Nurse Medical Power of Attorney For Care of Minor Child I affirm that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the minor child named below: Child’s Name Birth date I hereby give consent to the Crow Creek Tribal School nursing staff to seek and obtain routine medical, dental care and mental health services for this child at the Fort Thompson Indian Health Care Center. (Dormitory or school staff may take students under special circumstances.) In addition, I hereby give consent for the following adults to seek and obtain routine medical and dental care for this child at Fort Thompson Indian Health Center: ___________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ I understand that I or one of the above persons must accompany the child each time medical or dental care is sought; otherwise care will not be given until I (or the child’s other parent) am contacted and give signed consent for care. I further understand that this consent applies only to routine medical, dental care and mental health services and that I must give additional consent for more complicated or difficult procedures. Written consent is not required for care during a serious emergency. This consent expires at the end of the school year. Signature Relationship Date Witness Title Date