Chemistry T - ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies

Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
T Course
Type 2
Written under the
Accredited from:
Science Course
1 January 2007 – 31 December 2011
Framework 2006
Extended 2016
Amended July 2013
(Includes Assessment Task Types
approved August 2013)
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
All programs of study for the ACT Year 12 Certificate should enable students to become:
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
and provide students with:
a comprehensive body of specific knowledge, principles and concepts
a basis for self-directed and lifelong learning
personal attributes enabling effective participation in society
Approved August 2005 Board Meeting
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Type 2 Course Accreditation/Adoption Form
Choose one of the following:
 adoption of Type 2 course
 small changes from Written Evaluation of Type 2 course
 extension of Type 2 course or units
 modification of Type 2 course (M course)
 adoption of additional units
Course Title: Chemistry
Course Code
Classification:  A  T  M  V
Unit Title(s)
Moles, Water, Reactions & Acids and Redox
Introductory Chemistry
Introduction to Chemistry
The Mole, Water & Reactions in Solution
Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry
Acids and Redox
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Biochemical Structures & Functions
Biochemical Processes & Applications
Industrial Chemistry
Foundations of Industrial Chemistry
Investigation of Industrial Processes
Environmental Chemistry
Principles of Environmental Chemistry
Investigation of Environmental Incidents
Analytical Chemistry
Introduction to Chemical Analysis
Advanced Analytical Processes
Forensic Chemistry
Principles & Processes of Forensics
Extended Research
Dates of Course Accreditation:
Version 2
1 / 1 / 2007
Unit Codes
31 / 12 / 2016
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Extended 2015
Accreditation: The course and units named above are consistent with the goals of the Course Framework and
are signed on behalf of the BSSS.
Course Development Coordinator:
Panel Chair:
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Course Accreditation/Adoption Supporting Statement
Provides support for information on the Course Accreditation/Adoption Form
Written Evaluation for Small changes, reasons for Modification or Adoption of a
Type 2 course, or Addition of units to a Type 2 course.
For V courses indicate the certificate the college will award.
Course Code
Course Title:
Course Length and Composition
Number and Length of Units
Which units will your college deliver?
Duration of Units and Available Course Patterns
Must be consistent with Table 1.1 in the Guidelines.
Implementation Guidelines
Must be consistent with the original course document.
Compulsory Units
Must remain the same as original document.
Prerequisites for the course or units within the course
Must remain the same as original document.
Arrangements for students who are continuing to study a course in this subject
The adopting college may customize this to suit their individual needs.
Additional Units
The adopting college may write additional units to suit their individual needs but within policy
and with panel approval. The course should have coherence between units of study (Policy 2.4.2).
Interdisciplinary Units
If the adopting college wishes to include a unit from another course see Policy
Negotiated Units
The adopting college may customize this to suit their individual needs but within policy and
with panel approval. Refer to Board Policy if considering including Independent Study units
within this course.
Suggested Implementation Patterns
This must be in line with the original course document.
Please indicate any specific needs for your college when adopting this course.
For example – if you intend to deliver the course in any delivery time structure other than the way it
has been written (i.e. 1.0 units instead of 0.5 units) then these must be submitted with this adoption
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Course Classification
Course Framework
Course Developers
Evaluation of Previous Course
Course Length and Composition
Available Course Patterns
Implementation Guidelines
Subject Rationale
Student Group
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Science Unit Grade Descriptors for T courses ...................................................................................15
Proposed Evaluation Procedures
Introductory Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................21
Introduction to Chemistry
Value: 0.5...................................................................25
Moles, Water, Reactions & Acids and Redox
Value: 1.0...................................................................29
The Mole, Water & Reactions in Solution
Value: 0.5...................................................................33
Acids, Redox and Organic Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................36
Acids and Redox
Value: 0.5...................................................................40
Organic Chemistry
Value: 0.5...................................................................43
Physical Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................46
Value: 1.0...................................................................49
Biochemical Structures and Functions
Value: 0.5...................................................................52
Biochemical Processes & Applications
Value: 0.5...................................................................54
Industrial Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................57
Foundations of Industrial Chemistry
Value: 0.5...................................................................59
Investigation of Industrial Processes
Value: 0.5...................................................................61
Environmental Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................63
Principles of Environmental Chemistry
Value: 0.5...................................................................66
Investigation of Environmental Incidents
Value: 0.5...................................................................69
Analytical Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................71
Introduction to Chemical Analysis
Value: 0.5...................................................................74
Advanced Analytical Processes
Value: 0.5...................................................................76
Forensic Chemistry
Value: 1.0...................................................................78
Principles & Processes of Forensics
Value: 0.5...................................................................82
Value 0.5....................................................................86
Extended Research
Value: 0.5...................................................................88
Biochemical Structures & Analysis
Value: 1.0...................................................................90
Appendix A - Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards ................................................................93
Checklist for courses submitted for accreditation .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chemistry (T) Unit Student Evaluation
...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Course Name
Course Classification
Course Framework
This course is presented under the 2005 Science Course Framework.
Course Developers
Stephen FORD
BEd, Grad Cert Canberra
Lake Ginninderra
BSc(Hons),DipEd. UNSW
Rosemary WATERS
Dip Teaching Sydney
BAppSc,GradDip Canberra
Lake Ginninderra
Lynne BEAN
BSc. DipEd Sydney, GradDipSc ANU
BAppSc RMIT DipEd Tasmania
PhD, Sydney DipEd Canberra
Stephanie MANDER
PhD Sydney, DipEd Canberra.
BSc (Hons) Sydney,DipEd CSU,GradCertEd ACU
St Francis Xavier
BSc.DipEd. Flinders
St Clare’s
Jeannette JOLLEY
BSc.DipEd. BEd, Latrobe
St Clare’s
This group gratefully acknowledges the work of previous course developers.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Evaluation of Previous Course
This new course is largely based on very successful Chemistry courses from the majority of colleges in the
ACT with minor adjustments to cater for all participating contributors. This is the first Type 2 Chemistry
course to be written in the ACT.
Are the course and course framework still consistent?
The proposed Type 2 Course is consistent with the Science Framework, which has just been written.
Were the goals achieved?
The Type 1 Course this document is based on all received very positive comments on both their course
contents and their assessment procedures on moderation days.
Was the course content appropriate?
The entire course contents had been approved by the Chemistry Accreditation Panel.
How successful were the teaching strategies?
Feedback from students, who had gone on to tertiary studies invariably indicated that they felt especially
well-prepared, more so than their NSW counterparts, for studies in Chemistry at the ANU, UC, UNSW,
ADFA, CSU and other universities. Comments from staff at ANU, ADFA and UC were also very positive and
have been for very many years. Competency in practical skills was continually referred to. Occasionally,
well-qualified parents of students have indicated their high approval of the courses and their delivery.
How appropriate was the assessment program?
Moderation Day feedback indicate that the assessment was appropriate and we have passed on a number
of our assessment items as exemplars to colleagues across the system.
Were the needs of all students met?
We believe the needs of all students were met. Across the system only one or two students per year were
“V-graded” in Chemistry and, as mentioned above, feedback from past students has been very positive.
Was the course relevant?
Feedback from students as mentioned above indicate that this was the case, as were comments from
academic staff at ANU, ADFA and UC.
How many students completed the course in each of the years of accreditation?
This question is not applicable as this is a new course.
What improvements need to be made to the course?
Minor improvements and/or changes are needed to:
provide some more flexibility so that this course can be adopted by as many colleges as possible in part
by writing more options in Semester 4;
allow for some changes since the last course was written, especially Biochemistry;
broaden options for study in Industrial Chemistry;
acknowledge a change in the Chemistry experiences of students entering the course.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Course Length and Composition
Unit Title
Unit Value
Optional Units
Any school wishing to offer 0.5 units in third semester,Physical Chemistry, will need to adjust the 1.0 unit
into a split appropriate to their delivery of the unit.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Available Course Patterns
Number of standard units to meet course requirements
Minimum of 2 units
Minimum of 3.5 units
Major Minor
Minimum of 5.5 units
Double Major
Minimum of 7 units
Implementation Guidelines
Compulsory units
For a Minor in Chemistry, (2 units), Introductory Chemistry and Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry are
For a Major in Chemistry, (3.5 or 4 units), Introductory Chemistry, Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry and at least one half unit from the Chemistry Options are required.
For a Major Minor in Chemistry, (5.5 or 6 units) Introductory Chemistry, Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry and at least two and one half units from the Chemistry Options are required.
Alternatively, a student may undertake a Minor in Chemistry at the ANU College, together with a Major in
their home college to complete a Major Minor.
For a Double Major in Chemistry, (7.0 or 7.5 units) Introductory Chemistry, Acids, Redox & Organic
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and at least four units from the Chemistry Options are required.
Alternatively, a student may undertake a Minor in Chemistry at the ANU College, together with a Major in
their home college plus an additional one and one half or two units to complete a Double Major.
Prerequisites for the course or units within the course
Introductory Chemistry would normally be a prerequisite for Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry and Acids,
Redox & Organic Chemistry would normally be a prerequisite for Physical Chemistry. In exceptional
circumstances, and at the discretion of the Executive Teacher responsible for Science, this could be varied.
Options in Semester 4 would require Physical Chemistry as a prerequisite. An exception to this would be
Environmental Chemistry (which could be done concurrently with Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry). For
those students wishing to include Atomic & Nuclear Physics as a Chemistry unit, a minor in Physics is a
prerequisite. Forensic Chemistry is an alternative unit to Analytical Chemistry, and Electrochemistry is an
alternative to Industrial Chemistry as there is some overlap of content in these units. In addition, it is
recommended that students would be enrolled in a Tertiary Mathematics course.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Arrangements for students who are continuing to study a course in this subject
Students continuing this course from Year 11 may take the following units in Year 12:
Physical Chemistry followed by at least a 0.5 unit of one of the Chemistry Options. Some Colleges may need
to apply separately for an extension of their present course for Year 12 students in 2007 to avoid
duplication of content.
Units from other courses
Students may elect to undertake a minor in Chemistry at the ANU, concurrently with a major in their home
college to achieve a Major Minor or as part of a Double Major as detailed above.
Negotiated Units
Students may, at the discretion/invitation of their chemistry teacher, elect to undertake a “Case Study” or
Extended Research. It is envisaged that this would only be appropriate for a few exceptional students each
year. This could be undertaken as a half or whole unit in an area of Chemistry of the student’s own
choosing, in consultation with his or her teacher, who would act as a mentor.
Relationship with other courses
Chemistry is one of a number of Science Courses which all come under the Science Framework.
Biochemistry may in some instances be counted as a Biology unit or a Chemistry Unit. Atomic & Nuclear
Physics may in some instances, be counted as a Physics or Chemistry Unit. Study at ANU College, as
previously noted, may contribute the equivalent of a Minor in Chemistry to either a Major Minor or a
Double Major. Other colleges may offer units that students could undertake as part of the Chemistry
Relationship with courses at other colleges/special institutions (optional)
Study at ANU College, as previously noted, may contribute the equivalent of a Minor in Chemistry to either
a Major Minor or a Double Major. Other colleges may offer units which students could undertake as part of
the Chemistry Course. Some units could be taught at a particular College to a student cohort from a
combination of Colleges, timetabling permitting.
The CIT are planning to adopt this Type 2 course as part of its Year 12 program. Successful completion with
a Chemistry Major and at least a C grade average would give credit transfer for the CIT Diploma unit
Introductory Chemistry, a bridging or first year unit in all CIT science diplomas and advanced diplomas.
Suggested Implementation Pattern or Sequencing of Units
Implementation Pattern
Units Involved
Year 11, Semester 1
Introductory Chemistry
Year 11, Semester 2
Acids, Redox & Organic Chemistry
Year 12, Semester 1
Physical Chemistry
Year 11 Semester 2, concurrent with Acids,
Redox & Organic Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Year 12 Semester 1, concurrent with Physical
Forensic Chemistry
Year 12, Semester 2
Any 0.5 or 1.0 units from Chemistry Options
or Atomic & Nuclear Physics
The compulsory units outlined ensure that all students undertaking a T minor course will achieve the goals
of the course.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Subject Rationale
There is an innate human curiosity about and wish to understand the universe. The study of science
encourages and enables students to develop complex and sophisticated understanding of the universe
through observation, questioning, experimentation, discussion, critical analysis and creative thinking.
In a technologically based society, scientific literacy for all citizens is of paramount importance. The
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) defines scientific literacy as “the capacity to use
scientific knowledge, to identify questions and to draw evidence-based conclusions in order to understand
the natural world and the changes made to it through human history.” (OECD: the 2003 PISA Assessment
Framework). Scientifically literate individuals contribute to the quality of their own lives and to society
through informed decision-making.
Scientific processes challenge current understanding and are continually re-evaluated. Students are
constantly encouraged, through their study of science, to examine and reconsider their understanding of
scientific concepts and their interrelationships, of scientific inquiry methods and therefore of their world
more generally. Science courses also help students understand and apply their learning in other subjects,
in a scientific way.
The essence of science involves social, cultural, critical and aesthetic perspectives. An appreciation of the
aesthetic qualities and understanding of the universe strengthens students’ curiosity and sense of wonder.
The study of science equips students to be independent thinkers and life-long learners.
This course should enable students to:
demonstrate depth and breadth of scientific knowledge;
apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
critically research, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a variety of sources, including
their own work and the work of their peers;
develop hypotheses and design, carry out and as necessary modify experiments;
follow instructions and make accurate and precise observations while conducting practical
investigations, while safely using appropriate equipment and techniques;
communicate scientific information to diverse audiences in an appropriate manner using a variety of
media and technologies;
appreciate the role and implications of science in the wider community – environmental, social, political
and economic;
work independently and collaboratively.
Student Group
Chemistry attracts a significant number of students as it is seen as the enabling science. Many of the more
able students continue with the Year 12 units if they aspire to studying any of the Science based degree
courses at a tertiary level. Other students find it is more satisfactory to complete a minor in Chemistry.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
In addition to the essential concepts and skills outlined in the Framework, all Chemistry major courses
should cover:
Atomic structure
Chemical change
Organic chemistry
Rates of reaction
Bonding and structure
Types of reactions
Acids and bases
The course is structured to facilitate the inclusion of the historical, biological, physical, environmental,
analytical and industrial aspects of chemistry.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching strategies that are particularly relevant and effective in the teaching of Chemistry include:
practical / field work / excursions;
inquiry-based learning;
collaborative learning;
open-ended investigations;
visiting scientists;
use of information and communication technologies (ICT), including data loggers, CD ROMs, Videos
and the Internet;
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
integration of teacher-student and student-student feedback;
teacher instruction – lectures, discussions, skills instruction;
teacher demonstrations;
student reflection on their learning.
These strategies are consistent with the Learning Principles (see introduction in Science Course
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Assessment Tasks and Assessment Criteria
The purpose of including assessment task types (with examples of tasks) and assessment criteria in Course
Frameworks is to provide a common and agreed basis for the collection of evidence of student
achievement. This collection of evidence enables a comparison of achievement within and across colleges,
through moderation processes. This enables valid, fair and equitable reporting of student achievement on
the Year 12 Certificate.
Assessment tasks elicit responses that demonstrate the degree to which students have achieved the goals
of a unit (and the course as a whole).
Assessment Task Types (with weightings) group assessment tasks in ways that reflect agreed shared
practice in the subject area and facilitate the comparison of student work across different assessment
Assessment Criteria (the qualities that teachers look for in evaluating student work) provide a common and
agreed basis for judgement of performance against unit and course goals, within and across colleges. Over
a course, teachers use all of these criteria to assess students’ performance, but do not necessarily use all
criteria on each task. Assessment criteria are to be used holistically on a given task and in determining the
unit grade
Assessment Rubrics draw on the general course framework criteria to develop assessment criteria for a
task type and a continuum which indicates levels of student performance against each criterion.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Assessment Task Types
Assessment for T Courses
Suggested task
log book
practical report
practical skills test
Weighting for
1.0 and 0.5
for Project
based units
This table is designed to highlight types of tasks which address different content descriptors and
assessment criteria. Teachers are reminded that any single task can incorporate multiple
assessment strands.
 highly relevant - These tasks will have a clear link to the content descriptors and assessment
* some relevance - These tasks have some links to the content descriptors and assessment
Additional Assessment Advice for T Courses
For a standard 1.0 unit, a minimum of three and a maximum of five assessment items.
For a half-standard 0.5 unit, minimum of two and a maximum of three assessment items.
Each unit (standard 1.0 or half standard 0.5) should include at least 2 different types of tasks. It is
recommended that, in standard units, no assessment item should carry a weighting of less than 10% or
greater than 45% of the unit assessment.
A variety of task types and modes of presentations should be used during the course.
It is recommended that an open-ended investigation be undertaken at least once during a minor and
twice during a major. This investigation may either be theoretical or practical or a combination of both.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed on the degree to which they demonstrate:
knowledge and understanding;
critical thinking;
investigative skills;
communication skills;
effective work practices.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended July 2016
Science Unit Grade Descriptors for T courses
Critical Thinking
Knowledge and
A student who achieves an A grade typically
A student who achieves a B grade typically
A student who achieves a C grade typically
A student who achieves a D grade typically
A student who achieves an E
grade typically
 demonstrates a limited
knowledge of scientific
 demonstrates thorough and extensive
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates broad and in-depth
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates broad and general
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 demonstrates general and basic
knowledge and understanding of scientific
 justifies and applies knowledge to familiar
and unfamiliar contexts and across different
concept areas and experiences, displays
originality and lateral thinking in problem
 applies knowledge to familiar and
unfamiliar contexts and across different
concept areas and experiences, displaying
originality and effective thinking in problem
 is able to apply knowledge in a variety of
contexts and different concept areas to solve
 is able to use knowledge in different areas
to solve problems
 displays emerging
awareness of strategies to
solve problems
 evaluates, synthesises and analyses
patterns and trends in data, observations
and investigations and makes valid and
perceptive inferences
 analyses and synthesises patterns and
trends in data, observations and
investigations and makes valid inferences
 describes and explains patterns and
trends in data, observations and
investigations and makes general inferences
 identifies and describes patterns in data,
observations and investigations and makes
simple inferences
 identifies patterns in data,
observations and
 applies highly effective analytical and
evaluative skills, makes perceptive
connections between scientific concepts,
draws accurate conclusions and proposes
appropriate improvements
 applies effective analytical skills, makes
insightful connections between scientific
concepts, draws mostly accurate conclusions
and proposes appropriate improvements
 describes and explains general
connections between scientific concepts,
draws conclusions and proposes
 describes connections between scientific
concepts, draws conclusions and proposes
 identifies connections
between scientific concepts
 demonstrates logical and coherent
investigations, acknowledges information
using referencing conventions and operates
equipment highly effectively and safely
 demonstrates well considered
investigations, acknowledges information
using referencing conventions and operates
equipment effectively and safely
 demonstrates considered investigations,
acknowledges information using referencing
conventions and operates equipment safely
with some general effectiveness
 outlines investigations, inconsistently
acknowledges information using referencing
conventions and mostly operates equipment
effectively and safely
 displays emerging skills in
investigations, attempts to
acknowledge information and
operates equipment with
limited awareness of safety
 presents highly complex concepts
accurately and coherently in a wide range of
written and non written formats using
appropriate terminology with flair
 presents concepts clearly and logically in
a range of written and non written formats
using appropriate terminology with
 presents general concepts clearly in a
range of written and non written formats
using appropriate terminology generally
using terminology appropriately
 presents basic concepts in a narrow range
of written and non written formats using
terminology inconsistently
 presents some basic
concepts in a limited range of
written & non written formats
using minimal terminology
 organises time and resources to work in a
highly productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 organises time and resources to work in a
productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 organises time and resources to work in a
generally productive and safe manner both
independently and in a team
 evaluates and analyses risks, acts highly
appropriately in all investigations
 analyses and explains risks and acts
appropriately in all investigations
 identifies and describes risks and acts
appropriately in all investigations
 demonstrates inconsistent organisation of
time & resources, works with occasional
productivity & some awareness of safety
independently or in a group
 identifies risks and acts mostly
appropriately in investigations
 demonstrates limited
organisation of time &
resources to work with an
emerging awareness of safety
 demonstrates an emerging
awareness of risks, developing
approaches to investigations
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Moderation is a system designed and implemented to:
provide comparability in the system of school-based assessment;
form the basis for valid and reliable assessment in senior secondary schools;
involve the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and colleges in cooperation and partnership; and
maintain the quality of school-based assessment and the credibility, validity and acceptability of Board
Moderation commences within individual colleges. Teachers develop assessment programs and
instruments, apply assessment criteria, and allocate Unit Grades, according to the relevant Course
Framework. Teachers within course teaching groups conduct consensus discussions to moderate marking
or grading of individual assessment instruments and unit grade decisions.
The Moderation Model
Moderation within the ACT encompasses structured, consensus-based peer review of Unit Grades for all
accredited courses, as well as statistical moderation of course scores, including small group procedures, for
T courses.
Moderation by Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Review is a subcategory of moderation, comprising the review of standards and the validation of Unit
Grades. In the review process, Unit Grades, determined for Year 11 and Year 12 student assessment
portfolios that have been assessed in schools by teachers under accredited courses, are moderated by peer
review against system wide criteria and standards. This is done by matching student performance with the
criteria and standards outlined in the unit grade descriptors as stated in the Course Framework. Advice is
then given to colleges to assist teachers with, and/or reassure them on, their judgments.
Preparation for Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Each year, teachers teaching a Year 11 class are asked to retain originals or copies of student work
completed in Semester 2. Similarly, teachers teaching a Year 12 class should retain originals or copies of
student work completed in Semester 1. Assessment and other documentation required by the Office of the
Board of Senior Secondary Studies should also be kept. Year 11 work from Semester 2 of the previous year
is presented for review at Moderation Day 1 in March, and Year 12 work from Semester 1 is presented for
review at Moderation Day 2 in August.
In the lead up to Moderation Day, a College Course Presentation (comprised of a document folder and a set
of student portfolios) is prepared for each A and T course offered by the school, and is sent in to the Office
of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies.
The College Course Presentation
The package of materials (College Course Presentation) presented by a college for review on moderation
days in each course area will comprise the following:
a folder containing supporting documentation as requested by the Office of the Board through
memoranda to colleges.
a set of student portfolios containing marked and/or graded written and non-written assessment
responses and completed criteria and standards feedback forms. Evidence of all assessment responses
on which the unit grade decision has been made is to be included in the student review portfolios.
specific requirements for subject areas and types of evidence to be presented for each moderation day, which
will be outlined by the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies through memoranda and
Information Papers.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Suitable Text Books
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Commons, C. et al. 1999 , Chemistry 2, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Elvins, C. et al. 1992, Chemistry in context – chemistry one, Heinemann Educational, Australia.
Hill, G. and Holman, J. 1989, Chemistry in context, Nelson, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2001, Chemistry contexts book 1, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2002, Chemistry contexts book 2, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
James, M. et al. 1991 & 1992, Chemical connection, VCE chemistry, Books 1 & 2, Jacaranda Press,
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 1 & 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 3 & 4), Nelson, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, Rydalmere NSW.
Thickett, G. 2000, Chemistry pathways 1 and 2, Macmillan, South Yarra VIC.
Teacher Resources
Aldridge, S. 1994, Biochemistry for advanced biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.
Australian Academy of Science, 1994, Environmental science, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton QLD.
Anderton, J. Kolomyjec, C. Garnett, P. 1990, Chemistry problems for senior secondary school, STAWA.
Brown, K. 1986, Moles: a survival guide for GCSE chemistry, Cambridge University Press, UK.
Brown, W. 1997, Introduction to organic chemistry, Sanders College Publishing, Fort Worth.
Bucat, R. (Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry vol I &II, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
Budavari, S (Ed) 1996, The merck index, 12th ed, Merck Research Laboratories, New Jersey.
Carr, M. and Cardell, B. 1992, Biochemistry, Nelson, Melbourne.
Clugston, M. and Flemming, R. 2000, Advanced chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Commons, C. and Hoogendoorn, B. 1998, Demonstrations for secondary schools chemistry, 5th ed,
Heinemann, Melbourne.
Commons, C. et al. 199l, Chemistry two, chemistry and the marketplace, energy & matter, Heinemann,
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 2: teacher's resource book, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Derry, N. et al, 2000, Chemistry Units 3 and 4, Wesley Longman
de Vreeze, D.and McMicking, K. 1998, Instant lessons in chemistry, books 1,2,3, Blake Education, Sydney..
Elvins, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1: teacher's resource book, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Elvins, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry one teacher’s resource book, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Fogliani, C. (Ed), Australian chemistry resource book, Vol 1-25, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst.
Gadd, K. and Gurr, S. 1994, Chemistry: university of Bath: science 16-19, Nelson, UK.
Green, N et al. 1984, Biological science 1, Cambridge University Press, UK.
Gribben, P. and St Germain, W. 2005, Assignments in chemistry, books 1, 2 and 3, Blake Education, Sydney.
Gribben, P. 1999, Interpreting data in chemistry books 1 & 2, Blake Education, Sydney.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Gribben, P and Cassidy, M. 2003, Cambridge HSC study guide chemistry, Cambridge University Press,
Harwood, R. 2002, Biochemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.
Hornby, M and Peach, J. 1994, Foundations of organic chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK.
James, D. and Matthews, G. 1991, Understanding the biochemistry of respiration, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge UK.
Jones, J. 2002, Captivating chemistry: the acidic environment , University of Sydney & UTS, Sydney.
Kennedy, E. 2005 Biology in context-the spectrum of life biochemistry, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Laidler, G. 1991, Environmental chemistry; an australian perspective, Longman Cheshire, South Melbourne.
Lainchbury, A. et al. (revised by) 1995, ILPAC equilibrium 1: principles, John Murray, London.
Lainchbury, A. et al. (revised by) 1995, ILPAC s-block elements, the halogens, the periodic tables, John
Murray, London.
McMurry, J. 1994, Fundamentals of organic chemistry, Brookes/Cole, US.
Nash, B. and Hargreaves, G. 1990, Chemistry activities, books 1 & 2, Macmillan, Melbourne.
Purves, W. et al. 1998, Life; the science of biology, 5th ed, W.H.Freeman, US.
Ramsden, E. 1996, Chemistry of the environment, Stanley Thornes Ltd., Cheltenham UK.
Roebuck, C. 2000, Excel preliminary chemistry, Pascal Press, Sydney.
St. Germain, W. 2003, Literacy in science books 3,4, Blake Education, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1998, Chemistry in the market place, 5th ed, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville NSW.
Smith, D. 1986, Conquering chemistry HSC course, Blackline Masters, McGraw Hill, Sydney.
Smith, D. et al. 2006, Chemistry in use book 1, McGraw Hill, Australia.
Smith, R. 2004, Conquering chemistry preliminary guide, 4th ed, McGraw Hill, Australia.
Stryer, L. 1991, Biochemistry, 3rd ed, W.H. Freeman & Co, New York.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Tregarthen, T. 2003, Macquarie revision guides preliminary chemistry, Macmillan, Melbourne.
Vogel, A. 1961, A text book of quantitative inorganic analysis, 3rd ed Longman, London.
Wiecek, C. 1989, Chemistry for senior students, The Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Wilkinson, J. and Nash, B. 1989, The world of chemistry, books 1 & 2, text & practical manuals, Macmillan,
Winter, M. 1995, Chemical bonding, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Zubay, G. et al. 1995, Principles of biochemistry, Wm. C. Brown, US.
Zumdahl, S .1997, Chemistry, 5th ed, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from Chemistry Review, Phillip Allan Updates, Oxfordshire.
Relevant articles from ChemMatters, American Chemical Society, Washington.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Audio visual Material
An Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction (video), 1997 Learning Essentials
Bonding Part 2 (video) Classroom Video
Chemical Energy (video) Classroom Video
Chemistry of the Environment (video) Classroom Video
Chemistry 2 (video), 1998 Video Education Australasia
Corrosion Reactions (video), 1997 Learning Essentials
Equilibrium- the Concepts (DVD), 2003 VEA Australasia
Equilibrium 2- Applying the Concepts (DVD), 2003 VEA Australasia
Ionic & Covalent Bonding Part 1(video), Classroom Video
Supercharged World of Chemistry Program 4 (Molarity, Titrations, Limiting Reagents) (video), 2001 Video
Education Australasia
The Amazing Mole (video), 2003 Video Education Australasia
The Amazing World of Reactions in Water (video), 1997 Parts 1 and 2 Video Education Australasia
The Revolution in Genetics (video), 1998 Quantum, ABC Science Unit
D.Smith, S. Monteath, M. Gould, (CD ROM), Chemistry in Use Book 1 Teacher Resource The McGraw Hill
Companies 2006
Web sites
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Resources required for delivering this course include:
Well-equipped laboratories
Laboratory assistant
Suitably qualified teaching staff
Textbooks and scientific journals
Data logging equipment and software
Internet access
Proposed Evaluation Procedures
The course will be evaluated formally with student surveys, enrolment data and course completion data
from the Year 12 Study. Feedback may also be sought from teachers and other interested parties (for
example, former students engaged in tertiary study and staff at tertiary institutions). See Appendix for
sample surveys.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Introductory Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
demonstrate a basic understanding of the atom, its composition and structure and explain the
properties, behaviour and uses of matter based on this knowledge;
select suitable purification techniques to separate mixtures into their components;
carry out basic chemical experiments and measure, observe, report, discuss the results of such
use material and equipment with due care and consideration for safety;
write ionic formulas, covalent formulas and chemical equations,
recognise scientific endeavour in chemistry over time and how it impacts on everyday life;
understand the concepts of chemical bonding, and relate these concepts to the structure and
properties of matter;
use concepts of quantitative chemistry to solve stoichiometric problems.
Matter and Materials
general classification of matter – homogeneous/heterogeneous
elements, compounds, and mixtures
metals and non-metals
review of physical and chemical properties, changes and means of separation
Atomic Theory
basic kinetic theory of matter
brief historical overview up to and including Bohr
structure of the nuclear atom
atomic number, mass number, isotopes
periodic table groups, periods and valence (simple compounds)
Chemical Symbols, Formulae and Equations
word equations
chemical symbols and formulae
molecular and structural (constitutional) formula
balanced chemical equation writing, using common reaction types
Bonding and Properties
metallic bonding
ionic bonding
molecular covalent bonding including Lewis diagrams
giant covalent lattice and covalent layer lattice
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Molecules and Intermolecular Forces
shapes of molecules and polarity
molecular and structural formulae
intermolecular forces (dispersion forces, dipole – dipole interaction, hydrogen bonding)
relationship between structure, properties and bond types
The Mole
Avogadro’s number
relative atomic mass (including isotopes)
molar mass (elements and compounds)
percentage composition
empirical and molecular formulae
limiting reactant
Reactions in Water
relevant terms – soluble, insoluble, solute, solvent, precipitate, suspension
types of solution
solubility rules
solubility curves
solutions and dilution
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
practical work to provide concrete experiences to help students in the use of chemical formulae,
equations and the nature of bonds;
visual material including model kits to understand the nature and properties of different bond
types and chemical formulae;
chemical data books to assist identification of compounds according to their properties;
quantitative gravimetric analysis to enhance the ideas and relevance of constant proportions of
mass in compounds, solutions, reactants and products;
preparation of solutions of given concentrations using both solutes and other solutions;
time line(s) to provide a historical context to many of the concepts involved;
quiz type exercises to emphasise the learning of chemical formulae and equation writing;
homework to reinforce concepts covered plus more challenging questions to extend more able
tutorials to support students.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Molymod Modelling Kits.
Suggested Texts:
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE chemistry Book 1, (Ch 1-7 inclusive, Ch 14, Ch 16),
Jacaranda Press, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 1 and 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Teacher Resources
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD
Brown, K. 1991, MOLES, a survival guide for GCSE science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review.
Audio visual Material
Chemical Bonding Series 1997, Video Education Australasia.
The Atom 1989, World of Chemistry 2, Educational Film Center, University
of Maryland.
The Mole 1989, World of Chemistry 1, Educational Film Center University
of Maryland
The Mole 1994, Classroom Video French’s Forest Sydney.
Electron Arrangement and Bonding 1984, Concepts in Science- Chemistry 1, TV Ontario Educational
Communications Authority.
The Mole Concept 1984, Concepts in Science- Chemistry 1, TV Ontario Educational Communications
Atomic Theory and Chemistry 1990, Britannica.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Web sites
WebElements™ periodic table. Winters, M.
Atomic Structure Timeline
Atomic Structure
The Writing of Formulas
Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds
States of Matter
Chemical Bonding Information
Chemical Bonding. Carpi, Anthony
Intermolecular Forces
The Mole Table of Contents
Writing Equations: Precipitation Reactions
Solubility of Solutes and Aqueous Solutions
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Introduction to Chemistry
Value: 0.5
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
demonstrate a basic understanding of the atom its composition and structure and explain the
properties, behaviour and uses of matter based on this knowledge;
select suitable purification techniques to separate mixtures into their components;
carry out basic chemical experiments and measure, observe, report, discuss the results of such
use material and equipment with due care and consideration for safety;
write ionic formulas, covalent formulas and chemical equations,
recognise scientific endeavour in chemistry over time and how it impacts on everyday life;
understand the concepts of chemical bonding, and relate these concepts to the structure and
properties of matter.
Matter and Materials
general classification of matter – homogeneous/heterogeneous
elements, compounds, and mixtures
review of physical and chemical properties, changes and means of separation
Atomic Theory
basic kinetic theory of matter
brief historical overview up to and including Bohr
structure of the nuclear atom
atomic number, mass number, isotopes
periodic table groups, periods and valence (simple compounds)
Chemical Symbols, Formulae and Equations
word equations
chemical symbols and formulae
molecular and structural (constitutional) formula
balanced chemical equation writing, using common reaction types
Bonding and Properties
metallic bonding and alloys
ionic bonding
molecular covalent bonding including Lewis diagrams
giant covalent lattice and covalent layer lattice
Molecules and Intermolecular Forces
shapes of molecules and polarity
molecular and structural formulae
intermolecular forces (dispersion forces, dipole – dipole interaction, hydrogen bonding)
relationship between structure, properties and bond types
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
practical work to provide concrete experiences to help students in the use of chemical formulae,
equations and the nature of bonds;
visual material including model kits to understand the nature and properties of different bond
types and chemical formulae;
chemical data books to assist identification of compounds according to their properties;
time line(s) to provide a historical context to many of the concepts involved;
quiz type exercises to emphasise the learning of chemical formulae and equation writing;
homework to reinforce concepts covered plus more challenging questions to extend more able
tutorials to support students.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Specific Unit Resources
Molymod Modelling Kits.
Suggested Texts:
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE chemistry Book 1, (Ch 1-7 inclusive, Ch 14, Ch 16),
Jacaranda Press, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 1 and 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Teacher Resources
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD
Brown, K. 1991, MOLES, a survival guide for GCSE science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
Chemical Bonding Series (video), 1997 Video Education Australasia
The Atom-World of Chemistry 2 (video), 1989 Educational Film Center, University
of Maryland
Electron Arrangement and Bonding- Concepts in Science- Chemistry 1 (video), 1984
TV Ontario Educational Communications Authority
Atomic Theory and Chemistry (video), 1990, Britannica
Web sites
WebElements™ periodic table. Winters, M.
Atomic Structure Timeline
Atomic Structure
The Writing of Formulas
Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds
States of Matter
Chemical Bonding Information
Chemical Bonding. Carpi, Anthony
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Intermolecular Forces
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Moles, Water, Reactions & Acids and Redox
Value: 1.0
This unit combines The Mole, Water and Reactions in Solution (0.5) with Acids and Redox (0.5)
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
carry out basic chemical experiments and measure, observe, report, discuss the results of such
use material and equipment with due care and consideration for safety;
write ionic formulas, covalent formulas and chemical equations,
recognise scientific endeavour in chemistry over time and how it impacts on everyday life;
use concepts of quantitative chemistry to solve stoichiometric problems.
investigate reactions of acids and bases in water using safe and accurate laboratory procedures, while
becoming aware of the importance and complexity of these reactions in the management of the
observe, collect and interpret data relating to redox reactions and electrochemistry particularly with
respect to processes of economic importance (such as corrosion and its prevention);
solve problems cooperatively and communicate findings clearly in a variety of ways using
appropriate scientific language.
The Mole
Avogadro’s number
relative atomic mass (including isotopes)
molar mass (elements and compounds)
percentage composition
empirical and molecular formulae
limiting reactant
Reactions in Water
relevant terms – soluble, insoluble, solute, solvent, precipitate, suspension
types of solution
solubility rules
solubility curves
solutions and dilution
Acids and Bases
definitions, chemical properties
Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry theories
polyprotic acids
conjugate acid/base pairs
neutralisation using titration
dissociation, ionisation
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
strong and weak acids & bases
indicators, pH (simple explanation with strong acids and bases only)
oxidation/reduction reactions
oxidation number
oxidising and reducing agents
introduction to redox equations including half equations
electrochemical series
corrosion : process and protection
the galvanic cell, batteries, emf
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
practical work to provide concrete experiences to help students in the use of chemical formulae,
equations and the nature of bonds;
chemical data books to assist identification of compounds according to their properties;
quantitative gravimetric analysis to enhance the ideas and relevance of constant proportions of
mass in compounds, solutions, reactants and products;
preparation of solutions of given concentrations using both solutes and other solutions;
quiz type exercises to emphasise the learning of chemical formulae and equation writing;
homework to reinforce concepts covered plus more challenging questions to extend more able
tutorials to support students.
volumetric analysis;
detailed practical analysis of corrosion accompanied by chemical reactions and explanations;
audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about the importance of redox reactions in nature,
and the way reactions may be controlled by technology to further production in industry;
sessions of problem solving within small groups complemented by students demonstrating how to
work out the solution in front of the class;
the library as a source for more in-depth research of the relevance to the environment of the topics
studied in this unit;
molecular model kits and laboratory experimental investigations carried out by individuals or small
groups with occasional teacher/student demonstrations;
excursions and visiting speakers complemented by library research (including information retrieval
using CD-ROMs and the internet);
interactive lessons using audiovisual aids, seminars and oral presentations by students.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested Texts:
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE chemistry Book 1, (Ch 1-7 inclusive, Ch 14, Ch 16),
Jacaranda Press, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 1 and 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2002, Chemistry contexts book 2, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, Australia.
Teacher Resources
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD
Brown, K. 1991, MOLES, a survival guide for GCSE science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, 3rd ed, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.
Bucat, R.(Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry, Vol 1, 2 and teachers' guides, Australian Academy of
Science ,Canberra.
de Vreeze, D. and McMicking, K. 1998, Instant lessons in chemistry Bks 2, 3, Blake Education,
Gogarty, K. et al. 2006, Practical experiments in chemistry 1 & 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Gribben, P. 1999, Interpreting data in chemistry Bk 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Jones, J. 2002, Captivating chemistry: the acidic environment, University of Sydney & UTS, Sydney.
McMurry, J. 1994, Fundamentals of organic chemistry, Brookes/Cole, US.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
The Mole World of Chemistry 1 (video), 1989, Educational Film Center University
of Maryland
The Mole (updated version) (video), 1994, Classroom Video French’s Forest Sydney
The Mole Concept- Concepts in Science- Chemistry 1 (video), 1984, TV Ontario Educational
Communications Authority
Oxidation And Reduction World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Petroleum: A Vital Resource 1993, Brittanica Centre.
Carbon Chemistry 1992, Classroom Video French’s Forest NSW.
Carbon the Compromiser World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Addition Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
Condensation Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
An Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction 1997, Learning Essentials.
Corrosion Reactions 1997, Learning Essentials.
Web sites
WebElements™ periodic table. Winters, M.
The Mole Table of Contents
Writing Equations: Precipitation Reactions
Solubility of Solutes and Aqueous Solutions
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
The Mole, Water & Reactions in Solution
Value: 0.5
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
carry out basic chemical experiments and measure, observe, report, discuss the results of such
use material and equipment with due care and consideration for safety;
write ionic formulas, covalent formulas and chemical equations,
recognise scientific endeavour in chemistry over time and how it impacts on everyday life;
use concepts of quantitative chemistry to solve stoichiometric problems.
The Mole
Avogadro’s number
relative atomic mass (including isotopes)
molar mass (elements and compounds)
percentage composition
empirical and molecular formulae
limiting reactant
Reactions in Water
relevant terms – soluble, insoluble, solute, solvent, precipitate, suspension
types of solution
solubility rules
solubility curves
solutions and dilution
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
practical work to provide concrete experiences to help students in the use of chemical formulae,
equations and the nature of bonds;
chemical data books to assist identification of compounds according to their properties;
quantitative gravimetric analysis to enhance the ideas and relevance of constant proportions of
mass in compounds, solutions, reactants and products;
preparation of solutions of given concentrations using both solutes and other solutions;
quiz type exercises to emphasise the learning of chemical formulae and equation writing;
homework to reinforce concepts covered plus more challenging questions to extend more able
tutorials to support students.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested Texts:
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE chemistry Book 1, (Ch 1-7 inclusive, Ch 14, Ch 16),
Jacaranda Press, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE Units 1 and 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Teacher Resources
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD
Brown, K. 1991, MOLES, a survival guide for GCSE science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
The Mole World of Chemistry 1 (video), 1989, Educational Film Center University
of Maryland
The Mole (updated version) (video), 1994, Classroom Video French’s Forest Sydney
The Mole Concept- Concepts in Science- Chemistry 1 (video), 1984, TV Ontario Educational
Communications Authority
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Web sites
WebElements™ periodic table. Winters, M.
The Mole Table of Contents
Writing Equations: Precipitation Reactions
Solubility of Solutes and Aqueous Solutions
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Acids, Redox and Organic Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 investigate reactions of acids and bases in water using safe and accurate laboratory procedures, while
becoming aware of the importance and complexity of these reactions in the management of the
 observe, collect and interpret data relating to redox reactions and electrochemistry particularly with
respect to processes of economic importance (such as corrosion and its prevention);
 understand how carbon chemistry is based on the unique structure of the carbon atom;
 use practical investigations to appreciate that carbon compounds have certain common structures
which determine their properties, function and classification into major groups;
 research the impact of organic substances, especially polymers, in an environmental, social and
economic context;
 solve problems cooperatively and communicate findings clearly in a variety of ways using
appropriate scientific language.
Acids and Bases
definitions, chemical properties
Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry theories
polyprotic acids
conjugate acid/base pairs
neutralisation using titration
dissociation, ionisation
strong and weak acids & bases
indicators, pH (simple explanation with strong acids and bases only)
oxidation/reduction reactions
oxidation number
oxidising and reducing agents
introduction to redox equations including half equations
electrochemical series
corrosion : process and protection
the galvanic cell, batteries, emf
Organic Chemistry and Polymers
sources of organic compounds (fossil fuels - natural gas, petroleum, coal, living organisms)
the carbon atom
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alicyclics, aromatics and isomers
systematic nomenclature and structural formulae
functional group chemistry :
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
alkanals and alkanones
alkanoic acids
alkanoates (salts & esters)
alkanamines and alkanamides
natural and synthetic polymers
thermoplastics and thermosets
addition and condensation polymerisation
cross linking
manufacturing techniques for plastics
importance to society
environmental concerns regarding use
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 volumetric analysis;
 detailed practical analysis of corrosion accompanied by chemical reactions and explanations;
 audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about the importance of redox reactions in nature,
and the way reactions may be controlled by technology to further production in industry;
 sessions of problem solving within small groups complemented by students demonstrating how to
work out the solution in front of the class;
 the library as a source for more in-depth research of the relevance to the environment of the topics
studied in this unit;
 molecular model kits and laboratory experimental investigations carried out by individuals or small
groups with occasional teacher/student demonstrations;
 excursions and visiting speakers complemented by library research (including information retrieval
using CD-ROMs and the internet);
 interactive lessons using audiovisual aids, seminars and oral presentations by students.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested texts:
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2002, Chemistry contexts book 2, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE Chemistry Book 1, Ch. 8, 9, 17, 20. The Jacaranda
Press, Sydney.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE units 1 & 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, Australia.
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, 3rd ed, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.
Bucat, R.(Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry, Vol 1, 2 and teachers' guides, Australian Academy of
Science ,Canberra.
de Vreeze, D. and McMicking, K. 1998, Instant lessons in chemistry Bks 2, 3, Blake Education,
Gogarty, K. et al. 2006, Practical experiments in chemistry 1 & 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Gribben, P. 1999, Interpreting data in chemistry Bk 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Jones, J. 2002, Captivating chemistry: the acidic environment, University of Sydney & UTS, Sydney.
McMurry, J. 1994, Fundamentals of organic chemistry, Brookes/Cole, US.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
Oxidation And Reduction World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Petroleum: A Vital Resource 1993, Brittanica Centre.
Carbon Chemistry 1992, Classroom Video French’s Forest NSW.
Carbon the Compromiser World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Addition Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Condensation Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
An Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction 1997, Learning Essentials.
Corrosion Reactions 1997, Learning Essentials.
Web sites
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Acids and Redox
Value: 0.5
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 investigate reactions of acids and bases in water using safe and accurate laboratory procedures, while
becoming aware of the importance and complexity of these reactions in the management of the
 observe, collect and interpret data relating to redox reactions and electrochemistry particularly with
respect to processes of economic importance (such as corrosion and its prevention);
 solve problems cooperatively and communicate findings clearly in a variety of ways using
appropriate scientific language.
Acids and Bases
definitions, chemical properties
Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry theories
polyprotic acids
conjugate acid/base pairs
neutralisation using titration
dissociation, ionisation
strong and weak acids & bases
indicators, pH (simple explanation with strong acids and bases only)
oxidation/reduction reactions
oxidation number
oxidising and reducing agents
introduction to redox equations including half equations
electrochemical series
corrosion : process and protection
the galvanic cell, batteries, emf
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 volumetric analysis;
 detailed practical analysis of corrosion accompanied by chemical reactions and explanations;
 audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about the importance of redox reactions in nature,
and the way reactions may be controlled by technology to further production in industry;
 sessions of problem solving within small groups complemented by students demonstrating how to
work out the solution in front of the class;
 the library as a source for more in-depth research of the relevance to the environment of the topics
studied in this unit;
 molecular model kits and laboratory experimental investigations carried out by individuals or small
groups with occasional teacher/student demonstrations;
 excursions and visiting speakers complemented by library research (including information retrieval
using CD-ROMs and the internet);
 interactive lessons using audiovisual aids, seminars and oral presentations by students.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested texts:
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2002, Chemistry contexts book 2, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE Chemistry Book 1, Ch. 8, 9, 17, 20. The Jacaranda
Press, Sydney.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE units 1 & 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, Australia.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, 3rd ed, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.
Bucat, R.(Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry, Vol 1, 2 and teachers' guides, Australian Academy of
Science ,Canberra.
de Vreeze, D. and McMicking, K. 1998, Instant lessons in chemistry Bks 2, 3, Blake Education,
Gogarty, K. et al. 2006, Practical experiments in chemistry 1 & 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Gribben, P. 1999, Interpreting data in chemistry Bk 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Jones, J. 2002, Captivating chemistry: the acidic environment, University of Sydney & UTS, Sydney.
McMurry, J. 1994, Fundamentals of organic chemistry, Brookes/Cole, US.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
Oxidation And Reduction World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Petroleum: A Vital Resource 1993, Brittanica Centre.
Carbon Chemistry 1992, Classroom Video French’s Forest NSW.
Carbon the Compromiser World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Addition Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
Condensation Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
An Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction 1997, Learning Essentials.
Corrosion Reactions 1997, Learning Essentials.
Web sites
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Organic Chemistry
Value: 0.5
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 understand how carbon chemistry is based on the unique structure of the carbon atom;
 use practical investigations to appreciate that carbon compounds have certain common structures
which determine their properties, function and classification into major groups;
 research the impact of organic substances, especially polymers, in an environmental, social and
economic context;
 solve problems cooperatively and communicate findings clearly in a variety of ways using
appropriate scientific language.
Organic Chemistry and Polymers
sources of organic compounds (fossil fuels - natural gas, petroleum, coal, living organisms)
the carbon atom
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alicyclics, aromatics and isomers
systematic nomenclature and structural formulae
functional group chemistry :
alkanals and alkanones
alkanoic acids
alkanoates (salts & esters)
alkanamines and alkanamides
natural and synthetic polymers
thermoplastics and thermosets
addition and condensation polymerisation
cross linking
manufacturing techniques for plastics
importance to society
environmental concerns regarding use
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 sessions of problem solving within small groups complemented by students demonstrating how to
work out the solution in front of the class;
 the library as a source for more in-depth research of the relevance to the environment of the topics
studied in this unit;
 molecular model kits and laboratory experimental investigations carried out by individuals or small
groups with occasional teacher/student demonstrations;
 excursions and visiting speakers complemented by library research (including information retrieval
using CD-ROMs and the internet);
 interactive lessons using audiovisual aids, seminars and oral presentations by students.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested texts:
Commons, C. et al. 1999, Chemistry 1, 3rd ed, Heinemann, Melbourne.
Irwin, D. et al. 2002, Chemistry contexts book 2, Longman Sciences, Melbourne.
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections VCE Chemistry Book 1, Ch. 8, 9, 17, 20. The Jacaranda
Press, Sydney.
Sharwood, J. (ed) et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry (VCE units 1 & 2), Nelson, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill, Australia.
Aylward, G. and Findlay, T. 1994, SI chemical data, 3rd ed, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.
Bucat, R.(Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry, Vol 1, 2 and teachers' guides, Australian Academy of
Science ,Canberra.
de Vreeze, D. and McMicking, K. 1998, Instant lessons in chemistry Bks 2, 3, Blake Education,
Gogarty, K. et al. 2006, Practical experiments in chemistry 1 & 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Gribben, P. 1999, Interpreting data in chemistry Bk 2, Blake Education, Victoria.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Jones, J. 2002, Captivating chemistry: the acidic environment, University of Sydney & UTS, Sydney.
McMurry, J. 1994, Fundamentals of organic chemistry, Brookes/Cole, US.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters and Chemistry Review
Audio visual Material
Oxidation And Reduction World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Petroleum: A Vital Resource 1993, Brittanica Centre.
Carbon Chemistry 1992, Classroom Video French’s Forest NSW.
Carbon the Compromiser World of Chemistry 2 1989, Educational Film Center University of
Maryland, US.
Addition Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
Condensation Polymers-Investigating Polymers Series 1998, Video Education Australasia.
An Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction 1997, Learning Essentials.
Corrosion Reactions 1997, Learning Essentials.
Web sites
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Physical Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure including quantum numbers and the gradual
filling of orbitals determine the position of elements in the periodic table;
 use practical investigations to observe the common properties and trends of elements within
"groups" and "blocks" in the periodic table with special focus on the transition elements;
 use scientific investigation to understand the inter relationships of factors affecting the behaviour of
gases, qualitatively and, where possible, quantitatively;
 organise and process data collected by careful measurements so as to enhance their understanding
of energy changes in chemical reactions;
 solve computational problems relating to thermochemical equations;
 investigate the principles of equilibrium as they relate to chemistry in living systems and/or industrial
 understand the dynamic nature of chemical reactions and predict the impact of imposed changes;
 demonstrate effective research and communicate findings with clarity.
kinetic molecular theory
gas laws (Gay-Lussac, Charles, Boyle, General Gas Equation, Ideal Gas Equation and
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures)
molar volume, Avogadro's hypothesis, real and ideal gases
Modern Atomic Theory
models from Dalton to quantum mechanical
organisation of, and trends in the periodic table, eg ionisation energy, atomic radius, ionic
radius, melting point, electronegativity etc.
transition elements and their properties
definitions and conversions
energy changes in chemical reactions ΔHr, ΔHc, ΔHf, ΔHat, ΔHv and bond energies
quantitative aspects of energy input and output
enthalpy diagrams
calorimetry and Hess's law
sources of chemical energy for fuel
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Reaction Kinetics and Equilibrium
activation energy
reaction rates, catalysis, activated complex
concepts of equilibrium
Le Chatelier's principle, the equilibrium constant, Kc, Kw, Ksp
strong and weak acids, pH, Ka, Kb and buffers
acid base titrations, indicator theory
applications in industry and living systems
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
discharge tubes and spectrometers to demonstrate atomic finger prints;
practical investigations that show the properties of elements in a group and period, with
particular emphasis on transition elements;
specialised equipment to demonstrate the laws of Boyle, Charles and Gay-Lussac;
calorimetric exercises demonstrating quantitative aspects of energy changes including
Hess's Law;
electronic temperature probe and computer assisted graphing of results;
small group work to solve thermodynamic problems combined with student demonstration
of problem solving to the class;
a written research assignment in the form of an in-class or polished essay or a written item
in line with AST expectations;
practical activities examining Le Chatelier’s Principle.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested Texts:
Bucat, R (Ed) 1984, Elements of chemistry vol I & II, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
James, M. et al. 1991 & 1992, Chemical connection, VCE chemistry, Book 1(chapter 19) & Book 2
(chapters 13,14,24,25,26), Jacaranda Press, Melbourne.
Smith, R. 2005, Conquering chemistry, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, Rydalmere NSW (chapters
13,14,15,16,19,23,25) .
Wiecek, C. 1989, Chemistry for senior students, The Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from Chemistry Review, Phillip Allan Updates, Oxfordshire.
Relevant articles from ChemMatters, American Chemical Society, Washington.
Audio visual Material
Acid Rain and Kw Chemistry Connection Series #40 1997, (video) Classroom.
Chemistry of the Environment (video) Classroom Video.
Hess’s Law and Enthalpy Communication-Chemistry Connection Series #8 1997 (video) Classroom
Chemical Equilibrium 1984, Concepts in Science Chemistry 1 TV Ontario.
Chemical Energy, Classroom Video.
Equilibrium- the Concepts (DVD) 2003, VEA Australasia.
Equilibrium 2- Applying the Concepts (DVD) 2003, VEA Australasia.
D.Smith, S. Monteath, M. Gould, (CD ROM), Chemistry in Use Book 1 Teacher Resource The
McGraw Hill Companies 2006
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Value: 1.0
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
outline the relationship between cell functions and structure,
understand the structure of biomolecules, their identification and the relationship between
structure and function;
carry out simple experiments which demonstrate the control and management of chemical
use scientific investigations to understand the complexity of processes in living organisms
at a molecular level, both qualitatively and, where possible, quantitatively;
demonstrate safe handling of materials and equipment and work effectively as an
individual or in a team;
gain an appreciation of the ethical issues involved in genetic engineering, and an
understanding of the chemical processes involved.
Introduction to Biochemistry
Cell structure and function
Revision of functional groups
Monomers and polymers
Saccharides - monosaccharides, open and ring structure
- disaccharides, bonding between rings
- polysaccharides – chains and cross-linking
Lipids – fatty acids, triglycerides, phosphoglycerides, lipid bi-layers, and simple steroid
Amino acids
Proteins and their structure - primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
Enzymes - proteins in action
factors influencing activity
Nucleic acids – RNA - three types, structure and function
DNA - structure and function
Protein synthesis
Cellular Respiration
Emphasis should be on inputs and outputs, and location in cell of process, rather than the
chemical detail of each reaction
Krebs cycle
Electron transfer chain
Alternative pathways (anaerobic)
Coupled reactions, energy outcomes
Role of ATP, NADH, FADH2 and Coenzyme-A
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Light and dark reactions
The photo-systems, the Calvin Cycle
Genetic Engineering
DNA sequencing - the Sanger technique and its modern derivatives
Gene splicing
Benefits of genetic engineering and ethical issues.
Case studies of some Australian examples, e.g. cotton, canola, human insulin.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc;
practical investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data, and the
presentation of results;
use of model building, e.g. Molymod kits, to gain an understanding of molecular structure;
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities;
a detailed written/oral presentation of a biochemical process studied;
visit to CSIRO Green Machine and/or ANU and/or UC to see DNA sequencing and other techniques
which cannot be carried out in a college laboratory.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Specific Unit Resources
Molymod Modelling Kits
Suggested Text
Harwood R, 2002, Biochemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Teacher Resources
Aldridge, S. 1994, Biochemistry for advanced biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green, N.P.D. et al. 1984, Biological science I chapters 5&6, Cambridge University Press,UK.
James, M.1992, Chemical connections book 2 , The Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Audio visual Material
Cellular Respiration – Concepts In Science Biology 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications
Photosynthesis - Concepts In Science Biology 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications
Protein Synthesis Concepts In Science Biology 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications.
Genetic Engineering Education Kit, 1992, CSIRO.
ABC video on DNA 2005.
DNA Interactive DVD (PAL version), 2003, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Springs Harbour
Laboratory and Windfall Films Ltd.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Biochemical Structures and Functions
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
outline the relationship between cell functions and structure,
understand the structure of biomolecules, their identification and the relationship between
structure and function;
carry out simple experiments which demonstrate the control and management of chemical
use scientific investigations to understand the complexity of processes in living organisms
at a molecular level, both qualitatively and, where possible, quantitatively;
demonstrate safe handling of materials and equipment and work effectively as an
individual or in a team.
Introduction to Biochemistry
Cell structure and function
Revision of functional groups
Monomers and polymers
Saccharides - monosaccharides, open and ring structure
- disaccharides, bonding between rings
- polysaccharides – chains and cross-linking.
Lipids - fatty acids, triglycerides, phosphoglycerides, lipid bi-layers, and simple steroid
Amino acids
Proteins and their structure, - primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
Enzymes - proteins in action
factors influencing activity.
Nucleic acids – RNA - three types, structure and function
DNA - structure and function
Protein synthesis
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc;
practical investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data, and the
presentation of results;
use of model building, e.g. molymod kits, to gain an understanding of molecular structure;
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities;
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Molymod Modelling Kit
Suggested Text
Harwood, R, 2002, Biochemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Teacher Resources
Aldridge, S. 1994, Biochemistry for advanced biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green, N. et al. 1984, Biological science I chapters 5&6, Cambridge University Press , UK.
James, M. 1992, Chemical connections book 2, Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Audio visual Material
ABC video on DNA 2005.
DNA Interactive DVD (PAL version), 2003, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Springs Harbour
Laboratory and Windfall Films Ltd
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Biochemical Processes & Applications
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
outline the relationship between cell functions and structure,
carry out simple experiments which demonstrate the control and management of chemical
demonstrate safe handling of materials and equipment and work effectively as an
individual or in a team;
use information technology to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of results obtained
in practical activities;
gain an appreciation of the ethical issues involved in genetic engineering, and an
understanding of the chemical processes involved.
Cellular Respiration
Emphasis should be on inputs and outputs, and location in cell of process, rather than the
chemical detail of each reaction
Krebs cycle
Electron transfer chain
Alternative pathways (anaerobic)
Coupled reactions, energy outcomes
Role of ATP, NADH, FADH2 and Coenzyme-A
Light and dark reactions
The photo-systems, the Calvin Cycle
Genetic Engineering
DNA sequencing - the Sanger technique and its modern derivatives
Gene splicing
Benefits of genetic engineering and ethical issues.
Case studies of some Australian examples, e.g. cotton, canola, human insulin.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc;
practical investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data, and the
presentation of results;
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities;
a detailed written/oral presentation of a biochemical process studied;
Visit to CSIRO Green Machine and/or ANU and/or UC to see DNA sequencing and other techniques
which cannot be carried out in college laboratory.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Aldridge, S. 1994, Biochemistry for advanced biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green, N. et al. 1984, Biological science I chapters 5&6, Cambridge University Press, UK.
James, M. 1992, Chemical connections book 2, The Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Audio visual Material
Cellular Respiration – Concepts In Science Biology, 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications
Photosynthesis – Concepts In Science Biology, 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications
Protein Synthesis – Concepts In Science Biology, 1984, TV Ontario Educational Communications.
Genetic Engineering Education Kit, 1992, CSIRO.
ABC video on DNA 2005
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
DNA Interactive DVD (PAL version) 2003, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Spring Harbour
Laboratory and Windfall Films Ltd.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Industrial Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
design and carry out scientific investigations relating to industrial processes, and report on
these investigations;
record and analyse experimental data and use this data to further their experimental
research, analyse, synthesise, evaluate and communicate relevant concepts and their
applications in industry;
organise and manipulate concepts and data to solve problems relevant to industrial
Preparative chemistry
Comparison between laboratory and industrial scale
Emphasis on yield, purity, by products and error
Stoichiometry and energy relationships extended
Considerations for chemical industry
Siting of industry
Economic viability
Environmental implications
Overview of reactivity of metals and significance to their method of extraction
Extraction of metals and electrolysis in industry
The Chlor-Alkali Industry
Manufacture of
Sulfuric acid
Nitric acid
Petrochemicals especially ethene and its derivatives, including polymers.
Choice of any one of the following:
Food industry
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching and Learning Strategies may include the use of:
experimental work simulating industrial processes and analytical methods;
significant individual or small group research and experimentation, using a diary method of
keeping track of student progress in their projects, with demonstration seminars;
an excursion to relevant mining and/or other industrial sites and local factories;
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
James, M. and Stokes, R. 1991 & 1992, Chemical connections VCE chemistry book 2,
Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1998, Chemistry in the market place, 5th Ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Haber Process Advanced Version 1.1, 2001, O’Brien, M.
Web sites
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Foundations of Industrial Chemistry
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
design and carry out scientific investigations relating to industrial processes, and report on
these investigations;
record and analyse experimental data and use this data to further their experimental
research, analyse, synthesise, evaluate and communicate relevant concepts and their
applications in industry;
organise and manipulate concepts and data to solve problems relevant to industrial
Preparative chemistry
Comparison between laboratory and industrial scale
Emphasis on yield, purity, by products and error
Stoichiometry, energy relationships extended
Considerations for chemical industry
Siting of industry
Economic viability
Environmental implications
Overview of reactivity of metals and significance to their method of extraction
Extraction of metals and electrolysis in industry
The Chlor-Alkali Industry
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching and Learning Strategies may include the use of:
experimental work simulating industrial processes and analytical methods;
significant individual or small group research and experimentation, using a diary method of
keeping track of student progress in their projects, with demonstration seminars;
an excursion to relevant mining and/or other industrial sites and local factories;
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
James, M. and Stokes, R., 1992, Chemical connections book 2 The Jacaranda Press,
(particularly Chapters 6,7,8,12,17,18) Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Investigation of Industrial Processes
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
design and carry out scientific investigations relating to industrial processes, and report on
these investigations;
record and analyse experimental data and use this data to further their experimental
research, analyse, synthesise, evaluate and communicate relevant concepts and their
applications in industry;
organise and manipulate concepts and data to solve problems relevant to industrial
Manufacture of:
Sulphuric acid
Nitric acid
Petrochemicals especially ethene and its derivatives, including polymers.
Choice of any one of the following:
Food industry
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching and Learning Strategies may include the use of:
experimental work simulating industrial processes and analytical methods;
significant individual or small group research and experimentation, using a diary method of
keeping track of student progress in their projects, with demonstration seminars;
an excursion to relevant mining and/or other industrial sites and local factories;
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
James, M. and Stokes, R. 1992, Chemical connections book 2 (particularly Chapters 6,7,8,12,17,18),
The Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Environmental Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
recognise the cyclic nature of matter and the fact that human interference causes changes
to accelerate and that these changes are often cumulative, unpredictable and sometimes
analyse and evaluate conditions that affect an environment by trials and data collection
from selected areas;
understand that the management of resources and the environment demands a
multidisciplinary approach and that knowledge of chemistry often plays an integral role in
finding solutions to problems;
carry out research to increase understanding of the complexities of the environment and
use the findings to explain observed phenomena.
The Environment
components: land, air, water and the biomass
cycling of matter in nature
management of the environment
renewable and non-renewable
properties: physical and chemical
management of resources
coal chemistry
land, air and water
Greenhouse, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion
waste management, recycling
“clean” technologies
Relevant Environmental Incidents
e.g. Bhopal, Coode Is, Minamata, Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez, North Parkes
Topics For Investigation (examples only)
fertilizer, salinity, pH trials using suitable plant material and different soil types, water quality
monitoring, industrial waste clean up, testing biodegradable material, use and misuse of surfactants,
optimum conditions for composting organic material, energy and fuel efficiency, phosphates in
water, heavy metals etc
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids (with emphasis on the use of videos on
current issues) to generate discussion and debate;
collection and analysis of newspaper articles relevant to environmental issues;
excursions to the local environment (eg Dick’s Creek) and industrial sites to witness
chemical and management procedures first hand (eg Lower Molonglo Water Treatment
a wide range of experiments and other investigations relating to a relevant topic and
culminating in a major report;
use of visiting experts eg from Waterwatch
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Australian Academy of Science 1994, Environmental science, Australian Academy of Science,
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections book 1, Ch. 12, 14, 15, 18; book 2, Ch. 4, 6, 14, 22,
Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Laidler, G. 1991, Environmental chemistry an Australian perspective, Longman Cheshire, South
Audio visual Material
Against Nature 1998, ABC Inside Story.
Battle For The Planet 1989, Air Pollution.
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring 1993, WGBH Educational Foundation Peace River Films.
The Blue Revolution 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Ocean Planet 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Curse of an Ancient Land – SALT (DVD) 2004, The Earth Resources Foundation, University of
Web Pages
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Principles of Environmental Chemistry
Value: 0.5
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
recognise the cyclic nature of matter and the fact that human interference causes changes
to accelerate and that these changes are often cumulative, unpredictable and sometimes
analyse and evaluate conditions that affect an environment by trials and data collection
from selected areas;
understand that the management of resources and the environment demands a
multidisciplinary approach and that knowledge of chemistry often plays an integral role in
finding solutions to problems;
carry out research to increase understanding of the complexities of the environment and
use the findings to explain observed phenomena.
The Environment
components: land, air, water and the biomass
cycling of matter in nature
management of the environment
renewable and non-renewable
properties: physical and chemical
management of resources
coal chemistry
land, air and water
Greenhouse, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion
waste management, recycling
“clean” technologies
Relevant Environmental Incidents
e.g. Bhopal, Coode Is, Minamata, Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez, North Parkes
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids (with emphasis on the use of videos on
current issues) to generate discussion and debate;
collection and analysis of newspaper articles relevant to environmental issues;
excursions to the local environment (eg Dick’s Creek) and industrial sites to witness
chemical and management procedures first hand (eg Lower Molonglo Water Treatment
a wide range of experiments and other investigations relating to a relevant topic and
culminating in a major report;
use of visiting experts eg from Waterwatch
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Australian Academy of Science,1994, Environmental science, Australian Academy of Science,
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections book 1, Ch. 12, 14, 15, 18. book 2, Ch. 4, 6, 14, 22, The
Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Laidler, G. 1991, Environmental chemistry an australian perspective, Longman
Cheshire, South Melbourne.
Audio visual Material
Against Nature 1998, ABC Inside Story.
Battle For The Planet 1989, Air Pollution.
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring 1993, WGBH Educational Foundation Peace River Films.
The Blue Revolution 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Ocean Planet 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Web Pages
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Investigation of Environmental Incidents
Value: 0.5
Introductory Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
analyse and evaluate conditions that affect an environment by trials and data collection
from selected areas;
discuss that the management of resources and the environment demands a
multidisciplinary approach and that knowledge of chemistry often plays an integral role in
finding solutions to problems;
carry out research to increase understanding of the complexities of the environment and
use the findings to explain observed phenomena.
Topics For Investigation (examples only)
fertilizer, salinity, pH trials using suitable plant material and different soil types, water quality
monitoring, industrial waste clean up, testing biodegradable material, use and misuse of surfactants,
optimum conditions for composting organic material, energy and fuel efficiency, phosphates in
water, heavy metals etc
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids (with emphasis on the use of videos on
current issues) to generate discussion and debate;
collection and analysis of newspaper articles relevant to environmental issues;
excursions to the local environment (eg Dick’s Creek) and industrial sites to witness
chemical and management procedures first hand (eg Lower Molonglo Water Treatment
a wide range of experiments and other investigations relating to a relevant topic and
culminating in a major report;
use of visiting experts eg from Waterwatch.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Australian Academy of Science,1994, Environmental science, Australian Academy of Science,
James, M. et al. 1991, Chemical connections book 1, Ch. 12, 14, 15, 18; book 2, Ch. 4, 6, 14, 22,
Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Laidler, G. 1991, Environmental chemistry an Australian perspective, Longman
Cheshire, South Melbourne.
Audio visual Material
Against Nature 1998, ABC Inside Story.
Battle For The Planet 1989, Air Pollution.
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring 1993, WGBH Educational Foundation Peace River Films.
The Blue Revolution 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Ocean Planet 1989, BRNK & HTV.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Analytical Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
understand the roles of analysis and the development of modern techniques;
carry out both qualitative and quantitative analysis;
understand advanced instrumentation using tertiary and commercial facilities;
discuss the issues surrounding quality control and food testing;
carry out research to further understand the complexities analytical chemistry and use the findings
to explain observed phenomena;
apply analytical techniques to examine problems for consumers and improve environmental safety
Basic separation techniques
paper and liquid chromatography
Quantitative analysis
accuracy and precision
gravimetric techniques
volumetric analysis
back titrations
Qualitative analysis
analysis of ionic species by solubility and precipitation using various cations
Basic spectroscopic techniques
flame photometry
redox volumetric analysis
back titrations
IR and UV
Advanced instrumentation
fluorometry, AAS, HPLC, GC, NMR
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 collection of data to investigate identification of substances and detect errors and
statistical trends;
interactive lessons incorporating methods of analysis and detection;
experimental investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of raw
data, and the presentation of results in the scientific method;
use of analytical equipment , to gain an understanding of techniques used in industrial
use of data loggers and interpreting graphical data;
group work to encourage team data collection;
research and use second hand data to formulate an understanding of advanced analytical
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities;
a major research project on advanced analytical instrumentation and social/ethical
implications for health and environment.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Commons, C. et al. 1995, Chemistry 2, Rigby Heinemann, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry, Nelson Thomson Learning, Victoria.
McCarthy, A. 2002, Methods of analysis and detection, Cambridge University Press, Bichester.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
A wide range of laboratory equipment and analytical equipment is viewed at institutions within the ACT.
These include :
Version 2
University of Canberra
Therapeutic Goods Administration
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Introduction to Chemical Analysis
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
understand the roles of analysis;
carry out both qualitative and quantitative analysis;
understand advanced instrumentation using tertiary and commercial facilities;
Basic separation techniques
paper and liquid chromatography
Quantitative analysis
accuracy and precision
gravimetric techniques
volumetric analysis
back titrations
Qualitative analysis
analysis of ionic species by solubility and precipitation using various cations
Basic spectroscopic techniques
flame photometry
redox volumetric analysis
back titrations
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 collection of data to investigate identification of substances and detect errors and
statistical trends;
interactive lessons incorporating methods of analysis and detection;
experimental investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of raw
data, and the presentation of results in the scientific method;
use of analytical equipment , to gain an understanding of techniques used in industrial
use of data loggers and interpreting graphical data;
group work to encourage team data collection;
research and use second hand data to formulate an understanding of advanced analytical
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Commons, C. et al. 1995, Chemistry 2, Rigby Heinemann, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry, Nelson Thomson Learning, Victoria.
McCarthy, A. 2002, Methods of analysis and detection, Cambridge University Press, Bichester.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Advanced Analytical Processes
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
discuss the issues surrounding quality control and food testing;
carry out research to further understand the complexities analytical chemistry and use the findings
to explain observed phenomena;
apply analytical techniques to examine problems for consumers and improve environmental safety
Basic spectroscopic techniques
IR and UV
Advanced instrumentation
fluorometry, AAS, HPLC, GC, NMR
A major research project on an advanced analytical instrumentation and social/ethical
implications for health and environment
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 collection of data to investigate identification of substances and detect errors and
statistical trends;
interactive lessons incorporating methods of analysis and detection;
experimental investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of raw
data, and the presentation of results in the scientific method;
use of analytical equipment , to gain an understanding of techniques used in industrial
use of data loggers and interpreting graphical data;
group work to encourage team data collection;
research and use second hand data to formulate an understanding of advanced analytical
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Commons, C. et al. 1995, Chemistry 2, Rigby Heinemann, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry, Nelson Thomson Learning, Victoria.
McCarthy, A. 2002, Methods of analysis and detection, Cambridge University Press, Bichester.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Forensic Chemistry
Value: 1.0
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 understand the role of the forensic chemist in helping crime investigators solve crimes
 demonstrate an understanding of the processes of chemical analysis of evidence and the security
involved in maintaining the chain of custody
 design and carry out scientific investigations relating to chemical analysis of inorganic evidence
 demonstrate the safe handing of materials and equipment and work effectively as an individual or
in a team
 understand the instrumentation used in forensic science laboratories
In this unit, students will study the analysis of evidence as carried out in the forensic laboratory.
The role of the forensic chemist
Locard’s principle of forensic science
need for accuracy, often only small samples, prevention of contamination
collection, transport and storage of evidence
chain of custody issues
overview of the techniques and instruments used in the forensic laboratory
destructive and non-destructive techniques
qualitative and quantitative analysis
instruments available including the comparison and scanning electron microscopes
use in comparison of trace evidence such as soils, paint layers, hairs and fibres
using light of different wavelengths to compare samples of soils, fibres, oils
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)
Chemical analysis that involves cations and anions
qualitative and quantitative analysis
precipitation and solubility analysis
volumetric and gravimetric techniques
flame tests
atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
mass spectrometry (MS)
Analysis of soil samples
mineral and organic matter analysis
comparisons using microscopy and UV light,
measurements of pH and density
Comparison of glass samples
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
chemical composition of different glass types
density and refractive index measurements
the different functional groups
tests to distinguish the different groups
infrared spectroscopy (IR) used to identify classes of drugs
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Proteins and amino acids
chemical tests to identify the presence of proteins (Biurets)
DNA profiling
Analysis of body fluids
the post mortem
effect of drugs and poisons on the human body
recognition and measurement of these chemicals to help identify the cause of death
Arson and explosives
study of fire and explosions
chemicals that commonly used to accelerate a fire and how they are detected and
chemicals and devices used to cause explosions and how they can be identified and lead
investigators to a possible suspect
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 practical work to give experience and understanding in the analysis of unknown substances
 audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about how chemical analysis is used to solve
 library and internet as a resource for an in-depth research of a modern chemical analysis technique
used in the forensic laboratory
 collection and analysis of a newspaper article reporting a recent crime where chemical analysis was
crucial in the solving of the crime
 critical analysis of a recent television episode in which chemical analysis of evidence contributed to
the solving of the crime
 excursions and/or visiting speakers to enhance the student’s understanding of real life work in a
modern forensic laboratory
 solving a hypothetical crime where the students are given chemical evidence that requires analysis
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested Texts:
Smith, R, 2005, Conquering chemistry HSC course, (Ch 13-15), McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd,
Thickett, G. 2000, Chemistry pathways 1 and 2, (Forensic Chemistry supplement) Macmillan,
Teacher Resources
Saferstein, R. 2001, Criminalistics an introduction to forensic science, Prentice Hall, N J US.
Lyle, D. 2004, Forensics for dummies, Wiley Publishing Inc, Indianapolis US.
Lane, B. 1993, The encyclopaedia of forensic science, Hodder Headline PLC, London.
Evans, C. 1996, The casebook of forensic detection, John Wiley & Sons, US.
Owen, D. 2002, Police lab, New Burlington Books, London UK.
Brown, M. and Wilson, P. 1992, Justice and nightmares, NSW University Press, Sydney.
Genge, N. 2004, The forensic case book, Random House Australia, Sydney.
Jolley, J. and Powrie, J. 2000, Forensic science for high schools book 1, Emerald City Press, Glebe,
Powrie, J. and Jolley, J. 2000, Forensic science for high schools book 2, Emerald City Press, Glebe
Jolley, J. and Powrie, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 3, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Powrie, J. and Jolley, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 4, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Jolley, J. Forensic chemistry books 1 & 2, Blake Education (to be published in 2007), Sydney.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters, Chemistry Review and The Australian Journal of Forensic
Audio visual Material
A Case of Murder, 1997, Learning Essentials Clayton South, Victoria
The New Detective Series: Learning Essentials Clayton South, Victoria
Infallible Witness, Shreds of Evidence, Double Helix
Video Education Australia video(s) coming on Forensic Chemistry in 2007
Web sites
Reddy’s Forensic Page, most forensic applications covered, Chamakura, Reddy
National Institute of Forensic Science (Australia) home page. excellent resources and links
Zeno’s Forensic Site, covers most aspect forensic chemistry, Geradts, Dr Zeno
Home page of National Association of High school Teachers of Forensic Science (USA)
Website that gives a large number of forensic sites suitable for teachers and students
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Australian Federal Police Weston Canberra.
University of Canberra.
Canberra Institute of Technology (Bruce campus).
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Principles & Processes of Forensics
Value: 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 understand the role of the forensic chemist in helping crime investigators solve crimes
 demonstrate an understanding of the processes of chemical analysis of evidence and the security
involved in maintaining the chain of custody
 design and carry out scientific investigations relating to chemical analysis of inorganic evidence
 demonstrate the safe handing of materials and equipment and work effectively as an individual or
in a team
 understand the instrumentation used in forensic science laboratories
In this unit, students will study the analysis of evidence as carried out in the forensic laboratory
The role of the forensic chemist
Locard’s principle of forensic science
need for accuracy, often only small samples, prevention of contamination
collection, transport and storage of evidence
chain of custody issues
overview of the techniques and instruments used in the forensic laboratory
destructive and non-destructive techniques
qualitative and quantitative analysis
instruments available including the comparison and scanning electron microscopes
use in comparison of trace evidence such as soils, paint layers, hairs and fibres
using light of different wavelengths to compare samples of soils, fibres, oils
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)
Chemical analysis that involves cations and anions
qualitative and quantitative analysis
precipitation and solubility analysis
volumetric and gravimetric techniques
flame tests
atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)
Analysis of soil samples
mineral and organic matter analysis
comparisons using microscopy and UV light,
measurements of pH and density
Comparison of glass samples
chemical composition of different glass types
density and refractive index measurements
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
 practical work to give experience and understanding in the analysis of unknown substances;
 audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about how chemical analysis is used to solve
 library and internet as a resource for an in-depth research of a modern chemical analysis technique
used in the forensic laboratory;
 collection and analysis of a newspaper article reporting a recent crime where chemical analysis was
crucial in the solving of the crime;
 critical analysis of a recent television episode in which chemical analysis of evidence contributed to
the solving of the crime;
 excursions and/or visiting speakers to enhance the student’s understanding of real life work in a
modern forensic laboratory;
 solving a hypothetical crime where the students are given chemical evidence that requires analysis.
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Suggested Texts:
Smith, R, 2005, Conquering chemistry HSC Course, (Ch 13-15), McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd,
Thickett, G, 2000, Chemistry pathways 1 and 2, (Forensic Chemistry supplement) Macmillan,
Teacher Resources
Saferstein, R. 2001, Criminalistics an introduction to forensic science, Prentice Hall, N J US.
Lyle, D. 2004, Forensics for dummies, Wiley Publishing Inc, Indianapolis US.
Lane, B. 1993, The encyclopaedia of forensic science, Hodder Headline PLC, London.
Evans, C. 1996, The casebook of forensic detection, John Wiley & Sons, US.
Owen, D. 2002, Police lab, New Burlington Books, London UK.
Brown, M. and Wilson, P. 1992, Justice and nightmares, NSW University Press, Sydney.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Genge, N. 2004, The forensic case book, Random House Australia, Sydney.
Jolley, J. and Powrie, J. 2000, Forensic science for high schools book 1, Emerald City Press, Glebe,
Powrie, J. and Jolley, J. 2000, Forensic science for high schools book 2, Emerald City Press, Glebe
Jolley, J. and Powrie, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 3, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Powrie, J. and Jolley, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 4, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Jolley, J. Forensic chemistry books 1 & 2, Blake Education (to be published in 2007), Sydney.
Jolley, J. and Powrie, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 3, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Powrie, J. and Jolley, J. 2003, Forensic science for high schools book 4, Learning Essentials, Malvern
Jolley, J. Forensic chemistry books 1 & 2, Blake Education (to be published in 2007), Sydney.
Journal Articles
Relevant articles from ChemMatters, Chemistry Review and The Australian Journal of Forensic
Audio visual Material
Learning Essentials video on fibres and DNA.
Video Education Australia video(s) coming on Forensic Chemistry in 2007.
Web sites
Reddy’s Forensic Page, most forensic applications covered, Chamakura, Reddy
National Institute of Forensic Science (Australia) home page. excellent resources and links
Zeno’s Forensic Site, covers most aspect forensic chemistry, Geradts, Dr Zeno
Home page of National Association of High School Teachers of Forensic Science (USA)
Website that gives a large number of forensic sites suitable for teachers and students
These were accurate at the time of publication.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Australian Federal Police Weston Canberra.
University of Canberra.
Canberra Institute of Technology (Bruce campus).
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Value 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
 further develop knowledge of redox reactions, including corrosion and its electrochemical nature and
prevention techniques;
 develop an understanding of theoretical and practical issues in the design of devices that produce
electricity from chemical reactions.
 develop an awareness of industrial electrolytic processes in production of metals (e.g. aluminium,
halogens (e.g. chlorine) and sodium hydroxide.
 develop an appreciation of some of the issues encountered within the chemical industry, particularly
that part of it based on chlorine production.
Review of :
Oxidation/Reduction reactions & redox equations
Electrochemical cells & the electrochemical series
Primary & secondary cells: design features of those currently available and being developed.
Fuel cells: current designs, future applications. Issues in developing a hydrogen economy.
Electrolytic cells: prediction of products at electrodes, application of Faraday’s Laws
Industrial electrolytic processes: e.g. production of aluminium, chlorine, sodium hydroxide
The chlorine-based chemical industry: its products and environmental impacts.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching and learning strategies may include the use of
 detailed practical analysis of electrochemical cells accompanied by chemical reactions and
 audio visual material to stimulate class discussion about the importance of redox reactions in
technologies of great importance to the future;
 the library as a source for more in-depth research into the environmental impact of the topics studied
in this unit;
 excursions and visiting speakers complemented by library research (including information retrieval
using CD-ROMs and the internet);
 interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate and oral presentations by
electronic probe data logging with computer-assisted graphing of results;
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Refer to page 13.
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Aylward, G. and. Findlay, T, 1994, SI chemical data, John Wiley & Sons, Milton QLD.
Budavari, S (ed) 1996 The Merck Index – An encyclopaedia of chemicals, drugs & botanicals, 12th
ed, Merck & Co, Whitehouse Station NJ US.
Hill, G. and Holman, J. 1989, Chemistry in context, Nelson, Melbourne.
Selinger, B. 1998, Chemistry in the market place, 5th ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Sharwood, .J. et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry VCE units 3&4, Nelson, Melbourne.
Weast, R. (ed) 1979-1980, CRC handbook of chemistry & physics, 60th ed, The Chemical Rubber
Company, Cleveland US.
Choice Magazine
New Scientist
Primary Cells, Secondary Cells and Fuel Cells 1997, (videorecording), Marcom Projects, Loganholme
Salt of the Earth 1990, (videorecording)/David Suzuki CBC Television, Toronto, Canada.
The Making of Aluminium 1993, (Advanced Version) (videorecording) Video Education Australasia,
Bendigo, Victoria.
The Chlor-Alkali Industry 1995, (videorecording) Granada, London UK.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Extended Research
Value: 0.5
Students undertaking this unit should have demonstrated a high degree of interest in, and aptitude for,
Chemistry with at least a minor in the subject.
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
demonstrate a high degree of initiative in the planning and organisation of a major piece of
work in a field of chemistry;
work independently and negotiate appropriate parameters for the study undertaken,
including the emphasis that should be placed on the impact of chemistry on the
environment and the ensuing social and economic consequences;
collect and process data showing a high level of analytical and interpretive skills, while
taking responsibility for the safe handling of experimental material and equipment when
investigating the chemistry related to their topic;
clearly communicate an understanding of the chemical concepts underpinning the topic.
This unit enables students to study a topic of interest to them in greater depth than is possible in the other
units. Negotiated content should reflect the goals of the unit. Some suggested approaches are:
an original/creative exercise based on a student’s initiative and research;
a review of current research in an area of interest. This should involve not only library
research but also discussions/interviews with scientists working in that area;
conduct a series of experiments in an area of interest, combined with library research and
culminating in a paper analysing and discussing the results.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching strategies may include the use of:
mentoring student progress through review of weekly work goals;
facilitating communication with scientists in the community and the use of their facilities;
negotiating the scope for the study, deadlines for work, and assessment weighting;
developing seminar presentation skills to include the use of IT and audio visual techniques
to maximise effective communication to an audience.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
Specific Unit Resources
Budavari, S (Ed) 1996, The Merck Index – an encyclopaedia of chemicals, drugs & botanicals, 12th
ed, Merck & Co, Whitehouse Station NJ US.
Weast, R. (Ed) CRC handbook of chemistry & physics – a ready reference book of chemical &
physical data, The Chemical Rubber Company, Cleveland Ohio US.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.Teacher Resource
Wessex Project
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Biochemical Structures & Analysis
Value: 1.0
This unit combines Biochemical Structures 0.5 and Introduction to Chemical Analysis 0.5
Minor in Chemistry
Specific Unit Goals
This unit should enable students to:
outline the relationship between cell functions and structure,
understand the structure of biomolecules, their identification and the relationship between
structure and function;
carry out simple experiments which demonstrate the control and management of chemical
use scientific investigations to understand the complexity of processes in living organisms
at a molecular level, both qualitatively and, where possible, quantitatively;
demonstrate safe handling of materials and equipment and work effectively as an
individual or in a team.
understand the roles of analysis;
carry out both qualitative and quantitative analysis;
understand advanced instrumentation using tertiary and commercial facilities;
Introduction to Biochemistry
Cell structure and function
Revision of functional groups
Monomers and polymers
Saccharides - monosaccharides, open and ring structure
- disaccharides, bonding between rings
- polysaccharides – chains and cross-linking.
Lipids - fatty acids, triglycerides, phosphoglycerides, lipid bi-layers, and simple steroid
Amino acids
Proteins and their structure, - primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
Enzymes - proteins in action
factors influencing activity.
Nucleic acids – RNA - three types, structure and function
DNA - structure and function
Protein synthesis
Basic separation techniques
paper and liquid chromatography
Quantitative analysis
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
accuracy and precision
gravimetric techniques
volumetric analysis
back titrations
Qualitative analysis
analysis of ionic species by solubility and precipitation using various cations
Basic spectroscopic techniques
flame photometry
redox volumetric analysis
back titrations
Teaching and Learning Strategies
These may include the use of:
interactive lessons incorporating audiovisual aids, discussion and debate, group work etc;
practical investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of data, and the
presentation of results;
use of model building, e.g. molymod kits, to gain an understanding of molecular structure;
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities;
collection of data to investigate identification of substances and detect errors and statistical
interactive lessons incorporating methods of analysis and detection;
experimental investigations with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of raw data, and
the presentation of results in the scientific method;
use of analytical equipment , to gain an understanding of techniques used in industrial laboratories;
use of data loggers and interpreting graphical data;
group work to encourage team data collection;
research and use second hand data to formulate an understanding of advanced analytical
peer tutoring / student presentations / student as teacher;
research with the aim to supplement learning outcomes in practical activities.
Refer to page 13.
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Student Capabilities
Evidence could be in:
Student Capabilities
creative and critical thinkers
enterprising problem-solvers
skilled and empathetic communicators
informed and ethical decision-makers
environmentally and culturally aware citizens
confident and capable users of technologies
independent and self-managing learners
collaborative team members
Specific Unit Resources
Molymod Modelling Kit
Commons, C. et al. 1995, Chemistry 2, Rigby Heinemann, Melbourne.
Sharwood, J. et al. 2000, Nelson chemistry, Nelson Thomson Learning,
McCarthy, A. 2002, Methods of analysis and detection, Cambridge University Press, Bichester.
Suggested Text
Harwood, R, 2002, Biochemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Teacher Resources
Aldridge, S. 1994, Biochemistry for advanced biology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Green, N. et al. 1984, Biological science I chapters 5&6, Cambridge University Press , UK.
James, M. 1992, Chemical connections book 2, Jacaranda Press, Sydney.
Selinger, B. 1990, Chemistry in the market place, 4th ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Marrickville.
Tooley, P. 1975, Experiments in applied chemistry, John Murray, London.
Audio visual Material
ABC video on DNA 2005.
DNA Interactive DVD (PAL version), 2003, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Springs Harbour
Laboratory and Windfall Films Ltd
Version 2
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Appendix A - Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
Chemistry Units 1 and 2 (T)
Chemistry concepts, models and applications
Chemistry inquiry skills
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 analyses how structure, bond strength and energy
transfers and transformations are interrelated in
chemical systems
 analyses how a range of factors affect atomic or
molecular interactions and change the structure and
properties of systems
 explains the theories and model/s used to explain
the system and the aspects of the system they
 applies theories and models of systems and
processes to explain phenomena, interpret complex
problems, and make reasoned, plausible predictions
in unfamiliar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 analyses the roles of collaboration, debate and
review, and technologies, in the development of
chemical science theories and models
 evaluates how chemical science has been used in
concert with other sciences to meet diverse needs
and inform decision making, and how these
applications are influenced by interacting social,
economic and ethical factors
For the chemical systems studied, the student
 explains how structure, bonding and energy
transfers and transformations are interrelated in
chemical systems
 explains how a range of factors change the structure
and properties of chemical systems
 describes the theories and model/s used to explain
the system
 applies theories and models of systems and
processes to explain phenomena, interpret
problems, and make plausible predictions in
unfamiliar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 explains the role of collaboration, debate and
review, and technologies, in the development of
chemical science theories and models
 explains how chemical science has been used to
meet diverse needs and inform decision making, and
how these applications are influenced by social,
economic and ethical factors
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs, conducts and improves safe, ethical
investigations that efficiently collect valid, reliable
data in response to a complex question or problem
 analyses data sets to explain causal and correlational
relationships, the reliability of the data, and sources
of error
 justifies their selection of data as evidence, analyses
evidence with reference to models and/or theories,
and develops evidence-based conclusions that
identify limitations
 evaluates processes and claims, and provides an
evidence-based critique and discussion of
improvements or alternatives
 selects, constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe complex relationships
and solve complex and unfamiliar problems
 communicates effectively and accurately in a range
of modes, styles and genres for specific audiences
and purposes
Version 2
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs, conducts and improves safe, ethical
investigations that collect valid, reliable data in
response to a question or problem
 analyses data sets to identify causal and
correlational relationships, anomalies, and sources
of error
 selects appropriate data as evidence, interprets
evidence with reference to models and/or theories,
and provides evidence for conclusions
 evaluates processes and claims, provides a critique
with reference to evidence, and identifies possible
improvements or alternatives
 selects, constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe complex relationships
and solve unfamiliar problems
 communicates clearly and accurately in a range of
modes, styles and genres for specific audiences and
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Chemistry Units 1 and 2 (continued) (T)
Chemistry concepts, models and applications
Chemistry inquiry skills
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 describes how structure, bonding and energy
transfers are related in chemical systems
 describes how some factors change the structure
and properties of chemical systems
 describes a theory or model used to explain the
 applies theories or models of systems and processes
to explain phenomena, interpret problems, and
make plausible predictions in familiar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 describes the role of collaboration and review, and
technologies, in the development of chemical
science theories or models
 discusses how chemical science has been used to
meet needs and inform decision making, and some
social, economic or ethical implications of these
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 describes structure and bonding in substances
 describes how some factors affect chemical systems
 identifies aspects of a theory or model related to the
 describes phenomena, interprets simple problems,
and makes simple predictions in familiar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 describes the role of communication and new
evidence in developing chemical science knowledge
 describes ways in which chemical science has been
used in society to meet needs, and identifies some
implications of these applications
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 identifies observable properties of substances
 identifies observable changes to chemical systems
 identifies aspects of a theory or model related to
parts of the system
 describes phenomena and makes simple predictions
in familiar, simple contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 identifies that chemical science knowledge has
changed over time
 identifies ways in which chemical science has been
used in society to meet needs
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs and conducts safe, ethical investigations that
collect valid data in response to a question or
 analyses data to identify relationships, anomalies,
and sources of error
 selects data to demonstrate relationships linked to
chemical science knowledge, and provides
conclusions based on data
 evaluates processes and claims, and suggests
improvements or alternatives
 selects, constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe relationships and solve
 communicates clearly in a range of modes, styles
and genres for specific purposes
Version 2
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 plans and conducts safe, ethical investigations to
collect data in response to a question or problem
 analyses data to identify trends and anomalies
 selects data to demonstrate trends, and presents
simple conclusions based on data
 considers processes and claims from a personal
 constructs and uses simple representations to
describe relationships and solve simple problems
 communicates in a range of modes and genres
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 follows a procedure to conduct safe, ethical
investigations to collect data
 identifies trends in data
 selects data to demonstrate trends
 considers claims from a personal perspective
 constructs and uses simple representations to
describe phenomena
 communicates in a range of modes
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Chemistry Units 3 and 4 (T)
Chemistry concepts, models and applications
Chemistry inquiry skills
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 analyses how a range of interrelated factors affect
atomic and molecular interactions and change the
structure, properties and dynamics of chemical
 analyses how interactions between matter and
energy in complex chemical systems can be
designed, monitored and controlled to produce
desired outcomes
 explains the theories and model/s used to explain
the system, the supporting evidence, and their
limitations and assumptions
 applies theories and models of systems and
processes to explain phenomena, critically analyse
complex problems, and make reasoned, plausible
predictions in unfamiliar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 analyses the roles of collaboration, debate and
review, and technologies, in the development of
chemical science theories and models
 evaluates how chemical science has been used in
concert with other sciences to meet diverse needs
and inform decision making, and how these
applications are influenced by interacting social,
economic and ethical factors
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 explains how a range of interrelated factors change
the structure, properties and dynamics of chemical
 explains how interactions between matter and
energy in chemical systems can be designed,
monitored and controlled to produce desired
 describes the theories and model/s used to explain
the system, some supporting evidence, and their
 applies theories and models of systems and
processes to explain phenomena, analyse problems,
and make plausible predictions in unfamiliar
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 explains the roles of collaboration, debate and
review, and technologies, in the development of
chemical science theories and models
 explains how chemical science has been used to
meet diverse needs and inform decision making, and
how these applications are influenced by social,
economic and ethical factors
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs, conducts and improves safe, ethical
investigations that efficiently collect valid, reliable
data in response to a complex question or problem
 analyses data sets to explain causal and correlational
relationships, the reliability of the data, and sources
of error
 justifies their selection of data as evidence, analyses
evidence with reference to models and/or theories,
and develops evidence-based conclusions that
identify limitations
 evaluates processes and claims, and provides an
evidence-based critique and discussion of
improvements or alternatives
 selects, constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe complex relationships
and solve complex and unfamiliar problems
 communicates effectively and accurately in a range
of modes, styles and genres for specific audiences
and purposes
Version 2
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs, conducts and improves safe, ethical
investigations that collect valid, reliable data in
response to a question or problem
 analyses data sets to identify causal and
correlational relationships, anomalies, and sources
of error
 selects appropriate data as evidence, interprets
evidence with reference to models and/or theories,
and provides evidence for conclusions
 evaluates processes and claims, provides a critique
with reference to evidence, and identifies possible
improvements or alternatives
 selects, constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe complex relationships
and solve unfamiliar problems
 communicates clearly and accurately in a range of
modes, styles and genres for specific audiences and
Board Endorsed October 2006 – Amended December 2013
Chemistry Units 3 and 4 (continued) (T)
Chemistry concepts, models and applications
Chemistry inquiry skills
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 explains how a range of factors change the
structure, properties and dynamics of chemical
 describes how chemical systems are controlled and
monitored to produce desired outcomes
 describes key aspects of a theory or model used to
explain system processes, and the phenomena to
which those processes can be applied
 applies theories or models of systems and processes
to explain phenomena, interpret problems, and
make plausible predictions in some unfamiliar
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 describes the roles of collaboration and review, and
technologies, in the development of chemical
science theories or models
 discusses how chemical science has been used to
meet needs and inform decision making, and some
social, economic or ethical implications of these
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 describes how some factors affect the properties of
chemical systems
 describes how chemical systems are manipulated to
produce desired outcomes
 describes key aspects of a theory or model used to
explain a system process
 describes phenomena, interprets simple problems,
and makes predictions in familiar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 describes the roles of communication and new
evidence in developing chemical science knowledge
 describes ways in which chemical science has been
used in society to meet needs, and identifies some
implications of these applications
For the chemical systems studied, the student:
 describes changes to chemical systems
 describes how chemical systems are used to produce
desired outcomes
 identifies aspects of a theory or model related to a
system process
 describes phenomena and makes simple predictions
in familiar contexts
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 identifies that chemical science knowledge has
changed over time
 identifies ways in which chemical science has been
used in society to meet needs
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 designs and conducts safe, ethical investigations that
collect valid data in response to a question or
 analyses data to identify relationships, anomalies,
and sources of error
 selects data to demonstrate relationships linked to
chemical science knowledge, and provides
conclusions based on data
 evaluates processes and claims, and suggests
improvements or alternatives
 selects , constructs and uses appropriate
representations to describe relationships and solve
 communicates clearly in a range of modes, styles
and genres for specific purposes
Version 2
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 plans and conducts safe, ethical investigations to
collect data in response to a question or problem
 analyses data to identify trends and anomalies
 selects data to demonstrate trends, and presents
simple conclusions based on data
 considers processes and claims from a personal
 constructs and uses simple representations to
describe relationships and solve simple problems
 communicates in a range of modes and genres
For the chemical science contexts studied, the student:
 follows a procedure to conduct safe, ethical
investigations to collect data
 identifies trends in data
 selects data to demonstrate trends
 considers claims from a personal perspective
 constructs and uses simple representations to
describe phenomena
 communicates in a range of modes