Supplementary material Statistical analysis for the non-LT survival model Qualitative data were described using frequencies and percentages. Quantitative data were described in terms of medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). There were no missing data for these variables. Overall survival was calculated from the baseline visit until death due to any cause or latest follow-up. Length of follow-up and survival were expressed as medians (IQR). Overall survival was calculated from the baseline visit until death due to any cause or latest follow-up. We tested several multivariate survival models (Cox’s semi-parametric model, and the parametric exponential, log-normal, Weibull, and log-logistic models), using the following: Child (Pugh class, non-LT therapy, and the AFP Model ordinal variables (diameter, number of nodules, AFP values). The log-logistic model was ultimately chosen because it showed the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).[1] Cross-validation was used to examine the reproducibility of the survival model: the data were randomly divided into three equal subsets and the coefficients were recalculated after removing one data subset at a time. The likelihood ratio chi-squared test was computed using the new coefficients on the remaining data. The results obtained with the model are shown as beta estimates and their standard errors, together with the corresponding p values. Statistical significance was set at p < .05. The calculations were done with the JMP® 9.0.1 package (1989–2010 SAS Institute Inc.) and the smcure package in GUI 1.51 (S. Urbanek & H.-J. Bibiko, ©R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2012). Markov model and lifetime cost utility analysis To calculate life expectancy after LT (LT arm) we used the AFP Model.[2] In particular, as in the Duvoux study,[2] we assumed a post-LT early mortality of 10% and a median risk of recurrence within 5 years of 20%. The monthly risk of recurrence was calculated using the median risk of recurrence and hazard ratios for AFP, diameter of largest nodule, and multinodular HCC, derived from the Duvoux study.[2] Survival of HCC patients with post-transplant recurrences was assumed to be 10 months.[3] The post-LT survival model proved to be well calibrated with the survival curves in the Duvoux study.[2] Since most HCC recurrences occur within the first 2 years, we assumed that the mortality rate beyond 5 years after LT would be low, and set this at 2% a year.[4] Base-case estimates for all utilities extracted from the literature are detailed in Supplementary Table 1. Ranges were assumed to be within 20% of the base-case values. Costs were assessed from the health care provider’s perspective and converted into 2014 US dollars using the US Consumer Price Index for Medical Care Costs.[5] (Supplementary Table 2) In this study, we considered all real-life treatment costs for the study cohort (for both first-line therapy and the treatment of recurrences). In the post-LT model, we assumed that the cost of treating recurrences would be similar to that of patients with recurrences after non-LT treatments, plus the high post-LT follow-up costs. The high costs of LT related to the median expected number of post-LT complications and hospitalizations were included in the costs of post-LT follow-up (supplementary Table 2). The costs and utilities were discounted at an annual rate of 3%.[5] The cost-effectiveness analysis was based on the EVEREST guidelines.[6] The endpoints were: survival benefit measured in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), costs (C) in US$, incremental cost-effectiveness (ICER), willingness to pay (WTP), and net health benefit (NHB). The NHB of LT was calculated using the formula employed by Stinnett et al.[7]: NHB = survival benefit – ICER / WTP. The Italian per capita gross domestic product (GDP) ($32,946) was adopted as a reference value, assuming an ICER of 1xGDP for an intervention to be defined as costeffective.[8,9] A probabilistic sensitivity analysis, the Monte-Carlo simulation, was performed to understand the impact of variable uncertainties on the results of the model, and to estimate the confidence that can be placed in analyzing the results. A total of 10,000 HCC patients in each arm were compared. The outcomes measured were life months (LMs), quality-adjusted life months (QALMs), incremental costs, ICER, and NHB. Transitional probabilities were varied within their relative 95% confidence intervals, while costs and utilities were varied within their plausible ranges, assuming a uniform distribution. The impact of the different variables on the NHB distribution of 10,000 outcomes obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation was ascertained using the multivariate standard least square regression method. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The calculations were done with the JMP package version 9.0 (2010 SAS Institute Inc.) and TreeAge Pro version 2013 (1988-2013 TreeAge Software, Williamstown, MA). Supplementary table 1. Base case value and sensitivity range for the study group and extracted from the literature for transition probabilities and quality of life utilities Variables Base-case Range tested or Source analysis standard error Age-based 18-70 [10] 0.2 0.3 0.05 0.08 Table 3 Table 3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.06 0.10 0.06 Table 3 Table 3 Table 3 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.07 0.05 0.05 Table 3 Table 3 Table 3 0.4 0.5 0.05 0.10 Table 3 Table 3 Resection (% for patient)* 32% 25%-40% SG Percutaneous ablation (% for patient)* 88% 80%-100% SG Trans arterial chemo-embolization (% for patient)* 104% 95%-115% SG Sorafenib (% for patient)* 39% 30%-50% SG Pre-transplant quality-of-life utility* 0.7 0.6 - 0.8 [9] Incurable HCC quality-of-life utility* 0.4 0.3-0.5 [9] Post-LT early mortality 10% 5%-15% [2] Median recurrence risk within 5 years 20% 10%-30% [2] Diameter of largest lesion (cm) – Hazard ratio for risk of recurrence ≤3 3-6 >6 1 1.3 3.8 0.8-2.0 2.2-6.6 [2] [2] AFP (ng/ml) – Hazard ratio for risk of recurrence ≤ 100 100-1000 > 1000 1 1.9 2.6 1.2-3.2 1.6-4.3 [2] [2] Number of nodules – Hazard ratio for risk of recurrence 1-3 >3 1 2. 1.2-3.5 [2] Post-transplant quality-of–life utility 0.7 0.6-0.8 [9] PRE-TRANSPLANT VARIABLES Background (all-cause) mortality Diameter of largest lesion (cm) – Beta estimate for risk of death 3-6 vs. ≤ 3 > 6 vs. 3-6 AFP (ng/ml) - Beta estimate for risk of death 100-1000 vs. ≤ 100 > 1000 vs. 100-1000 Multinodular - Beta estimate for risk of death Alternative therapy - Beta estimate for risk of death Ablation vs. hepatic resection TACE vs ablation BSC vs. TACE CTP class - Beta estimate for risk of death B vs. A C vs. B POST-TRANSPLANT VARIABLES 0.4 0.3-0.5 [9] Recurrent HCC quality-of-life utility AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; TACE, trans-arterial chemoembolization; BSC, best supportive care; CTP, Child Turcotte Pugh; SG, study group; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; LT, liver transplantation * These percentages represent the (number of total procedures / number of patients) * 100. Supplementary table 2. Base case value and sensitivity range for the study group in terms of costs VARIABLES FOR COST ANALYSIS Base-case Range tested Source analysis ITALY Follow-up of HCC patients without LT ($/month) 100 80-120 N/A Transplantation ($) 80,000 60,000-100,000 N/A Hepatic resection ($) 8,600 7,000-10,000 N/A Percutaneous ablation ($) 3,600 3,000-5,000 N/A Trans-arterial chemo-embolization ($) 3,500 3,000-5,000 N/A Sorafenib ($) 15,750 10,000-20,000 N/A Total costs of non-LT therapies for patients without LT* 15,700 10,000-20,000 N/A Follow-up of HCC patients after transplantation ($/month) 394 300-500 N/A HCC after dropout ($/month) 4,467 3,000-6,000 N/A Per capita GDP ($) 35,926 N/A 10 Follow-up of HCC patients without LT ($/month) 292 83-417 11 Transplantation ($) 137,701 68,851-275,406 5 Hepatic resection ($) 25,086 12,543-50,172 5 Percutaneous ablation ($) 5,000 2,500-10,000 11 Trans-arterial chemo-embolization ($) 25,961 12,981-51,922 5 Sorafenib ($) 60,000 30,000-100,000 12 Total costs of non-LT therapies for patients without LT* 62,827 50,000-70,000 N/A Follow-up of HCC patients after transplantation ($/month) 958 344-2,215 5 HCC after dropout ($/month) 4,500 3,000-6,000 5 Per capita GDP ($) 53,042 NA 10 Time horizon (years) Life time N/A N/A USA HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; LT, liver transplantation * Total costs were obtained by multiplying single treatment cost by percentages of treatments in Supplementary Table 1 Supplementary figure. 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