Child Registration Patient Name: _________________________________________________________ Last First Male Female MI Social Security #: ________________________________ Birth Date:_________________________________ Patient Name: _________________________________________________________ Last First Male Female MI Social Security #: ________________________________ Birth Date:_________________________________ Children’s Address Phone (Home): «HPhone» Address: «Street» «City» «Street2» «Zip»________________________ «State» Referral Information Whom may we thank for referring you to our practice? Another patient, friend Another patient, relative Dental Office Yellow Pages Newspaper School Work Other__________________ Name of person or office referring you to our practice: ________«RefBy_Name»_________________ Responsible Party Information Guarantors Name: «Guar_LName», «Guar_FName» Male Female Married Single Other ___________ Social Security #: ________________________________ Birth Date: Phone (Home): _«HPhone»__ (Work): _______________Ext: ______ (Cell): _______________ If address is the same as child please place a check on line_____ Address: Street City Apartment # State Zip Code Employer: _____________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Spouse Information Guarantors Name: __________________________________________ Male Female Married Single Other ___________ Social Security #: ________________________________ Birth Date: Phone (Home): _«HPhone»__ (Work): _______________Ext: ______ (Cell): _______________ If address is the same as child please place a check on line_____ Address: Street City Apartment # State Zip Code Employer: _____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Insurers Name:____ ________________________________ Name of Insurance Company: _____________________ Policy Number:_________________________________________ Group Number:______________________________ CONSENT FOR USE AND DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH INFORMATION TO THE PATIENT/ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE- PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS CAREFULLY Purpose of Consent: By signing this form, you will consent to our use and disclosure of your protected health information to carry out treatment, payment activities, and healthcare operations. Notice of Privacy Practices: You have the right to read our Notice of Privacy Practices before you decide whether to sign this consent. Our Notice provides a description of our treatment, payment activities, and healthcare operations, of the uses and disclosures we may make of your protected health information, and of other important matters about your protected health information. A copy of our Notice accompanies this consent. We encourage you to read it carefully and completely before signing this consent. We reserve the right to change our privacy practices as described in our Notice of Privacy Practices. If we change our privacy practices, we will issue a revised Notice of Privacy Practices, which will contain the changes. Those changes may apply to any of your protected health information that we maintain. You may obtain a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, including any revisions of our Notice, at any time. Right to Revoke: You will have the right to revoke this Consent at any time by giving us written notice of your revocation submitted to the Contact Person listed above. Please understand that revocation of this Consent will not affect any action we took in reliance on this Consent before we received your revocation, and that we may decline to treat you or to continue treating you if you revoke this Consent. I have had full opportunity to read and consider the contents of this Consent form and your Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that, by signing this Consent form, I am giving my consent to your use and disclosure of my child’s protected health information to carry out treatment, payment activities and healthcare operations. FINANCIAL POLICY Pediatric Dentistry at Vinings is committed to providing your child with the best possible dental care. Please understand that payment of your bill is considered a part of your treatment. The following is a statement of our Financial Policy, which we require you read and sign prior to treatment. Payment for all services provided by the practice is due in full at the time the services are rendered. If you have private insurance, we will file your visit. Your full co-payment is expected per visit. You will be billed in full for any services that your insurance plan deems to be a non-covered service or any balances due after we have received payment from your insurance carrier. All patient balances are payable upon receipt of the statement. We accept Cash, debit & credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover Card) as payment for services rendered. Personal checks are not accepted. Refunds will be handled as a credit to the patient’s account or issued a check. Pediatric Dentistry at Vinings reserves the right to turn any patient over to collections if it is deemed that the account has been in default of the payment obligations or compliance of this policy. You will be responsible for all collections related fees which may represent 1/3 of the balance due. APPOINTMENT POLICY All our patients are seen on a reserved appointment basis. In most cases, the procedure you are scheduled for requires that a definite amount of time be set aside with the dentist or hygienist. This assures the best possible care for your child. Every effort in scheduling is made to minimize waiting. All appointments must be verbally confirmed with the office within the week of your appointment. The office will make every attempt to confirm your appointment. If you must reschedule your appointment, please contact our office as soon as possible. Giving us this courtesy allows us to schedule another patient who wishes to be seen. Appointments that are not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be considered a broken appointment and will be charged a $25.00 fee. A good dentist/patient relationship is based upon understanding and good communications. If you have any questions about financial arrangements, please feel free to speak with our Business Manager. We will make every effort available to you to clarify any misunderstanding you may have concerning your account. We are here to help you. I have read, understand and agree to the terms of the above Financial and Appointment Policy of Pediatric Dentistry at Vinings. Signed: _____________________________________________________Date: _______/_______/_________ Child’s Name ____ _ HEALTH HISTORY GENERAL HEALTH REVIEW Please review your child’s past and present health history. Mark the box ONLY if your child has the condition now or has been treated in the past. THE EYES, EARS, NOSE AND THROAT THE LUNGS Allergies Chronic Earaches Deafness/Hearing Loss Speech Problems Chronic Sore Throat/Tonsillitis Tonsils/Adenoids Removed Blindness/Low Vision Other THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Asthma Date of last attack_________________ Uses inhaler as needed Uses daily oral medicines or inhaler Uses steroids or has used steroids Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis Other ___________________________________ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, MUSCLES AND BONES Heart Murmur Antibiotics for previous dental work Circulation Problems Congenital Heart Problems Heart Surgery Artificial Heart Valve Rheumatic or Scarlet Fever Excessive Bleeding/Hemophilia Hepatitis Sickle Cell Anemia HIV/AIDS Leukemia History of Blood Transfusion Date___________ Other Epilepsy or Seizure Fainting Cerebral Palsy Nervous Problems Mental retardation Down Syndrome Autism Attention Deficient Disorder Head Trauma/Brain Injury Spina Bifida Muscular Dystrophy Orthopedic Problems Artificial Joints Other THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS, BLADDER Stomach Problems Diabetes Kidney Problems Hepatitis Bladder Problems Other ALLERGIES Allergy to food, food additives Allergy to household items, dust, pets Allergy to plants, pollen, grass Allergy to latex rubber Allergy to Drugs. Specify Other INFECTIONS AND SERIOUS ILLNESSES Immunizations are up-to-date Chicken Pox Chemotherapy Date(s) Hospitalization. Date(s) Cancer or other malignancies Type Psychological problems, testing or counseling GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Prematurely or complicated pregnancy Birth defects Concerns with growth Learning, behavioral, or communication problems Alcohol, tobacco, or drug use LIST ANY MEDICATIONS YOUR CHILD IS PRESENTLY TAKING: __________________________________________________________________________________ IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S HEALTH HISTORY? Pediatrician Phone # ( ) ________________________________________ ____ _- ______ DENTAL HEALTH AND HABITS Please mark only the boxes that apply to your child. MY CHILD HAS HAD REGULAR DENTAL EXAMS AND CLEANINGS. DATE OF LAST DENTAL APPOINTMENT: _______/________/__________ MY CHILD PRESENTLY TAKES A FLUORIDE SUPPLEMENT DENTAL X-RAYS WERE TAKEN AT EARLIER VISITS WITH DR. MY CHILD WAS BREAST OR BOTTLE FED FOR MORE THAN 1 YEAR MY CHILD SLEPT WITH A BABY BOTTLE. (What was in the bottle? ___________ ) MY CHILD SUCKS A THUMB OR FINGERS.OR A PACIFIER (Please circle) MY CHILD IS A MOUTH BREATHER MY CHILD GRINDS or CLINCHES TEETH. INJURY TO MOUTH AND/OR TEETH. BLEEDING GUMS ARE THERE ANY OTHER DENTAL CONCERNS TO YOU AS A PARENT? ___________________________________________________________________________ FIRST VISIT INFORMATION (only new patients and their parents need to complete this section) THIS IS MY CHILD’S FIRST DENTAL VISIT. MY CHILD IS WORRIED ABOUT TODAY’S VISIT MY CHILD’S PREVIOUS VISITS WERE UNSATISFACTORY. MY CHILD HAD AN ACCIDENT, HURTING THE HEAD, MOUTH, OR TEETH MY CHILD HAS HAD A TOOTHACHE RECENTLY? (Please circle) When eating only or Keeps him/her up at night WHAT IS THE FAMILY’S WATER SUPPLY? (Please circle) Well or Public system or Bottled/distilled HOW OFTEN ARE YOUR CHILD’S TEETH BRUSHED PER DAY? (Please circle) ONCE or TWICE or AFTER EACH MEAL or NONE WHAT TYPE OF TOOTHPASTE DOES YOUR CHILD USE? ______________________________________ DO YOU HELP YOUR CHILD FLOSS DAILY? Yes or No Child’s Name _____ HEALTH HISTORY GENERAL HEALTH REVIEW Please review your child’s past and present health history. Mark the box ONLY if your child has the condition now or has been treated in the past. THE EYES, EARS, NOSE AND THROAT THE LUNGS Allergies Chronic Earaches Deafness/Hearing Loss Speech Problems Chronic Sore Throat/Tonsillitis Tonsils/Adenoids Removed Blindness/Low Vision Other THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Asthma Date of last attack_________________ Uses inhaler as needed Uses daily oral medicines or inhaler Uses steroids or has used steroids Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis Other ___________________________________ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, MUSCLES AND BONES Heart Murmur Antibiotics for previous dental work Circulation Problems Congenital Heart Problems Heart Surgery Artificial Heart Valve Rheumatic or Scarlet Fever Excessive Bleeding/Hemophilia Hepatitis Sickle Cell Anemia HIV/AIDS Leukemia History of Blood Transfusion Date___________ Other Epilepsy or Seizure Fainting Cerebral Palsy Nervous Problems Mental retardation Down Syndrome Autism Attention Deficient Disorder Head Trauma/Brain Injury Spina Bifida Muscular Dystrophy Orthopedic Problems Artificial Joints Other THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS, BLADDER Stomach Problems Diabetes Kidney Problems Hepatitis Bladder Problems Other ALLERGIES Allergy to food, food additives Allergy to household items, dust, pets Allergy to plants, pollen, grass Allergy to latex rubber Allergy to Drugs. Specify Other INFECTIONS AND SERIOUS ILLNESSES Immunizations are up-to-date Chicken Pox Chemotherapy Date(s) Hospitalization. Date(s) Cancer or other malignancies Type Psychological problems, testing or counseling GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Prematurely or complicated pregnancy Birth defects Concerns with growth Learning, behavioral, or communication problems Alcohol, tobacco, or drug use LIST ANY MEDICATIONS YOUR CHILD IS PRESENTLY TAKING: __________________________________________________________________________________ IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S HEALTH HISTORY? Pediatrician Phone # ( ) ________________________________________ ____ _- ______ DENTAL HEALTH AND HABITS Please mark only the boxes that apply to your child. MY CHILD HAS HAD REGULAR DENTAL EXAMS AND CLEANINGS. DATE OF LAST DENTAL APPOINTMENT: _______/________/__________ MY CHILD PRESENTLY TAKES A FLUORIDE SUPPLEMENT DENTAL X-RAYS WERE TAKEN AT EARLIER VISITS WITH DR. MY CHILD WAS BREAST OR BOTTLE FED FOR MORE THAN 1 YEAR MY CHILD SLEPT WITH A BABY BOTTLE. (What was in the bottle? ___________ ) MY CHILD SUCKS A THUMB OR FINGERS.OR A PACIFIER (Please circle) MY CHILD IS A MOUTH BREATHER MY CHILD GRINDS or CLINCHES TEETH. INJURY TO MOUTH AND/OR TEETH. BLEEDING GUMS ARE THERE ANY OTHER DENTAL CONCERNS TO YOU AS A PARENT? ___________________________________________________________________________ FIRST VISIT INFORMATION (only new patients and their parents need to complete this section) THIS IS MY CHILD’S FIRST DENTAL VISIT. MY CHILD IS WORRIED ABOUT TODAY’S VISIT MY CHILD’S PREVIOUS VISITS WERE UNSATISFACTORY. MY CHILD HAD AN ACCIDENT, HURTING THE HEAD, MOUTH, OR TEETH MY CHILD HAS HAD A TOOTHACHE RECENTLY? (Please circle) When eating only or Keeps him/her up at night WHAT IS THE FAMILY’S WATER SUPPLY? (Please circle) Well or Public system or Bottled/distilled HOW OFTEN ARE YOUR CHILD’S TEETH BRUSHED PER DAY? (Please circle) ONCE or TWICE or AFTER EACH MEAL or NONE WHAT TYPE OF TOOTHPASTE DOES YOUR CHILD USE? ______________________________________ DO YOU HELP YOUR CHILD FLOSS DAILY? Yes or No