Maison de l’UPA 555, boul. Roland-Therrien, bureau 505 Longueuil (Québec) J4H 4G4 Telephone : 450 679-0540 (Ext. 8743) Fax : 450 679-6372 Email : Request form - Advance Payments Program 2015 – 2016 Crop Year Post-harvest component Date of reception at our office December 31, 2015 Producer’s name : # UPA : Business name : # APP - AAC : Address : # NIM : City : Postal code : # FADQ : CELL PHONE : Telephone : E-MAIL : *Contact name : FAX : *Address of the farm if different from mailing address : 1. Producer - For a new participant, please provide us with the complete address, phone number and birth date of each partner or shareholder. Name of shareholder/partner Address of shareholder/partner, if different than the farm Date of Birth Telephone % In profits (losses) 2. Declaration of APP advances received from other producer organizations You must provide the following information List all advances issued to you or any Shareholder, member or partner by other organizations for the 2015-2016 production period, including advances attributed by percentage of participation in any Corporation/Cooperative/Partnership. If you have a participation in other association, you must complete section 3, otherwise skip to section 4. Producer’s name Company name Telephone % Participation Federation/ Organization Advance amount You must also provide the following information List all outstanding advances issued by any organization for previous program years to you or each shareholder, member or partner of the business, including advances attributed by percentage of ownership in any Corporation/Partnership/Cooperative. Producer’s name Company name Telephone % Participation Federation/ Organization Unpaid balance 3. Related Producers. Complete if you have a percentage of participation in any company, otherwise skip to section 4 Producers are related if they do not deal with each other at arm’s length. In the absence of proof to the contrary, producers are presumed to be related to another producer in any of the following circumstances: The producer controls, directly or indirectly in any manner, the other producer. The producer is controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner, by the same person or group of persons as the other producer. The producer carries on a farming operation in partnership with the other producer. The producer shares any management and administrative services, equipment, facilities or overhead expenses of a farming operation with the other producer, but is not in partnership with that other producer; or Any other circumstances set out in the regulations. Relatedness affects the applicant’s eligibility to receive an advance, as well as the amount of an advance. Has a related producer applied for an APP advance in this program year or have an outstanding APP advance? Yes No If yes, complete sections 3.1 et 3.2 3.1 Is any related producer ineligible as a result of a default under APP, SCAP or ESCAP? Yes No 3.2 Rebuttal of relatedness: Name of the related producer: a) You and the related producer file separate tax returns and/or produce separate financial statements. Yes No b) You and the related producer are not employees or do not act as agents of the other. No Yes c) You and the related producer conduct all business transactions (e.g. sharing of equipment and/or land) at fair market value and such transactions are documented. Yes No If you responded “NO” to any of the questions above, you have not rebutted the presumption of relatedness with the producer in question. If you responded “YES” to all the statements above, you have established that you deal at arm’s length with the producer in question, and the Administrator may request the appropriate documentation to support your responses, such as articles of incorporation, financial statements, leases, receipts, etc. 4. Financial institutions where you do business – Bank or Caisse Desjardins For a new participant or in case of a modification on your account number, please include a void check. NAME ACCOUNT NO. TRANSIT NAME ACCOUNT NO. TRANSIT If there are any lien or encumbrance on your crop or crop-insurance / CAIS (AgriStability) / ASRA in your institution where you do business, please indicate the information : Name Address Amount 5. Insurance company where you are covered for your farm products (mandatory in fall for the producers with storage on farm). Name (Insurance company) Location of storage : if your crop is stored outside your farm, please indicate to us the precise location. Amount (Insured) Location of storage and City 6. Crop to be stored for which you are asking for an advance: 1. Quantity - Make sure the quantities for which you ask an advance for are exact, if not this may cause additional delays in the process of your application. 2. Hectares - Please indicate the details of cultured hectares for each production declared to the stabilisation insurance (ASRA). 3. Location of storage - Please indicate address of storage facility if different from your postal address : Address: For example : Predetermined rates ($ metric ton) X quantity (metric ton) = Calculated amount $ 99 (rate) X 100 métric ton (Corn) = $ 9 900 RATES QUANTITY SEE 6. 1 Metric ton NUMBER OF HECTARES SEE 6. 2 LOCATION OF STORAGE AT FARM OR SEE 6.3 CALCULATED AMOUNT ADVANCE AMOUNT REQUESTED FEED OATS $ 113 ha $ $ *SEED OATS $ 138 ha $ $ **FOOD WHEAT $ 133 ha $ $ FEED WHEAT $ 113 ha $ $ *SEED WHEAT $ 148 ha $ $ CANOLA $ 207 ha $ $ BEAN $ 420 ha $ $ FLAX $ 237 ha $ $ CORN $ 99 ha $ $ FEED BARLEY $ 94 ha $ $ *SEED BARLEY $ 118 ha $ $ DRY PEAS $ 130 ha $ $ BUCKWHEAT $ 237 ha $ $ RYE $ 79 ha $ $ SOYBEANS $ 207 ha $ $ *SEED SOYBEANS $ 247 ha $ $ TRITICALE $ 74 ha $ $ *SEED CROPS - A field inspection report or a grading certificate must be provided. **FOOD WHEAT - An official grading must be provided. TOTAL AMOUNT $ $ CRIB SILO SHED IF YOU ASK FOR AN AMOUNT OVER $100 000 CHECK OFF HERE 7. Which designated buyer do you plan on selling your crop to ? Please indicate a name without obligation on your part of selling to that buyer. Name City Name City 8. Has your grain already been sold YES NO Delivery date : 9. Does the quantity for which you are asking an advance represent: 100 % of your crop ? YES Is your crop stored in a steel silo? YES NO Payment date NO IF NO - Specify: NB : Any false statement will be considered a violation of section 37 of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (AMPA) Applicant’s signature Date FOR THE USE OF THE FEDERATION ONLY UNION DUES: ____________________________ RECEIVED ON :_______________________ AGREEMENT MAILED ON:___________________________