Trim Ref: 2015/406289 Minutes - Outside Workers Subgroup Meeting MINUTES 6th October 2015 Date: Meeting 1 Present: Clare McNicholas (CMc) Julia Laverty (JL) James Taylor (JT) Sheila Holmes (SH) Sheila Rees (SR) Michael Zand (MZ) Jackie Fairclough (JF) Dave Arden (DA) Helen Baker-Latham Luisa Tolu (LT) Tim King (TK) Liz Thomas (LTH) Roger Collison (RC) Mark Bradley (MB) Sharon Ely (SE) Brian Heaton (BH) Eric Donnachie (ED) Rob Corby (RCY) Sharan Packer (SP) Robin Wells (RW) Richard Wilkins (RWK) Health and Safety Executive (Chair) HSE HSE HSE HSE HSE HSE HSE HSE HSE Government Legal ONR SRP (Babcock) University of Oxford PHE Aberdeen Radiation Siemens Magnox Sites IPEM (NHS) DSTL AMEC Richard Dale – Government Legal, Kobina Lokko – ONR Peter Shaw – PHE, Mike Gaunt – Rolls Royce, Jim Bishop – Sellafield Sites. Apologies: Agenda Item Issues / Actions 1.Welcome and CMc highlighted the importance of stakeholder engagement and explained this group follows on from discussions held at the November OEWG meeting. Introductions 2. Impact Assessment – working together to analyse costs and benefits of proposed V0.1 Who LT, HSE Economist explained that the Impact Assessment (IA) is a statutory requirement for all government departments as part of the process for considering a regulatory change. The IA is used for the public consultation and provides a full cost benefit analysis of the proposed changes. It is essential we gather quantitive and qualitative evidence that demonstrates the impact on UK businesses. We do also gather costs of the impact of the changes on OGDs but these are not Page 1 of 5 When Trim Ref: 2015/406289 Agenda Item changes Issues / Actions Who When included when we demonstrate the overall costs to UK business. We should reflect on the impact changes and what is proportionate. Energies are best directed at significant changes and asking yourselves, what is additional? What is the benefit of doing this? What would you do differently? Would you incur additional costs or would this save time and resources? If a policy change results in additional action and UK businesses incur additional costs, this will not stop the change process because as a Member State we are required to transpose the Directive into UK law. However, we will work with stakeholders to identify the most practical and proportionate way of doing so which is least burdensome to on business. It’s likely HSE will gather evidence of costs and benefits through group/one to one meetings and this will take time. It will be useful for members to look at current HSE public consultations to understand the structure we are required to adhere to Any suggestions from the group of better ways of working would be gratefully received. AP1 - Roger Collinson requested a copy of the IA presentation 3. Annex 1. Outside Worker Definitions JL introduced and outlined the difference in definitions of outside worker in IRR and BSSD. Definitions of classified outside worker and non-classified were discussed leading onto how these definitions affect public dose limit. HSE suggested the concept of having ‘Classified Outside Workers’ (CLOWs) and ‘Non-Classified Outside Workers (NCLOWs). Some members felt that there was too much emphasis being placed on the 1mSv for classified and 6mSv for non-classified workers. There was a suggestion that as non-classified workers have to work to “written arrangements”, strengthening what is meant by these would help shift the focus away from 1mSv and on to complying with these arrangements and good practice – but this could get a bit messy. The group concluded that there was little benefit of having CLOWs and NCLOWs throughout the new regulations and would prefer to retain the ‘Outside Worker’ terminology as it is currently used. This is unless a specific regulation refers to CLOWs only or NCLOWs only. SP confirmed that in the healthcare sector there are a few classified OWs, which will change under BSS: The group discussed Annex 1A of the paper, which looked at the difference in the definitions of outside worker between BSSD and current IRR arrangements. Under the proposed new definition members enquired if there is going to be a better definition of ‘carrying out services’? The group also highlighted that they think there is a difference between the IRR “carries out services” and the BSSD “performs activities”. HSE will discuss this further with GLD. Members felt that if HSE removes the phrase ‘carrying out Services’ it would be a potential burden for non-nuclear sites. Nuclear sites already have co-operation between employers. If HSE widen the definition of carrying out a service to “performs activities” this could be “gold plating”. Group suggestion changing the phrase to ‘carrying out work with Ionising Radiation”. Members made the point that workers V0.1 Page 2 of 5 HSE Complete Trim Ref: 2015/406289 Agenda Item Issues / Actions Who may work with radiation but not necessarily be exposed to it. AP2 HSE to take forward with Government Legal Department(GLD) the difference between “carries out services” and “performs activities”. May require some more contact with the group to check understanding. This led on to a detailed discussion on the types of workers specified in BSSD (Cat A, Cat B and 1mSv) in comparison to what IRR currently has which is classified, non-classified and “other persons”. It was pointed out that the NHS and Nuclear industry differ in how they approach classification. It was also thought that given the spread of workers in the UK and the protection measures in place, if the 1mSv was applied rigidly then most of the workers in the country would be non-exposed workers. A change of this proportion to classification and protection would be difficult to explain to unions. For outside workers the challenge is still to ensure exposure is kept low, if they work in multiple sites. IRR Regulation 15 (cooperation) should cover this but guidance and possible strengthening through ACOP is key to understanding. 4. Annex 1b. Employee ANNEX 1B - Employee HSE proposes to fulfil the OW provisions of BSSD and ensure OWs are fully embedded within the regulations, amending relevant regulations to state “employee and/or outside worker” where it is necessary to do so. Members stated that the current arrangements suggest that they should be treated as employees so there should already be compliance in this area. HSE needs to be careful not to overcomplicate the issue that OWs should be treated as same as employees, but possibly an issue of awareness to ensure that all employers know this is the case. Group suggested that this could be captured under Regulation 4 and that clarification is only needed when there is an exception for OWs, otherwise OWs should be treated as employees. There was some discussion on the actual numbers of OWs, and how easy it would be to get these figures. AMEC had these figures to hand, for the nuclear sector this will be relatively easy to get hold of. The NHS said that workers such as radiologists/cardiologists who will be NCLOWs currently, will move to CLOWs under this system. 5. Annex 2. Article HSE went over proposal based on Article 51.1. It was asked if the employer does individually monitor NCLOWs do all the requirements 51.1 apply? HSE said this had been discussed at the Dosimetry Subgroup, as a MS the UK were not taking up the optional requirement for individual monitoring of Cat B/Non-classified workers. So this is at the discretion of the employer, if they do the monitoring it is presumed an ADS would keep the record for them anyway. The sharing of these records is broadly covered under Regulation 15. V0.1 Page 3 of 5 HSE When Trim Ref: 2015/406289 Agenda Item Issues / Actions 6. Annex 3. Article 51.2 The first question on this issue was the understanding of “either directly or through contractual agreements”. It was thought that Regulation 15 of IRR needs to be revisited to see if this is captured correctly – if it is in guidance then we may have to move to ACOP or regulation. Who The NHS said that they do have contractual agreements in place between the trust and/or employer There was some questioning of what “directly” meant, does it just mean asking the question of OW – are you employed? Who do you work for? There may need to be further consideration of agency workers who may not be aware of their arrangements. Or “directly” could mean that the undertaking fields out work to others who are more knowledgeable about how to undertake the work. 7. Annex 4. Article This annex is split by sub-section: For proposals for Annex 51.3(a & b) HSE had proposed to make 51.3 amendments to Regulation 18 to ensure NCLOWs were covered. Members felt that the emphasis of this was incorrect, as it needs to be on the employer of the OW to ensure the classification of the OW was correct to carry out the work. The employer who is responsible for the area cannot be assumed to know if the OW has suitable classification, this could be just for one particular piece of work within this area. It would be gold-plating to put this in as it is currently suggested. AP3 – HSE to consider rewording and discuss with GLD HSE For proposal A51.3( c) HSE thought that there was a gap with respect to emergency response plans. Member fed back that the Regulation 15 covers this broadly, however Regulations 11 and 12 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations definitely cover the requirement for this. For proposal A51.3(d) HSE felt that this section was covered by the local rules in place for supervised areas, but could be strengthened to ensure Regulation 17 (3) specified OW should be notified of local rules. There was general agreement that this was covered, however member pointed out that Regulation 14 (information, instruction and training) would also apply to the employer of the OW For proposal A51.3 (e) HSE believes that altering Regulation 8 of IRR would be sufficient. This did lead on to questions regarding the ownership of the PPE – the provision of specific PPE to OW may be an additional cost, do the OWs take that specific PPE with them? Who would bear the brunt of the cost – or would this be worked out as per Regulation 15 of IRR? AP4 – HSE to examine with these questions in mind. For proposal A51.3 (f, g & h) – no comments 8. Annex 5. Article No comments – provisions are broadly OK. Some of the discussions cross-over with the Dosimetry subgroup. 51.4 V0.1 Page 4 of 5 HSE When Trim Ref: 2015/406289 Agenda Item Issues / Actions Who 9. Annex 6. Article Both IRR and BSSD places duties on employees/OWs engaged in work with Ionising radiation to make their own contributions to the 51.5 protection afforded to them by the radiological monitoring system, to the responsibilities of the undertaking or employer. Regulation 34(3) is specific to the misuse of passbooks. HSE believes that this text meets the requirements of Article 51.5 regarding ‘own contributions’. Members felt that this was also a cooperation issue and employees should declare if they are engaged in ionising radiation work when working for other employers. This would be less burdensome for employers where the only common factor may be the employee. This group see the H&S benefits in ensuring that an OW is aware of the need for them to inform their employer and the undertaking of work carried out elsewhere which could lead them to be exposed to a higher dose of radiation than allowed for, or if they have been overexposed. 9. A.O.B. and Close Sharing/Circulating meeting papers and minutes. CMc confirmed that if members are to share OW papers i.e. HSE proposals/meeting minutes etc, it must be made clear that papers are in ‘draft’ and preferably watermarked. The only time we will have an agreed position will be when we go out to consultation. Action Log AP No Action Who 1 HSE to send RC a copy of the IA presentation HSE 2 HSE 3 HSE to take forward with Government Legal Department(GLD) the difference between “carries out services” and “performs activities”. May require some more contact with the group to check understanding. HSE to consider rewording of Reg 18 and discuss with GLD 4 HSE to examine PPE ownership and costing HSE Update Done HSE Revision history: Version Release V0.1 V0.2 V0.1 Draft Draft Date 7 October 2015 19 November Author Typists Julia Laverty Page 5 of 5 Description/Summary of Changes Initial Draft Draft to subgroup for comment When