explanation and example of superposition

The following events are listed in chronological order, from first to most recent.
1) Layer ‘G’ is deposited (it’s on the bottom).
2) Layer ‘G’ is folded (it was originally deposited as a horizontal layer).
3) Igneous rock ‘H’ intrudes. Notice that there is NO contact metamorphism between ‘H’ and
sandstone layer ‘F’. This means that ‘H’ had cooled long before ‘F’ was deposited.
4) Faulting along line I-II occurs. Notice that the fault runs through ‘H’ and ‘G’ but not through
‘F’. This means that ‘F’ had not yet been deposited when the faulting occurred.
5) Sandstone layer ‘F’ is deposited. ‘F’ must be older than igneous intrusion ‘E’ first because ‘E’
goes through ‘F’ and also because there is contact metamorphism between the two layers.
6) Igneous intrusion ‘E’ occurs. ‘E’ must have extruded onto the surface and cooled long before
‘D’ was deposited because there is no contact metamorphism between ‘D’ and ‘E’.
7) Layers ‘D’, ‘C’, ‘B’, and ‘A’ are deposited in that order (law of superposition).
8) Layers ‘A’ and ‘B’ undergo erosion. Material is removed.
9) It is possible that there were other layers on top of ‘A’ and that they have been completely
eroded away. There is no indication that this is so, but it’s possible.