Minutes of the Dunnington Parish Council meeting held on 9th

Minutes of the Dunnington Parish Council meeting held on 9th September 2013
Cllr. A. Deuchars - Chairperson
Cllrs. J. Errington, A. Brooks, J. Brooks, S. Kay, N. Ford, R. Freer, D.
Martin, and L. Black. Clerk L. Platt.
Declaration of Interests - No Cllr. declared any personal or prejudicial
interests in the business on this agenda.
Apologies – Cllrs. G. Kay and S. Walsh.
Minutes of 8th July agreed – Proposed by Cllr. R. Freer, Seconded by Cllr. D.
Martin - Agreed.
DPFA - Maintenance Contracts, Land Matters, Future Strategy and Formal
Documentation - Moved to October DPC Meeting due to holidays.
PCSO Report – No report received this month. New PCSO for Dunnington
will be Laura Harper.
Finance and Correspondence
Accounts for Payment and Amounts Received. It was noted that there is still
no paying in book or cheque book for the new account it has been agreed to
contact the bank and escalate the situation. Post meeting note - paying in book
and cheque book have now arrived.
Full updated Accounts and Accruals to 09/09/13 agreed.
Audit returned with a clean bill of health – No comments to act upon. Cllr. A.
Deuchars to place copy of audit on Parish notice board and copies of the
annual accounts are available to the public by email (on request from the
Clerk) or a copy is available in the library to view. Items since displayed on
the Notice Board for the correct period.
Investment Bond & Account
July 8th
Premium Account Income
July 8th
Current Account
July 8th
Current Account Income
Cemetery headstone Fee / burial Fee x1
Cemetery headstone Fee / In-bloom donations
Coif Dividend
Fighting Fund - Sept bills refunded
Current Account Expenditure
Mrs L Platt Salary 5th August - 1st September
Mrs L Platt Salary 2nd September - 29th
Mrs L Platt Additional work 9th July-9th Sept
Yorkshire Water - The Green
Yorkshire Water - Undergate
I. And A. Woodliffe - 6 x grass cuts
Viking Stationery Order
M. Hammond - Hassacarr Survey
PKF Littlejohn - Audit
Walton and Co - Planning Lawyers
Paul Cornfoot Consulting
The Max - Printing Costs
Caroline Grant - Printing Costs
Garry Turner - Printing Costs, web sites, hall hire
A. Deuchars expenses - Printing
In-Bloom Display Board
A. Deuchars expenses - Projector
Reading Rooms Rent
Forecast Current Account
Sept 9th
Premium Account
Sept 9th
Investment Bond 1 & 2
Sept 9th
Resignation of Cllrs. R. Hart and J. Boam. If no applications are received and
an election not called, Parish Council are able to co-opt new Parish Council
members. It was agreed that the vacancies should be advertised after the 15th
September 2013.
Hassacarr Nature Reserve. This application for a designated Local Nature
Reserve (LNR) has been submitted to Natural England and in the meantime
Cllr. A. Deuchars is in discussion with York City Council regarding this
matter. It was noted that there is a celebration of 20 years for the Nature
reserve and an open day is being held Sunday 15th September 2pm to 4pm, all
Parish Councillors, friends and families are invited.
DPC Website - Cllr. A. Brooks would like Parish Council to be aware that
DPC own the domain name Dunnington.org and we could use this for
communication purposes and for a start to a DPC website. It was agreed that
DPC do need a website as soon as possible and enquiries will now be made
regarding web designing and cost. Cllrs. S. Kay, A. Deuchars and A. Brooks
will form a working party to take the project forward.
Correspondence – See below.
1. Gritting Routes and Winter Plans
Email correspondence received regarding gritting routes and winter plans. Mr
J. Boam is the local snow warden and the In-Bloom team will grit the village
as last year.
2. Projector
A projector has been purchased for use by Parish Council.
3. Village Footpath
The footpath that runs behind the Heslington village swimming pool and heads
south will be diverted due to the construction of an athletics track. The new
path will run clockwise around the development and meet up with the existing
path further south – The Public Path Diversion Order was confirmed as
unopposed on 13th August 2013.
Local Plan Preferred Options
Update since DPC Meeting of 8th July - Nothing further to report at the
moment and CoYC are in the process of logging all the responses received.
Travellers Site Team update – Cllrs. J. Brooks and D. Martin are looking into
a response for an email to Osbaldwick Parish Clerk regarding the traveller’s
site in Osbaldwick, which was received today. CoYC have tried to contact the
landowners concerned but to date no response has been received. CoYC are
due to produce their finalised draft Local Plan by March 2014.
Travellers site/Housing/Industrial/Wind Farms update - Copies of Parish
council overall response and legal response to Travellers site proposal are
available in the library.
Local Government Boundary Review Consultation
An email has been circulated to all Councillors and the Parish Council has
objected to being made a two member Ward by merger with Osbaldwick and
advocating if necessary Murton be transferred to the Derwent Ward. However
no response yet received.
Neighbourhood Plan – There has been a good response by 586 residents and
businesses to CoYC all we have been informed supporting the proposal to
build a Neighbourhood Plan for Dunnington. We need to attempt to cover
every eventuality to protect the village as much as possible. Cllr. D. Martin
suggests that the existing working group continue to take the project forward
with CoYC before broadening it out to the whole Parish using as much as
possible electronic systems to speed up the process. CoYC have sent letters to
all businesses on the Industrial Estate to advise them of the Neighbourhood
Plan. Cllr. D. Martin is to be the representative for DPC for the Industrial
Cemetery Review - Cllr. A. Deuchars would like the Cemetery Committee to
begin to plan the extension. It was agreed to build a frame with hooks to hold
watering cans.
Drainage Review - Nothing further to report at the moment.
In-Bloom Review – Cllr. R. Freer thanked Parish Council for the new display
board and is looking forward to hearing the results of the In-Bloom
competition. In-Bloom have taken advantage of the free compost by CoYC.
Next fund raising event is this Saturday 14th September, Featherstone Boys
Choir are performing a concert at the Church. A new flower bed has been
designed for Manor Drive which is in discussion at the moment.
10 Owlwood Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5PH – Application for a single storey
side and rear extension.
44 York Street, Dunnington, YO19 5PH – Application for alterations to an
existing conservatory.
25 Garden Flats Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5NB – Application for the erection
of a detached dwelling and garage with a room in the roof to the rear. DPC do
not support this application.
16 Undercroft York Street, Dunnington, YO19 5RP – Application for the
erection of a single storey rear extension.
Machines Automation Robotic Systems Workshop, Stamford Bridge Road,
Dunnington, YO19 5QE – Application for change of industrial use (use class
B1) to sports and activities centre (use of class D2) – resubmission. (Now
Decisions (CoYC)
51 York Street, Dunnington, York YO19 5ST – Application for a two storey
and single storey side extension – Granted.
Land to the South of 20 Garden Flats Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5 – Erection of
dormer bungalow with integral double garage and new access – Granted.
1 Copperbeech Close, Dunnington, YO19 5PY – Crown lift of a Copper
Beech tree protected via Tree Preservation Order CYC162.
44 York Street, Dunnington, YO19 5PH – Application for alterations to an
existing conservatory – Granted.
16 Undercroft York Street, Dunnington, YO19 5RP – Application for the
erection of a single storey rear extension – Granted.
Land to the rear of Kendell House, Derwent Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5RR –
Erection of two storey dwelling (with windows in roof) at the rear of Kendell
House – Granted.
10 Owlwood Lane, Dunnington, YO19 5PH – Application for a single storey
side and rear extension – Granted.
Date of next meeting
Monday 14th October 2013 at 19:30 in the Tower Room.