Name: _________________________ Period: _________ Date: ___________________ The Harlem Renaissance WebQuest Write in complete sentences and do not change the font! The Harlem Renaissance Historical Background Video If you have headphones, plug them in and watch the video on this link. No answer needed. History 1. Why did African Americans move north? 2. Who created the term “The New Negro?” What did it mean? 3. List the names of at least five black authors: History 4. During what time period was the Harlem Renaissance? 5. Click on “Literature” and find at least three more authors not already mentioned: Lucille Clifton Biography Biography 6. What year was Lucille Clifton born? ____________________ What year did she die? ________________ 7. What kind of awards has she won? List at least five. 8. What kind of topics/subjects did Lucille Clifton write about? 9. For what audience did she write more than 16 books? miss rosie 10. The poem “miss rosie” describes a woman who is down on her luck. What phrases or words show that she is in distress? 11. What did Miss Rosie used to look like? What was her nickname? 12. What do you think it could mean when the author says that Miss Rosie is “waiting for [her] mind?” 13. After describing the sad situation of this Miss Rosie, why do you think the author says, “I stand up through your destruction?” Explain. Homage to My Hips 14. What part of the body does this poem give homage to? In other words, what part of the body does the author celebrate in the poem? Why? 15. Why does the author describe the hips as “mighty hips” and “magic hips?” Look at the last two lines for a hint! Langston Hughes Biography 16. What year was Langston Hughes born? ____________________ What year did he die? ________________ 17. What were some of the changes that Langston Hughes went through in his family as a child? 18. What kinds of works (genres) did Hughes write? Getting Published 19. What did Langston Hughes do that was pretty gutsy and helped him get his first work published? Dreams 20. Why are dreams important to hold on to, according to the speaker in “Dreams?” I, Too, Sing America 21. “I, Too, Sing America” is about the speaker finding equality with other people in America. When the speaker says that he will “…eat well, And grow strong,” do you think he is only talking about his physical strength? What other ways might the speaker be strong? The Negro Speaks of Rivers 22. What three African rivers does the speaker mention in the poem? What American river is mentioned? 23. Why would the speaker compare his soul’s depth to the river’s depth? Extra Credit (+15 possible) Social and Political Issues + 2 24. Explain some of the social and political issues that blacks faced from 1850-1935: Black Writing +5 25. What was the “high art” in black writing? 26. What was the difference between Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen’s views on black writing? Criticism +3 27. Why was Hughes early work criticized by black intellectuals? What was Hughes’ response? Song of Myself +5 28. How does Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” compare to “The Negro Speaks of Rivers?” What is similar and different?