PROBLEMS FACED BY SMK ENGLISH TEACHERS OF KULON PROGO IN IMPLEMENTING CURRICULUM 2013 A Research Proposal As an assignment of Research and Methodology Class Proposed by: SLAMET RIYANTO 2013083020 TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study 1 B. Identification of the Problem 2 C. Limitation of the Problem 2 D. Formulation of the Problem 3 E. Objective of the Study 3 F. Significance of the Study 3 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Literature Review 4 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Type of the Research 9 B. Data and Data Sources 9 C. Sampling Technique 9 D. Data Collection Technique 9 E. Technique of Data Analysis 9 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Generally, every curiculum prevail for more or less ten years. So, there has been many curriculums in our country namely Curriculum 1976, 1984, 1994, Curriculum 2004 then revised with KTSP (2006), and recently curriculum 2013curriculum. In every curriculum changes, the govermment would try to socialize it through teachers training program (diklat). For curriculum 2013 , the ministry of education hold two kinds/stages of diklat. The first is masterteacher training (diklat guru inti) and the second is the target teachers training (diklat guru sasaran). The first involves the selected teachers usually taken from scchool teachers who has experienced curriculum 2013 in their schools ( about 3 schools in every regency). The latter training involves about two thirds of the existing teachers, namely those who teach at the first and second grade either at SMP or SMA/SMK. In the training the participant learn about the backgound and reasons of the emerging of curriculum 2013, the approach being used, the models of learning, the techniques of evaluation, how to analise the student book and the teacher book, students score related to academic report, how to make the lesson plans and how to carry out the instruction using the lesson plan. Basically, there are some differences between KTSP and curriculum 2013 at vocational schools: 1. KTSP applies eclectic approach which can consisits of many kinds of methods/ approaches e.g direct method, GTM, communicative approach; while curriculum 2013 uses scientific approach (Observing, Questoning, experimenting, associating, communicating). 1 2 1 2. In KTSP there are many functional texts ( announcement, adverticement, notice, etc); while in curriculum 2013 consists of many genre-based texts ( recount, narrative, descriptive, etc.). 3. In KTSP there are many grammatical items; while in curriculum 2013 there are a few grammatical items. 4. In KTSP the English material tends to TOEIC oriented, while in curriculum 2013 it is likely TOEFL oriented. 5. In KTSP listening materials are greatly emphasized, while in curriculum 2013 reading materials are more emphasized. 6. In KTSP English is relatively more important subject for it is put at National Examination while in curriculum 2013 Bahasa Indonesia is very important as it is the penghubung antar bidang study (medium among the subjects). 7. In KTSP English has 4 perods/jam pelajaran, while in curriculum 2013 it has only 2 periods. B. Identification of the Problem There are many curriculums students and teachers have experienced in Indonesia namely 1976, 1984, 1994, Curriculum 2004 then revised with KTSP (2006), and recently curriculum 2013curriculum.. Each has its own characterictics. The goverment usualy hold a diklat to socialize the canges of curriculums with the goal that every teachers either at elementary schools, yunior schools or at high schools are ready to apply the new curriculum . C. Limitation of the Problem In the research, the writer will limit the research problem into the probems faced by Englsh teachers of SMK in Kulon progo in implementing curriculum 2013. 3 D. Formulation of the Problem The research problem will be : What are the probems faced by Englsh teachers of SMK in Kulon progo in implementing curriculum 2013? E. Objective of the Study The study aims at finding out the problems arised from the implementation of curriculum 2013 for english teachers of SMK in Kulon Progo. F. Significance of the Study The study is important because by identifying the problems in implementing curriculum 2013, it can give feed back either to the English teachers or the government related to the success of the implementation of curriculum 2013. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Webster defines curriculum as: 1. The aggregate of courses of study given in a school, college, university, etc. 2. The regular of a particular courses of study in a school, college, etc. So curriculum contains courses of study by which the instruction of schools (TK, SD/MI. SMP/MTS, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK, College/University) is based on. Our country has experienced many curriculums namely Curriculum 1976, 1984, 1994, Curriculum 2004 then revised with KTSP (2006), and recently curriculum 2013curriculum. The characteristics of curriculum 2013: 1. Competence is the basic of curriculum , formulated in core kompetence (KI) and further put in detail in form of basic competence (KD). 2. Core competence (KI) is the categorical description of competences in attitude, knowledge, and skill aspects that the students must learn in all levels of school, class, and subjects. 3. Basic competence (KD) is the competences that the students must learn in every theme at elementary schools, and in every subjects in certain grade at SMP/MTS, SMA/MA, SMK/MK. 4. Core competence and basic competence at elementari schools focus on attitude, while at high schools focus on intellectual ability. 5. Core competence is the organizing elements for basic competence, meaning that all KDs and learning process are developed to achieve core competence. 6. Basic competence being developed is based on the principle of accumulation, mutual reinforcement and enrichment among subjects and levels of schools. 7. Syllabus is developed for study plans (rancangan belajar) for one theme (SD/MI) or one class and one subject (SMP/MTS, SMA/MA, SMK/MK). In syllabus there are written all basic competences for themes or subjects of a class. 4 5 8. Lesson plans (RPP) is developed from basic competence . Principles in developing curriculum 2013: 1. Curriculum is not merely a list of subjects since a subject is only material instruction source to achieve competence. 2. Curriculum is based on the graduate competence standard (SKL) for level and program of education. 3. Curriculum is based on competence based curriculum model. Competence consists of attitude, knowledge, thinking skills, and psichomotorical skills. 4. Attitude, knowledge, and skill are formulated in the form of basic competence (KD) which can be mastered by every student (mastery learning). 5. Curriculum enhance the students to develop differences in ability and interest. 6. Curriculum focus on the potence, development, need, and interest of students. Students are active and central in the instruction. 7. Curriculum should respond to development of science, culture, technology, and art. 8. Curriculum should be relevant to the life need. 9. Curriculum should lead the students to develop, culturize and ...themselves as long as their lives. 10. Curriculum is based on the national and regional needs. 11. Evaluation aims at knowing and improving the competence achievement. 6 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE AT VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS MATA PELAJARAN ALOKASI WAKTU PER MINGGU X XI XII Kelompok A (Wajib) 1. Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti 3 3 3 2. Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 2 2 2 3. Bahasa Indonesia 4 4 4 4. Matematika 4 4 4 5. Sejarah Indonesia 2 2 2 6. Bahasa Inggris 2 2 2 Kelompok B (Wajib) 7. Seni Budaya 2 2 2 8. Pendidikan Jasmani, Olah RagA, dan 3 3 3 2 2 2 24 24 24 Mata Pelajaran Peminatan Akademik (SMA/MA) 18 20 20 Mata Pelajaran Peminatan Akademik dan Vokasi 24 24 24 42 44 44 48 48 48 Kesehatan 9. Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan Jumlah Jam Pelajaran Kelompok A dan B per minggu Kelompok C (Peminatan) (SMA/MAK) Jumlah Jam Pelajaran Yang Harus Ditempuh Perminggu (SMA/MA) Jumlah Jam Pelajaran Yang Harus Ditempuh Perminggu (SMA/MAK) (taken from Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2014, p.10 ) 7 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CURRICULUM 2013 The first year of implementation is July 2013; it is implemented at class I and IV at some SD/MI (30%), at class VII SMP/MTs for limited number of schools approximately 3 schools in every Regency, and at class X at SMA/MASMK, SMK/MK at limited number of schools approximately 3 schools in every Regency. The second step of implementation is July 2014; it is implemented at class I,II,IV,V at most SD/SMP (60%), at class VII and VIII for all SMP/MTs, and at class X and XI for all SMA/MASMK, SMK/MK in Indonesia. In July 2015, all classes and all schools will have implemented curriculum 2013 comprehensively. APPROACH AND MODELS OF LEARNING Curriculum 2013 uses scientific approach (Observing, Questoning, experimenting, associating, communicating). (Source: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan) 8 The models of learning applied in Curriculum 2013 are Project-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and Discovery Learning. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Type of the Research The research being held is a qualitative research. It aims at revealing the problems faced by English teachers of SMK in implementing Curriculum 2013. The problems identified are then classified into some categories. B. Data and Data Sources The data will be taken from SMK English teachers in Kulonprogo. The respondents will be given a questionaire about the problems in implementing Curriculum 2013. C. Sampling Technique The research will take population sampling in which all English teachers in Kulonprogo teaching either at state or private schools will become the respondents. D. Data Collection Technique The technique of data collection that will be applied in the research is questionaire, it is choosen since the number of respondents wll reach 60s. E. Technique of Data Analysis The data obtained are analized by using qualitative technique in which the data are classified into some categories. 9 REFERENCES: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi Kurrikulum 2013 tahun 2014 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language.(1989). Dilithium Press. Ltd.