5th Grade Science & Social Studies Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher

5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 3/5/12
Focused Standard: LS 4.5.4 Evaluate food webs under conditions of stress: human impact and
urban development
LS 4.5.16 Evaluate positive and negative human effects on ecosystems
Materials and Equipment: textbook, Houghton Mifflin handout pgs. B5—B64, Brain Pop on
Human Effects on Ecosystems, see through compost container, soil, Styrofoam cup, piece of
paper, apple core or banana peel
Instructional Strategies Students will read pgs. 192-199 about how people effect ecosystems and
the Houghton Mifflin pgs. B58-B59. Students will also watch brain pop video of human effect
on the ecosystem and take the quiz. Also do the Now You See It, Now You Don’t lab. The
classes will observe any changes in the items in the compost container and observe temperature
changes as each item ids decomposing.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 compost
Word 2 decomposing
Yes { }
No {X }
Social Studies:
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 3/6/12
Focused Standard: LS 4.5.16 Evaluate positive and negative human effects on ecosystems
Materials and Equipment: marker, jars with lids, pond water or water with algae added, liquid
fertilizer, dropper, lab sheet, Brain Pop on water pollution, textbook
Instructional Strategies Students will watch the Brain Pop video on water pollution and take the
quiz. Students will do the Observing the Effects of Fertilizer Lab on pg. 139 in the textbook.
Students will observe the jars for 10 days and record the results on their lab sheet.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 pollution
Word 2 acid rain
Yes { }
No {X }
Social Studies:
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 3/7/12
Focused Standard: LS 4.5.7 Describe and diagram the carbon cycle in ecosystems
Materials and Equipment: Brain Pop video on the Carbon Cycle, Houghton Mifflin Handout 6th
grade B6-B9, 6th grade science textbook pgs. 204-205, paper, colored pencils, carbon cycle
diagram handout
Instructional Strategies Students will read the handouts from the 6th grade textbooks on the
carbon cycle. Students will also watch the Brain Pop video on the carbon cycle and take the quiz.
Students will then draw a diagram of the carbon cycle.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 carbon cycle
Word 2
Yes { }
No {X }
Social Studies:
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 3/8/12
Focused Standard: LS 4.5.6 Describe and diagram the nitrogen cycle in ecosystems
Materials and Equipment: Brain pop on the nitrogen cycle, 6th grade textbook handout pgs. 206207, 6th grade Houghton Mifflin handout pgs. B14-B15, Sciencsaurus pg. 139
Instructional Strategies Students will read handouts on the nitrogen cycle. Students will also
watch the Brain Pop video on the nitrogen cycle and take the quiz. Students will then draw a
diagram of the nitrogen cycle.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 nitrogen cycle
Word 2
Yes { }
No {X }
Social Studies:
5th Grade Science & Social Studies
Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. Fletcher
Date 3/9/12
Focused Standard: LS 4.5.13 Construct, compare, and contrast environments in open and closed
Materials and Equipment: 2 liter bottles with tops cut off, soil, newspaper, gravel, sand, water,
worms, organic matter, rubber band, cheese cloth, black paper, tape, ruler, scales, magnifying
glasses, Diary of a Worm, How Earthworms Grow, Wiggling Worms at Work
Instructional Strategies Students in groups on two or three will make a worm habitat to observe
worms at work.
Vocabulary Words:
Word 1 clitellum
Word 2 segments
Yes { }
No {X }
Social Studies: