on quality of life. We shall compare the outcomes of the integrated rehabilitation home program with a life-skills program. Research achievements (from final report): This study has provided new data on the extent to which an integrated physiotherapy program of home based rehabilitation exercises resulted in fewer falls compared with a control "life-skills" home program for people living with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. We also examined whether a comprehensive home exercise program reduced disability and improved quality of life to a greater extent than the control program. The home based rehabilitation program included both progressive resistance strength training exercises and movement strategy training. Strength training was achieved using weighted vests and other forms of resistance and the amount of resistance was progressively increased as people with Parkinson's disease became stronger. The movement strategy training included cueing (visual, auditory, proprioceptive), attentional strategies (such as thinking about large movements and focussing attention on movements during their performance), segmentation of complex movement sequences and structuring the environment to optimise motor performance. Participants were also educated on how to prevent falls in home and community settings. The comprehensive rehabilitation approach was feasible, safe and economically viable. Therapists were able to safely provide rehabilitation within the home setting without the need for patients to attend an outpatient clinic or hospital. Patients were also able to record their falls on a calendar at home and this was a feasible method of accurately recording falls data. The study has shaped contemporary physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease world-wide by providing guidelines for rehabilitation as well as confirming valid methods of collecting data on falls and disability in people living with this debilitating disease. Expected future outcomes: This study provides new evidence on which types of home based physiotherapy exercises and movement strategies are effective for enabling people with Parkinson's disease to prevent falls and reduce disability and improve quality of life. It also shows that falls calendars are feasible for collecting falls data in neurological patients. Name of contact: Professor Meg Morris+ Email/Phone no. of contact: m.morris@latrobe.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 512159 CIA Name: Prof Mark Connor Admin Inst: Macquarie University Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $397,399 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Effects of muscle inflammation on sensory neuron excitabilityEffects of muscle inflammation on sensory neuron excitability Lay Description (from application): Muscle pain is a common and poorly treated health problem for many Australians. This project examines the properties of nerves that sense muscle pain and looks at how these change during inflammation, a common cause of muscle pain. We are looking specifically at jaw muscles, which are one of the most common sites of chronic muscle pain. By understanding how muscle nerves are changed by injury, we hope to be able to develop treatments to prevent or reverse these changes. Research achievements (from final report): In this study we have found that experimental inflammation of jaw muscle in mouse produces an increase of the capacity of the nerves to the muscle to make serotonin, an important mediator of pain. We first established that the inflammation produced changes in way the jaw muscle nerve cells sense tissue damage, and then rather unexpectedly found that this was also associated with an increase in the amount of the enzymes that make serotinin. For the first time we established that the nerve cells innervating the face expressed all of the enzymes needed for making serotonin, and we showed that levels of these enzymes differ between male and femnale rats, and also change in female rats across their estrus cycle. The finding that the nerves which sense pain may also make a substance involved in modulating pain intensity will focus attention on whether the nerves themselves are more than simply passive sensors of tissue damage, and whether they may contribute to the chronic pain associated with jaw muscle inflammation. Our work higlights the possibility of using drugs which limit serotonin production or which act to modify serotinin receptors as potential treatments for jaw muscle pain. Expected future outcomes: Development of new pharmacotherapies aimed at modulating serotinin synthesis by trigeminal neurons, with a view to relieving jaw muscle and perhaps other facial pain. This will require understanding of the role of sesnory nerve-derived 5-HT. Name of contact: Mark Connor Email/Phone no. of contact: mark.connor@mq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 604008 CIA Name: Prof Marcus Stoodley Admin Inst: Macquarie University Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $607,203 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Understanding spinal cord cyst developmentUnderstanding spinal cord cyst development Lay Description (from application): Spinal cord cysts can develop after spinal injury or in association with tumours or congenital abnormalities of the spine. These cysts often cause pain and paralysis. Treatment is often ineffective, partly because the source of the cyst fluid is unknown. We are investigating the origin of this fluid using animal models of spinal cord cysts, computer simulations, and MRI studies of patients with spinal cord cysts. Understanding the origin of cyst fluid will help us to develop improved treatment. Research achievements (from final report): Syringomyelia is a condition where cysts form in the spinal cord, causing pain and loss of function. Little is known about the origins of the cyst fluid, making treatment difficult. Our research focused on understanding cyst development, using animal models in rats and sheep, and using computational models. We showed that the timing of pulse waves in the fluid around the cord could be affected by certain conditions and lead to increased fluid flow in to the spinal cord. We showed, for the first time, fluid outflow pathways from cysts. We showed that the leakiness of blood vessels in the spinal cord was a likely contributing factor in post-traumatic cysts. Our work also showed that fluid channels in the cells around cysts are altered in syringomyelia, pointing to a potential new avenue for medial treatment. Expected future outcomes: This work has contributed to our understanding of fluid inflow and outflow in syringomyelia. The results indicate that altering fluid channel number and function in the spinal cord is a potential new avenue for medical treatment. We are currently working on further studies of spinal cord fluid flow, and the effects of blockage of flow around the cord on cyst development. Name of contact: Prof Marcus Stoodley Email/Phone no. of contact: marcus.stoodley@mq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 331966 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Penelope Jeffery End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Mater Medical Research Institute, Brisbane Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Oncology and Carcinogenesis Total funding: $276,750 Title of research award: Cell surface mucins modulate epithelial cell growth and apoptosis of normal mucosal wound repair and epithelial cancersCell surface mucins modulate epithelial cell growth and apoptosis of normal mucosal wound repair and epithelial cancers Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This fellowship has enabled the recipient to undertake an intensive full-time training program in biomedical research. The trainee has acquired skills in the manipulation and study of animal models of disease and advanced techniques in immunology and molecular biology. The fellow has also developed skills in scientific writing and the success of this is evident by the fact that the fellow received an NHMRC project grant (as the chief investigator A) and several smaller grants during the course of her training fellowship. The fellow helped to phenotype a unique mouse model that was created in her laboratory and that has shown to have an increased susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The fellow has also used other models of this disease to test potential new agents for the treatment of IBD and has translated these findings by using immune cells taken from IBD patients and examining the mechanisms underpinning the anti-inflammatory effects of novel agents. These impacts are significant as novel treatments for IBD are urgently required and the work arising from this fellowship has garnered interest from the pharmaceutical industry. Expected future outcomes: This work will continue as the fellow has secured future funding. The novel agents identified during the fellowship as being anti-inflammatory in mouse models of IBD will be further studied with the goal of employing them in clinical trials with IBD patients. Name of contact: Penny Jeffery Email/Phone no. of contact: pjeffery@mmri.mater.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 282400 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Jane End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Melbourne Health Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Genetic Development (incl. Sex Determination) Total funding: $496,500 Title of research award: The role of GRHL-3, a mammalian homologue of Drosophila grainyhead, in neural tube developmentThe role of GRHL-3, a mammalian homologue of Drosophila grainyhead, in neural tube development Lay Description (from application): Spina bifida and anencephaly are two common human congenital malformations that form part of a wide spectrum of mutations known collectively as neural tube defects (NTDs). Patients with the most severe form of spina bifida have a failure of the vertebral column and skin to close over the spinal cord and therefore suffer from limb paralysis and marked bladder and bowel dysfunction. Infants with anencephaly have an open cranial vault and failure of normal brain development and die within the first few hours of life. These abnormalities occur frequently (1/1000 live births) and are a direct result of failure of the neural tube to close during embryogenesis. NTDs are influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. The best characterised environmental factor is the dietary supplement folate, which when administered before conception results in a reduction in the incidence of spina bifida. The genetic complexity is evidenced by the array of mouse genetic mutations that give rise to NTDs. One of these mouse mutations, known as Curly tail (ct), has served as the major animal model of human NTDs. This is because the ct mice are resistant to folate administration (like most of the cases of spina bifida currently seen in patients) and because the mice seem to have normal development in virtually all other organ systems. Ironically, the genetic mutation that causes the curly tail phenotype has remained undiscovered for over 50 years. We have now identified the gene mutated in the curly tail mice. This gene is highly conserved in humans suggesting that it will play a similar role in neural tube development in man. The gene, known as GRHL-3, is a descendant of a fly gene critical for development of the nervous system in that organism. The studies we propose here will examine the developmental pathways involved in normal neural tube closure in mice and humans and will impact on our understanding of these devastating congenital malformations. Research achievements (from final report): During the tenure of this grant, we demonstrated that the mammalian gene Grhl3 is essential for formation of the barrier function of skin and that this protective pathway is conserved over 700 million years of evolution from fly to man. This work was published in Science, and was the subject of an invited review in Current Opinions in Genetics and Development. This discovery paves the way for novel interventions in the area of infant prematurity and wound repair. Expected future outcomes: We will expand on this work to further examine the pathways that regulate skin protective function. Name of contact: Stephen M. Jane Email/Phone no. of contact: jane@wehi.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 403000 CIA Name: Dr Velandai Srikanth Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $528,331 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A population-based study of cerebrovascular mechanisms underyling gait, balance and cognition in older peopleA population-based study of cerebrovascular mechanisms underyling gait, balance and cognition in older people Lay Description (from application): Mobility problems, falls and dementia are among the major problems affecting older Australians with significant consequent disability. Treatment of such disorders carries an estimated annual cost of around 4 billion dollars. This study will examine the role of age-related brain changes in causing problems with walking, balance and cognitive abilities in the general community. The clarification of the role of the ageing brain in causing such disorders will guide efforts directed at preventing the occurrence of falls and dementia. Research achievements (from final report): The primary aim of this study is to examine in detail the effect of age-related brain changes termed as white matter hyperintensities on key aspects of brain function, namely gait, balance and cognition in an older population. A primary finding of this study has been that such changes, when present in large amounts, predict a high risk of future falling in older people. These brain changes have also also associated with poorer gait in older people. These initial findings suggest that we may need to find ways to treat or prevent the occurrence of such lesions in order to prevent falling in older people. Expected future outcomes: Further publications are expected over the next year regarding the location-specific effects of such lesions on gait and cognitive function. Name of contact: Dr. Velandai Srikanth Email/Phone no. of contact: velandai.srikanth@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 403035 CIA Name: Dr Tania Winzenberg Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Main RFCD: Preventive Medicine Total funding: $305,500 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Chronic disease prevention: investigating how to improve bone mass, fracture risk and obesity at different lifestages.Chronic disease prevention: investigating how to improve bone mass, fracture risk and obesity at different life-stages. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): With the award of this GP Training Fellowship, Dr Winzenberg has undertaken a range of projects investigating chronic disease prevention in both adults and children, focussing work initially on prevention of osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions. With the recognition of the range of issues shared across prevention other chronic diseases, this work expanded to also consider prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Key outcomes of her work include: , *demonstrating that informing women of their fracture risk could lead to them making lifestyle changes to improve not only their own bone health, but potentially that of their children as well; , *providing definitive evidence that calcium supplements in healthy children have only minor effects on bone mineral density and do not affect body weight, thus clarifying that calcium supplements have only a limited place as a public health intervention;, *developing an easy-to-take dosage regimen to treat vitamin D deficiency in adolescents; , *identifying the previously unrecognised issue of poor accessibility of the bone mineral testing (an important test for osteoporosis diagnosis and management) in rural areas;, *defining general practitioners' views of their role in assessing their patients' physical activity levels and determining how well the methods GPs have to do this perform in practice. This showed that GPs perform targeted assessments of their at-risk patents but that a commonly short questionnaire to assess physical activity performs less well than GPs' usual assessment processes. The need for further research in how to best help GP's assess their patients' physical activity was highlighted in these studies. Expected future outcomes: Dr Winzenberg is investigating further ways to improve children's bone health including determining if vitamin D supplementation is effective in either healthy children or children who have sustained a broken bone. She is also studying whether informing people of their risk of cardiovascular disease might cause them to improve their lifestyle, as seen with fracture risk feedback. Name of contact: Tania Winzenberg Email/Phone no. of contact: tania.winzenberg@utas.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 490025 CIA Name: Prof Adrian West Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $478,068 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Interactions between injured neurons, astrocytes and metallothioneinInteractions between injured neurons, astrocytes and metallothionein Lay Description (from application): We have found that the protein, metallothionein, which protects the brain after injury or during neurodegenerative disease acts in a more complex way than previously thought, including a direct action on injured neurons as well as on the originating cell, astrocytes. Elucidating each component of metallothionein action will help us understand how cells interact in the brain after injury, and excitingly, offers an opportunity to develop an enhanced therapeutic strategy based on this protein. Research achievements (from final report): This project investigated how different types of brain cells interact following injury, with a focus on how a protein produced by brain cells, metallothionein, can protect neurons from death and promote regenerative growth. We discovered that metallothionein is released by astrocytes following injury and it promoted regenerative growth of neurons by interacting with a specific class of cellular receptor. This has clear therapeutic potential since future treatments could exploit this pathway using either metallothionein or synthetic analogues of metallothionein. We also discovered that metallothionein could cause glia cells (astrocytes, microglia) to assume a pro-regenerative role following injury. Expected future outcomes: Based on this work, we are investigated a new class of synthetic agents based on metallothionein which promote recovery from brain injury. Name of contact: Adrian West Email/Phone no. of contact: Adrian.West@utas.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 544913 CIA Name: Prof Roger Chung Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $408,739 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: How does the LRP receptor megalin promote regenerative neuronal growth?How does the LRP receptor megalin promote regenerative neuronal growth? Lay Description (from application): Promoting the regenerative growth of neurons to allow recovery from traumatic brain injury or Alzheimer's disease is a major goal of neuroscientists. This project continues the Chief Investigators' work in which they have discovered the regenerative potential of a protein and focuses on how this protein interacts with a key neuronal receptor, megalin, which appears to drive the regenerative process. This work will identify new targets for therapies for a range of nervous system disorders. Research achievements (from final report): The aim of this project was to determine the precise mechanisms through which the protein metallothionein can promote the regeneration of injured nerves following traumatic brain injury. Through a systematic series of experimental approaches, we determined the identity of the receptor and the precise biochemical pathway that is activated by metallothionein to promote regenerative sprouting of injured neurons. In addition, we found that metallothionein can also modify the behaviour of non-neuronal cells, to make them more permissive to regeneration of injured neurons. Finally, using our experimental models we identified a new molecule that appears to be a key driver of nerve regeneration, and we are currently evaluating this new neuroregenerative pathway. These important discoveries will greatly benefit the scientific community towards developing therapeutic strategies to treat traumatic brain injury. Expected future outcomes: These important outcomes may lead to the development of new therapeutic agents that promote the regeneration of nerves following traumatic brain injury. Name of contact: Dr Roger Chung Email/Phone no. of contact: rschung@utas.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 544920 CIA Name: Prof David Small Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Main RFCD: Cell Neurochemistry Total funding: $618,950 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: How amyloid causes neurodegeneration: the role of transthyretin in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathyHow amyloid causes neurodegeneration: the role of transthyretin in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy Lay Description (from application): This project seeks to understand the biochemical basis of nerve degeneration in a disease known as familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. This disease is caused by a protein known as transthyretin, which is abnormally deposited around nerves and causes nerve damage. The project is highly likely to provide clues which help us understand some related dementia causing diseases like Alzheimer's disease and prion diseases such as scrapie and mad cow disease. Research achievements (from final report): This research has helped us to understand the mechanisms that cause a rare disease known as familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. However, the real significance of this work is that the mechanisms which underlie familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy may be the same as those that cause Alzheimer's disease. Understanding these mechanisms is vital for the identification of new drug targets for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Expected future outcomes: This research has increased our understanding of the cause of a neurodegenerative disease. Ultimately, therapies targetting this cause may be developed which can be used to effectively treat the disease. Name of contact: David Small Email/Phone no. of contact: d.h.small@menzies.utas.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 544925 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof James Vickers End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Menzies Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $400,885 Title of research award: Determining the cellular mechanism underlying diffuse axonal injury following brain traumaDetermining the cellular mechanism underlying diffuse axonal injury following brain trauma Lay Description (from application): Traumatic head injury causes transient stretch injury to the nerve cell processes within the brain. This leads to a poorly understood series of cellular changes within nerve cells which may ultimately lead to their breakage and subsequent neurological disability. This project seeks to understand how this nerve cell damage forms, and explores new potential interventions which may protect the brain. Research achievements (from final report): Acute axonal stretch and shear in the central nervous system, leading to a pattern of secondary 'diffuse axonal injury' (DAI), has been proposed to be a major cause of on-going disability following mild to severe forms of brain injury. This project grant was based on a novel in vitro method for causing mild-moderate transient axonal shear strain that leads, over 2-3 days, to secondary DAI-like axotomy. Our investigation determined that transient axonal stretch injury in vitro induces an initial acute increase in intracellular calcium, principally derived from intracellular stores, which was followed by a delayed increase in calcium over 48 hrs post-injury. This progressive and persistent increase in intracellular calcium was also associated with increased frequency of spontaneous calcium fluxes as well as cytoskeletal abnormalities. Pharmacological inhibition of calciumactivated enzymes, such as phosphatases, resulted in reduced secondary axotomy. These results demonstrate that stretch injury of axons induced an initial substantial release of calcium from intracellular stores with elevated intracellular calcium persisting over two days. These long-lasting calcium alterations may provide new insight into the earliest neuronal abnormalities that follow traumatic brain injury as well as the key cellular changes that lead to the development of diffuse axonal injury and secondary degeneration. Expected future outcomes: These results provide important new insights into the cascade of pathological brain changes that follow traumatic brain injury. The research has also indicated potential new approaches to interfere in the sequene of cellular changes that follow axon stretch injury, and we are continuing research on these areas. Name of contact: James Vickers Email/Phone no. of contact: James.Vickers@utas.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 490305 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: A/Pr Geoffrey Isbister End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: Menzies School of Health Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Toxicology (incl. Clinical Toxicology) Total funding: $715,730 Title of research award: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Factor Replacement Therapy in Snake Bite CoagulopathyA Randomised Controlled Trial of Factor Replacement Therapy in Snake Bite Coagulopathy Lay Description (from application): This proposal seeks funding to undertake a controlled trial of clotting factor replacement in snake bite coagulopathy after the administration of a neutralising dose of antivenom. The aim is to determine if factor replacement will result in a rapid return of clotting function in patients and therefore reduce the potential risk of major bleeding. This study will have international implications because globally snakebite coagulopathy is a major cause of morbidity and death like in Australia. Research achievements (from final report): The study has changed the treatment of snake envenoming in Australia by reducing the amount of antivenom required, the monitoring and observation of patients with snake bite and the indications for treatment. This has led to a 3 to 4 fold reduction in antivenom use with the consequent decrease in risk of allergic reactions to antivenom and huge cost savings in less antivenom having to be stored in hospitals around the country. The existence of a large multicentre study of snakebite with a 24 hour research number has also (inadvertently) improved the clinical care of patients because doctors all around the country have consulted about cases and received the most up to date and current advice. A number of subgroup analyses have been published of different types of snakes which has improved our understanding of the clinical effects for each type of snake (eg. brown, tiger, black snakes etc.), the distribution of bites by these snakes (distribution of the snakes) and the role and dose of antivenom in each type of snake envenoming. Expected future outcomes: The analysis of the randomised controlled trial in the next few months will define the use, risks and benefits of fresh frozen plasma in snake bite coagulopathy for Australian snakes and will have potential value to the treatment of snake bite world wide because fresh frozen plasma is more readily available than antivenom. Name of contact: Geoff Isbister Email/Phone no. of contact: geoff.isbister@gmail.com NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 124331 CIA Name: Prof Peter Rogers Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Total funding: $759,928 Start Year: 2000 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Endometrial angiogenesisEndometrial angiogenesis Lay Description (from application): The lining of the uterus is unusual compared to other parts of the adult body in that new blood vessels grow and then breakdown during menstruation every month. The aim of this project is to understand what controls the growth and regression of these uterine blood vessels. This information is of immediate relevance to a number of clinical problems where an ability to either promote or prevent blood vessel growth would be of major advantage. For example, increased blood vessel growth would accelerate wound healing, while blocking blood vessel growth would prevent the growth and spread of cancers. Another disorder that could be controlled through preventing blood vessel growth is endometriosis, a disease where cells from the lining of the uterus grow inside the abdomen causing pain and infertility. Endometriosis affects upto 10% of women. Research achievements (from final report): The primary focus of this research project was to better understand how new blood vessels form in the lining of the uterus. A fundamental knowledge of uterine blood vessel growth is relevant to a large number of common women's health problems, including endometriosis, menorrhagia (excessive menstrual blood loss), breakthrough bleeding (irregular menstrual bleeding associated with hormone replacement therapy and hormonal contraceptives), endometrial cancer, fibroids, infertility and establishment of a normal placenta during pregnancy. Expected future outcomes: This project has increased fundamental knowledge that underpins our understanding of uterine function in both normal and diseased states. Future work will build on this knowledge base to develop better treatments and outcomes for a number of diseases that affect the uterus, including endometriosis, endometrial cancer, fibroids and inadequate placental function. Name of contact: Peter A W Rogers Email/Phone no. of contact: Peter.rogers@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 180404 CIA Name: Prof James Cooper Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $269,750 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Saline of Albumin Fluid Evaluation (Safe) studySaline of Albumin Fluid Evaluation (Safe) study Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This Practitioner Fellowship enabled completion and publication of two pivotal multicentre trials testing resuscitation fluids in critically ill patients. These were published in JAMA and NEJM. A Victorian collaboration tested prehospital hypertonic saline resuscitation in head injury patients, established that it did not improve long term patient outcomes, and prevented widespread introduction on Australian ambulances. Second, an ANZICS Clinical Trials Group (CTG) collaboration (the SAFE trial) found that contrary to previous research, albumin and saline fluid resuscitation in intensive care patients were equally effective and safe. This finding enabled practice change in Australia towards increased use of saline - with substantial cost savings. A substudy from SAFE, also published in NEJM in 2007, found that saline resuscitation was associated with better survival in head injury - and is changing clinical practice internationally in head injury patients. , During the Fellowship period, Dr Cooper obtained 5 further new NHMRC project grants for major clinical trials, and established a new bi-national Intensive Care Research Centre (NHMRC Enabling Grant funded) at Monash University. He also became Vice-Chair (and currently Chair) of the ANZICS CTG. Expected future outcomes: The multicentre clinical trials enabled by the Fellowship have translated to improved management of critically ill patients internationally. Fluid resuscitation, management of severe head injuries, of septic shock, and prevention of venous thrombosis have all been improved. The Research Centre will train a new generation of clinican - researchers in intensive care medicine. Name of contact: Prof David J (Jamie) Cooper Email/Phone no. of contact: j.cooper@alfred.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 194242 CIA Name: Dr Lesley Day Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $665,930 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Risk factors for serious farm-work related injury among adult malesRisk factors for serious farm-work related injury among adult males Lay Description (from application): This study addresses occupational injury among male adult farm workers. The health and safety performance of agricultural industries is among the worst in Australia. A recently published study of work-related fatalities from 1989 to 1992 found that rural industries ranked third, with a fatality rate 3-4 times that for all industries. The rural industries accounted for 80 deaths annually. Best estimates place the cost of farm injury between $0.5 and $1.29 billion per year. This study is designed to contribute to farm injury prevention by: (1) identifying factors associated with a higher risk of serious injury among adult farm workers and (2) determining the proportions of the farm workforce who are exposed to various injury risks. The study will recruit 300 seriously injured or killed farm workers from regional Victoria and collect information about themselves, their working life and the property on which they work. This information will be compared with 600 randomly selected farm workers who are not seriously injured to determine which personal, work and environmental factors place farm workers at higher risk of injury. The study will lead to the development of new or more refined prevention strategies and programs. A study of this kind has not been conducted before in Australia and would contribute to a continuing scientific basis for selection of interventions for farm injury and targeting of prevention programs, at a time of increasing momentum in agricultural health and safety. Research achievements (from final report): This study has led to a greater understanding of the factors leading to farm injury which is required to underpin the development of new or more refined intervention strategies. For example, we found that although owners and managers comprise the greater proportion of injury farmers, employees and contractors were at increased risk of injury. A greater understanding of the individual and farm characteristics associated with an increased risk of farm injury is likely to lead to better targeting of prevention programs. A study of this kind has not been conducted before in Australia and will provide a continuing scientific basis for selection of interventions for farm injury and targeting for prevention programs, at a time of increasing momentum in agricultural health and safety. Expected future outcomes: If the study results are used to inform prevention programs, the expected future outcome is a decrease in the rates of serious farm work related injury among men in Australia. Name of contact: Lesley Day Email/Phone no. of contact: lesley.day@muarc.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 194272 CIA Name: Prof David Morgan Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Biomechanics Total funding: $196,410 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Adaptation of muscle to eccentric exercise and its clinical applications 194272Adaptation of muscle to eccentric exercise and its clinical applications 194272 Lay Description (from application): Work in this laboratory has concentrated on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), the soreness felt for several days after unaccustomed exercise. This is particularly so when the exercise involves stretching of active muscle, called eccentric exercise, at longer muscle lengths. DOMS is due to microscopic muscle damage. A rapid training effect, leading to reduced soreness from a subsequent bout of similar exercise, has been identified by us as due to a specific structural adaptation. This results in the optimum length for tension generation moving to longer muscle length so that the muscle is less likely to be damaged during subsequent stretches. Hypothesizing that gross muscle tears arise from the microscopic damage, we have begun investigating whether eccentric exercise training can prevent hamstring muscle injuries. We have shown that eccentric exercise shifts the optimum length for contraction in human hamstring muscles. We are now examining athletes with past injuries, known to be likely to re-injure. Other experiments are designed to show that sports that cause injury do indeed include eccentric exercise of the hamstring muscles. We are also investigating the effectiveness of eccentric exercise in treating apparently normal children who compulsively walk on their toes. We have built monitoring equipment and are monitoring both conventional and exercise based treatments designed to shift muscle optimum length to longer lengths to allow the children to place their heels on the ground. Finally, most muscles contain different fibre types, distinguished mainly by their speed of contraction. It has been suggested that they are not all uniformly susceptible to damage from eccentric exercise, a result not predicted by our theory. However, we hypothesize that secondary factors, particularly the length for generating optimum tension, may be responsible for these differences. We plan to test this idea by measuring properties of different types of motor units. Research achievements (from final report): N/A Expected future outcomes: The eccentric exercise program for the idiopathic toewalkers has formed the backbone of a highly successful management program that will be promoted to health professionals around the world., Extending better understanding of how to perform eccentric exercises without risk of injury or excessive soreness is expected to result in an increased usage for injury prevention. Name of contact: David Morgan Email/Phone no. of contact: David.Morgan@ieee.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 194417 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Prof Rachelle Buchbinder End Year: 2004 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $269,020 Title of research award: Efficacy of physiotherapy after hydrodilatation for the painful stiff shoulder: a randomised placebo-controlled trialEfficacy of physiotherapy after hydrodilatation for the painful stiff shoulder: a randomised placebocontrolled trial Lay Description (from application): Shoulder disorders are common, being third only to back and neck complaints as musculoskeletal reasons for medical consultation and they account for 10% of all physiotherapy referrals. The stiff painful shoulder affects up to 2-5% of the general population, being more common in middle age and diabetes. It causes significant pain and disability that restricts activities of daily living as well as work and leisure. Forty percent of sufferers will continue to have symptoms and restricted movements beyond 3 years and 15% will have persistent disability. Because this disease is prevalent, it imposes a considerable burden on the Australian health care system. Shoulder hydrodilatation is a common conservative treatment option that has been shown by our research group to have short-term but not long-term benefits. Physiotherapy may be prescribed following hydrodilatation on the basis that it may maintain the initial benefits seen with hydrodilatation. However, there are no studies to either support or refute this hypothesis. Thus, this novel research project will answer important questions about the efficacy of a physiotherapy program in addition to hydrodilatation for the stiff painful shoulder. We will determine whether physiotherapy offers a benefit over hydrodilatation alone and if so, whether this benefit is sustained. In addition we will determine whether the additional costs of physiotherapy represent good value for money. The results of this project can then be easily and immediately translated into clinical practice as recommendations can be made about the usefulness of physiotherapy for this patient population. The results will be of major benefit not just to the physiotherapy profession but to the medical profession who must justify patient referral to physiotherapy. Research achievements (from final report): This research project will answer important questions about efficacy of a physiotherapy program in addition to hydrodilatation for the stiff painful shoulder. Our trial will determine whether physiotherapy offers a benefit over hydrodilatation alone and if so, whether this benefit is sustained. The standardised physiotherapy we developed can be taught to physiotherapists. In addition, if there is a benefit, it will show whether the additional costs of physiotherapy represent good value for money. Our results will be able to be immediately translated into clinical practice since we will be able to make recommendations about the usefulness of physiotherapy for this patient population. The results will be of major benefit not just to the physiotherapy profession but to the medical profession who must justify patient referral to physiotherapy. Expected future outcomes: The results of our study will be widely disseminated to ensure timely take up of the findings into clinical practice. We expect to do this via publications, presentations and by updating our Cochrane systematic review of physiotherapy for shoulder pain. The results will also be used to inform our future research agenda in terms of finding effective treatments for shoulder pain. Name of contact: Rachelle Buchbinder Email/Phone no. of contact: rachelle.buchbinder@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 236858 CIA Name: Prof Julian Rood Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Medical Bacteriology Total funding: $78,500 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Two-component regulatory systems involved in toxin production in Clostridium perfringensTwo-component regulatory systems involved in toxin production in Clostridium perfringens Lay Description (from application): The bacterium studied in this project causes gas gangrene, a severe and often fatal infection of traumatic or surgical wounds. The project involves the detailed analysis of the process by which this bacterium controls the production of the toxic proteins that are required for disease to occur. The emphasis is to determine the mechanism by which this regulatory process is mediated. Research in this laboratory has identified two genes whose protein products are the key links in this regulatory network. The objectives of the project will be to determine which part of the regulatory protein interacts with the target toxin gene, to start to determine the structure of the regulatory protein so that the precise biochemical mechanism of action can be ascertained, to determine the components of the DNA target that are essential for binding activity, and to identify other genes that are involved in the regulation of both the toxin genes and other genes that may be implicated in the disease process. These studies will be facilitated by the availability of the complete genome sequence of this pathogenic bacterium. The project will make a major contribution to our knowledge of how bacteria that cause disease are able to control the production of the toxins that are critical to the disease process. If we are to learn how to more effectively control and treat bacterial infections then it is very important that we understand the complex regulatory networks that tell bacteria when to produce its disease-causing products. Research achievements (from final report): These studies will involve a bacterium that causes gas gangrene by invading a wound, growing and producing potent toxins. The future directions of this research predominantly involve the elucidation of the precise mechanism by which two proteins combine to transmit an environmental cell signal into increased production of the protein toxins that are important in this disease. Specifically, these studies will concentrate on the protein to protein interactions between each element of this important regulatory cascade. Determination of the crystal structure of one of these proteins will be an important part of this process. Using this knowledge, we may be in a better position to develop novel methods of antimicrobial treatment. Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: N/A Email/Phone no. of contact: N/A NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 236859 CIA Name: Prof Julian Rood Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Medical Bacteriology Total funding: $136,750 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Pathogenesis of clostridial myonecrosisPathogenesis of clostridial myonecrosis Lay Description (from application): The aim of this project is to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of gas gangrene, an often fatal disease of particular significance to elderly and diabetic patients, who are particularly susceptible following injury, or surgery, or in some cases when suffering from colon cancer. Although research has been carried out on this disease for many years prompt surgical removal of the infected tissue, often including amputation of a limb, is still commonly used to ensure the patient's survival. This project involves the study of the two bacteria that are the major causes of the disease. We aim to find out how the bacteria mediate the disease, in particular to determine which toxic factors produced by the bacteria are involved. The normal host response to a bacterial infection is a rapid influx of white blood cells to the infected tissue, which is part of the normal inflammatory response. These cells engulf and degrade the bacteria, clearing the infection. However, a major characteristic of gas gangrene pathology is that very few white blood cells infiltrate the infected tissue. We aim to determine why the host fails to mount an inflammatory response to this bacterial infection. We will achieve this objective by developing a better understanding of the role of the bacterial toxins in the development of this morbid disease. It is hoped the results from this study will enable the development of more effective therapeutic and prophylactic treatments for this disease and also provide a foundation for studies into the modulation of the host response by other bacterial species. Research achievements (from final report): The research will continue as originally proposed with a focus on elucidating the mechanism by which pathogenic bacteria can mediate gas gangrene, an often fatal disease of particular significance to the elderly or to diabetics. These patients are particularly susceptible following injury, or surgery, or in some cases when suffering from colon cancer. Continued studies will aim to determine how the toxic factors produced by the bacteria are involved in the disease process. The normal host response to a bacterial infection is a rapid influx of white blood cells to the infected tissue, which is part of the normal inflammatory response. These cells engulf and degrade the bacteria, clearing the infection. However, a major characteristic of gas gangrene pathology is that very few white blood cells infiltrate the infected tissue. Further studies will determine why the host fails to mount an inflammatory response to this bacterial infection. It is hoped that the results from this study will enable the development of more effective therapeutic and prophylactic treatments for this disease and also provide a foundation for studies into the modulation of the host response by other bacterial species. Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: N/A Email/Phone no. of contact: N/A NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 236880 CIA Name: Dr Lesley Day Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $706,500 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Application of epidemiological methods to injury prevention researchApplication of epidemiological methods to injury prevention research Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This Fellowship supported a program of injury research directed towards two high risk populations- the farm workforce, and older people. Key achievements in the farm safety area include the development of a tractor safety rating system (STARS), the evaluation of guidelines for the retrofitting of safe access platforms for the prevention of tractor run-over injuries, and the identification of novel risk factors for serious farm work related injury. These three projects provide evidence to underpin prevention programs. The uptake of STARS and the guidelines for retrofitting safe access platforms would contribute to the reduction of the two leading causes of tractor related fatalities. The identification of being an employee or contractor, not having attended farm training courses, and machinery age as risk factors for serious farm work related injury provides direction for strategic prevention programs. The key achievements in the area of older persons' falls prevention included the testing to two popular falls interventions - tai chi, and a multifactorial risk factor referral program- neither of which were found to be effective in the groups in which they were tested. A train the trainer package for the NoFalls Exercise Program, shown to be effective in previous research, was developed and 100 trainers, and 500 exercise class leaders were trained across Australia. In addition, modelling of the impact of proven falls interventions if delivered at the population level provides a foundation for decision making regarding public investment in falls prevention programs. Expected future outcomes: Falls among older people, and the associated functional decline and injury, is a major challenge to the health and quality of life of our ageing population. The work of the Fellowship in testing falls interventions, supporting ongoing delivery of a successful falls intervention, and policy modelling, will continue to inform policy and practice in this area. Name of contact: Lesley Day Email/Phone no. of contact: lesley.day@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 237024 CIA Name: Dr Belinda Gabbe Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $261,500 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: Outcomes of major trauma and sports injuriesOutcomes of major trauma and sports injuries Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Traumatic injury remains a leading cause of the global burden of disease. Reducing the burden of injury remains a priority public health issue and requires detailed knowledge of its incidence and outcomes. The most commonly used outcome measure in injury is the mortality rate. However, the vast majority of injured people survive. The percentage of preventable deaths is now very low with improvements in trauma care increasing the probability of surviving even severe injuries. This has placed a greater emphasis on determining the morbidity associated with injury and, in particular, establishing the degree of functional loss, ongoing disability and lost quality of life experienced by survivors. Despite acknowledgement that the greatest cost burden of injury exists in these aspects of morbidity, routine measurement of injury outcomes other than mortality is rare, particularly in Australia. Trauma registries, like other disease registries, provide the basis for monitoring the incidence and outcomes of injury but have been under-utilised with respect to measuring outcomes other than mortality. The research undertaken during this fellowship focused primarily on establishing the needs of trauma registries with respect to outcomes measurement, evaluating existing measures of functional outcome and implementing functional and quality of life measures into the population-based Victorian State Trauma Registry and the Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry. The routine monitoring of post-hospital discharge outcomes will enable monitoring of trauma outcomes over time, the identification of sub-groups of injury at higher risk of poor outcomes, and provide the information necessary to drive improvements in trauma care. Expected future outcomes: The future outcomes of this research will be ongoing monitoring of the long term outcomes following injury, an improved understanding of the burden of injury, and the ability to inform trauma care policy, delivery and injury prevention research in order to reduce the public health burden of injury Name of contact: Belinda Gabbe Email/Phone no. of contact: belinda.gabbe@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284278 CIA Name: Prof Uwe Proske Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $287,250 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Changes in motor control and kinaesthetic sensations after eccentric exercise.Changes in motor control and kinaesthetic sensations after eccentric exercise. Lay Description (from application): It is a well-known observation that after a period of intense exercise we are unsteady on our feet and are clumsy when attempting to make precision movements. Such impressions are particularly marked after eccentric exercise, during which the contracting muscles are forcibly lengthened. Activities such as walking downhill, skiing and horse riding involve eccentric exercise. The debilitating consequences of this kind of exercise are attributed, not just to the post-exercise effects of fatigue, but to loss of muscle force from damage to fibres. Eccentric exercise also leads to longer term effects. The breakdown of the damaged tissue leads to sensations of stiffness and soreness the next day. This application proposes experiments aimed at studying a number of effects of eccentric exercise on motor control, and establishing the muscle, spinal and brain levels at which they occur. Three studies are planned. In the first, the question will be explored whether we are less able to use the motor areas of our brains to execute voluntary contractions after exercise. So fatigue is not just a matter of exhausted muscles but perhaps also exhausted brains. We will use brain and spinal cord stimulation to explore this point. Then we plan to listen to single motor units, the basic elements of muscle control, to try to understand the mechanism by which the brain minimises the debilitating effects of fatigue. Finally we want to examine subjects' ability to locate their limbs in space as a means of providing a basis for the clumsiness we experience after intense exercise. These are all important issues relevant to clinical medicine and rehabilitation as well as sports science and exercise. Research achievements (from final report): We have studied human position and movement sense in a number of ways and obtained significant new data. When in an arm-matching task one arm is loaded with a heavy weight, the blindfolded subject is able to match its position just as accurately as they did with the unloaded arm. When one arm was exercised to fatigue, this disturbed the subject's ability to match the positions of their two arms. The degree of disturbance was correlated with the level of fatigue. Matching errors suggested that subjects perceived their fatigued muscles to be longer than they actually were. These findings are unexpected and they compliment earlier observations on the paralysed anaesthetised hand. Clearly mechanisms within the brain are involved in determining arm position when the arm muscles are active, as in bearing a load. Such a conclusion represents a major shift in present-day thinking in this area. It has implications for the interpretation of the neural basis of certain neurological conditions such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Expected future outcomes: Important implications of this work relate to the effects of fatigue in sport and exercise. A fatigued athlete can be uncertain of the position of their limbs if they are not expressly looking at them. The effects of exercise in disturbing proprioception also has implications for the elderly. Proprioception is an important indicator of the risk of falls in the elderly. Name of contact: Uwe Proske Email/Phone no. of contact: uwe.proske@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284345 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: A/Pr Stephen Bernard End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $311,000 Title of research award: A trial of prehospital rapid sequence intubation in patients with severe head injuryA trial of prehospital rapid sequence intubation in patients with severe head injury Lay Description (from application): In Australia, major trauma is a leading cause of death in people between the ages of one and 44 years. In addition to mortality, there is a high morbidity rate and quality adjusted life-years lost from injury is vast. In broad terms, major trauma is defined as those injuries with the highest severity, requiring time critical medical care. Over 10% of major trauma patients have a severe head injury and approximately 40% of these patients die and another 40% have significant long-term morbidity. Following severe head injury, it is common for patients to have decreased oxygen levels and this is associated with a significant increase in brain damage. To prevent or treat this, patients with severe head injury require endotracheal intubation (a tube is placed in the airway to provide oxygen to the patient) as soon as possible following injury. However, in most patients with severe head injury, endotracheal intubation requires the use of drugs to facilitate placement of the endotracheal tube. The usual technique involves the administration of both a sedative drug and an appropriate musclerelaxant. This technique is known as rapid sequence intubation (RSI). However, it is unknown whether RSI should be undertaken by paramedics early after injury or be delayed until arrival at the hospital. Since better evidence of improved outcome is required to justify the possible risk and considerable expense of training ambulance paramedics in the skill of RSI, it is proposed that a randomized, controlled trial of RSI in adults with severe head injury be conducted. This trial will compare rapid sequence intubation with standard airway management (no intubation) by ambulance paramedics for major trauma patients with severe head injury. This study will assess differences in patient outcome at 6-months post injury. The study will involve head injury patients treated by paramedics in Victoria. Research achievements (from final report): This clinical trial enrolled 312 patients. It was found that paramedic rapid sequence intubation is associated with an increase in favorable outcomes from 31% to 46% at 6 months post injury. Expected future outcomes: It is proposed that mild hypothermia might be induced after intubation to improve neurological outcomes after severe head injury Name of contact: A/Prof Stephen Bernard Email/Phone no. of contact: stephen.bernard@alfred.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284354 CIA Name: Prof Rachelle Buchbinder Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $586,250 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Efficacy and safety of vertebroplasty for treatment of painful osteoporotic spinal fractures: a randomised trialEfficacy and safety of vertebroplasty for treatment of painful osteoporotic spinal fractures: a randomised trial Lay Description (from application): Painful spinal or vertebral fractures are a substantial and growing public health problem and are a burden on the health care system. In Australia, 20-25% of women and 15-20% of men over the age of 50 will develop one or more fractures of their spine in their lifetime. Up to a half of these fractures will result in severe pain and disability. While the fractures generally heal within weeks or a few months, some are so painful that they require narcotic pain control, hospitalisation, and/or long-term nursing home care. Other problems include chronic pain, spinal deformities, loss of height and mobility and restricted breathing. Vertebroplasty is a new procedure consisting of injection of a type of 'bone cement' into the vertebrae to mend the break. It is an exciting treatment because for some people, this results in an immediate and sustained improvement in pain. Although rare, complications such as rib fracture, cement leakage and fractures in other vertebrae do occur. One particular concern is that the mechanical changes to the spine caused by the bone cement may cause longterm complications such as an increased risk of future fractures of treated or adjacent vertebrae. So far, there is very little evidence of the efficacy and safety of this new technology. Importantly, it has not been compared with usual medical care for fractures. In medical research it can be difficult to properly evaluate an exciting and 'apparently' effective treatment that doctors and patients demand. The main aim of this project is to determine whether vertebroplasty is an effective and safe treatment compared to usual medical care. We have a unique opportunity to evaluate vertebroplasty through a strong collaborative effort between the 3 centres currently offering this procedure in Melbourne. If vertebroplasty can be demonstrated to be an effective, safe and costeffective treatment for painful osteoporotic spinal fractures this will be a valuable addition to current treatment options. Research achievements (from final report): Painful vertebral fractures complicating osteoporosis are a substantial and growing public health problem leading to severe morbidity and an increased burden on the health care system. Vertebroplasty is becoming an increasingly accepted treatment for vertebral fractures despite the lack of scientific evidence of its benefit. The outcome of our proposed research will be to establish whether vertebroplasty is efficacious, safe, and costeffective compared to placebo for painful osteoporotic spinal fractures. If positive, we will have scientific evidence to support the currently uncorroborated widespread endorsement of this intervention. If, on the other hand, our results indicate that its efficacy is no greater than placebo (and it may do more harm), then the resources spent on performing these procedures might be put to better use. We have published an editorial outlining our concerns about use of vertebroplasty without high quality evidence of its benefit. Expected future outcomes: We will determine the short term efficacy and safety of vertebroplasty for alleviating pain and improving function for acute painful osteoporotic vertebral fractures and examine if there is excess risk of further vertebral fractures within two years. Name of contact: Professor Rachelle Buchbinder Email/Phone no. of contact: rachelle.buchbinder@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284402 CIA Name: Dr Donna Urquhart Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $268,650 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: The characterisation of orthopedica trauma and the evaluation of outcomeThe characterisation of orthopedica trauma and the evaluation of outcome Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Musculoskeletal conditions are major contributors to pain and disability in Australia, with more than 6.1 million people affected. Moreover, with aging of the population and the obesity epidemic, these figures are expected to rise. As a result, musculoskeletal conditions have been declared a National Health Priority. This research program was aimed at investigating risk factors, outcomes and treatment strategies for musculoskeletal conditions, including the two most common muscloskeletal conditions, low back pain and osteoarthritis. , Some of the key findings from our research program included; identifying that both high levels of back pain and disability are associated with obesity in community-based women and that while knee malalignment is associated with progression of knee osteoarthritis, there is insufficient evidence to support a relationship with the development of this condition. With respect to outcomes, we found a large percentage of patients after musculoskeletal injury have ongoing pain and disability and a reduced capacity to return to work 6 months after their trauma and that partial and revision hip replacements are resource intensive for the public and private health-care systems, respectively. Moreover, we found that there is no clear evidence to support the use of two common treatment strategies, anti-depressants and radiofrequency deinnervation, for the management of low back pain. , This work has the potential to guide health and medical researchers in future epidemiological research into low back pain and osteoarthritis, inform health services in the outcomes and resource utilisation associated with these conditions, and assist clinicians in the selection of treatment strategies in the management of musculoskeletal pain and disability. Ultimately, the findings of this research program will assist in the future development of innovative strategies to prevent and manage chronic pain and disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Expected future outcomes: The findings of this research program will assist in the future development of innovative strategies to prevent and manage chronic pain and disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Name of contact: Donna Urquhart Email/Phone no. of contact: Donna.Urquhart@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 299950 CIA Name: Prof Lenore Manderson Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Care for Disabled Total funding: $251,743 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Social aspects of amputation among an aging population in urban and rural VictoriaSocial aspects of amputation among an aging population in urban and rural Victoria Lay Description (from application): In recent years, social scientists have shown increasing interest in how individual and social structural factors inter-relate to produce wellbeing. An associated interest has been the role of social networks and social support for individuals with chronic disease, enabling them to manage ongoing illness or impairment, live fulfilling lives and experience wellbeing. To explore these issues in an Australian context, this project focuses on people who have had amputations from trauma, advanced disease (e.g. cancer) or complications of chronic disease (e.g. diabetes). The study aims to increase our understanding of how people live with particular diseases and health conditions, the impact of these conditions on body image, self-esteem, social relationships and societal participation, and how structural, contextual and environmental factors affect individual functioning and disability. By including people of different gender, ethnicity, age and area of residence, the study is concerned with how life circumstances and socialization (including ideas of gender) influence outcome. The findings will contribute to our knowledge of adaptation and provide information relevant to improved care for people from different backgrounds. The study is significant because of the increase in chronic disease (relative to infectious disease) in contemporary industrialised societies, particularly with an aging population. The policy context of this work is government interest in maximising the independence and wellbeing of people who are aged and/or with chronic disease, while minimising the economic costs. The research is also significant to international agencies and consumer organisations concerned with reducing discrimination against and inequality of people with impairments. The study will contribute to the WHO classification of disability, and efforts to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Research achievements (from final report): This research explored social and psycho-social factors impacting upon an individual's adaptation to lower limb amputation, with a particular focus on health service delivery. Data highlighted the importance of providing formal psycho-social support during the in-patient rehabilitation phase to assist patients with their experiences of grief and loss, such as from a psychologist. Currently, rehabilitation services tend to provide services to people at high risk of developing mental health co-morbidities only; this data suggested that many recent amputees experience sub-clinical levels of mental illness, particularly depression. The process of adaptation to amputation would be enhanced by such support services, which may reduce the incidence of future mental health problems. Findings have also assisted in the establishment and maintenance of the condition-specific peer support group, limbs4life, including material on life post-amputation. Expected future outcomes: Data will be used to inform future service delivery models and provide an assessment about the efficacy of the rehabilitation process. In-depth knowledge about the processes of adaptation will be used to shape program development and assist in community rehabilitation and lay condition-specific models of social support. Name of contact: Narelle Warren Email/Phone no. of contact: Narelle.Warren@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 314502 CIA Name: Prof James Cooper Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $490,500 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Multi-centre randomised trial of early decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain injuryMulti-centre randomised trial of early decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Despite optimal neurosurgical and intensive care therapy, many trauma patients with severe brain injury (typically young males) have very poor long term neurological outcomes. Current knowledge suggests that a key contributor to secondary brain damage which occurs after injury and to poor neurological outcomes is brain swelling and subsequent increase in brain pressure. Present intensive care therapies to control brain pressure are often not effective, and favourable neurological outcomes occur in only 20-30% of these patients. Small studies suggest that a surgical operation called decompressive craniectomy (DC) may decrease brain pressure and improve neurological outcomes in these patients. DC involves temporarily surgically removing a piece of skull bone (during the swelling period) and replacing it when the swelling has subsided. DC is done under general anaesthetic in unconscious patients and is used occasionally at present, although due to insufficient research the benefits are controversial. The proposed study is a multi-centre randomised controlled study of best current therapies plus early decompressive craniectomy vs best current therapies alone in selected unconscious patients with severe head injury. The study outcome is patient neurological function measured 6 months after the injury. A study of this type is required before early DC could become a routine therapy in Australia. Next of kin will sign informed consent for the study and then also for the surgery if patients are randomised to surgery. The study will be managed at the Alfred Hospital/Monash University in Melbourne and includes fifteen collaborating ANZ neurotrauma centres over 3.0 years. There are >200 patients in Australia annually in this category with potential for DC to increase favourable outcomes in >40 patients annually. Lifetime costs for these patients with severe disability are > $2.4 million, so there may be substantial economic and social impact. Research achievements (from final report): Traumatic brain injury is a potentially devasting injury that predominantly affects young males. Approximately 10% of patients admitted with severe traumatic brain injury have a diffuse injury and persistent brain swelling that is difficult to control with best medical managment. Over the past decade, mangement of these patients has been shifting from barbiturate coma to decompressive craniectomy. This is a well established neurosurgical procedure in which a large piece of skull bone is removed, stored for 1-2 months and then replaced.This project (NEJM 2011; 364:1493-1502) assessed for the first time in adults the effectiveness of this procedure. Patients with severe diffuse traumatic brain injury that were suitable for the project were randomly assigned to receive best medical care or decompressive craniectomy and best medical care. The results showed that surgery was extremely effective in decreasing intracranial pressure (a measure of brain swelling), markedly decreased medical therapies required for treatment of intracranial pressure, shortened ventilation time and shortened length of stay in ICU.However despite these positive short term effects, the findings in relation to patient's functional outcome at 6 months were the reverse of what was expected. The group of patients who received surgery were more likely to have a poorer outcome (death or dependent) compared to those who received best medical care. These results have enormous significance as the functional outcomes of future patients with severe diffuse traumatic brain injury can be substantiallyimproved by choosing best medical care rather than decompressive craniectomy for management of raised intracranial pressure. Expected future outcomes: Further analysis of results will provide additional information about the use of decompressive craniectomy in certain sub groups of patients. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Prof Jamie Cooper Email/Phone no. of contact: Jamie.cooper@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 334002 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Jennie Ponsford End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $328,050 Title of research award: Fatigue, attention and sleep disturbance after traumatic brain injuryFatigue, attention and sleep disturbance after traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability in young people. A major obstacle to the rehabilitation of these young people and their return to work or study is their susceptibility to fatigue postinjury. Sleep disturbance is also often reported following TBI and this may accentuate fatigue. Suprisingly, little research has been conducted on the nature, causes or progression of fatigue and sleep disorders following TBI and their possible interrelationships. This study aims to investigate the incidence and extent of fatigue in a large group of people who have experienced a TBI compared to a control group, how fatigue changes over time and its impact on daily life. The study will also address whether higher fatigue levels are associated with decreased attention and speed of information processing. Changes in sleep patterns will also be investigated using both subjective measures, such as sleep quality and daytime sleepiness, and objective physiological measures, such as the time of dim light melatonin onset and polysomnography, comparing the head injured group with controls. The interrelationships between fatigue and sleep changes will then be examined and also their association with injury severity, the location of the brain injury, the time since the injury, age, the presence of any cognitive impairments and the incidence of depression. The project has the potential to provide valuable information to healthcare professionals on the diagnosis of fatigue and sleep disorders in head injury patients. The investigation of the nature, causes and impact of fatigue and sleep disorders could also provide a basis for therapy. For example, fatigue and problems with attention and slowed information processing can be minimized by restructuring lifestyle demands and simple and effective treatments are available for many sleep disturbances, such as bright light therapy and/or exogenous melatonin. Research achievements (from final report): This project has provided valuable information to health care professionals about fatigue and sleep changes following TBI, whilst also providing information as to which assessment tool/s best identify fatigue and sleep disturbances following TBI. The identification of an association between fatigue and deficits of attention and speed of information processing has provided a basis for structuring lifestyle demands to minimize demands on these processes and thereby minimize fatigue. An association was also identified between depression and fatigue, highlighting the fact that if depression is treated appropriately, then fatigue might also be alleviated. Examining the nature and extent of sleep disturbances has highlighted the need for the development of treatments for daytime somnolence, a further source of fatigue, debilitation, and reduced feeling of wellbeing following TBI. Simple and effective treatments are available for many sleep disturbances. For example where changes in the circadian system are demonstrated, bright light therapy and/or exogenous melatonin may be administered. Expected future outcomes: On the basis of these study findings, we have now developed a proposal for an intervention study to alleviate fatigue, daytime sleepiness and sleep disturbance, comparing the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy, and/or light therapy with treatment as usual. Name of contact: Professor Jennie Ponsford Email/Phone no. of contact: jennie.ponsford@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 334010 CIA Name: Prof Rachelle Buchbinder Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Rheumatology and Arthritis Total funding: $404,425 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Practitioner FellowshipPractitioner Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The achievements of this research award have included the completion of several randomised controlled trials that I have led including an important study investigating the value of vertebroplasty (an injection of bone cement) for painful spinal fractures due to osteoporosis that has been increasingly used despite a lack of strong evidence supporting its use. Not only did this trial fail to demonstrate significant benefits for vertebroplasty compared to a sham procedure, it was also widely cited as exemplifying the dangers of adopting new treatments into routine clinical pracice before they have been properly evaluated. The results of the completed trials are all immediately implementable into clinical practice and have the potential to improve health outcomes. Another achievement of this award has been the involvement I have had with other colleagues in establishing the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD), a highly productive and valuable resource that is providing important information about the long-term benefits and risks of the newly available biological drugs for inflammatory arthritis sufferers in Australia. This research award has made it possible for me to expand my activities related to my role as Joint Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group with the completion of many new revews. Together with my linguistic colleagues I have also developed a novel linguistic framework for improving the quality of written patient materials about medication, and together with other colleagues I have also established a program of research in the field of health literacy. Expected future outcomes: The expected future outcomes of my work include improvements in evidence-informed management of various musculoskeletal conditions, clarification of the long-term benefits and risks of exposure to biological drugs for inflammatory arthritis, improvements in written patient information and recognition of the importance of health literacy to good health. Name of contact: Rachelle Buchbinder Email/Phone no. of contact: rachelle.buchbinder@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 334060 CIA Name: Prof Sally Green Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Primary Health Care Total funding: $426,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Implementing Clinical Practice Guidelines in General Practice: A Cluster Randomised Controlled TrialImplementing Clinical Practice Guidelines in General Practice: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial Lay Description (from application): Evidence based clinical practice guidelines have the potential to improve clinical practice through providing health care workers with the most reliable information on which to base their treatment decisions. Many governments and organisations are investing significantly in the development of guidelines for common and important clinical disorders. To date, however, we do not fully understand how to increase the uptake of guidelines and facilitate health care workers to change their practice in line with the guideline's recommendations. This project aims to work with general practitioners to develop a method or strategy to increase the uptake of guidelines for the treatment of acute low back pain, particularly to reduce the number of patients who are unnecessarily x-rayed, and to increase advice to stay active. The effectiveness of the developed strategy will be tested by randomly assigning general practice clinics to either receive the intervention or to have access to the guidelines without any extra interventions (such as training and reminders) to help doctors change their practice. Both the doctor's practice, and patient outcomes of pain and disability will be measured to determine not only if the doctors followed the guidelines, but whether this resulted in an improvement in patient outcome. The findings of this study will help us understand the best ways to improve adhesion to guidelines and so has the potential to be applied to other conditions presenting to general practice where there are recommendations not currently being implemented into practice. Research achievements (from final report): This project evaluated an intervention designed to assist general practitioners better manage people with acute low-back pain. The study has shown that the GPs who received the intervention intended to order less x-rays and intended to give advice to stay active more often to their patients with acute low-back pain., , This research has led to further articulation of the complexities of this kind of research that aims to improve clinical practice, and has thus furthered understanding in the field of implementation science. This project has also extended the methodology of the development of theory-based complex interventions, and the assessment of complex intervention fidelity. Also, this project will inform healthcare policy by providing some answers about the implementation of guidelines in general practice. Finally, the project has strengthened partnerships between the Australian-based project team and international colleagues. Expected future outcomes: GPs ordering less x-rays for patients with acute low-back pain can lead to reduced healthcare costs and decreased number of people exposed to harmful radiation. The increased use of GPs giving patients with acute low-back pain advice to stay active should result in improved healthcare outcomes. Methods development have contributed to our understanding of translation of research into practice. Name of contact: Professor Sally Green Email/Phone no. of contact: sally.green@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 334076 CIA Name: A/Pr Cynthia Whitchurch Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Medical Bacteriology Total funding: $346,250 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Analysis of a chemosensory complex that controls twitching motility and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosaAnalysis of a chemosensory complex that controls twitching motility and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lay Description (from application): Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium which causes serious life-threatening infections of individuals with cystic fibrosis, AIDS or who have suffered severe burns or are undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Infection by this pathogen requires the controlled expression of a large number of virulence factors including extracellular enzyme, toxins and structures for the attachment and colonisation of host tissues. We have identified a complex multicomponent regulatory system which coordinates the expression of many of the virulence determinants of this pathogen. This project aims to dissect the intermolecular interactions and signalling events which input into, occur within, and output from this regulatory system. This knowledge will provide a platform for developing rational strategies for the production of new antimicrobials for fighting infections by this and related pathogens. Research achievements (from final report): We have mde signficant progress toward deciphering how Pseudomonas aeruignosa responds to extracellular cues to control colonisation and virulence factor production Expected future outcomes: We expect to identify and characterise protein-protein interactions of Chp chemonsensory sytem of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to determine how this system controls twitching motility, extracellular DNA production and virulence factor production in response to environemetal cues Name of contact: Cynthia Whitchurch Email/Phone no. of contact: Cynthia.Whitchurch@uts.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 380832 CIA Name: Prof Claude Bernard Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Cell Neurochemistry Total funding: $325,911 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Targetting Nogo A as a means to promote CNS axonal regrowthTargetting Nogo A as a means to promote CNS axonal regrowth Lay Description (from application): Unlike the peripheral nervous system, regenerative nerve fiber growth and structural plasticity are limited in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS), following injury. Although lesioned axons can sprout spontaneously, this regeneration attempt is transitory and no significant re-growth occurs over long distances. Consequently, injury to the CNS often leads to permanent disability. In many cases, it has been shown that it is not the absence of growth-promoting molecules in the CNS but rather the presence of axon outgrowth inhibitors, including components of both CNS myelin and astroglial scars that limit regeneration. Given that axonal injury is an important pathological determinant of permanent disability in multiple sclerosis (MS), we have recently investigated the role of the CNS neurite outgrowth inhibitor, Nogo A in the development of a chronic form of murine MS-like disease. We showed that targeting Nogo A by active and passive immunization blunts clinical signs, demyelination and axonal damage associated with this model of MS. These results identify Nogo A as an important determinant of the development of autoimmune-mediated demyelination and suggest that its blockage may help to maintain and/or to restore the neuronal integrity of the CNS after autoimmune insult in disease such as MS. The principal goal of this application is to study the mechanism by which blockade of Nogo A improves clinical outcome in disease like MS and to determine whether neurite sprouting accounts for such an improvement. Targeting Nogo A and/or its receptor, has the potential to not only regulate/modulate the process of autoimmune mediated demyelination but could lead to the first therapy ever offered to patients that helps damaged nerves regenerate after axonal injury following neurodegeneration due to insult or disease. Research achievements (from final report): The motor deficit that characterized multiple sclerosis (MS) patients results from the degeneration and loss of both large and small caliber axons. The molecular mechanisms that underlie axonal degeneration are relatively unexplored in both MS as well as its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We have shown that the axonal growth inhibitor, Nogo-A, plays a central role in the pathophysiology of EAE. A downstream effector of axonally-dependent Nogo-A-receptor signaling, is Rho-kinase (ROCKII). ROCKII is known to phosphorylate and thereby inactivate CRMP-2, a critical determinant of tubulin assembly and axonal growth. Therefore, we examined the protein levels of ROCKII-phosphorylated CRMP-2 (pThr555-CRMP-2) in the spinal cord of C57BL/6 mice during the course of MOG35-55-induced EAE. Levels of axon-specific pThr555-CRMP-2 were increased at the onset and peak stages of EAE-disease. This increase directly correlated with a decrease in the levels of CRMP-2-bound tubulin. Furthermore, we found increased immunoreactivity to pThr555-CRMP-2 in degenerating axons at and near the site of EAE lesions. This suggest that phosphorylation of CRMP-2 at the Thr555 site inhibits the normal physiological function of CRMP-2 in spinal cord axons and is associated with axonal degeneration. Further clinical observation of Nogo Receptor 1 knock-out (ngr1-/-) mice revealed a significant delay in EAE onset when compared with wild-type littermate controls. Extensive immune-phenotypic analysis revealed no immunological defect in ngr1-/- mice. While there was an increase in total levels of CRMP-2 in ngr1-/- mice, the levels of pThr555-CRMP-2 was twelvefold lower when compared with MOG35-55-EAE-induced wild-type littermates at peak stage of disease. Expected future outcomes: Demyelination is a major event in neurodegenerative disorders. Given that ROCKII mediated phosphorylation of CRMP-2 downstream of Nogo receptor activation may play a role in the potentiation of axonal degeneration in EAE. , Therefore the Nogo signal transduction pathway may be a promising target for promoting repair of axons in neurodegenerative diseases, such as spinal injury, trauma and MS. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Bernard Email/Phone no. of contact: claude.bernard@med.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 384103 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Lesley Day End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $1,157,574 Title of research award: Tai Chi for independent living: RCT of efficacy of Tai Chi in delaying disability among older people.Tai Chi for independent living: RCT of efficacy of Tai Chi in delaying disability among older people. Lay Description (from application): This study addresses the issue of disability among our ageing population. Preservation of function among our older citizens, and their capacity to live independently, is of significant social, public health and economic benefit. The aims of this study are to (1) test the efficacy of Tai Chi in delaying disability among older people, prior to its onset, (2) investigate the mechanisms by which Tai Chi intervenes in the disability pathway, (3) determine the cost-benefits of Tai Chi for older people. The study will recruit 670 people over 70 years of age and randomly assign them to receive either Tai Chi, or a stretching and relaxation program, for a period of 48 weeks. The groups will then be compared to determine if there is any difference in the development of disability as well as a range of functional outcomes such as strength, balance, depression, arthritic symptoms, life satisfaction, and falls. This will be the first study world-wide to test the impact of any exercise program on delaying the manifestation of disability among older people. Robust evidence that Tai Chi can in fact delay disability will have immediate and significant implications for the maintenance of independence among older people at a critical time for our ageing population. Translation of these research results to practice will decrease demand for support services for community dwelling older people, and for places in supported accommodation facilities. Older people will have improved quality of life, and government and non-government agencies will experience reduced demand for limited resources. This internationally significant study will also contribute to understanding the mechanisms by which disability develops, and create the valuable opportunity for continuing research on attrition of effect and long term adherence to exercise programs. Research achievements (from final report): This was the first study world wide to attempt to test the impact of any exericse program on delaying the manifestation of disability among older people. A total of 503 older people, in the very early stage of disability, were recruited and received one of two different exercise programs for a 48 week period. Disability outcomes, and a number of explanatory factors, were monitored. Preliminary results following an interim analysis after 24 weeks of exericse, suggest that the initial promise of the program may not be realised. However, data on the impact of the full exericse program has not yet been analysed. There may be important messages regarding the participation of older people in exercise programs. Expected future outcomes: Future analysis will test whether the full 48 week exericse program has an impact on delaying disability onset, and on improving a number of health related outcomes. Name of contact: Lesley Day Email/Phone no. of contact: lesley.day@muarc.monash.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 384366 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Peter Kent End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $120,510 Title of research award: A prospective cohort study of recent-onset low back pain in primary care.A prospective cohort study of recentonset low back pain in primary care. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): , This Fellowship funding was for an Australian researcher's participation in a large multi-national study of people seeking care for low back pain, organised by a UK-based research group. The aim of that study was to identify whether clinically important subgroups of low back pain exist with previously unrecognised treatment needs. That UK-based study did not proceed., As the aim of that study was still scientifically sound, the study protocol was redesigned in Australia to include fewer countries and a more practical method. Developing a more practical method required: reviewing the literature for evidence-based predictors of the outcomes of care; identifying best-practice statistical method for analysing subgroups and creating a new conceptual framework for that method; and developing more efficient questions to gather information from patients., New research collaborations were established with research groups in Denmark and USA. Funding applications for the Australian and Danish components of the project were submitted. The Danish component was successfully funded as the main development site. Mid-way through the 4-year Fellowship, the project migrated to Denmark and the Fellowship ceased. , Since the Fellowship ceased, the Danish collaborators have applied innovative information technology to the project to allow multilingual, resource-efficient collection of information from patients. The first 1,500 people entered the study during 2009 and another 5,000 are likely to during 2010., Expected future outcomes: This ambitious project is likely to identify modifiable risk factors for poor outcome from low back pain, and the way those factors interact. It is also likely to provide a rich source of testable hypotheses about what treatment particular groups of people respond to and do not respond to. Name of contact: Peter Kent Email/Phone no. of contact: peter.kent@slb.regionsyddanmark.dk NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400937 CIA Name: Prof Caroline Finch Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $1,160,492 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A randomised controlled trial of exercise programs for preventing knee injuriesA randomised controlled trial of exercise programs for preventing knee injuries Lay Description (from application): The promotion of physical activity, either through organised sport or active recreation, is a key public health strategy in this country. However, there is a risk of injury during this participation and efforts need to be undertaken to reduce this risk so that spor is safe for all. Sports injury prevention efforts to date in Australia have been severely hampered by a lack of evidence supporting currently advocated countermeasures. This concern has been recognised by both the NHMRC and the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. It is imperative that we formally evaluate the effectiveness of sports injury countermeasures in the context of broad community level participation in sport, in contrast to previous research focussed on professional sport, and begin to deliver the preventive measures to the community. Australian football is a popular sport throughout Australia and it is associated with more medically-treated injuries than any other sport. Knee injuries are particularly common and can have severe consequences. One of the most commonly recommended knee injury prevention strategies is a well-designed exercise training program. Despite their potential to significantly reduce injury rates, the effectiveness of exercise training programs to prevent knee injuries in football, and indeed in most other sports, has not previously been assessed but has been identified as a priority research area by the NHMRC. This project will determine the effectiveness of exercise training programs for preventing knee injuries in community-level football players by monitoring injury rates, player behaviours and player attitudes before and after the training programs are implemented. Research achievements (from final report): Because of the large amount of running and other game-specific manoeuvres necessary to play football, footballers can sustain injuries to their lower limbs. Lower limb injuries are the most common football-related injury and can have significant impact for players in terms of need for treatment and being unable to play the game for a time. While it is well known from laboratory-based studies that strengthening and conditioning the muscles and control of ligaments around the knee could potentially prevent these injuries, this evidence has not previously been applied directly to community football. This study developed the first exercise training program specifically for community footballers to reduce their risks of lower limb injury. The program was delivered and trailed in two large football leagues in Victoria and Western Australia. The research team worked with community football coaches and their training support staff to encourage players to undertake the guided exercise program. The project has led to the refining of an "ideal" exercise training program that other coaches could implement with their players to prevent lower limb injuries in the future. If players start, in their preseason, to prepare for their football season using this training program, they are likely to have a reduced risk of injury and will be able to play fully over the following playing season, with good performance and fitness benefits. Expected future outcomes: Our improved understanding of what motivates coaches to deliver, and players to adopt, exercise training programs means that we can now deliver a program which is more likely to be successful in the future because it is highly relevant for, and acceptable to, the culture of community football. Name of contact: Caroline Finch Email/Phone no. of contact: caroline.finch@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 436620 CIA Name: Dr James BOURNE Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $460,947 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Development and maturation of the visual cortexDevelopment and maturation of the visual cortex Lay Description (from application): Much of the human brain is devoted to vision, which requires the integrated activity of many interconnected areas of the cerebral cortex. Damage to these areas is a relatively common complication of preterm delivery and- or perinatal conditions including trauma and infection. The severity of both the short- and long-term effects of these lesions appears to be related to the time of the damage. The aim of this project is to investigate the way in which the multiple visual areas of the brain develop and become 'wired' together in the period following birth. We will also determine if there are mechanisms which allow alternate routes to be found for processing visual information while the brain is still establishing connections between its multiple areas. This will allow us to understand the anatomical and physiological bases of the deficits caused by early damage to the visual areas of the brain, and perhaps point to strategies that will lead to improved recovery of visual function. Research achievements (from final report): Much of the human brain is devoted to vision, which requires the integrated activity of many interconnected areas in the neocortex. Damage to these areas is a relatively common complication of preterm delivery and/or perinatal conditions including trauma and infection. The severity of both short- and long-term effects of these lesions appears to be related to the time of the damage. This project has demonstrated the ways in which the visual cortical areas develop in sequence and how they purposefully interact following birth. Furthermore, at the micro level it has enabled us to define the cellular networks that are involved in plasticity. The outcomes of this research allow us to understand the anatomical and physiolgical bases of the deficits caused by damage to the visual cortical areas of the brain early in life. The potential benefits are the development of strategties that afford improved recovery of visual function. Expected future outcomes: The corollary of the outcomes achieved in this present study have been the design of potential strategies using specific molecules that can afford rewiring of connections. Name of contact: Dr James Bourne Email/Phone no. of contact: james.bourne@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 436629 CIA Name: Prof David Cooper Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $360,313 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Practitioner FellowshipPractitioner Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am an intensive care physician, clinician and researcher, interested in studying new therapies to improve outcomes in patienst with acute trauma, sepsis and lung injury. A main focus is independent phase 111 clinical trials in critically ill patients Research achievements (from final report): In 2011, I published two pivotal clinical trials in NEJM, one as first author. I had 70 papers in the past 5 years, and 23 in 2011. My h-index is 25. Both trials published in NEJM in 2011 (DECRA and PROTECT) have impacted clinical practice (Marion D. Lancet Neurol. 2011 Jun;10(6):497-8). The publication of the DECRA trial (N Engl J Med. 2011 April; 364(16): 1493-502) was described as a "fundamental event in the history of decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury" (Hutchison P, B J Neurosurg 2011; 25(3): 441-442), and as "one of the most important clinical trials of a novel therapy for severe TBI, and a class 1 study which should be considered as foundation for an evidence based guideline" (Lancet Neurol. 2011 Jun;10(6):497-8). DECRA was the first randomised controlled trial of any neurosurgical technique in neurotrauma. It will change clinical practice and is likely to save Australian health care 1-200 million dollars annually. Expected future outcomes: I will lead 2 main research programs: Improving outcomes after traumatic brain injury; and Optimising patient blood management in critical care. Three NHMRC currently funded multicentre clinical trials (two as CIA) and the CRE grant (CIA) provide the major components and main funding support for these programs. Organising an international conference in Italy on clinical trials in intensive care. Name of contact: D J (Jamie) Cooper Email/Phone no. of contact: jamie.cooper@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 436659 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Ian Smyth End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Genetic Development (incl. Sex Determination) Total funding: $475,517 Title of research award: The role of the Frem proteins in development and diseaseThe role of the Frem proteins in development and disease Lay Description (from application): Rare genetics diseases can often provide us with insights into some of the fundamental mechanisms which control how we develop and live healthy lives. We have identified a family of genes called the Fras and Frem genes and some of these are mutated in a disorder called Fraser Syndrome. Fraser Syndrome patients have profound defects in the normal development of their skin and kidneys. We are studying the function of these genes with a view to understanding not just how Fraser Syndrome develops, but how our organs develop normally. The genes involved in FS contribute to the "extracellular matrix" which is effectively the scaffolding which our cells use when developing into our organs. The extracellular matrix is also important in maintaining our adult tissues and responding to damage. It can act as a physical support and as a key controller of how ours cells react to growth factors and to each other. This proposal will explore how the Fras and Frem genes mediate these interactions to control normal development and also to determine how their mutation gives rise to disease. In doing so we hope to gain insights into more common diseases which affect both the kidney and the skin. Research achievements (from final report): During the course of this project we have furthered our understanding of the role of the Fras and Frem genes in development. Specifically we have detailed gene expression in a number of developmental animal systems uncovering gene expression interactions with relevance to human disease caused by mutations in these genes. We have developed a novel imaging technology to explore developmental defects in these genes and have applied this to the analysis of a number of different organ systems. We have shown that the Fras and Frem genes can control Pdgf signalling and the implications of this finding to the study of tissue inflammation are ongoing. Wehave also shown that mutations in these genes contribute to defects in craniofacial development including orofacial clefting and craniosynostosis. Expected future outcomes: Better understanding of disease features associated with the Fras and Frem genes and the application of imaging modalities based around Optical Projection Tomogrpahy to better understand features of developmental disease in model organisms Name of contact: Ian Smyth Email/Phone no. of contact: ian.smyth@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 436767 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Sally Green End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Therapies and Therapeutic Technology Total funding: $682,134 Title of research award: Improving the care for people with acute low back pain by allied health professionals: cluster RCT.Improving the care for people with acute low back pain by allied health professionals: cluster RCT. Lay Description (from application): The project focuses on the NHMRC Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for the management of acute low back pain, and more specifically the key messages of non-referral to x-ray and advising patients to stay active. A mixed design approach will be used in line with the framework for evaluating complex interventions (MRC 2000). A qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews with physiotherapists, chiropractors and the patients of both will be conducted to identify the barriers and enablers to implementation of the evidence-based clinical practice guideline. The interviews will be underpinned by a theoretical framework grounded in behavioural theory. Information from the interviews will be used to develop a survey to canvas views of a larger population of chiropractors and physiotherapists. The results of the interviews and survey will inform the development of a targeted implementation strategy suitable for use in private physiotherapy and chiropractic clinics. Potential interventions include educational strategies, patient and practitioner information via various media, reminder systems and peer leadership. Research achievements (from final report): This project evaluated an intervention designed to assist allied health practitioners (physiotherapists and chiropractors) better manage people with acute low-back pain. This research has led to further articulation of the complexities of research that aims to improve clinical practice in line with research evidence, and thus has furthered understanding in the field of implementation science. This project has also extended the methodology of desinging theory-based behaviour change interventions and the assessment of intervention fidelity. The project has strengthened partnerships between the Australian-based project team and international leaders in implementation research. Expected future outcomes: Allied health professionals ordering fewer plain x-rays for patients with acute low-back pain can lead to reduced health care costs and decreased number of people exposed to harmful radiation. The increased use of health professionals advising patients with acute low-back pain to stay active in line with evidence from research should result in improved health care outcomes. Name of contact: Professor Sally Green Email/Phone no. of contact: sally.green@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 436815 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: A/Pr Cristina Morganti-Kossmann End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $397,535 Title of research award: Role of post-traumatic hypoxia in the exacerbation of cerebral inflammatory response elicited by brain injuryRole of post-traumatic hypoxia in the exacerbation of cerebral inflammatory response elicited by brain injury Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injury is the major cause of death in the young population below the age of 40 years. Approximately 25% of patients that survive head injury remain with permanent neurological disabilities with considerable family, professional and economic costs. Extensive research has shown that not all brain damage occurs at the time of injury, but rather evolves over the hours and days following trauma. Secondary injury may result from various factors including hypoxia (insufficient oxygen) as a consequence of respiratory distress that occurs in about 50% of patients with severe head trauma. Hypoxia is known to significantly worsen the neurological impairment and potentially lead to death. Brain injury and hypoxia have the ability to separately trigger cerebral inflammation. A dual role has been attributed to inflammation: to promote tissue repair but also add further damage through the release of neurotoxic substances. We hypothesise that hypoxia occurring after traumatic brain injury enhances the inflammatory response in the brain and aggravate tissue damage as well as neurological dysfunction. This hypothesis will be tested on a rat model of brain injury whereby the animals will be exposed to moderate-severe hypoxia immediately after trauma. The production of multiple inflammatory mediators will be quantified in the brain tissue and also in cerebrospinal fluid. The concentration of these mediators will be compared with the levels of cellular injury proteins known to increase following injury to determine whether a correlation exists. In a clinical study on patients, we will measure the same inflammatory mediators and proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood of individuals with severe head injury. The suitability of these factors for potential use as diagnostic/prognostic markers of either hypoxia or injury will be determined. Research achievements (from final report): Epidemiological data have shown that a hypoxic event following head injury is associated with mortality and disability in humans. However, the mechanisms exacerbating brain damage and neurological function after brain trauma remain obscure. In this study we demonstrated that a hypoxic event following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a rat model of diffuse brain damage worsens neurological deficit and exacerbates neuroinflammation by means of brain infiltration of blood macrophages, accumulation of microglia and glial activation. The synthesis of the cytokines TNF, IL-1 and IL-6 was more elevated in the cortex of TBI-hypoxic rats than animals with TBI or hypoxia alone. Most importantly, in this model of diffuse TBI, hypoxia enhanced axonal pathology in the corpus callosum and brain stem up to 2 weeks post-injury. , In the clinical study based on patients (up to 36) with severe head injury, the occurrence of hypoxia immediately after the accident showed a trend towards a protracted increase in the concentration of cytokines TNF, IL-2, IFN, GM-CSF in the cerebrospinal fluid over 6 days as compared to patients with TBI without hypoxia. In addition, when surrogate markers of brain damage were quantified in the blood of these patients, S-100 and myelin basic protein were found more elevated in TBI-hypoxic group as compared to TBI normoxic individuals, whereas the biomarker neuronal specific enolase was not different between the groups., Collectively these studies corroborate in two distinct systems the detrimental effects of post-TBI hypoxia mostly with enhanced brain inflammation. The use of the standardised animal model allowed us to deepen our understanding of the role of hypoxia on neurological deficit, tissue damage and neuroinflammation at cellular and humoral level. The identification of injury markers reflecting exacerbated brain damage may have significant applications in the clinic. Expected future outcomes: This study has spurred further investigations in patients and rat model of TBI on the activation of the kynurenine pathway which metabolises tryptophan, producing quinolinic acid, a potent neurotoxin. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Electrophysiological and therapeutic studies on the animal model will elucidate functional changes leading to neurological impairment and strategies to improve outcomes after TBI-hypoxia. Name of contact: Cristina Morganti-Kossmann Email/Phone no. of contact: cristina.morganti-kossmann@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 456097 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Terrence Haines End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $524,137 Title of research award: Randomised controlled trial of multimedia patient education approaches to preventing in-hospital fallsRandomised controlled trial of multimedia patient education approaches to preventing in-hospital falls Lay Description (from application): In hospital falls are one of the most frequently occurring adverse events in Australian hospitals. They are the cause of considerable patient morbidity, stress to family members and care givers, and health care resource use. However, there are many potential causes of in-hospital falls which has made minimising them a difficult task for hospitals around the country. Recent evidence has indicated that a patient intervention strategy is useful for preventing in-hospital falls as a part of a multi-factorial falls prevention program. This research aims to investigate the effectiveness and economic benefit of two approaches to providing patient education for the prevention of in-hospital falls. Patients at high risk for falls will be recruited from the Princess Alexandra Hospital and be randomly allocated to either a DVD + 4 sessions of face-to-face education with an occupational therapist program, to a DVD alone education program, or to a usual care with no additional education control condition. Patients will be followed up until their discharge from hospital and the number of in-hospital falls they incur will be compared between groups. It is expected that both the DVD + 4 sessions of face-to-face education with an occupational therapist program, to a DVD alone education program will be effective in reducing falls and that the DVD alone education program will demonstrate the greater costeffectiveness in reducing falls. Stemming from this research, it is anticipated that a cost-effective resource for preventing in-hospital falls will be developed and evaluated such that it can be used in hospitals Australia wide. Research achievements (from final report): The patient education program developed as a part of this research reduced falls amongst cognitively intact hospital inpatients by 50% across acute and subacute hospital wards. This is the first time a single intervention has been shown to reduce falls in a hospital population internationally. This program has been the subject of keynote addresses at national and international conferences and has now been translated into practice in several hospitals around Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. , This project advanced the methodology of conducting falls research in hospitals by demonstrating that hospital incident reporting systems under-report falls by ~30%, creating a considerable source of bias in some studies. , This study advanced the methodology of conducting meta-analyses in fields where the outcome of interest is a recurrent event by demonstrating that standard meta-analysis approaches create confidence intervals that are too narrow. , This study demonstrated that hospital patients face a high burden of falls once they have been discharged from hospital, but have little idea of effective intervention strategies, so are unable to effectively self-manage. Expected future outcomes: Further work build on this study is currently underway to better understand risk taking by older adults, to examine the economic efficiency of hospital falls prevention programs and to develop programs to prevent falls once older adults are discharged from hospital. Name of contact: Terry Haines Email/Phone no. of contact: terrence.haines@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 457088 CIA Name: Prof Mark Stevenson Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $812,867 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a epidemiologist with a research focus on road and child injury. This includes expertise in both clinical and observational research related to injury Research achievements (from final report): Over the course of the Fellowship I completed a suite of observational studies that contributed directly to policy and practice. From my cohort study on mild traumatic brain injury among non-elite rugby players which highlighted that current management practices are insufficient to manage this burgeoning problem, through to findings from the Heavy Vehicle Crash Study - a population-based case-control study which contributed to the development of the safe-rates legislation which was recently introduced by the Federal Government. Expected future outcomes: Since the Fellowship supported me whilst undertaking 4 significant population-based studies and in which 2 of these studies I am still analysing data, I anticipate there will continue to be considerable publications and dissemination of the findngs over the next 12-18 months. Name of contact: Mark Stevenson Email/Phone no. of contact: Mark.Stevenson@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 465103 CIA Name: A/Pr Belinda Gabbe Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $471,059 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Improving the measurement and monitoring of long term outcomes following trauma.Improving the measurement and monitoring of long term outcomes following trauma. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Traumatic injury remains a leading cause of the global burden of disease and is one of the seven National Health Priority Areas. Advancements in the treatment of injuries has led to a global reduction in injury-related death increasing the importance of measuring the burden of non-fatal injury, including the degree of functional loss, ongoing disability and lost quality of life experienced by survivors. The key focus of the research undertaken during this Career Development Award was the development, validation, and implementation of a methodology for capturing long term disability outcomes following injury via trauma registries, one of the most detailed source of injury-specific data available globally. Uptake of this methodology by the Victorian State Trauma Registry and Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry has resulted in the largest repository of long term injury disability outcomes and the only injury-specific monitoring systems to routinely collect data on long term outcomes other than mortality. Additional observational and qualitative studies undertaken during this Award have focused on the individual and societal impacts of injury, experiences with the delivery of trauma care, and comparing outcomes of different treatment approaches and systems of care. The research has resulted in an improved understanding of the course of recovery of following serious injury, factors contributing to good and poor outcomes, and the impact of specialised trauma centre care on the quality of survival of injured patients. Expected future outcomes: This research will allow population-based monitoring of the long term outcomes following injury, including the capacity to measure the impact of changes in delivery of care on patient outcomes. The data collected will also provide contribute to validation and improvement of measurement of the global burden of non-fatal injury. Name of contact: Belinda Gabbe Email/Phone no. of contact: belinda.gabbe@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 465142 CIA Name: Dr Yuanyuan Wang Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Rheumatology and Arthritis Total funding: $282,008 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Title of research award: The effect of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors on the risk of primary and revision joint replacement.The effect of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors on the risk of primary and revision joint replacement. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The project explored the ethnic disparity in total joint replacement utilization in Australia, and examined associations between lifestyle factors including obesity, physical activity, and diet, and the risk of total joint replacement for osteoarthritis. The research on the disparities of joint replacement utilization is crucial to healthy policy in terms of the issue of equity: health service and resources should be fairly distributed on clinical needs, but not by patient's cultural or socioeconomic background. The findings of the research identify the potentially modifiable risk factors for osteoarthritis, contribute better understanding of the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, and inform novel preventive strategies for osteoarthritis. For example, muscle mass was shown to be beneficial to knee cartilage, and fat mass to be detrimental to knee cartilage and associated with an increased risk of total joint replacement. It may be that for effective prevention of osteoarthritis, weight loss programs should focus on both fat mass reduction and muscle maintenence: simple weight loss alone may be insufficient. Thus, these may facilitate more effective strategies to prevent osteoarthritis in the future. Expected future outcomes: Patient-related factors associated with the risk of revision joint replacement and the effect of adult weight gain on the risk of total joint replacement will be further explored. Extension of this work may provide a stronger basis to enable intervention studies to be conducted to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. Name of contact: Yuanyuan Wang Email/Phone no. of contact: Yuanyuan.Wang@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 490992 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Michael Lenne End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: International Collaborations Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $178,706 Title of research award: WHEELER BEHAVIOUR AND SAFETY (2-BE-SAFE)WHEELER BEHAVIOUR AND SAFETY (2-BESAFE) Lay Description (from application): The aim of this project is to design and implement a broad-ranging research program that produces in-depth knowledge of motorcycle rider behaviour, performance, and safety that can be used to inform and develop a broad, and integrated package of countermeasures and-or public policies to improve the safety of motorcycle riders. A key focus of the research program will be on the identification and characterisation of errors that give rise to incidents and crashes involving motorcycle riders. Australian motorcycle riders are three times more likely to be involved in a casualty crash than car drivers, and comprised 14% of the national road toll in 2005. The proposed research program aims to improve motorcycle safety by developing appropriate countermeasures that will be derived from the findings of simulator experiments, on-road studies, focus groups, and surveys. The results of these studies will be used to develop guidelines and recommendations for improving motorcycle safety. Research achievements (from final report): This was the first major project to examine motorcycle safety using human factors approaches. The European project 2-be-Safe involved 27 instutions working together to develop new methods for studying motorcyclist safety and to evaluate different approaches that could lead to safety improvements. The development of research platforms to examine rider behaviour using simulation and naturalistic (on-road) approaches were key outcomes of the broader program. NHMRC-EU funding supported Australian involvement in this program.In a large proportion of motorcycle crashes the car driver either fails to see a motorcyclist all together or detects them too late. In this project Australian researchers worked with the European consortium to better understand how aspects of rider and motorcycle conspicuity impact how well a driver will detect the rider in traffic. Expected future outcomes: It isexpected that these findings will be used by road authorities to inform policies that will improve road user safety. Name of contact: Michael Lenné Email/Phone no. of contact: Michael.Lenne@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 491109 CIA Name: A/Pr Velandai Srikanth Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $1,323,362 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A population-based cohort study of brain ageing - rates of brain structural change, functional effects, and mechanismsA population-based cohort study of brain ageing - rates of brain structural change, functional effects, and mechanisms Lay Description (from application): This study will provide unique longitudinal Australian data on the effects and causes of brain aging in a population-based sample of older people. The results may assist in preventing dementia and falls, major public health problems in older Australians. Research achievements (from final report): TASCOG is a cohort study of 430 older people randomly selected from the population followed up twice after baseline assessment, over a period of 5 years. The principal aims are as follows:In a randomly selected population-based cohort of people aged over 60 years (n = 400) followed over 5 years, we aim to study cerebrovascular mechanisms involved in brain ageing:1.The rates of change in key age-related brain structural volumes [white matter hyperintensity volume (WMHV), brain parenchymal volume (BPV) and hippocampal volume (HV)].2.The impact of changes in brain structural volumes on change in cognition, gait, and the risk of incident falls.3.The relationship between physical activity, endothelial function and change in brain structural volumes over time.4.The effects of novel and potentially harmful (advanced glycation endproducts, AGEs) or potentially protective (soluble receptor for advanced glycation endproducts - sRAGE) biochemical factors on change in brain structural volumes over time. Data collection was completed in late 2012. Overall, we have followed up 346 people in phase 2 and 279 in phase 3. Data cleaning and MRI processing for phase 3 has required more intensive input and was completed omplete by mid-2013. Data from the first 2 phases are being analysed from several perspectives. the first of these papers has been accepted by the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Several further manuscript are in submission on the association of white matter lesion progression and risk of incident falls, the trajectory and predictors of decline in cognitive function and quality of life, and the effect of lifestyle (physical activity on brain changes). These data have already been presented at major international meetings as well as being submitted for others. In addition, these longitudinal data now are an integral component of genome wide meta-analysis looking at novel gene variants contributing to brain ageing - as part of the CHARGE consortium. Expected future outcomes: This project has provided vast dataset with rich biological measures - it will provide novel data that will reach publication on several fronts over the next 2 years Name of contact: Velandai Srikanth Email/Phone no. of contact: velandai.srikanth@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509349 CIA Name: Prof Russell Gruen Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $314,312 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Refining methods for obtaining, synthesising and interpreting research evidence in surgeryRefining methods for obtaining, synthesising and interpreting research evidence in surgery Lay Description (from application): Research evidence plays a crucial role in improving clinical care. However the main forms of evidence and the tools that facilitate evidence use - namely randomised controlled trials (RCT) & structured systematic reviews of existing research - have had limited application in surgery for a variety of reasons. This project aims to promote the use of research evidence in surgical decision making by developing tools tailored to the predominance of non-RCTs in surgery & surgeons' information needs. Research achievements (from final report): In this 4 year period I have advanced various aspects of science in health services, surgery and trauma care. I have published major articles on topics ranging from the sustainability of health services, to the early management of severe injury, and how to measure the performance of trauma care and trauma systems. I have benefited from good mentorship and support, and have developed an international network of collaborators and researchers on similar topics, and have attracted significant project and program funding to support this work into the future. During this period of NHMRC support I became a full professor and head of department. Expected future outcomes: I am continuing on with an NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship and will continue to develop a world class research program and work on using research to improve care of injured people globally. Name of contact: Professor Russell Gruen Email/Phone no. of contact: r.gruen@alfred.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 544304 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Jane Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Dermatology Total funding: $579,138 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Defects in epidermal morphogenesis in Grainyhead-like gene deficient miceDefects in epidermal morphogenesis in Grainyhead-like gene deficient mice Lay Description (from application): The cells of the skin play an essential role in the development of the mammalian embryo. They are critical for forming a protective barrier against infection and external toxins, for preventing excess fluid loss, for repair of defects and wounds , and for the generation of hair. Our laboratory has identified a family of genes that are critical for these processes. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between these genes to further our understanding of the skin and its functions Research achievements (from final report): This project examined the role of the Grainy head-like factors in epidermal morphogenesis. We made, excellent progress in understanding the role of Grhl3 in both embryonic epidermal development and in, adult epidermal homeostasis. We also made inroads in deciphering interactions between the family, members in epidermal development. Expected future outcomes: These studies pave the way for further developments in understanding and management of disease processes that involve defective epidermal migration such as failed wound repair and neural tube defects. Name of contact: Stephen Jane Email/Phone no. of contact: stephen.jane@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 545865 CIA Name: Dr Kathleen Burman Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $554,656 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Plasticity of sensorimotor representations in adult primate cortexPlasticity of sensorimotor representations in adult primate cortex Lay Description (from application): Cells in some regions of the brain, collectively known as the sensorimotor cortex, control our capacity to purposefully move the arms and hands. Damage to these regions in adults causes severe deficits. However, rehabilitative training can restore some control over the muscles. To understand how the brain circuits change to compensate for injury, and what effect rehabilitation may have on these changes, I will study cellular alterations in the movement control pathways in the cerebral cortex. Research achievements (from final report): This project focused on how the non-human primate brain reorganises after injury to the areas responsible for sensation and movement, including a close examination of the connections of premotor areas. The results have provided limited support for the idea that focal ischemic lesions followed by spontaneous recovery of arm movement promote massive rearrangements in cortico-cortical sensorimotor pathways. The tracer experiments indicate that parietal somatosensory areas 1 and 2 are directly linked to the ventral premotor cortex in both normal and lesioned animals. However, they suggest differences in the density and distribution of connections from the granular and retroinsular cortices to the ventral premotor cortices, with lesioned animals showing a more robust projection. These results suggest that rodent studies alone may not provide the best information for strategies aimed at improving motor function in humans recovering from stroke. Our results also add to our understanding of the organisation of motor areas in the non-human primate brain. Expected future outcomes: These results enhance our understanding of the finer organisation of motor areas in the non-human primate and how the brain controls movement and may lead to better strategies for managing stroke recovery in humans. Name of contact: Kathleen Burman Email/Phone no. of contact: kathleen.burman@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 545925 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof David Walker End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $579,138 Title of research award: Cerebrovascular Effects of Intrauterine Hypoxia: Contribution to Perinatal Brain InjuryCerebrovascular Effects of Intrauterine Hypoxia: Contribution to Perinatal Brain Injury Lay Description (from application): During pregnancy, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus is sometimes disturbed, and can lead to injury of the developing brain. In this project we investigate the idea that low oxygen (hypoxia) causes brain demage to blood vessels in the fetal brain, and new blood vessesl produced in an attempt to repair this damage are fragile and prone to rupture, explaining the high incidence of bleeding in the brain of prematurely-born and full term infants that experience birth hypoxia. Research achievements (from final report): We have been successful in showing that a single, brief episode of global hypoxia/asphyxia in the near-term sheep fetus causes increased expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in small blood vessels in many regions of the brain. This is also associated with leakage of plasma proteins into the brain in some regions, indicative of increased blood vessel permeability, or breakdown of the normally tight junctions of the blood-brain barrier - this was observed in particularly in periventricular and subcortical white matter, and may be one of the reasons why these regions are particularly susceptible to hypoxia-induced brain damage. The single hypoxic episode also produced changes in other proteins associated with the remodelling of blood vessels, such as angiopoietin-1, and again this was particularly evident in blood vessels passing through white matter. There were changes in the overall morphology of blood vessels, observed as an increase in the relative number of large (?100 µm) versus small (?10 µm) blood vessels when measuring the perimeter of small vessels. These changes were evident at 48 h following hypoxia in white but not grey matter, suggesting that there was a prolonged loss of the mechanisms that regulate blood vessel size. These findings have significance for perinatal brain imaging studies which currently are not optimized for the identification of microvascular damage or changes of perfusion. ? Expected future outcomes: Our results will alert clinicians to the need to examine brain blood flow and brain blood vessels closely in preterm and term neonates who suffer oxygen deprivation at birth. New imaging techniques are required that identify brain regions with abnormal blood flow, and to determine if small haemorrhages are present. Name of contact: David Walker Email/Phone no. of contact: david.walker@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 546005 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Euan Wallace End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $511,295 Title of research award: Preventing Prenatal Brain Injury in Fetal Growth RestrictionPreventing Prenatal Brain Injury in Fetal Growth Restriction Lay Description (from application): Intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR) is a serious complication of pregnancy associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. In particular, IUGR infants have a high risk of perinatal brain injury which is likely to arise from damage before birth. Our aim is to use an ovine model of IUGR to define the causes of that brain injury and to develop new therapies that could be offered to women to protect their unborn baby. Research achievements (from final report): In this project we demonstrated that impaired fetal growth was associated with injuries to the developing brain that resulted in disability of the newborn. We went on to show that this brian injury was related to oxidtive stress in the growth restricted fetus and that treatment of the pregnant mother with melatonin - a powerful antioxidant - reduced oxidative stress in the developing fetus and prevented brain injury. The melatonin treatment improved developmental outcome of the newborns. The project was udnertaken using an experimental sheep model of growth restriction. However, the results show for the first time that it is possible to treat an unborn baby before it is born and prevent brain injury. Expected future outcomes: The results of this project have been used to design a clinical trial where the treatment will be offered to pregnant women whose baby is severely growth restricted. Name of contact: Professor Euan Wallace Email/Phone no. of contact: euan.wallace@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 546238 CIA Name: A/Pr James Friend Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $187,213 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Title of research award: The NanoNautilus : A Breakthrough in the Successful Treatment of Strokes and Other Cerebrovascular DiseasesThe NanoNautilus : A Breakthrough in the Successful Treatment of Strokes and Other Cerebrovascular Diseases Lay Description (from application): Strokes are one of the biggest killers of Australians and are becoming increasingly so every year. Bleeding from the brain involves extremely delicate and dangerous medical treatments. The development of NanoNautilus [TM]---a remote-controlled steerable microcatheterusing world-first miniaturization technology--will revolutionise current practises and greatly reduce the current risk with medical intervention. Research achievements (from final report): Strokes are one of the biggest killers of Australians and are becoming increasingly so every year. Bleeding from the brain involves extremely delicate and dangerous medical treatments. This project helped develop the NanoNautilus [R]---a remote-controlled steerable microcatheter using world-first miniaturization technology, where we developed our triple-axis micromotor and mounting technology to the point where the device can be taken forward in further animal trials for actual application in navigating the arteries of the brain. Two patent applications to PCT have resulted from this grant, as have four published journal papers at a minimum. Ex-vivo and animal trials in pigs are ongoing. Our chief achievement is in creating and validating a novel microtechnology for navigating the neurovasculature, overcoming significant technical hurdles in achieving controllable motion of a catheter tip. Expected future outcomes: The future of this work is the use of the technology as a complete device in human trials at the Royal Melbourne Hospital's Neurointervention Centre. Name of contact: James Friend Email/Phone no. of contact: james.friend@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 606402 CIA Name: Prof Christina Mitchell Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Signal Transduction Total funding: $689,474 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Role of the 72kDa 5-phosphatase in human diseasesRole of the 72kDa 5-phosphatase in human diseases Lay Description (from application): We have identified a novel gene, Inpp5e, that when mutated causes a disease similar to Joubert syndrome and MORMS disease which leads to abnormal movements, developmental delays, mental retardation, abnormal breathing and eye movement. We have identified a candidate gene for these diseases and have shown that deletion of this gene in mice results in similar pathology. We aim to determine the mechanism by which Inpp5e regulates human development and disease. Research achievements (from final report): We characterised the function of a human gene, Inpp5e, in mice and cultured cells. The INPP5E gene is mutated in human ciliopathy syndromes, which are disorders characterised by developmental abnormalities affecting organs including the brain and kidneys. There are currently no cures or successful treatments for ciliopathy syndromes. How mutation of INPP5E causes developmental abnormalities is unknown and formed the focus of this research. We generated mice harbouring deletion of the Inpp5e gene and observed abnormalities which recapitulated the human ciliopathy syndromes. These mice provided valuable tools for studying the basis of disease in INPP5E mutated ciliopathies. We conducted studies in cells to uncover how Inpp5e regulated signalling pathways which contribute to human diseases such as polycystic kidneys. Collectively, these studies revealed novel and signifcant roles for INPP5E, and this research may reveal future therapeutic strategies for ciliopathies. Expected future outcomes: We have generated mice harbouring Inpp5e deletion to understand the basis of disease evident in various organs arising from Inpp5e mutation/deletion. In ongoing studies, we will uncover the molecular pathways coordiated by Inpp5e in these tissues and endeavour to define novel therapeutic targets/strategies for ciliopathy treatment. Name of contact: Prof. Christina Mitchell Email/Phone no. of contact: christina.mitchell@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 606479 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Dr Suzanne Miller End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $589,545 Title of research award: Treatment of Cerebral Palsy - An Experimental ApproachTreatment of Cerebral Palsy - An Experimental Approach Lay Description (from application): Cerebral palsy is characterised by disordered movement evident early in life leading to lifelong disability. The motor disorder arises from an abnormality within the white-matter of the brain that is non-progressive and is identifiable soon after birth. In humans and experimental models of fetal infection there is an increase in markers of inflammation. We will use induce ovine fetal infection and white matter injury to examine if antiinflammatory treatments can prevent fetal brain damage. Research achievements (from final report): Intrauterine infection, such as occurs in chorioamnionitis, is a principal cause of preterm birth and is a strong risk factor for injury to the developing brain and subsequent short- and long-term neurological morbidities, including cerebral palsy. The major neuropathology arising from chorioamnionitis and preterm birth is white matter brain injury, particularly periventricular leukomalacia. White matter brain injury in the preterm brain most likely arises from damage to the oligodendrocyte lineage of cells, where the role of mature oligodendrocytes is to myelinate developing axons, so-called white matter development. This project was undertaken in fetal sheep and proposed that it is possible to prevent fetal white matter brain injury associated with experimental intrauterine infection. Specifically, we aimed to prevent brain injury by targeting the injurious pathways initiated by a fetal inflammatory response and upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Over the course of this grant we examined and compared the neuroprotective properties of three experimental therapies - melatonin, sulfasalazine and stem cells derived from placental membranes. We determined that each of these treatments has anti-inflammatory and/or anti-oxidant properties and may be safe to use in humans with pregnancy or birth complications. The examination of these treatments in the setting of experimental chorioamnionitis will lead to further comprehensive assessments to determine the oligodendrocyte cell types that are protected and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action. This work has been presented at numerous national and international meetings and has led to completion of a PhD project. Expected future outcomes: This project will lead to multiple (>5) publications over the next 18 months. We expect to be in a position to apply for further NHMRC funding in 2014 or 2015 to undertake an in-parallel human and experimental trial to confirm treatment efficacy in infants diagnosed with chorioamnionitis. Name of contact: Dr Suzanne Miller Email/Phone no. of contact: suzie.miller@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 606544 CIA Name: A/Pr Velandai Srikanth Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Haematological Tumours Total funding: $394,460 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Cerebrovascular Disease and Dementia in Ageing PopulationsCerebrovascular Disease and Dementia in Ageing Populations Lay Description (from application): Media Summary not available Research achievements (from final report): This award has enabled me to be very successful in areas of research in stroke, dementia, gait and falls with an emphasis on the interface between cerebrovascular disease and dementia. It has led to significant research translation in the management of transient ischaemic attack (TIA) for which a novel hospital pathway was developed and evaluated resulting in an effective and cost-saving program. In addition, several cerebrovascular markers of future risk of falls and gait disability in older people were identified. Finally, a major program of research examining the relation between type 2 diabetes mellitus and dementia was begun, with some key findings relating DM to brain atrophy generated. These findings may lead to new ways to treat/prevent dementia. Expected future outcomes: The above research has ste the platform for further innovation particularly in the field of diabetes and dementia which will be a major focus for the next 5 years. Name of contact: Velandai Srikanth Email/Phone no. of contact: velandai.srikanth@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 606660 CIA Name: Prof Robert Medcalf Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $499,322 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: To understand the role of the plasminogen activating and matrix metalloproteinase systems in traumatic brain injuryTo understand the role of the plasminogen activating and matrix metalloproteinase systems in traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is known for its role as a clot dissolving protein. It is present in the brain and following traumatic brain injury (TBI), it can worse brain cell damage. We have established a mouse model of TBI . We will compare brain damage in mice that are deficient in or have high amounts of t-PA. We will also determine whether the recovery rate post-TBI can be improved using specific t-PA blockers. This project may provide new therapies for TBI. Research achievements (from final report): The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the plasminogen activating system both contribute to extracellular proteolysis in the brain. MMPs degrade the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and cause an increase in oedema. t-PA can also enhance extravasation of plasma proteins into the brain via interaction and subsequent induction of MMP-9 expression. We established the controlled cortical impactor (CCI) mouse model of TBI to understand how t-PA and MMPs exert their detrimental effects after TBI. We showed that mice expressing high constitutive levels of endogenous tPA in the brain undergo greater BBB damage, have larger lesions and impaired motor function following TBI. tPA-/- mice were relatively protected from BBB damage after TBI. We also showed that neuronal over-expression of tPA resulted in recruitment of MMP-9 and MMP-3 at 3h post-TBI. Rather than free t-PA being responsible for this effect, we then made the surprising discovery that the formation of complexes between t-PA and its inhibitor PAI-1, was promoting extravasation via signalling through LDL receptors and increasing MMP-3 activity. Importantly, we showed that blocking of MMP-3 activity reduced TBI severity. We also showed that tPA-PAI-1 complexes were present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the majority of TBI cases, yet was absent in mild TBI cases and non-TBI controls. Surprisingly, MMP-9 activity was dramatically increased in the vast majority of CSF samples from TBI patients. Hence both tPA:PAI-1 complex and MMP-9 levels in CSF are correlated with TBI in humans. Expected future outcomes: Blockade of tPA-PAI-1 complex formation or downstream signalling via LDL receptors could be a novel means to improve outcome following TBI. Also, targeting MMP-3 may also be of benefit in this condition. Name of contact: Robert Medcalf Email/Phone no. of contact: robert.medcalf@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 606732 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: A/Pr Terrence Haines End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy (excl. Physiotherapy) Total funding: $394,460 Title of research award: Uptake and economic efficiency of falls prevention intervention: Developing stratergies that will enhance translationUptake and economic efficiency of falls prevention intervention: Developing stratergies that will enhance translation Lay Description (from application): Media Summary not available Research achievements (from final report): I led the development of a patient education program for the prevention of falls in hospitals. This program was the first single intervention strategy shown to prevent falls amongst older hospital patients. This program has now been the subject of state-wide roll-out initiatives in Queensland and Western Australia. I led the first longitudinal survey of participation in falls prevention activities by older, community dwelling Australians which has identified key factors associated with sustained participation. This information has helped form an online education short course in exercise prescription for falls prevention which has itself been subject to a randomised trial compared to a traditional face-to-face education method for delivery of continuing education for health professionals. Expected future outcomes: An evaluation of the Western Australian roll-out of my patient education program has itself been another trial of this program which will shortly be published. We have ~100 enrollees for the exercise prescription for falls prevention short course that we are running in July 2014, adding to the 150 we have previously trained. Name of contact: ????Terry Haines?, T Email/Phone no. of contact: Terrence.haines@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 628312 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Dr Mary Tolcos End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Monash University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $668,387 Title of research award: Does caffeine affect the development of the very immature brain: dose response relationship?Does caffeine affect the development of the very immature brain: dose response relationship? Lay Description (from application): Premature birth is a major health problem worldwide. Preterm babies often develop apnoea of prematurity (AOP), which is commonly treated with caffeine. Trials indicate that preterm babies treated with low dose caffeine have less neurodevelopmental disabilities at 18 months. Higher doses of caffeine are often needed to reduce AOP but the risk of this is unknown. We will study the short and long-term effects of increasing doses of caffeine on the developing brain in a long-gestation species. Research achievements (from final report): Preterm birth is a major health problem worldwide. Very preterm babies are at risk of developing apnoea of prematurity (AOP) and neurodevelopmental disability. Caffeine is the most common treatment for AOP; clinical trials have found that preterm babies treated with low dose caffeine have fewer neurodevelopmental disabilities at 18 months. However, higher doses of caffeine are often needed to prevent AOP but the impact of this on the preterm brain is unknown. The aim of our study was to determine the short- and long-term effects of higher doses of caffeine on the developing brain. Our results on the early effects of caffeine indicate, that apart from a significant increase in brain weight following high dose caffeine treatment, there are no overt effects on the developing brain. We are currently examining whether high-dose caffeine results in more subtle alterations to brain development, and whether there are any adverse effects in the long-term. We are also examining the cause of the increased brain weight. Expected future outcomes: Our results to date indicate that high-dose caffeine for the treatment of apnoea of prematurity is not harmful to the developing brain, however further analysis of critical aspects of brain development is required before definitive conclusions can be made regarding the safety of high dose caffeine. Name of contact: Dr Mary Tolcos Email/Phone no. of contact: mary.tolcos@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1002051 CIA Name: A/Pr James Bourne Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $464,418 Start Year: 2011 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Developmental Plasticity in the Nonhuman Primate Visual CortexDevelopmental Plasticity in the Nonhuman Primate Visual Cortex Lay Description (from application): A phenomenon that has puzzled many for a number of years is why damage to the visual brain during infancy has far less of an impact on visual capacity than the same lesion suffered later in life. This project hopes to uncover this mystery and see how brain 'wiring' is altered to compensate. Research achievements (from final report): There has long been much debate as to how the visual brain can demonstrate the capacity to recover following an injury, especially in early life. This project led us to a better understanding of the plasticity of the visual brain following an injury to the primary visual cortex, which generally leads to blindness. For the first time, we demonstrate the involvement of a region of the brain known as the pulvinar and its connections with the cortex. Hitherto research has always focussed on another region of the brain known as the lateral geniculate nucleus but here we demonstrate that this does not play as vital a role as compared to the pulvinar. By employing novel imaging techniques, we were able to map the connectivity of the brain before and after injury. Expected future outcomes: Development of tools to probe the capacity of the visual system to compensate following an injury, and development of rehabilitation strategies to improve outcomes. Name of contact: James Bourne Email/Phone no. of contact: james.bourne@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1006846 CIA Name: Prof Stuart Hooper Admin Inst: Monash University Main RFCD: Paediatrics Total funding: $517,631 Start Year: 2011 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Imaging Lung Aeration and Lung Motion following very premature BirthImaging Lung Aeration and Lung Motion following very premature Birth Lay Description (from application): Using a synchrotron as an X-ray source, we will image the lungs as they aerate at birth and optimise ventilation strategies that improve lung aeration while minimising the risk of ventilation-induced lung injury. Research achievements (from final report): This grant focused on identifying ventilation strategies that facilitate lung aeration and the transition to extrauterine life after birth in very preterm infants using phase contract X-ray imaging in rabbit kittens. , Finding from this grant have provided new insights into how the process of lung aeration (establishment of a functional residual capacity; FRC) can be facilitated in infants suffering respiratory failure immediately after birth, particularly in very preterm infants. , Findings indicate that the type of respiratory support provided to infants in the delivery room should begin with ventilation protocols that are designed to facilitate liquid movement through the airways. As such, the inspiratory times should be long and measurements of expired CO2 levels may indicate the degree and progress of aeration in the distal gas-exchange regions. , Following initial lung aeration, which may only take 1-3 minutes, subsequent ventilation strategies can focus on facilitating gas exchange and maintaining FRC. These include maintaining a positive pressure on the airways at end-expiration (PEEP) to assist in preventing liquid movement back into the airways while the lung is at FRC. , These findings provide vital information for improving the care of very preterm infants immediately after birth, with the global aim to reduce the risk of lung injury. , Phase contract X-ray imaging movies produced demonstrating the benefits of these ventilation strategies are exceptional communication tools and are being used as training videos for clinicians involved in neonatal resuscitation in Australia, New Zealand and Europe. They have also been included on the Victorian Governments Neonatal Resuscitation (Neoresus) website. Expected future outcomes: Positive end expiratory pressures (PEEP) are now universally used to provide respiratory support for preterm infants in the delivery room., Clinical trail examining the benefits of a sustained inflation at birth are currently in progress. Name of contact: Prof. Stuart Hooper Email/Phone no. of contact: stuart.hooper@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 216744 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: A/Pr Cathy Catroppa End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $127,815 Title of research award: Long-term residual impairments in executive skills following childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI)Long-term residual impairments in executive skills following childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI) Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): -Through-out the approval time for this project a number of aims have been achieved. All assessments for those agreeing to participate in the 7-10 year post-injury follow-up have been completed. Data entry has also been completed. A number of manuscripts are also in progress, with a few of these ready for submission. Key findings have also been disseminated at both national and international conferences., -With regard to the pilot intervention component, the intervention was developed and a number of those eligible for intervention have completed the program, and this data is now to be analysed, and a manuscript will follow. , , Potential benefits:, : A clearer understanding of the long-term outcomes from paediatric TBI., : A clearer understanding of the preditors of outcome following TBI in childhood., : Development and evaluation of a pilot intervention program aimed at improving/preventing common residual difficulties., : The potential to invite other TBI children to take part in the intervention program. Expected future outcomes: - Improved quality of life for children who have sustained a TBI., - Improved quality of life for families of children who have sustained a TBI. Name of contact: Cathy Catroppa Email/Phone no. of contact: cathy.catroppa@mcri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 264597 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Kerr Graham End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: Centre of Clinical Research Excellence Main RFCD: Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $2,000,000 Title of research award: Clinical Gait Analysis and Gait RehabilitationClinical Gait Analysis and Gait Rehabilitation Lay Description (from application): Substantial portions of the Australian population have some difficulty walking. People affected include children with cerebral palsy, people who've had injuries playing sport and older people with Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis or who have had a stroke. The cost of managing arthritic conditions alone was estimated at $2.2 Billion for 2001. Gait analysis uses high technology video cameras, force transducers, muscle activity sensors and computers to record how people walk and is now being used more and more commonly across Australia. The technology is very similar to that now being used to capture how people move for the movie industry. The technology allows us a better understanding of how people are moving and therefore of what treatments they are likely to benefit from. Melbourne now has four Gait Analysis facilities working with different patient groups and each with an international reputation for its work. These groups have combined to form the CCRE in Gait Analysis and Gait Rehabilitation under the leadership of Professor H Kerr Graham (Royal Children's Hospital) and Professor Bob Iansek (Kingston Centre, Southern Health). Research achievements (from final report): We have acheived our goal of generating much new knowledge about walking in healthy people and in those who have difficulty walking due to diseases such as cerebral palsy, arthritis, Parkinson's disease and stroke. We have made significant contributions to improving the methods of measuring walking and in better understanding the biomechanics underlying how we walk. We know more about the effects of interventions to improve walking, such as surgery, physiotherapy and orthotics. We have trained a large group of clinicians from medicine, surgery and allied health backgrounds to conduct clinical research within this specialised field. We have also guided a new group of academic researchers who have completed post-graduate research higher degrees in the disciplines of medicine, physiotherapy, biomechanics, engineering, podiatry and prosthetics. We have led specialised educational events to train clinicians and researchers to better understand and interpret clinical gait analysis measurements. Our team have shared this knowledge widely and effectively, through conference presentations, specialty meetings, peer-reviewed publications and clinical seminars. Our clinical colleagues have adopted some of this new knowledge, with translation into the clinical management and measurement of people with gait disorders. Expected future outcomes: Our multidisciplinary team of trained clinical researchers will continue to contribute high quality research in this field. Knowledge gained will translate into better outcomes for people who have difficulty walking. Name of contact: Professor Kerr Graham Email/Phone no. of contact: kerr.graham@rch.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284518 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Vicki Anderson End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $338,900 Title of research award: Long term outcome from early childhood brain injury: 10 year follow upLong term outcome from early childhood brain injury: 10 year follow up Lay Description (from application): The primary aim of this project is to further improve our understanding of the long-term consequences of childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI). Over the past decade our research team has ascertained a sample of children sustaining TBI, and systematically followed their progress over a 5-year period. The project has an international reputation, and is unique in terms of length of follow-up, prospective design and representative, well-maintained sample. Our findings challenge the traditionally held view that children are resilient and recover fully from early brain insult. Rather, we have shown that, up to 5 years post-TBI, many children experience impairments in physical, cognitive and behavioural function. These impairments result in educational, vocational, social and emotional problems, limiting the child's capacity to meet developmental expectations and achieve adequate quality of life. The implication is that these problems will lead to life-long disability, resulting in high levels of individual, family and community burden. However, with follow-up data limited to 5 years, there remains a possibility that ongoing developmental processes may support an extended recovery period in childhood TBI, in comparison to the 2-year period cited in adult models. The review of this sample, 10 years post-injury, provides an unprecedented opportunity to address this possibility and to document recovery/outcome as children move into adolescence and adulthood. Not all children experience problems post-injury. However, predicting individual outcome remains a significant challenge, with particular clinical relevance to treatment and follow-up. Thus, the second aim of the proposed study is to examine factors that contribute to recovery and outcome. Research achievements (from final report): This significant 10-year research project is one of the first internationally to explore outcomes of childhood head injury in a prospective longitudinal study. The cohort in the current wave of data collection included 19/35 control and 40/96 traumatic brain injury (TBI) participants. Those who were able to be located agreed to participate in the current wave of the study. Almost all participants consented to the complete research protocol, providing data in the forms of Neuropsychological test results, parent-completed questionnaires, an MRI scan, and a cheek swab for genetic testing of ApoE. In return for their assistance, all participants were provided with the results of the MRI scan with recommendations as necessary, and a detailed report of the Neuropsychological assessment written by a qualified Psychologist. The extensive dataset is up-to-date, and statistical analysis and writing for publication is currently underway., , The information we obtain from the data analysis will help both children who have already sustained a TBI and will help future cases of childhood TBI in several ways. These include educating care providers, clinicians and the medical community broadly about common outcomes of childhood TBI, and providing suggestions about principles to be incorporated into clinical best-practice. Children will be better able to contribute to society in the long-term and have a better quality of life. , Expected future outcomes: As this longitudinal study provides ground-breaking research into consequences of childhood head injury it has already established a strong international profile for the investigators, and has generated great interest within the research and medical communities. We anticipate publishing in internationally-recognised high-impact journals in which previous waves of this research have been reported Name of contact: Dr Cathy Catroppa NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: catroppc@tpg.com.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284519 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Dr Peter Anderson End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $255,475 Title of research award: The role of psychosocial factors on recovery following early brain insult.The role of psychosocial factors on recovery following early brain insult. Lay Description (from application): Early brain insult (EBI) is a major cause of developmental delay and long-term disability. However, outcome following EBI is variable and dependent on multiple injury-related and non-injury-related factors. To date, most research has focussed on injury-related variables such as age at insult, nature of brain pathology, and size and site of brain lesion. These injury-related factors predict short-term recovery following EBI, however they have been found to account for a surprisingly modest portion of variance in long-term outcome. Thus, noninjury-related factors must also contribute to outcome following EBI. Research now suggests that psychosocial characteristics (social status, environmental conditions, parenting characteristics, family dynamics) influence long-term outcome following EBI, however these studies have focussed on bivariate relationships, relied on specific patient groups limiting the generalisability of findings, and utilised small to moderate samples that are inadequate when investigating complex interactive relationships. As a consequence, the role of psychosocial factors on recovery following EBI is still unclear. The objective of this project is to undertake a large-scale investigation of the independent and interactive contribution of social status, environmental conditions, parenting characteristics and family dynamics on outcome following EBI. The aim is to identify the psychosocial characteristics that predict outcome, mediate recovery, and buffer the impact of injury-related factors in children with EBI. Understanding these complex inter-relationships is crucial for rehabilitation purposes, as many psychosocial characteristics are fluid and at least partially modifiable. Based on this project's findings we intend to devise and trial appropriately focussed intervention programs that aid recovery and minimise long-term disabilities. Research achievements (from final report): The objective of this study was to undertake a large scale investigation of the independent and interactive contribution of social status, environmental conditions, parenting characteristics, and family dynamics on longterm outcome following early brain injury. Thus the aim was to identify the psychological characteristics that predict outcome, mediate recovery, and buffer the impact of injury-related factors in children with early brain injury., This project has recruited a large sample of children with documented brain pathology (head injury, prematurity, cerebral infection, tumour, hypoxia, and stroke). These children were aged 10-15 years at the time of testing, and have a documented brain insult (CT/MRI/ultrasound) sustained more than 2 years prior to assessment. We have recruited and assessed over 150 children, and this will be the largest sample of its kind to assess these issues. The outcome measures used in the study assess general intelligence, adaptive functioning, behavioural and emotional status, social skills and academic achievement. Social-demographic factors measured to assess their role in recovery following early brain injury include parental occupation, parental education, family income, and type of schooling (private/public). The environmental factors assessed include the parenting characteristics, parenting mental health, family structure, family functioning, and family burden., While the data has been entered and clean, final analyses is only just beginning. Thus, no papers have yet been published from this data, however this is a unique dataset and numerous papers will emanate from this study over the next 2 years. Findings from this study will assist clinical services identify children and families at greatest risk for poor outcome, enabling more targeted intervention and allocation of limited resources. Expected future outcomes: The results from this study will provide rich information as to why some children recover well following early brain insult while others struggle. This information will then be used to devise and trial appropriately focussed intervention programs that aid recovery and minimise long-term disabilities. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Dr Peter Anderson Email/Phone no. of contact: peter.anderson@mcri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 334337 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Vicki Anderson End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Mental Health Total funding: $277,000 Title of research award: A prospective study of concussion in children and adolescents: Diagnosis, recovery and risk factors for poor outcome.A prospective study of concussion in children and adolescents: Diagnosis, recovery and risk factors for poor outcome. Lay Description (from application): Concussion is one of the most common neurological injuries and represents a significant public health issue in Australia. The most common consequences of concussive injuries are reduced attention, slowed response speeds and memory impairment. These cognitive processes are critical for performing common day-to-day activities in childhood and adolescence (e.g. acquiring new knowledge and skills, attending to school work). Approximately 20% of concussive injuries occur during participation in organised sport. In adult populations, there are now evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and management of concussion in sport. Few wellcontrolled studies exist to identify the frequency and outcome of such injuries in child and adolescent populations, and there are currently no guidelines for diagnosis and management of concussion in children. Further, the academic and social consequence of concussion for the child remains unknown. This study will investigate the cognitive and behavioural outcomes of concussion in young children and adolescents and will use this information to modify and validate currently available adult concussion diagnosis and management paradigms for application with this population. This study will also investigate risk factors for poor outcome following concussion in children and adolescents, and provide age-appropriate data for use in the medical, behavioural and educational management of concussed children and adolescents. A total of 3000 children aged between 10 and 18 years will be recruited to participate in this study. All participants will undergo a baseline evaluation consisting of memory and attention tests, a behavioural rating scale, and measures of educational ability. Participants parents will also provide general health and demographic information. Children who are concussed during the year will be re-assessed within 48 hours of injury and again at 5 days, 10 days and 30 days post-injury to track recovery. Research achievements (from final report): This study examined the effect of concussion on cognitive functioning and physical symptoms in children and adolescents. One of the most important achievements to come out of this study was the collection of a large amount of data on cognitive functioning in healthy children and adolescents. This information represents a significant contribution to the scientific literature and our results on attention and memory skills in children and adolescents, recently presented at a major international conference, place our group at the forefront of international research. Consistent with our original aims, we demonstrated that recovery from concussion is different for children and adolescents than for adults as cognitive symptoms were most impaired approximately 10 days post-injury. However, our results on physical symptom endorsement were consistent with adult data, more physical symptoms were endorsed in the days immediately after the injury. Finally, we demonstrated that a large percentage of children who sustained a concussion during the study had previously had one or more concussions indicating the potential risk for future injury associated with concussion. The results of this study represent a significant contribution and have important potential for the development of evidence-based interventions and age-appropriate guidelines governing safe return-to-play. During the course of the study we developed close relationships with major sporting organisations, such as Cricket Victoria and Basketball Victoria. As a result of this, our results will be incorporated into training sessions, a number of which have already been conducted, to better educate coaches about the effect of concussion in sports. Expected future outcomes: We have 2 manuscripts in preparation and expect them to be in submission in the coming months. We anticipate presenting the results at a major international conference early next year. In addition, this work has led to the development of other research projects which have attracted high-profile international collaborators. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Prof Vicki Anderson Email/Phone no. of contact: vaa@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 384414 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof John Bateman End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $457,518 Title of research award: Molecular mechanisms of cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritisMolecular mechanisms of cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis Lay Description (from application): Arthritis affects 15% of the entire Australian population and 50% in people over 60. The most common form of joint disease by far is osteoarthritis (OA). One of the central features of OA is the breakdown of the cartilage that covers the ends of bones in joints, and this is a major determinant of the long term outcome and need for joint replacement surgery. There are no current therapies that halt or reverse cartilage breakdown in OA. This is largely due to our incomplete understanding of the molecular changes and pathways involved in both the onset and progression of cartilage breakdown. Powerful new genomic approaches allow simultaneous screening of changes in a broad profile of genes, particulalrly in humans and mice following complete sequencing of their genomes. By applying this new technology in the earliest stages of cartilage degeneration in OA, the role of novel genes and the pathways involved in the onset of this disease process can be discovered. However, to investigate changes at the initiation of disease, tissue from animal rather than human joints must be used due to the difficulty in obtaining pre-symptomatic human cartilage. In order to maximise the number of genes screened, cartilage from a novel surgically induced model of OA in mice will be used in this study. We have developed micro dissection and linear mRNA amplification methods to overcome inherent problems with tissue availability from this small animal species. Successful completion of these studies will for the first time allow identification of the complex changes that occur in early OA. An important and likely outcome of this research will be identification of novel matrix proteins and regulatory molecules that will provide critical information for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to OA. Research achievements (from final report): This is the first study to comprehensively determine the gene expression patterns of cartilage during the initiation and progression of osteoarthrtitis. It has identified new genes that may play a role in either the onset or development of joint disease. Because these studies have identified possible new molecular pathways that may be involved in OA, the information obtained in these studies has potential for the development of novel biomarkers ans therapeutic approaches Expected future outcomes: The novel OA candidate genes identified in this study will be examined in detail ongoing studies. The outcome of these studies is likely to be a more complete elucidation of OA disease mechanisms. Name of contact: John Bateman Email/Phone no. of contact: john.bateman@mcri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1009287 Start Year: 2011 CIA Name: A/Pr David Tingay End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine not elsewhere classified Total funding: $392,219 Title of research award: Optimising lung protective resuscitation using a newborn premature lamb modelOptimising lung protective resuscitation using a newborn premature lamb model Lay Description (from application): Premature babies are at risk of severe, and potentially long-term, lung damage. These complications can be minimised if babies are optimally resuscitated at birth. This project will use promising new imaging technologies to examine the influence of different strategies, using mechanical ventilators, to help inflate the lung at birth, and their interactions with other therapies used to enhance lung maturity. It will provide new insights into resuscitating preterm babies. Research achievements (from final report): Optimising the aeration of the fluid-filled preterm lung during the very first breathes is essential for immediate and longterm survival. At present this is hampered by a lack of practical tools to assist clinicians understand how the lung is responding to treatments at birth. This project compared different strategies designed to aerate the preterm lung at birth including a new strategy developed by our team that intentionally exploited the mechanical behaviour of the chest. In doing so we developed new methods of monitoring the preterm lung at birth. These methods for the first time provided insight into the complex interactions between regional volumetric mechanical and injury behaviour of the lung. Our studies demonstrated that our new technique to support the preterm lung resulted in better oxygenation lung volume and mechanics without increasing lung injury. Furthermore we demonstrated that this method upregulated the effects of other lung therapies at birth. We also identified why traditional methods of aerating the lung at birth may not always be successful and developed a new method of applying these strategies. These studies provide new insights into how we understand the critical process of lung aeration at birth and offer the potential for new treatments that may improve outcomes for this vulnerable population. Expected future outcomes: Futher basic science studies to refine respiratory strategies at birth and identify the best method of monitoring lung function at birth. This work will then inform clinical physiological trials with the view to larger effect trials. Name of contact: Dr David Tingay Email/Phone no. of contact: david.tingay@rch.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 437205 CIA Name: Prof Peter Drummond Admin Inst: Murdoch University Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $345,473 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Involvement of adrenergic receptors in neuropathic painInvolvement of adrenergic receptors in neuropathic pain Lay Description (from application): After nerve or tissue injury including burns, some people will suffer from a condition called neuropathic pain. This is a condition where chronic pain is endured, often totally unrelated to the initial injury or induced by events that would normally not be painful. Our project will determine whether this abnormal pain response is due to an abnormal communication between the nerves that carry pain signals (sensory nerves) and nerves that form part of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of autonomic (or involuntary) nervous system. We believe that this abnormal communication is due to an increase in the expression of special receptors called adrenergic receptors, on the sensory nerves. Our project will look at these receptors in the skin of animals that have had pain conditions induced, and also in skin samples from patients who suffer from neuropathic pain that can be classified as sensitive to sympathetic stimulation. By better understanding how neuropathic pain is derived, we can open the door to novel treatment approaches in these difficult to treat conditions. Research achievements (from final report): Neuropathic pain is a difficult and costly health problem. It is a common condition that is often misdiagnosed and difficult to treat because we do not understand the primary factors that drive the disease. The studies in this project concentrated on clarifying the biological basis of a link between the pain processing system and the sympathetic nervous system which is thought to contribute to certain forms of neuropathic pain. , We discovered that pain-signalling nerves contain a molecular target for noradrenaline, the chemical messenger released by the sympathetic nervous system, that controls blood flow through the skin. We also found that activation of this molecular target, termed the alpha-1 adrenoceptor, increases the excitability of pain-signalling nerves and ultimately sends pain messages to the brain. In addition, we identified an increase in the expression of these receptors on nerve fibres that survived an injury to the sciatic nerve. , Together, these findings help to explain the link between the pain-processing system and the sympathetic nervous system. They also introduce a novel target for analgesia that could potentially alleviate pain in the skin of patients with neuropathic pain. Expected future outcomes: The next step is to find out whether an antagonist to the alpha-1 adrenoceptor suppresses pain when taken orally or when applied in a topical preparation to the skin of patients with neuropathic pain. Topical application is the preferred aproach as this would avoid unwanted side-effects of oral medication. Name of contact: Dr Peter Drummond Email/Phone no. of contact: p.drummond@murdoch.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157305 Start Year: 2001 CIA Name: A/Pr Julie Bernhardt End Year: 2004 Admin Inst: National Stroke Foundation Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $127,599 Title of research award: Walking handicap and falls in stroke survivorsWalking handicap and falls in stroke survivors Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This research award has led to the development of a new model and direction of stroke rehabilitation research with the potential to: 1) unite researchers and clinicians from across Australia; 2) answer an important and timely research question about stroke rehabilitation models of care and 3) reduce the burden of stroke experienced by patients, carers and the broader community. The preliminary work for this research program led to new knowledge about physical activity patterns of patients very early after stroke. This was published in the prestigous journal Stroke. After identifying the routine high levels of bed rest (and low levels of activity) early after stroke, we worked closely with collaborators in Norway to develop a very early model of rehabilitation suitable for testing here in Australia. We chose Norway because this research group have demonstrated consistently better outcome after stroke than other stroke units worldwide. Furthermore, preliminary evidence from their centre suggests that very early rehabilitation is a major contributor to these outcomes. In the past 2 years we have: 1) gathered together a small team to work on AVERT (A Very Early Rehalitation Trial); 2) developed the trial methods for AVERT ensuring best practice randomised controlled trial methods are employed, 3) obtained approval from two hospitals to conduct the trial, 4) commenced the Phase 2 safety and feasibility study, with 60 patients recruited to date, 5) obtained over $200,000 in funding from a range of sources and 6) developed 10 collaborative centres here in Australia and a collaborative centre in Glasgow UK, all interested in conducting Phase 3 of the trial at their hospital. The preliminary work from this research program has been presented at National and International conferences, with two further publications in preparation. Once Phase 3 funding is secured, we will conduct the largest stroke rehabilitation trial (with economic evaluation) ever over the coming 5 years. Expected future outcomes: We expect AVERT to be a landmark study in the field of stroke rehabilitation research, regardless of outcome. If early rehabilitation reduces death and dependency, leads to fewer and less severe complications, better quality of life for patients and is cost effective (as we hypothesise), then we expect the practice to be adopted across Australia, ultimately reducing the buden of stroke. Name of contact: Julie Bernhardt Email/Phone no. of contact: J.Bernhardt@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 388920 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Craig Harrison End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $507,271 Title of research award: Activin type II receptor antagonists: mechanism of action and biological applicationsActivin type II receptor antagonists: mechanism of action and biological applications Lay Description (from application): Activin is a member of the TGF- family of growth and differentiation factors. Over-expression in mice leads to muscle and liver wasting, scarring during wound healing, disturbances to the reproductive system and various endocrine disorders. Activin's biological activity is promoted by its binding in series to two receptors termed Type I and II. Previous studies by this investigator have shown that selective modification of activin's protein structure can result in activin forms (in this instance called activin-M108A) which bind to Type II receptors but fail to promote binding to the Type I receptor. This has led to the hypothesis that activin-M108A may compete for native activin binding to Type II receptors and thus prevent activin's recruitment of the Type I receptor with the consequence that activin's biological activity is inhibited. It is proposed to test this hypothesis by producing sufficient amounts of activin-M108A and testing its inhibitory effects in several mouse models of liver damage, muscular degeneration and ovarian and testicular disease. If activin-M108A, or related modified forms of activin, decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with these murine diseases, then we envisage that these activin type II receptor antagonists will also be beneficial for the treatment of related human conditions. Research achievements (from final report): Activins are important regulators of diverse cellular functions, differentiation and proliferation that, of necessity, are precisely constrained by multiple mechanisms. Despite these constraints a deregulated activin signalling pathway has been implicated in a variety of disorders, including fibrosis, cachexia and cancer. We developed the first activin type II receptor antagonist (activin-M108A) and showed that it is capable of blocking signalling in vitro by activin and the related protein, myostatin. However, when assessed in the rat pituitary cell culture system, activin-M108A was a poor antagonist of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) release and in our preliminary animal studies, no suppression of FSH was observed in ovariectomized rats (despite a robust suppression of FSH observed upon addition of the known activin antagonist, inhibin). The major reason for the lower than anticipated potency of activin-M108A is its significantly reduced affinity for the activin receptor complex. Therefore our primary objective of utilizing activin-M108A as an activin/myostatin antagonist in vivo was not realized. Subsequent studies, however, have made important contributions to the understanding of the mechanism of action of key activin inhibitory molecules, including follistatin, betaglycan and inhibin. In addition, we have developed second generation activin antagonists that are more effective than activin-M108A. These compounds could be used to block activin signalling in disease models. Expected future outcomes: Our continuing studies have generated a more specific and potent activin A antagonist. Based on these studies, we are also developing reagents that will specifically block other TGFbeta proteins. Given the importance of TGFbeta proteins in development and the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and their dysregulation in many disease pathologies, this will be a significant achievement. Name of contact: Craig Harrison Email/Phone no. of contact: craig.harrison@princehenrys.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 138711 Start Year: 2001 CIA Name: Dr James Smeathers End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biomechanical Engineering Total funding: $185,665 Title of research award: QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LOOSENING IN HIP ARTHROPLASTIES USING MECHANICAL VIBRATION DIAGNOSTICSQUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LOOSENING IN HIP ARTHROPLASTIES USING MECHANICAL VIBRATION DIAGNOSTICS Lay Description (from application): Recent advances and improvements made to the mechanical design of artificial joints have led to greater strength, fatigue life and wear resistance. However, this extension to the working life of joint replacements has led to patients becoming increasingly vulnerable to the problem of joint loosening. There are over 500 000 hip joint replacements performed every year, on a worldwide basis. Of these 7 to 13% will require revision surgery because of loosening at some stage of their working life. This is becoming a major concern to health services around the world since revision surgery is associated with a higher risk to the patient and costs are far greater than for the primary operation. Current diagnostic techniques using radiographic imaging are both invasive and lack diagnostic accuracy. The ability to detect joint loosening and to discriminate between the various causes of joint loosening following arthroplasty is of great importance to the success of subsequent care plans. This study will be the first in the world to assess the validity of a new diagnostic test that uses low energy mechanical vibration to quantify the degree of loosening in both components of the implanted hip joint. Once the technique has been proven it could readily be extended to evaluate the degree of fixation of other implanted prostheses used to replace the knee, ankle or joints of the upper limbs. Research achievements (from final report): This research program has significantly advanced the way that loosening of artificial hip joints is detected by using low energy mechanical vibration to provide a safe additional means of evaluating the integrity of an implant in the human body. The significance of this relates to the 500 000 hip joint replacements that are performed worldwide annually. Unfortunately, up to 8% of these implants will suffer from aseptic loosening which, is thought to be caused by tissue reaction to wear debris and resorption of the supporting bone. There is growing concern over the increasing numbers of artificial joints that are failing by loosening due impart to the large numbers in service and the trend to earlier implantation in younger more active patients. It is still difficult to diagnose aseptic joint loosening with current clinical imaging techniques where loosening is confirmed by a combination of invasive radiographic techniques, radio-opaque dyes injected into the joint space, pain provocation tests and ultimately, physical assessment at the time of surgery. Hence this research evaluates a complimentary diagnostic technique that is based on mechanical vibration to detect structural changes within the human body. The principles of vibration based monitoring previously developed by engineering and aerospace industries to detect failure in machinery is now being applied to the human body and the problem of loosening in artificial joints. The potential of this novel application to the clinical problem of artificial joint loosening has been examined by this research project under extensive laboratory tests and early clinical trials. In principle, this additional diagnostic test will help improve the health of Australians through improved accuracy of diagnosis and efficiency of surgical care by assisting the surgeon to make better informed decisions on whether or not to reoperate on the joint and how to optimise the timing of revision procedures. Expected future outcomes: In the longer term knowledge gained from this research coupled with improvements in technology will enable a clinical diagnostic device, for detecting loosening of artificial joints, to be manufactured in Australia and marketed throughout the world. The diagnostic principles of this system will also have relevance to a wide range of other structural problems and discipline areas. Name of contact: James Smeathers NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: j.smeathers@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 390100 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Zee Upton End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Medical Biotechnology Total funding: $156,870 Title of research award: Pre-clinical assessment of novel growth factor complexes as a topical agent in the treatment of deepPre-clinical assessment of novel growth factor complexes as a topical agent in the treatment of deep Lay Description (from application): Healing of deep burns, unlike that of superficial injuries, often resolves with scarring. Scarring is reduced with rapid closure of burns. The CIs have discovered and patented novel growth factor complexes that stimulate the growth and migration of keratinocytes, cells derived from skin. Hence these complexes hold therapeutic potential for wounds that require rapid closure such as deep burns. This application will provide pre-clinical, proof-of-principle data to facilitate future patient trials. Research achievements (from final report): This preclinical study follows a trial completed in early 2005 which successfully demonstrated that VitroGro® complexes significantly accelerate skin healing and appears to substantially reduce scar tissue formation, providing confidence about the potential of VitroGro® as a wound treatment., The most recent trial was conducted to prove 2 things. Firstly that recombinant VitroGro® works as efficiently as the VitroGro® made from conventional purified proteins, and secondly to determine the optimal dosage in preparation for clinical trials planned for 2007. Both objectives were successfully achieved and recombinant VitroGro® performed as expected and the pre-clinical dose study found that there was no statistically significant differences in the results obtained with the range of VitroGro® doses tested . Therefore the dosage of VitroGro® used during both the first and this latest study will be employed in the upcoming human trials and is anticipated to be effective., In addition, the unexpected finding of the dosage study was the positive and statistically significant results for the reduction of wound contraction when treated with VitroGro®. Wound contraction is a major problem in the treatment and healing of wounds, particularly paediatric burns and is the most common reason for corrective surgery required after burn injuries. In this regard, VitroGro® has been shown to significantly reduce wound contraction in the pre-clinical study. Importantly, there are currently no approved treatments to minimize wound contraction in adult or paediatric patients and more than half the operations performed on children by Associate Professor Roy Kimble are due to contractures. Expected future outcomes: The industry partner, Tissue Therapies, intends to supplement this data with a further preclinical trial. This follow-up study will provide the final data required on a small number of endpoints and will complement the data generated through the trial reported here. Together this will be used to prepare for the human studies planned for 2007. Name of contact: Professor Zee Upton Email/Phone no. of contact: z.upton@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 390102 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof Helen Edwards End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Therapies and Therapeutic Technology Total funding: $374,159 Title of research award: Identifying the relationship between biochemical markers and healing in chronic leg ulcers treated with compressionIdentifying the relationship between biochemical markers and healing in chronic leg ulcers treated with compression Lay Description (from application): Chronic leg ulcers are a significant cause of pain, immobility and decreased quality of life for 1 - 3% of the over 60 years age group. The condition is difficult to heal and commonly becomes a long term problem, costing the Australian health care system over $500 million / year. Additional costs to the community include loss of productivity and social support systems necessary for people with limited mobility. As the number of people aged over 65 years is expected to double in the next few decades, this problem will become increasingly significant. Most chronic leg ulcers are caused by venous disease, and compression bandage therapy is the accepted standard treatment. However, there is little information available on the cellular responses associated with compression treatment and how they promote wound healing. The project proposed here will examine the cellular responses to compression and investigate the relationships between these cellular responses and wound healing. Knowledge gained from the study will provide valuable information for improved techniques to promote wound healing, improved ulcer healing rates, informed decisions on wound care treatment, improved qualtiy of life and reduced health care costs. Research achievements (from final report): Chronic leg ulcers are a significant cause of pain and immobility for older adults and care for chronic wounds costs 1-2% of total health expenditure. The ulcers are difficult and slow to heal and knowledge of the biochemical processes involved in wound healing is poor. Results from this study have provided new information on the associations between biochemical changes at the wound site, progress in wound healing, and type of compression therapy. , The discovery of relationships between uric acid levels and wound severity are likely to lead to development of reliable, non-invasive point of care diagnostics to monitor the onset, prognosis and progress of chronic venous leg ulcers. Importantly, this study has generated new evidence on the comparative effectiveness of two different types of compression therapy for healing venous leg ulcers. Although compression therapy is the gold standard treatment for venous leg ulcers, it is often associated with high costs and a need for specialised expertise to apply correctly, which may inhibit commencement of treatment. Results from this study on the relative effectiveness of two compression types provides health professionals and consumers with evidence on a greater range of effective compression therapies. This together with the development of specific biochemical diagnostic tools would transform current wound management by guiding clinical decisions and enabling treatments to be tailored to differing needs and available resources. This information will promote increased use of compression treatment and improved healing for those suffering with chronic leg ulcers. Expected future outcomes: New point of care diagnostics/therapies to promote healing in chronic wounds, Improved healing rates and quality of life for those who suffer with chronic leg ulcers, Reduced health care costs associated with improved healing rates Name of contact: Prof. Helen Edwards Prof. Helen Edwards NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: h.edwards@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 443210 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: A/Pr Graham Kerr End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $680,793 Title of research award: Dynamic postural stability and falls prediction in older people during walking in real-world environments.Dynamic postural stability and falls prediction in older people during walking in real-world environments. Lay Description (from application): The increased occurrence of falls with advancing age (33-50% of people aged >65 years) is a significant cause of mortality (1014 deaths in 1998), morbidity, and disability, affecting not only the individuals concerned, but the health care system (45,069 fall related hospitalizations in 1998 in Australia) and the broader community (National falls Prevention Initiative, 2004). Although there are a number of falls risk tests, most rely on determination of body sway while standing when the body is static rather than in motion. Given that up to 70% of falls occur during walking and performing transfers, there is a clear need to develop tests of falls risk prediction that incorporate indices of postural stability measured during more dynamic activities. Test development needs to be underpinned by clear evidence of how age-related sensory and motor deficits affect postural stability during walking. The studies outlined in this application will develop and utilise new accelerometer-based technologies to determine the fundamental mechanisms underlying balance control during walking in older people. Specifically, this project will aim to develop a clear understanding of how changes in factors as vision, neuromuscular function (strength, stiffness) and proprioception contribute to the overall decline in stability and balance during walking in older people. Combined with physiological assessment measures developed by the research team, the research will allow the development of a more definitive predictive test of stability and falls risk. This test will be able to be used by health professionals for assessment of older people to determine the most effective therapeutic and/or exercise interventions to target those individuals at risk. This technology will also be adaptable to a biofeedback device to allow individuals to monitor their own stability. Research achievements (from final report): This research has developed new accelerometer-based technologies and innovative tests of trunk stiffness to determine the fundamental mechanisms underlying balance control during walking and standing in older people. These tools were used to investigate critical issues that have an impact on dynamic postural control and falls risk in older people. In addition, visual factors that contribute to increased risk of falls were examined, particularly those related to decreased contrast sensitivity and visual blur. The research was extended to include people with neurodegenerative disease, partcularly Parkinson's disease, to determine similarities and differences in falls rick factors with older people. This research has resulted in precitive tests for falls risk in older people. Expected future outcomes: This research will provide prospectively validated accelerometer systems, in combination with physiological parameters, for more accurate prediction of older people at risk of falling. The results will also inform evidenced based best-practice approaches for interventions to reduce the risk of falls in older people and people with neurodegenerative diseases. Name of contact: Graham Kerr Email/Phone no. of contact: g.kerr@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 497265 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Dr Benjamin Goss End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $85,933 Title of research award: The Next Generation of Biomaterials; In Vivo Assessment of Lumbar Spinal Fusion Biodegradable Interbody CagesThe Next Generation of Biomaterials; In Vivo Assessment of Lumbar Spinal Fusion Biodegradable Interbody Cages Lay Description (from application): Back pain represents one of the major health and economic problems facing the western world. Surgery is an inevitable outcome for many sufferers and involves the implantation of metallic rods screws, plates or cages. Biodegradable implants have theoretical advantages, but until now no material has existed that can sustain he rigours of implantation into a load bearing site. We have developed such a material which will lead to improvements in the treatment of many orthopaedic conditions. Research achievements (from final report): Back pain represents one of the major health and economic problems facing the western world. In Australia nearly 80% of adults will suffer with over $1.2 billion spent on medical intervention and losses in productivity of over $8 billion. A significant proportion of reported back pain will require surgery. Non-degradable implants are commonly used to provide stability in spinal fusion. These materials a have major disadvantages including implant stress shielding and long term problems associated with subsidence, migration and fracture. Biodegradable spacers have been suggested as a potential solution to many of these problems, however the current generation of biomaterials have unsatisfactory mechanical properties and degradation profiles for any load bearing application., , In this project we examined a new class of biodegradable polymers in spinal fusion. Despite promising data in some experiments, contamination of implants during the manufacture resulted in a variable response to the implant. Despite being unable to show unequivocally that this material will make appropriate orthopaedic devices we were able to show that the adverse reactions were unrelated to the biomaterial composition. We have since successfully tested this material in applications where the implant is manufactured by different techniques. Expected future outcomes: This material is being tested in other applications including advanced drug delivery systems and bone graft extenders Name of contact: Ben Goss Email/Phone no. of contact: b.goss@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 497266 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Zee Upton End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $125,041 Title of research award: Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a novel wound dressing treatment for chronic ulcersDevelopment and pre-clinical evaluation of a novel wound dressing treatment for chronic ulcers Lay Description (from application): Chronic leg ulcers are a common, painful and costly reality for many Australians, impacting on sufferers' mobility, social interactions and overall quality of life. This research is directed at developing a novel costeffective wound dressing for treatment of this condition. This will be achieved through neutralising the ulcer's toxic proteolytic environment through an interactive wound dressing. This then will allow the body's own cells to promote wound healing. Research achievements (from final report): Chronic wounds, such as burns and venous leg ulcers, are well-known challenges in medical research. The cost resulting from the treatment of these wounds is significant. This project proposed a novel, device-oriented approach for the treatment of chronic wounds. The goal of this research is to inactive the proteases in the wound fluid after the fluid is absorbed away from the actual wound bed. In this situation, the proteases required for healing associated functions within the upper cellular layers of the wound bed remain active and available. In order to achieve this, the project firstly conducted critical research on the development of a novel matrix matalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor, and then tethered this developed inhibitor to a carrier, a polymer hydrogel. It is confirmed that the inhibitor itself demonstrated effective MMP inhibition in both standard active MMP solutions and in chronic wound fluid extracted from patients who suffer from venous leg ulcers. When the tethered inhibitors were tested against chronic wound fluid, we observed significant inhibition in proteolytic activity suggesting our approach may prove useful in rebalancing MMPs within chronic wounds. The CIs have protected this novel MMP inhibitor via a Provisional Patent application, which allows us to further conduct critical product development and proof-of principle pre-clinical studies for the enhanced remediation of chronic wounds. Expected future outcomes: We will conduct further product development and pre-clinical studies based on the outcomes from this project. We expect that a novel, effective, reliable wound dressing product will be available in the near future to enhance remediation of chronic wounds, thereby benefitting people suffering from chronic wound in Australia and world-wide. Name of contact: Professor Zee Upton Email/Phone no. of contact: z.upton@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 497267 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Zee Upton End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $163,578 Title of research award: Development and Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Silicone Dressing for Scar RemediationDevelopment and PreClinical Evaluation of a Silicone Dressing for Scar Remediation Lay Description (from application): This research is aimed at exploiting advanced polymers as a new therapy for patients with burn related scars, as well as people who are genetically predisposed to scarring due to abnormal healing. In order to progress to clinical trials, the technology needs to be tested on an animal scar model. Successful outcome of these tests will allow the industry partner, Tissue Therapies, to proceed with a clinical trial, paving the way to a therapeutic product available for scar treatment. Research achievements (from final report): Scarring is a unavoidable product of wound repair and can occur as a result of injury to the dermal layer of skin from trauma (e.g. burns, cuts) and elective procedures. Each year over 100 million scars are acquired worldwide, often causing significant pain to the patient as well as psychological damage in some cases. This project was aimed at testing how lipid-like silicone oils can be used to treat severe scars known as hypertrophic scars which are red and raised and can cause limited mobility and pain to the patient. What we have discovered is that these silicones are mildy toxic to the cells found in skin and cause cell death in a controlled manner, similar to some of the natural processes in the body involved in normal tissue turnover. When these silicones are applied in low doses to cultured skin offcuts donated by patients undergoing abdominoplasty they can cause thinning of the skin and at high doses can cause separation of the epidermis and the dermis. Thus, these silicones may be used as a topical treatment for scars as an alternative to current treatments such as injections of the toxic drug, bleomycin. We have also found that these silicones may be useful in the treatment of other skin disorders such as psoriasis which is a condition characterised by hyperproliferative cells within the epidermis. Psoriasis affects approximately 2% of the population and can be managed but not cured using topical or systemic treatments or exposure to UV light. Expected future outcomes: We currently own the intellectual property covering the use of amphiphilic silicone oils on scars and are continuing to explore commercial opportunities using the results generated from this grant. We expect that if this product is commercialised it will offer the many patients suffering severe scars an alternative and potentially more effective treatment. Name of contact: Prtofessor Zee Upton Email/Phone no. of contact: z.upton@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 497268 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Adekunle Oloyede End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Biomechanical Engineering Total funding: $230,633 Title of research award: Development of a smart arthroscopy system and prototype probe for joint tissuesDevelopment of a smart arthroscopy system and prototype probe for joint tissues Lay Description (from application): This project relates to the ever growing use of arthroscopy in the management of joint defects. An innovative probe that will combine all the molecular, microstructural and biomechanical characteristics of joint articular cartilage and bone for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, treatment-related decisions, comparison of the effectiveness of treatment methods and post treatment evaluation will be developed. This system will produce spin-offs for arthroscopy of other soft tissues and bodies. Research achievements (from final report): The aim of the research was to conduct further research into the assessment of cartilage viability. The expected outcome was a prototype proof-of-concept (POC) probe that combines near infrared, ultrasound and mechanical loading technologies into one easily applied probe. The potential benefit is an advancement in the field of arthroscopy that removes subjectivity and hence unnecessary surgery for patients with related cost reduction to the national health budget. The innovative POC probe has been developed with a new interface that both controls data acquisition and all related analysis of raw data, outputting parameters that enable precise surgical decisions. The POC probe was demonstrated on December 4th 2009., The new stand-alone graphical user interface (GUI) application was built in the MATLAB environment. It implements multivariate statistical protocols such as partial least squares regression (PLSR), principal component analysis (PCA) and principal component regression (PCR) from the statistics toolbox. Accepting raw data in any of three different formats (.csv, .xls, .txt), this application implements the necessary statistical protocol based on user preferences and outputs the required parameter for assessment. Expected future outcomes: Further resolution of the ultrasound and NIR spectra information for precise mapping of layer-by-layer property of a piece of cartilage. We are also going to incorporate the new IP system that has been developed into an existing arthroscope so that we can carry out preliminary clinical tests. It has also been decided that the IP would be better protected by secrecy with blackbox implementation. Name of contact: Prof. Adekunle Oloyede Email/Phone no. of contact: k.oloyede@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 553028 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Zee Upton End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Queensland University of Technology Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $275,203 Title of research award: Improved ex-vivo culture of keratinocytes for clinical applicationsImproved ex-vivo culture of keratinocytes for clinical applications Lay Description (from application): Skin cells grown for clinical applications currently require animal-derived cells and/or non-defined products for their expansion in the laboratory; these reagents can potentially infect patients who receive these therapies. This project will identify the essential components provided by these reagents and develop a fully synthetic and defined culture system. This improvement will provide safer, cost-effective grafts and cell-based therapies that will benefit patients suffering burns and wounds. Research achievements (from final report): The culture of human skin cells in a laboratory requires the use of animal products (xenobiotics) to supplement the media and as a compatible surface for the cells to grow on. The use of animal products brings a high risk of disease transmission from animals to humans. This risk greatly limits the use of skin cells in a clinical setting for skin regeneration treatments that are required following burn and scarring injuries. Therefore, this project aimed to develop a way to grow human skin cells without the use of animal products. We utilised proteonomic based techniques to examine the current culture system. We determined what products the animal cells produce that enable the human cells to grow in the laboratory. We then utilised human or recombinant versions of these supplements to develop a culture system which enabled the human skin cells to be grown without the use of animal products. We were able to culture the human skin cells in this culture system for short periods without compromising the health of the skin cells. The successful removal of all xenobiotic and non-defined materials and their replacement with recombinant and synthetic reagents will allow the improved, safe manufacture of keratinocyte-based cell therapies to treat burns, wounds and chronic ulcers. The outcomes from this project will therefore facilitate delivery of safe regenerative and therapeutic keratinocyte-based treatments to the Australian and global communities. Expected future outcomes: The techniques developed in this project will be expanded to enable safer, faster and longer culture of human skin cells. Potential future applications include the treatment of burn and scarring victims. Name of contact: Professor Zee Upton Email/Phone no. of contact: z.upton@qut.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 390400 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof R. Douglas McEvoy End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Respiratory Diseases Total funding: $466,765 Title of research award: Experimental Investigation of Driving Impairment in Obstructive Sleep ApneaExperimental Investigation of Driving Impairment in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Lay Description (from application): Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) affects 2-4% of the adult population. Repetitive throat obstructions at night lead to sleep disturbance and oxygen deprivation which in turn lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and poor concentration. Studies in severely affected OSA patients have demonstrated driving simulator performance impairment and a 2-7 fold increased rate of motor vehicle accidents. Current data suggest that up to 50,000 MVAs may be caused each year in Australia by OSA. While driving impairment and increased crash risk in severe OSA seems clear it is not known whether patients with mild-moderate disease are also affected. This is an important question since patients with mild-moderate disease make up the great majority of OSA sufferers and therefore potentially pose the greatest concern for overall public safety. This study will determine whether mild-moderate, as well as severe, OSA is associated with driving impairment. The study will also determine how partial sleep deprivation and low dose alcohol impact on driving performance in OSA. These two behaviours are considered part of the "norm" for modern societies, yet we recently showed that they act synergistically to markedly impair driving in healthy subjects. We suspect that years of prior sleep disturbance and oxygen deprivation will render OSA sufferers more vulnerable to the effects of these additional central nervous system insults. Finally, we will determine how well driving impairment in severe OSA responds to nose mask CPAP treatment. We will find out what minimum level of treatment adherence is needed to produce significant improvement and whether driving impairment is ever truly reversed. The information obtained in this study will inform and significantly improve patient care,"fitness to drive" guidelines and driver safety campaigns. Research achievements (from final report): This research award has aided in the development of knowledge of the effects of obstructive seep apnoea on driving performance. The effects of additional sleep restriction and low-dose alcohol on OSA patients has been explored with the finding that OSA patients are more vulnerabe to these additonal stressors. The effectiveness of CPAP treatment in improving driving performance and reducing vulneraility to sleep loss and alcohol has been assessed with the conclusion that treatment of OSA is partially effective in improvng driving performance and alleviating OSA dependent vulnerability to sleep restriction and alcohol. These findings are of high clinical relevance and provide clinicians with evidence supporting the need to warn patients of dangers of driving under conditions of moderate sleep loss and low-dose alcohol, which occur commonly in society. These findings also stengthen the case for prompt diagnosis and treatment of OSA patients in order to improve public health and traffic safety. Expected future outcomes: Creating pulic awareness of these findings through media and journal publications which may lead to alterations in clinical practice and public policy to improve patient healthcare and safety. Name of contact: Professor Doug Mcevoy Email/Phone no. of contact: doug.mcevoy@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 555427 CIA Name: Prof Marc Cohen Admin Inst: RMIT University Main RFCD: Oriental Medicine and Treatments Total funding: $416,301 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Randomised controlled trials of acupuncture vs. pharmacotherapy for acute pain relief in emergency departmentsRandomised controlled trials of acupuncture vs. pharmacotherapy for acute pain relief in emergency departments Lay Description (from application): The proposed study involves three separate randomised controlled trials comparing acupuncture alone and acupuncture along with drug therapy, to drug therapy alone in providing pain relief for patients presenting to the Northern Hospital and Epworth Hospital Emergency Departments with acute back pain, migraine and ankle sprain. The research will help determine if acupuncture is safe, effective and acceptable to patients. Research achievements (from final report): This research involved three concurrent randomised controlled trials examing acupuncture alone, acupuncture plus pharmacotherapy and pharmacotherapy alone in the provision of analgesia for patients presenting to emergency departments with back pain, migraine and ankle sprain. More than 539 patients were recruited from four separate hospital emergency departments including the Alfred Hospital, Northern Hospital, Epworth Hospital and Cabrini Hospital. The research found that acupuncture was equivalent and not inferior to pharmacotherapy in providing analgesia for patients presenting to emergency deprtments with back pain, migraine and anke sprain. This study has demonstrated that acupuncture can be successfully provided to patients presenting with pain in an acute emergency department setting and that the analgesia provided by acupuncture has similar efficacy as that provided by drug therapy. This study suggests that acupuncture may provide an effective non pharmacological option for emergency department patients and further suggests that training in acupuncture may be a useful adjunct to emergency physician training. Expected future outcomes: Further analysis of the data will compare the adverse events, patient satisfaction and health resource utilization between the three study groups and determine if acupuncture provides any benefit in terms of patient satisfaction, safety and assocaited healthcare costs. Name of contact: Prof Marc Cohen Email/Phone no. of contact: marc.cohen@rmit.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 555429 CIA Name: Prof Marc Cohen Admin Inst: RMIT University Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $249,377 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Randomised controlled trial of yoga for improving sleep and quality of life in an elderly populationRandomised controlled trial of yoga for improving sleep and quality of life in an elderly population Lay Description (from application): Insomnia is very common in the elderly and is associated with increased morbidity and reduced quality of life. Yoga is purported to assist with sleep and stress management but there is little rigorous research to confirm this and no research to determine if yoga can be adapted to an elderly population in Australia. This study aims to rigourously examine the effectiveness of yoga as an intervention for geriatric insomnia and to determine the ability of yoga to enhance quality of life. Research achievements (from final report): This study aimed to determine if an integrated yoga intervention improves subjective and objective sleep measures in elderly people with insomnia. The study demonstrated that it is indeed possible to design a double blind controlled trial involving a yoga intervention however, due to an inability to recruit sufficent numbers, the research question was not able to be answered definitively. Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Prof Marc Cohen Email/Phone no. of contact: marc.cohen@rmit.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 616621 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul Wright End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: RMIT University Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety Total funding: $586,816 Title of research award: Immunotoxic effects of engineered nanomaterials used in the Australian workplaceImmunotoxic effects of engineered nanomaterials used in the Australian workplace Lay Description (from application): Certain engineered nanomaterials are more toxic than their bulk material forms. We urgently need the ability to re-engineer these nanomaterials to reduce their toxicity and potential health risks, but lack the necessary knowledge. This project directly addresses the NHMRC Strategic Initiative on Nanotechnology and Health, by providing essential information for designing safer nanomaterials from systemically studying the immune effects of metal oxide nanoparticles used in Australian industry. Research achievements (from final report): This NHMRC project grant directly addressed the NHMRC's Strategic Plan Initiative of "Nanotechnology and Health". It has provided essential information about the effects on the immune system of exposure to nanomaterials, including the nanoparticles used in sunscreens. Our studies of cultured human immune and skin cells show that, overall, sunscreen nanoparticles are as well tolerated as the conventional organic chemical sunscreens. Also, human cells co-exposed to both sunscreen nanoparticles (zinc oxide or rutile titanium dioxide) and ultraviolet light produced less free radicals than with UV exposure alone. This project has provided detailed experimental proof that using these nanoparticles in sunscreens is safe. It has positively impacted on public health practice by confirming that excessive UV light is a well-known and greater risk for skin damage and cancer compared to a perceived risk from using nanosunscreen. A new imaging technique was also developed using the Australian Synchrotron to view intact nanoparticles inside human immune and skin cells. It is the first high-throughput method of this type and has also allowed us to see, for the first time, sunscreen zinc oxide nanoparticles dissolving inside human immune cells. The project has also enabled the joint RMIT-Monash University nanosafety research group to be a major member of the Australian Consortium that recently participated in the global OECD nanosafety testing program for engineered nanomaterials. This OECD involvement has ensured a greater impact of this research on global public health policy by disseminating this project's findings to a wider national and international audience. Expected future outcomes: The research findings from this project will help to produce "value-added" nanomaterials that are "safer-bydesign", specifically the design of safer and more effective sunscreens, and computer modelling of nanoparticle behaviour. The new synchrotron imaging technique will aid in the development of cell analysis with higher capacity than is presently possible. Name of contact: Associate Professor Paul Wright Email/Phone no. of contact: paul.wright@rmit.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 446201 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Annemarie Hennessy End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Grant Type: NHMRC Enabling Grants Main RFCD: Medical Physiology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $632,700 Title of research award: The National NHMRC Baboon ColonyThe National NHMRC Baboon Colony Lay Description (from application): The National NH&MRC Baboon colony provides access to large non-human primates to support Australia’s research efforts in diverse scientific areas around the country. These include diabetes research (kidney involvement and prevention of kidney damage, nerve damage and eye damage); treatment options inlcuding gene therapy of blood/bone-marrow cancers; understandng pregnancy changes in blood pressure and the causes of hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnancy; identification of new techniques for analyis of brain function; the effects of aging on liver function especially with regards to drug metabolism; new therapies for transplantation which would allow more rational and lower/safer drug use for transplant patients; breaking down the barriers to animal-to-human transplantation through assessment of safety and development of new techniques; behavioural aspects of fertility management; vaccine development; development of oral vaccination; the nature of wound healing. There is diverse and wide access to the National NHMRC Baboon colony from research interests around Australia. The use of the animals is at all times approved by the Animal welfare Committee governing the colony, as well as that which governs the researchers involved. All approved projects have been given access to the animals required. The need for non-human primate use as opposed to other animals or other techniques not involving animals is justified to the relvant committees before any project proceeds. The use of the animals therefore adds a dimension to Australian research due to animal similarity to humans physiology or size comparisons. Contributions made by the colony in the last 20 years are listed in the attached references, but understanding physiology at a depth not possible with other animals has changed our thinking about the human condition as a result of primate -based research. Research achievements (from final report): The provision of a colony of healthy, higher-order, non-human primates to the Australian biomedical research community has allowed highly relevant research to be carried out in multiple national health priority areas. Research into cardiovascular disease, diabetes, transplantation, pregnancy complications and other areas has been facilitated by the provision of NHMRC funding. Research groups from 18 different institutions have been supported by access to the NBC. Expected future outcomes: The ANBC will continue to meet its objectives of providing a healthy colony of non-human primates for scientifically and ethically justified biomedical research in Australia. The maintenance of the highest standard of animal welfare is a key priority. Name of contact: The Director Email/Phone no. of contact: RPAH.NBC@sswahs.nsw.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 343603 CIA Name: A/Pr Scott Wilson Admin Inst: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Main RFCD: Quantitative Genetics Total funding: $403,625 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Genetic regulation of hip geometry, structure and fractureGenetic regulation of hip geometry, structure and fracture Lay Description (from application): Osteoporotic hip fracture is common in the elderly and a major cause of hospitalization. Hip fracture may lead to surgery, chronic reduced mobility, loss of function, institutionalization or death. The term osteoporosis covers a heterogeneous syndrome including juvenile, secondary (e.g. corticosteroid induced) and postmenopausal osteoporosis. This later broad grouping shows evidence of a strong familial association. Previous work has shown that a family history of fracture increases the risk of fracture by more than four fold. Furthermore, studies in twins have persistently shown that phenotypes such as bone mineral density (BMD), broadband ultrasound attenuation of bone and hip structural indices are strongly inherited. This confirms a genetic basis for the disease in some individuals. Community health in general has improved substantially in Australia in the past four decades and this has resulted in increased longevity. In contrast, the incidence of hip fracture and the resulting drain on public health funding continues to increase rapidly. Presently the cost of osteoporosis in Australia is $7.5 billion per annum. Hip fracture accounts for the majority of these costs. Instituting effective prevention strategies is essential. This project aims to contribute to one of Australia's National Research Pritoities by improving understanding about the way in which inherited aspects of hip geometry and structure contribute to the hip fracture susceptibility. We have successfully completed genome screen projects studying genetic linkage in the families to localize genes regulating BMD in the past. However, BMD is only one of a number of relevant phenotypes. In relation to hip fracture, geometry and structure are thought to be particularly important. In this project we will make use of existing resources to advance studies of both genetic linkage and association to examine fundamental issues related to hip facture. Research achievements (from final report): Osteoporotic hip fracture is common in the elderly and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, the goal of this project was to find genes that control hip structure, particularly those which are relevant to hip fracture. The study used existing radiographs and dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans on a large cohort of women and derived important new phenotypes on hip structure and geometry from these resources. That phenotype data was then used in analyses with existing genetic data for these study subjects to identifying genes with a potential role in the regulation of hip geometry and structure. We identified 13 discrete genomic regions that showed genetic linkage to hip structure and geometry phenotypes. Furthermore, we identified 23 individual genes with replicated evidence of statistically significant association with hip structure traits. These results assist in improving knowledge and understanding of the genetic control of hip structure. The long-term goal of the research program is to develop intervention strategies to reduce hip fracture incidence. Expected future outcomes: This data will enable targeted validation studies of the mechanisms involved in the genetic regulation of hip structure and geometry. Although further replication and molecular biology studies are necessary to fully validate the findings, some of the genes identified may be useful in the development of diagnositic and therapeutic approaches for osteoporosis and osteopeania. Name of contact: Lynell Belardo Email/Phone no. of contact: Lynell.Belardo@health.wa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 207701 CIA Name: Prof Nicola (Nick) Fazzalari Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $317,640 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Molecular determinants of bone remodelling in the bone microenvironmentMolecular determinants of bone remodelling in the bone microenvironment Lay Description (from application): There is little information regarding the expression of specific molecules in human bone tissue or their role in skeletal disease. The process of bone remodelling is fundamental for the maintenance of skeletal integrity. Our understanding of the molecular signalling involved in activating bone remodelling is principally derived from tissue culture and animal experiments. We will study human cancellous bone samples donated by patients undergoing surgery, and with the consent of the next-of-kin, taken at autopsy. These molecular and histomorphometric studies will determine whether the understanding derived from tissue culture and animal experiments is consistent with associations demonstrable in the human cancellous bone microenvironment. The elucidation of the molecular signalling in the human bone microenvironment is essential for the effective diagnosis and treatment of bone disease. Recently reported studies have shown very persuasively that fatigue microdamage accumulates in the skeleton and is targeted for repair by remodelling. Our preliminary data shows that microcrack length is positively correlated with IL-11 mRNA gene expression. We will further investigate mRNA gene expression of a number of cytokines involved in bone cell signalling and their association with the level of microdamage in the bone. Using a animal model of controlled bone microdamage induction we will seek to determine the bone remodelling causal relationship between microdamage and cytokine signalling. Furthermore, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to trabecular structures are not well understood. These studies will provide new insight into the processes that determine trabecular structures. This project will investigate these mechanisms and increase our understanding of bone cell function, essential for diagnosis and design of rational treatment for bone diseases. Research achievements (from final report): In this project, we have investigated the expression of key regulatory molecules of bone renewal in the microenvironment of trabecular bone samples from patients who have suffered osteoporotic fragility fractures and osteoarthritis. We have combined investigation of gene expression in human bone with measurement of tissue morphology (histomorphometry), to investigate links between molecules that participate in bone renewal. Bone samples were taken from patients undergoing hip replacement for a fragility fracture of the femur and total hip replacement for osteoarthritis. We have found that the expression of a number of key genes that control bone renewal, RANK and IL-6 mRNA and RANKL/OPG mRNA ratio, was significantly elevated in the osteoporotic fracture group compared to an age-matched control group. These data suggest a relative increase in the expression of the molecular promoters of osteoclast formation (cells that remove bone) and activity in osteoporotic fragility fracture bone, which may lead to the imbalance between bone formation and removal associated with fragility fracture. When the same bone samples used for molecular analysis were examined by histomorphometry, bone formation parameters were significantly reduced in the fracture patients compared to controls. These data are important because they are among the first to draw attention to a reduction in bone formation, rather than increased bone removal, in association with osteoporotic fragility fractures. In additional work, we have performed microarray experiments, comparing gene expression in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis bone samples. A number of different classes of genes have been identified as being up-regulated in osteoporosis compared to osteoarthritis, which is consistent with the reduced bone mass seen in osteoporosis compared to osteoarthritis. This project grant increased our understanding of the mechanisms of bone renewal and potentially identified new tragets for novel drug development. Expected future outcomes: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Our studies have shown that the disregulation of bone cell signals and their relationship to bone tissue properties is a potential determinant of fragility fracture risk. The elucidation of the mechanism of bone renewal identifies potential new tragets for novel drug development. Name of contact: Nick Fazzalari Email/Phone no. of contact: nick.fazzalari@imvs.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 207792 CIA Name: Prof Robert Vink Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $241,650 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Characterisation of Substance P antagonists as a novel therapeutic intervention for use in traumatic brain injuryCharacterisation of Substance P antagonists as a novel therapeutic intervention for use in traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is responsible for more deaths in Australians under 45 years of age than any other cause. The economic and social cost of head injury to the community is enormous with billions of dollars spent each year on the management and rehabilitation of trauma patients. Despite the enormity of this public health problem, no effective treatment currently exists. A number of studies have demonstrated that much of the morbidity following TBI is associated with the development of a secondary injury process that occurs between hours to days after the insult. This delayed progression of injury suggests that appropriate pharmacologic intervention can prevent, or at least attenuate, this secondary injury process with a resultant improvement in outcome. Over the past 15 years, a number of groups, including ours, have been investigating the secondary mechanisms associated with the development of functional deficits after TBI. Our previous studies have demonstrated that decline in brain free magnesium is associated with functional deficits after experimental brain injury, and that magnesium administration after injury can improve outcome. Magnesium is now on clinical trial as a pharmacologic intervention. Recent studies have suggested that magnesium decline facilitates neurogenic inflammation, which has been associated with oedema formation, oxidative damage and cell death. Although a number of neuropeptides have been implicated in this process, it is thought that substance P release is closely associated with these pathophysiological processes. Therefore, inhibiting neuropeptide release, or inhibiting substance P binding, may offer a novel therapeutic approach for the attenuation of oedema and development of neurologic deficits after TBI. This proposal will use a combined biochemical, pharmacologic and behavioural approach to characterise the role of neuropeptides in brain trauma, and attempt to develop a novel therapy for use in clinical trauma. Research achievements (from final report): We established that brain swelling (oedema) following traumatic brain injury followed a biphasic pattern, with an early peak in brain water content occurring within 6 hours, followed by a second peak in brain water content at three days after trauma that persisted for approximately 1-2 weeks. The early peak was associated with increased vascular permeability, whereas the later phase was cellular oedema. The early oedema formation was initiated by neuropeptide release, and in particular substance P, which increased blood brain barrier permeability and facilitated the development of the early oedema. By inhibiting substance P release or binding, we were able to prevent early onset oedema formation, and this subsequently led to an attenuation of the later oedema. We concluded that the early oedema facilitated the subsequent cellular oedema. Administration of a substance P antagonist not only attenuated oedema formation, but also improved motor and cognitive outcomes. Moreover, the drug could be administered as late as 12 hours after the traumatic event and still result in a significant reduction in brain swelling and an improvement in outcome. A more specific substance P antagonist with no known side-effects was then donated by Roche pharmaceuticals and we were able to establish that this compound was equally effective at preventing post-traumatic oedema formation and improving functional outcome. This compound was subsequently patented and is expected to be entered into clinical trials in 2006/2007. If successful, this drug has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity after traumatic brain injury, and significantly reduce the time victims of brain injury would spend in hospital. Expected future outcomes: The compound that was developed in this study will be entered into clinical trials in late 2006/early 2007. If successful, it would revolutionise the management of brain swelling following traumatic brain injury. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Professor Robert Vink Email/Phone no. of contact: Robert.Vink@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 250301 CIA Name: Prof Nicola (Nick) Fazzalari Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $423,625 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Interrelationships between the disc and bone of lumbar spinal segmentsInterrelationships between the disc and bone of lumbar spinal segments Lay Description (from application): The cause of back pain due to osteoarthritis, osteoporotic vertebral crush fracture, and ageing is poorly understood. Vertebral deformity, intervertebral disc disorganisation, and change to vertebral bone structure are features associated with degeneration of the spine and with back pain. Degenerative disc disease is one of the major causes of back symptoms and is believed to be associated with degeneration of the spine. Spinal degeneration includes disc degeneration, facet joint osteoarthritis, compromised vertebral body bone quality, muscle and ligament alterations. It is assumed that these changes result in increased or abnormal spine motion and modified load distribution across the spinal joint. It has been found that with age, there is increased disorganisation of the intervertebral disc and decreased quality of vertebral cancellous bone. However, bones with the same density within the range of normal subjects, can show selective loss of bone structure and reduced load-bearing capacities of these vertebrae. An important concept here is that even for a given bone mass, fracture risk increases with age, supporting the view that there is a component of bone fragility that is independent of mass. Increased bone fragility may be associated with compromised cancellous bone structure. While the relationship between disc degeneration and changes in vertebral bone is commonly invoked, the mechanisms of this relationship have largely been overlooked, with age changes given more attention. However, it may be that intervertebral disc disorganisation modulates age-related bone changes within the spine. Disc degeneration may influence trabecular bone responses before changes with age put the patient at risk of vertebral crush fracture. We propose that the mature disc cannot effectively regenerate after damage, and thus responses to disc damage will be more readily observed in vertebral bone architecture than in the disc. Research achievements (from final report): We have developed and implemented a novel MRI protocol to measure the water content of the intervertebral discs in the human spine. This protocol is breaking new ground in that it provides a new clinical tool to measure the water content of the intervertebral disc of patients with back pain. We have been able to show that the MRI scans are reliable and reprobucible. Until the development of this technique, assessing the amount of water in the intervertebral disc has been based on the subjective interpretation of an MRI image by a radiologist. There are few studies of this nature that have been reported and a patent application is pending. , In addition, this study has provided a novel perspective of the bone in the spine. The thickness of the bone wall that surrounds the spongy bone structure in the vertebral body was thicker in the front of the vertebra than the back of the vertebra, suggesting that the bone wall in the front of the vertebra has to support a greater load than the back wall of the vertebra. Combined with the data we have on the deformation of the vertebral body bone wall under load and how the load is transmitted through the spongy bone in the vertebral body we have a unique insight into vertebral body mechanics. This places us at the forefront of understanding the mechanism of vertebral body fracture where the patient has fragile bones. The study has enabled us to better understand the relationship between the intervertebal disc and the vertebral body bone. These unique data from the human spine have not been previously reported and hold significant potential to understand bone quality factors that ultimately determine bone strength and what factors should be the target of treatment. Expected future outcomes: This was a pioneering study using a multidisciplinary approach and our unique experience to elucidate the mechanisms of spinal degeneration. The MRI protocol to measure the water content of the disc will provide a new clinical tool to identify the presence of disc degeneration, monitor progression of disc degeneration and monitor the efficacy of treatment of disc degeneration in patients. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Nick Fazzalari Email/Phone no. of contact: nick.fazzalari@imvs.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 250344 CIA Name: Prof David Findlay Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $368,000 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Mechanisms of Periprosthetic Bone LossMechanisms of Periprosthetic Bone Loss Lay Description (from application): We will seek to address an important clinical problem in orthpaedics, namely the bone loss that commonly occurs around joint replacement prostheses. Termed peri-prosthetic osteolysis (PO), this bone loss can result in the loosening and ultimate failure and need for revision of the artificial joint components. PO is thought to be caused by the body's reaction to wear particles generated from the articulating surface of the prosthesis. However, it has not previously been possible to accurately explore the relationship between prothesis wear and PO, or the progression of PO, because of a lack of techniques to image and measure the volume of PO around metal prosthesis components. We have developed a means to accurately and reproducibly measure the volume of bone loss, using CT, and will do so longitudinally in joint replacement patients to obtain the first information about the progression of PO. New computer based methods will be used concurrently to relate prosthesis wear and migration parameters to PO. Patients who come to surgery for replacement of failed prostheses will be investigated further by analysis of the tissues involved in the bone loss around prostheses. Basic science experiments will seek to understand the underlying causes of PO and the findings will be important in interpreting the clinical results. An animal model will be used to seek approaches to inhibiting the pathological response to wear particles. The significance of these studies is that they will lead to improved outcomes for joint replacement patients, increasing the interval to revision surgery, which is both extremely costly and brings an attendant morbidity and mortality. Research achievements (from final report): Peri-prosthetic osteolysis often limits the lifespan of total hip replacement implants. Therefore, the aim of this project was to investigate peri-prosthetic bone loss, firstly by developing new imaging modalities and secondly by identifying the molecular mechanisms responsible for this process. We made great progress towards these goals, measuring in the same patient implant wear and migration and, for the first time, the progression of osteolysis. In patients who required revision surgery, we analysed tissue taken from defined sites adjacent to osteolytic lesions and found important relationships between particle accumulation in the tissues, the cell types present, and the molecular species that are potentially causally involved in the pathological bone loss. These cytokines, such as TNF and RANK ligand, were found in separate experiments to potentiate osteoclast formation and activity. This work has therefore laid a strong basis for a new means of monitoring hip replacement patients and for understanding (and therfore potentially treating) the cell and molecular basis for the bone loss that often occurs around prostheses. Expected future outcomes: As stated, this work has therefore laid a strong basis for a new means of monitoring hip replacement patients, which has been anabled by our development of a means to accurately quantitate osteolysis around medium to long term hip replacements. The basic science part of the work may lead to new treatments for this bone loss. Name of contact: David Findlay Email/Phone no. of contact: david.findlay@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 274307 CIA Name: Dr John Semmler Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $198,500 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Motor unit synchronisation and neuromuscular performanceMotor unit synchronisation and neuromuscular performance Lay Description (from application): The fine control of force is important for many everyday tasks such as writing, grasping objects between index finger and thumb, and fastening buttons. Factors that influence the ability to control force include the coordinated activation of groups of muscle fibres called single motor units. This proposal focuses on the concept that the coordinated activation of motor units is influenced by muscle activity and can impair the ability to produce finely controlled muscle contractions. The goal of these studies is to explore the boudary conditions of the adaptive nature of the nervous system to examine how coordinated motor unit activity influences these aspects of neuromuscular performance. The outcomes of these experiments will identify if altering muscle activity influences the control of movement by altering single motor unit activity. These results will have direct application to the interpretation of abnormal movement control and tremor that is observed in certain neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, new information will be gained on the adaptability of the motor system and its role in the execution of fine motor tasks that may aid in the development of rehabilitation strategies following stroke or spinal cord injury. Research achievements (from final report): The purpose of these studies were to determine whether changes in muscle strength influenced the control of force by the nervous system. Experimental measures were performed at the level of the single motor unit, which is the smallest element of neuromuscular control. We found that damaging the muscle with repetitive lengthening contractions altered the correlated activity of human motor units and influenced the fine control of force. However, a short period of strength training did not influence the neural control of force despite significant increases in muscle strength. These studies demonstrate that alterations in strength of the muscle do not appear to influence the correlated discharge of action potentials and do not impair fine motor control. Rather, we suggest that correlated motor unit activity is an effective strategy to promote skilled and coordinated movements, but could impair the ability to perform steady contractions under some circumstances. These results will have direct application to the interpretation of abnormal correlated motor unit activity and pathological tremor that is observed in certain neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Expected future outcomes: The future direction of this work is twofold. First, we plan to explore the neural mechanisms that impair motor performance following exercise-induced muscle damage. Second, we will examine the neural adjustments in the central nervous system following skilled motor performance. These studies will have implications for neuromuscular function and rehabilitation in athletes and patients. Name of contact: John Semmler Email/Phone no. of contact: john.semmler@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 298900 CIA Name: A/Pr Allison Cowin Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Dermatology Total funding: $472,750 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Function of the Flightless protein in wound repair and scar formation in skinFunction of the Flightless protein in wound repair and scar formation in skin Lay Description (from application): Understanding the factors that control T cell responses has been a major focus of immunology. Despite this effort the factors that control T cell development, homeostasis and function are still only incompletely understood. Accordingly we have been studying the TNF-family cytokine BAFF (B cell activation factor of the TNF-family) in relation to T cell behaviour and function. Though BAFF was first described as being critical for B cell development and maturation, a number of lines of evidence indicate that BAFF may be important in T cell biology. Current studies suggest that BAFF exerts a pro-inflammatory effect upon T cell responses. Surprisingly then, when we examined the role of BAFF upon T cell function in vivo in the context of the alloimmune response, we found that ~60% of BAFF transgenic mice failed to reject a fully-mismatched allograft. Intriguingly, BAFF transgenic mice exhibited an increased number of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ cells in the periphery and in vivo depletion of these CD25+ cells restored the ability of BAFF transgenic mice to reject an allograft. We hypothesize that BAFF plays a potentially powerful anti-inflammatory role in regulating certain T cell dependent immune responses. Our data suggests that BAFF can modulate T cell function by effecting T cell regulation. Research achievements (from final report): Our studies, investigating the function of the actin cytoskeleton in wound repair have revealed the potentially important role of Flightless I, an actin-remodelling protein, in wound healing and scar formation. Using in vitro and in vivo approaches our studies have revealed that FliI plays a key role in promoting cellular migration and proliferation. We have further identified that changing FliI gene expression affects wound repair. Using mice with different levels of FliI expression we found that FliI deficiency significantly improves healing. We have now commenced the development of a novel antibody-based treatment aimed at reducing FliI expression in wounds. Crucially, our in vitro and in vivo studies reveal that when this antibody is applied topically to wounds in vivo we see improvements in wound healing. The benefit of a new therapy for improving wound repair and decreasing scar formation is potentially of great importance particularly for children suffering from burn injuries. Expected future outcomes: Future outcomes include the development of new FliI-based therapies for treating wounds and reducing scar formation. We will also continue studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms of FliI action in wound healing. We hope to translate these findings into new clinical applications aimed at treating burn injuries which can lead to devastating disabilities in children and adults. Name of contact: Allison Cowin Email/Phone no. of contact: allison.cowin@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 298933 CIA Name: Prof Howard Morris Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $399,750 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Vitamin D Depletion and Femoral Bone LossVitamin D Depletion and Femoral Bone Loss Lay Description (from application): An understanding of the way cells control their complex internal circuitry is relevant to diseases like cancer and leukemia. The main focus of this project is a cellular regulator we identified several years ago called BORIS. Normally dormant in all cells outside the male reproductive organs, BORIS is reactivated in many cancers. We will study the network of factors perturbed when BORIS becomes inappropriately active in cancer cells. Ultimately this project may lead to new treatments for cancer. Research achievements (from final report): A robust rodent model of vitamin D depletion has been developed. These animals have vitamin D levels that are considered low but are the maximum achieved by some 50% or more of the community. Our studies demonstrated that these rodents developed osteoporosis at early adulthood, that is just one quarter through their life span, which was surprising. It was proposed that osteoporosis would not develop until they were older. Similar biochemical markers were measured in the rodent model as have been measured in humans who have low vitamin D levels. A very similar relationship was found suggesting that the findings with this model are likely to be useful for estimating human vitamin D requirements. A minimum level of vitamin D for optimal bone striucture was identified. As well the study identified the optimal form of vitamin D for skeletal health. The loss of bone that occurred with low vitamin D levels was due to high bone resorption due to high levels of bone resorbing cells. Evidence for the molecular mechanism of the increased number of bone resorbing cells was obtained. Evidence has been obtained that a lower level of vitamin D is required to maintain optimal skeletal health as dietary calcium levels increase. Expected future outcomes: The effects of age and dietary calcium intake on the level of vitamin D required for optimal skeletal health and bone strength will be elucidated. It is expected that as we age we require higher levels of vitamin D to maintain our health. Currently there is no understanding of the basis for such increased requirement and these studies will provide the first indications. Name of contact: Professor Howard Morris Email/Phone no. of contact: howard.morris@imvs.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 299031 CIA Name: Dr Gerald Atkins Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $436,450 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Relationships Between Human Osteoblasts and Haemopoietic Cells in Bone RemodellingRelationships Between Human Osteoblasts and Haemopoietic Cells in Bone Remodelling Lay Description (from application): Bone diseases, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, currently afflict more than 4 million Australians. These diseases are characterised by abnormal bone remodelling, which can result in a net loss of bone (for example, in osteoporosis) or abnormal bone structure (for example, in osteoarthritis). We are seeking to better understand the factors that regulate bone remodelling, and particularly the cells involved in this process. Physiological bone remodelling results from the intimate collaboration between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts stimulate the formation of osteoclasts and also produce new bone at resporption sites. However, the way that the same type of cell can perform both these tasks, is not clear. Our studies are designed to increase our understanding of the development of human osteoblasts and of the factors that cause them to be sequentially pro-osteoclastic and then pro-osteogenic. We believe that an important factor in this process is vitamin D and we will test the hypothesis that this molecule is produced in bone and acts locally to regulate bone turnover. Research achievements (from final report): The aims of this proposal were: 1. To further define the link between the osteoblast differentiation state and the formation of osteoclasts in response to various factors that act on the skeleton;, 2. To further characterise the signals between, and the influences of, haemopoietic cells and osteoblasts during both osteoclastogenesis and osteogenesis;, 3. To define the role of 1,25(OH)2vitamin D3 metabolism in human bone cell biology., This has been a highly successful and productive period of research, resulting to date in 11 publications including two book chapters. At least 6 further publications describing work encompassed in this project are in preparation. We have succeeded in obtaining significant new insight into human osteoblast biology with respect to their production of osteoclast activating factors, their response to osteoclast derived factors, and the way in which they differentiate into mineral producing cells and further, into mature osteocytes. We have established that the skeleton is an intracrine organ for vitamin D metabolism, effectively describing a paradigm shift in this field. This has important implications for the interpretation of the diagnostic indicator of vitamin D status, namely, the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. We have characterised a number of pathways whereby osteoblast differentiation is modulated by proinflammatory signals deriving from both haemopoietic cells and from osteoblasts themselves, which is likely to be important in bone repair and in diseases of bone inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. We have also established an effective model, with which to examine the mechanism of action of anabolic therapeutics for the treatment of osteoporosis. Our results have direct implications for the treatment of a number of bone degenerative diseases. Expected future outcomes: This project has formed the basis of two further major projects, examining the role in bone of the inflammtory cytokine TWEAK, and the effect on bone cells of wear particles derived from orthopaedic prostheses. We have also established important collaborations with international companies to investigate the modes of action of skeletal therapeutics on human bone cells in vitro. Name of contact: Dr. Gerald Atkins Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY gerald.atkins@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 399168 CIA Name: Prof David Findlay Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $515,917 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Impaired bone remodelling leads to failure of orthopaedic prosthesesImpaired bone remodelling leads to failure of orthopaedic prostheses Lay Description (from application): The failure of bone prostheses is becoming a major health problem. More than 26,000 hip, and an equal number of knee, replacements were performed in Australia in 2002 with the number increasing between 5%10% each year for the previous 10 years. Disturbingly, the incidence of revision hip surgery in Australia is now more than 15%, meaning that, despite the impressive success of joint replacement surgery, a significant number of arthroplasties fail. It is becoming more common for young, active individuals to receive joint replacement surgery to improve their quality of life. This, combined with increasing life expectancy, and the known higher rate of failure of joint replacements in younger patients, means that the morbidity of a failed replacement, and the mobidity and associated mortality of revision surgery, will become an increasingly important health issue, with a major impact upon health budgets. The overwhelming majority of hip and knee prostheses have metal or ceramic on polyethylene bearing surfaces. It is now apparent that most implants fail due to bone loss around them leading to loosening, and evidence is accumulating that polyethylene wear particles are a major contributing factor to this process. It is therefore vital that we obtain better understanding of the causes of implant failure in order to extend the life of these implants and this project is designed to do so. Research achievements (from final report): The aim of this project was to understand the reasons for the eventual loss of bone that is observed around artificial joints. We found previously that polyethylene (PE) particles generated in the joint by wear of the articulating surface of the prostheses were strongly related to the extent and rate of bone loss. In this project, we have shown that where PE particles accumulate in the joint tissues, there is an accompanying accumulation of giant cells, which engulf the particles and also molecules that are involved in the physiological resorption of bone. These molecules include RANK, RANKL, OSCAR, TWEAK and TNF. In further investigating the action of these molecules on bone cells, we have found that TWEAK reduces the ability of osteoblasts to make bone. To examine more directly the mechanism, by which PE particles interact wirth osteoblasts and osteoclasts, we have obtained PE particles similar to those produced as prostheses begin to wear. We have devised a novel method of exposing cells to these particles by including them with cells in a gel material. We have found that osteoblasts behave very differently in the presence of PE particles. Specifically, they produce less of the substances required to make bone and more of the molecules that promote osteoclast formation. In addition to this, we have found that PE particles can directly increase the production of osteoclasts from their precursor cells. Expected future outcomes: Our findings show a direct role for PE particles in the bone loss around articulating orthopaedic implants and draw attention to the need for new bearing materials with better wear characteristics. They also provide clues for preventing this bone loss, while at the same time encouraging continued bone formation around implants. ????? Name of contact: David Findlay Email/Phone no. of contact: david.findlay@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 399305 CIA Name: Prof Nicola (Nick) Fazzalari Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $447,027 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Intrinsic bone qualities in fragility fracture patients: mass, microarchitecture, mineralization and damage accumulationIntrinsic bone qualities in fragility fracture patients: mass, microarchitecture, mineralization and damage accumulation Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis drug therapies have been associated with a significant reduction in fragility fracture. Patients receiving osteoporosis drugs, which have different effects on BMD, may have similar reductions in fractures. Furthermore, patients with fragility fractures may have abnormalities in bone structural and material properties. Changes to the process of bone renewal, due to drug therapy, may explain why fracture risk decreases where no detectable change to the structure of bone has been detected. It has also been shown that when bone renewal is suppressed microdamage accumulates in bone tissue, leading to reduced bone toughness. The toughness of bone is of primary importance in relation to fragility fractures, and it has been shown that the fatigue strength and fracture toughness (work to fracture) reduce considerably with age. This proposed study would seek to elucidate the role of bone tissue-level properties in determining bone quality for human subjects: patients with fragility hip fractures on no osteoporosis drugs therapy, hip fracture patients on osteoporosis drugs therapies, and normal age- and sex-matched individuals. Our laboratory has extensive experience in the analysis of the structure of human bone tissue. Recently, we have developed novel and unique techniques to assess bone quality, using micro-CT, backscatter SEM imaging, confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This multifaceted study will identify at the bone tissue-level the structural mechanisms (micro-architecture, mineralisation, and microscopic cracking) that are indicative of the efficacy of fragility fracture drugs. Better understanding of the mechanisms by which bones are less likely to fracture will enable better targeting of osteoporosis drug therapy to individuals at risk of fragility fracture. Research achievements (from final report): Fragility fracture risk is strongly dependent upon skeletal strength. Low bone mass is not the sole predictor of loss of bone strength. Bone strength is determined by a number of inter-related structural and material components, collectively constituting bone quality. We have undertaken complementary investigations of bone structure (how bone is arranged in 3D space), bone mineralisation (how soft or brittle the bone is), and bone microdamage accumulation (how many microscopic cracks are present in the bone) on bone specimens from the femur from patients with fragility hip fractures that were not/were receiving osteoporosis drug therapy and skeletally normal individuals (non-fracture controls). Measurements of trabecular bone volume (3D bone mass) and bone microarchitecture do not discriminate hip fracture patients from controls. However, bone from hip fracture patients is less mineralised and contains more unrepaired microdamage (damage is repaired/removed by bone turnover) compared to control individuals. Hip fracture patients that were receiving osteoporosis drug therapies prior to fracture, show a different bone mineralisation profile compared to the fracture patients not on therapy and controls. Our data demonstrate that the effect on bone of osteoporosis drug therapies, and hence reduction of secondary fragility fracture, may differ on an individual patient basis. Our finding of altered bone mineralisation profiles for hip fracture patients that were not/were receiving osteoporosis drug therapies and non-fracture controls implicates the involvement of bone turnover in determining bone material quality, and hence bone strength. This project has delivered novel material property data for fragility hip fracture patients and non-fracture individuals representative of the Australian population. These data together with other bone quality measures may be of central importance in defining individualised fracture risk assessment and tailorised treatment efficacy. Expected future outcomes: Currently prescribed osteoporosis drug therapies only reduce the risk of fracture by approximately 50%. Novel bone quality data obtained for fragility fracture patients arising from this project has identified individualised NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY responses to osteoporosis drug therapy. Future preventative treatment approaches for primary and secondary fragility fracture must be considered on an individualised basis. Name of contact: Prof Nick Fazzalari Email/Phone no. of contact: nick.fazzalari@imvs.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 453497 CIA Name: A/Pr Stan Gronthos Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $485,928 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of TWIST family basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription Factors in Bone Cell Commitment, Function and RepairThe role of TWIST family basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription Factors in Bone Cell Commitment, Function and Repair Lay Description (from application): In developed countries, projected estimates predict an alarming trend of a two to three fold increase in the number of fractures that require surgical intervention and rehabilitation therapy in the coming decades as a consequence of an aging population. Fracture healing is a complex physiological process that involves the coordinated participation of different bone marrow cells, immune cells and skeletal progenitor cells. Multiple factors regulate interactions between these cell types that influence the capacity of bone cell progenitors to develop into functional bone forming cells known as osteoblasts. An understanding of the fracture healing is critical for the future advancement of fracture treatment, and for identifying the mechanisms of skeletal growth and repair as well as the causes of aging and disease. This proposal seeks to identify critical regulatory molecules that act to mediate bone cell progenitor recruitment and development during bone fracture repair. Research achievements (from final report): , 1. The basic helix-helix-loop (bHLH) transcription factors, Twist-1 and Dermo-1 are known to be important in normal mesodermal development during embryogenesis. , 2. Our studies showed that Twist-1 and Dermo-1 are highly expressed by human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) in bone marrow aspirates but are quickly down regulated folloing ex vivo expansion. , 3. Multiple human bone marrow derived MSC lines were successfully retrovirally transduced to overexpress either Twist-1 or Dermo-1 in vitro. Functional studies were performed examining the effect of Twist-1 and Dermo-1 on MSC proliferation, bone gene expression patterns and differentiation in vitro and in vivo following implantation into NOD/SCID immunocompromised mice., 4. Enforced expression of Twist-1 and Derrmo-1 was found to maintain the MSC in an undifferentiated state and greatly increase the growth and lifespan of MSC in vitro., 5. Interestingly, Twist-1 and Dermo-1 inhibited the capacity of MSC to differentiate into bone and cartilage forming cells , 6. We have established a mouse femoral bone fracture model for the in vivo analysis of bHLH-transcription factors during bone repair. Expected future outcomes: Characterising the role of Twist-1 and Dermo-1 in MSC growth, recruitment and development during fracture healing may help identify genes that are regulated by Twist-1 and Dermo-1, which can then be used as therapeutic targets for fracture repair. Name of contact: Prof. Stan Gronthos Email/Phone no. of contact: stan.gronthos@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 453510 CIA Name: Prof Howard Morris Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $543,302 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Maintenance of bone strength in aged rats: the Vitamin D requirementMaintenance of bone strength in aged rats: the Vitamin D requirement Lay Description (from application): Hip fracture remains the most devastating of the osteoporotic fractures particularly in women in whom the incidence increases to about 3% per annum by the ninth decade. This incidence is bound to increase as the population ages with increasing longevity. Supplementation of diets of elderly female nursing home residents with vitamin D and calcium has been shown to reduce the risk of hip fracture by 30% in two years. However we do not know how much vitamin D is necessary to maintain optimal bone strength. This project will determine the level of vitamin D required to maintain optimal bone strength in aged rats using a simple blood test which could then be used to screen the elderly and identify those at risk of hip fracture from low vitamin D levels. The project will also investigate the effects of vitamin D on the bone cells that maintain optimal skeletal architecture. This information is essential for comparison with the current knowledge of other biochemical bone markets in blood and vitamin D status in the elderly, in order to develop nutritional recommendations to reduce the incidence of hip fracture. Research achievements (from final report): We have described for the first time that the effect of vitamin D depletion is to increase bone resorption and loss of bone mineral content in this rat model. This study has identified that optimal bone mineral content is not obtained unless the serum 25D level is greater than 80 nmol/L. Two feeding studies have been completed to achieve levels above and below the critical values (25D 80 nmol/L) of vitamin D status for bone health as determined from our first study. Dietary calcium levels have also been varied. Regression analyses demonstrated significant positive relationships between serum vitamin D levels and bone mineral volume. Mechanical testing demonstrated that resistance to fracture was positively correlated to vitamin D status. Furthermore the benefits of high dietary calcium may at least partially be due to the maintenance of higher serum 25D levels., SIGNIFCANCE: Long-term vitamin D deficiency causes bone loss in both the cortical bone as well as in trabecular bone resulting in reduced bone strength. Importantly, while vitamin D status is a major determinant of bone mineral content, both dietary vitamin D and dietary calcium are major determinats of serum 25D levels. Thus the effect of dietary calcium to protect bone loss appears be due to improvement of serum 25D levels. Expected future outcomes: This dietary model is currently being used to further examine the effects on osteocyte density, apoptosis and mechanical strength of long bones. Cellular activity in these trabecular and cortical bone regions are being completed. Name of contact: Howard Morris Email/Phone no. of contact: howard.morris@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 453624 CIA Name: Prof Donald Howie Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $411,517 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Determination of irradiation dose efficacy for use in impaction grafting at revision joint replacementDetermination of irradiation dose efficacy for use in impaction grafting at revision joint replacement Lay Description (from application): Primary hip replacement is a successful intervention for hip disease, but 10-15% of hip prostheses fail and require revision surgery within 10-15 years. At the time of revision, significant bone loss around the failed prosthesis is not uncommon. A bone reconstruction procedure, called impaction grafting, where donor bone is minced and placed in the areas of deficient bone before implanting the new prosthesis, has shown to give good results at more than ten years in some centres. A high incidence of early complications of this procedure have included loss of fixation within the bone. Fracture of the bone around prostheses has also reported in some centres. These events require more surgery, putting the patient at higher risk greater complications and longer rehabilitations. Recent improvements in surgical technique and donor bone preparation have improved results. A current debate questions whether the dose of irradiation can be reduced from 25 kGy, while maintaining sterility of allografts. The risk of bacterial contamination in allografts is low, and irradiation reduces the mechanical strength of the graft, contributing to complications when irradiated bone is used. The benefits of decontaminating the bone may be outweighed by the higher risk for failure due to poor bone quality and resulting prosthesis instability. We will use ISO standards to test the validity of radiation dose for sterilising bone ex vivo. In the absence of controlled human studies, our aim is also to compare the results of impaction grafting with non-irradiated bone versus bone irradiated at current doses used by Australian bone banks, and lower doses indicated by ex vivo testing. We will use a large animal model of revision hip replacement, with precise measures of prosthesis stability. The results of this study will guide clinical decisions regarding the efficacy of current bone graft preparation procedures and the use of irradiated bone in human hip replacement surgery. Research achievements (from final report): This project has led to the direct translation of research findings into clinical practice. Prior to this project the irradiation dose required by the Queensland Bone Bank for the sterilisation of allograft bone was 25 kGy. Following publication of the early results from this project, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved the use of 15kGy for the sterilisation of allograft bone. Subsequent research led to validation of 11 kGy which has now been adopted as the current standard irradiation dose for sterilisation at the Queensland Bone Bank, settting a precedent for National Bone Bank Guidelines. Expected future outcomes: It is envisaged that the results of this important study may encourage more surgeons to use this important bone restoring procedure. Name of contact: Prof Donald Howie Email/Phone no. of contact: donald.howie@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 453646 CIA Name: Dr John Semmler Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $244,255 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Cortical Plasticity and Fine Motor Skills in Older AdultsCortical Plasticity and Fine Motor Skills in Older Adults Lay Description (from application): Even in healthy individuals, the ageing process is usually associated with a progressive reduction in the performance of various motor skills, such as writing, placing keys in keyholes and fastening buttons. These deficits in manual performance may be due to an age-related decline in the ability of the brain to modify its connections (plasticity) when learning new motor skills. This brain plasticity is a fundamental property of the nervous system, where it is critical for learning and memory, but is also important for recovery from brain injury. The goal of the proposed studies is to examine the extent of brain plasticity when performing fine motor skills in older adults, and relate this to motor performance and learning in the elderly. We will use three complementary approaches that will employ novel techniques of magnetic brain stimulation to achieve this goal. These studies will be the first to ascertain a link between deficits in brain plasticity and impaired manual performance in older adults. Furthermore, these studies will be the first to examine interventions designed to promote brain plasticity and motor performance in older adults. Because the majority of patients requiring neurological rehabilitation are in an older age group, it is important to understand the extent of brain plasticity in the elderly. This new information may ultimately lead to innovative therapeutic or rehabilitation strategies to retain or improve fine motor skills in the elderly and promote functional recovery from brain injury. Research achievements (from final report): The purpose of this project grant was to determine if the decline in fine motor skills commonly observed in older adults was related to a reduced ability to modify brain connections (termed plasticity) with advancing age. To achieve this goal, we used new advances in techniques of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to assess and induce brain plasticity in young and old adults, and to determine how specific measures of brain function influence the performance of fine motor skills. We found striking differences in the extent of brain plasticity and motor performance in young and old adults, but the magnitude of brain plasticity did not relate to the motor performance in young and old adults. This finding suggests that the deficit in fine motor skills in older adults was not due to altered brain plasticity with advancing age. Furthermore, we found that older adults displayed similar brain plasticity as their younger counterparts under some circumstances. We further explored some factors that could contribute to the similar brain response in older adults, and showed that differences in physical activity levels and muscle usage patterns related to hand preference could substantially influence the induction of brain plasticity. By examining the boundary conditions of these effects, this new information may ultimately lead to innovative therapeutic or rehabilitation strategies to retain or improve fine motor skills in the elderly and promote functional recovery from brain injury. Expected future outcomes: We are now in the process of examining in more detail the boundary conditions that influence brain plasticity in older adults, such as the contribution of physical exercise, genetics, and alterations in muscle usage patterns for brain plasticity and motor function. Name of contact: John Semmler Email/Phone no. of contact: john.semmler@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508004 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Allison Cowin End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $339,766 Title of research award: Flightless I, a terget for new wound therapiesFlightless I, a terget for new wound therapies Lay Description (from application): Wounds, burns and scalds are frequent injuries which can lead to deformity, disfigurement and loss of movement. We have shown that the cytoskeletal protein, Flightless I (FliI), is an important regulator of wound repair. We plan to further investigate FliI in wound and burn injuries using new cell-specific transgenic animal models and to develop a new FliI-antibody based therapy to treat wound and burn injuries. Research achievements (from final report): Chronic wounds, diabetic ulcers, injuries in response to trauma, burns and scalds all form a medical need which is expanding as the population ages and the diabetic epidemic grows. The overall goal of the research undertaken during this fellowship was therefore to develop new therapies for improving wound healing and reducing scar formation. My studies have identified a novel entry point to the study of wound repair and a new therapeutic target which has been protected by international patents. I have subsequently developed monoclonal antibodies against this protein which significantly improve healing when applied to wounds. Preclinical studies have comfirmed the efficiacy of these antibodies for improving the rate of wound healing and in the quality of scar formation. To date there are limited evidence-based treatments on the market for improving wound healing so these studies have the potential to dramatically improve the health and well-being of a substantial number of the population. Expected future outcomes: Future outcomes include the development of a new antibody based topical therapy that can be applied directly to wounds to improve their rate and quailty of healing. This new treatment has applications not only to burn injuries and acute surgical wounds but also to chronic non-healing ulcers that affect the elderly and diabetic patients. Name of contact: Allison Cowin Email/Phone no. of contact: allison.cowin@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508006 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Allison Cowin End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $194,071 Title of research award: Development of Flightless antibody therapy for treating woundsDevelopment of Flightless antibody therapy for treating wounds Lay Description (from application): Chronic wounds, diabetic ulcers, injuries in response to trauma, burns and scalds form a medical need which will only expand as the population ages and the diabetic epidemic grows. In our studies, we have shown that Flightless I (FliI), an actin remodelling protein, is a negative regulator of incisional wound healing. We are now developing a new antibody therapy to reduce FliI levels in wounds thereby leading to improved wound repair outcomes. Research achievements (from final report): , Over the past 6 years, we have investigated the function of the actin-remodelling protein Flightless I (Flii) in the wound repair process. Our group was the first to show that Flii is an important negative regulator of wound repair and that attenuation of Flii leads to improved wound outcomes We found that if we reduced the level of this protein using rabbit polyclonal neutralising antibodie we could significantly improve wound healing in mouse models of wound repair. Over the last two years, with the support of this NHMRC development grant we have now generated murine hybridomas against human Flii and have identified three monoclonal antibodies with wound healing activity in vitro and also in a murine in vivo wound model. Being able to improve the wound repair process is particularly important as the incidence of non-healing chronic wounds in our society increases. These wounds are getting more prevalent in our society due to in the increasing numbers of aged, obese and diabetic individuals who are all at risk of gettingnon-healing wounds. Additionally wounds caused due to trauma, burns and scald injuries also lead to diffiult to heal wounds so there is a considerable potential for the development of new therapies for treating wounds. , Expected future outcomes: We expect to produce a new targeted therapy for treating wounds. Name of contact: Allison Cowin Email/Phone no. of contact: allison.cowin@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508081 CIA Name: Prof Robert Fraser Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $533,793 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Impact of gastrointestinal dysmotility on enteral nutrition in the critically illImpact of gastrointestinal dysmotility on enteral nutrition in the critically ill Lay Description (from application): Critically ill patients require nutrition for optimum recovery. Ideally, this is provided via the gut, but oesophageal reflux, slow gastric emptying and small intestinal dysfunction frequently prevent adequate delivery of nutrients to these patients, exposing them to complications such as pneumonia and gastrointestinal bleeding. The work performed by the applicants will improve the ability of doctors in the Intensive Care Unit to feed patients and prevent the development of such complications. Research achievements (from final report): Upper gastrointestinal dysfunction, particularly slow gastric emptying, is common in critically ill patients, and has been increasingly recognised to be a major contributor to poor outcomes. The work performed during this grant provided the most definitive studies to date on the mechanisms underlying gastric stasis in these patients, the contribution of various premorbid and treatment related factors to this condition and the most effective therapeutic approaches to manage its occurrence. A component of this work included the development, validation and application of novel measurement techniques in these patients. Additional experiments defined the role of gastrointestinal dysfunction in glycaemic control, itself an independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality in these patients. Building on this work, innovative studies initially in healthy humans, but subsequently in patients, provided the first proof of concept studies for the use of incretin therapy, specifically Glucagon-Like-Peptide (GLP-I), to provide safer treatment options for hyperglycemia in unconscious patients in the Intensive Care Unit. A corollary to these latter studies was the demonstration that hormones such as GLP-I are likely to have a major role in the normal physiological feedback regulation of gut motility after carbohydrate ingestion. Further development of this concept will enhance the development and utilisation of novel agonists and antagonists to manage abnormalities of glucose metabolism. As well as studies performed on gastric dysfunction, additional studies demonstrated that disturbed small intestinal motility has a major impact on nutrient absorption and is also likely to contribute to malnutrition in critical illness. Expected future outcomes: Future benefits derived from this grant will enhance nutritional support in critically illness by guiding the development of novel therapeutic agents to address specific deficits in gastric motor function. In addition this work will inform development of the novel methods to treat hyperglycamia more safely in these patients. Name of contact: Assoc Prof Marianne Chapman Email/Phone no. of contact: Marianne.Chapman@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508084 CIA Name: Prof Nicola (Nick) Fazzalari Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $434,498 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Vertebral body strength: Contribution of bone mass, bone structure and material propertiesVertebral body strength: Contribution of bone mass, bone structure and material properties Lay Description (from application): This study will determine the contributions to vertebral body strength made by its structural and material properties. Using state-of-the-art computed-tomography scanners, digitised representations of vertebral bodies in three-dimensions will be produced, which enable measurement of bone structure. After strength testing of the vertebral bodies, the structural and material properties, which combine to predict vertebral body strength, will be identified in an aged population. Research achievements (from final report): We have successfully developed and implemented protocols for multi-modal and multi-scale imaging modalities to achieve the project aims. The unique aspect of this study is that each of the complementary bone structure and material parameters as well as a measure of whole vertebral body bone strength was obtained from the same specimen. Using current clinically available DXA to meansure area BMD and pQCT to measure volumetric BMD we validated these clinical data against high-resolution micro-CT imaging. We have developed and implemented a sub-regional analysis protocol of bone mass at clinical resolution (DXA and pQCT imaging) against high-resolution micro-CT imaging of whole vertebral bodies (Aims 1 and 4). This work was performed in conjunction with our associate investigators at the University of Melbourne and is ongoing with the aim of making the analysis clinically available for patient assessment of vertebral body fracture risk. We have also shown that a significant proportion of the variability in bone strength can be explained by cancellous bone morphology and the validation of these observations is about to be published in Osteoporosis International (Aims 2 and 3). To date the project data has resulted in three peer-reviewed publications and thirteen conference presentations both nationally and internationally. In additional, publications highlighting the clinical applicability of our findings are in preparation. Finally, our unique regional analysis of data from the clinical imaging modalities will inform the clinical guidelines for fracture risk assessment that will be necessary with new high resolution X-ray based imaging that is currently being developed for clinical use. Expected future outcomes: This work is ongoing within our research program. We are continuing to correlate high-resolution morphometry and biomechanics, with clinical imaging modalities, with the aim of implementing new improved clinical imaging protocols to better predict vertebral body fracture risk. Name of contact: Prof Nicola (Nick) Fazzalari Email/Phone no. of contact: nick.fazzalari@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508085 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Sharad Kumar End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Protein Targeting and Signal Transduction Total funding: $656,396 Title of research award: Roles of Ndfip1 and Ndfip2 as adaptors for the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligasesRoles of Ndfip1 and Ndfip2 as adaptors for the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases Lay Description (from application): Part of this proposal is to understand how the body controls iron uptake through one of the iron transporters (DMT1). We will also study how proteins called Ndfip1 and Ndfip2 that regulate DMT1, also control other cellular processes, such as protection against brain damage following trauma. The results from this study should ultimately contribute to the development of therapies for certain human pathologies. Research achievements (from final report): In ealier studies we had defined a novel mechanism for the regulation of DMT1, the primary non-heme iron transporter. This regulation involves the members of the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases and requires the adaptors Ndfip1 and Ndfip2. In further experiments we used gene knockout in mice to show that Ndfip1deficient mice mice fed a normal iron diet have increased iron stores in the liver and spleen. We also found that in Ndfip1-deficient mice fed a low iron diet, DMT1 expression and activity were significantly elevated compared to the wild-type mice. However, despite the increased iron uptake, Ndfip1-deficient mice developed severe microcytic anaemia due to a combined effect of iron deficiency and inflammatory disease in these animals. Ndfip1-deficient mice are known to develop severe inflammatory disease, and our new observations suggest that iron deficiency may accentuate this phenotype. Our results thus provide evidence that Ndfip1 is a key regulator of DMT1 and iron homeostasis and this regulation may be critical under iron-limiting conditions. These findings have clear implications in clinical medicine as the combination of iron deficiency and inflammation is a common clinical problem. Most of the patients suffering with systemic illness such as systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammatory bowel disease and malignancies frequently develop iron deficiency either due to low iron intake and/or blood loss. , Using Drosophila as a genetic model system we also found that Ndfip is a novel regulator of Notch signalling. Notch signaling is frequently dysregulated in leukemia and other cancers. Thus our finding may be relevent to the understanding of Notch signaling in human disease. Expected future outcomes: We expect to extend our understanding of the roles of Ndfip1 and Ndfip2 in iron homeostasis using mouse models, focusing on iron recycling pathways and the two iron transporters. This will have direct implications in understanding diseases of iron transport/metabolism and inflammation. Name of contact: Sharad Kumar Email/Phone no. of contact: sharad.kumar@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508087 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Stan Gronthos End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Main RFCD: Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $570,218 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a stem cell biologist researching the properties and application of mesenchymal stem cells, with an aim to develop cellular based therapies for repairing mineralised tissues such as bone, cartilage, dentin, cementum and other connective-supportive ti Research achievements (from final report): N/A Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Prof. Stan Gronthos Email/Phone no. of contact: stan.gronthos@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508097 CIA Name: A/Pr Stuart Pitson Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Cell Physiology Total funding: $281,340 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of SKAM and sphingosine kinase in wound healingThe role of SKAM and sphingosine kinase in wound healing Lay Description (from application): Many aspects of wound healing are poorly understood. We have identified a novel cellular pathway that appears critically involved in controlling wound contraction. This project aims to characterise this cellular pathway to understand the exact mechanisms whereby it controls this critical aspect of wound healing. With this information we will develop topical therapeutics to aid the wound healing process. Research achievements (from final report): Many aspects of wound healing are poorly understood. We have identified a novel cellular pathway that appears critically involved in controlling wound contraction. This project aimed to characterise this cellular pathway to understand the exact mechanisms whereby it controls this critical aspect of wound healing. To this end we have demonstrated that the SKAM protein is elevated in tissues after wounding and enhances wound contraction by its activation of the sphingosine kinase enzyme and subsequent formation of the bioactive lipid sphingosine phosphate. We have used the fundamental knowledge gained to developed novel small molecule activators to enhance the wound contraction process for potential development as a topical therapeutic to aid the wound healing process. Expected future outcomes: The knowledge gained from these fundamental studies will be applied to further develop novel small molecule activators and inhibitors to control the wound contraction process for potential development as a topical therapeutics to aid the wound healing process and reduce scaring. Name of contact: A/Prof Stuart Pitson Email/Phone no. of contact: stuart.pitson@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519211 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Dr Mark Gibson End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall) Total funding: $690,876 Title of research award: Function of matrix proteins important for storage and activation of TGF and TGF -induced tissue remodelling and repairFunction of matrix proteins important for storage and activation of TGF and TGF -induced tissue remodelling and repair Lay Description (from application): The growth factor TGF is important for tissue development and repair, and in diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, glomerulonephritis, liver cirrhosis, keloid formation and cancers. This project focuses on 2 important matrix proteins first discovered by Dr Gibson, LTBP-2 and ig-h3, that modulate TGF storage and TGF induced tissue remodelling . We will use knock out mouse and cell culture models to determine the function of these proteins in tissue development and repair, and in diseases. Research achievements (from final report): The grant has enabled my laboratory to define several molecular functions of extracellular matrix protein, LTBP-2. Four heparan sulphate binding sites have been mapped on the LTBP-2 molecule and LTBP-2 was found to inhibit the elastin precursor, tropoelastin in its interactions with fibulin-5 and heparan sulphate. These findings increase our understanding the mechanism of elastic fibre assembly, a process important for the function of tissues such as arteries, lung and skin. LTBP-2 was also found contain a single high-affinity binding site for FGF-2, a potent growth factor implicated in fibrotic diseases. Moreover, addition of exogenous LTBP-2 to several cell lines showed a marked stimulation of growth factor TGF-beta expression in the cells. The activity was mapped to a small central region of LTBP-2. These findings prompted us to screen several fibrotic skin disorders for LTBP-2. Using immunohistochemistry we showed increased staining in hypertrophic scar tissue particularly keloids, suggesting a link between LTBP-2 levels and fibrosis. Expected future outcomes: The research has prompted a new grant application to investigate LTBP-2 in fibrotic diseases. Name of contact: Mark Gibson Email/Phone no. of contact: mark.gibson@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519220 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Jane Mathias End Year: 2014 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $874,405 Title of research award: Diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive function after traumatic brain injuryDiagnostic and prognostic evaluation of diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive function after traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a common cause of brain damage, leading to a variety of disabling cognitive problems. This study will evaluate the ability of new brain imaging techniques and cognitive tests to detect previously undiagnosed brain damage and to predict patient outcome following TBI in order to improve the health care and treatment of these patients. It will also examine the contribution of other factors (eg. injury type, age, pre-injury cognitive ability) to outcome. Research achievements (from final report): Traumatic brain injuries TBIs - sustained as a consequence of motor vehicle accidents falls sports and assaults etc - are often associated with long-term problems which can place a heavy burden on our health and welfare systems. However the methods that have been used to assess the brain damage caused by these injuries have thus far proven inadequate seriously limiting our diagnostic and prognostic accuracy particularly in the case of mild injuries. Important variables that may impact on outcome- such as the cause of an injury - have frequently also been overlooked. This study used a recently developed magnetic resonance imaging MRI method Diffusion Tensor Imaging DTI - to assess structural damage to the white matter tracts of the brain in order to examine how well it predicts the outcomes of people who have sustained mild moderate or severe TBIs. Orthopaedic and community samples were additionally assessed for comparative purposes. Thus far we have developed automated strategies to identify white matter tracts and measure diffusion and established its reliability over-time and between imaging machines and begun evaluating the real-world consequences of this damage. We have also compared orthopaedic and community controls - which has not previously been done with orthopaedic controls having been assumed to be superior - and found that the two were very comparable. Moreover our analysis suggests that injury-cause may explain some of the differences in the outcomes of people who have seemingly comparable injuries. Involvement in litigation and the cause of an injury may also be confounded which can lead to the erroneous conclusion that litigants have poorer outcomes. Expected future outcomes: Continued improvements to diagnostic and prognostic accuracy will help ensure that those who are at greatest risk of poor long-term outcomes receive early treatment and interventions as well as continued monitoring in order to ensure that their outcomes are optimised and that the TBI-related 'burden of disease' is minimised. Name of contact: Prof J Mathias Email/Phone no. of contact: jane.mathias@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519223 CIA Name: Prof Donald Howie Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $192,187 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Radiostereometric analysis of the effect of a large articulation on prosthetic wear and migration after hip replacementRadiostereometric analysis of the effect of a large articulation on prosthetic wear and migration after hip replacement Lay Description (from application): At total hip replacement, there has been a recent trend to use prostheses with a larger ball and liner in the socket. This may decrease the risk of post-operative dislocation, but may also increase the amount of wear, leading to bone loss and loosening of prostheses, which may then require replacement. This project will use a special type of x-ray to determine whether wear and movement of these new prostheses is clinically acceptable, so that they can be used with confidence in patients. Research achievements (from final report): Large articulations in total hip replacement are increasingly being used. We have previously shown in an NHMRC-funded randomised trial that a large articulation significantly reduces the risk of dislocation following hip replacement. Although new polyethylene liners have made the use of larger articulations feasible, whether larger articulations were associated with significant amounts of polyethylene wear was not known. Significant polyethylene wear results in polyethylene particulate debris being deposited around the hip replacement prosthesis which can then lead to localised bone loss, requiring costly revision of the total hip replacement with its associated risks of both death and complications. We used a highly sophisticated radiographic technique, namely radiostereometric analysis, to measure early polyethylene wear, which can not be seen on plain radiographs. Our study has shown that the wear between one and two years of the large metal on highly crosslinked polyethylene articulations now commonly used in total hip replacement are similar to those of the standard-sized articulations and within the clinically acceptable range of wear. Therefore, these articulations can now be recommended for more general use. However, continued monitoring of wear is required to ensure that there is no unexpected increase in wear over time. Expected future outcomes: Wear of metal on highly cross-linked polyethylene articulations will continue to be examined to determine the longer term wear associated with these hip replacements. Name of contact: Dr Oksana Holubowycz Email/Phone no. of contact: oksana.holubowycz@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519248 CIA Name: Prof Robert Vink Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $589,789 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Raised intracranial pressure after trauma: characterisation and development of pharmacological interventionsRaised intracranial pressure after trauma: characterisation and development of pharmacological interventions Lay Description (from application): Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) commonly occurs after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is thought to be responsible for up to 50% of all mortality, as well as significantly contributing to the persistent neurological deficits in survivors. Few studies have examined the dynamics of raised ICP after TBI, or its effects on brain oxygenation. This study will fully characterize changes in ICP and brain oxygen after TBI and develop novel treatments to control such changes. Research achievements (from final report): Our goal was to determine whether small or large animal models are the most appropriate for the study of intracranial pressure (ICP) changes after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and then to assess the effectiveness of several current and potential drug therapies in the most appropriate model. Our results showed that rodent models do not reliably replicate the human ICP condition after TBI and that a large animal model is a far superior model of human TBI. We then demonstrated that current therapies such as mannitol and hypertonic saline are effective in reducing ICP, but that they did not substantially increase brain tissue oxygenation. Magnesium and Progesterone were ineffective with respect to both measured parameters. In contrast, substance P anatgonists were highly effective in reducing elevated ICP and restoring brain oxygen levels to normal after TBI. We now have a complete understanding of ICP/brain oxygenation dynamics after TBI and the ability to develop and assess novel pharmacological interventions in a highly effective, large animal model of TBI. We also have developed one novel pharmacological intervention that appears to be the first ever to effectively control ICP and improve brain oxygenation after severe TBI. Expected future outcomes: We will now endeavour to obtain funding for studies that will establish the dose-response relationship and therapeutic window for the substance P antagonists in our large animal model of TBI. This will greatly facilitate translation to the clinical situation. Name of contact: Professor Robert Vink Email/Phone no. of contact: Robert.Vink@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 565004 CIA Name: Prof Allison Cowin Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Dermatology Total funding: $545,216 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Mechanism of Flightless I function in burn injury and scar formationMechanism of Flightless I function in burn injury and scar formation Lay Description (from application): Extensive scarring is a major clinical problem often resulting from burn injuries. We have previously shown that the cytoskeletal protein, Flightless I (FliI), is an important regulator of wound repair. We now plan to investigate whether FliI is also be the mechanistic link between cytoskeletal remodelling and induction of TGF-betas post-wounding leading to scar formation. Research achievements (from final report): Wounds, burns and scalds are frequent injuries which inevitably lead to scarring and contracture resulting in deformity, disfigurement and loss of movement. The development of new therapies which improve healing and reduce scarring would significantly improve the health of many people who suffer horrific burns. Our previous NHMRC funded research identified that the cytoskeletal protein Flightless I (Flii) is an important negative regulator of wound healing. Here we investigated whether Flii was the mechanistic link between cytoskeletal remodelling and the induction of pro-scarring TGF-?s which lead to fibrosis and scar formation. Using in vitro and in vivo models of scarring and fibrosis we addressed the important issue of whether Flii deficiency improved burn injury and decreased scar formation. Using our established murine burn injury model and a new dermal fibrosis model we assessed the effect of Flii on burn injury repair and scarring. These studies revealed that overexpression of Flii significantly impaired burn injury repair and that exogenous application of Flii neutralizing antibodies which reduced the level of Flii in the burn wound environment improved healing and reduced fibrosis. A follow on study also investigated the role of Flii in hair follicle regeneration post burn injury as regeneration of hair and other dermal appendages is a significant issue for patients with burn injuries. The benefit of being able to reduce Flii in burns and fibrotic skin conditions and reduce the incidence and severity of scarring is of great importance for the Australian community particularly for children suffering from burn injuries. Expected future outcomes: New burn wound therapies based around reducing the level of Flii in wounds is a major future outcome of this work. We are working with biomaterial scientists in order to develop new wound dressings that can deliver Flii neutralising antibodies to large surface areas as occurs in burns. Name of contact: Allison Cowin Email/Phone no. of contact: allison.cowin@unisa.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 565176 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Stan Gronthos End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $579,138 Title of research award: The Role of Eph-ephrin Interactions in Mediating Mesenchymal Stem Cell Commitment, Migration and Bone Fracture RepairThe Role of Eph-ephrin Interactions in Mediating Mesenchymal Stem Cell Commitment, Migration and Bone Fracture Repair Lay Description (from application): In Australia, there is an increasing incidence of fractures that require surgical intervention and rehabilitation therapy. Fracture healing is a complex process that involves the coordination of different bone and immune cells. Our proposal will identify which cell-cell contact molecules mediate bone cell recruitment and development during normal skeletal growth and bone fracture repair. This study will help advance therapies for fracture repair and diseases of bone loss. Research achievements (from final report): 1. We have identified several B class Eph and ephrin molecules as being highly expressed by mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)., 2. We have identified the role of B class EphB2 in human MSC migration, EphB4 and ephrinB1 in human MSC bone formation, ephrinB1 and ephrinB2 in human MSC cell attachment/spreading., 3. We have characterised the Eph/ephrin gene and protein expression pattern during fracture repair., 4. We have completed the femoral fracture healing experiments using EphB4 overexpressing transgenic mice driven by the collagen typeI promoter. , Collectively, these studies show that Eph/ephrin moleculaes are mediators of bone cell growth, migration and function. Expected future outcomes: Knowledge gained from this study has increased our understanding of the factors that regulate bone progenitor cell growth and differentiation. The study has provided potential molecular targets to enable the future development of novel therapies that regulate endogenous MSC growth and differentiation to enhance bone regeneration during fracture repair. Name of contact: Prof. Stan Gronthos Email/Phone no. of contact: stan.gronthos@health.sa.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 565361 CIA Name: A/Pr David Haynes Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $403,639 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Regulation of key pathways causing peri-implant bone loss.Regulation of key pathways causing peri-implant bone loss. Lay Description (from application): The failure of bone prostheses is becoming a major health problem in our aging population. Despite the impressive success of joint replacement surgery, a significant number of arthroplasties fail. It is now apparent that most implants fail due to bone loss around them which leads to loosening. This project aims to obtain a better understanding of the causes of implant failure and find ways to extend the life of these implants . Research achievements (from final report): We have developed two new ways of understanding why implants fail. The first is an animal model of the pathology that uses state of the art live animal CT scanning to assess bone loss. The second allows us to look at the way cells respond to implant materials in a way that more closely resembles what happens in the patient. We have used these techniques to understand what factors and cells are causing the bone loss. These findings have nearly all been published and/or presented at international scientific meetings in the field. The findings influence those deciding on the best type of materials to use in hip replacements and other joint implants. Expected future outcomes: The eventual failure of hip replacements results in high cost and morbidity. The results of the study will influence surgeons and materials scientists as they show the vulnerability of traditional polyethylene implants to failure. These findings will enhance the transition to newer, low wear, materials (eg. HXLPE) in the clinic. Name of contact: David R Haynes Email/Phone no. of contact: david.haynes@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 626910 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Prof Stan Gronthos End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $605,096 Title of research award: Twist-1 Mediated Regulation of Multipotential Mesenchymal Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Cell Fate DeterminationTwist-1 Mediated Regulation of Multipotential Mesenchymal Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Cell Fate Determination Lay Description (from application): In Australia, there is an increasing incidence of fractures and skeletal related problems that require surgical intervention and rehabilitation therapy. These are complex processes that involve the coordination of different bone and immune cells. We will investigate important regulatory molecules that mediate bone-cartilage stem cell recruitment and development during normal skeletal growth and remodelling. This study will help advance therapies for fracture repair and joint deterioration. Research achievements (from final report): Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are progenitors to all the connective tissue types associated with the skeleton (cartilage, bone, fat and muscle) and are now being assessed in the clinic for their efficacy in different regenerative medicine applications. Our laboratory is examining the genes that regulate MSC growth and differentiation. 1. We have shown that the Twist-1 and Twist-2 (DERMO-1) genes are highly expressed by STRO-1bright immature human MSC but are quickly down regulated during ex vivo expansion. 2. Viral mediated enforced expression of Twist-1 and -2 increases the life span of human MSC by almost three fold. The genetically modified MSC express higher levels of the immature marker, STRO-1, and lower levels of the mature osteoblast marker, alkaline phosphatase. 3. Microarray analysis of the gene expressed by Twist-1 over expressing and control MSC has identified putative gene targets that may be involved in the cell fate determination and self-renewal capacity of MSC regulated by Twist-1. 4. We have found that MSC overexpressing Twist-1 and -2 were reduced in their capacity to form bone and cartilage in vitro and in vivo, but exhibited an increased capacity to undergo adipogenic differentiation.5. We are in the process of assessing the bone healing rates in a femoral fracture model using Twist-1 mutant mice. Expected future outcomes: These studies will determine the molecular pathways regulated by Twist genes that are involved with MSC growth and differentiation. These molecular pathways can then be targeted by drugs or growth factors to manipulate the manufacture of MSC ex vivo for therapeutic apllications. Name of contact: Prof Stan GronthosProf. Stan Gronthos Email/Phone no. of contact: stan.gronthos@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 627198 CIA Name: Prof Robert Vink Admin Inst: University of Adelaide Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $412,461 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Shaken baby syndrome: characterization of a model and evaluation of novel pharmacological therapiesShaken baby syndrome: characterization of a model and evaluation of novel pharmacological therapies Lay Description (from application): Shaken baby syndrome is a form of traumatic brain injury in infants less than 2 years of age. It results in death in 10-40 % of cases, and neurological problems in survivors. No treatment exists largely because there is no well characterized model of the syndrome that replicates the human situation. This study will fully characterize our newly developed model of shaken baby syndrome and examine the effectiveness of a novel interventional strategy targeting brain swelling. Research achievements (from final report): Non-accidental head injury (NAHI), also termed the "shaken baby syndrome", is a major cause of death and severe neurological dysfunction in children under 3 years of age. Sadly, no treatment has been developed for victims of NAHI, largely because inadeqaute models currently exist for drug development and screening. In the present study, we were able for the first time to develop a clinically relevant large animal, ovine model of NAHI, that reproduces the neuropathology and ocular injury seen in human NAHI. Moreover, we showed that shaking alone in this model was sufficient to reproduce the syndrome, and was in fact lethal in the case of smaller subjects, a finding of major medical and medicolegal significance. Neuropathological assessment showed that animals subject to NAHI had increased blood brain barrier permeability, which was associated with substance P release and brain swelling. Surprisingly, there was no significant increase in intracranial pressure with brain swelling, most likely because of the pliable nature of the underdeveloped skull. The development of this clinically relevant model will now permit screening of potential treatment interventions. Expected future outcomes: As the first clinically relevant model of NAHI, this ovine model will allow scientists to develop and screen novel pharmacotherapies targeted at the specific injury factors identified and characterised in this model. On the basis of our initial results, substance P has been confirmed as a novel first target. Name of contact: Professor Robert VinkProfessor Robert Vink Email/Phone no. of contact: Robert.Vink@adelaide.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 284343 CIA Name: Prof Caroline Finch Admin Inst: University of Ballarat Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $646,540 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): My research into the prevention of injuries during sport has made a significant contribution to the health and wellbeing of Australians. I have identified injury priorities and evidence-based strategies for their prevention that have since been adopted by national/state/local sports bodies, government departments and health agencies. My research has firmly established sports safety as a significant public health issue; quantified the magnitude of the problem in Australia; developed and applied high quality epidemiological methods; placed sports injury prevention within broader public health strategies to promote physical activity and ongoing sports medicine development. My research has clearly demonstrated that sports bodies will not implement safety policies until they are sure that safety measures actually prevent injuries, are acceptable to their participants, do not change the essential nature/appeal of sport, and do not adversely affect participation/performance. Through investigation of the sports implementation setting, my research has provided new understanding of the sports and individual athlete behaviour contexts in which the interventions are to be implemented and has assessed potential factors associated with the real-world introduction and application of safety measures and development of implementation strategies to accompany the real world ''rollout'' of safety interventions. Underpinning all of the above research is a need for high quality, reliable injury statistical data through surveillance activities. I have also undertaken significant research into sports and falls injury surveillance and made methodological advances in the design of injury surveillance systems, as well as contributing to international debate about how to code and classify injuries. Expected future outcomes: My research will continue to make ongoing significant contributions to sports safety in Australia through providing a strong evidence-base for developing sport safety measures and related policy initiatives. Most importantly, they have focussed attention on better understanding of the sports context to enhance the adoption of safety measures. Name of contact: Prof Caroline Finch Email/Phone no. of contact: c.finch@ballarat.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 565900 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Caroline Finch End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: University of Ballarat Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $702,604 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am an epidemiologist with a particular interest in injury prevention, injury data systems and safety promotion as they apply to the context of sports injury. I also contribut to the broager field of epidemiology, through the theoretical and methodilogic Research achievements (from final report): My public health-focused research ensures that all Australians can benefit from the health and social benefits of participating in safe sport, through the generation and dissemination of new evidence to underpin effective sports injury prevention strategies. My research has been designed from the outset to ensure that it both directly impacts on the real-world settings in which sports injury prevention must be implemented and is relevant for the Government/national NGO stakeholders responsible for setting sports safety policy. My research has focussed on broad community sports participation, not elite athletes. Drawing on my biostatistical and epidemiological background, my research always has a strong methodological base reflected in the design and analysis of surveys/questionnaires; development and refining of surveillance/injury monitoring systems/data coding schemes; statistical modelling of longitudinal injury data; conduct of cohort studies to identify injury risk factors and to monitor sports injury incidence; assessment of intervention effectiveness through clusterrandomised controlled trials; and application of behavioural/health promotion frameworks/models to the evaluation of implemented sports safety measures. I have led international efforts in the application of implementation science applications to sports medicine and qualitative studies into safety policy and practice. As the head of 1 of 4 global International Olympic Committee Research Centres for Injury Prevention & Promotion of Athlete Health, my work has contributed to injury surveillance/statistical modelling and implementation/dissemination research as they relate to the national and international sports medicine priorities of lower limb/tendinopathy/overuse injury and head injury/concussion prevention. Expected future outcomes: More people will be able to participate in sport and physical activity because it is safer for them to do so. My research will continue to inform policy development and implementation of safety programs by sports bodies and government agencies for years to come, as well as evaluate their success. Name of contact: Professor Caroline Finch Email/Phone no. of contact: c.finch@federation.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 145634 CIA Name: A/Pr Colin Anderson Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $241,528 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Determination of sympathetic preganglionic neuronal phenotypeDetermination of sympathetic preganglionic neuronal phenotype Lay Description (from application): The nervous system is the single most complex part of our body. Its function depends on millions of connections between neurons, all of which must form correctly during development. Furthermore, each neuron must select a neurotransmitter with which to "talk" to its target neuron. A neurotransmitter is a chemical released from a neuron, which passes a signal to a target cell. Some neurotransmitters cause excitation of the target cell, others inhibition. Each neurotransmitter signals to the target cell via receptor molecule, matched to the neurotransmitter. Thus, a neuron is faced not only with making choices about what connections to make within the developing brain, but also it must select from a range of potential neurotransmitters and receptor molecules. We are interested in how neurons select the appropriate neurotransmitter. There are a number of ways that a neuron might be guided to the correct choice. It is possible that it could receive from the target cell a signal that guides the choice of neurotransmitter. We wish to examine this hypothesis to see if it is applicable to the autonomic nervous system, that part of the nervous system that controls functions like changes in blood pressure and heart rate. Our laboratory is expert in identifying the chemistry of autonomic neurons. We will use this knowledge to see what happens when we deliberately perturb the normal connections of autonomic neurons. Do they persist in expressing the neurotransmitters they would have done prior to the perturbation? Alternatively, do they adapt to the change of target via a signal received from the new target cell and express the appropriate phenotype? The results of these experiments will give insights into how the brain develops. The results will be important for both our basic understanding of biology and as a basis for the development of techniques for reversing neuronal damage. Research achievements (from final report): The nervous system contains many types of neurons. During development, each type of neuron must be generated in the correct place and in the appropriate numbers. We focused on one aspect of how this may occur. When a neuron extneds an axon to contact a target tissue, the target tissue can instruct the neuron as to which genes to swtich on or switch off in order to generate the type of neuron appropriate for that target tissue. We have looked for evidence that this process occurs in the peripheral nervous system by exposing neurons to novel targets to see if the neuron can respond by changing its phenotype to match the new target. We have produced evidence that sympathetic preganglionic neurons can respond to the presence of one of their normal target tissues when it is chifted to a novel location. Preganglionic neurons that come to innervate the target in the new location adopt the phenotype of neurons that would have innervated the adrenal chromaffin tissue in its normal location. We have gone on to show that the same thing happens when a normal target of the postganglionic sympathetic neurons, the pineal gland, is transplanted to a new location. Again, the innervating neuron adopt a phenotype appropriate for the new target tissue. Expected future outcomes: This knowledge is important as much effort is currently being expended on generating new neurons from stem cells for use in repairing human nervous systems damaged by trauma or disease. To succeed, it will be necessary to generate specific types of neuron from the stem cells in a controlled way and the our study will contribute to an understanding of the biological mechanisms involved. Name of contact: Assoc Prof Colin Anderson Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY c.anderson@unimelb .edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 145654 CIA Name: Dr Pritinder Kaur Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Dermatology Total funding: $212,037 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Developmental potential of murine keratinocyte stem cellsDevelopmental potential of murine keratinocyte stem cells Lay Description (from application): The stem cells of the epidermis or outer lining of the skin are an important group of cells with a role in normal cell replenishment, in wound healing and in skin disorders such as psoriasis and cancer. These primitive cells remain in the skin during the lifetime of an individual and are responsible for the production of mature, functional cells that form a protective barrier against the environment and pathogens. We have recently developed a strategy for the isolation of stem cells of the skin which places us in a unique position to further study these cells and determine possible therapeutic approaches for the future. The aims of this project encompass testing the potency of skin stem cells (i) to reform complex structures such as a mature epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands; and (ii) to give rise to cells from other tissues such as muscle and liver. A final aim of this project is to dissect the complexity of the stem cell compartment further to gain insights into how normal skin growth is regulated. Research achievements (from final report): The work we have performed has been aimed at gaining a greater understanding of the properties of stem cells of the skin, particularly those stem cells that exist in the outer lining of the body (epidermis or epithelia) that interfaces with the environment. Currently there are no experimental systems that are capable of measuring the long-term activity of epithelial stem cells - many assays or techniques that are currently thought to show stem cell behaviour are in fact too short-lived to allow us to sistinguish stem cells from other epithelial progenitor cells. Our study has resulted in the development and optimisation of transplant models for analysing skin tissue regeneration as a measure of stem cell activity. This study has also encompassed testing whether stem cells of the skin can be isolated by staining with a Hoechst dye (Hoechst 33342) and simply collecting those cells that have an ability to get rid of the dye (dye-effluxing cells identified as Hoechst dull cells). This work shows that although Hoechst dull cells can be found in the epidermis, further work is required to determine if these cells are stem-cell like. We have been able to optimise culture conditions to allow us to start analysing these cells both in culture and in transplants to begin answering these questions. Expected future outcomes: A greater understanding of the biological properties of epidermal stem cells of the skin is needed to devise means for their growth in the clinic for patients that have severe wounds (such as burns) and need skin replacement. Our work will result in the development of techniques that facilitate stem cell isolation and cultivation Name of contact: Pritinder Kaur Email/Phone no. of contact: pritinder.kaur@petermac.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 145820 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $196,018 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Apportioning deficits in bone size and density in women with fractures to growth or ageing by studies in their daughtersApportioning deficits in bone size and density in women with fractures to growth or ageing by studies in their daughters Lay Description (from application): Women fracture their bones because the bones are small and break easily and because the bones are thin or low in denseness (very porous like a honey comb). This study is aimed at identifying why women with fractures have small bones and why the bones are so porous. They may have these problems because they lost a lot of bone as they get older or because growth was abnormal so the size of the bone didn't reach its potential size or because the denseness of the bones didn't develop properly. The study will be carried out in women with spine or hip fractures and their daughters. All participants will have bone densitometry, provide a 24 hour urine sample and a fasting blood sample of 20 ml whole blood. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants. The bone density scan is associated with radiation exposure of about 4 mSv, about one tenth of a chest x ray, temporary bruising may follow taking blood. If we can understand the different ways osteoporosis can occur we can then start to devise specific treatments tailored to the individual. Also if we can identify the causes of small bones and bone thinness during growth it may be possible to correct some of these causes before the reduced growth and reduced building of bone occurs. We might also prevent the thinning of bone by identifying and removing causes of bone thinning. Research achievements (from final report): The aim of this study is to determine if the deficits in bone mass and size in women with spine or hip fractures are growth-related (reduced bone accrual during growth), age-related (excessive bone loss), or a combination of the two., , Women with spine fractures have low bone density at the spine, which is likely due to reduced accrual during growth, as the deficits in their daughters' bone density were about half that of their mother's. However, the lower vertebral size in women with spine fractures is likely to occur during aging, as their daughters do not have deficits in vertebral size., , Women with hip fractures have larger femoral neck bone size, lower bone density and a thinner bone. Daughter of women with hip fractures also had larger femoral neck bone size, but normal bone density and normal bone thickness. Therefore, we infer that the larger bone size in women with hip fractures is growth-related, but the reduction in bone density and thinning of the bone occurs during aging. Fragility fractures at the spine and hip have their origins in both growth and aging., , The results of this study should influence how osteoporosis is viewed and the approach taken to research, prevent and treat osteoporosis. Approaches need to look beyond just factors influencing bone density during aging, to also include factors that affect bone density during growth and influence bone size and structure. The major shift appears to be from treatment in adulthood, to prevention and risk assessment during both growth and aging. Expected future outcomes: The results of this study open new approaches to research into the pathogenesis and prevention of bone fragility. Drug therapy may need to be different in persons with deficits due to low peak accrual versus those with excessive bone loss. Approaches to the whole of the population during growth and aging are needed just as cardiovascular disease prevention is increasingly focussed at children. Name of contact: Ego Seeman Email/Phone no. of contact: egos@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 145828 CIA Name: A/Pr Thomas Cocks Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Basic Pharmacology Total funding: $486,943 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Characterisation of PAR2 knockout and transgenic mice: towards gene therapy for epithelia based inflammatory diseasesCharacterisation of PAR2 knockout and transgenic mice: towards gene therapy for epithelia based inflammatory diseases Lay Description (from application): Debilitating and sometimes fatal diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis urgently require new approaches for their effective management and hopefully, cure. We have recently discovered that the airways posses a powerful and naturally-occuring protective mechanism which is regulated by unique molecules in the membranes of the lining cells of the air passages. These molecules are called protease-activated receptors, or PARs, and are also found on cells lining the inner surfaces of blood vessels and joints as well as in skin. We are fortunate to have strains of mice - a species in which the PAR-mediated protective mechanism is well developed - in which the gene for the most important of the PARs found in the lung, PAR2, is missing. These animals are called PAR2 'knock-outs'. We also have another strain of mouse in which the human PAR2 gene has been inserted back into PAR2 knock-out mice. These animals will allow us to determine the importance of PAR2 in protection against asthma, arthritis, vascular disease and deficiencies in skin healing, as well as how PAR2 might be a more effective protective agent in mice rather than humans. Thus, modification of the human gene to make the protective system work as effectively as in the mouse might provide an effective therapy or cure for diseases of the lungs, joints and skin as well as in vascular diseases. Research achievements (from final report): Under my leadership over the last seven years, my group has contributed substantially to a frontier field of medical science - protease-activated receptors (PARs) and their role in inflammation. I intend to keep my laboratory in the forefront of this field by capitalising on discoveries that PARs play central roles in anxiety, epileptogenesis and immunological defence against allergens and autoimmune diseases. Expected future outcomes: My philosophy is to maintain a balance of fundamental and applied research. Research areas to date include (1) respiratory diseases, (2) allergy and autoimmune disease and (3) central nervous system. Each of these has significant importance globally. Name of contact: Tom Cocks Email/Phone no. of contact: thomasmc@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 208918 CIA Name: A/Pr Ann Turnley Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $451,980 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling-2 (SOCS2) and its role in neuronal development and functionSuppressor of Cytokine Signalling-2 (SOCS2) and its role in neuronal development and function Lay Description (from application): Injury to the brain or spinal cord at present often results in permanent damage, such as paralysis, which is largely due to a failure of neurons to regrow at the injury site. In order to overcome this, we are trying to find ways of making new neurons grow, either from stem cells present in the nervous system or transplanted from cells grown in tissue culture. However, little is known about how a neural stem cell decides to become a neuron or another cell type, such as a glial cell and so we are examining factors which influence this process, which is called differentiation. Growth factors are important mediators of this process and suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) proteins are important in determining how cells respond to growth factors. The overall aims of this project are to determine the role that SOCS genes and in particular, SOCS2 play in neural stem cell differentiation into neurons and glia, neuron process outgrowth and neuronal and glial injury responses in the nervous system. This will be examined in normal cells and cells which over-express or do not express SOCS2 genes. Understanding the biology of neural growth factor responsiveness may eventually allow us to devise therapeutic strategies for use following brain/spinal injury or disease, including generation of neurons from stem cells. Research achievements (from final report): Our research has shown that a regulator of growth hormone (GH) signalling, Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling-2 (SOCS2), is also an important regulator of nerve cell growth. Neural stem cells grown from SOCS2 knockout mice showed a 40-50% decrease in production of neurons while increased expression of SOCS2 promoted neuron production. An important finding of these studies was that growth hormone (GH) is an important regulator of neuronal differentiation and that SOCS2 is required to block GH signalling to allow neuronal production to proceed. When the brains of SOCS2 knockout mice, which do not turn off GH signalling appropriately, were examined, they showed a 30% decrease in neuronal numbers in their cortex. Conversely, analysis of brains of GH receptor knockout mice, which are dwarf as they are unable to respond to GH, showed a 25% increase in neuronal numbers. SOCS2 transgenic mice, which have decreased responsiveness to GH, showed little increase in total neuron numbers, but showed marked increases in a subset of neurons called interneurons. While SOCS2 does not appear to play a role in neuron survival, it is also a potent promoter of nerve process outgrowth, enhancing process length and number in neurons. This appears to be a result of inducing activation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and appears to be independent of GH. SOCS2 and EGF stimulation induced similar effects on cortical neuron process outgrowth, possibly through some of the same signalling pathways. Furthermore, analysis of GH receptor knockout and SOCS2 knockout mice showed an apparent decrease in dendritic branching in cortical neurons, while SOCS2 transgenic mice showed increased branching and an increased density of synapses. Therefore, SOCS2 is involved in 2 important aspects of brain development and function: production of neurons and regulation of how these neurons connect. Expected future outcomes: Regulation of how neurons are made and how they connect has implications for development of the brain and regeneration after disease or injury. Understanding SOCS2 function in these processes may allow therapy following neural damage and provide insight into development of mental health disorders that involve abnormalities in brain wiring, such as Schizophrenia and mental retardation. Name of contact: Ann Turnley NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: turnley@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 208960 CIA Name: Prof Eleanor Mackie Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $216,100 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of protease-activated receptor-2 in regulation of bone metabolismThe role of protease-activated receptor-2 in regulation of bone metabolism Lay Description (from application): Many diseases of bones, such as osteoporosis and delayed fracture repair, result from the abnormal function of bone cells. Factors regulating bone cell function are, therefore, important in maintaining a healthy skeleton, as well as in the skeleton's response to disease. We have recently demonstrated the presence of a receptor called PAR-2 on bone-forming cells. We have also shown that activation of PAR-2 inhibits the development of boneresorbing cells (osteoclasts) in response to hormones. We plan to investigate the mechanism of this effect, as well as to identify how PAR-2 activation modulates other responses of bone cells to hormones. Molecules that activate PAR-2 are present in bone in certain disease situations, but it is not known what activates PAR-2 in bone under normal conditions. We will identify physiological activators of PAR-2 within bone. Research achievements (from final report): Many diseases of bones, such as osteoporosis and delayed fracture repair, result from the abnormal function of bone cells. Factors regulating bone cell function are, therefore, important in maintaining a healthy skeleton, as well as in the skeleton's response to disease. We have demonstrated that a receptor called PAR-2 on boneforming cells (osteoblasts) inhibits the development of bone-resorbing cells (osteoclasts) in response to hormones. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that PAR-2 exerts this effect through inhibition of expression of a number of factors produced by osteoblasts that are necessary for osteoclast formation. We have shown that a number of tissue proteases that activate PAR-2 are not expressed in the bone environment, and that one putative activator of PAR-2 is not capable of activating it. These observations add substantiallyto our understanding of osteoclast biology, and therefore to bone biology in general. Expected future outcomes: The observations made in this grant have led to ongoing studies on regulation of osteoclast function by proteases. These and our future studies are likely to help in the development of improved therapeutic approaches to bone disease. Name of contact: Professor Eleanor Mackie Email/Phone no. of contact: ejmackie@unimelb.edu.auYes NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209014 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $316,320 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Is periosteal bone formation responsible for sexual dimorphism in bone fragilityIs periosteal bone formation responsible for sexual dimorphism in bone fragility Lay Description (from application): Men and women sustain fractures as they age because their bones become fragile. Women sustain fractures more often than men. Bone thinning occurs in both sexes but it is usually believed that this thinning or loss of bone is greater in women than men. We have evidence to suggest that this may not be correct. In fact, it is likely that men and women lose a similar amount of bone, about half what they started with, but during ageing, men lay down more bone on the outside surface of the bone than women compensating for the similar amount lost on the inside of the bone. We also have evidence to suggest than men and women who get spine fractures do so because the process of laying down bone may fail to occur normally. We will study these processes of bone loss inside the bone and bone gain outside the bone to try to better understand why bones become weak. We will measure the bone size and its density in healthy men and women and patients with fractures to determine how the increasing size of the bone produced by laying down bone on its outside helps to keep it strong and to preserve the bone that would otherwise be lost if it didn't occur or if a disease developed that might reduce the compensatory Research achievements (from final report): We studied 1013 healthy subjects (327 men, 686 women), 125 patients with spine fractures (36 men and 89 women), and 307 patients with hip fractures (127 men, 180 women). We made the following observations:, At the spine (i) reduced bone fromation on the outer surfaces (periosteum) of the verebral body during growth or agening, may be in part responsible of verebral fragility and spinal fractures. (ii) The biomechanical index fracture risk indes (FRI) - is not a better predictor of spinal fractures than bone density. In addition, we found that women, not men, with vertebral fractures may come from a population with short stature. The difference between arm span and standing or sitting height cannot be sued to predict vertebral fracture risk., At the hip, we reported that, differences in the geomentry between men and women were confined to further displacement of the cortex (the wall of the bone) from neutral axis in young men compared to young women explaining why men bones are stronger. Ageing amp;ified these differences shifting the cortex even further from the neutral axis and maintaining the bending strength of the bone in men, but not in women. This at least partly explained the lower fracture rate in men compared to women. Also, we observed that compared to their peers women and men with hip have reduced cortical thickness. Women who fracture have larger bones. Where as men who fracture have smaller bones. Expected future outcomes: target the periosteum as a very effective way of maintaining bone strength and reducing the burden of fracture., It is likely that bone size, independently of bone density, could be used in the future to predict fracture. We plan to test this hypothesis emanating from this grant. Name of contact: Ego Seeman Email/Phone no. of contact: egos@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209113 CIA Name: Prof Wayne Morrison Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $226,320 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: THE ROLE OF RESIDENT MAST CELLS IN ISCHAEMIA-REPERFUSION INJURY OF SKELETAL MUSCLE.THE ROLE OF RESIDENT MAST CELLS IN ISCHAEMIA-REPERFUSION INJURY OF SKELETAL MUSCLE. Lay Description (from application): NHMRC 209113 LAY DESCRIPTION Ischaemia reperfusion injury occurs in skeletal muscle when the blood/oxygen supply is cut off (ischaemia) and later restored (reperfusion). If the duration of ischaemia is short some of the muscle survives. However, when blood flow and oxygen are restored the muscle is subjected to more injury, which is thought to be caused by oxygen and/or white blood cells. This type of injury occurs in muscle which has been crushed, limbs that have been broken or traumatized, in replantation of amputated parts, in transplantation, after some surgical procedures and after microsurgical transfer of muscle. Once established there is no effective treatment. Our experiments show that a particular cell, the mast cell, and a particular molecule, nitric oxide, are involved in causing ischaemia reperfusion injury. However, the extent of their involvement is unknown. In this proposal we will investigate the effect of replacing mast cells into muscles, in a unique variety of mice which normally don t contain mast cells and are resistant to ischaemia reperfusion injury. In one group of mice we will put back normal mast cells and in a second group of mice we will put back mast cells that cannot produce the nitric oxide molecule. These experiments will determine, unambiguously, the extent of involvement of mast cells and mast cell-derived nitric oxide. In the second part of this proposal will carry out a time course study, using pharmacologically induced mast cell degranulation, to determine when the mast cells become injurious to skeletal muscle. These experiments will identify the period during which mast cell behaviour can be modulated in order to protect the muscle from ischaemia reperfusion injury. Determination of the role of mast cells, and an understanding of the timing during which they become injurious would provide a logical basis for optimizing drug therapy in clinical applications of these findings. Research achievements (from final report): Ischaemia reperfusion (IR) injury occurs in skeletal muscle when the blood/oxygen supply is cut off (ischaemia) and later restored (reperfusion). If the duration of ischaemia is short some of the muscle survives. However, when blood flow and oxygen are restored the muscle is subjected to further injury, which is thought to be cause by oxygen and/or white blood cells. This type of injury occurs in muscle which has been crushed, limbs that have been broken or traumatized, in replantation of amutated parts, after some surgical procedures and after microsurgical transfer of muscle. Once established there is no effective treatment. Experiments from this study show that a particular cell, the mast cell, plays a pivotal role in causing ischaemia reperfusion injury. By using mice deplete in mast cells, we are able to reduce muscle death by more than 50%. Furthermore, by replacing the mast cells back into the mast cell deplete mice (a technique known as re-engraftment), we were able to confirm that mast cells contribute to the majority of muscle injury during IR. This work was presented at an international conference in USA and a grant was awarded 1 of 4 scholarship, based on the quality of the research. The results from this study have broader implications for the prevention/treatment of acute inflammatory reactions associated with IR injury in other scenarios such as heart bypass, organ transplantation and heart disease. Expected future outcomes: Based on the results from this study, this has for the first time identified a clear target for drug therapy in IR injury of skeletal muscle. It is likely to be relevant for prevention of injury in other ischaemic diseases, in particular cardiac ischaemia (heart attacks). Name of contact: Pfor Wayne Morrison NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: Wayne.Morrison@svhm.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209168 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Dr Kay Crossley End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $138,088 Title of research award: Factors affecting motor control and loading of the patellofemoral jointFactors affecting motor control and loading of the patellofemoral joint Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Joint swelling and pain are hallmarks of many knee conditions, particularly knee osteoarthritis in adults and the elderly and patellofemoral pain in adolescents or adults. Such conditions are also frequently associated with altered thigh muscle function, including weakness, inhibition and altered activation, which occur in the absence of damage to the muscle itself. It is not known whethe the pain or swelling directly influences this thigh muscle function. This research was a series of studies, primarily conducted in healthy people. These studies involved the injection of pain provoking substance into the knee and evaluating the effects of the resulting knee pain on thigh muscle function. The results of this study demonstrated that the induced knee pain resulted in alterations in the amount and timing of thigh muscle activity, and the way that people walk. The other study involved injecting fluid into the knee to mimic knee swelling. Similar to the knee pain study, this artificial swelling resulted in alterations in the amount and timing of thigh muscle activity in the during functional tasks. The results of these study provide compelling evidence that knee pain and swelling have considerable effects on thigh muscle function and must be addressed in order to attain successful rehabilitation of painful knee conditions Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Kay Crossley Email/Phone no. of contact: k.crossley@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 251535 CIA Name: Dr Pritinder Kaur Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Dermatology Total funding: $391,763 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Microenvironmental regulation of the tissue regenerative capacity of keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny.Microenvironmental regulation of the tissue regenerative capacity of keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny. Lay Description (from application): The protective outer layers of the skin known as the epidermis belongs to a group of tissues in the body that are turning over at a rapid rate. The majority ofepidermal cells have a lifespan of just 2-3 weeks, and are shed as mature cells from the skin's surface. These cells are replaced by continuous cell regeneration which is dependent on growth factors and adhesive molecules (and other signals). It has recently come to light that the connective tissue of the skin i.e. the dermis, which lies directly below the epidermal cells has a critical role in providing some of these factors required for their growth and maturation. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly clear that the epidermal and dermal cells co-operate to regulate epidermal proliferation and maturation. Recent work from our laboratory has shown that a newly recognised adhesive protein laminin-10 may be produced as the result of such co-operation and that it stimulates the growth of both normal and tumour epidermal cells. We have also recently identified an interesting subset of dermal cells that may have a role in promoting the growth of the epidermal cells. Thus, the aims of the proposed stuides are to investigate the role of laminin-10 and this specific dermal cell subset in epidermal proliferation and maturation. These studies may also provide an insight into the role of these factors in skin cancers. Research achievements (from final report): This work revealed that stem cells of the skin (particularly the outermost layer known as the epidermis) are dependent on growth factors and proteins supplied by adjacent cells found in their environment i.e. dermal cells in order to grow and repair skin tissue defects. Interestingly, the ability to repair wounds is not restricted to stem cells alone as previously thought but can be conferred upon the maturing progeny of the stem cells when the appropriate environmental signals are provided. Thus in laboratory models of skin tissue regeneration, skin repair could be obtained by adding exogenous proteins normally found in the skin to non-stem cells. Particular subsets of cells found in the dermis have also been identified as important populations in promoting tissue repair from non-stem cells. The significance of these findings is that it may be possible to use non-stem cells together with stem cells to provide transplantable cells onto patients suffering from severe skin deficits such as burns. Specific skin proteins may also be utilised to expand skin cells from patient's faster before transplantation avoiding delays in getting skin grafts and reducing the risk of infection and thus survival of the patient. Expected future outcomes: The dermal cells identified in this study as being important for tissue repair need to be studied further to understand the nature of signals (i.e. growth factors/proteins) they provide to stimulate skin repair. These molecules could then be used to devise therapies for faster skin regeneration for patients. Name of contact: Pritinder Kaur Email/Phone no. of contact: pritinder.kaur@petermac.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 251575 CIA Name: Prof Eleanor Mackie Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $120,775 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Cellular responses to thrombin in skeletal pathologyCellular responses to thrombin in skeletal pathology Lay Description (from application): Many diseases of bones, such as osteoporosis and delayed fracture repair, result from the abnormal function of bone cells. Factors regulating bone cell function are, therefore, important in maintaining a healthy skeleton, as well as in the skeleton's response to disease. The enzyme thrombin is involved in blood coagulation but also causes bone cells to alter their behaviour. Thrombin stimulates proliferation of bone-forming cells and protects them from premature death. Thrombin also stimulates the breakdown of bone. We will investigate how thrombin's effects on bone cell behaviour influence the course of bone healing. We will also determine how thrombin stimulates bone breakdown and increases survival of bone-forming cells. This study will contribute to the understanding of how bone cells function in health and disease. Research achievements (from final report): Many diseases of bones, such as osteoporosis and delayed fracture repair, result from the abnormal function of bone cells. Factors regulating bone cell function are, therefore, important in maintaining a healthy skeleton, as well as in the skeleton's response to disease. The enzyme thrombin is involved in blood coagulation but also causes bone cells to alter their behaviour. In this project we have demonstrated that the early stages of bone healing occur abnormally in the absence of the major thrombin receptor found in bone (PAR-1). We have found that thrombin stimulates formation of osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells). We have also identified a signalling pathway through which thrombin prevents the death of osteoblasts (bone-forming cells). These observations add substantiallyto our understanding of the biology of bone growth, maintenance and repair. Expected future outcomes: The observations made in this grant have led to ongoing studies on regulation of osteoclast function by proteases. These and our future studies are likely to help in the development of improved therapeutic approaches to bone disease. Name of contact: Professor Eleanor Mackie Email/Phone no. of contact: ejmackie@unimelb.edu.auYes NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 251638 CIA Name: A/Pr Mark Kotowicz Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $428,225 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: BONE SIZE AND BONE TURNOVER: RELATIONSHIP TO FRACTURE RISK OVER TEN YEARSBONE SIZE AND BONE TURNOVER: RELATIONSHIP TO FRACTURE RISK OVER TEN YEARS Lay Description (from application): The occurrence of fracture in the ageing population is a major public health problem because these fractures are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality. Of women reaching 90 years of age, one third will fracture their hip and overall, one in every six women will sustain an osteoporotic fracture in her lifetime. The direct cost to the community is unknown but estimated, conservatively, at 175 million dollars annually. Most of this is likely to be the result of hip fractures which occupy an estimated 400,000 bed-days annually. This bed occupancy is fourth next to mental illness, cardiac disease and cancer. The Geelong Osteoporosis Study is a large population-based epidemiological study currently under way to evaluate the major risk factors for fracture in women . This present study which will be an extension of the study to date, will provide in total, 810 years of data concerning the processes that result in increased bone fragility and fracture. Research achievements (from final report): The present study is an extension of the Geelong Osteoporosis Study, a large population-based epidemiological study designed to evaluate major fracture risk factors in women, and provides up to 10 years of data about the development of bone fragility and fracture. We have shown that hip fracture patients have thinning of the outer shell of the thigh bone that likely compromises bone strength and that there is a compensatory increase in the diameter of the bone. Additional information about the biomechanical implications of these structural changes will become available when Hip Structure Analysis of all bone densitometry scans is complete. We have developed a clinically useful fracture risk (FRISK) score that predicts fracture by combining information from bone densitometry, previous fracture and falls history. The FRISK score predicts 75% of fractures over a 2 year period. Systemic inflammation, as assessed by measurement of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), predicts fracture risk over and above information provided by bone densitometry. The role of vitamin D, the influence of drug exposures, the nervous system, genetic factors, oxidative stress and depression in bone fragility have been reported. We have demonstrated that the population burden of fracture comes from the large number of individuals with a modest reduction in bone mass rather than the relatively small number of highrisk individuals with osteoporosis. Reference ranges for bone densitometry have been established, the health impact of fragility fracture and cost benefit analyses of treating women with osteopenia and osteoporosis have been published. Expected future outcomes: Development of an updated FRISK score incorporating bone turnover markers and hsCRP, pursuit of a common aetiology for osteoporosis and cardiovascular (CVD) disease based on predictive value of hsCRP in both disorders and evidence of systemic inflammation in CVD, evaluation of osteoporosis in men using expertise gain from this study (NHMRC Project 299831) Name of contact: Assoc Prof Mark Kotowicz Email/Phone no. of contact: markk@BarwonHealth.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 251682 CIA Name: Prof Geoffrey Nicholson Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Primary Health Care Total funding: $305,750 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Primary care prevention of falls and fractures in the elderly by annual vitamin D supplementationPrimary care prevention of falls and fractures in the elderly by annual vitamin D supplementation Lay Description (from application): While Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer, many of us are not receiving enough sun exposure to adequately maintain necessary blood levels of vitamin D. For years it was assumed that vitamin D deficiency was rarely seen in Australia where sunlight abounds for most of the year. Although few foods are high in vitamin D, it was thought that only certain cultural groups where women are always veiled in public, very dark-skinned people and the housebound elderly, were at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Lower vitamin D levels following wintertime have now been reported in many populations including those living near the Mediterranean and in Geelong, Victoria. Vitamin D insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of falling through increased body sway and muscle weakness. Low levels of the vitamin also encourage the removal of calcium from bones and will predispose to bone fracture for two reasons - increased likelihood of falling and increased bone fragility and osteoporosis. Osteoporotic fractures are amongst the most important causes of ill-health among elderly people, causing an estimated 65,000 fractures in 2000-01. If nothing is done, fracture rates are estimated to increase from one every 8.1 minutes in 2001, to one every 3.7 minutes in 2021. Falls among the elderly are also a major health with about a third of people over 70years falling at least once every year. Almost 90% of all hip fractures result from the impact of a fall. This project will trial an annual dose of vitamin D to the elderly at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, falls and fractures. Fifteen hundred women will be supplemented with either vitamin D or a placebo "dummy" pill at the beginning of winter for five years. The supplementation will take place through their local doctor and researchers will expect to see fewer falls and bone fractures occurring in those receiving vitamin D than in the group receiving the placebo. Research achievements (from final report): The Vital D study successfully recruited 2,317 women aged at least 70 years and who were assessed as at a higher risk of fragility fracture or osteoporosis. Although the initial NHMRC 5-year grant funding has finished, the study has been awarded further NHMRC funding to extend the project's outcomes. All participants will complete the study during 2008. The findings have been extended to investigate not only the prevention of falls and fractures, as originally planned but also to investigate if vitamin D supplementation improves mental health in the elderly and if vitamin D supplementation over a number of years reduces the overall use and cost of medical and hospital services. Since commencing this project in 2003 the many potential benefits of an adequate to high vitamin D status has received much scientific attention. The project's pragmatic design continues to have much appeal. The concept of a once-a-year dose of vitamin D tablets holds promise as several international studies on vitamin D supplementation have reported low compliance of the study tablets when participants were required to take calcium and vitamin D tablets on a daily basis. The results of these other studies generally show that vitamin D prevents falls and fractures when targeted to participants likely to have a low vitamin D status. Not surprisingly when the analysis of results includes both those participants who took the daily supplementation and those participants who were asked to but didn't take the tablets on a regular basis, the evidence that vitamin D prevents falls and fractures is weaker. The results of other studies has also shown that the dose of vitamin D needs to be sufficiently large to increase the levels of the vitamin in the blood and to show benefits to bone health. Participants in our study -Vital D randomised to vitamin D have been given an annual dose of 500,000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). This dose continues to be regarded as sufficiently high. Expected future outcomes: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY The main analysis comparing falls and fractures in participants taking the vitamin D tablets with those taking placebo will commence later this year when all participants have finished the study and the research team are no longer 'blinded' as to their active or placebo status. Name of contact: Dr Kerrie Sanders Email/Phone no. of contact: kerrie@barwonhealth.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 299831 CIA Name: Prof Geoffrey Nicholson Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $432,645 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: MALE OSTEOPOROSIS: A POPULATION-BASED STUDY IN GEELONGMALE OSTEOPOROSIS: A POPULATION-BASED STUDY IN GEELONG Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a term used to indicate that bones have become thin and fragile. During the ageing process bone fragility increases and fractures occur more easily and more often. Fractures may also occur during normal daily activities, with fractures of the spine, forearm and hip being common. However, many other sites may fracture. This is a serious problem because fractures cause pain, disability and, sometimes, death. Although previously overshadowed by its effect in women, osteoporosis is increasingly being recognised in men. In Australia, 39% of all fractures occur in men and prognosis for fracture in men is worse than in women. A consequence of increasing male longevity is that osteoporosis will affect a growing number of Australian men. It is anticipated that between 1996 and 2051, the number of men with fracture will double, with a 4-fold increase in the number of male hip fractures. Unless the problem of osteoporosis in men is addressed and effective interventions are implemented, the substantial health burden imposed by age-related fractures will continue to escalate. In this case-control study of fracture risk in men, men with fractures (cases) will be identified prospectively for 3 years from radiological reports. Controls will be selected concurrently, at random from electoral rolls. Anticipated number of cases and controls are 800 and 1400, respectively. Cases and controls will be characterised for risk factors for fracture: bone density and bone geometry will be measured, serum samples collected, and diet, lifestyle and medical history documented by questionnaire. The advantage of this type of data is that information from patients with fracture will be used to tell us about the risk of fracture in healthy, unaffected men and about the characteristics of the Australian male population at risk for fracture. The information can be used in decision making for the individual and in policy making for the whole population. Research achievements (from final report): This large population-based epidemiological study enrolled 1,540 men (aged 20-97 years) to evaluate major fracture risk factors. Assessments included bone mineral density (BMD), demographic, anthropometric and clinical data; diet; osteoporosis risk factors; medical, falls and fracture history; drug exposures; muscle strength and gait; and fasting blood samples for biochemical, hormonal and genetic analysis. , BMD reference ranges will be made available for use on all densitometers across Australia, once finalised. Using bone densitometry, measurement of vertebral height identified alterations in vertebral dimensions that define fracture. We have determined age distribution of newly recognised vertebral fractures for ambulatory men and shown that these fractures remain largely undiagnosed, are associated with poor quality of life, compromised mobility, balance and physical activity. Relatively few high trauma fractures occur among elderly men whereas they predominate in younger men., Among men with depression, BMD is reduced, suggesting that depression may be an osteoporosis risk factor. Metabolic syndrome, a combination of features realted to obesity associated with increased risk cardiovascular was identified in nearly 1/3 of middle-aged and elderly men. These men have increased BMD, possibly related to skeletal loading. We have also reported that men with prostate cancer have reduced BMD. Magnetic resonance imaging was explored as a promising technique for identifying structural parameters of bone associated with ageing and bone fragility. Expected future outcomes: Development of a clinically useful fracture risk score incorporating multi-site bone mineral density, clinical risk factors, biomarkers and structural parameters of bone, investigation of a common aetiology for osteoporosis and depression based on predictive value of markers of inflammation and inflammatory cytokines, further evaluation of the metabolic syndrome in men. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Assoc Prof Julie Pasco Email/Phone no. of contact: juliep@barwonhealth.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 299840 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Kim Bennell End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $384,675 Title of research award: Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy for chronic rotator cuff pathologyEfficacy and costeffectiveness of physiotherapy for chronic rotator cuff pathology Lay Description (from application): Shoulder disorders are common, being third only to back and neck complaints as musculoskeletal reasons for medical consultation and accounting for 10% of all physiotherapy referrals. The painful shoulder affects up to 2-5% of the general population, being more common in middle to older age. One of the most common shoulder disorders is chronic rotator cuff pathology. This causes significant pain and disability that restricts activities of daily living as well as work, sleep and leisure. Forty percent of sufferers will continue to have symptoms beyond 3 years and 15% will have persistent disability which may require surgical intervention. Because this disorder is prevalent, it imposes a considerable burden on the Australian health care system. Physiotherapy is a common conservative treatment option but its efficacy has not been well established. A recent Cochrane review of the literature revealed several problems with many of the existing studies: (i) the populations have included a mix of shoulder diagnostic categories; (ii) the research designs have major flaws and (iii) a single physiotherapy modality has been evaluated rather than a combined program as is current clinical practice. Thus, this novel research project involving 200 participants will answer important questions about the efficacy of a physiotherapy program for chronic rotator cuff pathology and whether benefits can be maintained. In addition it will determine whether the costs of physiotherapy represent good value for money which is important in today's economic climate. The results of this project can be easily and immediately translated into clinical practice as recommendations can be made about the usefulness of physiotherapy for this patient population. The results will be of major benefit not just to the physiotherapy profession but to the medical profession who must justify patient referral to physiotherapy and to funding and compensable bodies. Research achievements (from final report): This study was a clinical trial that investigated the efficacy and cost effectiveness of a 10 week physiotherapy program for chronic rotator cuff pathology of the shoulder. One hundred and twenty people with the condition were recruited from medical practices and from the general public by print and radio media. Participants were randomised into a physiotherapy or a placebo group. Both groups attended a physiotherapist for 10 sessions over 10 weeks. The physiotherapy program was aimed at improving strength, range of motion, reducing pain and improving shoulder function. The placebo group received inactive treatment. The groups were assessed at baseline, after 10 weeks and at a 22 week followup with the main outcome measure being change in pain and disability. This study provides information that assists in evidence based recommendations for the management of this chronic shoulder condition. Specifically it provides evidence about the role of a physiotherapy program for chronic rotator cuff pathology. Expected future outcomes: It is anticipated that this study will be used to inform clinical guidelines relating to the management of chronic rotator cuff pathology. The results will also be used by physiotherapy clinicians to assist them to better manage their patients with this shoulder condition. It will also be used by other practitioners who refer their patients for physiotherapy. Name of contact: Kim Bennell Email/Phone no. of contact: k.bennell@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 300054 CIA Name: A/Pr Jane Pirkis Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Mental Health Total funding: $444,500 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Preventing suicidal behaviours: Ecological studies of systemic protective factorsPreventing suicidal behaviours: Ecological studies of systemic protective factors Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Most international research efforts in suicide prevention have focused on exploring the rates of and risk factors for suicidal behaviour. My program of work considered some of the factors that might be protective against suicide at a range of levels (individual, ecological, intervention/service-based, systemic). My work has influenced policy and practice in a number of ways, including helping to shape national and international guidelines on media reporting of suicide, and influencing the nature of several national mental health and suicide prevention initiatives. Expected future outcomes: I would anticipate that my work will continue to have an impact on policy and practice in a similar manner. Name of contact: Jane Pirkis Email/Phone no. of contact: j.pirkis@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350227 CIA Name: A/Pr Ann Turnley Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $486,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Signalling mechanisms regulating neurogenesis and neurite outgrowthSignalling mechanisms regulating neurogenesis and neurite outgrowth Lay Description (from application): Injury and diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), such as traumatic injury, stroke, Parkinson's, Huntington's and Alzheimer's disease, affect a substantial number of Australians each year and often have long-term consequences for sufferers and their families. This is primarily due to a lack of robust repair of the damage and a paucity of therapeutic strategies available for treatment. However, although many hurdles are yet to be faced, there is a substantial body of evidence that has emerged in recent years, that has led to the view that repair of the central nervous system following injury of disease may indeed be a possibility. Effective neural repair is likely to require a multi-factorial approach, including blockage of neuronal death, replacement of lost neurons by neural stem cells, and regulation of appropriate subsequent neurite outgrowth and formation of correct connections. We have shown that a regulator of cytokine signaling, SOCS2, promotes neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth. This project aims to continue our investigations of the role of SOCS2 and interacting factors in regulating neuronal differentiation as well as substantially expanding our investigations into the role of SOCS2 in regulating neurite outgrowth, using both in vitro and in vivo models. An understanding of the mechanisms involved in these processes may allow us to derive therapies for the repair of the nervous system after injury or disease. Research achievements (from final report): We examined factors that have to potential to promote production of new neurons from neural stem cells and enahnce their survival and integration into the nervous system. In culture We have found that both the inflammatory regulators dexamethasone and IFN inhibited neural stem cell proliferation and enhanced neuronal differentiation, while Growth Hormone accelerated neuronal differentiation and increased neural stem cell proliferation. We also examined production of new nerve cells in the adult mouse brain following administration of Erythropoietin (Epo) and in the presence of altered growth hormone signalling. Epo transiently enhanced production of new neurons but did not promote long term survival. Epo also regualted growth of these neurons in cell culture. Mice which expressed a regulator of growth hormone signalling, SOCS2 transgenic mice, showed normal short term proliferation of neural precursor cells but enhanced long term survival of new neurons in the brain. SOCS2 transgenic mice were also less anxious than normal mice and had enahnced memory. We have also found that SOCS2 intereacts with other signalling pathways not related to growth hormone, in particular the neurotrophin growth factor family, which may have important therapeutic consequences. Administration of Epo or regualtion of SOCS2 or Growth Hormone may improve recovery following nervous system injury. Expected future outcomes: Further understanding of the role SOCS2 plays in regulating factors other than growth hormone. Future studies will examine the role of SOCS2 and related factors in regulating recovery from nervous system injury. Name of contact: Ann Turnley Email/Phone no. of contact: turnley@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350297 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Kim Bennell End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $480,850 Title of research award: Effects of laterally wedged insoles on symptoms and disease progression in knee osteoarthritisEffects of laterally wedged insoles on symptoms and disease progression in knee osteoarthritis Lay Description (from application): Knee arthritis is a painful, disabling, costly condition particularly affecting the elderly. As there is presently no cure for knee arthritis, strategies that slow progression of the disease will reduce the personal and societal burden of arthritis. Most research has focussed on drug therapies, which are effective in reducing pain and disability but have side effects and are expensive. Insoles worn inside the shoes are a simple, cheap, selfadministered intervention with the potential to slow disease progression in certain patients, in addition to managing symptoms. However, to date there has been little quality research investigating the effectiveness of insoles in knee arthritis. This study aims to see whether 12 months of wearing insoles can lead to improvements in knee pain and function and slow disease progression in 200 people with knee arthritis. It will use state-of-the-art technology, magnetic resonance imaging, to measure changes in the amount of knee cartilage. This research is timely and the findings will be of major significance as there is increasing worldwide attention on slowing progression of knee arthritis. Insoles are one of the few non-drug therapies with the potential to influence both symptoms and disease progression. If the results show that insoles are beneficial, then this research will: 1. Better inform clinical guidelines to firmly recommend insoles to manage knee arthritis 2. Provide the basis for developing education strategies for health care practitioners and patients about the benefits of insoles 3. Provide the impetus to make insoles more readily available directly to patients 4. Ultimately lead to better patient outcomes Research achievements (from final report): The majority of clinical guidelines recommend lateral wedge shoe insoles for medial knee osteoarthritis (OA), despite limited and equivocal evidence of efficacy. The primary aim of this randomised controlled trial was to assess the efficacy of lateral wedge insoles for improving symptoms and slowing structural disease progression compared with control insoles in medial knee OA. 200 people with knee OA and aged 50 or more were recruited from the community in Melbourne, Australia. Participants wore either full-length 5 degree lateral wedged insoles or flat control insoles inside their shoes daily for 12 months. Measurements were taken at baseline and 12 months later and included measures of pain, physical function, quality of life and knee joint structure (from magnetic resonance imaging). Ninety percent of participants completed the study. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the lateral wedge insole and the control insole groups for any of the measures. This suggests that lateral wedge insoles worn for 12 months provide no symptomatic or structural benefits compared to a flat control insole. Expected future outcomes: This study does not support the use of lateral wedge insoles in the management of people with medial knee osteoarthritis. This is likely to alter future recommendations of clinical guidelines. Name of contact: Kim Bennell Email/Phone no. of contact: k.bennell@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350426 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul Whitington Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Neurogenetics Total funding: $251,325 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The molecular basis for target selection in the central nervous system by sensory axonsThe molecular basis for target selection in the central nervous system by sensory axons Lay Description (from application): The normal function of the brain depends upon the specific connections that nerve cells make with each other. These connections are set up in the developing embryo when nerve cells send out long processes - axons which grow towards their synaptic targets. How axons select their correct targets from amongst the millions of alternatives in the developing brain is unknown. A better understanding of this problem will help us develop therapies to assist regenerating axons re-establish correct connections following injury to the brain or spinal cord. We propose to use a simple model system, the embryo of the fruitfly Drosophila, to find molecules that are involved in this process of neuron target recognition - ' axon targeting' molecules - and to study how they work. Drosophila can be genetically manipulated in ways not possible in higher animals. Furthermore the simplicity of its nervous system means that we can determine the connections of individual nerve cells with a high degree of precision. In the first part of our project, we will examine Drosophila embryos that carry mutations in genes suspected to code for targeting molecules. We will stain individual sensory nerve cells in these embryos with dyes to reveal the anatomy of their axons in the brain. If sensory axons terminate abnormally in the brain of a given mutant, the affected gene is likely to code for an axon targeting molecule. In the second part of the study, we will investigate the functions of candidate axon targeting molecules using two approaches. Firstly, we will seek to determine whether the molecule acts in the sensory axons or in their target cells. Secondly, we will use time-lapse microscopy to study how the homing behaviour of the sensory axons is affected in mutant embryos. The results of these studies will lead us closer to an answer to the question: "How do axons recognise their specific target cells in the brain?" Research achievements (from final report): The normal function of the brain depends upon the specific connections that nerve cells make with other nerve cells. These connections are set up in the developing embryo when nerve cells send out long processes - axons - which grow towards their targets. How axons select their correct targets from amongst the millions of alternatives in the developing brain is largely unknown. A better understanding of this phenomenon of "axon targeting" will help us develop therapies to assist regenerating axons re-establish correct connections following injury to the brain or spinal cord. We are using a simple model system, the embryo of the vinegar fly Drosophila, to identify molecules that are involved in axon targeting and to study how they work. We have discovered that a well-known molecule, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), is involved in this process. This protein plays a role in a host of developmental processes in which cells are required to respond to signals in their environment, but was not previously known to regulate axon growth. Our discovery will now enable us to work out how activation of this molecule triggers changes in nerve cells that cause their axons to grow in the right direction. This knowledge could be as relevant to cancer research as to neuroscience, because abnormal EGFR activity also leads to tumour formation in ways that are as yet poorly understood. Expected future outcomes: The knowledge gained from this study will in the future help us find ways to promote recovery of function in parts of the brain that are damaged by injury, disease or the aging process. Name of contact: Dr Paul Whitington Email/Phone no. of contact: p.whitington@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350483 CIA Name: Dr Glenn McConell Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Exercise Physiology Total funding: $340,750 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: IS NITRIC OXIDE A CENTRAL REGULATOR OF EXERCISE-INDUCED SKELETAL MUSCLE MITOCHONDRIAL BIOGENESIS?IS NITRIC OXIDE A CENTRAL REGULATOR OF EXERCISEINDUCED SKELETAL MUSCLE MITOCHONDRIAL BIOGENESIS? Lay Description (from application): Mitochondria are the energy producing parts of the cell and are the major controllers of metabolism. There is now good evidence that reduced muscle mitochondrial size contributes to diabetes. Exercise is good for diabetics due partly to increasing muscle mitochondrial production (mitochondrial biogenesis). Unfortunately, little is known about the mechanisms involved in increased muscle mitochondrial biogenesis following exercise. It has been shown recently that nitric oxide (NO), a gas made by muscle during exercise, plays a role in mitochondrial biogenesis in fat cells. This project will determine whether NO is a central regulator of exercise-induced mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. If we find that NO increases mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle, drugs designed to mimic these exercise effects may prevent or improve diabetes. We will firstly establish if specific drug treatments that alter NO levels in muscle cells grown in culture alter mitochondrial biogenesis. These results will help us to clarify the role of NO in mitochondrial biogenesis. However, it is difficult to directly examine the effects of exercise in cultured cells. Therefore, further studies will then use real life models such as rodents that have been exercised to examine the role of NO and exercise on mitochondrial biogenesis. We will feed a drug to decrease NO levels in normal rats; and use mice, genetically altered to be lacking in NO to determine if these treatments decrease mitochondrial biogenesis that is normally seen following endurance exercise. Furthermore, since defects in mitochondrial biogenesis have such an important impact on diabetic humans, we will use humans to examine if differences in NO levels in skeletal muscle among type 2 diabetics or endurance-trained athletes correlate with mitochondrial biogenesis. Finally, we will infuse a drug into type 2 diabetics that increases NO in muscle to determine if it also increases mitochondrial biogenesis. Research achievements (from final report): Mitochondria are the energy procing oragns of the cell. Defective small skeletal muscle mitochondria are now recognised as a major component of the metabolic abnormalities of diabetes. Exercise increases mitochondrial volume and improves mitochondrial function (mitochondrial biogenesis). Many research groups are attempting to determine how exercise increases mitochondrial biogenesis and thereby prevents or improves diabetes. There are large gaps in our current knowledge. Prior to commencing our grant funding a paper presented convincing evidence that nitric oxide (NO) regulates mitochondrial biogenesis in fat cells. As skeletal muscle NO production increases during exercise, NO could provide an important link between exercise and its beneficial effects on diabetes. In this project we examined whether NO plays an important role in the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis in response to exercise. We provided clear evidence that NO plays an important role in resting (basal) skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis but not the increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in response to acute exercise or exercise training. Based on this we have begun investigations into other potential regulators of skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in response to exercise. Expected future outcomes: We have begun investigations into other potential regulators of skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in response to exercise, in particular free radicals. We have also obtained NHMRC funding to examine whether exercise training can correct deficits in skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in adulthood when one is born small. Name of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Dr Glenn Mcconell Email/Phone no. of contact: mcconell@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350904 CIA Name: A/Pr James Brock Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $768,560 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The major focus of this fellowship has been investigation of the effects of nerve injuries on blood vessel function. In particular, I have provided the first evidence that spinal cord injury (SCI) produces a widespread increase in the effectiveness of nerves that constrict blood vessels. This change contributes to the development of dangerous episodes of high blood pressure in SCI patients. These studies also identified potential drug treatments that reduce the hyper-reactivity of blood vessels following SCI and that may be useful for preventing these episodes of high blood pressure. We also investigated the use of drug treatments to stimulate defecation in SCI patients. These studies have provided proof in principal that a chemical which mimics the actions of the hormone ghrelin stimulates defecation and this is soon to be trialled in SCI patients. In new studies initiated during the fellowship I investigated the blood pressure lowering effect of ghrelin. This action has been attributed to ghrelin dilating blood vessels but our studies do not support this action. Instead, our studies indicate that ghrelin acts somewhere in the brain to decrease the activity of nerves that constrict blood vessels. This finding is important because low blood levels of ghrelin are associated with elevated blood pressure. Finally I continued my studies of mechanisms whereby sensory stimuli activate nerves that generate painful sensations. The highlight of these studies has been the development of a technique that allows the initiation of action potentials in these nerves to studied for the first time. Expected future outcomes: The work on blood vessel function following spinal cord injury is ongoing and is focussing on identifying drug treatments that prevent the episodes of high blood. I am also investgating whether the changes in blood vessel function contribute to other complications associated with spinal cord injury such as bladder dysfunction. Name of contact: James Brock Email/Phone no. of contact: j.brock@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 382903 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Jane End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Genetic Development (incl. Sex Determination) Total funding: $623,065 Title of research award: Defects in epidermal morphogenesis in mammalian Grainyhead-like gene deficient miceDefects in epidermal morphogenesis in mammalian Grainyhead-like gene deficient mice Lay Description (from application): The cells of the skin play an essential role in development of the mammalian embryo. They are critical for closure of the brain and spinal cord, for forming a protective barrier against infection and noxious stimuli, for preventing excess fluid loss, for repair of defects and wounds, and for the generation of hair. Our laboratory has identified a family of genes that are critical for all these processes. Loss of individual members of the family has different consequences and the aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the genes to further our understanding of the skin and its functions. These studies have direct and important relevance to human conditions such as the congenital birth defects spina bifida and anencephaly, and infant prematurity where the skin is underdeveloped and lacks barrier function. They also have relevance to wound healing and to conditions in which hair growth is affected, such as alopecia. We believe that therapeutic interventions and prenatal diagnostic tests could evolve from these studies. Research achievements (from final report): This grant identified and characterized a family of genes that are master regulators of the functions of the human skin. They are essential for wound repair, formation and maintenance of the skin barrier, hair anchorage and developmental events that require directional migration of the skin. Our findings have potential benefits in premature infants, where the barrier fails to form, wound repair and a range of other skin defects. Expected future outcomes: We anticipate that this grant will form the basis of extensive further work on this gene family that will impact on our understanding of diseases of the skin. Name of contact: Stephen Jane Email/Phone no. of contact: Stephen.Jane@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400089 CIA Name: Prof John Wark Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $469,605 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The effect of antiepileptic medication on indices of bone health and risk factors for falls and fracturesThe effect of antiepileptic medication on indices of bone health and risk factors for falls and fractures Lay Description (from application): Epilepsy is a common brain disorder and most patients with epilepsy take anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) for many years. These patients have high rates of bone fractures, but the reasons are uncertain. Earlier studies identifying an association between AED use and bone disease were performed on institutionalised patients, and more recent studies on outpatient populations have been conflicting. A better understanding of this problem is critical for designing potential preventive measures and treatments. One important additional mechanism by which AEDs may increase fracture risk is impairment of gait and balance, leading to a high risk of falls. We have novel data demonstrating the power of a Twin and Matched Sibling approach to study this important problem. This study showed that chronic AED use was associated with significant deficits in bone mineral density (BMD), a key predictor of the risk of fractures. The proposed project will ask the following questions: 1. Is BMD and estimated bone strength lower in the bones most at risk for fracture in women and men chronically taking AEDs? 2. Is the loss of bone in measurements over time greater in patients continuing to take AEDs? 3. Is the risk of bone loss greater for certain types of AEDs, and is the risk influenced by length of exposure, age and menopausal status? 4. How does AED treatment lead to reductions in BMD and bone strength? 5. Are measures of muscle strength, gait and balance impaired in patients taking AEDs compared with matched people not taking AEDs? The proposed study will utilise twins and pairs of siblings to investigate the effects of the long-term use of AEDs for epilepsy on measures of bone mass and strength, indices of bone turnover, vitamin D status, calcium regulating hormones, mineral levels, sex hormone levels, and measures of muscle strength, gait and balance function. In addition, a group of patients newly commencing AED treatment for epilepsy will be studied over 2 years. Research achievements (from final report): , Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) are required long-term for patients with epilepsy and several other disorders. Fractures are a major adverse outcome in people taking AEDs. , This project explored the causes of AEDassociated bone fractures using several approaches. One was the powerful exposure-discordant twin/ sibling pair model, where one member of each pair used AEDs and the other did not. We found significant deficits in bone mineral density (a key indicator of bone fragility) in people taking AEDs; a person's age and duration of treatment added to their risk. , The second approach was a cohort study in newly-diagnosed epileptic patients and non-treated subjects, following indices of bone health for 2 years. This study demonstrated accelerated bone loss (e.g., at the hip) in newly-treated patients. Further observations may identify specific AEDs that cause bone loss and fractures. , We also conducted a comprehensive assessment of falls risk in AED-treated subjects and their non-treated twins and siblings, identifying multiple balance impairments in the AED-treated subjects. Poor balance and bone fragility are therefore key determinants of the increase in fractures associated with AED use. A survey of 150 epilepsy patients identified many with high falls risk, confirming the need for intervention in this population. , This research is unique and important, improving understanding of AEDassociated fracture risk. We are now launching the first specific treatment trial for AED-associated bone loss and plan a physcial activity intervention trial seeking to reduce AED-associated falls. Our ultimate aim is to improved bone health in people taking AED therapy. Expected future outcomes: Over the next ive years we expect to complete the first RCT of treatment for AED-induced bone loss, to conduct the first physical activity RCT in prevention of falls during AED therapy and to have translated the findings into improved clinical care and outcomes for AED-treated patients. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Professor John D Wark Email/Phone no. of contact: jdwark@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400139 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $751,823 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Structural Basis of Femoral Neck StrengthStructural Basis of Femoral Neck Strength Lay Description (from application): Fractures, in particular femoral neck (FN) fractures, are a huge public health problem resulting in disabilities, mortality and financial cost to the community. The prevention of these fractures is based on estimation of bone strength. The decision whether someone needs treatment, or the effectiveness of a treatment can only be judged by estimating bone strength. The bottom line is that currently we cannot correctly estimate bone strength. Present methods such as bone mineral density (BMD) perform poorly. Most people who fracture are not detected by BMD because their BMD is either normal or high, and many people with low BMD never fracture. The main aim of this grant application is to develop new tools to allow doctors and scientists worldwide to better estimate FN strength. To develop new methods to replace BMD, scientists need to make use of the 3D aspects of the bone such as size, shape and internal architecture. Presently, these 3D aspects (structure) have not been adequately studied and scientists incorrectly approximate them. As a result new methods are not any better. A good quantification of structure is needed. Another reason for the failure to accurately estimate the strength of bones is that estimates are based on a single parameter whereas the bone, like any architectural structure (e.g. building), comprises many components acting together to maintain its strength. To determine the strength based on density alone is incorrect; the size, the shape and things inside the structure need to be considered as a whole. After quantifying correctly the structure and components of bone strength, we will determine how they can be used individually and together to better estimate the strength of the FN in men and women. Tools generated will be used to better determine people likely to fracture and needing treatment; to better tailor and monitor treatments. A better understanding of the causes and epidemiology of fractures will ensue. Research achievements (from final report): Research in osteoporosis has focused in the role of trabecular bone (the spongy bone inside the cortical shell) loss as the cause of osteoporosis because it was commonly believed that bone loss with advancing age is largely trabecular. In this project we demonstrate that bone loss and fragility in old age originates not from the trabecular compartment, but from the cortical compartment (outer shell of bone). This work received an award from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research., Furthermore, we identified the mechanism through which the cortical bone becomes fragile - that is, by enlargement and fusions of the holes inside the cortex, in particularly next to the marrow cavity. The end result of this process is the transformation of a previously compact cortex in young age into a spongy-like structure in old age leading to fragility., We showed that this process is poorly detected by bone densitometry ( the currently used diagnosis tool) and this may explain why most people with fragile bones are missed when the bone density test is used. Understanding of the process has led us to develop a new diagnostic test. This test is currently subject to a patent application and its ability to improve fracture prediction will be tested soon., Insights into how bone size, shape and bone quality interact to make bone strong were have also being studied. Expected future outcomes: It is expected that quantification of porosity in clinical settings will allow better identification of individuals at risk for fracture. Funds have been requested to test this hypothesis. Name of contact: Ego Seemna Email/Phone no. of contact: egos@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400341 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Dr Simon Murray End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $507,271 Title of research award: Modulation of Neurotrophin Receptor Signaling: understanding the determinants and phenotypic consequences.Modulation of Neurotrophin Receptor Signaling: understanding the determinants and phenotypic consequences. Lay Description (from application): Peripheral nerves are complex structures consisting of motor and sensory neurons, their axons, and the cells that support them, Schwann cells. Peripheral neuropathy is a common neurological problem which covers many disorders of the peripheral nervous system. There are predominately two types of neuropathies: those where there is a primary loss or degeneration of neurons and/or their axons; and those where the Schwann cells are lost. These degenerative pathologies have prompted interest in the potential of growth factors as a general therapy for peripheral neuropathy. The neurotrophins are a family of neuronal growth factors that influence many key aspects of neuronal development, as well as the maintenance of the mature peripheral nervous system. Work in cells in vitro and in animal models provides solid support for the hypothesis that the neurotrophins prevent neuronal death. However clinical trials testing the neurotrophins has led to variable results and side effects due to their many effects. To make these therapies useful, it is crucial to expand our knowledge about how they actually work and which of the many responses they induce actually produces their beneficial effect. This project aims to achieve this goal. I have identified a mechanism where neurotrophin signaling is selectively modulated in vitro. The aims of this project are to understand how this modulation of neurotrophin signaling is mediated, to identify the cellular substrates that are selectively activated and to determine what the biological consequences of this modulation are. Only through analyses such as these can we gain new insights into neurotrophin signaling and develop an understanding of how the activities of neurotrophins can be more precisely harnessed to generate new and more productive therapeutic approaches. Research achievements (from final report): The family of growth factors known as the neurotrophins exert profound influences on the devlopment, survival and maintenace of the mature nervous system, as well as playing critical roles in higher order functions such as learning and memory. This is achieved through their capacity to signal through an established cohort of receptors that are primarily expressed on neurons. We have recently identfied a novel co-receptor for the neurotrophins, called NRH2, and as a direct result of this grant have (i) identified that NRH2 is capable of forming interactions with other neurotrophin receptors and established the basis of these interactions, (ii) found that co-expression of NRH2 modifies neurotrophin signaling and identified the molecular basis underpinning this effect, and (iii) investigated the impact this altered signaling has on neurotrophin signaling and its biological outcomes. Collectively, these studies represent a substantial advance in our understanding of how neurotrophin signaling can regulate such a divers array of biological effects, in identifying that through utilising distinct co-receptors, that the nature and duration of neurotrophin signaling cascade can be dramatically altered. Taken in context, these findings are significant as they move us closer to understanding the full complement of factors that regulate neurotrophin signaling, which is important if their beneficial effects are to be harnessed in the future for therapeutic benefit. Expected future outcomes: Now we have established that NRH2 influences neurotrophin signaling and identified the basis of this effect, our future studies will be directed at investigating how we can utilise this knowledge in specifically regulating neurotrophin signaling, to manipulate the signals that regulate neuronal survival and differentiation in a therapeutically beneficial context. Name of contact: Simon Murray NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: ssmurray@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400388 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul McCrory End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $370,603 Title of research award: Concussive injury in children and adolescents.Novel imaging modalities in adult concussive brain injuryConcussive injury in children and adolescents.Novel imaging modalities in adult concussive brain injury Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): , My clinical research work has studied the clinical aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This has been especially important in the understanding of the effects of mild TBI in paediatric age groups where little is known about the appropriate management of such injuries. In additon, the research has provided the basis of utilising novel radiological techniques in adult TBI particularly in the setting of sports related TBI. Expected future outcomes: , This research is critical in the development of clinical pathways for mild TBI management. The guidelines developed for the management of sports concussion have already been utilised worldwide in all profession team sports Name of contact: N/A Email/Phone no. of contact: N/A NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 409966 CIA Name: A/Pr Stuart Kinner Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Health and Community Services Total funding: $1,894,013 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Strategic Awards Title of research award: PASSPORTS TO ADVANTAGE: Health and capacity building as a basis for social integrationPASSPORTS TO ADVANTAGE: Health and capacity building as a basis for social integration Lay Description (from application): This project will conduct a randomised controlled trial of a post-release intervention for adult prisoners in Queensland. The findings of the study will inform the development of an evidence-based post-release intervention for prisoners in Australia and elsewhere, as well as providing an unprecedented insight into the post-release experiences of prisoners in Queensland. Research achievements (from final report): The Passports study evaluated an intervention to increase access to health and social services for recently released prisoners in Queensland, using a gold-standard 'randomised controlled trial' design. It is the first such RCT ever undertaken in Australia and one of only a handful internationally. Using a low-cost intervention developed for the study, we significantly increased access to primary care and mental health services for at least six months after release from prison. Expected future outcomes: We have recently been awarded funding to (a) examine the cost-effectiveness of the intervention, and (b) examine the links between health outcomes and subsequent offending. A more focussed RCT for prisoners with serious mental illness is planned. Name of contact: A/Prof Stuart Kinner Email/Phone no. of contact: s.kinner@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 435112 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Jane End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $569,542 Title of research award: The role of the mammalian Grainyhead-like gene family in neural tube closureThe role of the mammalian Grainyhead-like gene family in neural tube closure Lay Description (from application): Failure of the skin to close over the brain and spinal cord during human development results in the devastating congenital birth defects anencephaly and spina bifida, known collectively as the neural tube defects. These are the second most common congenital birth defects affecting 1:1000 pregnancies. Anencephaly is not compatible with life and affected babies die at birth. In contrast children with spina bifida survive, but suffer from limb paralysis, bowel and bladder dysfunction, learning difficulties and psycho-social disturbances. Our laboratories have identified a family of genes essential for the colsure of the neural tube in mammals. The aim of this proposal is to understand the mechanisms of action with a view to developing new therapeutics that mey be used preventatively in these conditions. We also hope that these studies may facilitate the development of a genetic test to screen couples at risk. Research achievements (from final report): Defects in closure of the brain and spinal cord (neural tube defects) are the second commonest of all the congenital birth defects. Our laboratory has made a substantial contribution in this area with the identification of the Grainyhead-like gene family which plays critical roles in closure of the neural tube. By studying the mechanism by which these genes work, we gain insights into potential screening and preventative measures that could be developed for these devastating defects into the future. Expected future outcomes: We anticipate that our studies will lead to new preventative strategies for neural tube defects. Name of contact: Professor Stephen Jane Email/Phone no. of contact: Stephen.Jane@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 454536 CIA Name: Dr Mary Tolcos Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $497,280 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Compromised fetal brain development: neurogenesis and the potential for therapeutic intervention.Compromised fetal brain development: neurogenesis and the potential for therapeutic intervention. Lay Description (from application): Lack of oxygen to the fetal brain during pregnancy is thought to be the main causes of brain injury in newborns. Some of these infants will suffer developmental and behavioural problems including cerebral palsy, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Currently, there is no effective treatment to redress these changes in brain development and this is one of the major challenges in perinatal medicine today. We have previously shown in a guinea pig model of chronic placental insufficiency (reduced oxygen and nutrient levels during pregnancy) that there is a reduction in neurons and in the connections between them. This may result from a reduction in number of newly generated neurons (neurogenesis), or an increase in neuronal death (apoptosis), or both. To develop therapeutic strategies to improve brain growth and ultimately functional recovery, we must understand the mechanisms which lead to these brain changes. In this project, we will use our guinea pig model to: 1) determine whether a suboptimal fetal environment decreases neuronal numbers by influencing neurogenesis, apoptosis or both, 2) study changes in the compromised brain environment which are likely to influence apoptosis and neurogenesis, 3) determine whether a suboptimal fetal environment has long-term effects on adult neurogenesis and 4) determine whether treatment with erythropoietin (Epo), a naturally occurring hormone, can resolve deficits in brain development and function. Epo is an exciting candidate as it is, or is in the process of being used to treat stroke and newborn asphyxiation. Epo has also been shown to prevent neuronal death and promote neurogenesis following brain injury. Understanding the mechanisms and finding effective treatments for brain damage is a vital area of endeavour if we are to help infants develop their maximum potential and reduce the enormous social, economic and educational burden which must be borne by the individual and society in general when things go wrong during pregnancy. Research achievements (from final report): Adverse prenatal development contributes to many neurological disorders which manifest postnatally including cerebral palsy, cognitive and behavioural deficits and possibly schizophrenia. One factor thought to contribute to these disorders is fetal hypoxia/ischemia (a reduction or loss of oxygen delivery to the fetus). A number of brain alterations are associated with these disorders including a reduction in the volume of specific brain regions and neuronal loss. It is likely that prenatal insults such as hypoxia/ischemia will occur during a time when neurons are being developed therefore this important developmental process may be disrupted. Indeed, using a model of prenatal compromise (placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia) in the guinea pig, our group has previously demonstrated a reduction in the number of neurons, inappropriate wiring of the brain and abnormal brain function. The aim of this project was to understand the mechanisms underlying these brain alterations in order to develop a novel approach to the effective treatment of such injury. Using our model of prenatal compromise we found that there is an increase in neuronal proliferation in the brains of compromised fetuses and that this increase is correlated with the severity of the insult. Although we know that ultimately there are fewer neurons, it appears that the compromised brains may contain an intrinsic mechanism that regulates the production of neurons in an attempt to "catch-up". It is unlikely that this increased production of neurons is sustained long-term, but understanding this mechanism may be the key to developing novel therapies. Expected future outcomes: We hope to further investigate the mechanisms underlying the increase in neuronal proliferation in the prenatally compromised brain. In addition, understanding the composition of the cerebral microenvironment, and which of its components are altered by prenatal insults, may provide further insight into the development of appropriate and more targeted therapies. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Dr Mary Tolcos Email/Phone no. of contact: m.tolcos@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 454561 CIA Name: Prof Gordon Lynch Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Sports Medicine Total funding: $288,210 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Improving muscle function after injury: Novel tissue engineering strategies for exercise, surgery and sports medicineImproving muscle function after injury: Novel tissue engineering strategies for exercise, surgery and sports medicine Lay Description (from application): Muscles can be injured by excessive strains when playing sports, in road and workplace accidents, and during plastic and reconstructive surgery. Some surgeries require an unavoidable interruption to the muscle's normal blood supply (called 'ischaemia'). Subsequent return of the muscle's blood supply (reperfusion) is problematic in that a severe secondary muscle injury can ensue mediated by the influx of damaging free radicals when blood flow is restored. Tissue-engineering provides a novel therapeutic approach to restore muscle structure and function to damaged muscles after injury or disease. Our recent research using controlled release of growth factors from biodegradable hydrogels has exciting application for muscle repairafter injury. We will utilize these cutting edge tissue engineering strategies to deliver to damaged muscles a hydrogel containing controlled delivery (slow release) microcapsules loaded with an anabolic agent (the beta-agonist, formoterol) and/or a growth factor (IL-15) designed to enhance functional muscle repair after three distinct but clinically relevant models of muscle injury: a) crush injury: A model for muscle injuries on the sports field, in the workplace, and those associated with road trauma; b) ischaemia-reperfusion injury: a model for muscle damage associated with surgical interventions, muscle transfers for functional restoration, and other injuries associated with plastic and reconstructive surgery; and c) contraction-induced injury: a model for strain injuries such as hamstring muscle tears that can occur on the sports field. After injury we will assess functional muscle repair using a comprehensive series of histological, biochemical, molecular, immunochistochemical, and physiological techniques. The research has broad application to exercise and clinical medicine; including sports, emergency and rehabilitation medicine, and plastic, reconstructive, and orthopaedic surgery. Research achievements (from final report): Musculoskeletal injuries represent a major global public health problem and skeletal muscle damage and loss of muscle function contributes significantly to the large burden of disability and suffering. Novel approaches that can attenuate the severity of muscle trauma and/or hasten muscle repair to restore function would help to reduce the economic burden of musculoskeletal injury and alleviate the personal suffering and financial hardship of affected patients. Using novel tissue engineering approaches, we developed small spheres capable of being loaded with the muscle growth promoting agent, formoterol. When injected into damaged muscles, the goal was that the spheres slowly released the formoterol such that it prolonged the growth promoting effect beyond that achieved normally from simply injecting muscle growth promoting agents directly into muscles. The work represent a significant advance for the development of new therapeutics for muscle repair following injury. Expected future outcomes: The research will identify new ways of utilising tissue engineering to enhance the repair of skeletal muscle after injury, with relevance to advancements in plastic and reconstructive surgery, sports medicine and rehabilitation. Name of contact: Prof. Gordon S. Lynch Email/Phone no. of contact: gsl@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 454686 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Kim Bennell End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $271,503 Title of research award: Reducing knee load and slowing disease progression with conservative interventions in knee osteoarthritisReducing knee load and slowing disease progression with conservative interventions in knee osteoarthritis Lay Description (from application): Knee arthritis is a painful, disabling, costly condition particularly affecting the elderly. As there is presently no cure for arthritis, interventions that slow progression of the disease will reduce the personal and societal burden of arthritis. Recently it has been postulated that specific exercise that targets how the muscles are controlled by the nervous system may have greater disease-modifying effects than exercise aimed at strengthening the muscles. Data are beginning to highlight the complexity of muscle strategies adopted by the nervous system to compensate for joint derangement in knee arthritis. It is our contention that there may be specific strategies that provide more optimal knee joint loading in relation to slowing disease progression. The first part of this project is to investigate knee control in people with knee arthritis and to evaluate whether this influences disease progression. This will provide the basis for refinement and optimisation of rehabilitation interventions for this patient group. The second part of this project will investigate whether strengthening the hip muscles in patients with knee arthritis influences knee load and hence disease progression. Hip muscle strengthening is currently not routinely included as part of the management of knee arthritis. If the results of this project find it to be effective, then hip muscle strengthening can be recommended for treating knee arthritis. Research achievements (from final report): This research investigated factors influencing knee load during walking and ways to reduce knee load in people with knee osteoarthritis. This is important as knee load is a predictor of the risk of structural disease progression - those who walk with higher knee load are more likely to progress to more serious disease. The research showed that muscles around the hip are weaker in people with knee osteoathritis but that strengthening the hip muscles does not change knee load although it leads to a significant reduction in knee pain and improvement in knee function. This suggests that hip muscle strengthening is not a disease-modifying treatment as has been postulated in the literature. The research also showed that neuroumuscular and biomechanical factors can influence knee load and hence disease progression. This will impact upon the design of more effective rehabilitation programs for knee osteoarthritis. Expected future outcomes: The research provides information that will influence rehabilitation programs for people with knee osteoarthritis that will be of use to clinicians Name of contact: Kim Bennell Email/Phone no. of contact: k.bennell@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 454693 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Patrick Humbert End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall) Total funding: $516,078 Title of research award: Regulation of epithelial migration by Scribble in development and wound repairRegulation of epithelial migration by Scribble in development and wound repair Lay Description (from application): The movement of epithelial cells within our body (the cells that form the thin protective layer on exposed bodily surfaces such as skin and the lining of internal cavities, ducts, and organs) is essential for our normal embryonic development as well as for healing of wounds following injury. Understanding how this movement is regulated is therefore a fundamental area of medical biology. Although much is known about the mechanics of how a cell moves, the signals used to coordinate this movement so as to ensure that each cell migrates to the right place during embryonic development or in response to a wound is not well understood. A number of lines of evidence suggest that proteins required for the correct orientation of cells within our body (a property of cells known as polarity) may be essential for this process. Mutation of the polarity protein Scribble in the fly, zebrafish and mouse causes a disorganization of epithelial tissues during embryonic development. We have now shown that Scribble is required for cells to orientate correctly so as to be able to move in response to a wound in tissue culture and also during embryonic development and wound healing in the mouse. It is currently unknown how Scribble regulates migration. Here we propose to identify the molecules that Scribble regulates to coordinate cell movement during development and tissue repair. These studies will provide new insights into the fundamental process of how cell movement is coordinated and could lead to novel strategies for improved treatment of tissue injuries. Research achievements (from final report): Control of cell migration is essential for normal development and in situations requiring tissue homeostasis such as wound healing. Understanding the regulation of migration is therefore a fundamental area of medical biology. Although much is known about the mechanics of migration itself, the signals used to coordinate migration during development or in response to tissue injury are poorly understood. A number of lines of evidence suggest that proteins required for the orientation ("polarization") of cells as they migrate may be essential for this process. We have now shown that human Scribble is required for the polarity associated with directed migration in response to a wound or chemokine gradient in vitro. Furthermore, this function appears relevant in vivo as mice mutant for Scribble and other members of the Planar Cell Polarity pathway show defective wound healing of the epidermis. Scribble is therefore a highly conserved positive regulator of migration in multiple cell types and organisms. We have used a combination of cellular and in vivo studies to identify and characterize Scribble-dependent pathways involved in migration. Expected future outcomes: Migration is a key process during embryonic development and tissue repair. We have identified Scribble and associated proteins as a protein that is necessary for directed migration in vitro and in vivo. Our studies provide new insights into these processes that could lead to novel strategies for improved treatment of tissue injuries. Name of contact: Dr Patrick Humbert Email/Phone no. of contact: patrick.humbert@petermac.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 454717 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Dr Linda Denehy End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $359,283 Title of research award: Evaluation of exercise rehabilitation for survivors of intensive careEvaluation of exercise rehabilitation for survivors of intensive care Lay Description (from application): Intensive care medicine has improved survival in critically ill patients. However, international literature reports poor quality of life and physical outcomes in ICU survivors compared to people of the same age. In addition, patients who require a prolonged ICU stay consume a large amount of resources. This project is testing whether an early ICU physiotherapist-directed exercise rehabilitation program continuing until after hospital discharge will improve patient's quality of life, physical function and decrease the use of health resources compared with patients' receiving standard care. Patients in the rehabilitation group will take part in a physiotherapy exercise rehabilitation program including returning to out patient classes after discharge. The physiotherapist will treat patients daily during hospital stay then twice weekly for 8 weeks after discharge. All patients will complete 2 quality of life questionnaires and physical function will be assessed using a new test developed for the acute ICU stay the 6 minute walk test, which measures how far patients can walk quickly in 6 minutes. The timed up and go test will also be used and it measures how quickly patients can get up from a chair and walk. An activity monitor, worn on the wrist, for some of the time after discharge will measure how much exercise and moving about patients are doing at home. Measurements will performed by a physiotherapist, blinded to the group to which patients were randomly allocated, on admission to the ICU (quality of life only by proxy), on discharge from the ICU, discharge from hospital and at 3, 6, 12 months after discharge. Economic evaluation will be performed to examine overall use of resources using information from the questionnaires. Research achievements (from final report): Physical rehabilitation has been advocated for survivors of a critical illness to improve physical function and health related quality of life. This is the first study to assess the impact of an intensive physical rehabilitation program commenced in the intensive care unit and continued on the ward and as an outpatient program with follow up for a 12 month period. It is also the first study to assess the economic impact of such a rehabilitation program. The results of this trial have been submitted for publication and are currently under review by a highly ranked international peer reviewed journal. In addition to this several publications have arisen from this study regarding further development of a tool to measure physical function in the intensive care unit (ICU) and measurement of physical activity levels in survivors of ICU. Preliminary trial results have been presented at a number of national and international conferences and forums. International collaborations have been developed in the USA and UKwith the view to developing future trials in the area. Measurement tools which were further developed during the trial are now being used in international studies of ICU survivors. Expected future outcomes: Development of Australian guidelines for standard rehabilitation programs will lead to improved outcomes for surviors of critical illness. Rehabilitation programs need to target specific groups within this population who will benefit most from these services. In addition, factors which may affect participation along with the timing and delivery mode of these services need to be assessed. Name of contact: Associate Professor Linda Denehy Email/Phone no. of contact: l.denehy@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508925 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Mary Galea End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $382,320 Title of research award: Pelvic Organ Prolapse Physiotherapy (POPPY)Pelvic Organ Prolapse Physiotherapy (POPPY) Lay Description (from application): Pelvic organ prolapse in women is associated with poor quality of life. The standard treatment currently available for prolapse is surgery. The evidence for conservative management with physiotherapy is not clear. This randomised controlled trial will examine the effect of physiotherapy treatment, including pelvic floor muscle training, on prolapse symptoms and severity, compared with lifestyle advice only. Appropriate conservative management may reduce the need for surgery and associated costs. Research achievements (from final report): Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is highly prevalent in women over 40 years (40-50%) and is considered a major epidemic. Symptoms of POP impact substantially on quality of life for women, affecting physical health and well-being, ability to exercise and personal relationships. Typical management involves surgery, which has a high failure rate. This project has contributed to two independent but complementary randomised controlled trials, one conducted in the UK and the other in Australia, investigating the effectiveness of conservative management of POP using pelvic floor muscle training. Both studies showed that pelvic floor muscle training was effective and cost-effective (UK) in minimizing the severity and bother of prolapse symptoms compared with lifestyle advice about weight loss, constipation, and avoidance of heavy lifting, coughing and high impact exercise. This evidence is sufficient for pelvic floor muscle training to be recommended as first-line management for prolapse. Expected future outcomes: The implementation of pelvic floor muscle training for women with prolapse may prevent the need for surgery, prolong the time before a surgical procedure is required, and may improve the durability of the first surgical procedure being undertaken, possibly avoiding the need for repeat surgery. Name of contact: Helena Frawley Email/Phone no. of contact: h.frawley@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508947 CIA Name: Prof John Furness Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $414,327 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Roles of the peptide hormone, ghrelin, in the spinal cordRoles of the peptide hormone, ghrelin, in the spinal cord Lay Description (from application): This study investigates the control of internal organs of the body, the heart, blood vessels, intestine and bladder. We have made the new and surprising discovery that ghrelin, previously known to be a hormone, is probably also a neurotransmitter in the spinal cord. This raises the possibility that drugs that act on ghrelin receptors in the spinal cord could be used to treat high blood pressure or other problems of internal organs. Research achievements (from final report): We have found that artificial compounds that mimic the action sof the naturally occurring hormone, ghrelin, have actions in the spinal cord that influence bowel and bladder emptying and blood pressure. These are novel discoveries. The stimulant effects on bowel emptying can be elicited in conscious animals which show no adverse effects of the drug application. Thus the mechanism that we have discovered can be potentially used to treat constipation, such as the constipation that occurs after spinal cord injury or in old age. In addition, the observations imply that the ghrelin receptor is somehow involved in the maintenance of blood pressure. It is possible that this sytem could be manipulated to reduce high blood pressure. Expected future outcomes: Suitable compounds to treat constipation have been developed and we anticipate that these will be used in human trials. Name of contact: Professor John Furness Email/Phone no. of contact: j.furness@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508966 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: A/Pr Kay Crossley End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $616,431 Title of research award: Patellofemoral arthritis: Efficacy of physiotherapy and understanding the role of joint stressPatellofemoral arthritis: Efficacy of physiotherapy and understanding the role of joint stress Lay Description (from application): Arthritis of the kneecap leads to considerable pain and difficulty with daily activities. This project is testing whether a physiotherapy treatment (8 sessions over 12 weeks) designed specifically for people with kneecap arthritis is effective. In order to understand more about kneecap arthritis, this project will calculate the force on the kneecap and its relationship to pain and other factors, including thigh and hip muscle strength, knee alignments and knee movements. Research achievements (from final report): , The patellofemoral joint (PFJ), or kneecap, is one compartment of the knee that is frequently affected by osteoarthritis (OA) and is a potent source of symptoms. However, there are few treatments for PFJOA. Therefore, this project aimed to evaluate whether a physiotherapy treatment, targeted to the PFJ, resulted in greater improvements in pain and physical function than a physiotherapy education treatment., We conducted a clinical trial in 92 people with PFJ OA. We observed that the targeted physiotherapy resulted in greater improvements than the education group for perceived pain and function at 3 months. , We also determined the force in the PFJ, on a patient-specific basis using computer modelling. We observed that people with PFJ walk up and down stairs with lower PFJ forces, muscle size and forces than people with no OA., Significance:, Our physiotherapy treatment, targeted to the PFJ, resulted in superior outcomes than a physiotherapy-led education treatment for PFJOA. Therefore, treatments for knee OA may be enhanced by targeting treatments to the compartment most affected by the disease. The project's outcome will influence knee OA rehabilitation, thus reducing the personal and societal burden of this increasing public health problem. Our findings also have the potential to foster development of interventions that may prevent PFJ OA, . Expected future outcomes: The results of these studies should increase the awareness of the importance of PFJ OA. The results may lead to improved treatment options for people with PFJ OA. We will also use the results of these studies to evaluate treatments with potential to reduce development, or progression of PFJ OA. Name of contact: Associate Professor Kay Crossley Email/Phone no. of contact: k.crossley@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509015 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: A/Pr Pritinder Kaur End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $690,502 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a stem cell biologist investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue renewal and carcinogenesis in epithelial tissues. Research achievements (from final report): Our research has provided a greater understanding of the skin regenerating properties of stem cells compared to their more mature progeny and the types of factors that may control stem cell behaviour. We have also advanced current knowledge of the cells that make up the immediate environment of the skin regenerating stem cells and the molecules/factors they produce that could be harnessed for cell transplantation. Our research also advances current understanding of cells found in the microenvironment of epithelial tumours such as nonmelanoma skin cancers and ovarian cancer that can be diverted to accelerate the rapid growth of primary tumours and assist in their malignant dissemination throughout the body in the form of metastases. Expected future outcomes: We expect that the knowledge gained from our studies will i assist in developing means to improve the expansion of skin cells in the laboratory prior to transplantation onto patients with large skin deficiencies such as burns; and ii assist in devising a simple test for predicting ovarian cancer patients at greater risk of relapse and death. Name of contact: Pritinder Kaur Email/Phone no. of contact: pritinder.kaur@petermac.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509146 CIA Name: A/Pr Heung-Chin Cheng Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $519,715 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Deciphering how PTEN phosphatase mediates excitotoxic neuronal deathDeciphering how PTEN phosphatase mediates excitotoxic neuronal death Lay Description (from application): In stroke patients, oxygen deprivation indirectly induces massive nerve cell death by activating a cell deathpromoting enzyme called PTEN. We aim at unravelling (i) how PTEN is activated by oxygen deprivation, (ii) where the activated PTEN is localised in cells, and (iii) how the activated and optimally localised PTEN induces nerve cell death. The study will benefit development of therapeutic strategies to protect against brain damage in stroke. Research achievements (from final report): We found that upon overstimulation of the cultured neurons by glutamate, PTEN and its down-stream substrate c-Src kinase, undergoes calpain-mediated limited proteolysis to generate a 50-kDa truncated PTEN and an 55kDa truncated c-Src. Further investigation reveals that the truncated c-Src is the key enzyme directing neuronal cell death. Our finidngs indicate that inhibitors suppressing c-Src kinase activity and/or calpain-mediated truncation of c-Src are potential neuroprotectants for prevention of neuronal death in patients suffering from ischaemic stroke. Expected future outcomes: development of c-Src kinase inhibitors as neurprotectants for treatment of stroke patients. As PTEN is an endogenous inhibitor of c-Src kinase, studying how truncation of c-Src kinase allows it to escape regulation by PTEN will shed light on the mechanism of neuronal death in stroke patients. Name of contact: Heung-Chin Cheng Email/Phone no. of contact: heung@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509215 CIA Name: Prof Stephen O'Leary Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Otorhinolaryngology Total funding: $544,890 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Auditory nervous system function after treatment with trophic agentsAuditory nervous system function after treatment with trophic agents Lay Description (from application): Partial or complete deafness affects 11% of Australians and has great personal, social and economic cost . Worldwide, over 60,000 deaf people can now understand spoken language because of the Bionic Ear. However, after prolonged deafness, the nerves in the ear that the BIonic Ear stimulates die, reducing hearing quality. Our research tests whether biological interventions with nerve growth factors and nerve stimulation can preserve nerve function and improve hearing with the Bionic Ear. Research achievements (from final report): Neurotrophins are potent drugs that can protect against damage to the nerves of the inner ear in deafened aniamals. However until now, we did not know what effect neurotrophins may have on hearing. We established a model where we can deliver neurotrophins to the inner ear of guinea pig, through the round window membrane of the cochlea, without perturbing the hearing. We found that after four weeks, BDNF resulted in improved hearing so that guinea pigs could detect sounds at lower intesities than they could before neurotrophin treatment. We have also found that neurotrophins applied to the inner ear after deafness can prevent degeneration that occurs in parts of the brain involved in hearing. Neurotrophins prevented the shrinkage and damage to brain cells in the cochlear nucleus of the brain, normally seen after deafness and also prevented the loss ions channels that are involved in activating these brain cells. We aim now to further explorer these interesting findings to detemine if neurotrophins may help prevent or restore gradual hearing loss, such as that which occurs with ageing. Expected future outcomes: Future planned studies in guinea pigs will determine the mechanism for the effect of neurotrophins on hearing, the therapeutic dose and optimal duration of treatment. From here we hope to determine if promising effect of neurotrophins at improving hearing will translate to patients who have progressive hearing loss. Name of contact: Professor Stephen O'leary Email/Phone no. of contact: sjoleary@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509217 CIA Name: Prof Philip Beart Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Cell Neurochemistry Total funding: $747,928 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Mitochondria: molecular and cellular insights into their diverse contributions to neuronal injuryMitochondria: molecular and cellular insights into their diverse contributions to neuronal injury Lay Description (from application): Mitochondria are components of cells normally providing energy for essential functions and in the energy demanding brain, under stress conditions, mitochondria acts as controllers of cellular decision-making processes leading to neuronal death. Our goal is to understand mitochondrial mechanisms determining how neurones die after various stresses and injury. Using pathological insults relevant to neurological conditions, we shall analyse "death" molecules and how neurones adapt when threatened. Research achievements (from final report): , Neurones die by various mechanisms in neurodegenerative conditions and understanding "death" is essential in rescuing injured neurones. Our work was aimed at dissecting neuronal death mechanisms and studies were undertaken in neurones isolated from animals and then maintained under physiological conditions. Herein it is possible to "model" the cellular stresses to which brain cells are exposed in human neuropathologies. By challenging cultured neurones with toxic stimuli (oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, growth factor deprivation) known to operative in human neurodegeneration, we described for the first time the full cascade of death signalling, including the mobilization of proteins from mitochondria (organelles for energy generation) that initiate injurious events. Recruitment of four types of neuronal death identified (apoptosis, necrosis, programmed necrosis & autophagy) was dependent on the type and effective magnitude of the toxic stimulus. Little is known about one form of neuronal death, gene-programmed necrosis, and we identified endonucleaseG as contributing intimately to the death signalling. This finding is totally novel, especially since blockade of its involvement was neuroprotective, and suggested endonuclease-G is intimately linked to oxidative injury which is strongly implicated as contributing to brain cell death in stroke. In some cases multiple death mechanisms were recruited - interestingly autophagy (a cellular debris removal system) was found to contribute to neuronal death in concert with oxidative stress-induced programmed necrosis. Since autophagy has protective ("good") and destructive ("bad") components, selective activation of the good component to remove damaged cellular components represents a novel way to minimize the debilitating effects of neurodegenerative conditions. Expected future outcomes: Our findings need to be extended in vivo to determine if programmed necrosis and autophagy represent genuine "targets" for rescuing injured brain. We need to delineate the interface between autophagy and the second debris removal system, the ubiquitin-proteasome. These goals are being pursued in a mouse model of human stroke. Name of contact: Professor Philip Beart Email/Phone no. of contact: philip.beart@florey.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509310 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Dr Kerrie Sanders End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $104,995 Title of research award: Does An Annual High Dose Vitamin D Supplement Decrease Healthcare Utilisation in Older Women?Does An Annual High Dose Vitamin D Supplement Decrease Healthcare Utilisation in Older Women? Lay Description (from application): The shorter bleaker days of winter can cause a vitamin D deficiency in Australian women, increasing their risk of osteoporosis and broken bones including hip fracture. New research suggests that the low winter levels of the vitamin may not be good for us in many ways and the NHMRC is funding a Geelong-based study to determine if Austrlia's elderly can improve their overall health by taking a once-a-year dose of vitamin D tablets. Research achievements (from final report): Recent research suggests that higher levels of vitamin D in your blood may provide protection from many disorders such as diabetes, osteoporosis, depression and certain types of cancer. This project represents the first international study to investigate this hypothesis using a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The hypothesis was that older women supplemented annually for 3 to 5 years with a high oral dose of vitamin D3 (500,000 IU) would use fewer healthcare services than those given placebo (dummy) tablets. The preliminary analysis using data from Medicare Australia suggests there is no difference between the groups and that the women randomised to vitamin D used the same number of Medicare services as women receiving placebo (vitamin D group: 28.5 and placebo group: 28.0 Medicare services per person per year). The age of participants did not differ between the groups (vitamin D: 76.8 years and placebo: 76.7 years). In the year prior to commencing the study medication the women used an average of 18.5 services per person (vitamin D group: 18.6 and placebo group: 18.5). These results also suggest that women aged 70+ years had a 1.5 fold increase in the average number of healthcare service/visits they used each year over a 2 to 3 year period and that this increase did not differ between those given vitamin D and placebo. Expected future outcomes: Further analysis of the data will determine the cost of healthcare services between the vitamin D and placebo groups to determine if there is a significant difference in the type of health services used and the total cost of health service utilisation between the two groups. The data will be analysed by age group using 70-74; 75-79; and 80+ years and stratified by fracture (yes/no). Name of contact: A/Prof Kerrie Sanders Email/Phone no. of contact: kerrie@barwonhealth.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509317 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul Whitington Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Neurogenetics Total funding: $426,006 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of cell adhesion molecules in regulation of axon advanceThe role of cell adhesion molecules in regulation of axon advance Lay Description (from application): All cells contain on their surface a class of molecules, cell adhesion molecules, that enable them to adhere to other cells in tissues. Cell adhesion molecules have long been known to be involved in the guidance of axons to their targets during development. However the molecular mechanisms by which these molecules act are largely unknown. We propose to use the powerful genetic tools available in the fruitfly to dissect the mechanisms by which two cell adhesion molecules promote axon growth. Research achievements (from final report): As the embryo grows, nerve cells send out long extensions called axons, which make connections with specific target cells, thereby wiring up the nervous system. The aim of this project was to enhance our understanding of how axon growth is regulated at a molecular level. We have focussed on two proteins belonging to a class of molecules called cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which bind cells together in tissues. CAMs have long been known to be important players in axon growth regulation, but how they act is poorly understood. Our research has shed new light on this problem, information that may assist the development of therapies for repairing damaged spinal cord axons following injury or disease. Our findings suggest that one of the CAM proteins under study promotes the growth of axons by physically linking them to other axons within the nerve. The other CAM protein acts in a different way. While, like the first protein, it promotes axon advance, it does so, not by linking the axon to its neighbours, but by acting as a receptor on the surface of the axon for growth promoting signals. We have identified at least one of the proteins inside the axon that cause it to grow forwards when this receptor protein binds signalling molecules. While it has been previously suggested that this particular signalling pathway might be involved in axon growth, our research has provided the first definitive evidence for this idea. Expected future outcomes: Our research has put us in a position to dissect in detail the molecular pathways involved in the function of these two axon growth-promoting proteins. This knowledge will present us with possible molecular targets for triggering the regrowth of axons in the damaged human spinal cord. Name of contact: Assoc. Prof. Paul Whitington Email/Phone no. of contact: p.whitington@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 509328 CIA Name: Dr Helen MacLean Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Cell Physiology Total funding: $703,665 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Role of non-classical actions of androgens in musculoskeletal physiologyRole of non-classical actions of androgens in musculoskeletal physiology Lay Description (from application): Androgens (male sex hormones) are important for growth/maintenance of muscle and bone. The classical action of androgens is to bind the androgen receptor (AR) and regulate target genes. They can also act via nonclassical AR mechanisms through other cellular pathways. To understand the role of non-classical actions in the musculoskeletal system we will study mice in which androgens can only act via this pathway. This knowledge is important for the treatment of osteoporosis and muscle wasting. Research achievements (from final report): This study investigated the mechanisms through which male sex hormones (androgens) act. Androgens normally act through the androgen receptor, a key-lock mechanism required to make particular cells responsive to androgens, which controls other genes to be switched on or off. Our study used a mouse line in which we created a mutant version of the androgen receptor that cannot directly regulate other genes. We showed that mutant male mice have alterations in body weight and weight of the kidney, spleen and muscle and decreased bone mass. In contrast, mutant female mice had altered kidney, spleen and heart weight and reduced bone growth. This proves that androgens act in males via the direct gene regulation pathway to control kidney, spleen, muscle and bone development. This also shows that male sex hormones also play an important role in females to control kidney, spleen, heart and bone development. We also showed that treatment of mutant male mice with male sex hormones decreased their bone size, proving that male sex hormones also act through other mechanisms that do not involve direct gene regulation, to modify bone development. This research has identified new pathways for male sex hormone action in both males and females. Understanding these actions completely will open up new pathways for drug design to target these actions. This may allow the development of more effective and specific therapies for the treatment of osteoporosis, a highly prevalent disease of the aging population, and a number of conditions associated with reduced muscle mass, including chronic disease and age-related frailty. Expected future outcomes: Results from continued research in this area will identify further actions of male sex hormones that occur via novel mechanisms that do not involve direct gene regulation, including studying bone, muscle, fat and brain in further detail. This knowledge may contribute to the development of novel treatments for osteoporosis, muscle wasting and obesity. Name of contact: Helen Maclean Email/Phone no. of contact: hmaclean@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 558418 CIA Name: Dr Gerald Quan Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $358,605 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Overseas) Title of research award: Multidisciplinary management of vertebral metastases identification of standardized surgical guidelinesMultidisciplinary management of vertebral metastases identification of standardized surgical guidelines Lay Description (from application): The spine is the commonest site of cancer spread to the skeleton and often leads to severe pain and paralysis. Recent advances in surgical techniques enable removal and reconstruction of all tumours of the spine. However, surgery remains controversial because of the need to weigh up the patient’s estimated length of survival with the risks of surgery. Our aims are to develop clear guidelines on which patients to perform surgery on, and what type of surgery to perform. Research achievements (from final report): My clinical research has shown prospectively that surgery can improve pain, function and quality of life in selected patients suffering from symptomatic vertebral metastases. There was a highly significant improvement in physical, role, cognitive and emotional functioning andglobal health status post-operatively. Greatest improvement occurred in the early post-operative period and was maintained until death or during the 12 month prospective follow-up period. Multivariate analysis showed that independent prognostic factors for survival after spinal metastases include primary tumour type, Karnofsky functional status, ASA score and pain.These research findings have been translated into providing a clinical service that specializes in spinal cancer and has led to the establishment of a Spinal Surgery Unit (Austin Health) protocol for surgical management of vertebral pathological fractures and metastatic epidural spinal cord compression.Furthermore, my NHMRC post-doctoral Fellowship has enabled me to establish from scratch the Spinal Biology Research Laboratory, University of Melbourne Department of Surgery, Austin Health. This is a basic science laboratory focussed on the molecular mechanisms behind growth of cancer in the spine, epidural spinal cord compression by cancer, and the evolving neurological deficit and paralysis that ensues. I have established a novel in vivo mouse model of human intraosseous spinal cancer that is induced by a percutaneous orthotopic inoculation of human breast or prostate cancer cells into the upper lumbar vertebra of nude mice. This causes a reproducible and evolving neurological decline resulting in eventual paraplegia that precisely resembles the human condition of epidural spinal cord compression by cancer. Expected future outcomes: Future outcomes include continuing the provision of clinical specialist spinal surgical services to patients suffering from spinal cancer and investigating in my basic science Laboratory the molecular mechanisms behind growth of cancer in the spine and novel therapies. Name of contact: Gerald Quan Email/Phone no. of contact: gerald.quan@austin.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 566607 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Dr Patrick Humbert End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Cell Development (incl. Cell Division and Apoptosis) Total funding: $428,603 Title of research award: Understanding the regulation of cell polarity in development and cancerUnderstanding the regulation of cell polarity in development and cancer Lay Description (from application): Cell polarity is the property of cells to be spatially oriented in a tissue or organ. We have now shown that the gene Scribble, a key regulator of cell orientation, may keep tumour development in check. In this proposal, we will examine how disruption of Scribble and associated molecules affects normal development and promotes cancer using a combination of tissue culture studies and a newly established mouse model. These studies may provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer. Research achievements (from final report): Cell polarity is the property of cells to be spatially oriented in a tissue or organ. We have now shown that the gene Scribble, a key regulator of cell orientation, may keep tumour development in check. In this proposal, we examined how disruption of Scribble and associated molecules might affect normal development and promote cancer using a combination of tissue culture studies and a newly established mouse model. We have established in vivo using Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMM) of Cancer that cell polarity genes such as Scribble can behave as tumour suppressor genes in the Lung, Breast, Prostate and Skin epithelial compartment. In many of these contexts, loss of Scribble leads to upregulation of sustained MAPK signalling and appears to drive many of the phenotypes and pathology observed. Thus Scribble is a novel regulator of the Ras-MAPK pathway, a central driver of tumour invasion and cancer progression. We also conducted a large scale RNAi screen and identified a large network enriched for polarity genes that is required for Scribble to be able to suppress oncogenic Ras. These experiments have revealed that this extensive Cell polarity network can act as tumour suppressor process and controls both MAPK and cell polarity in vivo and in human tissue to suppress tumour progression. These studies may provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer. Expected future outcomes: Further understanding of how loss of architecture can occur and impact on cancer progression should lead to the discovery of novel prognosis factors, novel chemotherapeutic targets as well as a better understanding of prostate biology and cancer progression. Name of contact: Patrick Humbert Email/Phone no. of contact: patrick.humbert@petermac.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 566621 CIA Name: Prof Seong-Seng Tan Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $836,225 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Neuroprotection by Ndfip1 in brain injury - identifying targets and understanding mechanismsNeuroprotection by Ndfip1 in brain injury - identifying targets and understanding mechanisms Lay Description (from application): Brain injury from trauma and motor vehicle accidents is a serious health issue, affecting approximately 30,000 Australians per year. About 10% of the victims suffer serious long term consequences, including mental, physical and behavioural impairment. We have discovered a new brain protein capable of preventing neurons from dying following injury. This grant will improve our understanding of how this protein works, and provide a scientific foundation for devising therapies. Research achievements (from final report): We discovered a natural protein in the brain that can be turned on to defend neurons against death after injury. This new protein, called Ndfip1, is strongly switched on in brain cells after stroke or traumatic brain injury in humans, and also in mice after brain injury. We found that if Ndfip1 is strongly switched on, then injured neurons can survive the stress episode. A major aim of the grant was to understand how Ndfip1 is able to defend neurons against death. This aim was successfully achieved by our studies identifying at least two mechanisms. (1) Ndfip1 is able to temporarily shut off entry of toxic metals into brain cells that can otherwise poison the neurons. We identified that Ndfip1 is able to off the metal transporter DMT1 during brain injury, therefore limiting metal entry into nerve cells. (2) Ndfip1 is able to hijack Pten, an anti-cancer protein in the cell, to defend brain cells. Ndfip1 achieves this by moving Pten into the cell nucleus, therefore quarantining the anti-survival effects of Pten. Finally, we were also successful in manufacturing a drug that in principle, can increase Ndfip1 in nerve cells. This drug is subjected to a patent application. All together, our studies provide real foundations for identifying drugs that can increase Ndfip1 to increase brain cell survival after brain injury and stroke. Expected future outcomes: We expect to create more drugs that can increase Ndfip1 on demand in brain cells. This research will provide strong foundations for therapeutic drug design. In addition, we are excited at the possibility that Ndfip1 might be a key lever for controlling brain tumours by its ability to control the cancer protein PTEN. Name of contact: Professor Seong-Seng Tan Email/Phone no. of contact: sst@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 566626 CIA Name: Prof Jane Pirkis Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Mental Health Total funding: $580,752 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncooupled Research FellowshipUncooupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a psychologist and epidemiologist working in the field of suicide prevention. I am proposing a program of work that will systematically evaluate a range of suicide prevention initiatives for particular at-risk groups using novel evaluation methodolog Research achievements (from final report): My Fellowship aim was to evaluate a range of suicide prevention initiatives using standard and novel evaluation methodologies. I have evaluated universal interventions designed to reduce suicide at suicide hotspots, prevent and/or contain suicide clusters, improve media reporting of suicide. I have also conducted system-level analyses of programs designed to prevent suicide and/or improve mental health (e.g., the suicide prevention component of the Access to Allied Psychological Services program, Lifeline, a project aimed at reducing suicides at Gap Park). I am currently leading a trial examining the effectiveness of community service announcements in preventing suicide among young people, and am supervising a PhD student who is conducting a trial of an online, CBT-based intervention for young people. In addition to this, I have continued my descriptive work on completed and attempted suicide (e.g., publishing epidemiological studies on suicide by occupation and suicide clusters, and analyses on reporting of suicide locally and internationally). Expected future outcomes: My work has produced tangible outcomes in terms of suicide prevention efforts. For example, my work on interventions at suicide hotspots has led to various local and internation enquiries about, for example, how to go about constructing barriers on bridges. I anticipate that these sorts of community-relevant outcomes wil continue. Name of contact: Caitlin Moffat Email/Phone no. of contact: Caitlin.Moffat@woollahra.nsw.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 566783 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul McCrory End Year: 2013 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Complementary-Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classified Total funding: $701,120 Title of research award: Laser acupuncture in patients with chronic knee pain: a randomised placebo-controlled trialLaser acupuncture in patients with chronic knee pain: a randomised placebo-controlled trial Lay Description (from application): Chronic knee pain is a common and disabling musculoskeletal condition that causes a loss of functional independence and results in significant health care costs. In the majority of patients the most common cause is osteoarthritis. Acupuncture is a form of non-surgical treatment commonly sought by patients and often recommended by GP's. The main outcomes from our project are to establish the role, clinical effectiveness and cost benefit of laser and needle acupuncture in knee pain patients. Research achievements (from final report): Knee pain is a common, chronic musculoskeletal condition or which arthritis is the major cause in older adults. 'Arthritis' has been identified by the Government as one of its priority health areas. Acupuncture may be effective in relieving knee pain, and laser acupuncture has the potential to be as effective or superior to needle acupuncture. Our project compared the efficacy of needle acupuncture, laser acupuncture, and sham laser acupuncture to a natural history cohort who did not receive acupuncture. We have completed a large Zelendesign randomised controlled trial in order to answer this question. We have published the protocol for this clinical trial and are about to commence analysing the data to determine the study findings. This work has potential to be published in the highest impact literature in the field. The findings will contribute to the formulation of evidence-based clinical guidelines for rehabilitation of knee OA and will impact the clinical practice of healthcare professionals (particularly physiotherapists) who manage patients with knee pain. Expected future outcomes: We are about to analyse the data from our completed clinical trial. We expect to publish the findings in a major medical journal, as well as present at multidisciplinary conferences. Our results will influence future clinical guidelines and clinical practice. Name of contact: A/Prof Paul Mccrory Email/Phone no. of contact: paulmccrory@icloud.com NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 566916 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $620,381 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Bone Fragility: The Neglected Role of Cortical PorosityBone Fragility: The Neglected Role of Cortical Porosity Lay Description (from application): Cortical (outer shell) or compact bone constitutes 80% of the skeleton. It is not solid as implied by its name but made of inter-connected canals resembling a network of roads. We recently discovered that most of the bone loss with age occurs from these canals, not from t rabecular bone as currently believed. This suggests to know why and how bone breaks requires the study of the morphology of these canals and how they change with age. This is what we propose to do. It has never been done. Research achievements (from final report): , About 75% of all fractures in the community occur in women with bone density values above the osteoporosis range. These individuals will not be offered treatment and so will go on to sustain fractures. There is therefore an urgent need to develop tests that allow better identification of individuals at risk for fracture. Measurement of porosity (i.e., holes in the bone) is a prime candidate because the higher the porosity, the more fragile the bone independent of its density. The aim of this grant was to(i.) define the 3D morphology of pores (ii.) define changes in tporosity associated with ageing . (iii.) Use the information obtained to build a software that measures this porosity in clinical settings; and can be used a diagnosis test., , We reported that increase in porosity was responsible for 70% of the total bone loss during ageing and this was poorly captured by the bone density test. This work was published in The Lancet. It is highly cited and has played a key role in driving the bone medical community interested in cortical porosity. , , Knowledge of the morphology network of pores has led to discovery of a method and system for quantification of porosity in clinical settings. The method is patented and reached the national phase in key countries including the USA, EU, Australia, Japan, China, and India. The software implementing the method has been developed and is now used to quantify porosity in individuals worldwide including USA and Australia, . Expected future outcomes: We expect that the porosity measurement develop with the support of this grant will become a routine clinical test for bone diseases; allowing to better identify individuals at risk for fracture in clinics, better monitor the effect of diseases and treatment on bone. This will reduce disease burden with major social and economic benefits. Name of contact: Roger Zebaze Email/Phone no. of contact: zebaze @unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568850 CIA Name: A/Pr James Brock Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $390,886 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Do postjunctional alterations explain the effects of diabetes on neurovascular transmission?Do postjunctional alterations explain the effects of diabetes on neurovascular transmission? Lay Description (from application): Diabetes produces disordered skin blood flow that increases risk of skin ulcers and gangrene. The project investigates nervous control of skin blood vessels in diabetes. It is assumed that all affects of diabetes on nerve function are explained by loss of nerves. We hypothesize that some affects of diabetes are due to dysfunction of blood vessels and not to nerve loss. The objective is to identify drug targets to improve blood flow in skin and thereby reduce the risk of skin ulcers and gangrene. Research achievements (from final report): The primary achievement of this study is the establishment of an animal model for investigating the effects of diabetes on the nerves (sympathetic nerves) that control blood vessels. Specifically the project has identified that diabetes produces changes in the structure and chemistry of sympathetic nerve terminals in a small artery that supplies blood to skin. While it is widely believed that diabetes can damage sympathetic nerves, to our knowledge this is the first study to directly demonstrate that diabetes affects sympathetic nerves supplying arterial blood vessels. Importantly, these changes were seen in an artey supplying blood to skin where diabetes is known to impair nerve-mediated control of blood flow. The effects of diabetes on sympathetic nerves controlling arteries that supply blood to the intestine were also investigated but these were not affected by diabetes. The new model will provide opportunities to test drugs that prevent or reverse diabetes-induced nerve damage. Expected future outcomes: The viability of this model for testing neuroprotective agents needs to be further assessed. Ideally we would like to do this with Industry support and will investigating this possibility in the near future. Name of contact: James Brock Email/Phone no. of contact: j.brock@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 570877 CIA Name: Prof Janet Keast Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $393,278 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Modulation of autonomic nerve growth by guidance factorsModulation of autonomic nerve growth by guidance factors Lay Description (from application): Our goal is to understand how adult nerves are affected by injury so that we can devise therapies to make them regrow better. We will focus on nerves that control the urogenital organs because these are often injured during surgical procedures (e.g. prostatectomy, hysterectomy), with devastating effects on patients' quality of life. In this project we will investigate how naturally-occurring growth-inhibitory molecules affect nerve regrowth after injury in the pelvic nervous system. Research achievements (from final report): Nerves that control the urogenital organs are often injured during pelvic surgery as it is almost impossible to completely avoid these nerves during removal of tumours (e.g. during prostatectomy). This often leads to bladder and sexual dysfunction. During development, proteins called guidance factors are secreted by tissues and provide directions to new axons so that they grow to their correct targets. Here we studied a naturally produced guidance factor called semaphorin 3A (sema 3A) and found that it can block the growth of axons in adult pelvic neurons. This means that if we could block sema 3A actions, we could potentially promote nerve regrowth after injury. During this study we also discovered how some naturally occurring nerve growth factors stimulate adult neurons, and found an unexpected link between testosterone and the neurotrophic factor, neurturin. Together, these studies we have found new ways for controlling growth in pelvic neurons and may lead to new strategies for promoting repair. Expected future outcomes: We now plan to conduct studies in vivo to alter sema 3A levels or exposure to other growth factors, in order to optimise the conditions for axon regrowth. In combination with other research being conducted in this area, we hope this will lead to a new treatment to maximise nerve regrowth after injury. Name of contact: Prof Janet R Keast Email/Phone no. of contact: jkeast@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 628422 CIA Name: A/Pr Kerrie Sanders Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $411,628 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The Australian Study of Cost and Utilities Related to Osteoporotic FracturesThe Australian Study of Cost and Utilities Related to Osteoporotic Fractures Lay Description (from application): The research will quantify the cost and quality of life impact of fragility fractures in Australia. The study design is based on an international study - International Costs and Utilities Related to Osteoporotic Fracutres Study (ICUORS) that aims to investigate the impact of osteoporosis-related fractures of the hip, spine and wrist. Results can be used to compare cost-effectiveness of different drugs and lifestyle interventions aiming to decrease the burden of osteoporosis in Australia. Research achievements (from final report): This project is a health economics study on fragility fractures in Australia. Using uniform methodology this study, being conducted at eight teaching hospitals across Australia, will establish both 'quality of life' loss and monetary cost of low trauma fractures in older adults. The study design is based on an international Swedish study. This standardised methodology will facilitate international comparisons. The results will be used to establish the true burden of osteoporosis in Australia and in future cost-effectiveness analysis. Future researchers will be able to access this data to demonstrate that new interventions improve the quality of life and minimize cost in the prevention and treatment of fragility fracture patients. The results to date are already being used by Osteoporosis Australia to identify and highlight the under-recognised burden of fragility fractures in this country. Expected future outcomes: Results are generating data on the type of services patients use when they sustain a low trauma fracture including medical and inpatient services, use of allied health as well as comunity and family assistance. Participants also complete quality of life questionnaires at intervals up to 18 months following the fracture. The major fractures are hip, vertebral and wrist.. Name of contact: A/Prof Kerrie Sanders Email/Phone no. of contact: ksanders@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 628701 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $865,474 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Fragility Fractures: The Neglected Role of Cortical PorosityFragility Fractures: The Neglected Role of Cortical Porosity Lay Description (from application): We just discovered that bone lost with age occurs mostly from pores within the cortex (outer shell) of the bone; These pores become larger (porosity) making bones fragile. This process is poorly detected by bone density (currently used tool) so that most people with weak bones are missed. To address this issue, we have for the first time, develop a technology to accurately quantify porosity in living peoples. With teams around the world, we aim here to fill this gap in the diagnosis. Research achievements (from final report): Bone mineral density (BMD) the test commonly used in clinical and research settings to identify individuals at risk for fracture. This test is neither sensitive nor specific; most people diagnosed by BMD as at risk for fracture never sustain a sustain a fracture, and most (~70%) of all fracture occur in people with BMD higher than the range defining osteoorosity. To prevent fractures the important challenge is to identify the majority of people with normal BMD who sustain a fracture., Our first study measureing porosity of bone was published in the Lancet. This identified porosity as a main consequence of bone loss and weakness of bone. This now provides a test to identify people at risk for fractures missed by BMD. The grant provided by the NHMRC helped us develop and validate a computer program that automatically measures this porosity in clinical settings. This program called StrAx1.0 is now widely recognised and we are collaborating with many investigators in Australia, Europe and USA applying this method. Several studies are now published and the most recent identifies women at risk for forearm fractures not identified using bone densitometry. this provides clinicians with useful information helping them decide who to treat and not treat . This has been confirmed in two separates groups of women in Australia and USA. The work is in review at a top medical journal at this time. Expected future outcomes: Measuring porosity will become a rountine test helping doctors identify patients needing therapy and will help to determine if treatment is successful by reducing porosity. Name of contact: Roger Zebaze Email/Phone no. of contact: zebaze@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 628799 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: A/Pr Helmut Butzkueven End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $516,305 Title of research award: Validating novel serum markers of neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis patients.Validating novel serum markers of neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis patients. Lay Description (from application): In multiple sclerosis (MS), permanent disability occurs when brain cells known as neurons are damaged following an immune attack. Current treatments reduce the number and severity of immune attacks, but they do not prevent neuron damage or permanent disability in many patients. There is currently no direct way to measure neuron damage in humans, so it is difficult to develop new drugs to prevent it. To address this need, we will trial a new blood test for measuring neuron damage in MS patients. Research achievements (from final report): Our research aims to develop a bllod test for the extent of brain injury in Multiple Sclerosis. Specifically, we are targeting the detection of componenets of dead and injured nerve cells and their cables (axons) that can be found in very low levels in the blood. Axon injury and loss are believed to be the main reason why some people with MS develop progressive disability, so that a test to detect this directly could help in selecting the most appropriate treatment for patients and allow better outcome prognosis. Our results show that approximately 9% of relapsing-remitting MS patients and 30% of secondary progressive MS patients have higher than normal blood levels of pNF-H (pNFH positive), and that the patients who are "pNFH positive" are more severely affected. In this research, we have therefore been able to take first steps to developing this new test, which we hope will ultimately become available for geenral use to aid the management of people with MS and perhaps becoem a tool to detect axon and nerve cell damage at a time when it can still be reduced or prevented. Expected future outcomes: We are currently completing the major final manuscript relating to the data. We hope that this publication could provide the impetus for discussion with major MS pharmaceutical companies to test serum collected in drug trials for the pNFH signal, which would be a critical step for clinical translation, ie. transition form research assay to one that might be avaialble in clinical practice. Name of contact: Helmut Butzkueven Email/Phone no. of contact: butz@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1004938 CIA Name: Prof Ego Seeman Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $873,951 Start Year: 2011 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The micro-structural basis of bone loss and fragility after menopause: a longitudinal co-twin control studyThe micro-structural basis of bone loss and fragility after menopause: a longitudinal co-twin control study Lay Description (from application): Every woman becomes postmenopausal. Not all lose bone or sustain fractures after menopause. We will identify women who lose bone and those who don't and so identify women at risk for fracture so that they can be targeted for treatment and identify those who do not need to be treated. This will be done by measuring bone structure and how strong the bone is using a new, safe, quick technology that can be used in clinical practice Research achievements (from final report): Bone loss is a most important cause of bone fragility. To identify women who lose bone after menopause and those who do not, in a prospective cotwin control study, we have (i) assessed genetic and environmental contributions to variance in bone microstructure (ii) determined causes of bone loss by comparing cotwin differences in structure vs cotwin differences in remodelling markers (iii) examined the contribution of differences in cortical porosity, area and tissue mineral density, trabecular architectural decay to fracture risk in a case-control study. Bone structure, remodelling and strength at baseline and their relationship have been quantified during 3 years (changes in cortical porosity, trabecular number and thickness, loss of strength) using high-resolution 3-D pQCT in 320 female twin pairs aged 25 to 75 years old in Melbourne area. Analysis followed the classical twin model, using a generalised estimating equation and logistic regression. Our prospective data demonstrated that cortical porosity increased and trabecular BV/TV decreased confirming the accelerated loss of bone during menopause. Women enter menopause with high cortical porosity and bone remodelling markers would be at high risk to lose bone and also sustain fractures. Expected future outcomes: To provide a clinical tool to accurately identify those at risk who lose bone and those who don't to correctly target treatment to individuals who need it and avoid unnecessary treatment of individuals unlikely to sustain fractures. Name of contact: Ego Seeman Email/Phone no. of contact: egos@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1006077 CIA Name: Prof Terence O'Brien Admin Inst: University of Melbourne Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $524,820 Start Year: 2011 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Targeting Tau phosphorylation to treat and prevent acquired epilepsy, neurodegeneration and neuropsychiatric disease following a brain injuryTargeting Tau phosphorylation to treat and prevent acquired epilepsy, neurodegeneration and neuropsychiatric disease following a brain injury Lay Description (from application): This project will explore a new approach to the prevention and treatment of epilepsy and the associated mental health disorders following a brain injury. This involves inhibiting pathological forms of the Tau protein, which has been implicated in the development of epilepsy and neurodegeneration. The drug that will be tested in this study has already been demonstrated to be safe and well tolerated in humans, meaning that a positive result from these studies could be expediently translated into clinical studies. Research achievements (from final report): Epilepsy is a common and disabling consequence of a brain injury, and is often associated with significant mental health, cognitive and degenerative brain changes. There is currently no available treatment that is effective in protecting against the development of epilepsy and its associated problems. This project investigated the efficacy of an entirely novel intervention, sodium selenate, which inhibits the pathological accumulation of the a toxic form of the brain protein, tau., The study aimed to establish: (i) Whether sodium selenate is effective at suppressing spontaneous seizures in animals with acquired epilepsy; (ii) Whether treatment with sodium selenate is effective at inhibiting epileptogenesis, neurodegeneration, and behavioural disturbances following a range of acquired brain insults in rat models; (iii) To examine whether epilepsy inducing brain insults results in altered levels of expression of Tau, its neurotoxic form, phospho-tau, and PP2A in transgenic mouse strains, and whether treatment with selenate mitigates these changes., The results demonstrated that treatment with sodium selenate was effective in suppressing spontaneous seizures in animals with established acquired epilepsy. We further demonstrated that treatment with sodium selenate was effective at inhibiting the development of epilepsy and the associated behavioural, cognitive and degenerative brain changes when administered following a brain injury. In addition we found that treatment with sodium selenate administered following a brain injury was effective in preventing the brain molecular changes related to the neurotoxic form of tau that occur in animals that have developed epilepsy following a brain injury., This study provides strong preclinical evidence for the efficacy of a novel approach to prevent the development of epilepsy and the associated mental health, cognitive and degenerative brain changes following a brain insult. Expected future outcomes: This study established a new paradigm for assessing the effectiveness of an intervention on the development of epilepsy, and also its associated neurodegeneration, neurobehavioural and neurocognitive deficits, following a brain injury by performing serial in-vivo assessments complimented by terminal tissue level analysis. Name of contact: Terence O'brien Email/Phone no. of contact: obrientj@unimelb.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 113811 CIA Name: Dr Hala Zreiqat Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Biomaterials Total funding: $273,429 Start Year: 2000 End Year: 2002 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Peptides Bound to Commonly Used Orthopaedic and Dental Biomaterials:In Vitro and in Vivo Effect on Osteogenesis.Peptides Bound to Commonly Used Orthopaedic and Dental Biomaterials:In Vitro and in Vivo Effect on Osteogenesis. Lay Description (from application): In 1992, the orthopaedics industry fitted some 300,000 prosthetic devices, artificial hips, knees, giving this industry a global market of $2.1 billion with a projected market growth exceeding 10% per annum. In (1994/5) 5,717 prosthetic hips and 4,593 knees were surgically implanted in NSW of which 14% of hips and 9.5% of knees were revisions. Considerable health funding is allocated to joint replacement for the nation, although successful, outcomes are finite. Importantly, and aside from costs, patients morbidity is high. The major cause of long-term failure of these prosthetic replacements is aseptic loosening, the result of bone loss at the bone/device interface. Novel approaches to development of more efficient implant materials would ultimately lead to major contributions to the mobility and and quality of life for these patients. Considerable effort has been devoted to alter surface characteristics of orthopaedic implants to improve the interlocking of device and skeleton. We were the first to demonstrate that surface chemical modification of biomaterials using selected ions resulted in an enhanced bone formation. This proposal is aimed at chemically modifying the surfaces of commonly used orthopaedic and dental materials, to improve the biocompatibility of new devices and the surface coatings for existing prostheses. Furthermore, this application will build on the in vitro data showing that particular peptides specifically bind osteoblasts and therefore have the potential to provide a surface on a prosthesis that is conducive to bone formation. To date, we have coupled these peptides to metallic surfaces and will proceed to study the osteoblastic phenotype and subsequent osteogenesis. Development of these novel biocompatible surfaces is anticipated to reduce patient morbidity and result in significant health care savings. Research achievements (from final report): N/A Expected future outcomes: The project has the potential to improve the binding qualities of prostheses, thus reducing the rate of revision arthroplasty. This would lead to a significant reduction in the cost of health care in an aging population. National benefits of this project include:, 1. Development of new implant material with improved bony integration., 2. Improved quality of life for recipients of prosthetic devices. , 3. Provide guidelines for the design and/or surface modification of orthopaedic/dental biomaterials., 4. Itemize strategies to improve longterm fixation of prostheses., Knowledge and expertise gained will facilitate the optimization of various implant materials for orthopaedic and implant dentistry, and thus will promote the technology transfer from academia to the relevant medical device industry., It is expected that some of the outcomes will generate IP, which would initiate negotiations towards improved commercial devices. Name of contact: Dr Hala Zreiqat Email/Phone no. of contact: N/A NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157019 CIA Name: Prof David Tracey Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $196,018 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Mechanisms of neuropathic painMechanisms of neuropathic pain Lay Description (from application): Disorders of pain sensation due to nerve damage are common, debilitating and difficult to treat. Nerve damage often results in increased sensitivity to painful stimuli and the perception of innocuous stimuli as painful; it may also result in spontaneous pain. Pain is one of the commonest clinical problems, and yet it is often accepted or taken for granted. The outcome of this work will be an increased understanding of the way in which nerve injury leads to spontaneous pain and increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. This will lead in turn to the development of more effective treatments for neuropathic pain. Research achievements (from final report): Mast cells are part of the immune system often associated with asthma. There are resident mast cells in peripheral nerves, and we showed that they play a key role in the chronic (neuropathic) pain which often results from injury of peripheral nerves. We showed that stabilising mast cells with cromoglycate (an agent commonly used to treat asthma) blocks the initiation of neuropathic pain in experimental animals. A role of histamine (which is released by activated mast cells) was also demonstrated. These findings have potential significance for pre-empting the development of neuropathic pain in patients where nerves are injured by surgery (for example in thoracotomy). Expected future outcomes: We plan to carry out further work on the subtypes of histamine receptor which contribute to neuropathic pain. This could lead to pilot clinical trials. Name of contact: David Tracey Email/Phone no. of contact: d.tracey@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157063 Start Year: 2001 CIA Name: Prof Marcus Stoodley End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $344,442 Title of research award: Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid flow in extracanalicular syringomyelia.Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid flow in extracanalicular syringomyelia. Lay Description (from application): Cysts in the spinal cord (syringomyelia) develop in children and young adults with congenital spinal cord abnormalities such as spina bifida, and in people of all ages after spinal cord injury or meningitis. Syringomyelia causes pain and paralysis that usually does not improve even with treatment. The current lack of knowledge about the mechanism of spinal cord cyst formation and enlargement is preventing the development of effective therapy. We have previously shown that some types of spinal cord cysts enlarge by the normal fluid surrounding the spinal cord being pumped around small arteries into the centre of the spinal cord. The mechanism of enlargement of post-traumatic spinal cord cysts remains unknown, and this debilitating type of syringomyelia remains difficult to treat. Our hypothesis is that post-traumatic spinal cord cysts also enlarge by fluid being pumped into them around small arteries. A further hypothesis is that reductions of arterial pulsations and of the pressure in the fluid surrounding the spinal cord will prevent or inhibit cyst enlargement. These hypotheses will be tested by examining fluid flow in models of post-traumatic syringomyelia in rats and sheep. We have established a model of post-traumatic syringomyelia in rats and the first phase of the project will be to refine and characterize this model and to reproduce it in sheep. The second phase will be to determine whether these cysts enlarge by a flow of fluid around small arteries that is driven by arterial pulsations, as they do in other types of syringomyelia. The final phase will be to determine whether reducing the pressure in the fluid around the spinal cord prevents cyst enlargement. Confirmation that these techniques prevent cyst enlargement would open up new possibilities for the treatment of human syringomyelia. Research achievements (from final report): This project investigating aspects of fluid flow in extracanalicular syringomyelia was completed in 2003. The first phase involved refining the rodent model of post-traumatic syringomyelia and this was successfully completed, with a technique developed that produces syrinxes in 100% of animals. Development of the sheep model proved more complex, but a success rate of syrinx production of over 75% was achieved. Fluid flow studies demonstrated that CSF enters extracanalicular syringes via perivascular spaces and also (to a lesser extent) by a direct transparenchymal route. Flow into perivascular spaces is greater at levels adjacent to the arachnoiditis than at other levels in the cord. Shunting CSF from the spinal subarachnoid space to the peritoneum decreases perivascular flow in the brain, but does not affect the increased flow at the level of the syrinx. Dr Andrew Brodbelt (a British neurosurgical trainee who interrupted his clinical training specifically to work on this project) was awarded the prestigious Tow Prize at the Prince of Wales Hospital for the presentation of this research work, and his PhD will be awarded in May 2004. This research has contributed to our understanding of post-traumatic syringomyelia, which will lead to improvements in management of the condition. Expected future outcomes: This research has contributed to our understanding of post-traumatic syringomyelia, which will lead to improvements in management of the condition. We are continuing our research, focussing on the forces that drive fluid from the subarachnoid space into the spinal cord. Name of contact: Marcus Stoodley Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY m.stoodley@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209583 CIA Name: Prof Phil Waite Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $255,990 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Repairing the injured spinal cord: potential for human olfactory ensheathing cellsRepairing the injured spinal cord: potential for human olfactory ensheathing cells Lay Description (from application): Spinal cord injury is a major cause of morbidity, particularly among young people involved in road accidents and sports injuries. Finding ways to treat paraplegia is a major goal of neuroscience research. Recently, there has been considerable interest in a special cell found in the olfactory system, the ensheathing cell, which has been found to support regeneration in the spinal cord. Our laboratory has shown that injection of these ensheathing cells into the completely cut spinal cord of adult rats can lead to limited functional recovery of hindlimb movement. We used peripheral ensheathing cells because, in humans, such cells can be obtained relatively easily and they reduce problems of tissue rejection. We found that peripheral cells are as effective as previous reports using central ensheathing cells. Our overall aim now is to advance towards the use of olfactory cells in human spinal cord injury, by trialing 3 procedures of clinical relevance: a) to test whether human olfactory cells can also support functional recovery in rats. Human cells can be obtained from the nose by a simple biopsy procedure. If they able to support regeneration, this will open the way for their use in autografts in human paraplegia. b) to delay the time when the olfactory cells are applied to the injured cord. At present, neurosurgeons are not be willing to treat the cord immediately after the injury, because of the risk of causing further damage. This trial is designed to test whether delayed treatment is still effective. c) to test the effectiveness of the cells after bruising, rather than cutting, the cord. Bruising is a more common type of injury in people, hence it is necessary to know how these cells respond to this type of damage. These procedures have been chosen to move our basic research closer to clinical application. Although treatment in humans is still a long way off, these basic studies are essential if conditions like paraplegia are eventually to become treatable. Research achievements (from final report): Spinal cord injury continues to be a major cause of morbidity, particularly among young people involved in road accidents and sports injuries. Finding ways to treat paraplegia and quadriplegia is a major goal of neuroscience research. Studies around the world have reported encouraging improvements in function in animals models of spinal cord injury after transplants of a special support cell, the olfactory ensheathing cell (OECs). Most of these studies have used OECs from rats and reported improvements in locomotion when transplanted into injured rat spinal cord. , We have extended the basic data on the potential of OECs for clinical e techniques for obtaining and culturing human OECs from simple OECs in different types of spinal cord injuries (transections, contusions, dislocations) and different functional normal and injured spinal cord, in a similar manner to that seen with rat OECs. They also cease proliferating, hence eliminating complications from abnormal growths., These outcomes are significant in that they provide essential baseline data on the properties and survival of human OECs. Such baseline data is a critical preliminary for the use of OECs in patients after spinal cord injuries. Expected future outcomes: A safety and feasibility trial of human OECs in 3 spinal patients is already underway with one of our CIs (A, M-S) in Brisbane. Once long term safety and feasibility of these transplants can be assured, the way will be open for clinical trials to test efficacy in spinal patients. Name of contact: Prof Phil Waite NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: P.Waite@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209632 CIA Name: A/Pr James Brock Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $229,917 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Peripheral mechanisms involved in autonomic hyperreflexiaPeripheral mechanisms involved in autonomic hyperreflexia Lay Description (from application): Bladder distension or minor unheeded injuries below the lesion in spinally injured people often lead to episodes of high blood pressure that may cause stroke or death. These events require emergency hospitalization and are expensive as well as dangerous. After spinal injury, the control of sympathetic nerves that supply arteries and regulate blood pressure is lost. However, the nerves below the injury remain in place and the spinal cord below the lesion contains connections that can activate them. Signals from the bladder or skin enter the remaining lower part of the spinal cord and activate the sympathetic supply generating a rise in blood pressure. This project will test the hypothesis that increased sensitivity of arteries to the chemicals released from the sympathetic nerves leads to excessive vessel constriction, contributing to the exaggerated increase in pressure. We will investigate arteries removed from rats with experimental spinal transection. We will test the contractions of the arteries (a) to sympathetic nerve stimulation and (b) to the chemicals noradrenaline, adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and neuropeptide Y that are normally released during nerve activity. We will determine whether release of noradrenaline and ATP from nerves is normal or augmented using electrochemical and electrophysiological techniques. We will compare the responses with those in normal arteries, those in arteries whose nerves have been silenced by removing all connections from the spinal cord and those in arteries that have lost all their nerve supply. This will enable us to identify whether the mechanisms for release of transmitter substances are modified and whether the arterial muscle is hypersensitive to these substances. The results will help in the design of safer treatment for these potentially lethal emergencies in spinal patients. Research achievements (from final report): Bladder distension or minor unheeded injuries below the lesion in spinally injured people often lead to episodes of high blood pressure (autonomic dysreflexia) that may cause stroke or death. These events require emergency hospitalization and are expensive as well as dangerous. The project investigated whether an increase in the response of arteries to nerve activation in two major vascular beds (splanchnic and cutaneous) can account for the exaggerated vasoconstriction that underlies autonomic dysreflexia in patients with spinal cord injury. The project demonstrated that: (1) Arteries from spinalized rats are much more readily activated by sympathetic nerve stimulation; (2) The sympathetic nerve-mediated contractions of arteries from spinalized rats are larger and abnormally prolonged; (3) In arteries from both intact and spinalized animals, sympathetic nerve-mediated contractions are due almost entirely to the actions of released noradrenaline; (4) Arteries from spinalized rats have an increased sensitivity to application of chemicals that mimic the effects of noradrenaline. These arteries are also more readily contracted by other agents, suggesting the vascular muscle is generally more 'reactive'. (5) Silencing the ogoing nerve activity by cutting the preganglionic axons (decentralization) produced similar changes to those observed in arteries from spinalized animals, indicating that it is the decrease in nerve activity following spinal transection that produces the increase in nerve evoked response. These changes in the behaviour of arteries could play a major part in the dysreflexic episodes. Expected future outcomes: The experiments to date have demonstrated spinal injury can produce a major change in the response of arteries to nerve stimulation. We now have to understand the underlying causes of this change. This knowledge will allow us to propose new strategies for controlling/preventing autonomic dysreflexia. Name of contact: James Brock NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: j.brock@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 209633 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $610,500 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Reseach FellowshipUncoupled Reseach Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): My Fellowship ran in concert with the POPI Prevention of Injuries in Older People Partnership Grant (www.powmri.edu.au/POPI) of which I was the Director. This major grant provided the foundation for my research into falls injuries in older people. Major outcomes from this research include:, o Two studies that elucidated the mechanisms underlying impaired voluntary stepping in older people., o A large RCT (n= 3,995) that examined interventions for preventing falls in older people when in hospital., o Six RCTs that examined strategies for preventing falls in at-risk groups., o Three studies which provided objective findings about shoe features that maximise balance., o The development of both simple and sophisticated fall risk assessment tools., o A large prospective study that identified cognitive and physiological risk factors for unsafe driving., Falls and fall related injury in older people continue to challenge health and social care systems on a worldwide basis. The approaching impact of fall related injury in Australia has been characterized as a potential future "epidemic" creating resource demands that will be difficult to meet. The research undertaken enhances our understanding of strategies to prevent falls, so as to address this important issue. Expected future outcomes: As a SPRF I am continuing research in the areas of falls risk factor identification and falls prevention strategies. Work underway is examining falls risk factors in people with cognitive impairments and Parkinson's disease; the development of fall risk screening tools and interventions for preventing falls in at-risk groups. Name of contact: Stephen Lord Email/Phone no. of contact: s.lord@powmri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 222751 Start Year: 2003 CIA Name: Prof Elspeth McLachlan End Year: 2005 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $378,300 Title of research award: IMMUNE-MEDIATED INFLAMMATION IN DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA AFTER PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURY AND IN SENSORY NEUROPATHIESIMMUNE-MEDIATED INFLAMMATION IN DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA AFTER PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURY AND IN SENSORY NEUROPATHIES Lay Description (from application): Damage to the nervous system can occur because of accidental or iatrogenic trauma, toxins, infection, metabolic disorders, and even normal ageing. The consequences can outweigh the direct effects of the injury. Almost all injury to the nervous system results in loss of nerve cells and consequently modified sensation and movement. Nerve damage may also be followed by sensory disturbances, ranging from tingling, numbness and abnormal temperature sensations to spontaneous pain, allodynia (painful sensations from light touch) or hyperalgesia (increased sensitivity to a damaging stimulus). Some of these symptoms are encountered in older people as they lose sensory neurones. The problems are chronic and most are intractable to drugs. This project will clarify how immune-mediated inflammation of dorsal root (sensory) ganglia (DRGs) contributes to these sequelae. Even the simplest form of neural damage following peripheral nerve injury can produce changes in regions of the nervous system far from the parts directly involved in the injury. Our recent work has described for the first time the involvement of the immune system in triggering changes in DRGs following transection of a distant peripheral nerve in rats. T-cell activation leads to invasion of macrophages and production of proinflammatory cytokines. These substances can activate sensory neurones and may be responsible for progressive neuronal death. Thus we have established a simple system in which we can evaluate the influx of T-cells and macrophages of different kinds into DRGs after injury and other insults. We intend to use this to define the sequence of cellular events involved in recruitment of immune cells and compare it with other experimental interventions known to produce a neuroimmune response in this system. This will identify whether the DRG is a special site for neuroimmune interactions and so should be a target for therapy. Research achievements (from final report): This project has advanced our knowledge about the body's response to damage of the peripheral nervous system. Following injury of a major nerve trunk, usually in a limb, abnormal activity develops in sensory pathways which can progress to chronic (neuropathic) pain through mechanisms that are not understood. Our experiments have revealed details of the factors that determine how transection of the axons (processes) of sensory nerve cells leads to inflammation around their cell bodies in sensory ganglia. We are trying to clarify whether the role of the immune system is destructive or protective. We have characterized the inflammatory process. Inflammatory cells release of substances that raise the excitability of sensory nerve cells and may cause them to fire abnormally. We have also identified that some small sensory nerve cells of the type that normally signal painful stimuli die after nerve injury more easily if they are surrounded by other damaged nerve cells, and that inflammatory cells are involved in this process. The results are relevant not only to nerve injury and neuropathies but also for other neurodegenerative disorders where axonal destruction leads to death of the damaged neurones weeks to months later. For example, spinal cord injury may be followed by continuing loss of function over many years. Understanding the contribution of inflammatory processes to abnormal activity and neuronal death will enable the underlying mechanisms to be targetted and the causes of chronic pain and functional loss after damage to the nervous system to be removed. Expected future outcomes: Many of our experiments are still being analysed and the results will be prepared for publication over the next few months. These will describe the effects of a previous injury, how axonal injury signals to the immune system and the effects of different injuries on the pattern of neuroinflammation. Name of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Elspeth McLachlan Email/Phone no. of contact: e.mclachlan@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 222754 Start Year: 2003 CIA Name: Prof Skye McDonald End Year: 2005 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology Total funding: $253,750 Title of research award: Enhancing treatment effectiveness for psychosocial disorders after severe traumatic brain injuryEnhancing treatment effectiveness for psychosocial disorders after severe traumatic brain injury Lay Description (from application): Motor vehicle accidents are a major cause of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) leading to lifelong, crippling disability. In NSW alone, there are approximately 770 new cases of severe brain injury each year. These people require extensive inpatient rehabilitation and many go on to rely upon community resources for the rest of their lives. The social and economic cost of such injury is cumulative. TBI is mainly experienced by young adults (18-24 years of age) who have normal life expectancy and each year more casualties are added to this social burden. Adults with TBI frequently experience a reduction in social skills. Loss of social skills presents major obstacles to reintegration into the community by making the sufferer more taxing and less rewarding to interact with socially. This loss of social skills limits their ability to maintain pre-injury relationships, and often creates an off-putting first impression on potential new acquaintances that interferes with their ability to establish new relationships. The following project is designed to develop and evaluate a treatment program to enhance the TBI individual's ability to create a good first impression on meeting new acquaintances - e.g., potential employers, work colleagues, customers, and social acquaintances - and to engage in behaviour that is mutually rewarding. The project will inform current theoretical approaches to remediation, providing an examination of the modifiability of social skills deficits that are the result of underlying cognitive impairments. It will provide a systematic, integrated social skills treatment approach for both individuals and groups where there are currently very few. The identification and refinement of successful treatment techniques will increase the efficiency of brain injury rehabilitation in Australia, improve the quality of life for sufferers of TBI and their families, reduce cost of rehabilitation and reduce reliance upon community resources in the long term. Research achievements (from final report): This project evaluated a new, three pronged approach to improving the social skills of adults with severe, chronic brain injuries sustained as a result of trauma (e.g. motor vehicle accidents). Such injuries often cause difficulties in cognition and behaviour and lead to longer term problems with social isolation, loss of self esteem, depression and anxiety. To address this we developed a treatment program that included social skills training, remediation of problems with social perception (e.g. reading emotions in others) and psychological treatment for individual problems with self-esteem anxiety etc. This study used a randomised controlled trial and recruited 51 participants who were allocated to treatment, social group (control condition) or waitlist. The program included 12 weekly 3 hour group sessions and individual sessions with a clinical psychologist. It was shown that treatment did improve social behaviour and social perception in those who received treatment relative to those who remained on waitlist or who participated in a social group without specific therapeutic content. Three manuals have been developed for clinical use: (1) a social skills treatment manual (2) a social perception treatment manual (3) a manual for treating social anxiety. The results of the trial have recently been prepared for publication. This is the first time a comprehensive treatment for social skills for people with traumatic brain injuries has been evaluated and proven to be effective. It paves the way for better, evidence based techniques in this much needed area of psychosocial rehabilitation. Expected future outcomes: This research will improve remediation of social skills in people with brain injuries and lead to better use of evidence based practice. It will also be an impetus for further research into techniques to improve psychosocial function in this and other clinical groups. Name of contact: Professor Skye Mcdonald. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: s.mcdonald@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 300420 CIA Name: Prof James Colebatch Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $205,500 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Assessment of Vestibular Function and Balance in HumansAssessment of Vestibular Function and Balance in Humans Lay Description (from application): This proposal focuses upon the function of the vestibular apparatus and the related problem of impaired balance. The vestibular apparatus contains receptors which help us to maintain balance. Their clinical assessment is difficult because they are small and lie deep within the skull. With previous NH&MRC support, I have been able to develop a series of new tests to assess the function of the vestibular apparatus and these are having significant clincal impact. Amongst the findings has been a clear demonstration that vestibular function declines with age, starting relatively early. This proposal builds upon the findings of the previous application. Two main types of investigations are planned. In one a new technique of activating the vestibular apparatus (localised skull vibration) will be used to study the brain areas that receive its signals ("evoked potentials"). This will be the first time that it has been possible to study the connections between the balance organs and the cortex of the brain in intact humans. I will apply the technique to patients with disturbed vestibular function to improve our knowledge of how the brain adapts to disease of these organs. In the second part of this study, a series of recordings will be done measuring sway under a variety of conditions both in normal volunteers and in patients with some common disease states affecting balance. This should reveal new information about both the factors that affect normal balance function and why balance is disturbed in these diseases. Research achievements (from final report): This research project substantially increased our ability to measure the function of the vestibular apparatus (balance organs) in normal humans and in disease states. Specifically the otolith component of the vestibular apparatus was investigated, and this has been particularly difficult to assess in humans prior to the discovery of our techniques. We have extended our earlier reports using clicks to other modalities. Many clinical diagnostic laboratories both in Australia and overseas are now using these techniques to improve diagnosis and management of a variety of vestibular (balance) disorders. Expected future outcomes: Further developments of these techniques is still occurring, including defining other pathways (to the eyes and brain). These can be expected to further improve diagnosis and may also help to understand why some subjects compensate in response to a vestibular (balance organ) disturbance while others do not. Name of contact: Prof James Colebatch Email/Phone no. of contact: j.colebatch@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 300437 CIA Name: A/Pr Lynne Bilston Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Biomechanical Engineering Total funding: $527,500 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This fellowship has underpinned my research program, and allowed me to make significant research discoveries and translate these into public policy. Key research findings from the fellowship period include: (a) definition of the key factors underpinning injuries to children travelling in cars, and input into legislative changes to require size-appropriate restraints for children in cars, and improvements in safety standards for child restraints; (b) development of models of paediatric spinal cord injury that are able to reproduce the key differences between paediatric and adult spinal cord injury, (c) development of novel imaging techniques to measure soft tissue biomechanical properties, particularly for brain and muscle tissue. Expected future outcomes: The research conducted during this fellowship is expected to lead to new information on the mechanisms of injury to children and other occupants of the rear seat of cars (currently being conducted), and preclinical studies possibly leading to new diagnostic techniques bases on imaging of tissue stiffness. Name of contact: Lynne Bilston Email/Phone no. of contact: L.Bilston@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350823 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Caroline Finch End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: Capacity Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $2,351,750 Title of research award: Addressing injury in a population health framework: An integrated approach to prevention, acute care and rehabilitationAddressing injury in a population health framework: An integrated approach to prevention, acute care and rehabilitation Lay Description (from application): In Australia, injury is the leading cause of death and disability in people aged under 55 years. It is also a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older persons and, overall, accounts for a substantial proportion of acute hospital services and long-term rehabilitation needs. This grant will build an internationally competitive research team focused on reducing the public health burden of injury. Research achievements (from final report): This project supported the career development of 13 injury researchers whose collective research activity led to >120 scientific publications/reports, >$7.4million in new research grants and >60 conference presentations. Research findings were also instrumental in influencing injury prevention policy relating to roads, sport and falls in older people. Expected future outcomes: The team Investigators have now established themselves as productive injury researchers. Several have their own NHMRC Fellowship Support and others have moved on to research leadership positions of their own. They are now placed to continue to conduct leading-edge injury research and to train the next generation of young researchers. Name of contact: Professor Caroline Finch Email/Phone no. of contact: caroline.finch@monash.edu NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350825 CIA Name: Prof Simon Gandevia Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $507,378 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Neural Mechanisms underlying Human ProprioceptionNeural Mechanisms underlying Human Proprioception Lay Description (from application): This is a study of the senses which arise from our muscles and which tell us where our different body parts are, at any point in time. These senses, collectively called proprioception, are also involved in the automatic, unconscious control of our muscles. So, ultimately, they allow us to stand and to move freely with precision and confidence, even in the dark. One of these senses, the sense of effort or of heaviness, is believed to be generated within the brain. It intensifies when we become fatigued. These experiments will be concerned with finding out more about how this works. We have a method that uses magnetic stimulation of the brain to change its control of our muscles. Using it we will learn how this sense is generated. When we close our eyes and move our limbs we realise that we know exactly where they are at any point in time. It remains uncertain exactly how this information is generated within the nervous system. One idea, arising from some recent experiments which we want to test, is that as we move the limb, the skin over the moving parts is stretched and stretch-sensitive nerve endings in the skin provide us with information about the movement. Alternatively, perhaps it is the effort we exert to maintain limb position against the force of gravity which tells us where the limb is. In another recent study we have found that when a muscle has become painful from excessive exercise or from some local strain injury, our ability to control the muscle and so move the limb is no longer as effective. We want to study the underlying nervous mechanisms responsible for the changes in movement control. Are they designed to spare the muscle while it recovers from injury? How are they brought about? All of this work is important for a better understanding of ourselves, for a better clinical diagnosis when something goes wrong and for improved treatment of diseased or injured muscles. Research achievements (from final report): Adequate proprioception is critical for the performance of all voluntary movements and postures. This grant has revealed new aspects of this important but somewhat neglected group of sensations. A key study used paralysis and anaesthesia of the arm and this has provided novel definitive evidence for signals related to motor commands being used in judgement of human joint position. Evidence was provided that conditioning elbow muscles could lead to systematic errors in position sense in the vertical plane. Loading arm muscles led to reduction in conditioning-dependent errors. However, loading the arm did not produce extra errors for position matching in the horizontal plane, as predicted by the motor command hypothesis. Our new view is that a forward 'internal model' operates which compares observed and anticipated feedback signals., In addition, cutaneous stretch receptors were shown to contribute for the first time to movement sense at the elbow and knee. But, Pacinian receptors selectively impaired movement detection. Further work showed that pain inputs impaired the detection of movement. These three findings reveal new avenues for study. , Expected future outcomes: Further publications will evolve from research conducted during the grant. These will focus on novel impairments of proprioception produced by muscle pain and muscle damage in humans. Name of contact: Professor Simon Gandevia Email/Phone no. of contact: s.gandevia@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350840 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Ann Williamson End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Main RFCD: Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Total funding: $670,500 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The overall aim of my research is to improve our understanding of the causes and effects of fatigue on performance and safety and to develop better ways of overcoming the effects of fatigue especially in transport. Over the past five years my research has clarified the relative effects of sleep deprivation and time of day on performance. This research showed that night work can be performed safely and without error if the person is properly rested whereas long work hours that extend into the midnight to dawn, circadian trough period should be avoided as this combination of factors has clear adverse effects on performance. My research on fatigue and the road transport industry showed that short haul light trucking produced as much fatigue for drivers as long haul heavy trucking even though the causes were very different. Short haul drivers do shorter, daytime shifts, but work under very high pressure, but long haul drivers do extremely long hours and work at any time across the 24 hour clock. My research on long haul trucking also showed that drivers who are paid on a productivitybased payment system were twice as likely to experience fatigue and three times more likely to resort to stimulant drugs as drivers paid a salary or by the hour. Expected future outcomes: This research has clear policy impact and I am working with regulators and industry in the transport industry on changing work practices with respect to fatigue risk management. Name of contact: Ann Williamson Email/Phone no. of contact: a.williamson@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350852 CIA Name: A/Pr Janet Taylor Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $311,250 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: How Changes in the Motor Cortex and Spinal Cord with Exercise Contribute to Fatigue in HumansHow Changes in the Motor Cortex and Spinal Cord with Exercise Contribute to Fatigue in Humans Lay Description (from application): Fatigue with exercise is a common experience in healthy people and can be a problem in many illnesses. With fatigue people are less able to produce force with their muscles. Much of this weakness occurs because of events in the muscles but some results from changes in the nervous system. The size of the contribution of the nervous system to fatigue is not known for the kinds of exercise that cause fatigue in everyday life e.g. prolonged weak contractions like holding the shopping or a plate of food, rhythmic contractions like walking or painting a wall, and more vigorous exercise that causes changes in breathing and body temperature. The behaviour of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord is altered in fatigue but how and why many of these changes occur, and how they affect the control of movements, is poorly understood. Three approaches are planned. In the first set of studies, we will use brain and nerve stimulation to measure the impact of sustained low-level activities on people's ability to drive their muscles fully. We will identify whether such activities, as well as increased demands on other body systems, can cause fatigue in the nervous system. In the second set of studies, we will investigate whether changes in the motor areas of the brain can alter peoples' performance of fatiguing motor tasks or their perception of how much effort the tasks take. Finally, we will use stimulation of the spinal cord to work out why motor nerve cells in the spinal cord fire more slowly with fatigue.Fatigue is an important symptom which is not confined to diseases of any one system in the body. For example, it is a major complaint in multiple sclerosis, cardiac failure, chronic obstructive airway disease, depression and cancer, as well as after chemotherapy, surgery, and viral illness. The implications of better understanding of the contribution of the nervous system to fatigue range from targeting treatments in patients to improving the performance of athletes. Research achievements (from final report): Fatigue with exercise is common in healthy people and is magnified in many illnesses. Some of the loss of force in muscle fatigue is due to changes in the nervous system. We have demonstrated for the first time that processes in the nervous system are important during the development of fatigue in submaximal contractions. In particular, in weak sustained efforts, supraspinal fatigue can account for a half to two-thirds of the force loss. Supraspinal fatigue develops during rhythmic arm movements as well as in static contractions and so is likely to be a factor in all kinds of exercise. Investigation of the influence of some of the systemic effects of exercise showed that supraspinal fatigue is exacerbated by hyperthermia with some of this due to changed muscle properties. However, high rates of breathing had no effect on performance of fatiguing arm contractions. , In conjunction with these studies on fatigue in the nervous system, we also developed a new technique for measuring changes in muscle behaviour during voluntary contractions. Expected future outcomes: Our methods allow simultaneous measurement of supraspinal fatigue, cortical behaviour and muscle fatigue to be measured simultaneously. We expect these methods to be useful in investigating the contributors fatigue in different patient groups. Name of contact: Janet Taylor Email/Phone no. of contact: j.taylor@powmri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350855 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Optometry not elsewhere classified Total funding: $493,000 Title of research award: A randomised controlled falls prevention trial of long distance glasses in elderly multifocal wearersA randomised controlled falls prevention trial of long distance glasses in elderly multifocal wearers Lay Description (from application): Each year, one-third to a half of people over 65 years old will fall at least once. The consequences of falls are immense in terms of suffering, loss of independence, fear of future falls, carer burden, mortality, residential care admissions and other health care resource usage. Clearly, effective and affordable falls prevention strategies are needed to address this major health care problem. Over 50% of people over 65 years old use bi, tri- or multi-focal glasses. The lower part of these glasses are useful for reading and seeing at close range only and there is now evidence that the use of these glasses is associated with an increased risk of falls due to the blurring of vision when looking through the lower lenses at ground level obstacles. This is particularly relevant in unfamiliar outdoor situations. This study will determine whether providing plain distance glasses (with extensive counselling and recommendations for use in standing and walking activities) will prevent falls and their consequences over a one year period in older persons who wear bi-, tri- or multi-focal glasses. Pilot studies suggest that most elderly bi-, tri-, or multi-focal wearers at risk for falls are willing to purchase and use a second pair of glasses if the benefit of new plain distance glasses for their vision is demonstrated. We expect that the results of the study will be incorporated into all relevant areas of clinical practice and public health strategies. Research achievements (from final report): There are over 2.4million people aged over 65years of age in Australia, one third of whom fall annually at least once. As age advances, visual condition called presbyopia in which the crystalline lens of the eye losses its flexibility makes focusing on close objects difficult. To correct this people are prescribed separate single lens glasses for distant and near vision or for convenience bi/tri/progressive lens glasses for conducting daily tasks for e.g. driving, shopping and cooking. Consequences of falls are immense in terms of suffering, loss of independence, suffering, fear of future falls, carer burden, mortality, residential care admission and other health care resource usage. Previous research shows that most falls occur outside due to "trips". Our trial attempts to minimize the potential harm associated with the use of multifocal glasses. Expected future outcomes: Reduction in falls rate and related morbidity, resulting in reduced demand for acute, subacute and non-acute health services, with low-cost, accessible intervention. Name of contact: Professor Stephen Lord Email/Phone no. of contact: s.lord@powmri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350860 CIA Name: A/Pr Tony Butler Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $591,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A survey of the sexual behaviour and sexual health of Australian prisonersA survey of the sexual behaviour and sexual health of Australian prisoners Lay Description (from application): The Australian Study of Health and Relationships telephone survey recently reported on the sexual attitudes, knowledge, health and behaviour of over 19,000 Australians. One of the groups that was omitted from that survey was prisoners. Yet prisoners are a high-risk group for sexual ill health. Prisoners are mostly drawn from the most disadvantaged groups in society: they are more likely to be unemployed, they have less education and lower incomes than other Australians, and many suffer from minor intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness. This proposed survey of inmates in Australian prisons will fill in this missing data. Prisoners are the forgotten population in many countries. Only a few surveys of prisoners' health have been performed. There are some surveys of sexual behaviour in particular prisons overseas, though most of them concentrate on HIV risks and do not explore the sexual lives of prisoners in the same way as the major national sex surveys in the US, the UK and France did for people living outside prison. Prison is itself a dangerous place for people's sexual health. In prison, much of the sex that occurs is not voluntary. Sexual assault in prisons can lead to serious physical injury as well as risk of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. Although some of these injuries can be sufficiently serious to require surgery, only a small proportion are reported to the authorities. Younger prisoners (aged 18-25) and those who are small, slightly built or gay, are at higher risk of being assaulted. This study will explore the factors surrounding sexual assault in prison and make recommendations for preventing it. Research achievements (from final report): - The study has been able to describe in detail for the first time the sexual health and behaviours of Australian prisoners. , , - It has helped to debunk the myth of high rates of prisoner rape in Australian correctional facilities., , - The study has also contributed to the public health debate on condom and dental dam provision in prisons. We found that condom/dental dam provision does not promote increased sexual activity (consensual and non-consensual) in prison. Expected future outcomes: - Possible development of interventions on sexual safety for prisoners. , - Input into evidence-based decisionmaking for prisoner welfare and services., Name of contact: Tony Butler Email/Phone no. of contact: t.butler@curtin.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350889 CIA Name: Prof Vaughan Macefield Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $375,750 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: THE AUTONOMIC, SOMATIC AND CENTRAL NEURAL RESPONSES TO DEEP AND SUPERFICIAL PAIN IN HUMAN SUBJECTSTHE AUTONOMIC, SOMATIC AND CENTRAL NEURAL RESPONSES TO DEEP AND SUPERFICIAL PAIN IN HUMAN SUBJECTS Lay Description (from application): Pain is a subjective experience, the intensity of which can be readily influenced by personal experience. Despite this, pain originating from a particular part of the body will usually be described by all individuals as having similar character. For example, pain arising from the skin is commonly described as being sharp or burning and is usually easy to localise, whereas pain arising from muscle is commonly dull, throbbing and diffuse. In addition to producing sensory changes, pain also evokes changes in blood pressure, heart rate and motor activity (often in an attempt to remove the source of the pain). The proposed research aims to characterise the cardiovascular and motor patterns associated with pain originating in skin and in muscle and to examine the brain regions that produce these changes. More specifically, microelectrodes will be used to investigate changes in peripheral nerve activity during transient painful skin and muscle events in awake human subjects. In a separate investigation functional magnetic resonance imaging will be used to determine brain sites that are activated by skin or muscle pain. Research achievements (from final report): This research has made significant contributions to knowledge on the effects of autonomic, somatic and central responses to pain. We have used brain imaging to revela the differences in processing of pain originating in muscle and skin, and uncovered a hitherto unknown gender difference in pain processing. Moreover, we have documented for the first time differences in how the sympathetic nervous system, important in the regulation of blood pressure and blood flow, responds to acute pain. Finally, our work has provided detailed evidence that refutes the 'vicious-cycle' theory of muscle pain - an hypothesis based on animal experiments and which underpins many pain management strategies. Expected future outcomes: While this project examined the effects of acute pain, induced by bolus injections of hyeprtonic saline into muscle or skin of awake human subjects, in 2009 we shall be submitting a Project Grant that extends this work by examining the effects of tonic muscle pain, induced by intramuscular infusion of hypertonic saline. This more closely approximates the onging pain associated with chronic pain. Name of contact: Prof Vaughan Macefield Email/Phone no. of contact: v.macefield@uws.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 350903 CIA Name: A/Pr James Brock Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $408,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Mechanisms underlying disordered skin blood flow following nerve injuryMechanisms underlying disordered skin blood flow following nerve injury Lay Description (from application): Many people who recover from traumatic injury or who have chronic conditions such as diabetes or neuropathy from exposure to a toxic chemical suffer from peripheral vascular disorders leading to poor circulation in the extremities. These conditions are characterised by impaired wound healing, cold hands and feet and ongoing pain. These people must face a long life with progressively increasing disability. Even normal ageing can lead to similar problems. This project is directed at understanding the role of the nerve supply to blood vessels in the skin in these disorders. The experiments will be conducted in skin blood vessels of rats with various forms of nerve lesion that will mimic these conditions in patients. We will use our knowledge of the structure and behaviour of nerve/blood vessel connections to analyse the changes in the properties of vascular smooth muscle and relate it to the state of the innervation. Skin arteries normally receive two types of nerve sympathetic (which release noradrenaline) and afferent ( which release peptides) - that have opposing actions on the vessel (constriction and dilation respectively). We hypothesize that removal of part or all of the innervation changes the contractile mechanism of the smooth muscle in the wall of the vessel so that it becomes much more sensitive to calcium ions and produces larger and more prolonged contractions. We will combine electrophysiology and contraction studies with immunohistochemistry and biochemical analysis to define the relation between the nerve deficit and the vascular responses. The aim is to identify appropriate drug targets for which local application in the affected region can alleviate the symptoms without causing widespread side effects. Research achievements (from final report): Nerve injuries and neuropathies that cause loss of vascular innervation produce disordered regulation of skin blood flow and are associated with altered skin function, including sensory disturbances and persistent skin ulcers that are difficult to treat. In this project we have characterised the effects of surgically induced injuries to the nerves that supply of blood vessels in skin. The findings demonstrate adaptions of nerves, rather than changes in behavour of muscle within the artery wall, maintain neural control of blood vessels. This is surprising because clinical assessments have used changes in responsiveness of the artery muscle to indicate denervation in dieases such as diabetes. Deficits in the neural control of arteries only occur when greater than 50 % on the nerves are lost. The findings should change the clinical assessment of sympathetic nerve damage is diseases such as diabetes. Expected future outcomes: The completed experimental work provides the groundwork for future studies investigating the changes that underlie diabetes- and inflammation-induced changes in neural control of skin blood flow Name of contact: James Brock Email/Phone no. of contact: j.brock@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351000 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Dr Shauna Sherker End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $290,298 Title of research award: A program of evidence-based sports injury prevention injuries.A program of evidence-based sports injury prevention injuries. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): There were many achievements in the research program of evidence-based sports injury prevention initiatives. Research projects undertaken included: , - A review of NSW sports injury hospitalisation and deaths, Establishing a framework for review of motorsports injury in NSW, - Identifying risk and protective factors for mild traumatic brain injury, - The role of alcohol, drugs and fatigue towards injury risk attitudes and perceptions among high-risk sports participants, - Evaluating risk management training to improve the safety activities of community sport, - Review of guidelines for prevention of heat illness in sport , - Encouraging compliance with safety standards in local government playgrounds, - Evaluation of a national campaign to reduce the risk of beach drowning Expected future outcomes: It is anticipated that this research will contribute to future evidence-based sports injury prevention initiatives. Name of contact: Shauna Sherker Email/Phone no. of contact: shaunasherker@gmail.com NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400918 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof Elspeth McLachlan End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $457,268 Title of research award: Delayed neuronal death after peripheral nerve and spinal cord injuryDelayed neuronal death after peripheral nerve and spinal cord injury Lay Description (from application): After injury to the nervous system, even under optimal conditions for regeneration of broken nerve processes (axons), there is little chance of normal function being restored because few regrowing axons will find appropriate cells to connect with. The time taken for many regrowing axons to reach their targets can be so long that both the axons and their targets lose the ability to recognize each other. Equally importantly, some damaged nerve cells die over the months that follow an injury. This slow loss of nerve cells can lead to progressive and ongoing deterioration. Given recent advances in our understanding of how to improve axon regeneration, the degree of functional recovery could be disappointing unless we know more about how to prevent these neurones from dying. This project will use rats as experimental animals to try to understand which types of nerve cells are likely to die or survive after injury to peripheral nerve trunks or to the spinal cord. We will investigate two regions of the nervous system that are commonly involved in injuries in people. After injuries to limb nerves, people lose sensation and movement and can unpredictably develop chronic conditions such as neuropathic pain (unrelated to the damage and often occurring spontaneously) as well as poor blood flow and wound healing in the hands/feet. After most injuries to the spinal cord, the lower part of the cord beyond the injury (in particular the lumbosacral cord controlling hindlimb movement and sensation and the function of bladder, bowel and sexual organs) is often disconnected from the brain leading to paralysis and disrupted control of pelvic organ function. We will identify and study specific populations of nerve cells with sensory (mainly pain-sensing) functions and four identified groups of nerve cells in the lumbosacral cord that project to the brain. Once we know which nerve cells do not survive, we will search for the likely causes of their death and ways to prevent it. Research achievements (from final report): We have identified in experimental animals that at least half of the nerve cells in the spinal cord below a spinal cord injury that normally project to the brain and upper parts of the spinal cord die within 2 months after their long ascending processes are broken. Our analysis suggests that particular pathways are more vulnerable than others. We have some evidence suggesting that the late influx of T-lymphocytes into the cord may be involved in this type of cell death. , Studies on animals with peripheral nerve injuries have indicated that the small sensory nerve cells that innervate the skin are particularly vulnerable and die over the months that follow the lesion. These nerve cells are responsible for sensing painful stimuli. To try to identify the factors responsible for the death of the injured nerve cells, we have labelled them at the time of injury and have followed their survival over time. By analysing the effects of a series of distinct types of lesion, we plan to find out whether or not the invasion of immune cells around the cell bodies of these cells is protective or destructive. We have found increasing numbers of T-lymphocytes around the sensory nerve cells over the period of their death. We hope to determine the nature of this relationship between the immune system and damaged nerve pathways. Expected future outcomes: If these findings apply in humans, they imply that the outcome of regenerative strategies after spinal cord injury may not be successful if the time to reach the lower parts of the cord is prolonged. The loss of sensory nerve cells that normally detect damaging stimuli may underlie neuropathic pain. Ways to protect against degeneration of specific groups of nerve cells will need to be developed. Name of contact: Elspeth McLachlan NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: e.mclachlan@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400941 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $355,878 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Understanding fear of falling and risk taking in older peopleUnderstanding fear of falling and risk taking in older people Lay Description (from application): Fear of falling is a very significant issue for many older people. Estimates of the prevalence of fear of falling in older community-dwelling people range from 29 to 92% in those who have suffered previous falls, and 12 to 65% in those have not. Fear of falling can lead to restriction and curtailment of activity, reduced quality of life, anxiety, depression and social isolation. To date, all studies addressing fear of falling have simply considered no fear to be "good" and presence of fear to be "bad", and have not attempted to assess whether this fear is rational or irrational in relation to actual balance abilities or physical functioning. In this study, we aim to find out which psychological, physical, health and lifestyle factors distinguish between older people with and without an irrational fear of falling based on their actual physical falling risk. We also wish to understand the role that fear of falling and other psychological factors (anxiety, depression and avoidance) play in causing older people to fall; and to measure how falls can lead to increased fear of falling, anxiety and depression and reduced physical functioning. The complex nature of psychological risk factors of falling and the limited background information on this subject, hampers its integration in falls prevention programs. Although there is growing awareness of this problem among health care providers, additional research is needed about why older people develop a fear of falling in order to fully understand fear of falling and to tailor specific intervention and prevention strategies. Research achievements (from final report): To date, all studies addressing falls efficacy have simply considered high falls efficacy to be "good" and low falls efficacy to be "bad", and none have attempted to categorise people in relation to their actual balance abilities or physical functioning. This is vital as it has important implications for understanding falls efficacy and developing appropriate intervention strategies. , In this study 500 community-dwelling older people (age: 70+) were assessed. At baseline, participants completed assessments of fear of falling, physical functioning, activity levels, depression, anxiety, health status, risk-taking behaviours and neuropsychological performance. Participants were followed up monthly for falls and three-monthly for fear of falling over a one-year period, with a final physical reassessment at 12 months. , For statistical purposes participants were categorised in relation to how well their perceived fall risk (i.e. fear of falling) matched their actual fall risk (based on physical tests). This resulted in four groups: adaptive, phobic, risk-taking and vigorous. , The findings indicate that an excessive concern about falling increases the risk of falls. This elevated concern appears to be related to anxiety, depression and reduced neuropsychological functioning. On the other hand, an underestimation of concern does not appear to increase the risk of falls. Having a low concern of falling and a positive outlook on life, irrespective of physical fall risk, appears not to lead to excessive risk taking and may promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Expected future outcomes: We hope to develop an explanatory model of the association between fear and falls, in order to provide a solid foundation from which treatment providers can put in place, safe, appropriate and effective interventions. Name of contact: Stephen R Lord Email/Phone no. of contact: S.Lord@powmri.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 400947 CIA Name: Prof David Tracey Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $262,959 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Does the complement system contribute to neuropathic pain?Does the complement system contribute to neuropathic pain? Lay Description (from application): Nerve injury often results in increased sensitivity to painful stimuli and the perception of innocuous stimuli as painful; it may also result in spontaneous pain. These disorders of pain sensation due to nerve injury are common, debilitating and difficult to treat. They are symptoms of neuropathic pain. Pain is normally signalled to the brain by sensory nerve cells called nociceptors. Following nerve injury, nociceptors are sensitised by chemicals released by inflammatory cells. This contributes to neuropathic pain. We have evidence that inflammatory responses play a key role in initiating neuropathic pain. Other evidence suggests that the immune system contributes to neurological diseases and accompanying pain (e.g. Guillain-Barr syndrome and multiple sclerosis). We plan to test the idea that a component of the immune system known as the complement pathway contributes to the development of neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury. The outcome of this work will be a better understanding of the way in which nerve injury leads to chronic disorders of pain, including increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. This will lead in turn to the development of more effective treatments for neuropathic pain. Research achievements (from final report): Neuropathic pain is a persistent pain often caused by nerve injury. Such pain is a debilitating condition that lacks effective treatment and represents a significant health problem because it interferes with daily activities leading to reduction in quality of life, reduced productivity and significant health care costs. Recently it has become clear that interactions between the nervous system and the immune system play an important role in neuropathic pain. In this project, we demonstrated that peripheral nerve injury induces C3 deposition and activates the complement system. This contributes in turn to leukocyte recruitment and neuropathic pain. Complement inhibition markedly suppresses C3 deposition and lymphocyte and macrophage recruitment to the injured nerve and produces significant alleviation of neuropathic pain. This research benefits the scientific community and the general population. This study significantly enhances our understanding of the immune mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain and offers a new approach to therapeutic intervention by means of complement inhibition. Findings have already been reported in international peer-reviewed journals and at professional meetings in Australia and overseas, and are expected to attract considerable international attention and thereby raise the profile of Australian science in the field of neuroscience. Expected future outcomes: Complement inhibitors including soluble complement receptor 1 (sCR1) have shown efficacy in controlling the pathologic consequences of several disorders (e.g. reperfusion injury, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and stroke) and our data support complement inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach for neuropathic pain. Name of contact: Gila Moalem-Taylor Email/Phone no. of contact: gila@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401102 CIA Name: Prof George Paxinos Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $441,750 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Studies of the brain have the allure of discovering the cause and treatment of disorders such as schizophrenia, depression and Alzheimer's disease. The aim of the fellowship was to provide the basic maps of the normal human brain and spinal chord, and to establish the homologies, correspondencies, between the brains of humans and experimental animals. , , The Atlas of the Human Brain, 3rd Edition, was published in 2008 (Mai, Paxinos and Voss). This work is the most accurate atlas of the human brain available and is now used by stereotaxic neurosurgeons when they want to accurately target small structures deep in the brain. The atlas is also used to interpret the images in the clinic, and to identify areas activated in functional MRI experimental studies. , , Under the present fellowship, I completed work started earlier: on the atlas of the avian brain (The Chick Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates) and the atlas of the developing mouse brain (Atlas of the Developing Mouse Brain). In the Chick Brain Atlas we identified 180 areas that were either unknown to science or were not known to be present in the bird (but were known to be present in mammals). I also did most of the work on our spinal cord atlas., , The above atlases permit scientists to navigate seamlessly between the brains of humans and experimental animals, to test hypotheses inspired by human considerations. I also published studies on the human hypothalamus and autonomic control areas, as well as the echidna brain. Expected future outcomes: The maps that have been constructed in my laboratory are used internationally to map the brain and its functions. Most scientists studying the relationship between brain and disease either in humans or experimental animal models use these maps. Name of contact: George Paxinos Email/Phone no. of contact: g.paxinos@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401105 CIA Name: Prof Vaughan Macefield Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Autonomic Nervous System Total funding: $295,313 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): I have established world-class laboratories at the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute and at the University of Western Sydney where I undertake detailed human neurophysiological studies that are unique in Australia. The research work involves recording from (or stimulating) individual nerve fibres via tungsten microelectrodes inserted percutaneously into the peripheral nerves of human subjects (microneurography). I work collaboratively with colleagues at a national and international level and my research is applied to clinically relevant problems by establishing collaborations with clinical specialists. In addition to research examining the changes in control of the autonomic nervous system following human spinal cord injury, my research over the last 8 years has extended to clinical studies of various cardiovascular and respiratory disease states: congestive heart failure, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and essential hypertension., During the tenure of my Fellowship I have hosted five sabbatical visitors to my laboratory - three from overseas and two from Australian universities - and hosted six postdoctoral scientists who have come with their own funding. My research group has grown from two in 1995 to eight by 2005. I currently have four postdocs working with me and am also supervising one Honours and three PhD students., I have written 65 papers and reviews that have been published in the leading international journals in their fields (e.g. 15 papers in the Journal of Physiology), of which 36 have been published during the tenure of my Fellowship. Expected future outcomes: Impacting positively on our quality of life as we age, research into the role of the sympathetic nervous system and cardiovascular control using microneurography techniques and brain imaging (fMRI) will increase our understanding of how normal blood pressure is maintained and how different disease states influence this control. Name of contact: Prof Vaughan G Macefield Email/Phone no. of contact: v.macefield@uws.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401189 CIA Name: Prof Nigel Lovell Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Instruments and Techniques Total funding: $199,105 Start Year: 2006 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Title of research award: Development of a wearable triaxial accelerometer with embedded algorithms to detect and prevent falls in frail older aduDevelopment of a wearable triaxial accelerometer with embedded algorithms to detect and prevent falls in frail older adu Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): We developed a wireless ambulatory monitor called a 'PreventaFall' to assist in the detection, management and assessment of falls risk in the elderly. The falls monitoring system is based on a sensor known as a triaxial accelerometer. It can also be used to assess activity level and postural orientation. The device has an in-built algorithm that can be used to automatically detect a fall or stumble and create a voice connection with a call monitoring centre - thus performing the task of an advanced personal alarm system. Currently there are more than 30,000 pendant alarm systems in use in Australia and approximately eight times this number in the UK. Such systems are simple passive devices which need to be activated by the user for an alarm to be registered. They can play no role either in preventing falls or in assessing the likely risk of an imminent fall, or to generate an alarm automatically should a fall occur and the user is unconscious. In contrast, this PreventaFall device has these capabilities. Expected future outcomes: We are currently working to allow the PreventaFall to prompt the wearer to perform a routine set of movements. From these movements we hope to derive indicators of stability and ambulation and thus have a device that can be used to assess and manage falls risk, with the end aim of creating a system that effectively prevents falls. Name of contact: Prof Nigel Lovell Email/Phone no. of contact: N.Lovell@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455215 CIA Name: Prof Simon Gandevia Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $365,105 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Novel assessments of the central and peripheral control of the human handNovel assessments of the central and peripheral control of the human hand Lay Description (from application): This is a study of how the human hand works. The hand is supremely adapted for manual skills ranging from writing and playing a musical instrument to non-verbal communications via gesture and pointing. How is the range of hand skills achieved? We are motivated to study this because the ability of the hand to recovery from some neurological disorders, particularly stroke, is very poor. One important element in virtually all activities of the hand is precise movement of the thumb. The tip of the thumb is flexed by a single muscle, a muscle only present in humans. We want to determine how this muscle works, and how the force it produces affects the whole hand. We will use specialised neurophysiological techniques to do this in human volunteers. There is no comparable animal model for this type of work due to significant differences at both the level of the brain and the level of the muscle. Second, we want to understand better how the cells in the spinal cord which control the hand (and other) muscles work. We have two new ways to do this, including a novel technique which can activate these cells with a form of stimulation that may help us improve functional electrical stimulation. Finally, with 27 bones and more than 25 muscles which operate it, the hand is not simple to control. We will use a new apparatus to measure how well it is controlled, and we will directly stimulate the motor areas of the brain to evaluate the control. From this, we will come up with new understanding, as well as new stimulus and measurement techniques that can be applied to patients with impaired hand function, as occurs all too often after stroke. Research achievements (from final report): This project aimed to reveal key principles involved in the central and peripheral control of the human hand at the level of the muscles, the spinal motoneurone pools, and the motor cortex. W tried to find out (1) why the control of the human thumb is special, (ii) how the various hand muscles are coordinated to produce strong hand forces, and (iii) how the brain controls the muscles which extend the fingers to lift them from grasped objects. We developed a new method for testing voluntary drive to the hand and examined novel ways that muscle can produce force when stimulated electrically. This work will contribute to understanding hand function and how it can be affected by disease. Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Professor Simon Gandevia Email/Phone no. of contact: s.gandevia@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455316 CIA Name: A/Pr Janet Taylor Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $393,201 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Corticospinal transmission in human subjectsCorticospinal transmission in human subjects Lay Description (from application): The corticospinal pathway is the major route from the brain to the spinal cord for the control of voluntary movement in people. Little is known about how transmission through this pathway might alter with activity. It is known that, elsewhere in the brain, connections between nerve cells can be made stronger or weaker by specific patterns of activity and it is thought that such changes underlie learning and memory. We propose that similar changes might happen in the spinal cord at the connection between the nerve cells which carry signals from the brain and the nerve cells which carry the signals out to the muscle. This project will demonstrate that the connections in the pathway from the brain to the muscle can be strengthened or weakened in a controlled way by imposed patterns of activity. In addition, we know that after voluntary contractions, there are dramatic changes in the way signals in this pathway are transmitted to muscles. After brief strong voluntary contractions, muscle responses are immediately reduced. After longer contractions in which the muscles become fatigued, the reduction is followed by an increase in responses which can last many minutes. Thus, this project will also study changes in the pathway from the brain to the muscle after natural activity. The effects of changes induced by artificial or natural activity on the control of voluntary movement will also be investigated. Understanding how activity drives changes in the pathway that controls voluntary movement is important for all situations that involve learning motor tasks. These include normal development and learning of motor skills, as well as rehabilitation after all kinds of nerve or muscle injury. It is also important in understanding motor changes that occur when activity is altered by disorders like spinal cord injury or stroke. Improved understanding of the processes occuring should allow improvement in rehabilitation therapies. Research achievements (from final report): To deliberately move our limbs and bodies we send signals from the brain to activate nerve cells in the spinal cord. In turn, these nerve cells signal the muscles. Our research concentrated on the connection between the corticospinal tract, the main pathway which conveys movement signals from the brain, and the nerve cells that convey the signal to the muscle. Our studies found that this connection is not a simple relay but can be changed both by a person's voluntary activity and by artificial stimulation. The findings related to voluntary activity suggest that changes at a spinal cord level influence our control of our muscles in the short-term, and in the longer-term, the connections in the pathway from the brain to the muscles may adapt their strength and behaviour to the way we use each of our muscles. We also developed a method which uses nerve stimulation in a precisely timed way to modulate the strength of the connections. This demonstration of plasticity in the spinal cord in the path that controls movement may lead to a rehabilitation technique to help strengthen connections between the brain and the muscle when these have been reduced by injury. Expected future outcomes: Our work will help understand the role of the spinal cord in learning motor tasks. Further research will determine whether our method to increase the strength of synaptic connections in the pathway between the brain and muscles can help improve strength in patients who have incomplete spinal cord injury. Name of contact: Dr Janet Taylor Email/Phone no. of contact: j.taylor@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455368 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $530,741 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Strategic Awards Title of research award: Identification and quantification of risk of falls in cognitively impaired older adultsIdentification and quantification of risk of falls in cognitively impaired older adults Lay Description (from application): This study represents the first systematic approach to understanding the complex interaction of factors that contribute to risk of falling in cognitively impaired older people. The results will provide much needed information on how to intervene to prevent falls and fractures in this high risk population. In the last decade, 25 randomised controlled trials have been published which show it is possible to prevent falls in older people. However, a major disappointing outcome of research in this field is that trials that have included or specifically focused on older people with cognitive impairment have been unsuccessful in preventing falls. Cognitive impairment has long been known to be a major risk factor for falls and fractures but little research has been undertaken to understand the underlying mechanisms as to why this is the case. It is likely that previous falls prevention trials involving people with cognitive impairment were unsuccessful because they did not directly assess mechanisms for falls in this group and simply translated intervention strategies from studies undertaken in cognitively intact older people. This study aims to develop our understanding of the important factors that contribute to risk of falling in older people with cognitive impairment and dementia. Participants will be recruited from a number of sources including hospitals, out-patient clinics, retirement villages, hostels etc. Whilst some participants will be able to consent to take part, all participants must have a nominated "person responsible". Consenting participants will undergo a series of assessments, the majority of which can be undertaken in their own home. These will include medical and medication history, measures of gait and balance and tests assessing performance of different regions of the brain. An MRI scan will allow us to determine whether risk of falling relates to any specific pathology in different parts of the brain. We anticipate that we will be able to identify which risk factors and underlying mechanisms are most strongly associated with falling in cognitively impaired older people. We then hope to use the information to design targeted and tailored intervention strategies to reduce falls and fractures in this high risk population. Research achievements (from final report): This project has systematically assessed falls risk in older people with cognitive impairment. It has provided clear evidence of marked physiological deficits in this population that are potentially amenable to intervention strength, balance and reaction time. It appears that the physical deficits play a greater role in risk of falls than any of the neurocognitive measures. However, neurocognitive performance is relevant in terms of potential interventions for the future. Expected future outcomes: The study finished in March 2011 and a pilot study for intervention has also been undertaken and has provided additional information on how to shape an intervention for the future. The next step is to undertake an intervention study and funding is currently being sought. Name of contact: Jacqueline Close Email/Phone no. of contact: j.close@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455433 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $765,883 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am an applied physiologist determining risk factors for falls and strategies for prevention in older people and clinical groups with balance disorders. I pursue this research primarily through epidemiological studies. Research achievements (from final report): As a Senior Principal Research Fellow I have pursued work in the areas of applied neurology, instability, falls, fractures and transport injury in older people. In this period (since January 2007) I have published 100 original peer-reviewed journal articles, 6 invited reviews, 5 other articles and 4 book chapters. With colleagues at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) I also completed a second fully revised edition of our book on Falling in Older People: Risk factors and Strategies for Prevention to be published by Cambridge University Press. Overall, my papers have been cited over 7,000 times in the scientific literature and my H index is 47., Since 2007, I have been awarded $13.7 million grant funding from the NHMRC and $2.0 million from other sources (total $15.7 million) as a chief investigator. I currently hold two NHMRC project grants, an NHMRC capacity building grant in population health, 4 grants from other sources as and two recently awarded NHMRC Partnership Grants which will provide the means of maintaining my research productivity into the future., I have collaborated directly with health care providers both within Australia and overseas to incorporate evidence-based risk assessment tools for use in clinical settings to identify high risk populations who might benefit from interventions. My methodology and approach to the problem of physiological aging measurement and falls-risk assessment has been adopted by many researchers around the world. Finally, I have played a key role in developing health policy. I have contributed to policy development for NSW Health and was the Chair of the Expert Panel for the development of the revised Best Practice Guidelines for Preventing Falls in the Community, Hospitals and Residential Aged Care Facilities. These very significant developments greatly enhance the translation of my research findings into policy and practice., , Expected future outcomes: I am continuing to work as an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow. As outlined in my renewal application, I am embarking on new projects aimed at understanding fall risk in older people and designing and implementing fall prevention strategies. I continue to work actively in research translation. Name of contact: Stephen R Lord Email/Phone no. of contact: s.lord@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510110 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Preventive Medicine Total funding: $564,727 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Impaired stepping as a risk factor for falls in older peopleImpaired stepping as a risk factor for falls in older people Lay Description (from application): Stepping is often the last protective option to prevent a fall. This study will investigate stepping responses as a risk factor for falls. Complementary studies of physiological and psychological contributions to stepping will also be conducted. A path model will be used to examine the relative importance of physiological, psychological and behvioural factors. An exercise program to imrpove stepping responses will be trialed. Findings will inform future interventions for preventing falls. Research achievements (from final report): This study examined physiological and neurophyschological contributions to appropriate and impaired responses to postural perturbations and determined the role that impaired stepping plays in predicting future falls in a large cohort of older adults. We found older adults stepped earlier and with reduced force, compared to young adults. Force thresholds for stepping were related to balance, strength and reaction time performance and were predictive of future falls in older adults. Those who responded with multiple steps almost twice as likely to fall in the future 12 months than those who responded with a single step. A secondary study was performed to investigate the role of a cognitive dual-task on balance responses. Participants whose stepping thresholds were reduced in the dual-task condition were over 4 times more likely to have an injurious fall in the following 12 months than those who were unaffected. These studies have provided insight into how older adults respond to unexpected balance responses, as well as the relationships with physiological and cognitive functioning and future falls. Findings will inform future intervention studies to prevent falls in older people. Expected future outcomes: Findings highlight important physiological and psychological factors that underpin protective stepping performance, which will directly inform exercise programs to facilitate appropriate stepping in prevent falls in older people. Findings also indicate that a simple unexpected backward perturbation assessment may prove useful in clinical practice to enhance falls risk assessment. Name of contact: Professor Stephen Lord Email/Phone no. of contact: s.lord@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510129 CIA Name: A/Pr Jane Butler Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $553,403 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2014 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a neurophysiologist in the field of human motor control. My primary research focus is on the neural control of respiratory muscles in health and disease including obstructive sleep apnoea and spinal cord injury. I also study a number of aspects of mu Research achievements (from final report): In my laboratory we are interested in the neural control of breathing in health and disease. We study many aspects of this control in human volunteers. My work over the last 5 years has made significant inroads into the understanding of the way neural drive to respiratory muscles is linked to their mechanical function. My lab has also investigated the nature of voluntary control of respiratory muscles which recruits similar populations of motoneurones as automatic breaything in a similar pattern. I have also extended my work to examine the neural control of the upper airway in particular with th eaim to improve treatments for people with obstructive sleep apnoea. In addition I have developed a novel method of electrical stimulation to evoke a functional cough in people with cervical spinal cord injuries that I believe will reduce the high mortality and morbidity in this group of people that results from respiratory complications such as pneumonia. Expected future outcomes: Potential future outcomes include i the extension of the newly described principl eof neuromechanical matching ii further investigatio nof the interaction between voluntary and involuntary control of breathing and iii the development of a commercially available electrical stimulkator that will evoke a functional cough. Name of contact: Jane Butler Email/Phone no. of contact: j.butler@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510201 CIA Name: Prof James Colebatch Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $225,357 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Vestibular reflexes evoked by brief lateral head acclerations: a new measure of utricular functionVestibular reflexes evoked by brief lateral head acclerations: a new measure of utricular function Lay Description (from application): The vestibular (balance) organs are difficult to investigate as they lie deep within bone. Disease of these organs may cause severe vertigo, imbalance and difficulty with vision. This project attempts to build on earlier developments in my laboratory and thereby improve understanding and diagnosis of these disorders. This grant relates to a new form of stimulation which may allow simple assessment of an important part of the vestibular apapratus, the utricle. Research achievements (from final report): This series of experiments has extended our knowledge of the function of the vestibular apparatus (inner ear balance organs), particularly the otolith organs, in both normal subjects and in disease. Achievements include defining the properties of short latency vestibular reflexes to the eyes and neck evoked by brief lateral accelerations and the evidence provided that these are likely to be mediated by the utricle (one of two otolith organs). In addition, evidence has been found for differing resonant frequencies of the two otolith organs through the tuning properties shown for neck reflexes (cVEMPs) and eye reflexes (oVEMPs). This proposal, if substantiated, would be an important new finding for human vestibular physiology. We have shown the changes occurring in short latency VEMPs in three diseases: superior canal dehiscence (in which VEMPs are a particularly useful diagnostic technique), internuclear ophthalmoplegia (often seen in Multiple Sclerosis) and vestibular neuritis (inflammation). These techniques have become internationally recognised as an important new type of vestibular investigation and our current results extend these applications and provide important new insights into vestibular otolith function in normal humans. Expected future outcomes: We expect these findings will prompt further application of VEMPs in diagnosis and in understanding a variety of diseases affecting the labyrinth (inner ear) and its central pathways. Name of contact: Prof Jg Colebatch Email/Phone no. of contact: j.colebatch@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510222 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Skye McDonald End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) Total funding: $500,938 Title of research award: Which treatment works? New approaches to treating emotion perception deficits after brain injuryWhich treatment works? New approaches to treating emotion perception deficits after brain injury Lay Description (from application): Many people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) cannot recognise emotions in others. This makes appropriate social behaviour impossible and leads to isolation and unemployment. In this project we compare training that minimises errors (errorless learning) versus training that provides strategies for recognising emotions while allowing errors to occur. Adults with severe TBI will be allocated to one of the two treatments, a social nontherapeutic group or to deferred treatment (waitlist control). Research achievements (from final report): , Being able to understand emotional expressions is critical to social competence. We read the emotions of others in order to respond to them and to monitor their reactions to us. For many people with severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) this capacity is lost. This project evaluated treatment approaches to improving emotion processes in people with TBI, focusing on emotion perception and decision making. In this study we had several major acheivements:, We compared the efficacy of "errorless learning" where participants are prevented from making mistakes to "self-instructional" training wherein participants are encouraged to develop strategies for themselves in several treatment studies. , We developed a professional quality emotion remediation kit distributed through ASSBI Resources , We examined whether alexithymia (poor self awareness of emotions), disorders of emotion regulation, poor social decision making and insensitivity to ostracism were also related to poor emotion perception. This helps us better understand what causes poor emotion perception to refine targets for remediation. We experimentally manipulated attention as another potential remediation technique . We also examined emotion perception in both normal adolescents and those with TBI . , The outcomes for people with TBI will be practical and far-reaching, including:, - Improving their ability to read and respond to the mood of others;, - Increase their social skills and social opportunities; and, - Lead to a better quality of life for them, their families and the broader community. Expected future outcomes: It is expected that the results of this research will lead to significant improvements in the quality of life for people with TBI. Specifically, improvements in their ability to read and respond to the moods of others and their social skills and opportunities. Name of contact: Professor Skye Mcdonald Email/Phone no. of contact: s.mcdonald@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510314 CIA Name: Prof Shane Darke Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $244,858 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Organic brain damage after non-fatal opioid overdoseOrganic brain damage after non-fatal opioid overdose Lay Description (from application): The study will provide the first data on the level and nature of brain damage due to opioid overdose. The extent to which overdose survivors suffer brain damage has important implications for clinical management, particularly in relation to behavioural problems. It will also provide the first data on brain damage and drug treatment performance. Screening of those with an overdose history may lead to specialised management of these individuals with the potential for improved treatment outcome. Research achievements (from final report): Not Available Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Professor Shane Darke Email/Phone no. of contact: s.darke@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510326 CIA Name: Prof Skye McDonald Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $338,422 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Reinstating emotion perception after brain damage: An experimental approachReinstating emotion perception after brain damage: An experimental approach Lay Description (from application): Many people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) cannot recognise emotions in others. This disrupts social behaviour leading to isolation and unemployment. In this project we determine whether: (1) selectively attending to a person's expression improves empathy and emotion recognition; (2) whether mimicking an expression improves recognition of the emotion and; (3) whether poor recognition of emotional tone of voice (prosody) and audiovisual displays is improved by focusing on voice or face alone. Research achievements (from final report): Being able to understand emotional expressions is critical to social competence. We read the emotions of others in order to respond to them and to monitor their reactions to us. For many people with severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) this capacity is lost. The aim of this project was to examine several theoretically motivated strategies to improve emotion perception deficits after TBI. We looked at whether poor recognition of emotional expression is related to a failure to mimic that expression and conversely, whether mimicking can improve accuracy. We found that people with TBI do fail to mimic but curiously, this is not related to emotional accuracy although it is related to low self-report lowered empathy. Clearly mimicry does play a communicative role that is lost post TBI although its exact role remains uncertain. We also examined whether focusing on emotion in voice (and not the words) increases accuracy. We found that it did not - suggesting that people with TBI are mainly having trouble recognising tone of voice per se so that is where remediation needs to focus. These results provide important information to guide remediation efforts for emotion perception deficits. The finding of impaired mimicry was dramatic. It suggests a basic deficit in affective responses that might underpin, not only social responsiveness, but also emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is also commonly disordered after TBI but, to date, very difficult to quantify. Our findings are thus relevant to both emotiion perception and emotion regulation. Expected future outcomes: The results of this research will be used to guide the development of better remediation for emotion perception and emotion regulation after TBI. This will greatly improve their social skills and psychosocial function and lead to greater opportunities and quality of life Name of contact: Skye Mcdonald Email/Phone no. of contact: s.mcdonald@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510375 CIA Name: A/Pr Richard Fitzpatrick Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $420,872 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Human Sensorimotor PhysiologyHuman Sensorimotor Physiology Lay Description (from application): We stand without falling by using silent senses from muscles and the balance organs of the inner ear to unconsciously detect and control our movements. Since the leg muscles provide both the force and the sense, and critically rely on good circulation, they are vitally important. I propose to study how these sensory and muscle functions are used to control balance, posture and stepping reflexes, making it easier to identify older people who will fall and design new preventative strategies. Research achievements (from final report): Human balance during standing and walking requires the different senses to be combined properly. This research investigates the fundamental physiology by which the three senses critical for movement, vision, proprioception (body sense), and the vestibular sense of gravity create a unified perception of the body in the world. The research is directed at understanding the causes of falls in older people and identifying specific strategies to prevent them. A technique has been developed that allows us to stimulate the human vestibular system electrically. With this we are investigating the sense of self-motion, orientation and balance. We have shown how signals from the two vestibular organs are combined for balance control and revealed a long-term adaptation of motion signals within the brain. Studying the proprioceptive sense we have shown that muscle weakness impairs sensory signals from muscles, an interaction unknown previously and vitally important for understanding age-related declining function. A major study has shown that the sense of force when muscles are contracted arises through a return signal from the muscles rather than being generated within the brain itself, as current theories propose. Applied research has shown that older people at risk of falls have difficulty knowing when they are vertical and have problems knowing the precise location of objects that they might trip on. Stepping is a critical reflex that prevents falls. We have identified a range of problems that are associated with disordered stepping in older people and are progressing with studies to understand the mechanisms and identify solutions. Expected future outcomes: Future work will: (i) identify basic physiology of the human stepping reflex and apply it to the problem of falling in older people, (ii) use techniques developed to discover how the different sensory systems calibrate each other, and (iii) explore the origin of the sense of muscular force and fatigue. Name of contact: Richard Fitzpatrick Email/Phone no. of contact: r.fitzpatrick@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 510385 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: A/Pr Stuart Smith End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance Total funding: $387,490 Title of research award: Multisensory determinants of postural instability and falls in older adults; prevention and rehabilitationMultisensory determinants of postural instability and falls in older adults; prevention and rehabilitation Lay Description (from application): With an increased longevity of the population, age-related health problems, such as falls, are a significant socioeconomic issue to be addressed. Many sensory systems (e.g. vision, hearing, balance) are known to gradually become disrupted as a consequence of ageing. This project will investigate the consequences of declining sensory systems for balance control in older adults and to develop technology to prevents falls in them. Research achievements (from final report): Have developed extensive linkages with industry partners to explore deveopment ofnovel, videogame based approach to delivering fall risk assessment and fall prevention interventions into the homes of older adults. Have published 11 peer reviewed articles on the use of technology for fall risk assessment and prevention. Have estabished an international profile in the development of novel videogame-based approaches to falls in particular, but health more generally. Have established a very strong national profile for Neuroscience Research Australia around the application of NBN_enabled technology for delivery of health services. Expected future outcomes: Potential commercialisation of technologies developed to deliver fall risk assessment and fall prevention training into the homes of older adults. Name of contact: Stuart Smith Email/Phone no. of contact: s.smith@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 525411 CIA Name: Prof Helen Christensen Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Mental Health Total funding: $835,060 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a mental health researcher who designs and tests the effectiveness of methods to encourage help seeking, to intervene early and prevent the development of psychiatric disorders, and who develops technological tools to assist consumers to manage their Research achievements (from final report): My primary research achievements focussed on developing e health solutions for the early intervention of anxiety anddepression. This involved the development of web and mobile phone applications which provide self-help materials based on a variety of therapeutic techniques. A second area was prevention. This focussed on how mental disorders such as depression and anxiety can be prevented. Prevention is a new area for mental health. There are challenges that can be overcome to deliver interventions globally efficiently and cost effectively. A third new area I developed over the course of the fellowship was suicide prevention. This led to a new stream of work which focussed on trying to make contact with those who do not stay in contact with mental health services. plus the combining of data sets to examine predictors of low base behaviours the development of evidence based policy based on priorities for targetting particular groups. The primary motivation for this research is that the Internet offers unprecedented opportunities to recruit individuals to research trials a major problem given the low base rate and to disseminate interventions if these are found to be effective. Expected future outcomes: My Fellowship led to the successful application for a John Cade Fellowship which allows me to continue work. Name of contact: Helen Christensen Email/Phone no. of contact: h.christensen@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568626 CIA Name: A/Pr Richard Fitzpatrick Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $304,099 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Neurophysiology of human posture and balanceNeurophysiology of human posture and balance Lay Description (from application): Whether holding the arm still or standing, the brain uses a silent proprioceptive sense that unconsciously detects and controls our movements. Key sensory receptors for this sense are located within the muscles that are also contracting. This is a project to discover how proprioception is affected by muscle contraction and how this affects postural control. This will improve the management of many common disorders that affect movement and balance. Research achievements (from final report): We have shown how muscle activation both enhances and diminishing proprioceptive sensibility, and a corresponding effect that muscle weakness impairs sensory signals that arise from muscles making relatively weaker older adults have worse postural control. A major study has shown that the sense of muscle force arises through a return signal from muscles rather than from within the brain, as current theories propose. By studying subjects with a rare sensory loss, it was shown that a central effort mechanism exists and its gain was measured. However, by fatiguing muscles differently in normal subjects, evidence is provided that a peripheral signal dominates this sense. By paralysing muscles with curare it was shown that lifted objects feel lighter and that this is through reafference from muscle spindle, contrary to current theories of spindle function. This result is the target of current and planned studies. We have shown that the ability to control posture depends on the elastic stiffness of the load being held and how muscle and tendon contribute to this. By muscle ultrasound, it was shown that there is no simple relationship between muscle length and joint angle but that it is a dynamic function of frequency depending strongly on load stiffness. At resonance, the load and joint oscillate on the end of a compliant tendon without significant transfer of movement to the contractile portion, thus constituting an effective proprioceptive and control blind spot. This muscle-tendon behaviour is a major determinant of muscle reflexes and sets limits on human postural control. Expected future outcomes: Future work will: (i) explore the origin of the sense of muscular force and fatigue, (ii) explore the mechanisms of adaptation in proprioceptive sensation identified in this project, and (iii) use techniques developed to discover how the different sensory systems calibrate each other, . Name of contact: Richard Fitzpatrick Email/Phone no. of contact: r.fitzpatrick@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568637 CIA Name: Dr Gila Moalem-Taylor Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Peripheral Nervous System Total funding: $470,052 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of proinflammatory interleukin-17 (IL-17) and IL-17-producing T cells in neuropathic painThe role of proinflammatory interleukin-17 (IL-17) and IL-17-producing T cells in neuropathic pain Lay Description (from application): Peripheral nerve injury often results in persistent and debilitating neuropathic pain. My overall objective is to understand the immunological mechanisms responsible for such pain. I plan to test the hypothesis that the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-17 promotes neuroinflammation and contributes to increased pain sensitivity after nerve injury. This study promises to enhance our understanding of neuroimmune activation in neuropathic pain and offers new opportunities for pain management. Research achievements (from final report): Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system and characterised by debilitating sensory abnormalities and increased pain sensitivity. Neuropathic pain affects 5% of the general population, causes substantial disability, and lacks adequate treatments. Recent studies have demonstrated that small signaling protein molecules, termed cytokines, play an important role in the neuroimmune processes of neuropathic pain. In particular, an imbalance between algesic proinflammatory cytokines and analgesic anti-inflammatory cytokines has been implicated. The fundamental aim of this research is to elucidate basic immunological mechanisms responsible for neuropathic pain, with particular reference to the role of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-17 (IL-17) in neuroinflammation and pain hypersensitivity following injury to the nervous system. We found that mice deficient in IL-17 have significantly decreased mechanical pain hypersensitivity as well as decreased infiltration of leukocytes to the injured nervous system tissue following nerve injury. Further, administration of IL-17 into the hind-paw and the sciatic nerve of intact animals caused pain hypersensitivity associated with significant inflammatory response. In addition, we found that mice deficient in IL-17 have better locomotor recovery, smaller lesion size and decreased inflammatory cell infiltration following spinal cord contusion injury. In summary, we have demonstrated an important role for IL-17 in regulating neuroinflammatory responses, thus contributing to neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury and secondary degeneration after spinal cord injury. This work identifies IL-17 as a potential therapeutic target in neuropathic pain due to peripheral nerve injury and in recovery from spinal cord injury. Expected future outcomes: This study significantly enhances our understanding of the involvement of cytokines in nervous system injury and offers hope for new approaches to therapeutic intervention by means of immune modulation. In particular, new biologic drugs that block IL-17 may prove useful in the treatment of neuropathic pain and spinal cord injury. Name of contact: Gila Moalem-Taylor Email/Phone no. of contact: gila@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568700 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Simon Gandevia End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $475,152 Title of research award: NOVEL CENTRAL MECHANISMS IN HUMAN PROPRIOCEPTIONNOVEL CENTRAL MECHANISMS IN HUMAN PROPRIOCEPTION Lay Description (from application): Proprioception is how we sense the position of our joints, the movements of our joints, and the forces generated by our muscles. Disturbances of proprioception can cause major disruption of all movements and postures. We will undertake novel studies of how signals generated in the brain which command our movements contribute to all key aspects of proprioception. Finally we will unravel how the brain builds up the overall 'scheme' of our body which we need to make any accurate movement. Research achievements (from final report): The proprioceptive senses are critical for the performance of volitional tasks. These sensations must function properly to allow normal control of movements and postures. Overall we aimed to determine novel neural mechanisms underlying proprioception as this will provide insight into movement execution and its clinical disturbances. A key feature of the first two aims of the grant was to assess the role of centrally generated command signals in specific component sensations of human proprioception. Such signals are known to contribute to force sensation but their role in other components in controversial., We have shown using local paralysis with curare-like compound that motor command signals bias the sense of joint position when the usual afferent proprioceptive signals are intact. This proprioceptive effect was graded with the level of motor command. Other data also supported this view. We have determined that signals of command also generate sensations of movement using ischaemic anaesthesia and paralysis to produce a phantom hand. , We examined the illusory overestimation of force that occurs when it is generated passively on the skin compared with when it is generated actively. Our work suggests that this force overestimation may have an alternative explanation to the conventional one (based on a simple 'cancellation' model). , To understand the body image, we studied experimental 'phantoms' produced by ischaemia. We have shown that there is not a default position of a phantom arm. Further studies are underway. Expected future outcomes: This project has opened the way for new work on the lilnk between the 'body image' and proprioception. The link is crucial for all our voluntary movements., Name of contact: Professor Simon Gandevia Email/Phone no. of contact: s.gandevia@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568702 CIA Name: A/Pr Janet Taylor Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $331,390 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Neural aspects of human muscle fatigueNeural aspects of human muscle fatigue Lay Description (from application): Muscle fatigue is common after exercise in healthy people. In many tasks, some muscles become more fatigued than others. Thus, the nervous system must often coordinate fatigued muscles (which produce less force) with unfatigued muscles. We will investigate how fatigue of one muscle alters the way the brain controls other muscles that are engaged in the same task or in unrelated tasks. This will aid understanding of the failures of coordination that lead to poor performance and injury. Research achievements (from final report): , Fatigue produced by exercise involves changes in muscle itself but also in the nervous system at spinal and cortical levels. The "central" contribution to fatigue is substantial and is particularly prominent during sustained weak contractions. Studies in this project developed a new way to examine the behaviour of the motor nerve cells in the human spinal cord while participants perform fatiguing muscle contractions. This technique showed that the motor nerve cells become harder to activate with fatigue and that this likely depends on repetitive activity of the cells. This suggests that mechanisms at a spinal level contribute to fatigue with exercise, whereas testing of the brain region that controls movement did not show changes that would lead to reduced output. Other studies examined the contribution of sensory feedback from the muscle on people's ability to drive the muscles maximally. Contrary to expectations, muscle pain produced experimentally was found to have surprisingly little effect on the ability of people to produce muscle force. However, sensory feedback related to fatigue did reduce drive to the muscle, and this occurred whether the feedback came from the tested muscle or a different muscle in the limb. These results suggest that sensory feedback related to metabolites produced by muscle work contributes more generally to central fatigue and that the pathway conveying muscle pain may differ from that conveying fatigue sensations. Expected future outcomes: Understanding the specific mechanisms which lead to fatigue with exercise is important in directing interventions for patients who suffer excessive fatigue in performing the tasks of daily life (e.g. after stroke or cancer), as well as directing exercise for fitness in the general population and maximising athletic performance. Name of contact: Janet Taylor Email/Phone no. of contact: j.taylor@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568724 CIA Name: Prof Stephen Lord Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Preventive Medicine Total funding: $390,394 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Development of a novel intervention for training stepping ability to reduce the risk of falls in older adults.Development of a novel intervention for training stepping ability to reduce the risk of falls in older adults. Lay Description (from application): Stepping is often the last protective option to prevent a fall. This study will first modify and validate an interactive system for training stepping ability in older adults. The system will be also provide the capability of acquiring indeices of stepping ability in the home. We will investigate the effect of an in-home training program using this system on stepping ability and falls risk. Findings will inform future interventions for preventing falls. Research achievements (from final report): This project has enabled us to develop and evaluate a novel telehealth technology for delivery of strength and balance training exercses to reduce the risk of falls directly into the homes of older adults. Furthermore our technology will enable remotely located researchers and clinicians to track indices of fall risk at regular intervals overtime. Our technology has leveraged existing exercise-based videogame technology that is readily available to the consumer. As such we are beginning to explore a method for delivering fal prevention training programs at scale. , We have established that the way in which older adults play exercise videogames, like a modified version of Dance Dance Revolution, suggests the possibility for tracking a proxy measure for fall risk over time. Results of our initial exploration of this have been published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(5), 441-445, Furthermore, we have been able to develop a technology solution based on Dance Dance Revolution that enables us to measure a correlate of fall risk, previously only possible from laboratorybased measurement, in the homes of older adults. We have published a validity and reliability study of a dance mat-based Choice Stepping Reaction Time (CSRT) test in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(6), 947-953., In a recent pilot study where we randomised older adults into an 8-week step training intervention or usual care control group, participants completing the intervention (n=15) were significantly faster on the CSRT measure of stepping performance and performed better on sway and contrast subtest of the Physiological Profile Assessment for fall risk that those participants completing in the control (n=17). In the intervention group around half also self reported improvement in balance confidence (8/15) and balance performance(7/15). No adverse incidents were reported suggesting that our approach is a safe method for delivering unsupervised fall prevention training. Expected future outcomes: We aim to extend these initial investigations to address dose-response effects on fall risk. We also aim to address the effect of building social connectivity tools around the step training system to increase compliance with exercise interventions. Our technology can be translated to other research questions and we are currently looking to trial our device in people living with Multiple Sclerosis. Name of contact: Stuart Smith Email/Phone no. of contact: s.smith@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 568769 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Dr Nicole Jones End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Pharmacology not elsewhere classified Total funding: $293,230 Title of research award: Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1): Pharmacological and molecular insights into its role in brain protectionHypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1): Pharmacological and molecular insights into its role in brain protection Lay Description (from application): At present, there are no effective therapies for reducing brain damage which can occur after acute brain insults including birth asphyxia. This project aims to study whether increasing a naturally occurring protective protein (HIF) in the brain can minimize brain damage in a model of perinatal brain injury. We plan to validate HIF as a novel therapeutic target for reduce brain injury and promote brain repair processes. Research achievements (from final report): , Hypoxia is an important feature of many neurological conditions. While severe hypoxia causes brain cell death, it is known that exposure to mild hypoxia can induce tolerance and protect the brain against a subsequent injury. Key events in this protective phenomenon are regulated by the transcription factor hypoxiainducible factor-1 (HIF-1), its regulatory enzymes (HIF-1 prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs)) and its many target genes. , - We showed that two of the PHD inhibitors tested ((DFX), and EDHB)) can protect astrocytes, via increasing HIF-1 and VEGF and this work resulted in 1 publication (Chu et al, 2010)., - We also found that a number of PHD inhibitors tested in vivo (EDHB, DFX, CoCl2) can reduce brain tissue loss at 5 days after HI injury . , - Studies have also determined that expression of PHD enzymes are differentially altered in response to HI injury, and PHD3 appears to be involved with cellular injury process. , - Post injury treatment with EDHB (200mg/kg) can improve long term functional impairment up to 5 weeks after HI injury and may also affect cell proliferation. Expected future outcomes: We have 1 published manuscript and a book chapter based on work generated by this grant and we have 3 additional manuscripts in preparation. Name of contact: Nicole Jones Email/Phone no. of contact: n.jones@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 570872 CIA Name: Prof Rob Herbert Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Health and Community Services Total funding: $221,873 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Passive mechanical properties of muscle fascicles and tendons of people with contracture and healthy controlsPassive mechanical properties of muscle fascicles and tendons of people with contracture and healthy controls Lay Description (from application): Muscle contracture - abnormal stiffening of muscles - is common in many conditions, including stroke, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. Contractures can be very disabling. The mechanisms of muscle contracture are poorly understood. This study will determine whether contractures of calf muscles in people with stroke, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis are due to changes in the mechanical properties of muscle fascicles or tendons. Research achievements (from final report): A new method was developed for non-invasive measurement of the passive length-tension properties (i.e., extensibility) of human muscles in vivo. This method was used to show that people who have ankle contractures after stroke have muscles that are stiffer, but not shorter, than control subjects who do not have contracture. Incidental findings suggested a previously unrecognised mechanism that determines the passive properties of skeletal muscles in vivo. Expected future outcomes: The findings may lead to a new understanding of the determinants of the passive properties of human muscles, and might ultimately provide insights into the nature of contractures which are a major cause of disability. Name of contact: Professor Rob Herbert Email/Phone no. of contact: r.herbert@neura.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 571178 CIA Name: Dr Wei Du Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Fellowships Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $349,407 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: International Exchange Early Career Title of research award: Translation of effective interventions in injury prevention and trauma care to a Chinese settingTranslation of effective interventions in injury prevention and trauma care to a Chinese setting Lay Description (from application): Evidence informed injury policy is not currently well developed in China. This research project will provide measures of the effectiveness of both a trauma care protocol in a hospital setting, and an intervention program for novice driver education/training in China, and will therefore contribute to the building of an evidence based injury prevention capacity in China. Research achievements (from final report): The project aims to address a major and growing public health problem in China, road trauma, by a partnership between Australian experts with internationally recognized track records in road safety research and key Chinese agencies and Chinese researchers. Road trauma is emerging as a leading cause of death, disability, and injury in China, and this is forecast to increase, as China is under rapid motorization. Reducing road trauma, by translating effective interventions in road trauma prevention into the current Chinese setting, where proper knowledge, legislation, and practice are missing, is thus a high priority for global health. Specifically, this project has two key components, i.e., 1) developing and implementing a cost-effective kindergarten based parental educational intervention to encouraging the correct use of age appropriate child restraints for young children while travelling in cars; and 2) developing and evaluating an on-road driver education and training program to reduce novice driver crashes. Both programs were trialed in Beijing of China, and if successful, they could be straightforwardly extended to other similar settings across China. Expected future outcomes: The compulsory use of child restraint for young child car passengers is expected to be trialed in Shanghai soon, and nation wide legislative change as to the introduction of compulsory child restraint use is currently under review. Name of contact: Wei Du Email/Phone no. of contact: kelvindu@gmail.com NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 632921 CIA Name: A/Pr Teresa Senserrick Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $394,460 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Road traffic injury prevention among disadvantaged youth, Indigenous communties and low income countriesRoad traffic injury prevention among disadvantaged youth, Indigenous communties and low income countries Lay Description (from application): Media Summary not available Research achievements (from final report): Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death globally and the leading reason young Australians die or acquire a disability in Australia. I contributed to research showing that while young driver deaths are decreasing, this is only true in urban areas (not rural or remote areas) and disadvantaged youth are over involved. I identified several new reasons why young drivers crash and determined which of several current initiatives could reduce their crashes and what policies for licensing from learner to provisional to full licence were best. I found Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander injury prevention programs were scarce and not wellevaluated and was able to show best practice road safety approaches could be applied even in remote Aboriginal communities. I helped conduct the first representative road safety survey of Aboriginal people and advised on a new licensing suport program. These findings will help with policy and practice developments that will reduce young driver crashes and disabilities in Australia, with this work also shared internationally. I also developed a training program to help new drivers in China, with this and other changes in licensing policy helping reduce new driver crashes in China. Expected future outcomes: This work helped promising Australian initiatives for reducing young driver crashes to receive on-going funding and for licensing policy changes to be considered that should significantly reduce youth crashes and injuries in the future. New support programs for disadvantaged learners and Aboriginal people will help them get a driver licence. Name of contact: Teresa Senserrick Email/Phone no. of contact: t.senserrick@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1000674 CIA Name: A/Pr Leslie Foster Admin Inst: University of New South Wales Main RFCD: Medical Devices Total funding: $213,125 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Title of research award: Application of Sutureless Technology 'SurgiLux' for Dura Mater Repair: A Proof of Concept StudyApplication of Sutureless Technology 'SurgiLux' for Dura Mater Repair: A Proof of Concept Study Lay Description (from application): A unique technology that combines biomaterials and lasers to effectively close and seal wounds could replace sutures in delicate surgery close to the brain. Wound closure in the cranium is still reliant upon sutures or 'stitches' and these have complications; a major one being leakage of cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). The application of 'SurgiLux' technology will both close and seal these wounds quickly and easily, with significant health and economic benefits. Research achievements (from final report): Current procedures for the closure of the dura mater remain reliant upon sutures. Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a common and expensive complication of certain operations that often requires inclusion of prophylactic preoperative lumbar drains. CSF leakage is associated with high additional costs while research has shown that a significant reduction of these costs can be achieved through the use of sealants. However, despite considerable research in the area, commercial adhesives and sealants are inappropriate and unused. Thus, there is an identified health requirement for a surgical device to effectively close and seal the dura mater after surgery. Thin films of 'SurgiLux' were found to readily seal incisions in the dura mater and prevent leakage. Irradiation of the SurgiLux with a near-infrared laser effectively bound the film to the tissue while showing no thermal damage. The procedure of cutting SurgiLux to size and its irradiation were found to be up to seven times faster than the current procedure using sutures. However, feedback from surgeons and research results have highlighted the requirement for the development of a pulse laser system to reproduce these results using current surgical procedures. Expected future outcomes: results have highlighted the requirement for the development of a pulse laser system to reproduce these results using current surgical procedures. Name of contact: A/Prof. L.J.R. Foster Email/Phone no. of contact: J.Foster@unsw.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 100967 CIA Name: A/Pr Amanda Baker Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Main RFCD: Psychiatry Total funding: $217,465 Start Year: 2000 End Year: 2002 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Evaluation of cognitive-behaviour therapy for alcohol and other drug problems among people with a psychotic illnessEvaluation of cognitive-behaviour therapy for alcohol and other drug problems among people with a psychotic illness Lay Description (from application): Abuse of alcohol and other drugs among people with a major psychiatric illness is a serious public health problem and cost-effective treatments need to be developed and assessed. The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a counselling intervention. 180 individuals with a psychotic illness and concurrent alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems will be randomly assigned to counselling or usual treatment and followed up for a period of 12 months. The indicators of interest include: current drug use; psychiatric symptoms; selfharm; social functioning; and use of health services. Findings from the proposed study will assist in the selection of particular treatment strategies and will aid the overall development of services for people with both major mental illness and substance abuse. Research achievements (from final report): This trial has led to significant advances in research design for people with co-occurring psychotic illness and drug and alcohol problems. It has highlighted the co-occurrence and treatability of the specific co-occurring condition of cannabis and psychosis and has indeed seeded a further postgraduate research project in this area. , It is important that the treatment offered in this trial be transferred into routine clinical practice, particularly among cannabis users who have a psychotic condition. The treatment evaluated in this trial offered an integrated approach, where mental health problems (psychosis) and drug and alcohol use were addressed within the one framework. This integrated approach warrants further examination., The results of this trial have helped inform future research directions, whereby the team will be evaluating a stepped care approach to treating co-occurring mental health and drug and alcohol conditions, so that treatment is stepped up according to response., Expected future outcomes: CONCLUSION:, There was a strong retention rate over the 10 treatment sessions with a typically challenging sample, with evidence of overall improvement over time for alcohol consumption, poly-drug use and an aggregate hazardous day's use score. There was evidence of improvement by group for cannabis, amphetamine, depression and global functioning. Name of contact: Dr Amanda Baker Email/Phone no. of contact: (02) 49246605 NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351140 CIA Name: Prof Leonie Ashman Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Main RFCD: Oncology and Carcinogenesis Total funding: $454,500 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Role of the tetraspanin CD151 in epithelial biology and cancerRole of the tetraspanin CD151 in epithelial biology and cancer Lay Description (from application): A cell surface protein identified in this laboratory has been linked to cancer progression and metastasis. This project aims to examine the molecular basis of the action of the protein in regulating cell migration, and to establish model systems to provide definitive evidence as to its role in the development and progression of cancer. The models will also provide systems for future studies to evaluate the potential of antibodies and other inhibitors of the action of this protein as therapeutics in a range of human cancers. Research achievements (from final report): This project used resources (monoclonal antibodies, gene knock-out mice) previously developed in the laboratory to investigate the function of the CD151 protein in vivo. The most significant results were demonstration of a role for CD151 in skin wound healing and in kidney function. These studies were complemented by analysis of CD151 function in tissue culture models. The CD151 gene knock-out was backcrossed for 10 generations onto a different mouse strain suitable for analysis of the role of CD151 in breast and prostate tumour initiation and progression and these experiments were initiated. Expected future outcomes: This and follow-on projects will improve our understanding of mechanisms of tissue repair and tumour metastasis and will lead to new biomarkers for classification of breast and prostate cancer and potentially new approaches to treatment. The unexpected demonstration of a role for CD151 in kidney function will be followed up and should give new insights into the pathogenesis of human renal disease Name of contact: Professor Leonie Ashman Email/Phone no. of contact: leonie.ashman@newcastle.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401244 CIA Name: Prof Robert Callister Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $441,473 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Descending control of pain pathwaysDescending control of pain pathways Lay Description (from application): Current treatments for chronic pain are limited in their success. This emphasises the need for new insights into the basic mechanisms and nervous system circuitry underlying altered or chronic pain states. Work in animals and patients with chronic pain shows that certain brainstem centres communicate, via descending spinal cord pathways, with small nerve cells in the superficial dorsal horn (SDH) of the spinal cord. These SDH neurones receive and process pain-signalling information from the skin and internal organs, and receive inputs from descending pathways. This descending input can either inhibit or enhance the activity of SDH neurones and subsequent pain perception. Till now it has been difficult to "directly" examine how descending pain pathways influence the small SDH neurones in the spinal cord. A new approach, which has been developed in our laboratory, now allows us to record from these very small SDH neurones in the spinal cord of an intact deeply anaesthetized mouse. In addition, our technique allows us to examine the recorded SDH neurone s responses to functionally relevant stimuli (brushing or pinching the hindpaw) as well as its physiology and anatomy. This project will use our new techniques to examine the effects of activating descending brainstem pathways that alter the way painful stimuli are processed in the spinal cord. The effects of altered levels of inhibition in the spinal cord will also be studied by using mice with naturally occurring mutations in their inhibitory glycine receptors. We believe a more complete understanding of pain processing mechanisms will be achieved by examining the role of descending pathways in an intact animal preparation. Such data are essential for the development of drug therapies that can successfully target pain syndromes. Research achievements (from final report): This focus of this application was to study the effects of stimulating nerve fibres, originating in the brain or skin, on the responses of nerve cells in the region of the spinal cord involved in pain. We can now do this routinely in the laboratory mouse. Because the mouse is the species of choice for genetic technologies (ie, making transgenic and knockout mice) the methods and results of the project have tremendous potential for exploring the roles of genes in pain processing. Major outcomes were:, 1) We can now routinely obtain recordings from spinal neurons AND record their responses after stimulating nerve cells in the brain or periphery of the mouse., 2 We know how recording temperature affects responses of spinal neurons. This is important, as a major goal of this project was to relate new information recorded intact animals (ie, in vivo at 37 degrees C) to the huge literature obtained in spinal cord slices (recorded at 23 degrees C)., 3) We have also published the first study where the effects of a genetic mutation are examined in single neurons within the nervous system of an intact mouse., 4) We also developed a horizontal spinal cord slice preparation that allows recording in spinal cord neurones while stimulating pathways from the barin. This preparation will be invaluable for future detailed pharmacological analysis of the synaptic mechanisms at connections between brainstem and SDH neurones. This sort of analysis cannot be carried out in slice preparations. , 5) We have established when, during development, the circuitry and neurons within the SDH can be considered functionally mature., 6) Written a major review on the spinal neurons involved in pain processing. Expected future outcomes: We will continue to use our in vivo mouse preparation to examine the effects of altered genes on spinal cord pain processing mechanisms. Name of contact: Robert Callister Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY robert.callister@newcastle.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455527 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: A/Pr Jonathan Hirst End Year: 2009 Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Foetal Development and Medicine Total funding: $450,703 Title of research award: Neurosteroid mediated protection after birth: approaches for maximising protective steroid levels in the neonatal brainNeurosteroid mediated protection after birth: approaches for maximising protective steroid levels in the neonatal brain Lay Description (from application): Complications during pregnancy, birth asphyxia or premature birth can lead to neurological impairment in the newborn. Despite excellent neonatal care many of these babies go on to have serious handicaps. Neurosteroids are a group of steroids that regulate brain activity. These steroids protect brain cells from damage caused by an inadequate supply of oxygen by suppressing toxicity caused by excessive activity. We have shown that the levels of these protective steroids are remarkably high in the fetal brain and levels rise further in response to fetal stress. The placenta contributes steroid precursors that help maintain these high neurosteroid levels. This placenta-fetal brain interaction comprises an internal mechanism that protects the fetal brain from adverse events during pregnancy. At birth, however, there is a dramatic decline in neurosteroid concentrations in the brain after the loss of the placental precursor supply. The fall in concentrations is even greater in animals that are born growth restricted. This suggests that newborns, particularly those from compromised pregnancies, are at increased risk of brain damage due to low neurosteroid levels. We believe that certain commonly used steroid therapies may also lower steroid levels in the brain and result in increased vulnerability to brain damage during birth or in the early neonatal period. Alternatively, we propose that replacement of neurosteroid precursors in the newborn may raise brain neurosteroid levels and protect against brain damage. In the proposed studies we will evaluate treatments that can raise the concentration of steroids and determine the best strategy for reducing brain injury following complications during pregnancy, at birth and during the early newborn period. This work will determine the best therapeutic approaches for maximising neurosteroidinduced brain protection and for reducing the risk of brain damage. Research achievements (from final report): The objectives of the work were to examine the neurosteroid responses at the fetal to neonatal transition and to determine if these responses are required for neuroprotection and are defificent in compromised pregnencies. This work required the establishment of a model of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in guinea pigs. We found that of growth restriction reduced levels of key 5alpha-reductase enzymes, in the placenta and brain. This result suggests that reduced expression in the brain may continue after birth and lead to the reduced neurosteroid levels neonates. We also found if neurosteroid production was reduced by 5alphareductase inhibition there was a marked increase in cell death in the fetal brain supporting a neuroprotective action for these steroids. We also established a model of birth asphyxia that markedly increased apoptotic cell death in the brain if the fetus was already growth restricted. We found that administration of allopregnanolone prevented the asphyxia-induced increase in cell death and improved outcome after asphyxia in the IUGR fetus. We then explored if preterm birth leaves the neonatal brain more vulnerable to hypoxia due to reduced neurosteroid synthesis. We found that the expression of both 5alpha-reductase isoforms was lower in the human placenta collected after preterm labour, suggesting that preterm birth increases the risk of brain injury due to the lower neurosteroid exposure. Together, this suggests that the preterm neonate may be at risk of brain injury due to their lower capacity to produce neurosteroids around the time of birth. The more marked effect we found with male fetuese may explain their greater vulnerability. Expected future outcomes: , , , The results of this project support the proposal that steroid supplementation may be valuable in protecting the brain after preterm birth. Future studies will evaluate different steroid treatments. We showed that the preterm neonates have deficient in neurosteroid concentrations in the brain increasing vulnerability to siezures, which could be treated using neurosteroid replacement. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Jonathan Hirst Email/Phone no. of contact: Jon.Hirst@newcastle.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569206 CIA Name: Prof Robert Callister Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Main RFCD: Systems Physiology Total funding: $469,768 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Spinal mechanisms underlying neck painSpinal mechanisms underlying neck pain Lay Description (from application): Chronic neck pain is difficult to treat and can result in a complex set of symptoms, including dizziness, disturbed vision, and exaggerated pain responses in the upper torso and arms. Thus, there is a need to develop new treatments for this debilitating condition. This project will study how damage to structures in the neck alters the excitability of nerve cells in the upper cervical spinal cord. The results will provide a foundation for development of therapies to treat chronic neck pain. Research achievements (from final report): This project asked whether the properties of spinal neurons that process sensory information differs in the upper cervical and lumbar spinal cord under normal conditions and following inflammation. Our results show the intrinsic properties of these nerve cells are generally concerved across spinal cord segments, however, nerve cells in the upper cervical cord differ in the expression of potassium channels and the way they fire action potentials. When structures in the neck are inflammed nerve cells in the upper cervical cord are clearly activated, yet their intrinsic properties are unchanged by acute inflammation. Together these data suggest the intrinsic properties of neurons in the spinal cord are not as suseptible to the well-characterised plasticity that occurs in synaptic inputs. These data will be of use for future modelling of the responses of spinal circuits to altered input from the periphery. In essence, the contribution of intrinsic properties to altered information flow through the part of the spinal cord involved in pain signalling can be considered as realtively constant or unchanging. During the course of this study we also showed that one of the ion channels that determines the intrinsic properties of SDH neurons, a type of hyperpolarisation-activated current (Ih), may serve as an "anatomical" marker for neuronal populations that fire tonically. Such neurons comprise >50% of the neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn and our data now provide a method to identify these cells quickly and at the population level of analysis. Expected future outcomes: We have now established a baseline dataset on the properties of spinal neurons that receive information from stuctures in the neck. These data are essential for future studies on the response of spinal circuits to peripheral insults. Name of contact: Robert J Callister Email/Phone no. of contact: robert.callister@newcastle.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569265 CIA Name: Prof Kypros Kypri Admin Inst: University of Newcastle Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $408,413 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Reducing the injury and disease burden attributable to alcohol: methodological, aetiological and intervention studies.Reducing the injury and disease burden attributable to alcohol: methodological, aetiological and intervention studies. Lay Description (from application): The research examines the influence of individual, social and environmental factors on drinking behaviour, and seeks to determine the effectiveness of strategies to prevent alcohol-related harm, with a particular focus on youth drinking. A series of studies is proposed, examining the validity of methods for measuring drinking behaviour; social and environmental factors, and interventions. The findings will have relevance to reducing the burden of alcohol-related injury and disease in Australia. Research achievements (from final report): The Award enabled a programme of research in four interconnected streams focussed on the epidemiology and prevention of alcohol-related disease and injury, namely: Methodology, Prevalence and Risk Factors, Intervention Trials, and Policy Evaluation. National and international competitive grants were obtained to conduct studies in each stream. Highlights include a series of experimental studies of Research Participation Effects, a novel conceptualisation of ways in which aspects of study design and implementation can bias the identification of disease risk factors, and estimates of intervention effect. A world-first cohort of 2000 childparent dyads was established and to investigate the role of parental supply of alcohol on adolescent risky drinking. A world-first clinical trial of web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention for hospital outpatients was initiated. An epidemiological investigation of the effects of changes in pub trading hours on assault rates was conducted, and an evaluation of the effects of reducing the alcohol minimum purchasing age in New Zealand was initiated. The findings were disseminated in 45 papers, reviews, and commentaries published predominantly high impact general medical, public health and addiction journals; to practitioner and professional groups, policy makers, and the general public via national news media. There were demonstrable changes to policy and preventive medical practice arising from the research. Several academic staff and postgraduate students received training through their involvement in the research programme, including substantial involvement in the acquisition of competitive grants, publications, and research translation. The work was recognised in a prestigious international award and served as the basis of a successful application for a NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship.??? Expected future outcomes: The research initiated during the Award period continues and has given rise to new projects including an epidemiological study of the longer term effects of restrictions in pub trading hours; and pilot research on the provision to hospital outpatients of genetic feedback on risks for alcohol dependence and certain cancers to reduce unhealthy alcohol consumption. Name of contact: Professor Kypros Kypri Email/Phone no. of contact: Kypros.Kypri@newcastle.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 142931 Start Year: 2001 CIA Name: Prof Jenny Strong End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $105,794 Title of research award: Inter-rater reliability and predictive validity of a new functional capacity evaluation for chronic back painInterrater reliability and predictive validity of a new functional capacity evaluation for chronic back pain Lay Description (from application): Back pain costs the Australian community tens of billions of dollars. Back pain is one of the main causes of work injury and lost time from work. The longer a person is off work, the harder it is to get them back to work. Workers' compensation systems around Australia aim at getting the injured worker with back pain back to work as soon as possible. One of the difficulties in this process is determining what the person with back pain can physically do in the workplace. An evaluation technique, called functional capacity evaluation (known as FCE), is one method used to find out what the person with back pain physically can and cannot do. In a FCE, a trained health professional such as an occupational therapist, observes the person performing a range of physical activities like the ones he or she may have to perform in a job. The therapist closely observes the person performing activities such as lifting, carrying, kneeling, crouching, balancing, and walking and notes any limitations in the person's ability to complete the activities. The therapist makes comments about what difficulties the person may have on the job and recommendations about how these could be reduced or eliminated. The information gained from these evaluations can be valuable for the treating doctor in deciding whether the person is ready to go back to work and what duties the person can and cannot do on the job. Because of such value they provide, FCE is commonly used in rehabilitation programs endorsed by workers' compensation systems around Australia. This widespread use and endorsement of FCE occurs despite limited research on the soundness of the ratings made from these evaluations. There is a need to see whether recommendations made from FCEs are consistent between therapists (i.e. reliable) and to see if the FCE accurately predicts the person's physical capacity for work. This research will examine these issues with injured workers with back pain. Research achievements (from final report): This project has made a major advance in the development of a new, safe and reliable approach to evaluating the ability of people with back injuries causing pain, to return to the workforce. The approach, known as the Gibson Approach to Functional Capacity Evaluation, or GAPP FCE, has now been through a series of tests, using both healthy volunteers and people with back injuries, and has been found to be both safe to use and to provide a reliable evalaution. Functional capacity evaluation is an important tool for rehabilitation professsionals who assist workers who have had injuries, to return to the workforce. They are considered to provide more useful data than can be obtained from clinical impression or self-report alone. Previously however, there were limited data to support the psychometric properties of commonly used FCEs. We have found the GAPP FCE to be safe, through the use of a prescribed pre-screening procedure, and through the monitoring of biomechanisical, physiological and psychophysical parameters during the performance of tasks. We found the results from the GAPP FCE to be reliable when silently observed by multiple therapists, that is, the overall recommendations for return to work made by independent therapists had reliability ratings (ICC [2,1]) of 0.73 and 0.75. Expected future outcomes: Since publication of key papers in peer reviewed journals in 2005, dialogue with other research groups has begun, to enhance the science of FCEs. Our research team will continue to work on developing the FCE so it can be available for day-to-day use in many settings around Australia. The team is meeting to plan the steps in the commercialisation process over the coming months. Name of contact: Professor Jenny Strong NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: j.strong@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 142958 CIA Name: Prof Mark Forwood Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $301,018 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Prostaglandin G/H synthase-2 (PGHS-2) is a key regulator of skeletal adaptation and remodellingProstaglandin G/H synthase-2 (PGHS-2) is a key regulator of skeletal adaptation and remodelling Lay Description (from application): Knowledge of the biology underlying bone formation is important for developing novel approaches to stimulate new bone formation in skeletal diseases associated with ageing or disability, or for maintenance of new bone around orthopaedic or dental implants. The discovery that a prostaglandin enzyme (PGHS-2) is a key factor in activity-related bone formation and normal bone turnover, as well as a pharmacological target for reducing inflammation, has considerable clinical significance. Specific inhibition of PGHS-2 by recent antiinflammatory drugs avoids formation of gastric ulcers, but their influence on normal bone remodelling and fracture repair is not known and must be investigated. Many such inhibitors are in advanced clinical trials, but their effect on bone metabolism has not been published. This project is important because it employs novel experimental models to advance our knowledge of prostaglandin biology in skeletal adaptation, and elucidates important clinical consequences for specific inhibition of PGHS-2 in the skeleton. This project will investigate the regulation of prostaglandin production by PGHS enzymes following mechanical loading in vivo. It will use cell, molecular and histochemical techniques to determine if the genes that regulate the enzymes are influenced by mechanical stimuli, and if they are dependent on other molecules, associated with structural proteins (stress fibres) within the cell. It will investigate if inhibition of PGHS-2 by antiinflammatory drugs or stress-fibre inhibitors, depresses normal bone turnover and healing responses. The outcome of these experiments could indicate new approaches to stimulate bone formation, preserve bone mass, or minimise adverse skeletal effects of anti-inflammatory treatments related to orthopaedic or dental procedures. Research achievements (from final report): The experiments showed that PGHS-2 (or COX-2) gene expression (normally related to inflammation) is increased in bone tissue following loading. It also provided experimental evidence that PGHS-2 inhibition reduces bone turnover which can prevent menopause related bone loss. This was shown to be related to decreases in osteoclast surface and activity - the cells that remove bone. PGHS-2 inhibitors (anti-inflammatory drugs) also slowed the remodelling and consolidation of woven bone on the periosteal surface following loading. This would lead to increased healing time for fractures, but would not jeopardise the strength of those healing fractures. The findings above suggest that there is a clinical implication for COX-2 inhibition in terms of regulating bone turnover, but this has not yet been translated into a direct clinical outcome. Expected future outcomes: Evidence that new antinflammatory drugs not only reduce inflammation, but may have a role in managing and regulating bone diseases associated with rapid bone loss, will be investigated. The role of COX-2 in bone biology is being pursued in mice producing excess levels of this enzyme to study whether this exacerbates conditions of bone loss or enhances adaptive mechanisms associated with loading Name of contact: Mark Forwood Email/Phone no. of contact: m.forwood@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 143021 CIA Name: Prof Justin Kenardy Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Mental Health Total funding: $185,889 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A prospective study of traumatic stress in children involved in motor vehicle accidentsA prospective study of traumatic stress in children involved in motor vehicle accidents Lay Description (from application): Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) are relatively frequent major life trauma that represent significant life threatening experiences. Not surprisingly evidence suggests that MVAs represent a frequent trigger for the development of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), although studies have typically focussed upon adult survivors. Local statistics indicate a significant proportion of children will experience a MVA of sufficient severity to warrant attendance at hospital. This project is of significance because it will provide badly needed information about the prevalence and course of emotional and behavioural problems in children following exposure to a serious MVA. More broadly the study should provide valuable information on post-traumatic stress responses in children. Furthermore, it will enable us to identify the factors that place children at particular risk of developing psychological problems following a MVA. This will provide information to help design of interventions to prevent the development of PTSD and other forms of psychopathology following MVAs. Such data will also permit identification of those children who are at particular risk of psychological morbidity after MVA trauma and for whom preventive interventions are most likely to be beneficial. Research achievements (from final report): This project investigated the prevalence of post traumatic stress reactions in children injured in accidents, with follow-up of families occurring within two weeks after the child's accident, at one month after the accident and again at six months after the child's accident. Children were aged 7 to 15 at the time of the accident. The research employed measures of child functioning as well as parental functioning. The study found that although a significant number of children suffered initial distress at two weeks after the accident, the majority of children made a relatively good psychological recovery. However, children who suffered significant distress at one month after the accident were likely to still suffer from post traumatic symptomatology at six months after the accident. This indicates that early identification of children suffering significant psychological distress allows for early treatment of children who are unlikely to recover without intervention. Expected future outcomes: The outcomes of this research will form the basis of development of an intervention program aiming to prevent and/ or minimise development of post traumatic stress disorder and other psychological disorders in children injured in accidents. The risk factors identified in the original study allow early identification of children at risk for development of these disorders. Name of contact: A/Prof. Justin Kenardy Email/Phone no. of contact: jkenardy@somc.uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 143054 CIA Name: Prof John Mattick Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Medical Bacteriology Total funding: $407,546 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Genetic dissection of the biogenesis and function of type IV fimbriae of Pseudomonas aeruginosaGenetic dissection of the biogenesis and function of type IV fimbriae of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lay Description (from application): Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium which causes serious life-threatening infections of individuals with cystic fibrosis, AIDS or who have suffered severe burns or are undergoing cancer chemotherapy. This pathogen, and a number of other important infectious bacteria use surface filaments, called fimbriae, like grappling hooks to attach to the cells of the body and to move across host tissues. These fimbriae are produced in response to environmental conditions, and are assembled by a process that is also used in the export of toxins and other pathogenic molecules. This project will characterise genes which specify and control this system, as a means to design better treatments against such bacteria, many of which are resistant to antibiotic treatment. Research achievements (from final report): Twitching motility occurs in most if not all bacterial pathogens. It is mediated by surface filaments termed type IV pili and is central to the infection process, as well as to protective immunity - strains with non-functional pili are non-infectious and antibodies against type IV pili prevent disease. The model experimental organism for this system is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is an important pathogen in its own right affecting individuals with cystic fbrosis, burns, or who are suffering HIV-AIDS or undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Other pathogens with type IV pili are those causing gonorrhea, menigitis, and conjunctivitis. During the course of this project we discovered several new genes controlling twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bringing the number of genes and proteins known to be involved to over 40. We also discovered that extracellular DNA is required for biofilm formation, a process that is itself central to host colonization and which involves twitching motility. This discovery was published in the leading journal Science with wide accompanying publicity, and will open up new avenues for preventing biofilm formation and disease. We also discovered that, contrary to previous reports, quorum sensing is not required for twitching motility but rather that mutants in this system create regulatory imbalances that favour mutations in other regulators, including those controlling twitching motility, with important ramifications for how mutational studies are interpreted in bacteriology as a whole. We also characterized two regulatory systems which control twitching motility, including a chemosensory system that includes the most complex signal transduction protein yet described in any organism. Finally as acknowledged leaders in this field we were invited to publish a comprehensive review on type IV pili and twitching motility by the Annual Review of Microbiology, which will stand for some time as the definitive reference on the subject. Expected future outcomes: New protocols for screening for antibiotics that inhibit twitching motility. New approaches to the rational design of antibiotics against twitching motility. New approaches to preventing bactertial biofilm formation. Name of contact: Professor John Mattick Email/Phone no. of contact: j.mattick@imb.uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 143061 Start Year: 2001 CIA Name: Prof Peter Koopman End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Genetic Development (incl. Sex Determination) Total funding: $468,564 Title of research award: Transcriptional control of blood vessel development by Sox18Transcriptional control of blood vessel development by Sox18 Lay Description (from application): Blood vessels play an essential role in maintaining the supply of nutrients to every organ and tissue in the body. Improper development of blood vessels in the embryo can compromise survival of the embryo, and defects in the ability of blood vessels to grow, regenerate and adapt to change during adult life can be life-threatening. The growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) is also an important factor in the ability of solid tumours to grow during the progression of cancer. It is therefore of fundamental importance in the health sciences to gain an understanding of how blood vessels form and regenerate. As a result of our collaborative research efforts, we have discovered a gene, Sox18, that appears to regulate blood vessel development by controlling the formation and/or behaviour of endothelial cells, which line the blood vessels and make them impermeable. Our research so far indicates that MICE WITH DEFECTS IN SOX18 DIE FROM VASCULAR DEFECTS, underlining the importance of this gene. THIS PROJECT IS CONCERNED WITH FINDING OUT HOW SOX18 WORKS - exactly what goes wrong in mice lacking this gene, whether Sox18 can influence endothelial cell behaviour in cell culture, how Sox18 comes to be active in endothelial cells, what genes are switched on by Sox18, and what genes Sox18 co-operates with in its role in endothelial cells. The answers to these questions will not only provide fundamental basic information about how blood vessels development is controlled, but also sow the seeds for possible future therapies in which blood vessel development could be stimulated (eg in wound healing) or suppressed (eg in tumour progression) through pharmaceutical intervention. Research achievements (from final report): We are researching the genetic mechanisms by which blood vessels form - an issue of critical importance to normal embryo development, physiological functioning and many diseases including cancer. We have discovered one of the key genes in the process, a gene called Sox18. In this project we discovered a wealth of information regarding what Sox18 does, how it achieves its roles in the cell, and how it contributes to development, wound healing and cancer. Our data raise the exciting possibility that future therapies aimed at speeding up or slowing down blood vessel development could be based on the Sox18 gene. Expected future outcomes: We are now exploring further the link between Sox18 and cancer, with a view to developing new therapies involving inhibiting growth of blood vessels. Name of contact: Neville Young Email/Phone no. of contact: n.young@imb.uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157085 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Motor Control Total funding: $168,958 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Physiology and pathophysiology of trunk control mechanismsPhysiology and pathophysiology of trunk control mechanisms Lay Description (from application): The overall aim of this series of experiments is to understand how the spine is controlled and how this changes in disease. Altered control has been identified in people with low back pain, yet we still know very little about the normal mechanisms for protection and support of the spine. Back pain is a common affliction that affects about 5% of Australians each year and is the most common and expensive work-related injury in western society. An understanding of normal control and the mechanism of dysfunction is critical for identification of risk factors and development of strategies for rehabilitation and prevention. The experiments are divided into two series. The first series addresses normal spinal control. The questions to be asked deal with how the brain copes with the challenge of using trunk muscles for breathing and spinal control at the same time, how the activity of the trunk muscles is affected by input from sensory receptors in the joints, ligaments and muscles of the spine, and whether intra-abdominal pressure can support the trunk. The second series deals with clinical populations. The first aim is to identify whether people with respiratory diseases use trunk muscles for spinal control and breathing at the same time. If they cannot, we predict that they will be more prone to low back pain. We will test this in a large study of incidence of low back pain in people with and without respiratory disease. The second study will investigate the pelvic floor muscles which are important for continence and assist with spinal control. We will investigate whether people with incontinence have poor spinal control and whether this leads to back pain. The final experiment will identify whether people with low back pain interpret sensory information from the spine differently. By answering these questions we hope to intervene in the enormous personal, social and economic consequences of LBP which affects between 60-90% of the population at some stage in their life. Research achievements (from final report): This project involved a series of clinical and experimental studies to investigate the strategies used by the nervous system to control the spine and changes that occur in pain and disease. The studies provide a range of important outcomes that can guide the management and prevention of low back and pelvic pain. Key outcomes include: , . Injury to a disc in the lumbar spine causes unexpectedly rapid atrophy of back muscles. This is likely to compromise control of the spine. These data provide a physiological rationale for exercise in back pain. This study was awarded the ISSLS prize, the premier international award for spine research. , . A novel series of experiments studied the consequences of competition between the contribution of the spinal muscles to control of movement and stability and the contribution of these muscles to respiration and continence. The results show that increased demand for breathing and continence, due to disease or a function-specific challenge (e.g. breathing increased carbon dioxide, increased bladder volume), is associated with compromised control of the spine. This was linked to epidemiological data that showed an increased risk for development of back pain in individuals with breathing difficulties and incontinence. , . Studies also show that low back pain, when induced experimentally, leads to dramatic changes in coordination of spinal muscles. , The studies provide evidence of factors that compromise control of the spine. These findings have led to changes in evaluation and management of back pain. Ongoing work aims to assess the efficacy of these refined interventions. Expected future outcomes: The studies completed in this program provide a basis for a range of strategies that have the potential to refine the management and prevention of low back and pelvic pain. Future studies are required to determine the magnitude of the clinical effect. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Paul Hodges Email/Phone no. of contact: p.hodges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 157203 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Not Allocated Total funding: $484,676 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Physiology and pathophysiology of trunk control mechanismsPhysiology and pathophysiology of trunk control mechanisms Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): The work undertaken during the 5 years of the Research Fellowship involved investigation of the physiology and pathophysiology of movement control in people with a range of conditions including low back pain, respiratory disease and incontinence. Using physiological and epidemiological methods in human and animal experiments the studies provide novel data of a range of factors that challenge the control of the trunk muscles, and have led to the development of intervention strategies. Examples include: , . Animal experiments showed that injury to an intervertebral disk leads to rapid atrophy of the deep back muscles. , . Evaluation of a large population of Australian women showed that incontinence and breathing disorders are a risk factor for the development of back pain. Other studies suggest that this may be due to competition between the contribution of the trunk muscles to spinal control, continence and breathing. , . Studies show that pain and fear of pain lead to complex changes in the control of the trunk muscles. This suggests that patients who are fearful of injury control movement as if they have pain. These studies point to changes in control of the muscles, rather than strength and endurance. , . Similar changes in muscle control were also identified in people with neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain. , . Clinical trials of exercise strategies based on these studies provided evidence of clinical efficacy in people with back, neck and knee pain. Other studies showed that the improvement in symptoms is associated with improvements in muscle control. Expected future outcomes: The completed studies have provided evidence of a range of factors that are candidates as risk factors for the development and recurrence of low back pain. Current and future work aims to determine whether clinical interventions can change these factors and improve the long term prognosis for those at risk for back pain. Name of contact: Paul Hodges Email/Phone no. of contact: p.hodges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 210146 CIA Name: Dr James St John Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $256,320 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Defining the role of EphA5 in olfactory axon growth, guidance and fasciculationDefining the role of EphA5 in olfactory axon growth, guidance and fasciculation Lay Description (from application): The olfactory (smell) system is a unique part of the nervous system; nerve cells are generated throughout life and it can regenerate even after injury. It therefore provides an excellent model for examining the growth, development and maintenance of nerve cells. This project will examine the effects on the organisation of the olfactory system when some guidance signals are altered. Information we obtain about how this system develops and regenerates may be useful in treating brain disorders and spinal injuries In the current project we will examine the effects of specific nerve cell guidance molecules by generating transgenic mice that produce these molecules only in the olfactory system. We can then determine what changes occur to the nerve cells when these extra molecules are produced. In addition, we will also examine the behaviour of live cells as they are growing. In the past all attempts to understand how nerve cell connections are formed in the olfactory system have used dead tissue that has been permanently preserved. In this project we have the unique opportunity to visualise living nerve cells to enable us to determine how the cells react to the guidance signals. The advantage of this approach is that it allows us to identify important interactions as they occur, rather than attempting to decipher them after they have occurred. An analogy would be watching a football game live and observing how goals were scored and appreciating the performance of individual players versus trying to guess from the final score how the game was played and who the key performers were. The results of these experiments will provide important information on the regeneration of olfactory nerve cells, as well as on the initial growth and targeting of these nerve cells. Research achievements (from final report): The olfactory (smell) system is a unique part of the nervous system; nerve cells are generated throughout life and it can regenerate even after injury. It therefore provides an excellent model for examining the growth, development and maintenance of nerve cells. This project has examined the effects on the organisation of the olfactory system when some guidance signals are altered. Nerve cells find their appropriate target by following a combination of guidance cues. However different guidance molecules are likely to present in the young animal compared to the adult and therefore regeneration may be different in animals of different ages. We have examined how nerve cells find their targets following widespread regeneration in the adult and found that targeting is often inaccurate with nerve cells terminating in numerous inappropriate sites. These results support the notion that the coordinated expression of a suite of guidance cues is required for correct nerve cell targeting during development and during regeneration in the adult. Our results have provided an excellent understanding of how the sense of smell develops and regenerates and these results may be useful in treating brain disorders and spinal injuries. Expected future outcomes: Design of drug and cell-based therapies for brain and spinal regeneration Name of contact: James St John Email/Phone no. of contact: james.stjohn@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 210347 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Dr Tamara Ownsworth End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $214,230 Title of research award: Impaired self-awareness & employment outcome following acquired brain injury: Evaluation of an employment rehabilitationImpaired self-awareness & employment outcome following acquired brain injury: Evaluation of an employment rehabilitation Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): This 4 year project investigated the relationship between metacognitive skills (i.e., self-awareness and selfregulation) and functional outcomes following acquired brain injury (ABI). In the first stage of the project 86 individuals with ABI were involved in a 12-month longitudinal study of return to work and other psychosocial outcomes. In the second stage of the project a series of rehabilitation interventions were evaluated involving approximately 38 individuals, and included a case series (n=3), single case experimental designs (n=2) and a randomised controlled trial (n=33)., The key findings of the project were as follows:, - Impaired metacognitive skills were associated with poor problem solving and error self-regulation;, - Impaired metacognitive skills and depression predicted employment outcome and independent living skills;, - Improvement in self-awareness over time was associated with obtaining employment;, - Individuals with ABI were distinguished into 4 clusters according to awareness. These include: (1) poor self-awareness due to executive dysfunction, (2) high defensiveness and low symptom reporting, (3) high symptom reporting and low defensiveness and (4) good self-awareness. These clusters predicted emotional well-being and psychosocial outcomes., - Metacognitive skills can be enhanced through group rehabilitation and individual occupation-based programs in the community. This training leads to significant clinical gains in goal attainment, emotinal well-being and psychosocial adjustment., , From a clinical perspective, the findings highlighted the importance and effectiveness of training metacognitive skills during rehabilitation to enhance return-to-work outcomes, independent living skills and interpersonal relationships. Our evidence-based practice guidelines for rehabilitation are published in leading journals such as Clinical Psychology Review, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Expected future outcomes: Various publications are in press and continue to be submitted as a result of the project. The randomised controlled trial which commenced during the NHMRC project is near completion (funded by CONROD) and will be submitted for publication. International collaborative research, involving the application of the research methodology to other clinical populations, is ongoing. Name of contact: Dr Tamara Ownsworth Email/Phone no. of contact: t.ownsworth@griffith.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 252771 Start Year: 2003 CIA Name: Prof Gwendolen Jull End Year: 2005 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $264,750 Title of research award: Physiological mechanisms of efficacy of cervical flexor muscle retrainingPhysiological mechanisms of efficacy of cervical flexor muscle retraining Lay Description (from application): Neck pain is a significant problem in society and its frequency is beginning to match the proportions of back pain, probably reflecting our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Several problems have been identified in the muscle system in persons who suffer from neck pain. Therapeutic exercise has been found to have benefit in preventing and relieving pain and improving the neck function. Currently there are several, quite different methods of exercise and there is controversy regarding how therapeutic exercise works. It has been argued that parameters such as changes in muscle strength, endurance, joint position sense or muscle coordination may be responsible for the clinical efficacy. It is difficult to disentangle the effective component of exercise strategies and thus prescribe the most effective exercise strategies. This series of experiments will evaluate the physiological factors that change with a specific exercise intervention and to compare different exercise modalities in order to identify the most effective means to induce these changes. Cervical muscle training, using a proven exercise intervention strategy for chronic neck pain and headache, has been chosen as the model to investigate these questions. This exercise strategy has been chosen not only because it has been shown to be effective, but also because it does not conform to contemporary rationales for strength or endurance training. Thus while effective in relieving pain, it is unlikely to produce changes in these parameters. Thus other mechanisms are likely to be responsible for the clinical change. This research stands to make a significant contribution to exercise therapeutics by identifying the effective components of different exercise methods and investigating the pain relieving effects of the specific exercise. This knowledge will lead to the construction of a research based exercise program for neck pain patients, rather than have the current situation of often arbitrary choice of exercise. Research achievements (from final report): Neck pain is a significant problem in society and its frequency is beginning to match the proportions of low back pain. Changes in neck muscle function have been identified in people with neck pain and therapeutic exercise programs designed to address these deficits, have demonstrated efficacy in relieving neck pain. However, several, quite different methods of exercise have been proposed and there is controversy regarding optimal exercise selection and how exercise achieves pain relief. It has been argued variously that parameters such as changes in neck muscle strength, endurance, joint position sense or muscle coordination may be responsible for the clinical efficacy. , A series of experiments was undertaken to evaluate the effect of various exercise regimes on physiological measures of neck muscle function which are known to be impaired in people with neck pain. The results indicated that specificity in training is required to most effectively change neck muscle impairment. This knowledge has translated to the construction of a research based, progressive exercise program for neck pain patients, rather than the current situation of an arbitrary choice of exercise. The efficacy of this exercise approach is currently being tested in a randomised clinical trial for neck pain following a whiplash injury. Expected future outcomes: The results of the research will guide further development of specific therapeutic exercise interventions for the management and prevention of neck pain, based scientifically on the physiological responses to training. Name of contact: Gwendolen Jull Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY g.jull@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 252829 CIA Name: Prof Brian Key Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $440,250 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2005 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: A molecular approach to constructing the olfactory systemA molecular approach to constructing the olfactory system Lay Description (from application): The olfactory (smell) system is a unique part of the nervous system; nerve cells are generated throughout life and it can regenerate even after injury. It therefore provides an excellent model for examining the growth, development and maintenance of nerve cells. This project will examine the effects on the organisation of the olfactory system when some guidance signals are altered. Information we obtain about how this system develops and regenerates may be useful in treating brain disorders and spinal injuries In the current project we will examine the effects of specific nerve cell guidance molecules by generating transgenic mice that produce these molecules only in the olfactory system. We can then determine what changes occur to the nerve cells when these extra molecules are produced. The results of these experiments will provide important information on the the initial growth and targeting of these nerve cells which may have implications for regeneration of these as well as other nerve cells. Research achievements (from final report): This project has led to a better understanding about how one of the most regenerative regions of the nervous system forms during development and matures into old age. The region of the nervous system associated with smell is called the olfactory system. It is unique because its nerve cells are continually dying throughout life and being replenished by progrenitor cells that mature into new nerve cells. In contrast, in other regions of the nervous system nerve cells typically die with age and are never replenished. This makes the olfactory system interesting for regneratine purposes. In this project we have begun to understand how the olfactory nerve cells are able to conitunally grow throughout life. It is hoped that this infromation will lead to the design of therapeutic approaches ot injury in the nervous system. Expected future outcomes: The long term outcomes of this work is the developemnt of strategies to assist in repairing nervous systems damaged by either physical insult or due to disease and pathologies. An important future outcome is to induce growth and regeneration in other regions of the nervous system at levels comparable to that observed in the olfactory system. Name of contact: Brian Key Email/Phone no. of contact: brian.key@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 276415 CIA Name: A/Pr Edith Gardiner Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $496,500 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Anabolic Bone Gene PathwaysAnabolic Bone Gene Pathways Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a major health burden resulting from bone fractures in older men and women due to progressive loss of bone and weakening of the skeleton. Although there are currently therapies to reduce bone loss, no current treatment effectively reconstructs lost bone. In this project, which is designed to identify new genes that may in the future be targeted by drugs to reverse osteoporosis, we have identified specific sets of genes that appear to work together to increase bone formation. This proposal is aimed at characterising these genes and the ways in which they work to determine whether they may be good targets for new osteoporosis treatments. We will examine the patterns of these genes in bone. We will also use cell cultures in which bone forming cells develop and function, to determine when the genes are expressed and how they function. We will test the ability of the candidate genes to cause an increase in the amount of bone forming activity in these cell cultures. An increase in bone formation may be caused by an increase in the number bone-forming cells, an increase in the activity of the cells, a decrease in cell death, or a combination of these changes. Each possibility will be tested. This research is important because of the need for new osteoporosis therapies to repair weakened bones. The knowledge resulting from this proposal has the potential to provide an important contribution to skeletal health and thus aged health worldwide. Research achievements (from final report): Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones are fragile, at least in part because of a decrease in bone mass. In osteoporosis research, the Wnt regulatory pathway is being studied because it can increase bone mass by increasing the activity of osteoblasts, which are the bone forming cells. How the Wnt pathway stimulates osteoblast activity is not well understood, however, and in this project we have unexpectedly discovered that under some circumstances, Wnt pathway activation can inhibit the bone forming activity of osteoblasts. In experiments designed to explain how this unusual observation could occur, we have demonstrated that Wnt can alter the expression of key genes that control the development and maturation of osteoblasts. We have also discovered a novel mechanism of interaction between the Wnt pathway and another major regulator of osteoblasts, the vitamin D response pathway. The knowledge gained in these experiments is important because any future osteoporosis therapies based on Wnt pathway activation must take into account the potential negative as well as positive effects of such interventions. Better understanding of the range of consequences of Wnt activation including the effects on the osteoblastic vitamin D response will aid in the development of effective strategies for both Wnt and vitamin D based therapies. Expected future outcomes: Future studies will determine why the negative effects of Wnt activation on bone formation occur under some circumstances but not others. Name of contact: Edith Gardiner Email/Phone no. of contact: e.gardiner2@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301026 CIA Name: Prof Brian Key Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $447,750 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of axon guidance in the vertebrate nervous systemMolecular and cellular mechanisms of axon guidance in the vertebrate nervous system Lay Description (from application): There are, at least, two major obstacles that have to be overcome in the design of therapies to assist the repair of injured brain tissue. First, the nerve cells that are damaged have to be encouraged to regrow - typically this regrowth is inhibited in the brain; and second, this regrowth has to be directed so that the correct connections are re-established. This project will begin to unravel some of the mechanisms that nerve cells use to wire up together during development. This information can be used to assist in trying to modulate and facilitate directed regrowth following injury. Research achievements (from final report): There are, at least, two major obstacles that have to be overcome in the design of therapies to asssist the repair of injured brain tissue. First, the nerve cells that are damaged have to be encouraged to regrow - typically this regrowth is inhibited in the brain; and second, this regrowth has to be directed so that the correct connections are re-established. This project has begun to unravel some of the mechanisms that nerve cells use to wire up together during development. This information will be used to assist in trying to modulate and facilitate directed regrowth following injury. We have been the first to characterise the interaction between three molecules during the period in early development when a template of the nerve connections is being formed. This work has contributed significantly to our understanding of how genes control nerve fiber growth. Expected future outcomes: This work will lead to a better understanding of how molecules regualte the growht of nerve fibres in the brain. It is expected that techniques will be developed that will allow these molecules to be regualted both in time and space so as to facilitate the repair of damaged tissue in the brain following either direct injury or disease states. Name of contact: Brian Key Email/Phone no. of contact: brian.key@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301037 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Bill (Guglielmo) Vicenzino End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $192,625 Title of research award: Foot orthotics in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomised control trial in primary careFoot orthotics in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomised control trial in primary care Lay Description (from application): Musculoskeletal conditions account for the third leading cause of health systems expenditure in Australia. Patellofemoral pain syndrome or pain about the knee cap is such a condition and is often treated in primary care. Both the individual and community are affected by this condition with an estimated 1 in 4 suffers still having problems and pain up to 20 years after first being afflicted. Importantly it interferes with activities such as walking, jogging, gym classes and aerobics, which are often prescribed to prevent serious conditions of the heart, diabetes and obesity. Hence it negatively impacts on the health and well being of our nation. Two popular treatment options that are commonly prescribed for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome are physiotherapy and foot orthotics. To date there is some evidence supporting physiotherapy, especially current best practice methods such as a combined program of therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and kneecap taping. There is a lack of evidence for the use of orthotics in treating patellofemoral pain syndrome. This project will conduct a randomised clinical trial to evaluate the relative benefits of orthotics as the sole treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome and also when combined with physiotherapy. Factors associated with predicting the results of orthotic therapy will be studied to see if there are any tests that a health care practitioner can perform to provide information early on in a consultation regarding possible treatment outcomes. A cost-benefit analysis will also be conducted to calculate the relative economic merits of the treatments. A tangible outcome of this project will be the development of clinical guidelines for the most effective method of treating patellofemoral pain syndrome in primary health care. Research achievements (from final report): Patellofemoral pain syndrome (pain at the front of the knee) is a common musculoskeletal condition that substantially interferes with physical activity (e.g., walking on flat, stairs or hills; jogging; cycling) and may last for many years. This project addressed the issue of timely managing this condition by systematically reviewing reports of other up to date research as well as conducting the first full scale clinical trial of the role of physical treatments, such as, foot orthoses and physiotherapy. Previous research identified in the systematic reviews indicated that there might be a beneficial effect of foot orthoses, but that the findings of those preliminary studies were not conclusive. To the contrary physiotherapy in the form of exercises, manual therapy and taping was beneficial. Our clinical trial tracked 179 patients over 12 months and found a poorer prognosis for those who had severe pain for longer and had lower functional levels, irrespective of their age, gender or general body shape. This trial also evaluated the clinical benefits of treatment with pre-formed foot orthoses in 179 patients and found that foot orthoses were more effective than flat shoe inserts in the shortterm, but that they were not substantially different to physiotherapy (or combined orthoses and physiotherapy) over 12 months. Interestingly, the foot orthoses were more almost twice as effective in people with mobile feet who were relatively older, shorter and had less severe pain. In summary, it would appear that foot orthoses might be used to hasten recovery in patellofemoral pain syndrome. Expected future outcomes: The clinical trial was published in a high impact medical journal and has attracted attention (e.g., reprinted in British Journal of Sports Medicine, invitation to speak at national and international conferences), which sets a platform for uptake of this research in clinic and research - with downstream improved health of active young people, thereby preventing complications of inactivity. Name of contact: Bill Vicenzino NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: b.vicenzino@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301099 CIA Name: A/Pr Helen Cooper Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $432,750 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Dissecting the molecular mechanisms driving cell migration during neurulation triggered by the netrin receptor, neogeninDissecting the molecular mechanisms driving cell migration during neurulation triggered by the netrin receptor, neogenin Lay Description (from application): In humans, abnormalities in brain and spinal cord formation during early embryogenesis result in congenital syndromes such as spina bifida and anencephaly. These defects occur at a rate of 1/1000 pregnancies and are therefore a major contributor to pre- and perinatal deaths. In the early embryo, the brain and spinal cord begin as a hollow tube of cells (the neural tube) that subsequently expands into the complex structures seen at birth. It is known that the neural tube is formed by a complex process in which early neural cells migrate toward the midline of the embryo and subsequently coalesce. This project seeks to determine the function of one molecular signaling pathway (the neogenin pathway) that has been implicated in driving these cell migration events. We will initially use the frog, Xenopus laevis, as our embryonic model since the developmental processes that form the Xenopus neural tube closely parallel those ocurring in the human embryo. This model will allow us to identify the molecules in the neogenin signaling pathway. We will also create mice that carry a mutation in the neogenin gene so that we can study neogenin function in the mammal. We anticipate that these studies will provide important insights into the development of the central nervous system and also into the aberrant molecular processes underlying neural tube defects in man. Research achievements (from final report): Cell migration is one of the principal events in laying out the architectural plan of the central nervous system during embryogenesis. The netrins and their receptor, Neogenin, are now emerging as a major guidance system driving neural migration the embryo. Our recent studies have used Xenopus (frog) embryos as our developmental model to demonstrate that Neogenin is a key receptor responsible for the correct formation of the neural tube, the earliest identifiable brain structure. We have shown that loss of Neogenin impairs neural migration resulting in significant morphological abnormalities in the neural tube. Furthermore, these abnormalities eventually suppresses neuron production throughout the developing brain. Similar abnormalities are seen during human neural tube formation leading to anencephaly and spina bifida. Such failures in neural tube development occur in 1/1000 human pregnancies. Therefore, understanding the role of Neogenin in neural tube development is providing new insights into prevalent human central nervous system developmental abnormalities. Expected future outcomes: We have identified a possible novel molecular drug target for the prevention of neural tube defects in the embryo. We are now exploring this idea further. Name of contact: Helen Cooper Email/Phone no. of contact: h.cooper@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301103 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Justin Kenardy End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology Total funding: $482,250 Title of research award: Cognitive impairments and post traumatic stress symptoms in children with traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal studyCognitive impairments and post traumatic stress symptoms in children with traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal study Lay Description (from application): Traumatic brain injury in children is common with more than 2000 new cases a year in Queensland and Victoria alone. Many children who experience a brain injury go on to have long-term difficulties such as significant educational and social problems. Post-traumatic stress occurs in children following traumatic physical injury. However it is not clear to what extent this is so for children who have received a traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, when there is a traumatic brain injury and traumatic stress, it is not clear how these interact, how they influence long-term outcomes, and what factors such as pre-injury functioning and family support and distress mediate outcomes. These issues are very important since effective rehabilitation of children following traumatic brain injury is essential to maximise long-term functioning and minimise disability. To be effective, rehabilitation must be guided by the knowledge about key factors that determine the recovery process. This study aims to provide answers to these questions by following two cohorts of children (aged 6-14) over 18 months after receiving a traumatic brain injury. In total 240 children will be recruited from Brisbane and Melbourne hospitals. They will be assessed at three, six, twelve and eighteen months post-injury using measures of cognitive, psychological and social functioning. Information on parent distress and behaviours will also be obtained. The information obtained will provide the basis for the development of a specific rehabilitation strategy for children with traumatic brain injury, including information on strategies to help prevent any confounding impact of post-traumatic stress on recovery. Research achievements (from final report): The primary aim of this research was to investigate the psychological and cognitive sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children to examine the relationship between cognitive impairment and post-traumatic stress, adjustment to injury, and the long-term impact on recovery. This study aims to describe the changing relationships among key factors predicting outcome from childhood TBI (injury factors, pre-morbid child characteristics, and family factors) up to 18 months post-injury. The recruitment of children with TBI was completed at the end of 2006. During 2007 the first four assessment time points (pre-injury, three, six, and twelve months) were completed and we are in the final stages of completing the eighteen month assessments. This study is the largest head injury study with children in the world examining both cognitive and emotional outcomes. To date, five papers have been presented at both national and international conferences. Two of the conference presentations are being developed into papers for submission to peer-reviewed journals. The results indicate a) children's pre-injury behaviour does not appear to influence the severity of children's TBI, b) the psychological responses of children following TBI are better assessed with clinical interviews (CAPS-CA) in comparison to self report measures (TSCC), c) among children with TBI executive functioning deficits include speed of information processing and high-order cognitive flexibility, but no apparent deficits in goal setting or reasoning, and, d) parental distress is associated with the severity of children's TBI and children's psychological reactions but not their neuropsychological outcomes. Expected future outcomes: Final assessments (18-months) will be completed by end of 2008. The next stage of data analysis is to examine post traumatic stress symptoms over time, the relationship between PTSD and cognitive and behavioural outcomes, and PTSD and TBI severity, and to explore theoretical issues such as the diagnosis of PTSD in children with TBI. Name of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Professor Justin Kenardy Email/Phone no. of contact: j.kenardy@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301137 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Jennifer Stow End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Protein Targeting and Signal Transduction Total funding: $470,750 Title of research award: LPS-regulated SNAREs and control of cytokine secretion in macrophages.LPS-regulated SNAREs and control of cytokine secretion in macrophages. Lay Description (from application): TNF(tumour necrosis factor alpha) is a potent proinflammatory cytokine secreted by immune activated macrophages. TNF has essential roles in host defense, tumour killing and energy metabolism. Excessive secretion of TNF in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions, such as septic shock, Crohn s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and in cancer has many severe, even fatal, consequences. Improved anti-TNF therapeutics are needed for clinical management in all of these conditions. Our studies are focused on investigating how macrophages synthesize and secrete TNF, with the ultimate goal of characterizing the molecules and vesicles in the TNF secretory pathway. Our recent findings show the expression of SNARE proteins, part of the vesicle docking and fusion machinery, is regulated in concert with cytokine secretion and other trafficking changes in activated macrophages. We identified the proteins Syntaxin4, Munc-18c and SNAP-23 as the specific tSNARE complex that regulates TNF delivery to the cell surface. In the proposed studies we will investigate how SNAREs are regulated during macrophage activation by studying their gene expression and protein modifications. We have developed a single-cell assay to measure TNF trafficking in macrophages; this allows the identification of molecules with roles in TNF secretion and it will be used in a series of experiments to identify the specific v-SNARE proteins that partner the t-SNARE for TNF delivery. Finally we will use live cell imaging to investigate how and where TNF is delivered to the macrophage cell surface and membrane fractionation to examine a role for membrane microdomains in organizing SNARE-mediated TNF secretion. Manipulation of SNAREs, using data generated by these studies, holds potential for the development of new anti-TNF therapies. Research achievements (from final report): We have discovered new and unexpected cellular pathways that lead to the releae of cytokines or chemical messengers from immune cells. These cytokines have necessary roles in inflammation and describing their pathways for release generates a new level of understanding in this area. However the excess secretion of these cytokines, TNF and IL-6, causes the chronic symptoms of inflammatory dieases like IBD and arthritis. Our findngs identify, for the first time, molecules important for cytokine secretion that can potentiallly be targeted by drugs for alternative and improved approaches to treating inflammation. Expected future outcomes: Our findings uncover potentially drug targets and strategies for blocking TNF secretion that could lead, in the future, to new medicines for inflammatory disease. Name of contact: Jennifer Stow Email/Phone no. of contact: j.stow@imb.uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301143 CIA Name: Prof Mark Forwood Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Endocrinology Total funding: $440,750 Start Year: 2004 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Investigation Of COX-2 Regulation Of Bone Turnover And Mechanically Induced Bone Formation By Genetic overexpression.Investigation Of COX-2 Regulation Of Bone Turnover And Mechanically Induced Bone Formation By Genetic overexpression. Lay Description (from application): This project is important because it uses novel experimental models to advance our knowledge of prostaglandin biology in normal and pathological bone remodelling, and the response of the skeleton to increased physical activity. We expect that a genetic modification in mice to increase the normal production of key prostaglandin enzymes, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), in bone cells will increase the number of cells that remove bone (osteoclasts), and increase bone loss and the rate of bone turnover when compared to normal mice. We believe this will occur via the effect of prostaglandins on expression of genes that control osteoclast formation. This will be tested by examining the structure of the skeleton, and the expression of certain genes, in transgenic mice at different ages from 2-8 months. These effects may be exacerbated in conditions of increased bone turnover, such as postmenopausal bone loss. This will be tested by examining the bone structure and gene expression in adult mice following removal of their ovaries. Due to the role of COX-2 in adaptation of bone to mechanical loading, we also expect the load-bearing skeleton to be more sensitive to increased weight-bearing activity. We will investigate this hypothesis by applying mechanical loads to the tibiae of mice in a controlled manner and then analysing the bone structure. Knowledge of specific pathways by which bone formation can be stimulated is important for developing novel approaches to induction and augmentation of osteogenesis in skeletal diseases associated with ageing or disability, or for maintenance of new bone around implants. The discovery that COX-2 is a key enzyme in mechanotransduction and osteoclastogenesis in bone, and a pharmacological target for modulating inflammation, has considerable clinical significance. Exploiting this knowledge requires precise knowledge of the role of this enzyme in bone remodelling and adaptation and our experiments will contribute significantly to that knowledge Research achievements (from final report): This project used novel experimental models to advance our knowledge of prostaglandin biology in bone health and disease. We used a genetic modification in mice that allowed us to increase the normal production of prostaglandins in bone cells, alone. This was done by increasing the synthesis of an important enzyme in bone resorbing cells called osteoclasts. The enzyme, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is normally found during inflammation, but is also crucial for bone cell function. We observed that osteoclasts from these mice did indeed express high levels of COX-2 when cultured in vitro. Importantly, using micro-computed tomography, preliminary analysis of bone architecture of these mice revealed an osteoporotic phenotype compared to control mice, suggesting the importance of this enzyme in such diseases. We believe this is mediated via the effect of activated osteoclasts to increase bone turnover. This is now being tested. Generated in this project, COX-2 over-expressing mouse models could also be extremely valuable for evaluation of the in vivo effects and efficacy of new, as well as existing, inhibitors of COX-2 activity. It is also possible that overexpression of COX-2 in either or both cell types of bone can become a useful model(s) of disorders of bone turnover and remodelling, e.g. osteoporosis. Expected future outcomes: We will use these mice to test the physiological role of COX-2 in the skeleton in these conditions where it is being overexpressed. These experiments will examine the response of bone to mechanical loading, the loss of bone following ovariectomy, and the role of COX-2 during fracture healing. Name of contact: Mark Forwood NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: m.forwood@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 301239 Start Year: 2004 CIA Name: Prof Gwendolen Jull End Year: 2004 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Therapies and Therapeutic Technology Total funding: $110,633 Title of research award: Cranio-Cervical Dynamometry in the Rehabilitation of Neck PainCranio-Cervical Dynamometry in the Rehabilitation of Neck Pain Lay Description (from application): Research has demonstrated that exercising particular neck muscles in a specific manner is effective in reducing painful neck symptoms. A device has been developed to quantify the performance of specific neck muscles, permitting more precise rehabilitative exercise, tailored to an individual’s abilities and needs. The effectiveness of this device in the rehabilitation of chronic neck pain will be tested in a clinical trial against other commonly used forms of neck exercise. Research achievements (from final report): Neck pain is a common and costly problem in the community. Training of neck muscles has been shown to be effective in reducing neck pain and disability. This study compared a new tecnology for rehabilitating the muscles of the neck to other commonly used methods in clinical practice. Results have shown the new technology was as effective as other commonly used methods of rehabilitation in reducing painful symptoms, as well as demonstrating some superior results in neck muscle performance gains compared to the other methods. The new technology was also adaptable for use in home setting, which has increased its commercial potential. Expected future outcomes: The Neckmetrix technology has undergone further development to refine the commercial attractiveness of the device. Negotiations with potential licencees are in progress. Further clinical trials are planned. Name of contact: Dr Shaun O'leary Email/Phone no. of contact: s.oleary@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351408 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Gwendolen Jull End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $382,550 Title of research award: Effective management of acute whiplash injuries requires a pragmatic approach: An RCT with stratified treatmentsEffective management of acute whiplash injuries requires a pragmatic approach: An RCT with stratified treatments Lay Description (from application): Whiplash injuries from a motor vehicle crash continue to incur substantial personal and financial costs to the community and the insurance industry. The current approaches to an acute whiplash injury in Australia and internationally have failed to lessen the rate of how many people develop chronic neck pain. Between 40 and 60% still have pain 6 months after injury. Motor Accident Insurance Commission (Qld) figures indicate that 20% of patients with chronic whiplash account for 60% of the costs. Transition from an acute to a chronic condition must be prevented. A new direction in management in the acute stage is urgently required as once the pain has become chronic, it is difficult to help. This research will conduct a novel randomised controlled trial for acute whiplash. It will test individually prescribed multi-professional management against usual care with the aim to lessen the numbers who go on to develop chronic pain. It will be the first clinical trial that acknowledges from the outset that the whiplash injuries and affects people in different ways. Our previous research with acute whiplash patients has documented the variations in presentation from physical, physiological and psychological perspectives. In this trial, management will be prescribed as directed by measurable pain, muscle and psychological impairments in the individual, rather than regard all patients as the same as in other trials. This trial will offer individualised treatments; medical, physiotherapy and/or psychological using an empirically derived treatment algorithm. Cost-effectiveness of the program will be evaluated against that incurred during usual care. It is predicted that early multi-professional management will be less expensive in the long term than existing approaches. This RCT stands to extend knowledge in the management of whiplash associated disorders (WAD). Research achievements (from final report): The presentations of persons who suffer an acute whiplash injury from a motor vehicle crash vary significantly,from minor neck pain only to severe pain which can be accompanied by considerable distress and post-traumatic stress. Symptoms may persist for many years. Currently guidelines for management of acute whiplash are general and focus broadly on activity and exercise, without considering variability in presentation. This clinical trial examined whether a multiprofessional approach (medical, physiotherapy and/or health psychology) provided to the particiant as indicated by their individual presenting complaints would be better than current usual care in alleviating the condition and preventing ongoing symptoms. The costs of care were also investigated. The results of the trial indicated that the pragmatic multiprofessional approach overall offered no significant benefits over usual care in the short or long term, although there were indications that persons who reported high levels of pain and disability following the whiplash injury benefited more with multiprofessional managment. Multiprofessional management cannot be justified for the acute whiplash state for the majority of patients. Expected future outcomes: Prospective studies have shown that high inital pain and disability is one of the strongest prognostic indicators for poor outcome following injury. The results of this clinical trial would suggest that this group be the target of future research into multiprofessional management methods. Name of contact: Professor Gwendolen Jull Email/Phone no. of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY g.jull@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351479 CIA Name: Prof Andrew Boyd Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $491,000 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Is EphA4 the major molecular regulator of axonal regeneration?Is EphA4 the major molecular regulator of axonal regeneration? Lay Description (from application): Spinal cord injury affects a substantial number of Australians each year. Around half the number of spinal cord injury cases result in quadriplegia, with loss of function to a varying degree in the upper as well as the lower limbs. The limited degree of repair of spinal axons following injury means that such paralysis is usually permanent. Although the inability to walk is a serious issue, the limited function of the arms and hands results in a loss of independence which is a major factor contribuing to the enormous personal, financial, and community costs of this problem, estimated to cost the Australian community $200 million a year. In recent years advanced anatomical and molecular approaches to the problem of repair of the central nervous system have provided great insights into the neuronal and glial reactions to neural damage that appear to govern the success or failure of neural regeneration. Our preliminary data indicate that a receptor tyrosine kinase, EphA4, which is important for axonal pathfinding in the developing nervous system, is a potent inhibitor of neural regeneration following spinal cord injury. In this project we will determine the mechanisms by which EphA4 exerts its inhibitory effects, and examine the effect of neutralizing EphA4 signalling on neural regeneration. Success in achieving this result will lead to the development of a therapeutic intervention that we will test in mouse models. Research achievements (from final report): This project sought to investigate whether EphA4 was a dominant target for therapy in spinal cord injury. We have shown that blocking EphA4 by use of soluble Eph inhibitors promotes significant re-innervation and functional recovery following 2 weeks of treatement. We also showed that the dominant effect of therapy is to enable re-innervation rather than inhibiting the gliotic response. Expected future outcomes: These studies pave the way to the development and testing of therapies for use in human spinal cord and brain injury. Name of contact: Andrew Boyd Email/Phone no. of contact: Andrew.Boyd@qimr.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351519 CIA Name: Dr Sheree Cross Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $342,375 Start Year: 2005 End Year: 2007 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Management of burn injury: Fluid dynamics and antibiotic pharmacokineticsManagement of burn injury: Fluid dynamics and antibiotic pharmacokinetics Lay Description (from application): It is well known that major burns, as well as being relatively common injuries, are notoriously difficult to manage. Patients exhibit significant variability due to a combination of anatomic, physiologic, hormonal and immunologic alterations occurring both at the wound site and, more importantly, in other body compartments and vital organ systems. Skin burn injury results in the release of multiple inflammatory mediators in addition to significant fluid loss. The distribution of inflammatory mediators and wound bacteria to central organs can cause complex physiological changes that may lead to multiple organ failure, with serious infections occurring in around 50% of patients with serious burns. Antibiotic distribution kinetics, such as bioavailability, clearance, volume of distribution, elimination half-life and unbound fraction in plasma can be significantly altered in burn patients. Without detailed knowledge of changes and relationships between factors such as wound pH, tissue oxygenation, protein concentrations of fluid leaked from the local wound microvasculature, tissue binding, oedema and changes in burned and non-burned tissue induced by resuscitation therapies, the optimisation of both local and systemic infection contriol therapies can hardly be expected to advance. This project aims to determine how changes the physiology of burn patients, in particular in the burn wound environment, affect antibiotic penetration and distribution into tissues. We also believe that these changes will vary between patients and are aiming to determine whether certain parameters can be used to give an indication of the best antibiotic dosing regimens for individual patients. Research achievements (from final report): Patients with severe burns are at great risk of life threatening infections. Effective antibiotic therapy is crucial to the survival of patients with extensive burns and to the optimal operation of hospital burns units. Burn patient physiology is very complex and changes dramatically over the first week of treatment. Before commencement of this project there was a lack of scientific data on the use of antibiotics in burn surgery. We applied a combination of cutting-edge and time-honoured research techniques to thoroughly investigate the pharmacokinetics of antibiotics during burn debridement operations. We were able for the first time to monitor local tissue levels of antibiotics throughout burn surgery. The results permitted scientifically qualified recommendations on perioperative burn antibicrobial prophylaxis to be published. The study identified key predictors of sub-optimal antibacterial dosing in burn patients and made recommendations for intra-operative redosing during surgery. Our clinical research was backed by an extensive program of healthy volunteer studies and laboratory science which has lead to additional evaluative publications in scientific and clinical journals. Expected future outcomes: This research is expected to contribute significantly to future optimisation of antimicrobial usage in patients with burns. Name of contact: Sheree Cross Email/Phone no. of contact: s.cross@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 351678 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: A/Pr Deborah Falla End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Overseas) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $280,742 Title of research award: An investigation of the mechanisms of cervical muscle impairment in people with chronic neck pain.An investigation of the mechanisms of cervical muscle impairment in people with chronic neck pain. Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Neck pain is a common complaint which affects up to 70% of individuals at some point in their lives with an increasing incidence. Neck pain is associated with impairment of muscle performance which can be assessed at a functional level. Functional deficiencies reflect altered mechanisms of muscle control and changed muscle properties. Although the basic physiological mechanisms underlying pain have been extensively investigated and the functional impairments associated with neck pain are well documented, the cause-effect relationship between neck pain and impaired neuromuscular control is poorly understood. This is due to the difficulty in translating basic physiological findings into the variable and complex scenario of clinical pain conditions. Given the difficulties in interpreting the relationship between pain and motor control in clinical studies, the work undertaken during this Fellowship involved experimental induction of neck pain in healthy individuals with the aim of improving our understanding of the immediate effects of pain on neck muscle function. The experimental studies conducted have clarified both the direct and indirect effects of neck pain on neuromuscular function and have assisted in interpreting clinical findings. The results of this research have contributed to the development of contemporary exercise programs for the management of neck pain. These exercises have been evaluated in randomized controlled trials and have proven to be effective for reducing neck pain and disability and for improving neuromuscular control of the spine in people with neck pain. Expected future outcomes: It is expected that this work will result in a number of future studies including the evaluation of specific exercise as a component of a multimodal / multidisciplinary intervention for the management of neck pain and evaluation of the effect of this intervention on the recurrence of neck pain. , Name of contact: Deborah Falla Email/Phone no. of contact: deborah.falla@bccn.uni-goettingen.de NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 353619 Start Year: 2005 CIA Name: Prof Boris Martinac End Year: 2007 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Therapies and Therapeutic Technology Total funding: $424,500 Title of research award: Bacterial mechanosensitive channels as novel targets for antibacterial agentsBacterial mechanosensitive channels as novel targets for antibacterial agents Lay Description (from application): The focus of this research is the development of new antibiotics to combat bacterial antibiotic resistance. Since their discovery antibiotics have had a profound effect on the health and well being of mankind, providing ready effective treatment for otherwise intractable infections. Although pencillin was initially effective against a large range of infections by the 1950s it was apparent that some bacterial strains had become resistant to this antibiotic. Partially in response to this resistance new antibiotics such as streptomycin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline were developed. These new drugs were potent against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. However, there were early signs that resistance to these drugs was also emerging. For example, in 1953, during a Shigella outbreak in Japan, a strain of the dysentery bacillus was isolated which was multi-drug resistant, exhibiting resistance to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin and the sulfanilamides. Multidrug-resistance in pathogenic strains of bacteria has in the last decade presented an increasing problem in treatment of bacterial infections and diseases. In 1994 a Melbourne public hospital reported a new antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria. This bacterium was resistant to vancomycin (the antibiotic used when all others have failed) and is known as VRE or vancomycin resistant enterococcus. Now strains of "golden staph" resistant to all antibiotics have appeared. The re-emergence of tuberculosis (TB), which kills more than 3 million people annually and which is spreading rapidly throughout the world, is also a serious threat, particularly as many strains are now multi-drug resistant. New antibiotics are needed that overcome bacterial drug resistance. It is anticipated that this research will lead to new antibiotics by exploiting molecular components of bacteria that have only recently been identified. Research achievements (from final report): In this project we have completed a series of experiments testing a number of different compounds including parabens (alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid) as well as eriochrome cyanine R and its derivatives in functional patch-clamp experiments and shown that they acted as bacterial MS channel (MscL and MscS) openers (Nguyen et al., 2005). Using in silico ligand docking and ligand database canning of 2000 compounds we have identified 20 further compounds, which could serve as lead compounds in development of novel antibiotics targeting MscL channels. Several of these compounds were tested in vitro by the patch clamp, in vivo (growth assays) experiments and by electron spin resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. A PhD thesis describing a project based on this research was accomplished last year (T. Nguyen: The pharmacology of the mechanosensitive channels of Escherichia coli. PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, 2007). An Honours (First Class) project on in silico studies of several of the 20 compounds was accomplished in 2005 (R. Boulos: Bacterial mechanosensitive channels as novel targets for anti- bacterial agents, Honours thesis, University of Western Australia, 2005). This has been followed by chemical synthesis of novel compounds in a PhD project (R. Boulos) that started at the beginning of 2006. We also used two different testing methods, the checkerboard and the disk diffusion methods, to compare in vivo efficacies of eriochrome cyanine in combination with macrolides, aminoglycosides and penicillins against two pathogens, E.faecalis and S.aureus. In addition, we tested by the patch clamp the effect of the spider peptide GsMTx4 shown to have antibacterial properties on the activity of MS channels of small conductance of E. coli. Expected future outcomes: Further screening and investigations of potential lead compounds for novel type of antibiotics targeting MS channels of bacterial pathogens based on this project should in not too distant future result in patentable compounds, which could be tested in animal cells and animal models. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Prof Janet M Wood, University Of Guelph, Canada Email/Phone no. of contact: jwood@uoguelph.ca NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401553 CIA Name: Prof Mark Forwood Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $412,653 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Molecular and histopathological investigation of stress fracture healing and effects of anti-inflammatory drugs.Molecular and histopathological investigation of stress fracture healing and effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. Lay Description (from application): Stress fractures are debilitating injuries affecting children, adolescents and adults in sport, and army recruits. They also occur in horse and greyhound racing, often resulting in euthanasia of the animals involved. They incur considerable costs in medical expenses, time lost from sport and interruption to military training. But, there is almost no information on the mechanism of healing of these fractures. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are still the most widely used medication in management of musculoskeletal injuries, yet their effect on healing of stress fractures is unknown. NSAIDs delay fracture healing, but until recently there has been no standardised way of studying stress fractures. We have created, for the first time, a well-characterised, non-invasive model of stress fractures in the forearm of rats that closely resembles the clinical situation. This provides a novel and unique opportunity to determine the histological and molecular mechanism of stress fracture healing, and to investigate effects of antiinflammatory/analgesic medications on this process. Rats will have an experimental stress fracture produced in one forelimb, and its healing will be examined up to ten weeks using microscopic investigation and analysis of the genes that are turned off or on to initiate the process. Groups of rats will also be treated with antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, specific COX-2 inhibitors and a new class of drugs that target early immune responses called C5a receptor antagonists. The analgesic Paracetamol will also be investigated as an alternative to the NSAIDs described above. There is widespread use of anti-inflammatory agents in managing stress fractures, so it is vital that their effects on stress fracture healing be examined. This project has enormous significance for optimising approaches for clinical management of stress fractures and for understanding the interaction of anti-inflammatory or analgesic agents in that process. Research achievements (from final report): 1. We have provided the first detailed analysis of the biological mechanisms of healing of stress fractures., 2. We have reported original observations on gene expression for molecules that are important to signal new bone remodelling that is targeted towards healing the stress fracture. These data were accepted for oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, the largest international meeting in the field at which only 30% submissions achieve orals. This work attracted a New Investigator Award for Ms Lisa Kidd who presented the data (these data accepted for publication in the journal Bone)., 3. We demonstrated that non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs retard the rate of healing of stress fractures, with distinct effects on bone formation or resorption depending on the specificity of their action., 4. We demonstrated that osteoporosis drugs like bisphosphonates retard the early resorption phase of remodelling of stress fracture healing., These outcomes provide unique insights in to the mechanisms of healing of stress fractures that may inform approaches to surgical intervention in the case of non-healing stress fractures. They also highlight the potential for altered healing when common aniinflammatory drugs are used, or stress fractures occur in the context of anti-resorption therapy. Expected future outcomes: Based on these data, we are investigating an approach to re-activate bone remodelling at sights where stress fracture healing is incomplete Name of contact: Mark Forwood NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: m.forwood@griffith.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401565 CIA Name: Prof Brian Key Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Sensory Systems Total funding: $496,321 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Deciphering the mechanisms for constructing the olfactory systemDeciphering the mechanisms for constructing the olfactory system Lay Description (from application): The olfactory (smell) system is a unique part of the nervous system; nerve cells are generated throughout life and it can regenerate even after injury. It therefore provides an excellent model for examining the growth, development and maintenance of nerve cells. This project will examine the effects on the organisation of the olfactory system when some guidance signals are altered. Information we obtain about how this system develops and regenerates may be useful in treating brain disorders and spinal injuries The results of these experiments will provide important information on the the initial growth and targeting of these nerve cells which may have implications for regeneration of these as well as other nerve cells. Research achievements (from final report): The essential steps in forming a normal functioning brain occur during life as an embryo. If these processes go haywire, there can be serious repercussions for life after birth. This project has understand how the brain forms during embryonic stages so that better treatments and procedures can be developed to deal with developmental problems. Expected future outcomes: There is know the opportunity to identify particular molecules that are responsible for key developmental events in brain formation. These molecules are potential drug targets that could be used for therapeutic purposes. Name of contact: Brian Key Email/Phone no. of contact: brian.key@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401579 CIA Name: A/Pr Peter Noakes Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $463,145 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2008 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The role of central and peripheral synaptic activity in the developmental death of motoneurons.The role of central and peripheral synaptic activity in the developmental death of motoneurons. Lay Description (from application): Information processing in the nervous system relies on the effective communication between neurons and their target cells which make up our neuronal circuitry. At the centre of all this is the synapse, the specialized contact between a neuron and its target cell, be it another neuron in the brain or a target organ such as skeletal muscle. Our primary goal is to determine how the formation of synaptic connections during development regulates neuronal survival. In this proposal we have focussed on the neuromotor system as it is a well characterised part of the nervous system. During development, 50% of motoneurons die at a time when they are making contact with skeletal muscle, and when contacts onto motoneurons by other neurons are being established. We believe that the formation of effective synaptic contacts onto motoneurons, as well as connections by motoneurons onto muscle are the key regulators of motoneuron survival. We are in a position to be able to address what regulates motoneuron death; as we have a number of mice which lack key molecules needed for the formation of specialisations that allow neuronal contacts to be made between motor neurons and their muscle, and with other neurons within the spinal cord. By examining the function of motoneurons, counting them and screening for molecular changes in these mice, we will be able to dissect out the mechanism of how a motoneurons' fate is determined during developmental motoneuron death. This research could help in developing strategies aimed at improving neuronal connections to improve neuronal viability. Our research will have important implications for our understanding about the basis of adult neuro-degenerative diseases, such as motor neuron disease and Alzheimer's, which are in part characterised by a molecular breakdown in neuronal connections that ultimately result in neuronal death. Research achievements (from final report): The role of synaptic activity in determining motoneuron (MN) survival is a key question in the developing neuromotor system. In this grant, we have shown that genetic manipulation of neuromuscular synaptic activity shows that relay of central synaptic activity to the periphery (muscle) is important. We have also demonstrated that glycinergic and to a lesser extent GABAergic transmission, plays an essential role in regulating central neural circuit activity, during the development of the neuromotor system. Specific achivements include: , 1) Mice missing postsynaptic specializations at neuromuscular synapses shows increased MN survival during development. We are writing this up. By contrast, mutations to genes that encode for transcription factors that govern the number of post-synaptic receptor (e.g. Gabp-a) in muscle doesn't alter innervating MN numbers. This we have published (PN12)., 2) Mice lacking GABAergic transmission show regional changes in MN numbers. This change is depends upon the switch from excitatory to inhibitory transmission for this neurotransmitter, which occurs in a rostral to caudal sequence during development. We are examing if altering Glycinergic and GABAergic transission during developent leads to changes in MN morphology within the spinal cord. Such changes are likely to determine the number of pre-synaptic connections made onto MNs by other neurons within the spinal cord. We expect to write later this year (2009). Parts of this work was presented at the following meetings: Soc. Neurosci (USA) 2007; 4th Internat. Congress of Federation of Asian and Oceanic Neurosci. Soc. Hong Kong (2006); ComBio Conf. (2007; 2008); and Aust. Soc. Neurosci.(2009). Expected future outcomes: 1) Submit for publication the above mentioned papers ( 2to 3 publications). , 2) Create novel mutant lines of mice that will allow us to determine if there is a direct influence of pre-synaptic connections on the development and survival of motoneurons, independent of muscle feedback to motoneurons. Name of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Peter G. Noakes Email/Phone no. of contact: p.noakes@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401598 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges End Year: 2008 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $296,453 Title of research award: Pain and trunk muscle control: Effects, mechanisms and consequencesPain and trunk muscle control: Effects, mechanisms and consequences Lay Description (from application): Twenty-one percent of Australians report long-term back problems. This makes back pain the most common chronic pain in Australia and most prevalent disorder among the National Health Priority Areas. For the majority with recurrent and chronic problems, the cause is unknown but changes in control of the spine are thought to be important. It is well accepted that pain and injury to the low back affect the way that we control the back muscles and this leads to changes in spinal function. However, despite considerable investigation of this problem, there is a distinct lack of consensus for how the control of movement is changed during pain, why it changes, and whether these changes lead to further problems in the long term. The objective of this series of studies is to determine how the adaptation to pain changes the control of the spine. We will use a range of techniques that include tests of the strategies used by the brain to control the spine and mathematical models to estimate the effect that these changes have on the spine when people are given back pain by injecting sterile salty water into the back muscles. These studies will be backed up by measures of mechanical properties of the spine and by comparison to people with clinical pain. This combination of methods has not been used previously and is likely to help resolve the problem of how muscle control is chaged in back pain. We will also test a range of hypotheses regarding how pain has its effect on muscle activity. A final series of studies aims to determine whether the failure of these changes in muscle control to resolve after an epiosde of back pain leads to increased recurrence of pain in the long-term. The importance of this project is highlighted by the significance of back pain as a major health issue, the lack of consensus regarding the effect and mechanisms of pain on trunk muscle control (despite extensive investigation), and the potential for the findings to guide rehabilitation and management. Research achievements (from final report): The results of this program of research have redefined the understanding of how movement changes in people with back pain. In recent years there has been an explosion of exercise interventions that aim to make the spine more stable. Terms like "core stability" and "stabilisation exercise" are commonly used to describe exercise for back pain in gyms and the media. This exercise approach is based on the assumption that the spine is unstable. We proposed a different hypothesis, that many people with back pain use strategies to increase spine stability to prevent further pain and injury, and that these "protective" strategies may be problematic in the long-term. This series of studies developed novel methods to study mechanical spine properties and control of trunk muscles in healthy individuals, and people with clinical or experimentally induced back pain. Results showed that rather than being unstable, people with back pain have increased stiffness and this is associated with increased muscle activity consistent with protection of the spine. Other studies provide understanding of the underlying mechanisms for these changes and the potential negative consequences. The studies also provide the first evidence that dynamic control is compromised in back pain, which is a new target for intervention. In summary this research challenges the assumptions of a very common clinical intervention and provides new directions for future developments for management of people with back pain, which is one of the most common and costly health conditions in Australia. Expected future outcomes: This work has provided the basis for a new program or research that aims to investigate the association between spine control and recurrence or persistence of back pain, and the association with psychological and social parameters. The research also opens avenues for development and refinement of rehabilitation strategies. Name of contact: NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Paul Hodges Email/Phone no. of contact: p.hodges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 401599 Start Year: 2006 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $664,574 Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): Not Available Research achievements (from final report): Movement is changed in pain, but the mechanism underlying this change has been poorly understood. Works undertaken over the five years of this Principal Research Fellowship has led to a new understanding of not only the mechanisms that cause movement to change (culminating the development and publication of a new theory to explain the movement adaptation in pain), but also the development of new interventions to treat pain related to the spine and the limbs, clinical trials that confirm the efficacy of these approaches, trials that show why these interventions are effective, and initial evidence of techniques to identify individuals who may derive greatest benefit from the exercise programs. The work highlighted changes in the function and organisation of the nervous system including the motor regions of the brain in people with pain, and the potential for this to be resolved with exercise. Long-term studies revealed that conditions that compromise the function of the back muscles, such as incontinence and breathing disorders, are associated with development of spinal pain, providing potentially modifiable risk factors for pain. Other work has identified changes in coordination of leg muscles in triathletes at risk of stress fracture, changes in control of back muscles in older people with osteoporosis and fractures of the spinal vertebra, mechanisms for back pain in horses, an new understanding of mechanisms for the control of continence in men and women. Expected future outcomes: Future work, based on the foundations set during the Principal Research Fellowship, is anticipated to identify clinical techniques to identify individuals with back pain who are likely to benefit most from exercise interventions and methods to best individualise treatments. Other work aims to identify men at risk for urinary continence after prostatectomy and more effective methods for treatment. Name of contact: Paul Hodges Email/Phone no. of contact: p.hodges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455836 CIA Name: Prof Matthew Brown Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Quantitative Genetics Total funding: $677,383 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: Established Career Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowsUncoupled Research Fellows Lay Description (from application): I am a clinican-scientist and rheumatologist studying genetic determinants of common chronic human musculoskeletal diseases. My research aims are to define for key genes how specific genotypes promote diease phenotypes, using in vitro and in vivo approac Research achievements (from final report): I have developed human gene mapping approaches using genomewide association studies and next generation sequencing. In doing so I have identified genetic loci associated with a wide variety of common and rare diseases including ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and ocular diseases. I have contributed to the development of study designs for genetic studies, and pioneered the use of sequencing based approaches in human genetics. My group has also determined mechanisms underlying genetic associations with disease, notably in ankylosing spondylitis investigating the mechanisms of association of the genes IL23R and ERAP1, from which therapies are either in use or in development respectively. Expected future outcomes: I expect my research will lead to the development of curative therapies for the common autoimmune disease ankylosing spondylitis, and likely psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. Name of contact: Matthew Brown Email/Phone no. of contact: matt.brown@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455863 Start Year: 2007 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Centre of Clinical Research Excellence Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $2,007,200 Title of research award: CCRE in Spinal Pain, Injury and HealthCCRE in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health Lay Description (from application): Spinal complaints present the greatest social and economic burden of musculoskeletal conditions in Australia. This reflects current realities: the cause remains unknown; 80% of the population is affected; and isolated professions perform a staggering array of interventions. The CCRE aims to target these realities and improve Australia's capacity to prevent and manage spinal disorders by supporting innovative interdisciplinary research and training. This community- and university-based centre will align highly successful clinical and basic researchers in collaboration with a national network of spine scientists to foster interdisciplinary clinical researcher training, develop new diagnostics and therapeutics, and translate findings to the community. Through clinical research the centre aims to: (i) Advance understanding of physiology and pathophysiology of spinal pain (ii) Translate findings from basic research to clinical practice (iii) Establish coordinated multidisciplinary research to reduce the burden of spinal pain (iv) Predict and prevent the transition from acute to chronic states (v) Train a new generation of transdisciplinary clinical scientists (vi) Rapidly assess new treatment possibilities in pre-clinical studies (vii) Develop innovative technologies for diagnostics and therapeutics (viii) Encourage Australian commercialisation opportunities for new discoveries (ix) Encourage community-user participation in direction of research programs (x) Disseminate new findings and information of evidence-based practice to patients, clinicians, insurers, government and the scientific and wider community Research achievements (from final report): The Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health (CCRE SPINE) aimed to improve the outcomes for people with spinal pain through research, research training, and translation of research findings to practice. Highlights include the following. Major research outcomes include identification of novel brain changes in spinal pain (awarded the major international back pain prize), identification of mechanisms for transition from acute to chronic pain, and evaluation of efficacy of treatments. A key research achievement involved organisation of two "Summit" meetings of world experts to establish consensus opinion, a research agenda and new collaborations to address; (i) mechanisms of transition from acute to chronic pain, and (ii) relationships between spine control, spine pain and rehabilitation. Outcomes were published as a major text (Elsevier) and a special issue of the leading journal (Spine). Multiple papers, grants and new initiatives evolved from new collaborations. Training not only supported doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, but also a unique program to involve clinicians in research. Twelve clinicians were supported to undertake research. Outcomes include published papers, conference presentations, and enrollment of clinicians in doctoral programs (three completions to date).Translation of research findings to patients and clinicians was a major focus. Major achievements include completion of a patient-focused website to enable people with whiplash associated disorders to compare evidence for treatments in a clear understandable manner, extensive research regarding the information needs of patients with low back pain, and patient forums and clinician training in Australia, Europe and North America. Expected future outcomes: New collaborations arising from "Summit" meetings have produced novel multidisciplinary research paradigms and grants. Training programs enhanced clinician involvement in research as a foundation to narrow the gap between clinical practice and research. Extensive qualitative research laid the foundation for development of a patient centered web resource for back pain. Name of contact: Paul Hodges NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: p.hodges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 455941 CIA Name: Dr Allison Pettit Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $564,964 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Role of bone-associated macrophages in bone remodelling and bone diseaseRole of bone-associated macrophages in bone remodelling and bone disease Lay Description (from application): Musculoskeletal diseases, including osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, are a national and international health and research priorities. Over 3 million Australians suffer from arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions and their social and economic impact is expected to dramatically increase in the next 20 years as a result of the aging population. Early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of many musculoskeletal diseases are currently inadequate. Consequently, there is a high demand for effective treatment options. This project grant application proposes a novel line of scientific investigation that will provide greater understanding of the contribution of macrophages (a cell type that has important roles in normal tissue maintenance and defense against infection) in bone remodelling and disease. Bone is continuously remodelled and replaced to maintain skeletal strength and mineral metabolism. We have shown that a population of macrophages is intimately associated with bone and propose that these cells play an important part in regulating bone remodelling. Macrophages have been implicated in many diseases that have damaging consequences on bone, including osteoporosis and several forms of arthritis, linking aberrant macrophage function to disease-associated bone damage. This project aims to characterize this population of bone-associated macrophages and determine their ability to influence the function of other cells integrally involved in bone remodelling. We will also undertake studies in animal models to determine whether these cells are required for bone remodelling and/or damage. Detailed description of the novel role of macrophages in bone biology will facilitate the development of superior therapeutics, preventatives and cures for bone diseases. Research achievements (from final report): Bone diseases and injury have substantial social and economic impact both nationally and internationally. Osteoporotic hip fractures alone are predicted to cost $240 billion annually by 2045 in the USA. These statistics clearly indicate the importane of maintaining lifelong bone health and preventing and/or improving fracture repair. There are few effective bone building treatments available and their development is a clear research priority. Research undertaken during this project grant showed that a discreet population of macrophages (traditionally an immune cell) reside in the specilized tissues associated with bones. We designated this macrophage population 'osteomacs'. Data indicated that osteomacs are unlikely to be a precursor population for the related osteoclast cell (specilized cell that removes bone). Strikingly, osteomacs were stratigically located at sites of new bone formation. Presence of osteomacs in both mouse and human tissues was confirmed using a combination of macrophage specific marker molecules and cell location. Using multiple approaches molecular markers that distinguished osteomacs from other closely related macrophage populations were not yet discovered. However, specific cell culture conditions were developed to generate an osteomac-like population that promoted bone generation by osteoblast (specialized bone building cells). Subsequently osteomac-expressed factors that potentially induce this bone formation outcome were identified. In a bone injury model, osteomacs were required for optimal bone formation during healing. Notably, treatment with a factor that increased osteomacs within bone injury sites also increased bone formation and accelerated bone repair. This study demonstrated that osteomacs are an unexpected and important cell participant in bone formation. Expected future outcomes: Osteomacs are prime cellular targets for promoting bone repair and development of treatments that either enhance or replicate osteomac function will improve outcomes in bone diseases and fracture repair. Identification of osteomacs reveals greater links between the immune and bone systems and the potential for both benefit and detriment of immune contributions to bone disease/injury. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Allison Pettit Email/Phone no. of contact: a.pettit@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 456003 CIA Name: A/Pr Geoffrey Goodhill Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Biophysics Total funding: $493,305 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The dynamics of gradient sensing by growth cones: timelapse imaging and mathematical modellingThe dynamics of gradient sensing by growth cones: timelapse imaging and mathematical modelling Lay Description (from application): Problems in the wiring up of the brain underlie several nervous system disorders. The goal of this project is to understand better how this wiring normally forms. This will ultimately lead to a better understanding of what can go wrong with brain wiring, and how to fix such problems. It will also lead to a better understanding of how to make axons regenerate after injury. Our approach is to use a combination of timelapse imaging of neurons in culture, and mathematical modelling, to understand how the tips of the wires growing between neurons sense their environment. By comparing our experimental measurements with our theoretical results we will arrive at a detailed and accurate model of this sensing process. This will allow us to make predictions about how these developmental events normally occur in vivo, and what can go wrong. Research achievements (from final report): Axon guidance by molecular gradients plays a crucial role in wiring up the nervous system. However, the mechanisms axons use to detect gradients are largely unknown. This project combined theoretical modelling with quantitative experimental measurements of axon trajectories and the behaviour of neuronal growth cones in precisely controlled molecular gradients. Firstly, we developed a Bayesian "ideal observer" analysis of gradient detection by axons, based on the hypothesis that a principal constraint on gradient detection is intrinsic receptor binding noise. Secondly, from this model we derived an equation predicting how the degree of response of an axon to a gradient should vary with gradient steepness and absolute concentration. Thirdly, we confirmed this prediction quantitatively by performing the first systematic experimental analysis of how axonal response varies with both these quantities, using the response of rat dorsal root ganglia to gradients of nerve growth factor as a model system. We found experimentally that a measurable response can be seen to gradients as shallow as 1 molecule per millimetre, a degree of sensitivity much higher than previously reported for any chemotacting system. Together these results reveal both the quantitative constraints that must be satisfied for effective axonal guidance and the computational principles that may be employed by the underlying signal transduction pathways, and allow predictions for the degree of response of axons to gradients in a wide variety of in vivo and in vitro settings. Expected future outcomes: N/A Name of contact: Prof Geoffrey Goodhill Email/Phone no. of contact: g.goodhill@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 456040 CIA Name: A/Pr Helen Cooper Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $513,947 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Wnt-Ryk signaling in the establishment of major axon tracts in the embryonic mouse brainWnt-Ryk signaling in the establishment of major axon tracts in the embryonic mouse brain Lay Description (from application): The corpus callosum is the major interhemispheric commissure in the human brain, comprising approximately 3 million myelinated fibers which connect homologous regions in the neocortex. To date more than 50 different human congenital syndromes have been described in which the corpus callosum does not form leading to epilepsy and mental retardation. We have identified a new guidance molecule (Ryk) which is crucial for corpus callosum formation. This project aims to dissect that molecular mechanisms controlling Ryk signaling during corpus callosum development. Our analysis of Ryk function will advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of this important commissure. Research achievements (from final report): This project has provided fundamental insights for basic researchers interested in identifying the molecular pathways controlling the formation of the mammalian brain. Identification of these signaling molecules will lead to a better understanding of how nerve fibres grow and precisely navigate to their correct targets elsewhere in the nervous system. Moreover, this knowledge will enhance our undestanding of stem cell biology and the production of new neurons in both the embryo and adult., This project will also benefit clinicians, as well as the general public, as it will provide important knowledge for understanding the aberrant molecular mechanisms underlying the failure of nerve tract formation in the brain. Such failures lead to autism, many forms of mental retardation, and epilepsy. We have also identifed new compounds that may enhance the regrowth of axons after injury due to trauma or neurodegeneration. Expected future outcomes: Our discoveries will: , o provide the groundwork for more detailed studies on the fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying brain development., o provide a greater understanding of the mechanisms reponsible for autism, mental retardation and epilepsy., o identify novel drugs with the potential to promote regeneration of nerve tracts after injury. Name of contact: Helen Cooper Email/Phone no. of contact: h.cooper@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 456106 CIA Name: Prof Roy Kimble Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Surgery Total funding: $209,669 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: First aid for burns: the use of ice water and ice?First aid for burns: the use of ice water and ice? Lay Description (from application): Millions of people worldwide receive burn injuries every year and last year the Royal Children's Hospital in Brisbane alone treated more than 500 children with new burn injuries. Many of these children with burn injuries will heal burn wounds with unsightly scars and impaired skin function. Cooling burns as first aid has been used since ancient time and is proved to be the most effective way to reduce skin temperature, lessen pain, minimize the depth of injury, and ultimately improve wound healing outcome. However, despite the evidence that cooling burns using ice water <4 C may be beneficial to burns, current first aid recommend to only use cold water 8-25 C and the use of ice/ice water is strongly discouraged for fear of the potential to cause hypothermia and deepen the existing burn injury. In this application we will examine the effect of ice/ice water 2 C on wound healing outcome compared to 15 C water as first aid, in an in vivo model. The wound healing will be clinically assessed by experienced clinicians weekly for six weeks, and then will also be assessed histologically and mechanically at week six. We will also determine the optimal cooling temperature and duration for injured tissue in burn wounds to recover and the conduction of cold through skin. With the coming new knowledge we wish to design an optimal cooling burn treatment which will maximize the beneficial of cooling to the burns but avoid adverse effect of excessive cooling. The success of this project will advance our knowledge on first aid treatment or burn cooling treatment and also wound healing process. It will enable us to offer better first aid treatment which may lead to wound healing with less scars, otherwise can not achieved by other current available treatments. The better healing of burn wounds will significantly improve burn patients' lives, particularly children with burn injuries. It will also release the burden on much needed health funds. Research achievements (from final report): This project has provided in vivo evidence to support the use of first aid on burns using a large animal model where skin closely resembles humans and has advanced our current knowledge and the mechanism of the first aid on burn wound healing., The findings from this project support the current first aid guidelines of immediate application of cold tap water (approximately 15C) for 20 minutes and recommend the delay application of cold tap water even up to 3 hours post-burn. Additionally, it finds that 2C water is beneficial to burn wound healing and, nonetheless, has limited clinical application as first aid due to its close association with hypothermia. Ice should not be used as first aid for burns. This project also shows that other popular alternative first aid, such as aloe vera and tea tree oil, has no beneficial effect on burn wound healing. The findings of this project demonstrate unknown factors other than reducing the temperature of burns may contribute to the better outcome of burn healing for cold running water, since both ice and 2C running water can equally and effectively cool burns and ice does not enhance burn wound healing. This project does not find that ice/ice water is detrimental to burn wounds as some suggested in this field., The findings from this project re-define the burn first aid and reinforce the importance of the proper application of burn first aid. This valuable information will be available to relevant regulatory bodies for the formulation of optimal burn first aid. This information will also reach to general public through media and awareness campaigns. Expected future outcomes: The findings from this project will lead to revised guidelines for burn first aid which will then be used to educate the public. The increased application of optimal burn first aid will be followed in general public and in hospitals. This will ultimately leads to significantly less scarring from burn healing and consequently improve burn patients' lives, particularly children with burn injuries. Name of contact: Roy Kimble NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: royk@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 511161 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: A/Pr Michel Coppieters End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $370,069 Title of research award: Clinical efficacy and physiological mechanisms of nerve and tendon gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndromeClinical efficacy and physiological mechanisms of nerve and tendon gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome Lay Description (from application): Compression of one of the major nerves at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) is a very common condition that significantly impacts on the well-being of the patient. To date, there is no good evidence that traditionally advocated interventions are effective in the long term. This project will evaluate the effects of a novel, active treatment strategy and will investigate the underlying mechanisms that may be associated with exercises that aim to mobilise the nerve and tendons at the wrist. Research achievements (from final report): As anticipated, the program of studies of Project Grant 511161 has significantly improved our understanding of the conservative management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which is the most common nerve entrapment (prevalence ~3% in the general population). A successfully conducted, large randomised clinical trial revealed that both multimodal physiotherapy and an electrophysical agent (ultrasound) significantly improved pain and function, but physiotherapy was more efficient (9 versus 20 treatments). Interestingly, although wearing a wrist splint at night and during aggravating activities is widely recommended by hand therapists and GPs, the clinical trial revealed that wearing a splint was actually associated with poorer outcome. An expansion of this trial, not proposed in the original application, revealed that - other than commonly assumed - the majority of patients with clinical signs and symptoms of CTS, but a negative nerve conduction test, have unfavorable outcomes at long term follow-up (1 to 3 years). A series of physiological studies revealed that nerve and tendon gliding exercises were able to reduce intraneural oedema and nerve compression. Other studies not proposed in the original grant application, but closely linked and facilitated by the grant, revealed that ergonomic computer divices commonly advocated for patients with CTS (and widely implemented) did not alter the physiological processes they are believed to influence (such as limiting the increase in carpal tunnel pressure during computer operation). Expected future outcomes: The data from the randomised clinical trial are currently mined to identify factors associated with poor outcome. Since the commencement of the trial, new insights in CTS have emerged (e.g., identification of central nervous system sensitisation in CTS). Clinical signs of central sensitisation are incorporated in the prognostic study and are anticipated to be associated with poor outcome. Name of contact: Michel W Coppieters Email/Phone no. of contact: m.coppieters@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 511212 CIA Name: Prof Perry Bartlett Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $622,361 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The use of soluble antagonists of EphA4 in spinal cord injuriesThe use of soluble antagonists of EphA4 in spinal cord injuries Lay Description (from application): Permanent and limited recovery of function following spinal cord injury is a direct result of the lack of nerve regrowth through the injury. Our preliminary data suggest that antagonising the effects of EphA4, a protein involved in brain development, leads to substantial functional recovery simultaneous with nerve regrowth. In addition to designing new, more effective blockers of EphA4, we will study the signalling pathways that EphA4 activates to inhibit nerve regrowth. Research achievements (from final report): Spinal cord injuries result in movement and sensory deficits for individuals. With no successful drug or treatment to improve recovery from spinal cord injuries currently available, suffers of spinal cord injuries generally experience permanent movement and sensory loss. We have previously shown that mice lacking the EphA4 receptor display remarkable functional recovery after a lateral cut to their spinal cord. In addition, these mice demonstrate nerve regeneration across the cut site. In this grant, we generated and tested a recombinant protein, EphA4-Fc, for its use as a future therapeutic. EphA4-Fc blocks the EphA4 receptor, preventing its activation. When EphA4-Fc is delivered after injury in normal mice, their functional recovery is significantly improved compared to untreated mice, duplicating the effects we observed in mice that lack the EphA4 receptor. We have now tested this protein in rats with a contusive spiinal cord injury. This injury more closely mimics that which is observed in humans. Treated rats also show significant improvements in their functional outcomes compared to untreated rats. EphA4-Fc does not show any adverse side effects during or after treatment. Antagonists of EphA4 are proving to be promising candidates for therapeutics for not only spinal cord injury, but possibly other traumatic central nervous system injuries as well. Expected future outcomes: We have demonstrated that EphA4-Fc has considerable therapuetic potential for the treatment of spinal cord injuries. We are currently performing optimisation and other pre-clinical studies that will justify the significant investment to proceed to clinical trials. Name of contact: Professor Perry Bartlett Email/Phone no. of contact: pa@qbi.uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 511238 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Guglielmo Vicenzino End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $373,394 Title of research award: Optimising corticosteroid injection for lateral epicondylalgia with physiotherapy: a randomised placebo control trial.Optimising corticosteroid injection for lateral epicondylalgia with physiotherapy: a randomised placebo control trial. Lay Description (from application): Tennis elbow affects just under 1% of patients seeing a doctor and on average 10-30% need to take 12 weeks off work. Two popular treatments are physiotherapy and corticosteroid injections. We have recently shown that whilst injection is superior in the short term (3 weeks) compared to physiotherapy, it is responsible for 9 times more recurrences. We seek a solution for the downside to steroid injections, by studying the effects of adding physiotherapy; as such it will address a major problem. Research achievements (from final report): This project found that adding a previously proven program of physiotherapy to a corticosteroid injection for tennis elbow did not alter the path to recovery or recurrence of the injection as it was anticipated from clinical opinion. In addition, the corticosteroid effects were superior to that of placebo in the short term, but inferior in the longer term when considering recovery and recurrence rates. These results caution against use of corticosteroid injections as a first line treatment for tennis elbow even when combined with a course of physiotherapy. Expected future outcomes: Clinical guidelines for tennis elbow should reflect that corticosteroid injections with or without physiotherapy ought not be the first line of treatment. Patients' informed consent should include both short term success weighed against risk of delayed recovery and recurrence. Name of contact: Bill Vicenzino Email/Phone no. of contact: b.vicenzino@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519702 CIA Name: Prof Jeffrey Lipman Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Intensive Care Total funding: $612,859 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Antibiotic dosing in theAntibiotic dosing in the Lay Description (from application): The appropriate dosing of antibiotics for patient admitted to ICU after a traumatic injury is poorly defined and based on intuition rather than evidence. Doctors need to predict which patients may develop very high antibiotic clearances and dose accordingly so that potentially life-threatening infections do not occur. Given these patients are unknown, this research seeks to identify such patients and recommend which antibiotic and which dose is appropriate to ensure adequate treatment. Research achievements (from final report): This study has collected extensive physiological and pharmacokinetic data in critically ill patients and the work will be cited frequently by major papers trying to understand why critically ill patients need different antibiotic dosing approaches to other patient groups. Various publications in high impact factor journals have also been made possible by this grant. The results of this project would be considered of landmark significance. The potential benefits of this research are manifest initially in improved antibiotic treatment in patients with high morbidity and mortality, that is critically ill patients with sepsis and with significant trauma. The other potential benefits include industry partnerships to develop equipment and software to develop evidence based predictors of antibiotic dosing for these 'at risk' patient groups. This translational work could also then be extended to other difficult patients such as burns, febrile neutropenic patients. Expected future outcomes: Translational research that accurately predicts antibiotic dosing requirements for critically ill patients without the need for therapeutic drug monitoring data to guide drug dosing. Name of contact: Prof Jeffrey Lipman Email/Phone no. of contact: j.lipman@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519716 CIA Name: Prof John Fraser Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Systems Physiology Total funding: $455,160 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Hyperpolarized Helium MRI to quantify regional lung damage and ventilation for improvement of recruitment strategy.Hyperpolarized Helium MRI to quantify regional lung damage and ventilation for improvement of recruitment strategy. Lay Description (from application): Many lung injuries need mechanical ventilation to reopen collapsed lung airspaces and supply oxygen to the patient. This study uses two methods to monitor the lungs during ventilation: Hyperpolarised helium MRI to image the airspace, and electrical impedance tomography to measure lung volume. This information will allow adjustment of ventilator pressure to maximize oxygen transfer without increasing lung damage. Quicker repair of lung damage and patient recovery are the benefits of this study. Research achievements (from final report): This grant has allowed the development and comparison of two techniques of imaging of the lung in ventilated patients., , Hyperpolarised Helium MRI was successfully carried out in the rat using a high resolution MRI. Whilst this is not the first time this has been done, our group is the only Australsian group who can do this, and one of the few to have developed in house hyperpolarisation of helium combined with a custom designed rodent ventilator allowing the maximum polarisation time to be achieved and all the 3He to be used in imaging., , Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) was successfully undertaken in the same rats as Hyperpolarised Helium MRI. We are the first group to perform EIT reliably in the rat and the first group to be able to compare the two imaging techniques. This is of great significance as, while Hyperpolarised Helium MRI can be seen as a "gold standard", it cannot be applied at the bedside or done frequently. Whereas, EIT is a somewhat novel technique that can be done on a continuous basis at the bedside. Expected future outcomes: Three additional publications are under submission and review currently., , Sadly, the worldwide supply of Helum 3 dramatically reduced during the course of this grant, which greatly restricted the number of studies that could be performed. However, should Helium 3 become more readily available, we have identified how this methodology could e used to optimise ventilation in the criticilly ill. Name of contact: John Fraser John Fraser Email/Phone no. of contact: John_Fraser@health.qld.gov.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519744 CIA Name: Dr Allison Pettit Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $406,125 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Osteal macrophages: novel regulators of osteoblast function and the endosteal stem cell nicheOsteal macrophages: novel regulators of osteoblast function and the endosteal stem cell niche Lay Description (from application): Bone diseases are a major health problem and current treatments are inadequate. We are investigating a novel role for macrophages (cells important in tissue maintenance and immune responses) in bone growth, repair and disease. Greater understanding of this will provide new ways to treat bone disease. We will also determine if these macrophages help support stem cells that reside near bone surfaces, which may provide new treatment strategies to improve bone marrow transplantation in cancer. Research achievements (from final report): Bone and blood diseases are a substantial and increasing burdens on health systems and individuals. The research undertaken during this Fellowship examined the symbiotic relationship between blood and bone. It discovered that a specialized type of white blood cell, called osteal tissue macrophages or osteomacs for short, plays an important role in: 1) maintenance of healing bone and aiding successful bone repair; and 2) generation of specialized environments within bone marrow that house blood stem cells (cells responsible for repopulating red and while blood cells throughout life). This suggests, and we are continuing to accumate data to support, that alterations in the function of these osteomacs may contribute to bone diseases such as osteoporosis and blood disease including anemia and leukemia. Importantly, the research showed that a treatment that increased osteomacs was able to accelerate bone repair. Overall this research established that the osteomac plays an important role in coordinating the functions of both the bone marrow and the bone in which is it housed. This has important implications regarding the potential role of osteomacs in bone marrow transplantation, blood cancers and tumours metastases that thrive in bone. Expected future outcomes: We will continue to accumulate pre-clinical data to support macrophage targeting therapies are a viable approach to improving bone health, bone marrow transplantation outcomes and treatment approaches for bone and blood cancer. This information will provide appropriate foundation for novel therapuetic design and drug development for this broad range of medical conditions that have treatment gaps. Name of contact: Allison Pettit Email/Phone no. of contact: apettit@mmri.mater.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519771 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Prof Michele Sterling End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $331,674 Title of research award: Whiplash injury: Classification, prediction and directives for improved management strategies.Whiplash injury: Classification, prediction and directives for improved management strategies. Lay Description (from application): Whiplash is a costly condition with many people developing chronic symptoms. This research aims to improve the diagnosis and classification of the condition from the time of injury until either recovery or the development of persistent pain. This will facilitate the early identification of those at risk of poor recovery and will lay the foundations for the development of improved early management, particularly in primary care. Research achievements (from final report): This research has further developed and validated prognostic models for poor recovery following whiplash injury allowing clinicians and stakeholders greater confidence in identifying people at high risk of developing chronic pain and disability. It has also demonstrated the importance of psychological symptoms following the injury, particularly symptoms of posttraumatic stress. Not only are these factors predictive of poor recovery but they also show a relationship with physical features namely, morphological muscle change. The results of this research demonstrate the clear importance of both physical and psychological aspects of this condition and that they inter-relate. The research demonstrated that by addressing posttraumatic stress symptoms in people with an already chronic condition, that pain, disability and distress were alleviated. The research has made a marked impact on the field. The results have been included in current clinical practice guidelines and clinicians now routinely evaluate patients for the presence of these factors. Treatment of Whiplash Associated Disorders is changing as a result. Expected future outcomes: It is expcted that this research will pave the way for the development and testing of novel and new interventions to prevent the development of chronic pain and disability following whiplash injury. Name of contact: Prof Michele Sterling Email/Phone no. of contact: m.sterling@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519776 CIA Name: Prof Matthew Brown Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $810,661 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: International Collaborations Title of research award: Genetic Factors for OsteoporosisGenetic Factors for Osteoporosis Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis is a common condition in which bone strength is reduced due to reduced amount and quality of bone. Reduced bone strength means an increased risk of fracture. Osteoporotic fractures occur in 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men in their lifetime, and the likelihood of suffering osteoporotic fracture increases with age. Most of the risk of developing osteoporosis is genetic, but few of the genes involved have been identified. Our goal is to identify those genes. We will complete recruitment and assessment of a cohort of 1500 postmenopausal women with either low or high bone mineral density from pre-existing population cohorts in Australia. A genomewide association study will then be performed on these cases. Associated genes in different datasets will then be investigated further in our cohort, and high-density SNP mapping performed to identify true associated variants. These studies should identify most genetic variants associated with BMD variation and low trauma fracture in the general community, allowing development of diagnostic-disease predictive genetic tests, and informing development of novel therapeutic agents for osteoporosis. Research achievements (from final report): This funding enabled us to complete a genomewide association study of Australian, New Zealand and British postmenopausal women with high or low bone mineral density. The data from this study was then tested in a large cohort from the general population, and combined with data from other similar general population cohorts. This lead to the identification of 56 novel loci associated with bone density and 14 loci associated with fracture risk. The findings were published in a landmark report in the journal Nature Genetics in 2012 (see below). These findings highlight new pathways that are involved in osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture risk and point to novel therapeutic targets. The potential of these findings in the identification of therapeutic targets is highlighted by the fact that all bar one current osteoporosis treatment with a known mechanism of action targets a gene identified by the genetic studies. Expected future outcomes: We have obtained further NHMRC funding to exome sequence the high and low bone mineral density cohort to investigate less common genetic variants and their impact on osteoporosis risk. This study is ongoing both within Australia and as part of the GEFOS consortium internationally. Name of contact: Matthew Brown Email/Phone no. of contact: matt.brown@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 519781 Start Year: 2008 CIA Name: Dr Shaun O'Leary End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: Early Career Fellowships (Australia) Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $117,229 Title of research award: The classification of motor function impairment in chronic neck painThe classification of motor function impairment in chronic neck pain Lay Description (from application): Disability due to painful neck disorders is a serious health issue. Changes in control of neck movement and muscle function are known problems in neck pain sufferers yet management of these issues remains poorly understood. This project aims to develop classifications that better identify movement and muscle problems in the neck with the goal to facilitate better rehabilitation. This project is likely to significantly improve the management of neck pain in the community. Research achievements (from final report): This research training fellowship has investigated muscle function in individuals with chronic neck pain. From these studies we have demonstrated that individuals with neck pain have issues with the way they use their muscles as well as changes in the physical conditioning of their muscles, particularly those with a whiplash disorder. We have further shown that muscle dysfunction is linked to the severity of the symptoms a person is experiencing. Of great clinical interest, we have shown that when you train muscles for the management of neck pain, you will get a favourable reduction in pain from more than one type of exercise approach even though the different exercise approaches will give very different outcomes in terms of muscle fitness. Therefore, we now know that when managing a patient with neck pain, clinicians have some flexibility with the approach they choose with regards to pain, but need to be very specific with regards to the patients muscle fitness needs. Expected future outcomes: The findings from the work conducted in this fellowship has raised many additional questions. These questions underpin our current series of studies all designed to answer the following question - How do I best manage this patients neck pain? Name of contact: Shaun O'leary Email/Phone no. of contact: s.oleary@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569660 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Justin Kenardy End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology Total funding: $359,112 Title of research award: Comparison of cognitive-behavioural treatments for children with PTSD following an accidental injury: A multi-site RCT.Comparison of cognitive-behavioural treatments for children with PTSD following an accidental injury: A multi-site RCT. Lay Description (from application): Children who experience a traumatic event are at increased risk of developing Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite the significant consequences, and the poor prognosis of this disorder, few evaluations of interventions for PTSD in children exist. This project will compare two active treatments (child vs. familyfocused cognitive behaviour therapy) for children experiencing PTSD following an accidental injury (the most common category of traumatic events experienced by children). Research achievements (from final report): The study was designed to test an early intervention for children who have received a traumatic injury. The study used a combination of "screen-and-treat" and "watchful waiting" models where all children presenting to hospital were screened for their risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and then rescreened after a waiting period. Within this study we tested the feasibility of a screening program for children and adolescents exposed to traumatic injury and hospitalised in three Australian hospitals. 1,134 eligible families were contacted and 546 children (48%) were screened for PTSD risk at 1-2 weeks post-injury. Of those screened, 119 (21%) children were at-risk, 85 (15%) continued to screen at-risk at 4-6 weeks post-injury, 27 (4.95%) were diagnosed with PTSD and 22 (4%) received treatment. The screening program was successful at identifying and reaching children with PTSD within 6 weeks of injury, however the response rate was lower than expected which limited the overall feasibility of the screening program. The addition of a re-screening phase, while reducing the number of participants progressing to treatment, demonstrated that not all high risk children necessarily required intervention and highlighted the potential for re-screening as part of a watchful waiting approach. Expected future outcomes: We expect to publish the final results of the study as well as the results of the screening procedure and the outcomes of the low risk sample. Name of contact: Justin Kenardy Email/Phone no. of contact: j.kenardy@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569666 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof David Pow End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $526,878 Title of research award: A novel marker of distressed neurons in the hypoxic brain: Regulation, function and potential clinical utility.A novel marker of distressed neurons in the hypoxic brain: Regulation, function and potential clinical utility. Lay Description (from application): The brain is easily damaged by lack of oxygen (hypoxia). We have recently identified a novel protein called GLAST1b which is expressed in distressed neurons. This protein is a glutamate transporter. Glutamate is implicated as a toxic agent hypoxia. This study will investigate what regulates the expression of GLAST1b, what the consequences of expression are, and whether this marker can be developed as a diagnostic tool for identifying the presence of, and distribution of brain damage. Research achievements (from final report): This project investigated the idea that novel forms of a class of protein called glutamate transporters were effective markers of distressed neurons in the brain. This study confirmed this in animal models and in human brains. During this study we needed to examine the morphology of the astrocytes surrounding the stressed neurons, and we accomplished this with associated papers being published. We also examined the testis as it has properties like the brain (it has a blood testis barrier) and this gave us new leads into transporter splicing in the brain. We also found an entirely new and abundant form of the glutaate transporter GLAST during these studies. We have discovered changes in expression of new forms of the transporters we have investigated in the human brain. Perhaps most excitingly we discovered novel forms of a protein called EAAT5 in brain which may be the key regulators of excitability in the brain and a new NHMRC grant application has been submitted to study them., , , Expected future outcomes: The application has identified the key ways that alternate splicing of glutamate transportes may contribute to brain disease, and in doing so has identified new forms of these critical proteins. They are now the subject of ongoing investigatons and new grant applications. Name of contact: David Pow Email/Phone no. of contact: david.pow@rmit.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569744 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Paul Hodges End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $417,882 Title of research award: Reconsideration of the motor adaptation to painReconsideration of the motor adaptation to pain Lay Description (from application): Pain changes movement. Although undisputed, there is a surprising lack of agreement regarding the underlying mechanisms. This project involves an innovative mix of neurophysiological methods to investigate the drive to muscle cells from the nervous system and changes in the mechanics of contraction. These studies will resolve the perplexing problem of how pain changes our ability to activate muscle. Clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms can guide rehabilitation. Research achievements (from final report): We aimed to explore a new theory to explain movement changes in pain. It was our contention that exploration of movement control at the micro level (motoneuron discharge/muscle fibre activation) would provide important insight, and ultimately provide new directions for development of rehabilitation techniques for people with pain. The work formed the basis for 2 keynote lectures, 2 invited reviews, 12 conferences presentations and published 4 journal articles., We showed that: 1) the population of muscle fibres used to produce force changes during pain; 2) this change is observed across a range of muscles and contraction types; 3) similar changes in muscle fibre activation occur when pain is induced in muscular and non-muscular tissue, 4) similar changes occur when the pain is anticipated but not present; 5) Pain increases the synchronisation of motor unit activity (that is, the liklihood that multiple muscle fibres contract at the same time) within a muscle and decreases synchronisation between muscles; 6) Changes in muscle fibre activation during pain are associated with a change in the direction/angle that force is produced; 7) Both distribution of muscle activity and direction of force produced are independent of pain location and 8) The activation of the muscle during pain appears to preferentially target larger muscle fibres (those that generate greater force) rather than the smaller muscle fibres (that are used for more precision tasks) during pain. All of these changes help explain how movement is changed in pain and some of the potentially problematic outcomes of these changes. Expected future outcomes: One manuscript is submitted, 3 manuscripts are in final stages of preparation. This work has established fundamentals of movement adaptation and provided the basis for ongoing work that includes tasks with increased complexity, during sustained pain. We aim to bridge-the-gap between studies of acute experimental pain and clinical pain conditions. Name of contact: Dr Kylie Tucker Email/Phone no. of contact: k.tucker1@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569807 CIA Name: A/Pr Emma Duncan Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Genetics not elsewhere classified Total funding: $107,366 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2010 Grant Type: Career Development Fellowships Title of research award: Genetic Determinants of Bone MassGenetic Determinants of Bone Mass Lay Description (from application): I am a clinician-scientist and endocrinologist most interested in clinical problems associated with bone, in particular the highly heritable disease of osteoporosis. I hope by studying genetic determinants of bone mass to determine the key genes involved, with the long term aim of informing the development of novel therapies for this common, painful and disabling disease. Research achievements (from final report): I was awarded this grant to investigate the genetics of osteoporosis, through genome-wide association studies and investigation of unusual bone phenotypes such as high bone mass and skeletal dysplasias. In the course of the last two years, I have finished in entirity a genome-wide assoication study (GWAS) in extremes of bone mass (published in PLoS Genetics), finding new genes associated with osteoporosis and confirming many others. In individuals and families with high bone mass, I searched for the genetic cause with both conventional and next generation sequencing, and linkage and association studies. I established a genetics programme in patients and families with skeletal dysplasia (with a further publication in PLoS Genetics). I have also published a clinical paper in management of osteogenesis imperfecta; two pharmacoepidemiological studies; and two invited reviews of osteoporosis genetics and future strategies for gene mapping. All these studies aim to unravel the genetic determination of bone mass, so that this can be translated into new treatment approaches for management of common bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. Expected future outcomes: These projects have already demonstrated new genes and pathways determining bone mass, increasing our understanding of what causes bone diseases such as osteoporosis. This then raises new possibilities for different therapeutic approaches for common and devastating bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Name of contact: Emma Duncan Email/Phone no. of contact: e.duncan@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569826 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Dr Stella Bjorkman End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $547,971 Title of research award: GABA excitotoxicity, neuroprotection and the perinatal brainGABA excitotoxicity, neuroprotection and the perinatal brain Lay Description (from application): Approximately 3.5% of babies die each year from brain damage due to perinatal asphyxia, a shortage of oxygen to the developing brain. Babies that survive face lifelong neurological disabilities, placing enormous burden on health, social and economic resources. Current treatments are inadequate. We will examine what occurs when there is a shortage of oxygen to the developing brain and investigate pathways to hypoxic brain injury that offer opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Research achievements (from final report): We established the normal developmental profile of the GABAA receptor a1, a3, b2 and NKCC1 and KCC2 proteins in 4 cortical regions and hippocampus from piglet across several gestational timepoints. We have demonstrated a switch in expression between the a3 and a1 proteins around birth which is similar to that previously reported in other species and, a coincident upregualtion of KCC2 expression which togther may constitute the maturation of inhibitory function of the GABAA receptor. we also showed that this switch was regionally and temporally dependant. NKCC1 was found to be stably expresssed across gestation in the piglet brain. The effect of HI on GABAA receptor a1, a3 and NKCC1 and KCC2 proteins resulted in significant decreases in expression that was further exacerbated by the presence of seizures. Establishing the normal developmental profile of these systems and understanding the effect of seizures on these proteins will allow us to better direct future research on antiepileptic treatments specific and appropriate for the developing newborn brain. The GABA system may also offer another potential avenue for neuroptotection following HI injury. Expected future outcomes: Results from this study have provided insights as to the excitotoxic role of the GABA system in newborn HI brain injury and have laid the foundation for pursuing alterantive pathways to neuroprotection and treatment of seizures. Name of contact: Dr Tracey Bjorkman Email/Phone no. of contact: t.bjorkman@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569829 CIA Name: Prof Matthew Brown Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Immunogenetics Total funding: $568,612 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Genetics of Ankylosing SpondylitisMajor Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Genetics of Ankylosing Spondylitis Lay Description (from application): Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is the prototypic condition of a group of types of inflammatory arthritis called 'seronegative spondyloarthropathies'. These conditions are the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in white populations and occur worldwide. One third of the risk of developing AS is determined by genes within a region called the 'major histocompatibility complex' (MHC), in addition to the gene HLA-B27, the main gene causing AS. We aim to identify the remaining MHC genes. Research achievements (from final report): o The identification of an HLA-B27 tagSNP, rs4349859, which acts as a nearly perfect surrogate of HLA-B27 (within the level of HLA-B27 genotyping accuracy). This SNP can be genotyped for <1% of the cost of current HLA-B27 typing methods; as HLA-B27 typing is one of the most widely used genetic screening tests performed worldwide, this will have a major impact on reducing costs. A patent application has been lodged regarding this finding (Australian Provisional Patent Application No. 2009905817)., o Using this finding, we demonstrated that there were no other common variants with significant MHC associations in AS. This was published in Nature Genetics (P001085096)., o We used this finding to investigate differences between HLA-B27 positive and -negative disease, thereby identifying the restriction of the association of ERAP1 with AS, the first confirmed example of gene-gene interaction in any common human disease. This was published in Nature Genetics (P001085096). The finding is of major importance in AS research as it indicates that the mechanism by which HLA-B27 induces AS must involve aberrant peptide handling, with increased presentation of peptides by ERAP1 to HLA-B27 increasing the risk of disease. This narrows the potential mechanisms by which HLA-B27 induces AS substantially., o Having identified that interaction, we hypothesized and then confirmed that HLA-Cw6 interacted with ERAP1 in a similar way. This was published in Nature Genetics (P000790258). This indicates that HLA-Cw6 likely operates in psoriasis by a similar mechanism to which HLA-B27 operates in AS. Expected future outcomes: This will enable cheap population screening for AS, and inform development of AS and psoriasis therapies. Name of contact: Matthew Brown Email/Phone no. of contact: matt.brown@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569830 CIA Name: Prof Matthew Brown Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Immunogenetics Total funding: $536,680 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2011 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: The immunogenetics of ankylosing spondylitis: a genetic and functional investigation of IL23R and related genesThe immunogenetics of ankylosing spondylitis: a genetic and functional investigation of IL23R and related genes Lay Description (from application): Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common inflammatory arthritis which causes primarily back pain and stiffness, and affects 1/250 individuals. Our group identified association between tagging genetic markers in the gene IL23R and AS, and our preliminary data suggests some related genes are involved as well. This study aims to identify the key genetic variants involved and determine the mechanism by which they cause AS. Research achievements (from final report): Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common form of inflammatory arthritis affecting over 20,000 Australians with an annual cost upto $500 million which targets the spine and pelvis. In a major breakthrough we demonstrated that mutations in the gene IL23R were associated with AS. IL-23R is a key factor in the regulation of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 which is thought to play a role in a number of inflammatory diseases. The exact mechanism underlying the association between IL23R and AS is unknown so this grant undertook to elucidate those mechanisms., To date IL23R has only been associated with AS in white European patients. To establish that IL23R plays a role in different ethnic populations that also suffer from AS we looked in Han Chinese which suffer similarly to white Europeans from AS. Although the same IL23R mutations did not play a role in white Europeans as in Han Chinese, we discovered different mutations in IL23R in Han Chinese associated with AS further emphasising the importance of the IL23 pathway in AS., We also looked at the functional role of IL23R in AS. We looked at immune cells from AS patients and controls and investigated whether there were differences in the cells that utilise IL23 signalling. We discovered that there is a subset of immune cells that are more responsive to IL23 and produce more IL17 that are more prevalent in AS patients. These cells were IL23R+ IL17+ gamma delta T cells and we hypothesise these play a key role in AS. Expected future outcomes: Confirming a role for the IL23R pathway in non-Caucasian populations further supports development of therapeutics based on targeting IL23 signalling Name of contact: Dr Gethin Thomas Email/Phone no. of contact: gethin.thomas@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569832 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Michele Sterling End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Complementary-Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classified Total funding: $309,340 Title of research award: Combined dry-needling, advice and graded exercise: a randomized controlled trial in chronic whiplashCombined dry-needling, advice and graded exercise: a randomized controlled trial in chronic whiplash Lay Description (from application): Central hyperexcitability is a feature of chronic whiplash and may be one reason for the poor response of this condition to standard treatment approaches such as exercise. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment of dry-needling has shown potential to decrease this hypersensitivity in other musculoskeletal conditions. This study will investigate the effects of dry-needling combined with an orthodox treatment of advice and graded exercise on pain and disability in chronic whiplash. Research achievements (from final report): The primary aim of this project was to investigate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of combined dryneedling, advice and exercise for chronic whiplash. The results of the study demonstrated that both interventions (dry-needling and exercise; sham needling and exercise) resultsed in clinically significant chnages in all main outcome measures of pain and disability. However neither intervention was superior to the other. The results would tend to suggest that the exercise component is the effective part of the intervention, however our effect sizes are much larger than other trials using exercise only. Thus it is possible that an undefined mechanisms of dry-needling or sham -dry-needling that stimulates only the skin may add an additional effect compared to exercise also. The results are significant as few treatments have been shown to be clnically effective for chronic whiplash associated disorders (WAD). Expected future outcomes: The results of the trial will be included in the training of physiotherapists and others in their management of WAD. Further analysis of results will be undertaken inorder to generate future hypotheses for the effects of dry-needling and to guage responders and non-reponders of theis approach to treatment. Name of contact: Prof Michele Sterling Email/Phone no. of contact: m.sterling@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 569855 Start Year: 2009 CIA Name: Prof Istvan Toth End Year: 2010 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Total funding: $209,471 Title of research award: Neuropathic pain drugs based on the endogenous opioid peptide Endomorphin 1.Neuropathic pain drugs based on the endogenous opioid peptide Endomorphin 1. Lay Description (from application): We have developed a new pain drug based on the natural pain killing opioid peptide, Endomorhin 1. The new drug exhibits activity similar to morphine and gabapentin against neuropathic pain in animals but seems to act through a different mechanism. We will complete our preclinical investigation of this compound by assessing its side effect profile and tolerance inducing properties in animals. We will also continue our development of an orally active analogue of this important peptide Research achievements (from final report): Neuropathic pain is a condition associated with nerve damage and is a common complication of diabetes, musculoskeletal injury, and cancer. The treatment of neuropathic pain is a major unmet medical need. Currently, opioid drugs are used to treat neuropathic pain, but result in a range of side effects, particularly tolerance, respiratory depression, and constipation. Endomorphin-1, an endogenous opioid peptide, has the potential to treat neuropathic pain but is unsuitable for clinical application due to poor metabolic stability and poor oral absorption in its native form. , We created a range of derivatives aimed at improving the drug-like properties of Endomorphin-1. These derivatives were screened in vitro to determine the μ-opioid receptor binding and agonist activity. Promising candidates progressed to in vivo screening in a rat chronic constriction injury model of neuropathic pain. The results of in vivo testing identified Endomorphin-1 derivatives with dose-dependent activity when delivered intravenously. Oral analgesic potential was also evaluated and was comparable to that of morphine. Less tolerance developed to the analgesic effect of the lead Endomorphin-1 derivative than morphine at equipotent doses. The Endomorphin-1 derivative produced less side effects (respiratory depression, constipation, tolerance) than morphine at antinoiciceptive doses. , Our findings suggest that Endomorphin-1 derivatives have the potential to be developed as novel opioid analgesic agenst to treat neuropathic pain with a wider therapeutic window in respect to constipation and respiratory depression. Further development of the lead Endomorhpin-1 derivative may result in the production of a clinical therapeutic for neuropathic pain. Expected future outcomes: After completion of further preclinical examinations we will pursue business partners to progress to clinical trials. Name of contact: Prof Istvan Toth Email/Phone no. of contact: i.toth@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631363 CIA Name: Dr Gethin Thomas Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Genomics Total funding: $431,201 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Regulatory RNAs Underlying Genetic Associations With Ankylosing SpondylitisRegulatory RNAs Underlying Genetic Associations With Ankylosing Spondylitis Lay Description (from application): Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the spine and causing back pain. The diagnosis of the disease is delayed by up to 10 years due to lack of accurate tests. We aim to identify molecular signatures of the disease that might be used to distinguish inflammatory processes typical of the disease and other causes of back pain. This would allow earlier and more accurate diagnosis of the disease and result earlier patient treatment and better health outcomes. Research achievements (from final report): Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the spine and causing back pain. The diagnosis of the disease is delayed by up to 10 years due to lack of accurate tests. We aim to identify molecular signatures of the disease that might be used to distinguish inflammatory processes typical of the disease and other causes of back pain. This would allow identification of novel molecules and mechanisms controlling disease which can lead to new therapeutic approaches and also earlier and more accurate diagnosis of the disease and result earlier patient treatment and better health outcomes., We have identified a novel molecule that is produced from a genetic region previously associated with ankylosing spondylitis. This region was termed a "gene desert" due to the fact that no known genes that might mediate disease were identified in this region. Using cutting edge next-generation RNA sequencing technology we comprehensively identified all forms of RNA produced from this region. From these studies we have identified a novel RNA that is highly expressed in immune cells and is overexpressed in AS patients. This novel RNA may identify a new regulatory pathway in AS. Expected future outcomes: This novel transcript will likely be part of a novel pathway regulating development or severity of AS. We will now undertake further studies characterising the mode of action of this RNA and identify new therapeutic dn diagnostic targets. Name of contact: Gethin Thomas Email/Phone no. of contact: gethin.thomas@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631451 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Dr Karin Borges End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $314,717 Title of research award: Complement activation in experimental epilepsy: role of C5a receptorsComplement activation in experimental epilepsy: role of C5a receptors Lay Description (from application): 400,000 patients in Australia suffer from epilepsy and 45% of them suffer from uncontrolled seizures. Epilepsy often develops after head injury or stroke, but no treatments are available to prevent this process. Inflammatory processes seem to be involved in epilepsy. We will investigate if the inflammatory complement factor C5a plays a role in epilepsy and if we can prevent development of seizures in mice. If successful our data will be a prerequisite for later clinical trials. Research achievements (from final report): At least 50 million people worldwide and 200,000 patients in Australia suffer from epilepsy. Despite drug treatment, about 45% of patients still experience seizures. Even the development of newer better tolerated drugs in the last 15 years has not increased the efficacy of treatment. Therefore new approaches are urgently needed to find new effective treatments for epilepsy patients. The goal of this research was to define new treatment targets. There is now increasing evidence that inflammatory processes are involved in epilepsy. We discovered that an experimental anti-inflammatory compound effectively inhibited seizures in several mouse models. The drug appears to act via a protein that is well known in the complement inflammation pathway. Because the substance is only short-lived once it enters the body, it is now important to develop similar compounds with improved stability that then may be tested in clinical trials in the near future. Also, we will need to very that the target protein is found in epileptic brain areas in patients. This will be achieved within the next year by testing samples obtained from human epilepsy surgeries. In summary this research grant paved the way towards the discovery of a new approach to treat seizures. Expected future outcomes: There is a good chance that the inflammatory protein is found in human epileptic brain areas. We hope that new stable compounds that are safe and non-toxic and target this protein can be found and trialled in humans soon. Name of contact: Karin Borges Email/Phone no. of contact: k.borges@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631484 CIA Name: Dr Allison Pettit Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $741,095 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Regulation of Bone Dynamics by Osteal Tissue Macrophages (Osteomacs)Regulation of Bone Dynamics by Osteal Tissue Macrophages (Osteomacs) Lay Description (from application): There is a high demand for effective treatments to rebuild and replace lost bone in fracture repair and osteoporosis. We have described a discrete population of macrophages (classically immune defense cells) within the specialized tissues that line bones. We have shown that these bone tissue macrophages have a novel role in promoting the formation of new bone. This project grant will extend these observations and identify the clinical potential of bone tissue macrophages to treat bone disease. Research achievements (from final report): Bone disease and fracture are a substantial and increasing burden on health systems and individuals. There is clinical need for better therapies that rebuild bones and overcome compromised fracture repair. The research undertaken during this grant expanded on our earlier discovery demonstrating the bone supportive functions of a particular type of white blood cells, called osteal tissue macrophages or osteomacs for short. We showed that osteomacs are required for bones to repair after fracture healing irrespective mode of healing (bones can heal by 2 different mechanisms). Most importantly, a treatment that increased osteomacs was able to accelerate bone repair. This provides proof-of-principle that enhancing the function of these cells is a viable treatment approach for improving fracture outcomes. We generated data showing the osteomacs achieve this function through influencing the maturation and/or function of the cells that make bone as well as the cells that degrade bone. During the funding period the research rapidly evolved to demonstrate that osteomacs also play an integral role in creating the specialized environments within bone marrow that house blood stem cells (cells responsible for repopulating red and while blood cells throughout life). Overall we establish that the osteomac plays an important role in coordinating the functions of both the bone marrow and the bone in which is it housed. This has important implications regarding the potential role of osteomacs in bone marrow transplantation, blood cancers and tumours metastases that thrive in bone. Expected future outcomes: We will continue to accumulate pre-clinical data to support macrophage targeting therapies are a viable approach to improving bone health, bone marrow transplantation outcomes and treatment approaches for bone and blood cancer. This information will provide appropriate foundation for novel therapuetic design and drug development for this broad range of medical conditions that have treatment gaps. Name of contact: Allison Pettit Email/Phone no. of contact: apettit@mmri.mater.org.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631532 CIA Name: Prof Geoffrey Goodhill Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $527,339 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Cyclic-nucleotide-dependent regulation of axon guidance sensitivityCyclic-nucleotide-dependent regulation of axon guidance sensitivity Lay Description (from application): Problems in wiring up the brain underlie several nervous system disorders. The goal of this project is to understand better how this wiring normally forms. This will ultimately lead to a better understanding of what can go wrong with brain wiring, and how to fix such problems. It will also lead to a better understanding of how to make axons regenerate after injury. Research achievements (from final report): For the brain to function correctly its neurons must be connected correctly. Developing nerve fibres find their correct targets during neural development by detecting chemical guidance cues in the brain, particularly chemical gradients. However whether they are attracted or repelled by these gradients depends on the overall levels of certain other chemicals, particularly cAMP. Understanding how this process works is important not just for understanding how normal brain development could go wrong, but also how to encourage nerve fibres to regrow appropriately after injury. In this project we used a unique combination of experiments and mathematical modelling to understand the mechanisms by which cAMP modulates guidance responses. Our key finding was that levels of cAMP interact with levels of calcium, and that both of these levels must be tightly regulated to ensure that nerve fibres are not attracted when they're supposed to be repelled, and vice versa. Expected future outcomes: This work provides a predictive tool that can be used to understand how nerve fibres will behave under different circumstances, and also provides a mathematical framework within which to investigate other aspects of how intracellular signalling pathways control the direction of nerve fibre growth. Name of contact: Prof Geoffrey Goodhill Email/Phone no. of contact: g.goodhill@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631598 CIA Name: Prof Brian Key Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $586,428 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertebrate brain developmentMolecular and cellular mechanisms of vertebrate brain development Lay Description (from application): The essential steps in forming a normal functioning brain occur during life as an embryo. If these processes go haywire, there can be serious repercussions for life after birth. This project seeks to understand how the brain forms during embryonic stages so that better treatments and procedures can be developed to deal with developmental problems. Research achievements (from final report): The essential steps in forming a normal functioning brain occur during life as an embryo. If these processes go haywire, there can be serious repercussions for life after birth. This project sought to understand how the brain forms during embryonic stages so that better treatments and procedures can be developed to deal with developmental problems. A network of genes associated with maintinaing the adhesiveness of cells in the embryonic nervous systems were found for the first time to play a critical role in the normal formation of the brain. The results provide the framework for understanding why mutations in such genes could lead to birth defects associated with brain. Expected future outcomes: Neural tube defects such as spina bifurda involve lesions of the spinal cord which can have severe functional consequences. The results of this project provide the foundation for better understanding the genetics of spina bifurda. Name of contact: Brian Key Email/Phone no. of contact: brian.key@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631629 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Prof Justin Cooper-White End Year: 2011 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Regenerative Medicine (incl. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering) Total funding: $296,867 Title of research award: TAKING THE LIMP OUT OF CARTILAGE REPAIRTAKING THE LIMP OUT OF CARTILAGE REPAIR Lay Description (from application): In Australia osteoarthritis is the leading cause of pain and disability with the majority of individuals displaying radiographic evidence of this condition by age 65. We are developing two novel technologies which use patients' own stem cells to repair damaged cartilage. This project involves both the advancement of these technologies as well as their evaluation using a sheep cartilage repair model. These technologies offer significant promise for those suffering joint pain. Research achievements (from final report): , This project aimed to produce highly functional cartilage cells (chondrocytes) from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) using our novel low oxygen micropellet (LOM) differentiation process and a novel in vitro culture system, which prevents matrix loss to the bulk medium, to generate fully functional ex vivo cartilage tissue plugs. We have successfully demonstrated that LOMs can be readily assembled into larger tissue constructs suitable for cartilage defect repair. Further, we have optimized MSC chondro-induction medium, to enhance early chondrogenic differentiation, and subsequently enhance the matrix output of mature cells. The effects of the presence/presentation of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules on the conversation of MSCs to chondrocytes have been thoroughly investgated and these insights have been translated to the formulation design of novel hydrogel scaffolds. This scaffold system is capable of displaying ECM molecules and can be optimised to match cartilage tissue mechanics. MSCs have been successfully encapsulated within the hydrogels and cultured under inductive conditions. These outputs confirm the utility of our novel in vitro protocols for functional cartilage tissue formation, in readiness for in vivo assessment. Expected future outcomes: , The ultimate aim of our work into cartilage tissue engineering is to generate functional ex vivo cartilage tissue from MSCs and test its suitability for cartilage repair in humans. The results obtained from this in vitro investigation have provided the necessary proof-of-concept data to permit this novel approach to move into in vivo assessment within appropriate small animal models. Name of contact: Justin Cooper-White Email/Phone no. of contact: j.cooperwhite@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 631634 CIA Name: Dr Massimo Hilliard Admin Inst: University of Queensland Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $461,598 Start Year: 2010 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Membrane fusion in axonal regeneration: molecules and mechanismsMembrane fusion in axonal regeneration: molecules and mechanisms Lay Description (from application): Limited nerve regeneration is the main obstacle for recovery from spinal cord and brain injuries. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying axonal regeneration is an essential step toward the development of novel effective therapies to enhance this process. In this proposal, we use the powerful molecular and genetic tools available for the small nematode worm C. elegans to identify and study axonal regeneration and discover the key molecules involved. Research achievements (from final report): We focused our research on nerve repair using the mechanosensory neurons of the nematode worm C. elegans as a model system. By generating nerve transection with a laser microbeam, we have discovered that the two separated halves of a C. elegans nerve are able to reconnect and re-establish the original tract. We also revealed that this is a highly efficient process, with an injured nerve able to reconnect selectively with its own separated half and not with other injured nerves in the vicinity. Using a genetic approach, we identified some of the key molecules and mechanisms necessary for this nerve repair to occur. Given the high level of conservation of these molecules with those present in humans, we hope that our discoveries can soon be exploited to develop novel and more effective therapies to treat injuries of the nervous system. Expected future outcomes: Understanding the molecular mechanisms of nerve regeneration is a crucial step to develop novel therapies to favour repair and treat injuries to the nervous system. Our studies in the nematode C. elegans have revealed several new molecules that could be exploited to facilitate nerve repair in higher organisms. Name of contact: Massimo A. Hilliard Email/Phone no. of contact: m.hilliard@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1017308 Start Year: 2011 CIA Name: Prof Perry Bartlett End Year: 2014 Admin Inst: University of Queensland Grant Type: NHMRC Development Grants Main RFCD: Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases Total funding: $687,106 Title of research award: Therapeutic development of a novel EphA4 antagonist for spinal cord injuriesTherapeutic development of a novel EphA4 antagonist for spinal cord injuries Lay Description (from application): Spinal cord injuries impose a significant burden on patients and their carers. At present, there are no treatments for spinal cord injury that provide functional improvement. This research program will develop a novel therapeutic molecule, EphA4-Fc, which promotes axonal regeneration and delivers significant functional improvement. We will determine the most effective protocol for EphA4-Fc administration and the physiological and functional outcomes of these treatment regimes. Research achievements (from final report): Sufferers of spinal cord injury often experience permanent deficits in movement and sensation, which is due to the inability of the human nervous system to repair itself. More than 10 years ago, the CIs, Professor Perry Bartlett and Professor Andrew Boyd, discovered that the EphA4 protein inhibits the regeneration of nerve cells following acute injury. Since this time, as part of the work funded by this grant, the CIs have investigated a number of ways by which to block the action of this protein in an effort to allow the nerve cells to regenerate across and around the site of injury. By conducting a large dose-response study in a rat model of contusive spinal cord injury, the team has shown that treatment with a competitive protein (EphA4-Fc), which prevents EphA4 from binding to its receptor and acting as an inhibitory agent, results in improvements in locomotion. In addition to improved movement, the animals were found to have accelerated weight recovery and superior balance and coordination. Changes in tissue structure around the injury site were also observed in EphA4-Fctreated animals. Overall, the use of EphA4-Fc following spinal cord injury has been shown to result in improved functional and structural outcomes, and the CIs have uncovered more about the mechanism by which EphA4 regulates axonal regeneration. These findings hold great promise for those with spinal cord injury, as treatment with the competitive antagonist EphA4-Fc following injury may allow some degree of axonal repair and thus improved functional outcomes. Expected future outcomes: Given the significant functional improvements seen in animal models following treatment with the EphA4-Fc protein, the CIs are in talks with industry to prepare the protein for a Phase 1 clinical trial. Name of contact: Mikaeli Costello Email/Phone no. of contact: mikaeli.costello@uq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 453442 CIA Name: A/Pr Cory Xian Admin Inst: University of South Australia Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $366,302 Start Year: 2007 End Year: 2009 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Roles of injury-induced inflammatory response in regulating bony repair at injured growth plate cartilageRoles of injury-induced inflammatory response in regulating bony repair at injured growth plate cartilage Lay Description (from application): Children's growth plate cartilage is responsible for bone lengthening. Due to popularity of sports and play, trauma-induced growth plate damage and subsequently bone growth defects are common in children, with up to 30% of growth plate injury cases resulting in growth abnormality, for which the present surgical correction is highly invasive and not fully effective. Although we know that the growth plate injury-induced bone growth defects result from bony repair of the injured growth cartilage, we largely don't understand why and how this bony repair occurs. Understanding mechanisms for this "faulty" bony repair of injured growth plate will be critical prior to effective biological treatments can be developed. Recently, using an injury model in young rats, we found that bony tissue formation at injured growth plate is preceded sequentially by inflammatory, fibrogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic responses. The inflammatory response is an initial event and our recent studies suggest that inflammatory response recruits inflammatory cells and produces important molecules that could significantly influence subsequent fibrogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic events leading to the bony repair of the injured growth plate cartilage. The current proposal further addresses roles of the inflammatory response and the molecular pathways of this response in regulating downstream bony repair events. This project will generate novel understanding on the "faulty" bony repair of injured growth plate, and will provide valuable information for developing cost-effective and simple therapeutic intervention that aims to prevent bony repair and to enhance cartilage regeneration of the injured growth plate in children. Research achievements (from final report): Growth plate injuries are common and are often repaired by bony tissue which causes limb length discrepancy/angulations. In past 3 years, using a rat model, we have confirmed 4 phases of injury responses (inflammatory, fibrogenic, chondrogenic/osteogenic, and bone bridge formation/maturation) and involvement of intramembranous and endochondral ossification mechanisms in the bony repair. Our global gene expression (microarray) analysis revealed altered Wnt and BMP signalling pathways during growth plate bony repair. We observed that some cytokines and growth factors were upregulated during the inflammatory phase, and that infiltrated marrow stromal progenitor cells are responsive to PDGF and TNF-a in migration; to PDGF, TGF-a, FGF-2, and TNF-a in proliferation; and to TGF-b1 and BMP in chondrogenesis. We have shown that inhibition of osteogenic transcription factor Osx by blocking PKD activation appears to suppress bony repair and enhance cartilage repair at the injury site. Using a sheep model, we demonstrated that ovine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotential and can form cartilage-like tissue when transplanted etopically in mice, and that in a growth plate injury model in lambs, autologous marrow MSC failed to promote growth plate cartilage regeneration. Summary: In the last 3 years with this grant, we have achieved a good understanding of the mechanisms for the "faulty" bony repair of injured growth plate, and have identified some potential targets (eg, infiltration of stromal progenitors prior to bony repair) for investigating potential biological strategies for preventing the faulty bony repair and promote cartilage regeneration of the injured growth plate. Expected future outcomes: Further increased understanding of the pathophysiology for the growth plate faulty repair will be achieved from follow-up studies. Further studies will be carried out to investigate therapeutic potential of ex vivo expanded autologous MSC in promoting growth plate regeneration, and to explore strategies to enhance growth plate regeneration by mobilising endogenous MSC. Name of contact: Prof Cory Xian NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Email/Phone no. of contact: cory.xian@unisa.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 508047 CIA Name: Prof Cory Xian Admin Inst: University of South Australia Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $617,879 Start Year: 2008 End Year: 2012 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): “I am a biomedical scientist undertaking basic and clinical research on the pathophysiology of growth plate injury and repair, which critically impacts on children’s bone growth and growth disorders. I aim to investigate the underlying mechanisms and deve Research achievements (from final report): Musculoskeletal conditions including skeletal fractures are major burdens on individuals and health systems. Childhood bone health is critical for ensuring healthy development, and the peak bone mass achieved in adolescence and early adulthood also profoundly influences adult bone health. During 2008-2012 with NHMRC SRF support, I have made following research achievements in three major areas. Injured growth plate is often "faultily" repaired leading to bone growth defects. My laboratory has identified a sequential injury repair response and potential targets which could lead to development of a biological treatment. Cancer chemotherapy unfortunately causes significant bone defects (osteoporosis, marrow adiposity and fractures). My laboratory has identified that these defects result from reduced bone formation, increased bone resorption, and increased marrow fat formation, as well as involvement of major signalling pathways (Wnt/b-catenin and NF¿B). Our work also showed that supplementation with folinic acid (a folate analogue) or genistein (a soy isoflavone) preserved bone mass in MTX-treated rats, and that anti-inflammatory fish oil and emu oil inhibited bone loss during chemotherapy. Apart from genetics, bone growth is also influenced by nutrition and physical activity, which are major influences that can be modified to optimise bone mass in childhood. We observed that maternal fish oil supplementation during pregnancy and lactation improved offspring bone growth. We demonstrated that soy isoflavone genistein promotes formation of bone forming cells (osteoblasts) and inhibits formation of bone degrading cells (osteoclasts), and that icariin (a flavonol glycoside from the herb Epimedium) is more potent than genistein in promoting osteoblast formation. Expected future outcomes: oPotential development of the first in situ biological regenerative therapy for children's growth plate trauma injury-induced bone growth defects;oPotential identification of novel preventative strategies for bone and bone marrow damage caused by chemotherapy;oPotential identification of dietary interventions for optimising bone growth and bone mass accrual in early life. Name of contact: Prof Cory Xian Email/Phone no. of contact: cory.xian@unisa.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 571090 CIA Name: Prof G. Lorimer Moseley Admin Inst: University of South Australia Main RFCD: Central Nervous System Total funding: $600,559 Start Year: 2009 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Research Fellowships Title of research award: Uncoupled Research FellowshipUncoupled Research Fellowship Lay Description (from application): I am a clinical scientist translating basic science findings into clinical science questions and answers that impart better understanding and management of pain and painful disease. Research achievements (from final report): In the 5 years of this fellowship, I have built an interdisciplinary research team of 28+ members, been appointed Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and Inaugural Chair in Physiotherapy at UniSA, the youngest Chair in Medical or Allied Health at an Australian University; was made Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapy; was runner-up for the 2012 Science Minister's Prize for Life Sciences; won the 2012 NHMRC Marshall & Warren Award for the best innovative and potentially transformative project grant; have been awarded 3 out of 4 NHMRC project grant submissions as CIA, two scoring '6- top quartile' scores; have given the most prestigious plenary lecture in world physiotherapy and the keynote address at the American Pain Congress; have conceived and established the PainAdelaide Stakeholders' Consortium, with a scientific meeting, public lectures and the annual Ride for Pain (>550 community participants); have been the only nonEuropean invited to the European Union's Societal Impact of Pain Government/Industry forum; and established the world's most influential pain-related web and social media presence - bodyinmind.org. Expected future outcomes: I commenced a PRF this year and my research group is testing three broad hypotheses, each with clear and important implications for the management or treatment of people in pain. We are funded by NHMRC project grants and fellowship support. Name of contact: Professor Lorimer Moseley Email/Phone no. of contact: Lorimer.moseley@unisa.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 595937 Start Year: 2010 CIA Name: Prof Xin-Fu Zhou End Year: 2012 Admin Inst: University of South Australia Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Neurosciences not elsewhere classified Total funding: $496,205 Title of research award: Roles of proBDNF in nerve regenerationRoles of proBDNF in nerve regeneration Lay Description (from application): Nerve growth factors are essential to promote nerve regeneration and are potential drugs for the treatment of nervous disorders such as spinal cord injury. Our recent result demonstrates that the precursor form of the nerve growth factor brain derived neurotrophic factor (proBDNF) is detrimental to an injured nervous system and can cause nerve degeneration. This project further investigates the phenomenon in order to promote treatment of spinal cord injury. Research achievements (from final report): Neurite growth is essential for neuronal polarity, neuronal connectivities during development, and is critical for functional recovery after nerve injury. BDNF plays an important role in the regulation of neurite growth and nerve regeneration after injury. Our previous studies funded by NHMRC grant (375109) showed that peripherally derived mature BDNF plays a critical role in the enhanced regeneration of ascending and descending spinal neurons after spinal cord injury. These studies provided basis for the peripheral application of mature BDNF in the treatment of CNS injury. Our finding that proBDNF suppresses neurite growth and regeneration is important as we have elucidated a novel role of this BDNF gene product. This study shift the conceptual paradigm and generate a high impact results both in the field and across fields. Furthermore, we tried to develop several potential drug molecules (mature BDNF-Fc, monoclonal antibody to prodomain, Sortilin-Fc) which can be further developed for the treatment of spinal cord injury. Expected future outcomes: We have strong evidence that endogenous proBDNF is an inhibitory factor, pharmaceutical tools (proBDNF monoclonal antibody, Sortilin ecd-Fc and mature BDNF-Fc) may be further developed for a clinical trial. A combination of BDNF-Fc with anti-proBDNF will shift the conceptual paradigm in the field of spinal cord injury. Name of contact: Xin-Fu Zhou Email/Phone no. of contact: zhou0010@gmail.com NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 1003433 CIA Name: A/Pr Paul Anderson Admin Inst: University of South Australia Main RFCD: Receptors and Membrane Biology Total funding: $497,001 Start Year: 2011 End Year: 2013 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Vitamin D Activity to Regulate Bone Remodelling and Promote Bone StrengthVitamin D Activity to Regulate Bone Remodelling and Promote Bone Strength Lay Description (from application): While vitamin D and calcium supplementation is well known to protect against osteoporosis and hip fracture, the mechanisms by which this occur are not fully understood. Thus, this project aims to establish the cellular basis for the importance of direct action of vitamin D and calcium within the bone. This information is necessary to develop public health nutritional recommendations for improving skeletal health and reducing the incidence of hip factures in the elderly. Research achievements (from final report): This project was set to determine the mechanisms by which vitamin D directly regulates processes of bone remodelling.We have demonstarted that mature osteoblast-specific deletion of VDR abrogates the regulation of bone resorption by reducing RANKL-mediated signalling from osteoblasts. In addtion there was a significant downturn in osteoblast-mediated bone formation with the absence of VDR. The net result of this change in bone turnover was a profound increased bone volume particularly during periods of rapid growth where bone turnover is typically high. However, osteocyte-specific VDR deletion did not result in decreased RANKL signalling or change to bone volume. Thus, these studies demonstarte that mature osteoblasts in the preosteocyte phase are responsible for the regulating bone turnover. , A second aim was to identify whether overexpression of VDR within osteoblasts in a transgenic model is capable of enhancing vitamin D activities to regulate bone turnover. The original hypothesis, based on intial findings, was that enhanced VDR-mediated siganlling leads to net imcrease in bone volume due to increased bone formation. However, we demonstrated that while enhanced VDR-mediated siganlling in osteoblasts always leads in increased bone formation, in the presence of high circulating active vitamin D (1,25D) levels, enhanced RANKL-mediated bone resoprtion occurs due to incressed VDR levels and results in a overall loss in bone volume. Thus, only under circumstances of low circulating 1,25D levels, does processes of bone formation lead to increased bone mineral volume and stength. , The clinical benefits of this knowledge are that while most people would refer to serum pre-cursor for vitamin D (25D) as a indicator of bone health, determining serum 1,25D levels and ensuring that these levels are not raised, partucualrly during rapid growth, may benefit bone mieral accrual during adolescence which is key to prevention of osteoporosis later in life. Expected future outcomes: We are now regulating the synthesis and/or catabolism of active vitamin D within osteoblasts themselves. Current data suggest that enhancing local synthesis of 1,25D is pro-anabolic. Secondly, we are using analogues to active vitamin D to determine whether we can illicit a bone formation response without activating bone resoprtion. Both approches have clinical applications. Name of contact: A/Prof Paul Anderson Email/Phone no. of contact: paul.anderson@unisa.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 107203 Start Year: 2000 CIA Name: Prof Kathryn Refshauge End Year: 2002 Admin Inst: University of Sydney Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $234,602 Title of research award: Exercise or advice for sub-acute low back pain?Exercise or advice for sub-acute low back pain? Lay Description (from application): Low back pain (LBP) is highly prevalent and enormously expensive to society: total payments made by Workcover for injuries to the low back were in excess of $530 million in NSW in 1996. Chronic LBP (pain lasting more than 3 months) accounts for up to 90% of these costs. Prevention of a large part of this costly problem could be achieved by effective treatment at the earlier sub-acute phase of LBP (6 weeks to 3 months duration). Exercise and advice are two widely-used treatments for sub-acute LBP, yet remarkably, their efficacy is unknown. For the first time, this study will rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of both a supervised exercise program and advice to return to normal activity for sub-acute LBP. When this study is completed, Australian practitioners will be able to adopt evidence based practice when managing sub-acute LBP. In addition, the study's results will enable practitioners to select the most effective treatment for each individual patient. The results of this study should lead to a large reduction in the incidence of chronic LBP, therefore the results should lead to significant savings in terms of social and economic costs. Research achievements (from final report): N/A Expected future outcomes: We will complete analysis of three month and 12 month outcome data within the next three months. We will also analyse the data about predictors of prognosis for subacute low back pain, determining who responds best to exercise or advice. Our findings to date provide evidence that exercise and advice are effective treatments to decrease pain and disability for subacute low back pain. However, there are many different types of exercise programs, and we investigated only one form of exercise. We will continue this research program by investigating the most effective types of exercise and the most successful methods of implementation. In addition, we are currently extending the findings of the systematic review by conducting a rigorous study to determine accurately the prognosis of acute low back pain. We will also determine the accuracy of diagnosis of spinal pathology from questions asked in the history. The ultimate benefits of our research progam are that patients with low back pain will be treated more effectively, and more accurate predictions of prognosis can be made. Name of contact: N/A Email/Phone no. of contact: N/A NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 153712 CIA Name: Prof Stephen MacMahon Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $364,218 Start Year: 2001 End Year: 2003 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Randomised trial of ibuprofen for the prevention of ectopic bone-related pain and disability after hip replacementRandomised trial of ibuprofen for the prevention of ectopic bone-related pain and disability after hip replacement Lay Description (from application): Joint replacement is a well-established treatment for severe osteoarthritis of the hip. While most patients benefit substantially from the procedure, many still experience some pain and disability after surgery. New evidence suggests that one important cause of this pain and disability may be abnormal bone deposits that form in the muscles around the hip (ectopic bone formation) during the first few months after surgery. Ectopic bone formation is seen in about 40% of all patients with hip replacements. If the formation is extensive, all movement of the hip is lost and revision surgery is necessary. However, even when the formation is less severe, movement at the hip can be restricted resulting in pain and disability. There is growing evidence that treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug at the time of surgery may halve the risk of ectopic bone formation. While this would be expected to decrease the risk and severity of post-operative pain and disability, there is little evidence available about the long-term effects of these drugs after hip replacement. For this reason, together with concerns about possible side-effect of these drugs, orthopaedic surgeons have generally been reluctant to prescribe these drugs routinely for the prevention of ectopic bone formation. Ibuprofen appears to be the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with the lowest risk of side effects. If it was shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of pain and disability associated with ectopic bone formation after hip replacement, it may well be considered worthwhile by doctors and patients alike. If such benefits were realised, this preventive strategy is likely to be a highly cost-effective way to improve long-term outcome among the rapidly growing numbers of patients that receive hip replacements. This study will provide reliable evidence about the short and long-term effects of ibuprofen among 1,000 patients receiving hip replacements in Australia. Research achievements (from final report): Worldwide, HIPAID is the largest randomised clinical trial conducted to date investigating the risks and overall benefits of a perioperative course of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (ibuprofen) amongst people undergoing elective hip replacement surgery. 902 patients were randomised from more than 20 orthopaedic surgery centres throughout Australia and New Zealand. Bleeding and adverse events were closely monitored during the study treatment period. Benefits were assessed 6 to 12 months after surgery and included a wide range of both well-validated patient self-reported outcomes (pain, physical function, general health status and global assessments of treatment effectiveness) as well as objective measures of physical performance (range of hip flexion, walking speed). Loss to followup was minimal: less than 6% for the main outcome: self-reported physical function. HIPAID confirmed that hip replacement surgery is extremely beneficial for most patients with osteoarthritis, resulting in greatly reduced pain and improved physical function and mobility. HIPAID also confirmed that more than 40% of patients will develop ectopic bone after elective hip replacement surgery and that a short perioperative course of ibuprofen (1200mg for 14 days) will significantly reduce the risk of developing ectopic bone without significantly increasing bleeding or the rate of adverse events. However, the periooperative anti-inflammatory treatment did not appear to markedly improve the considerable long-term benefits already achieved by the hip replacement surgery. Expected future outcomes: This unique data set will be further explored to analyse how closely ectopic bone is associated to poor outcome and if any patient characteristics or peri-operative events increase the risk of developing ectopic bone or poor outcomes to surgery (approximately 15% of this sample did not report that their hip was 'much better' after surgery. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Dr Marlene Fransen Email/Phone no. of contact: mfransen@thegeorgeinstitute.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211023 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Prof Paul Pilowsky End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Sydney Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases) Total funding: $941,350 Title of research award: Central control of blood pressure: neurotransmitters, receptors, signal transduction and gene expressionCentral control of blood pressure: neurotransmitters, receptors, signal transduction and gene expression Lay Description (from application): The way that the brain controls blood pressure is of crucial significance to our day-to-day survival. Nerves in the lower brain and spinal cord cause blood pressure to be maintained at appropriate levels for all types of daily activities ranging from sleep, when blood pressure is very low, to exercise when blood pressure can be very high. In hypertension, a disorder that afflicts around 10% of the community, blood pressure is elevated to an extent that damages organs such as the brain, heart, kidney and eye. It now appears that most cases of hypertension have as their basis a disorder of the way that the brain, through the sympathetic nervous system, controls the heart and blood vessels. Many different brain systems need to change the way that blood is distributed in the body at different times. For example, when we eat, blood goes preferentially to our gut; if we exercise, to our heart and muscles; if we are cold, to our skin and when we think, to our brain. This specialised regulation of blood flow is accomplished by the interaction of nerves in the lower brain and spinal cord. It involves a vast array of special chemical messengers acting on specific receptors through different intracellular mechanisms and involving the turning on or off of genes. Only a few of these neurotransmitter systems are well understood. At the core of our proposal, we aim to determine which neurotransmitters systems are important for which cardiovascular functions. We anticipate that this new information will permit the development of new approaches to the management of hypertension. The reason for this is that since different pathways use different messenger systems, it should become possible to tailor therapy to suit hypertension without causing undesirable side-effects. Research achievements (from final report): The major scientific achievements of our research program have been to increase understanding about the way that the brain controls blood pressure and which chemicals are important in this regulation. Our work has a special focus on a part of the brainstem called the rostral ventrolateral medulla since this area is known to be crucial for maintaining normal blood pressure and in responding to reflexes such as low oxygen reflexes and high pressure. The Funds awarded resulted in the publication of 30 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in major international journals. Twelve PhD students received training during this period and worked on activities related to this grant, and five of these candidates have completed their degrees. Thirteen students worked on Honours degrees successfully during this period with twelve achieving a first class result. The potential benefit of our work can be understood in terms of the acquisition of new knowledge about the central control of the cardiorespiratory system which will likely lead to the development of novel forms of therapy for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases which together are major causes of sickness and death in our society. Training is not to be underestimated. Our successful students continue as medical doctors, dentists and specialists or combine these activities; others work in high-technology industry, directly benefiting our economy. Expected future outcomes: We anticipate that the work conducted with funds from this grant will result in direct benefits in understanding how the brain and heart work thereby leading to new treatment for disease. The importance of training young graduates cannot be underestimated. Name of contact: Professor P M Pilowsky Email/Phone no. of contact: paul.pilowsky@mq.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211031 CIA Name: Prof Robert Cumming Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Preventive Medicine Total funding: $403,892 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Improving vision to prevent falls: a randomized trialImproving vision to prevent falls: a randomized trial Lay Description (from application): More than 30% of older Australians fall over at least once a year. Poor eyesight, another very common problem among older Australians, increases the risk of falling. In fact, recent evidence from the Blue Mountains Eye Study suggests that poor vision is one of the strongest risk factors for falls and fractures yet identied. Our project is designed to assess whether improving vision will decrease the chance of falls and fractures. We will recruit 1200 people aged 75 years and over from among those attending community-based aged care services in the inner western suburbs of Sydney. If they consent to participate, people will be randomly allocated to either an intervention or control group. Those in the intervention group will receive a simple, yet comprehensive, series of vision and eye tests. These tests will be done by an optometrist, either in subjects' homes or at the study centre. Our previous research suggests that nearly 50% of subjects will benefit from having new glasses and 10% might require cataract surgery. If necessary, treatment will be paid for from study funds. Some vision problems cannot be fixed. In these cases, an occupational therapist will arrange appropriate home modifications to improve vision-related function. Subjects will be followed-up for 12 months to assess the frequency of falls in the intervention and control groups. We hope to find a 33% reduction in falls in the intervention group. We will follow subjects for a further year to identify fractures. Research achievements (from final report): This is a 3-year randomized trial evaluating vision testing and treatment for prevention of falls in older people. Final follow-up of subjects is only just complete and data analysis is underway. No results are yet available. Expected future outcomes: This project will provide important information about the need for additional eye services to prevent falls in older people Name of contact: Robert G Cumming Email/Phone no. of contact: bobc@health.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211046 CIA Name: Prof Robyn Norton Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Epidemiology Total funding: $689,830 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Cohort study of risk factors for young driver injuriesCohort study of risk factors for young driver injuries Lay Description (from application): Injuries impose a substantial burden on young people, both in Australia and internationally. In 1998, 70% of all deaths among young men, and 57% of deaths among young women, aged 15-24 years in Australia were due to injuries. The single largest cause of injury-related fatalities, hospital admissions and emergency department presentations among this age group is transport-related incidents. Technological advances in motor vehicle engineering and road design, and the implementation of various road safety measures, such as random breath testing, have led to an overall decline in the incidence of motor vehicle-related injuries in Australia in the past three decades. However, young people still have substantially higher rates of motor vehicle-related mortality than older people. This suggests that if the burden of injuries among young drivers is to be reduced to levels that are at least as comparable with those in other age-groups, then the identification of factors that are specifically associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle injury among young people, must be a priority. The current study aims to determine the role of several postulated risk factors in the incidence of young driver injuries. The specific risk factors to be examined include pre-licence road and driving exposure/experience; type, quality and quantity of driver training; and road risk perceptions and engagement in sensation seeking behaviours. The study also seeks to determine whether factors associated with increased risk of driver injury are the same for different socio-economic groups and for different ethnic and cultural groups. Information obtained in this study should provide reliable evidence about causal factors for motor vehicle crash injury among young drivers. Such information should be useful to licensing and road safety professionals, in the design of practical road safety strategies aimed at reducing the burden of young driver injuries. Research achievements (from final report): With the successful recruitment of over 20,000 drivers aged 17-24 years, the DRIVE Study is one of the largest cohort studies examining risk factors for young driver injury in Australia and internationally. The use of a robust cohort methodology and linkage to routinely collected data sources for outcome measures, allows minimal opportunity for bias. As a result, the DRIVE Study will provide results that will have significant road safety policy implications for Australian and other jurisdictions. The success of baseline data collection aided by use of web-based data collection techniques has provided investigators with a valuable set of indicators for road traffic injury in young people. Future use of the data by policy makers and road safety jurisdictional authorities is expected to be significant. Planned linkages to resurvey data and outcome data, expected to occur in mid 2006, will allow the provision of valuable data in the field of young driver injury in years to come. Expected future outcomes: The DRIVE Study will provide high quality evidence about the strength and direction of risk factors for young driver serious injury and death, including driver training, risk perception, driver behaviour and mental health. This information will contribute significantly to the improved management of young driver safety in Australia, and internationally. Name of contact: Dr Rebecca Ivers Email/Phone no. of contact: rivers@thegeorgeinstitute.org NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211168 CIA Name: Prof MacDonald Christie Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Cellular Nervous System Total funding: $285,990 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Differentiation of multiple phenotypes of rostral ventromedial medulla neurons and their role in painDifferentiation of multiple phenotypes of rostral ventromedial medulla neurons and their role in pain Lay Description (from application): Chronic pain, defined as pain experienced in three out of a six month pre-interview period affects 17% of males and 20% of females in the Australian population. Opioid drugs such as morphine and codeine are the most effective drugs used to treat moderate to severe pain. However, the utility of these drugs is hampered by the development of a blunted response with repeated use. Furthermore, some clinically important pain states, particularly those caused by nerve injury, do not respond well to opioid drugs. Recent basic neurosceince research has identified groups of nerve cells deep within the brain that control sensitivity to pain as pain signals enter the spinal cord. Unfortunately in the presence of some chronic pain conditions, or chronic use of high doses of opioid drugs, these neurons undergo functional changes or adaptations that distort and increase the severity of pain sensation in a more or less permanent manner. This project uses electrical and chemical techniques to identify the basic physiology and pharmacology of single nerve cells in this brain region, so that their normal functions can be properly understood. We will then identify the cellular and molecular adaptations that occur in the nerve cells in animal models of chronic nerve injury and chronic morphine treatment to identify the nature of adaptations responsible for their aberrant function. We will then be in a position to rationally identify novel drug targets that can normalise the function of these nerve cells. This knowledge will provide potential targets for development of novel therapeutics to manage chronic pain. Research achievements (from final report): The brain has evolved mechanisms to control pain. The major anatomical system, the descending pain modulatory network, uses endogenous opioids and is a major target of pain relieving drugs such as morphine. We determined the organization of neurons in a pivotal component of the system deep in the brain stem and delineated physiology, and neurochemistry of opioid-sensitivecells that send modulatory information to the main pain sensing region of the spinal cord. We have discovered for the first that a major component of this opioid-sensitive network is composed of GABAergic neurons that project to the spinal cord. Most projecting GABAergic cells respond to the main opioid analgesics, the mu-receptor opioids. This has strong implications for development of GABAergic therapeutics that act in the spinal cord. We discovered that other opioid receptors are present on sub-populations of these nerves as well, particularly kappa-opioids and for the first time delta opioids. This has led to revision of previously oversimplistic models of this descending network that proposed that the major types of neurons controlling pain from the brain to the spinal cord were serotonergic and glutamatergic. We are now beginning to understand how this descending pain modulating system modulates spinal cord pain responsiveness, as well as how the system fails in chronic pain states and after chronic morphine treatment. Expected future outcomes: Understanding adaptations of inputs to GABAergic neurons that project to the spinal cord form lower brain sites will lead to a proper description of adaptations of these pathways that are widely thought to underlie some aspects of chronic pain and why opioids fail to work after continued use. Name of contact: Macdonald Christie Email/Phone no. of contact: macc@med.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211226 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Prof Maria Fiatarone Singh End Year: 2006 Admin Inst: University of Sydney Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $819,180 Title of research award: Hip Fracture Intervention Trial (HIPFIT)Hip Fracture Intervention Trial (HIPFIT) Lay Description (from application): Hip fracture secondary to falling in the elderly represents a large and rising health care problem in Australia. At least 12,000 such hip fractures occur in the elderly in Australia each year and this number is expected to increase substantially over the next several decades. Long term disability, nursing home placement, reduced quality of life, and excess mortality are known sequelae of hip fracture despite successful surgical repair. Factors have been previous identified in epidemiological research which predict poor recovery of function and the most prominent of these are advanced age, pre-exiting mental or functional impairment, malnutrition, depression, poor social support networks, and poor gait, balance and muscle function. Current treatment paradigms for hip fracture do not uniformly screen for or appropriately address potentially reversible factors such as poor nutrition, neuromuscular dysfunction, depression, strength of social supports, or risk factors for recurrent injurious falls. It is unlikely that a unidimensional treatment will ever optimize long term functional independence in such a multifactorial syndrome. Therefore, we propose to apply a multifaceted targeted experimental treatment package (HIPFIT) to elderly patients admitted to hospital for repair of a fractured hip secondary to a fall. HIPFIT would begin in hospital and continue throughout the 12 months of follow up, using individualized treatment strategies based on periodic reassessments in these vital domains over time. The goal of the study is to reduce the number of patients requiring nursing home care at the end of 12 months, as well as to improve independence in a range of activities of daily living among experimental subjects. This would have significance not only in terms of large economic savings for the health care system but reduced personal suffering and dependency on the part of the affected individuals. Research achievements (from final report): Between February 2003 & April 2007 we identified 1748 individuals (60% women) admitted to RPA Hospital with potential hip fractures (median age 80 y). A total of 262 patients were found eligible for the study and approached for their consent which was obtained from 124 patients (47% of eligible). Three assessments were completed per participant: a total of 111 post hip fracture, 98 after 4 months & 87 after 12 months. The 12 months intervention was implemented for 85% of the participants randomised to intervention. Drop-out rate was 10%, lower than we conservatively anticipated, and death rate was also 10%. , This is the first study to target all major remediable contributions to recovery of function after hip fracture, including a multicomponent intervention directed at fall risk in the home, bone health, sarcopenia, muscle weakness, gait and balance impairment, depression, cognitive impairment, nutritional deficiencies, low self-efficacy, low social support, polypharmacy, and visual impairment. The robust RCT design, supervised 12 month intervention, and long-term followup of functional status and place of residence/death over 5 years make this study completely unique internationally, and a critical addition to clinical practice in this area. If the intervention proves successful as we complete our analyses of primary and secondary outcomes, we will have demonstrated an approach that can be implemented directly into existing health care infrastructure in Australia, as this study was carried out in the outpatient clinic of a hospital using a variety of health care professionals who typically work in such a setting. However, the approach we took to proactively identifying and aggressively treating etiological factors in hip fracture-related incidence and recovery is not currently the standard of care in Australia or elsewhere, and translation of this approach to the community will require substantive and vitallyneeded educational and implementation strategies. Expected future outcomes: Training of health care professionals to implement this intervention in health care settings throughout Australia and internationally., Development of multi-medial training materials to allow translational research and dissemination into community settings. NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: Maria A. Fiatarone Singh Email/Phone no. of contact: m.singh@usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211254 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Dr Anne Moseley End Year: 2003 Admin Inst: University of Sydney Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Rehabilitation and Therapy: Occupational and Physical Total funding: $55,220 Title of research award: Randomised controlled trial of stretching for contracture after ankle fractureRandomised controlled trial of stretching for contracture after ankle fracture Lay Description (from application): Restricted ankle motion (contracture) commonly occurs after cast immobilisation following ankle fracture. The prevalence of contracture could be as high as 77% immediately following cast removal. This interferes with tasks such as walking and stair climbing, and can result in significant disability. While physiotherapists regularly treat contracture after ankle fracture, the efficacy of specific treatment programs has not been established. This project aims to determine the effectiveness of two commonly used stretching programs for contracture after ankle fracture initially treated with cast immobilisation. Stretches of short and long duration will be compared to a no stretch condition. The study will determine the effects of these interventions on ankle flexibility, ability to perform everyday tasks (eg, walking), self-ratings of disability and pain. Research achievements (from final report): A common sequel of cast immobilisation for ankle fracture is loss of ankle joint range of motion. This is often treated by a program of stretching, but it is not known how much stretch is required or if, for that matter, stretch is effective. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of short (6 minutes) and long (30 minutes) duration stretches with a control condition for the treatment of contracture after ankle fracture. Our multicentre, assessor blinded randomised controlled trial revealed that the addition of a program of passive stretches confers no benefit over exercise alone for the treatment of plantarflexion contracture after cast immobilisation for ankle fracture. Expected future outcomes: Now that it has been shown that a clinical stretching protocol does not increase joint range of motion or reduce disability in people with contracture following cast immobilisation for ankle fracture, physiotherapists can discontinue prescription of stretching programs as part of the routine management of ankle fractures. Name of contact: Dr Anne Moseley Email/Phone no. of contact: amoseley@mail.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211256 Start Year: 2002 CIA Name: Prof Ian Cameron End Year: 2004 Admin Inst: University of Sydney Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Main RFCD: Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Total funding: $209,865 Title of research award: Enhancing mobility after hip fractureEnhancing mobility after hip fracture Lay Description (from application): Many older people who fracture their hip do not recover to their previous level of function. This study will test whether it is possible to help recovery of function, particularly walking, after hip fracture by using different and more intensive physiotherapy treatment. The treatment will concentrate on exercise when standing, will be provided twice daily and will continue after the person with hip fracture has returned home. Four months after the hip fracture it is expected that walking ability, strength and balance will be improved by the new treatment methods. Research achievements (from final report): The project has investigated what constitutes effective retraining of mobility after hip fracture in older people. A randomised trial has been conducted with masked outcome assessment. The novel treatment is an intensive weight-bearing exercise program, while the control group has had a conventional exercise program. The treatments have been well tolerated and the full study sample of 160 people have been recruited. It has been shown that frail older people can participate in an intensive exercise program after hip fracture. Expected future outcomes: Details of the effective mobility retraining program will be published Name of contact: Ian Cameron Email/Phone no. of contact: ianc@mail.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211266 CIA Name: Dr James Melrose Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $331,320 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: INVESTIGATIONS ON THE REGULATION OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC CELL MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASESINVESTIGATIONS ON THE REGULATION OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC CELL MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES Lay Description (from application): Degeneration of the intervertebral disc is a painful disabling condition with major socioeconomic consequences. Medical problems associated with disc degeneration and back-pain, of sufficient severity to warrant consultation with a physician, are experienced by 90% of the population some time during their lives. In man, back pain increases in incidence in the third and fourth decades of life, peaks in the fifties and declines thereafter. Changes in population demographics indicate this problem will increase in severity over the next few decades. American Bureau of Census data indicate that between 1990 to 2010 the number of people >45 years will increase from 82 to 124 million, the number of elderly in emerging countries will also increase between 200 to 400% in the next 30 years. In the United States, back-pain is the second most common reason that people visit a physician and medical conditions related to back-pain account for more hospitalisations than any other musculoskeletal disorder. Despite its high incidence, associated problems of incapacity and economic implications, costed at $100 million per annum in Australia in 1992, and US$100 billion globally in 1999-2000 (Dorland Data Networks, PA, USA) the causes of low back-pain are still poorly understood. Disc disease is responsible for 23-40% of all cases of low back-pain. The management of discogenic low back-pain is currently empirical, directed either toward life-style changes to minimise symptomatology or to surgical resection or spinal arthrodesis to restrict articulation. Based on our recent findings and those of colleagues over the last 16 years, it is our strong conviction that it should be possible with a better understanding of disease mechanisms and with the use of modern technologies to inhibit, reverse or ideally prevent disc degeneration. Without such basic research there will be no scientific foundation upon which prospective therapies may be based. Research achievements (from final report): Defects in the intervertebral disc are difficult to treat clinically and may be a source of intense low back pain, furthermore overloading of a biomechanically compromised disc may exacerbate this condition and lead to propogation of the defect to other neurological structures which may also be a source of intense pain. In dense avascular connective tissues such as the intervertebral disc the normal healing response to a traumatic insult leading to formation of a defect in this important weight bearing structure is to lay down a stabilising collagenous scar tissue in the defect site. Unfortunately, such scar tissue is generally less compliant and less capable of acting as a weight bearing structure than the native connective tissue of the disc. Replacement of scar tissue with new functional weight bearing connective tissue is only possible if the endogenous connective tissue cells remodel the scar tissue and replace it with new functional tissue. Intervertebral disc cells are not a particularly active metabolic cell type thus agents have been sought which can increase their cellular metabolism to encourage them to remodel connective tissue and reconstruct mechanically damaged regions of the disc. Such an approach has provided encouraging results in-vitro with regard to the remodelling of major structural components of scar tissue, namely collagen and its proteoglycans. On-going studies in animal models in which intervertebral disc defects are reproduced surgically may provide significant insights as to how dense avascular connective tissues may be remobilised to provide new functional weight bearing connective tissues. Expected future outcomes: Improvement in the recovery of trauma defects in dense avascular connective tissues such as intervertebral disc and tendon would be expected to improve their functional status and aid in the rehabilitation of affected individuals and the mobility of the general population., NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Name of contact: James Email/Phone no. of contact: jmelrose@med.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211278 CIA Name: Prof Philip Sambrook Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $340,550 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2004 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Epidemiology of Osteoporotic Fractures in the Very Frail Elderly: Risk factors, Quality of Life and MortalityEpidemiology of Osteoporotic Fractures in the Very Frail Elderly: Risk factors, Quality of Life and Mortality Lay Description (from application): Osteoporosis, a disease characterised by skeletal fragility, is a major public health problem. The direct costs alone of treating osteoporotic fractures have been estimated at more than $800 million in Australia. Hip fractures are the most costly to treat and are due to a fall or injury in over 90% of cases. The frail elderly are at particular risk of osteoporotic fractures but little is known about risk fractures in this 'at risk' group or the effect of fracture on quality of life. This study is examining risk factors for fractures in the frail and institutionalised older person by asessment of quantitative bone ultrasound, falls risk, vitamin D status and other biochemical markers of bone in an attempt to identify predictors that can be modified to reduce fractures, improve quality of life and reduce mortality due to osteoporotic fractures. Research achievements (from final report): In 1999, the NHMRC funded a 3 year Project Grant to assess the role of calcaneal ultrasound combined with falls risk factors as a screening tool in a high risk population (the frail older person) for identifying those at risk of osteoporotic fractures. This funding was extended between 2002 and 2004. Nursing homes and hostels in northern Sydney were randomly selected from all such institutions within the Northern Sydney Area Health Service and all residents over the age of 65 were asked to participate. The study, which recruited 2005 subjects. , Findings from the FREE Study include a very high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency as noted above, a very high falls rate and a high fracture incidence. We observed 181 hip fractures with a rate of 367 per 10,000 person years or 8.6 % over median 2.4 years followup. For total fractures, we observed 402 fractures during 3240 years of follow-up with an overall rate of 1241 per 10,000 (compared with 295 per 10,000 for community dwelling women in the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study) or 16.8% after 19.4 months of follow-up. Our study identfied tools that can be used to predict future falls and fractures. Expected future outcomes: Further publications will refine these tools to allow prediction of those at high risk of fracture and falls and allow preventive measures. Name of contact: Philip Sambrook Email/Phone no. of contact: sambrook@med..usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 211279 CIA Name: A/Pr Lyn March Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Orthopaedics Total funding: $360,660 Start Year: 2002 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: NHMRC Project Grants Title of research award: Economic Evaluation and Health Outcomes of Arthritis and its TreatmentsEconomic Evaluation and Health Outcomes of Arthritis and its Treatments Lay Description (from application): Musculoskeletal diseases are the most common single cause of chronic disability in Australia and total joint replacement is rapidly becoming one of the most commonly performed operations. This burden of illness is likely to increase with our ageing population and there is an urgent need to obtain data relating to the costs and outcomes in the Australian context so that appropriate planning of health services and resources can be carried out. The WHO (World Health Organisation) has declared 2000 to 2010 the Bone and Joint Decade, recommending that research into musculoskeletal disorders be a priority. We have been recruiting and following a unique cohort of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients, from both the public and private health sectors, who have been carefully documenting their health outcomes, health care costs (including primary, revision and bilateral hip and knee joint replacement surgery), out-of-pocket and indirect costs related to their arthritis. Long-term follow-up is now essential to obtain a clear picture of the impact of living with arthritis over time and the cost-effectiveness and predictors of good and bad outcomes of joint replacement surgery. The information derived from this study will be useful for patients and doctors in making their decisions about treatments, as well as for health care providers in planning of health services for arthritis sufferers. Given that the cohorts are already established, the study is in a unique position to provide ongoing important longer-term data for relatively low cost. Research achievements (from final report): We have established a unique cohort of over 900 arthritis subjects (244 non-surgical and 687 surgical including revision and bilateral arthroplasty). A relatively high proportion of the cohort has been maintained considering the age of the participants and the amount of commitment required from participants. This was done using regular telephone contact, quarterly newsletters, birthday cards, certificates of appreciation and decorative magnets., Analysis of costs and health outcomes over 9 years for the non-surgical cohort showed that disease progression in the OA group was slow, with slight non-significant deterioration in health status measures. The health status of the RA group deteriorated significantly over the 9 years. Out-of-pocket expenditure increased significantly for OA subjects from $247 to $548 per 3 months, but remained relatively stable for the RA subjects, increasing from $367 to $397 for each 3 month period., Significant improvement from pre-surgery to 12 months post-surgery was shown. The OA group then showed no deterioration in function or increase in pain over the following eight years, despite a worsening in general health status which may be attributed to aging of the cohort. No increase was seen in out-of-pocket expenditure over the eight year period. It appears that joint replacement sugery amongst this cohort is showing a sustained beneficial impact in terms of costs and outcomes at 8 years post-surgery. Expected future outcomes: An assessment of pre-operative self-efficacy amongst the recently recruited patients has shown that higher selfefficacy was associated with better health status & lower costs to both the respondent & health system. Selfefficacy is amenable to change, so these preliminary cross-sectional results suggest that increasing patients' self-efficacy may improve post-operative outcome and reduce costs. Name of contact: A/Prof Lyn March Email/Phone no. of contact: lynmar@med.usyd.edu.au NHMRC Research Achievements - SUMMARY Grant ID: 219307 CIA Name: Prof David Le Couteur Admin Inst: University of Sydney Main RFCD: Geriatrics and Gerontology Total funding: $162,750 Start Year: 2003 End Year: 2006 Grant Type: SRDC - Research Title of research award: Australian Ageing Alliance: Geriatric Pharmacolog