Analysis file details_meta.

Submitted data files and R scripts for data analysis: Meta information
Intraspecific variation in seed dispersal of a Neotropical tree and its relationship to fruit
and tree traits
Carol K. Augspurger1, Susan E. Franson2, K.C. Cushman3 and Helene C. Muller-Landau3
Department of Plant Biology
University of Illinois
505 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.
Questions: Contact K.C. Cushman
Data files:
1. Crown radii.csv
a. Description: For each parent tree, crown radii measured from the trunk.
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Dir = direction from the trunk (degrees from North).
iii. Rad = measured crown radius (m).
2. Individual fruits.csv
a. Description: Physical properties of individual fruits.
b. Fields:
i. Year = year of collection.
ii. Parent = parent tree identification.
iii. Fruit = fruit identification within each year and parent.
iv. Mass = measured fruit mass (g).
v. Area = measured fruit area (cm2).
vi. Wingloading = measured wingloading (mg/cm2).
vii. DescentRate = measured descent rate in theater (m/s).
viii. DistFrmTower = measured dispersal distance from tower (m)
3. Measured dispersal distances.csv
a. Description: Number of seeds in 1 m2 quadrats along six transects from
parent trees.
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Dir = direction from the trunk (degrees from North).
iii. Dist = distance from the drunk (m).
iv. Seeds = number of seeds counted in quadrat.
v. Area = area of quadrat (m2).
4. Mechanistic model results.csv
a. Description: Characteristics of the seed shadow modeled using a
mechanistic model (WINDISPER-E; Nathan et al. 2002b).
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Pt.mean = mean of log(dispersal distance (m)) from a point source
within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
iii. Pt.p50 = median of log(dispersal distance (m)) from a point source
within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
iv. Pt.p75 = 75th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from a point
source within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
v. Pt.p90 = 90th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from a point
source within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
vi. Pt.p95 = 95th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from a point
source within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
vii. Pt.p100 = Maximum of percentile of log(dispersal distance (m))
from a point source within the crown for the modeled seed shadow.
viii. Trunk.mean = mean of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the parent
trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
ix. Trunk.p50 = median of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the parent
trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
x. Trunk.p75 = 75th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the
parent trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
xi. Trunk.p90 = 90th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the
parent trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
xii. Trunk.p95 = 95th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the
parent trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
xiii. Trunk.p100 = Maximum of log(dispersal distance (m)) from the
parent trunk in the modeled seed shadow.
xiv. Area = Total area of modeled seed shadow (m2).
5. Parent tree information.csv
a. Description: Properties of parent trees.
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Location = trail and marker nearest to parent tree on Barro
Colorado Island.
iii. DBH = diameter at breast height (cm).
iv. MaxCrownHt = maximum height of canopy crown (maximum
total tree height) (m).
v. MinCrownHt = minimum height of canopy crown (m).
vi. CropSize = total crop size estimated from measured seed shadow
data (number of fruits).
6. Seed seedling and sapling distributions.csv
a. Description: Counts of seeds, seedlings, and saplings measured with
different from the parent tree trunk.
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Dist = distance from the drunk (m).
iii. Seeds = number of seeds counted.
iv. Seedlings = number of seedlings counted.
v. Saplings = number of saplings counted.
7. Seed shadows.csv
a. Description: Seed shadow characteristics, including descriptors calculated
for both measured seed shadows and for fitted dispersal kernels according
to the methods of van Putten et al. (2012).
b. Fields:
i. Parent = parent tree identification.
ii. Obs.dist.mean = mean of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds in
measured seed shadow around parent trees.
iii. Obs.dist.50 = median of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds in
measured seed shadow around parent trees.
iv. Obs.dist.75 = 75th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds
in measured seed shadow around parent trees.
v. Obs.dist.90 = 90th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds
in measured seed shadow around parent trees.
vi. Obs.dist.95 = 95th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds
in measured seed shadow around parent trees.
vii. Obs.dist.max = Maximum of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds
in measured seed shadow around parent trees.
viii. Mod.dist.mean = mean of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds in
modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted dispersal
kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a point source
within the crown.
ix. Mod.dist.50 = median of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds in
modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted dispersal
kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a point source
within the crown.
x. Mod.dist.75 = 75th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of
seeds in modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted
dispersal kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a
point source within the crown.
xi. Mod.dist.90 = 90th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of
seeds in modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted
dispersal kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a
point source within the crown.
xii. Mod.dist.95 = 95th percentile of log(dispersal distance (m)) of
seeds in modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted
dispersal kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a
point source within the crown.
xiii. Mod.dist.max = Maximum of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds
in modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted dispersal
kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a point source
within the crown.
xiv. Area = Total area of seed shadow estimated from seed shadow
transect measurements (m2).
xv. Obs.arith.mean = mean of log(dispersal distance (m)) of seeds in
measured seed shadow around parent trees.
xvi. = mean of dispersal distance (m) of seeds in
modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted dispersal
kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from a point source
within the crown.
xvii. Mod.trunk.arith.mean = mean of dispersal distance (m) of seeds in
modeled seed shadow around parent trees using fitted dispersal
kernel. Here, dispersal distance is the distance from the tree trunk.
R scripts:
1. Make figures.R -- Creates Figures 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8, S1 and S2 (Figure 5 is made
using modified code from van Putten et al. (2012)).
2. Variation in descent and dispersal.R -- Fit alternative models to explain variation
among fruits in the rate of descent in still air and dispersal distances from the
tower. Results from this analysis are included in Table 2.
3. Mechanistic models.R – Fit alternative models to explain variation among parent
trees in measured seed dispersal distance from the trunk, modeled seed dispersal
distance from a point source, and total seed shadow area. Results from this
analysis are included in Table S5.