History/Social Studies 8-12 Teacher-Candidate Observation Form History/Social Studies Addendum1 Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Student ID: _________________________________________________________________________________________ District: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Campus: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Grade Observed: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Observation: 1 2 3 4 *Instructions: Check the theme(s) applicable for lesson observed. A theme is based on whether the lesson pertains to world history, geography, etc., but might not be limited to these themes. If you check a theme, you must assess all its components. If a theme was not planned/observed for this lesson, do not enter a score. Indicator Quality Markers Below Expectations - 1 Approaches Expectations - 2 Meets Expectations - 3 1-3 points: The candidate exhibits little or no evidence of meeting the standard, or evidence that is below the minimum acceptable expectations of the program. Does not enable students learning. 4-7 points: The candidate exhibits minimum performance in relation to essential knowledge, skills, or disposition required by the standard. Provides basic evidence of attainment that meets minimum program expectations. 8-9 points: The candidate exhibits advanced performance in relation to essential knowledge, skills, or dispositions required by the standard. Provides convincing evidence of sound work, usually with multiple examples of achievement that substantially exceed minimum expectations and show excellence in performance which results in all students learning. 1 (2004). Program standards for the initial preparation of social studies teachers. Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies. Retrieved from http://www.american.edu/cas/seth/pdf/upload/NCSS_NCATE_STDS-04rev.pdf Varbelow Spring 2013 History/Social Studies 8-12 Check* NCSS Standard Below Expectations (1 pt. per criterion) Approaches Expectations (2 pts. per criterion) Meets Expectations (3 pts. per criterion) Quality Marker Score Anthropology Culture and cultural diversity (NCSS 1.1) History Time, continuity, and change (NCSS 1.2) Geography People, places, and environment (NCSS 1.3) Varbelow Spring 2013 Candidate enable learners to identify how groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns Candidate enable learners to explain how groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns Candidate enable learners to analyze how groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns Candidate enables learners to give examples for cultural unity and diversity within groups Candidate enables learners to give examples for cultural unity and diversity within and across groups Candidate enables learners to give examples for and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within and across groups Candidate enables learners to identify examples of behaviors which contribute or pose obstacles to crosscultural understanding Candidate enables learners to describe examples of behavior as reflecting values and attitudes which contribute or pose obstacles to crosscultural understanding Candidate enables learners to interpret patterns of behavior as reflecting values and attitudes which contribute or pose obstacles to crosscultural understanding Candidate enables learners to identify historical events using key concepts from the study of history (chronology, causality, conflict) Candidate enables learners to explain historical events connections among historical events by using key concepts from the study of history (chronology, causality, conflict) Candidate enables learners to analyze historical events and connections among them by using key concepts from the study of history (time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity) Candidate enables learners to get a general understanding of how the present is connected to the past Candidate assists learners in using processes of critical historical inquiry to reconstruct the past Candidate assists learners in using processes of critical historical inquiry to reconstruct and reinterpret the past Candidate enables learners to understand that their present results from the past but students make no personal connection Candidate enables learners to analyze how their present is connected to the past and how it might evolve in the future Candidate enables learners to locate, distinguish, and describe relationships among physical systems Candidate enables learners to locate, distinguish, and describe relationships among and explain changes in patterns of physical systems Candidate enables learners to describe relationships among physical systems Indicator Score History/Social Studies 8-12 Psychology Individual development and identity (NCSS 1.4) Candidate enables learners to identify interactions between human beings and their physical environments Candidate enables learners to examine and interpret interactions between human beings and their physical environments Candidate enables learners to examine, interpret, and analyze interactions between human beings and their physical environments Candidate challenges learners to identify general uses of resources and land Candidate challenges learners to identify uses of resources and land in communities, regions, countries, and the world Candidate challenges learners to consider, compare, and evaluate existing uses of resources and land in communities, regions, countries, and the world Candidate assists learners in identifying personal connections to time, place, or social/cultural systems as they work independently and cooperatively within groups and institutions to accomplish goals Candidate assists learners in describing personal connections to time, place, and social/cultural systems as they work independently and cooperatively within groups and institutions to accomplish goals Candidate assists learners in analyzing and evaluating personal connections to time, place, and social/cultural systems as they work independently and cooperatively within groups and institutions to accomplish goals Candidate enables learners to identify the influence of cultures upon the daily lives of individuals Candidate enables learners to analyze the influence of cultures upon the daily lives of individuals by describing how group and cultural influences contribute to the development of a sense of self Candidate enables learners to analyze the influence of cultures, past and present, upon the daily lives of individuals by describing how group and cultural influences contribute to the development of a sense of self Candidate guide learners as they identify the interactions among ethical, ethnic, national, or cultural factors in specific situations Candidate guide learners as they describe the interactions among ethical, ethnic, national, and cultural factors in specific situations Candidate guide learners as they analyze the interactions among ethical, ethnic, national, and cultural factors in specific situations Candidate enables learners to use the concepts of status and social class to identify the connections among individuals, groups, and institutions in society Candidate enables learners to use the concepts of status and social class to describe the connections and interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions in society Candidate enables learners to use the concepts of role, status, and social class to evaluate the connections and interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions in society Candidate assists learners in identifying examples of tensions between expressions of individuality and efforts of groups and institutions to promote social conformity Candidate assists learners in describing examples of tensions between expressions of individuality and efforts of groups and institutions to promote social conformity Candidate assists learners in analyzing examples of tensions between expressions of individuality and efforts of groups and institutions to promote social conformity Sociology Individuals, groups and institutions (NCSS 1.5) Varbelow Spring 2013 History/Social Studies 8-12 Science, Technology and Society (NCSS 1.8) Government Power, authority, and governance (NCSS 1.6) Economics Production, distribution, and consumption (NCSS 1.7) Global Connections (NCSS 1.9) Varbelow Spring 2013 Candidate enables learners to identify examples of how the role of institutions or belief systems further both continuity and change Candidate enables learners to describe the role of institutions and belief systems basic to specific traditions in furthering both continuity and change Candidate enables learners to examine the role of institutions and belief systems basic to specific traditions in furthering both continuity and change Candidate enables learners to identify current and historical examples of the interaction and interdependence of science, technology, and society Candidate enables learners to describe and examine current and historical examples of the interaction and interdependence of science, technology, and society Candidate enables learners to analyze the interaction and interdependence of science, technology, and society in current and historical examples Candidate assists learners in identifying examples of how science and technology have transformed the physical world, human society or our understanding of time, space, place, and human-environment interactions Candidate assists learners in describing how science and technology have transformed the physical world, human society and our understanding of time, space, place, and humanenvironment interactions Candidate assists learners in making judgments about how science and technology have transformed the physical world, human society and our understanding of time, space, place, and human-environment interactions Candidate enables learners to identify various policies proposed to deal with social changes resulting from new technologies Candidate enables learners to describe various policies proposed to deal with social changes resulting from new technologies Candidate enables learners to evaluate various policies proposed to deal with social changes resulting from new technologies Candidate enables learners to identify the rights and responsibilities of individuals in their nation Candidate enables learners to identify the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relation to their families, their social groups, their communities, and their nation Candidate enables learners to examine the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relation to their families, their social groups, their communities, and their nation Candidate enables learners to identify economic concepts in historical and contemporary social developments and issues Candidate enables learners to apply economic concepts when analyzing historical and contemporary social developments and issues Candidate enables learners to apply economic concepts and reasoning when evaluating historical and contemporary social developments and issues Learners understand basic concepts of production, distribution, and consumption in society Candidate enables learners to apply economic concepts and principles to understand models of economics Candidate enables learners to critically examine the values and assumptions underlying the theories and models of economics through the application of economic concepts and principles Candidate enables learners to identify conditions that contribute to conflict, cooperation among societies, and nations Candidate enables learners to explain conditions that contribute to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, and nations Candidate enables learners to explain conditions and motivations that contribute to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, and nations History/Social Studies 8-12 Civics (NCSS 1.10) Candidate enables learner to identify the relationships and tensions between national sovereignty and global interests Candidate enables learner to explain the relationships and tensions between national sovereignty and global interests Candidate enables learner to analyze the relationships and tensions between national sovereignty and global interests Candidate enables students to explain the purpose of government Candidate enables students to explain the purpose of government and how its powers are used and justified Candidate enables students to explain the purpose of government and how its powers are acquired, used, and justified Supervisor: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Varbelow Spring 2013