2012 NOMINATION MATERIALS FOR USA TAEKWONDO’S OPEN INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR POSITIONS By submitting this application and resume, I wish to be considered as a candidate for one of the two open Independent Director positions on USAT’s Transitional Board of Directors. To be eligible to run, I acknowledge that I must meet the requirements in Section 7.7 of USAT’s Bylaws and should bring skill (including financial per Sarbanes Oxley), experience, influence or diversity not otherwise found on the Board of Directors. Completed materials must be submitted to Eric Parthen by email (eric.parthen@usataekwondo.us) or fax (719.866.4642). Nominee’s Printed Name: Title & Employer: Business Address and Telephone: Home Address and Telephone: Mobile Telephone: Email Address: Please submit a resume or CV detailing the education and/or experience in your background that qualifies you for this position. 1 NOMINEE CERTIFICATION If nominated and elected to serve in the above-referenced position, I hereby certify that: 1. I am willing and able to serve, and I have the time available to serve in this position; 2. I will agree to be bound by USA Taekwondo’s Bylaws in my service in this position; 3. The statements and other representations made by me in my nomination materials are true, accurate, and correct, and I will update my information as any changes occur; 4. Nothing in my past history or current representations would present any conflict with my duties as a member of the Board or present a potential embarrassment to USA Taekwondo; 5. I understand that I am subject to, and I agree to be subject to, a reasonable background investigation and I agree to provide any additional documentation and information necessary to permit USA Taekwondo to complete such investigation; 6. I understand that by accepting nomination and signing this certification, I hereby consent to the release of any documents or other information to USA Taekwondo concerning my background; and 7. I agree to exercise the legal duties of care, loyalty and obedience in fulfilling my responsibilities as a member of USA Taekwondo’s Board of Directors if selected and to otherwise follow the standards of conduct set forth in USA Taekwondo’s Bylaws and Code of Conduct for such service. _____________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________ Printed Name _________________________________ Date 2 Frequently Asked Questions Q: Does USA Taekwondo have Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance? A: Yes, USA Taekwondo has D&O insurance that will cover your responsibilities as a Board director. Q: What is the estimated time commitment? A: Directors will be expected to participate in at least four (4) meetings per year and occasional conference calls in between meetings, and to give attention to the business of the sport as necessary. Although difficult to quantify the time commitment, it is expected that Directors will have active involvement in USA Taekwondo governance, oversight and policy. Q: Will I potentially serve on other USA Taekwondo Committees? A: Potentially. Committee assignments are made by the Board, and some Directors will serve on committees. In addition, the Board or CEO may appoint advisory task forces or other committees deemed appropriate, which may require Directors to serve in those capacities as well. Q: What is the deadline to submit my nomination to be an Independent Director? A: There is no deadline as the Board is able to recruit candidates as well during their selection process but we recommend you submit your application as soon as possible so the Board is aware of your interest. Q: What is the timeline? A: It is anticipated the Transitional Board of Directors will make every effort to finalize their selection of the Independent Directors by no later than October 1. However, the Board will not adhere to this timeline at the expense of compromising the selection process. USAT is committed to a selection process that provides highly qualified Independent Director candidates. Q: Do I need to be a member of USA Taekwondo? A: Technically no. USA Taekwondo Bylaws do not require a Director to be a USA Taekwondo member. However, it is expected that following your selection, you will join USAT. Q: I understand this election is to fill seats on a “Transitional Board.” What is the primary role of the Transitional Board? A: In addition to the traditional Board responsibilities as defined by USAT’s Bylaws and non-profit governance in general, USAT’s Transitional Board’s primary responsibility will be to conduct a thorough review of USAT’s current governance model to determine if it is structured appropriately to provide effective leadership to the NGB and to recommend and approve changes where necessary. Further, an excerpt from the USOC Hearing Panel’s decision is below: 3 “Of prime importance is undertaking a review of whether a constituency-based Board serves the best interest of the sport of Taekwondo. The review shall also investigate how real or perceived conflicts of interests, which result from a constituency-based Board, affect the Board’s ability to carry out its responsibilities. The review shall also consider whether independent Board seats should be expanded and how independence should be defined. Also, the review shall look at the composition and responsibilities of the Nominating Committee (formerly Nominating and Governance Committee) and at ensuring a thorough, fair and trusted nomination and election process. Additionally, the review shall look at the role and function of clubs within USAT’s structure, the structure and governance of state associations, and the recognition and role of affiliate organizations.” Q: If elected, what is the term for the Transitional Board? A: Per the USOC Hearing Panel, the term of the Transitional Board concludes on December 31, 2012 or when a new Board is seated. However, if this term is not sufficient to accomplish the goals above, approval from the USOC Hearing Panel would be required to seek a limited, defined extension. Q: If selected for the Transitional Board, am I eligible to run for a second term on the post reform Board of Directors? A: Recognizing the benefit of the Transitional Board of Directors being able to lead a reform process without the burden of worrying about how their reform decisions could impact their ability to continue to serve after the transitional phase, members of the Transitional Board will not be eligible to run for the new Board that will be seated immediately following the reform. However, per the USOC Hearing Panel, the only exceptions to this policy are the “newly elected Independent Directors” and the 2013 – 2016 USOC AAC representative if that position serves on the Transitional Board and is included on the reformed Board of Directors. Once Transitional Board members have sat out a full term, they would be eligible to run for the Board again. Q: Is there a financial commitment to USAT if I’m elected/selected for the Board? A: Given that USAT is in the process of developing new philanthropic fundraising platforms, all USAT Board members will be required to make a financial contribution to USAT. The amount of the donation will be up to the individual director and be confidential if the director chooses. USAT will strive for 100% participation from the seated directors in order to help facilitate USAT’s outside fundraising efforts. Q: What are the most relevant sections of USAT’s Bylaws for this election process? A: USAT’s Bylaws can be found on USAT’s website at the following link: http://assets.usoc.org/assets/documents/attached_file/filename1/55972/USAT_Byalws_ _March__2012_-_redline.pdf. In order to comply with the USOC Hearing Panel’s Decision and to facilitate the Transitional Board election, USAT amended its Bylaws and added Section 7.6.a which largely covers these elections and is cut and pasted below. However, USAT recommends interested candidates read the entire Bylaws in order to familiarize themselves with USAT’s governance. 4 EXCERPT FROM USAT BYLAWS Section 7.6.a – Election/Selection Transitional Provision In order to comply with the United States Olympic Committee’s Hearing Panel’s Decision, Section 7.6.a will apply to the May, 2012 elections to repopulate USAT’s Board of Directors which will be known as the “Transitional Board of Directors”. Section 7.6.a will take precedence over and supersede any other conflicting provision in these Bylaws for purposes of this election. Section 7.6 will apply for all subsequent elections. Seats Eligible for Election as of March, 2012 Club Directors (2) – In order to be eligible to run for the two (2) open Club Directors positions, the club must have at least 15 registered members at the end of 2011 and must have a valid address where athletes are actively training. All candidates that are interested in running, including those that previously applied, will be required to submit an updated candidate application that documents their intent to run, addresses basic background information consistent with serving on a non-profit Board of Directors and confirms their consent with USAT’s Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies. Those who submit their updated candidate application will be considered candidates for the Club Director seats (2) and will be eligible to be elected by all currently registered clubs as of December 31, 2011. Referee Director (1) – In order to be eligible to run for the open Referee Director position, an individual must be an International Referee. The requirements for “working at least two USAT operated events in each of the two years preceding the election” as well as the 25 signature requirement are both waived. All candidates that are interested in running, including those that previously applied, will be required to submit an updated candidate application that documents their intent to run, addresses basic background information consistent with serving on a non-profit Board of Directors and confirms their consent with USAT’s Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies. Those who submit their updated candidate application will be considered candidates for the Referee Director seat and will be eligible to be elected by all registered referees as of December 31, 2011. Coach Director (1) – In order to be eligible to run for the open Coach Director position, an individual must be registered as a coach. The requirements that “each nominee shall be a USAT Level 1 or higher registered Coach and registered club owner” as well as the 25 signature requirement are both waived. All candidates that are interested in running, including those that previously applied, will be required to submit an updated candidate application that documents their intent to run, addresses basic background information consistent with serving on a non-profit Board of Directors and confirms their consent with USAT’s Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies. Those who submit their updated candidate application will be considered candidates for the Coach Director seat and will be eligible to be elected by all registered coaches as of December 31, 2011. Independent Directors (2) – In order to be eligible to run for the two (2) open Independent Director seats, interested candidates must meet the requirements in 5 Section 7.7 below pertaining to Independent Directors and should bring skill (including financial per Sarbanes Oxley), experience, influence or diversity not otherwise found on the Board of Directors. All candidates that are interested in applying, including those that previously applied, will be required to submit an updated candidate application that documents their intent to run, addresses basic background information consistent with serving on a non-profit Board of Directors and confirms their consent with USAT’s Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies will be eligible to be selected by the Board of Directors using the process detailed below. Existing Non-Athlete Board of Director Seats The Board of Director seats that are not up for election above will continue to serve on USAT’s Transitional Board of Directors. Those seats, with the corresponding director, are as follows: Independent Director – Marty Mankamyer Affiliate Organization Director – J.P. Choi and Russell Ahn share one vote Athlete Board of Director Seats Given that the USOC Bylaws mandate that athletes elect athletes and, USAT’s priority of ensuring the Board of Directors contains a minimum of 20% active athlete participation, USAT will defer to USAT’s Athlete Advisory Council (AAC) to get their recommendation for how to move forward with the existing Athlete Director seats. The USAT AAC’s recommendation should be consistent with the Board terms detailed later in Exhibit A and should address both the current USOC AAC Director seat and how that seat is addressed for 2013 after a new USOC AAC representative is elected. Election Process for the Open Seats Once a candidate completes the application process, their candidate documents will be forwarded to a third party search firm for vetting to ensure the candidate meets the minimum background requirements including compliance with USAT’s Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies. The vetting committee will have access to the candidates and both USAT’s staff and Ethics Committee as resources during the vetting process. Once all candidates are vetted, the committee shall classify each candidate as either “qualified” or “unqualified”. All qualified candidates will be placed on the ballot for election. The elections for each respective seat shall occur as follows: Club Directors (2) – All Club Director candidates who were deemed qualified by the vetting committee will be placed on a ballot for election and will be able to post a one page campaign statement on USAT’s website (subject to the approval of USAT’s CEO). Ballots will be sent by email to all eligible USAT club members as of December 31, 2011 and posted on USAT’s website. Completed ballots must be sent electronically to the USOC’s Audit Division. Voters must identify themselves by membership number which will be cross referenced against USAT records for eligibility. Each club would vote for two club directors however, each club can only submit one ballot. Duplicate ballots will be determined void. The 6 two candidates with the most valid votes will be elected as the two Club Directors. A tie will be settled by a run off between the candidates who tied. Referee Director – All Referee Director candidates who were deemed qualified by the vetting committee will be placed on a ballot for election and will be able to post a one page campaign statement on USAT’s website (subject to the approval of USAT’s CEO). Ballots will be sent by email to all eligible USAT referee members as of December 31, 2011 and posted on USAT’s website. Completed ballots must be sent electronically to the USOC’s Audit Division. Voters must identify themselves by membership number which will be cross referenced against USAT records for eligibility. One vote per eligible membership number. Duplicate votes will be determined void. The candidate with the most valid votes will be elected as the Referee Director. A tie by two or more individuals for the most votes will be settled by a run off between the candidates who tied for the most votes. Coach Director – All candidates who were deemed qualified by the vetting committee will be placed on a ballot for election and will be able to post a one page campaign statement on USAT’s website (subject to the approval of USAT’s CEO). Ballots will be sent by email to all eligible USAT coach members as of December 31, 2011 and posted on USAT’s website. Completed ballots must be sent electronically to the USOC’s Audit Division. Voters must identify themselves by membership number which will be cross referenced against USAT records for eligibility. One vote per eligible membership number. Duplicate votes will be determined void. The candidate with the most valid votes will be elected as the Coach Director. A tie by two or more individuals for the most votes will be settled by a run off between the candidates who tied for the most votes. Independent Directors (2) – All candidates who were deemed qualified by the vetting committee will be forwarded to USAT’s Board of Directors after the above elections occur. The Board of Directors will select the two (2) Independent Directors using a process it determines that considers the make-up of the current directors and any skill (including financial per Sarbanes Oxley), experience, influence or diversity not otherwise found amongst the elected constituent directors. This process must be completed before a Board Chair is selected by a majority vote of the Transitional Board and before any USAT business can be conducted by the Transitional Board. The current USAT Board will continue to govern USAT until the Transitional Board is seated. Board of Director Terms The Board terms for the Transitional Board, including the new directors and the existing directors, shall end on December 31, 2012 or when a new Board of Directors is seated. Board of Directors Financial Contribution Requirement Given that USAT is in the process of developing new philanthropic fundraising platforms, all USAT Board members will be required to make a financial contribution to USAT. The amount of the donation will be up to the individual director and be 7 confidential if the director chooses. USAT will strive for 100% participation from the seated directors. Transitional Board Eligibility for Subsequent Boards Recognizing the benefit of the Transitional Board of Directors being able to lead a reform process without the burden of worrying about how the reform could impact their ability to continue to serve after the transitional phase, members of the Transitional Board will not be eligible to run for the new Board that will be seated immediately after the reform. The only exception to this policy are the newly elected Independent Directors and the 2013 – 2016 USOC AAC representative if that position serves on the Transitional Board and is included on the reformed Board of Directors. 8