Кафедра біохімії Module 5 Medical faculty 2- d course 1. For a patient megaloblastic anaemia. The expedient setting of treatment the vitamin of B12 is in combination with the following preparation: A. Nicotinic acid B. Lipoic acid C. Ascorbic acid D. Folic acid E. Pangamic acid ANSWER: D 2. A doctor-dietitian advises to a patient with perinecious anaemia to use a half raw liver in the diet. The presence of which vitamin in this product does stimulate the process of hemopoesis? A. Vitamin B2 B. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin. B12 D. Vitamin C E. Vitamin H ANSWER: C 3. A patient complains about a general weakness and bleeding of gums. Insufficiency of which vitamin can be reason of such state? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin E C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin H E. Vitamin D ANSWER: A 4. A patient complains about absence of appetite, nausea, pain of stomach, diarrhea, head ache, disorders of memory. There is dermatitis in the area of the neck and face. Insufficiency of which vitamin does cause such symptoms? A. Vitamin B5 B. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin B3 D. Vitamin B2 E. Vitamin B6 ANSWER: A 5. A patient complains about loss of weight, general weakness, pain in the area of heart, petehial hemorrhages, bleeding of gums, loss of teeth. The lack of which vitamin does cause such symptoms? A. Vitamin K B. Vitamin PP C. Vitamin B1 D. Vitamin C E. Vitamin B2 ANSWER: C 6. A patient was diagnosed with beri-beri disease. Activity of which enzyme is inhibited in an organism of the patient? A. Fumarase B. Citrate synthase C. Malate dehydrogenase D. Succinate dehydrogenase E. Pyruvate dehydrogenase ANSWER: E 7. At bleeding the synthetic analogue of vitamin K was used. Choose it A. Dikumarol B. Vikasol C. Phylokhinon D. Galascorbin E. Ubikhinon ANSWER: B 8. Biochemical research of patient with complaints about pain in a stomach, diminishing of secretory function of stomach which accompanied anaemia was established. Choose vitamin, which has an antianaemic action: A. Coballamin B. Thiamine C. Retinol D. Nicotinic acid E. Tocopherol ANSWER: A 9. Biotin deficiency has been found in patient. He consumes large amounts of: A. Meat B. Raw eggs. C. Milk D. Potato E. Liver ANSWER: B 10. Concentration of Ca in blood of a patient is increased. Tubular reabsorption of calcium is increased by A. Cholecalciferol B. 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol C. Calcitriol D. Both B and C E. All of these ANSWER: C 11. For treatment of heart diseases apply preparation cocarboxylase. The coenzyme form of which vitamin is this preparation? A. Vitamin B1 B. Vitamin B6 C. Vitamin B12 D. Vitamin C E. Vitamin P ANSWER: A 12. Formation of collagen in the organism needs hydroxylating of proline which takes a place with participation of proline hydroxylase. Which vitamin activates this process: A. NAD B. Biotin C. Ascorbic acid D. FAD E. Pyridoxine phosphate ANSWER: C 13. Hyaluronidase splits hyaluronic acid, intercellular permeability rises as a result. Which vitamin does inhibit activity of hyaluronidase, assist in strengthening of walls of vessels? A. Vitamin P B. Vitamin A C. Vitamin B1 D. Vitamin B2 E. Vitamin D ANSWER: A 14. Insufficiency of ascorbic acid results in development of scurvy. Synthesis of which protein is diminished? A. Collagen B. Protrombin C. Fibrinogen D. Albumin E. Ceruloplasmin ANSWER: A 15. Patient complains for dry lips, cracks and “crusts” in the mouth corners, bright red tongue, dermatitis of nasolabial folds, photophobia and conjunctivitis. To the lack of which vitamin is it related? A. Riboflavin B. Cholecalciferol C. Pyridoxin D. Coballamin E. Ascorbic acid ANSWER: A 16. Patient suffers from redness of oral mucous, crack of mouth corners, shelling of skin, dryness of face, inflammation of conjunctiva, vascularisation of a cornea. Possible reason of this pathology is lack of: A. Vitamin D B. Vitamin C C. Antioxidants D. Vitamin K E. Vitamin B2 ANSWER: E 17. Patient after resection of stomach. For absorption of which vitamin the Castle’s factor is need (glycoprotein which produced by the cells of stomach)? A. Vitamin B6 B. Vitamin E C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin B5 E. Vitamin B12 ANSWER: E 18. Patient has prolonged dark adaptation time. Prosthetic group in cone cell photoreceptors is: A. Iodine B. Opsin C. 11-cis-retinal D. all-trans-retinal E. Both C and D ANSWER: C 19. Patient has prolonged dark adaptation time. Which from the below mentioned enzymes does take part in the vision? A. Glucose-6-phosphatase B. Alcohol dehydrogenase C. Lactate dehydrogenase D. Malonyl transferase E. Alanine aminotransferase ANSWER: B 20. Patient has sympthoms of beri beri (lack of B1). B1 formes coenzyme TPP which is involved in: A. Oxidative decarboxylation B. Hydroxylation C. Transamination D. Carboxylation E. Oxidation ANSWER: A 21. In the patient - cirrhosis of liver. What changes on the electrophoregramme of proteins of blood plasma can be here? A. Decrease fractions of albumins and D- globulins B. Increases fractions of s- and - globulins C. Increases fractions of albumins and lowering of I- and - globulins D. Increase fractions of albumins and lowering of I- globulins E. Changes are not observed ANSWER: A 22. In the patient M., 30 years, that during a few years suffers chronic hepatitis, decline decreases of oncotic pressure of blood plasma which characterized the rise of edemata. What situations can corresponding to this case? A. Increase concentrations of albumins B. Elevation maintenance of E - globulins C. Decrease maintenance of D - globulins D. Decrease concentrations of albumins E. Decrease maintenance of D - globulins ANSWER: D 23. Influence of toxic exogenous matters on the organism of man cause formation of additional fraction of proteins in blood plasma, that discovered the method of electrophoresis. It is: A. Albumins B. Prealbumins C. C1- globulins D. D2-globulins E. E-globulins ANSWER: B 24. Influence of toxic exogenous matters on the organism of man cause formation of additional fraction of proteins in blood plasma, that discovered the method of electrophoresis. It is: A. Albumins B. Prealbumins C. C1- globulins D. D2-globulins E. E-globulins ANSWER: B 25. Lowering of oncotic pressure of blood and, as result the exit of water from blood at tissues which is accompanied edemata, comes at decreasing of albumins in blood plasma below: A. 60 g/l B. 80 g/l C. 50 g/l D. 30 g/l E. 40 g/l ANSWER: D 26. Sick women, 50 years, it is hospitalized concerning sharpening of rhematoid process. The presence high maintenance of what protein of „acute phase of inflammation” in blood plasma will probably confirm this diagnosis? : A. Transferin B. C-reactive protein C. Albumin D. Ceruloplasmin E. E-fetoprotein ANSWER: B 27. The degree of oxygenation of haemoglobin (formation of HbO2) depends from the followings factors, except: A. Parcial pressure of blood B. Lowering рН C. Concentration of carbon dioxide D. Concentration of 1,3-dyphosphoglicerate E. Concentration of 2,3- dyphosphoglicerate ANSWER: D 28. The most credible clinical-biochemical sign of sickle cell anaemia is: A. Uremia B. Hemoragy C. Hyperglicemia D. Anemia E. Glukosuria ANSWER: D 29. The people-transmitters of gene of HbS have replacement in position 6 of t-chain of hemoglobin on a valine: A. Methionine B. Glutamic acid C. Serine D. Cysteine E. Tryptophan ANSWER: B 30. The people-transmitters of gene of HbS have an origin and development of desease: A. Talasemia B. Hemoglobinose С C. Sickle cell anaemia D. Hemoglobinose F E. Hemoglobinose D ANSWER: C 31. What protein of blood absent in blood plasma of healthy man? A. Ceruloplasmin B. Transferin C. Haptoglobin D. D2-macroglobulin E. C-reactive protein ANSWER: E 32. A 38-year-old women suffers from rheumatism in its active phase. The determination of which of the following laboratory indexes is essential for diagnostics in case of the pathology? A. Urea B. Uric acid C. C-reactive protein D. Creatinine E. Transferrin ANSWER: A 33. A patient has sicle-cell anemia diagnosed. Replacement of which amino acid in the hemoglobin polypeptide chains with valine result in this disease? A. Glutamate B. Aspartate C. Leucine D. Arginine. E. Threonine ANSWER: A 34. A patient shows rapid development of edemata. The decrease of which serum blood proteins is responsible for edemata appearance? A. α1-globulins B. Albumins C. C2-globulins D. D-globulins E. Fibrinogen ANSWER: B 35. A patient with alkalosis would experience A. Hyperventilation B. Hypoventilation C. Increased acid secretion at kidney D. Higher blood pressures E. Increased sodium retention ANSWER: C 36. A six month-old child has manifestations of frequent and axpressed hypodermic hemorrhages.The administration of synthetic analogue of vitamin K (vikasol) proved to have a favorable effect. In the reaction of i-carboxylation of glutamate of what blood coagulation system proteins does this this vitamin take pert? A. Fibrinogen B. Prothrombin C. Hademan factor D. Antihemophilic globulin A E. Rosenthal factor ANSWER: A 37. Among the types of haemoglobin, indicate type of Hb of healthy person: A. HbE B. HbD C. HbN D. HbA E. Е. HbS ANSWER: D 38. An emergency doctor stated the sign of poisoning by carbon monoxide. What compound became the reason for in? A. Carboxyhemoglobin B. Carbhemoglobin C. Methemoglobin D. Deoxyhemoglobin E. Oxyhemoglobin ANSWER: E 39. As a result of poisoning with carbon monoxide a person has got a head-ache, short breath, vertigo. The decline of the content of what compound in blood resulted in this? A. Oxyhemoglobin B. Carboxyhemoglobin C. Carbhemoglobin D. Methemoglobin E. Deoxyhemoglobin ANSWER: A 40. In the hospital of first-aid brought the patient M. which was poisoned carbon monoxide (CO). The spectral analysis of blood of patient confirmed a presence in it: A. Carboxyhemoglobin B. Methemoglobin C. Carbhemoglobin D. Oxyhemoglobin E. Carbylaminhemoglobin ANSWER: A 41. Intoxicationcan occuer as a result of the increase of carbon monoxide concentration in the air. Thus, transport of oxygen from the lungd to tissues realized by hemoglobin breaks. What hemoglobin derivative appers in this case? A. Methemoglobin B. Oxyhemoglobin C. Carboxyhemoglobin D. Carbhemoglobin E. Hemochromogen ANSWER: A 42. lymphatic vessels are blocked because of injury or disease? A. Hemophilia B. Stroke C. Edema D. Acidosis E. Alcalosis ANSWER: B 43. The damage of the immune system reduces resisting of human organism to the infections. Immune status of organism depends on the followings structures, except: A. Bony marrow B. Thymus C. Tissue macrophages D. Lymphatic nodes E. Hypophysis ANSWER: E 44. Which class of antibody is secreted into breast milk where it is delivered to the suckling neonate, and transported through the gut lumen into blood of the neonate? A. IgA B. IgG C. IgM D. IgD E. IgE ANSWER: A 45. A new-born child manifests symptoms of icterus. The introduction of low doses of Phenobarbital (the inductor of the synthesis of UDP-glucuronyltransferase) promoted the improvement of the clinical state. Which of the biochemical processes listed below is activated by the Phenobarbital-induced enzyme? A. Gluconeogenesis B. Microsomal oxidation C. Tissue respiration D. Conjugation E. Glycogen synthesis ANSWER: D 46. In a patient increased rotting of proteins in an intestine. How are the toxic products of this process harmless? A. Hydrolysis B. Isomerisation C. Solvatacion D. Partial proteolisis E. Conugation with sulphuric and glucuronic acids ANSWER: E 47. 20-year-old patient is diagnised with inherited deficiency of UDP-glucuronyltransferase. The increased concentration of what blood component confirms the diagnosis? A. Stercobilinogen B. Direct (conjugative) bilirubin C. Urobilin D. Indirect (conjugation) bilirubin E. Indican ANSWER: D 48. A 35-year-old developed immune hemolytic anemia. The level of what substance increase in the serum of blood to the utmost? A. Mesobilinogen B. Direct bilirubin C. Stercobilinogen D. Indirect bilirubin E. Protoporphyrin ANSWER: D 49. A 46-year women, suffering from cholelithiasis developed icterus. The urine become darkyellow colour and the feces discolored. The concentration of what substance in the blood serum woulde rise mostly? A. Non-conjugation bilirubin B. Conjugation bilirubin C. Biliverdin D. Mesobilirubin E. Urobilinogen ANSWER: B 50. A 54 years-old man at the short starvation after the consumption of carbohydrate meal, hexosis in a liver transform into glucose-6-phosphate, which can feel farther transformations, except: A. Gluconeogenesis B. Pentosophosphate cycle C. Synthesis of glycogen D. Glycolysis E. Synthesis of fatty acids ANSWER: A 51. A 57-year-old woman suffered an attack of hepatic colic followed by jaundice. Ultrasound examination revealed an accluson of the general bile duct with a stone. The rising level of what substance in blood is indicative of mechanical jaundice? A. Verdohemoglobin B. Biliverdin C. Direct bilirubin D. Indirect bilirubin E. Stercobilin ANSWER: C 52. A new-born child shows signs of yellow coloring of skin and mucous membranes. A possible cause of this state is the provisional deficiency of the enzyme: A. UDP-glucuronyltransferase B. Uridine transferase C. Heme synthetase D. Heme oxygenase E. Biliverdin reductase ANSWER: A 53. A newborn child is found to have physiological icterus. The level of free bilirubin in the blood considerably exceeds the normal range. The deficiency of what enzyme is status conditioned by? A. Heme oxygenase B. Transaminase C. Xanthine oxidase D. D.Adenosine deaminase E. UDP-glucuronyltransferase ANSWER: E 54. A newborn with hemolytic illness has developed encephalopathy. The increased level of what substance in blood caused the lesion of the CNS? A. Bilirubin unrelated to albumin B. Bilirubin-albumine complex C. Bilirubin-glucuronide complex D. Verdohemoglobin E. Bile asids ANSWER: A 55. A patient with complaints of general weakness, stomachache and bad appetite was admitted to a clinic. A doctor suspected icterus. In the blood serum the total bilirubin content is 77>3 mM/l, the direct bilirubin content is 70,76 mM/l. What type of icterus is the most credible in this case? A. Mechanical icterus B. Acute hepatitis C. Liver cirrhosis D. Hepatic icterus E. Hemolitic icterus ANSWER: A 56. A toxic waste product of protein metabolism that produced in the liver must be excreted from the body is A. Ammonia B. Carbon dioxide C. Urea D. Uric acid E. Only B and D ANSWER: A 57. A woman with chronic hepatitis complains of sensitivily to barbiturates which she tolerated before without of the liver is damaged? A. Excretory B. Disintoxification C. Hemodinamic D. Hemopoetic E. Cytophagus ANSWER: B 58. For a patient 45 years with the intoxication of liver during the leadthrough of test with the bensoate of sodium (test of Kvik) on detoxification ability found out a low level in urine: A. Hipuric acid B. Oxiproline C. Kreatinine D. Urea E. Amino acids ANSWER: A 59. For a patient edemata appeared with the cirrhosis of liver. What is possible reason of their appearance? A. Diminishing maintenance of albumin in blood B. Diminishing maintenance of haptoglobin C. Increase in blood of ceruloplasmin D. Diminishing in blood of Na+ ions E. Lowering maintenance of glucose in blood ANSWER: A 60. Yellowish skin and mucous membranes of a patient are observed after blood transfusion. There also increased levels of total and indirect bilirubin in the blood, urobilin in the urine and stercobilin in the feces. What type of icterus is observed in this case? A. Icterus of newborn B. Inherited icterus C. Posthepatic icterus D. Hepatic icterus E. Hemolytic icterus ANSWER: E 61. A 6 years old child suffers from glomerulonephritis. Which of the below mentioned indexes prove it? A. proteinuria B. phosphaturia C. glycosuria D. ketonuria E. creatinuria ANSWER: A 62. At what disease in urine appears the protein of Bens - Jones? A. Myeloma B. Amyloidosis of kidneys C. Glomerulonephritis D. Tuberculosis of kidneys E. Pyelonephritis ANSWER: A 63. At what disease more frequent alkaline reaction of urine? A. Uremia B. Acute nephritis C. Festering pyelitis D. Abscess of kidneys E. Diabetes insipidus ANSWER: A 64. For a patient which suffers from chronic kidney insufficiency, developed osteoporosis. Disorder of what process is a principal reason of osteoporosis development? A. Hydroxylating of proline B. Hydroxylating of lysine C. Carboxylation of glutamate D. Formation of 1,25(ОН)2 D3 E. Hydroxylating of cortisol ANSWER: D 65. For diagnostic of acute inflammatory process in kidneys was conducted a specific test determination in urine of such substance: A. Content of lactose B. Activity of creatinkinase C. Concentrations of creatin D. Activity of pepsin E. Activity of alanine amino peptidase ANSWER: E 66. How many proteins do excrete daily with urine healthy adult? A. 30 mg B. 50 mg C. 60 mg D. 100 mg E. 120 mg ANSWER: A 67. In the urine of a 42 years man, who was in stress for a long time, the amount of 17ketosteroids is increased. This testifies about the increased secretion of: A. Cortisol B. Estradiol C. Epinephrine D. Norepinephrine E. Aldosterone ANSWER: A 68. In what part of nephron does take place filtration of urine? A. In a glomerulus B. In the loop of Henle C. In a proksimal canaliculi D. In a distal canaliculi E. In the collective tubes ANSWER: A 69. Laboratory test of a patient’s urine with intestines dysbacteriosis established the increase of indican. It testifies: A. kidney disease B. normal neutralization liver function C. increased fat hydrolysis D. liver malfunction E. vitamins F hypovitaminosis ANSWER: D 70. Mother with her 5 years old child visited a doctor. Child after beeing under sunlight has the erythema of skin. Laboratory tests showed decrease of iron in blood plasma, increase of uroporphyrinogen I excretion with urine. The most possible pathology is: A. erythropoietic porphyria B. methemoglobinemia C. hepatic porphyria D. coproporphyria E. hemolytic jaudice ANSWER: A 71. Name laboratory tests which should be conducted for the patients with suspicion on a acute pancreatitis: A. total blood test B. Activity of LDH C. Activity of AlAT D. Activity of amylase in urine and blood E. A level of sugar in blood ANSWER: D 72. Name the pathological compounds of urine at diabetes mellitus: A. bile pigments, acetone B. acetone, glucose C. blood, bilirubin D. protein, blood E. bile pigments, indican ANSWER: B 73. Patient B. suffers from polyuria. Pathological components do not discovered in urine. What possible reason of this state? A. Deficiency of oxytocin B. Excess of vasopressin C. Deficiency of vasopressin D. Excess of oxytocin E. Disorders of liver and kidney’s functions ANSWER: C 74. Patient has increased amount of urea and creatinine in blood and their decrease in urine. Possible reason of this state are: A. this state is observed at muscle disease B. main reason – liver disease C. diseases, which cause kidney failure D. the main reason are affection of neutralization, transportation and excretion of ammonia with urine E. this state is observed as a result of acid-base equilibrium in the organism ANSWER: C 75. Phenylketonuria of newborn may be diagnosed after a reaction of urine with: A. FeCI3 B. CuSO4 C. NaCl D. Fe+ E. Na3PO4 ANSWER: A 76. Polyuria of patients with diabetes insipidus appears as a result: A. Insufficient level of antidiuretic hormone in blood B. Insufficient level of insulin in blood C. Disorders of reabsorption of water in canaliculies as a result of high osmotic pressure of urine D. Excessive intake of liquid E. Disorders of reabsorption of water in canaliculies as a result of low osmolality of urine ANSWER: A 77. The amount of urea in the patient's blood is 16 mmol/l, in daily urine 6 g. The possible reason for this is the following: A. Liver disease B. Starvation C. Kidney disease D. Acidosis E. Thyrotoxicosis ANSWER: C 78. The analysis demonstrated a 10 times increase of diastase activity. The danger of autolysis of a patient’s pancreas caused with activating of enzyme: A. Amylase B. Pepsin C. Trypsin D. Lipase E. Nuclease ANSWER: C 79. The density of urine of a healthy adult is: A. 1,012 – 1,020 B. 1,020 – 1,050 C. 1,025 – 1,045 D. 1,005 – 1,010 E. 1,010 – 1,035 ANSWER: A 80. Patient complains for pain in joints. By sight can be seen edemas and reddening in the joints area. What enzyme activity to be investigated to draw out a diagnosis? A. Hyaluronidase B. Creatine kinase C. Alkaline phosphatase D. Acidic phosphatase E. Urease ANSWER: B 81. Patient has muscle atony. Name the muscle tissue enzyme, which activity can be decreased by this state: A. A-glutamine transferase B. Amylase C. Transketolase D. Creatine phosphokinase E. Catalase ANSWER: D 82. Patient has progressive myodystrophy. Name the figure of urine nitrogen metabolism, characteristic for this state. A. Creatine B. Ammonium salts C. Creatinine D. Uric acid E. Urea ANSWER: C 83. Patient of 18 years has the diagnosis of muscle dystrophy. What matter increase in the blood plasma is the most possible by this pathology? A. Myoglobine B. Creatine C. Myosin D. Lactate E. Alanine ANSWER: B 84. Patient of 46 years for a long time suffers from childhood pseudohypertrophic muscular (Duchenne's) dystrophy. What blood enzyme increase is the diagnostic test in this case? A. Adenylate kinase B. Lactate dehydrogenase C. Pyruvate dehydrogenase D. Glutamate dehydrogenase E. Creatine phosphokinase ANSWER: E 85. To the patient with the torn tendon muscle of foot a doctor in a holiatry appointed ascorbic acid which will be instrumental in formation of mature collagen by hydroxylating of some amino acids. Which amino acids do test such changes? A. Proline, lysine B. Phenilalanine, glycine C. Valine, leucine D. Tryptophane, treonine E. Histidin, arginine ANSWER: A 86. To the traumatology was delivered a patient with muscle tissue crush. What figure of blood plasma will be increased? A. Creatinine B. Glucose C. Mineral salts D. Uric acid E. Urea ANSWER: A 87. Maple syrup urine diseases is an inborn error of metabolism of A. Sulphur-containing amino acids B. Aromatic amino acids C. Branched chain amino acids D. Dicarboxylic amino acids E. None of the above ANSWER: C 88. Physiological glycosuria is met with in A. Renal glycosuria B. Alimentary glycosuria C. Diabetes Mellitus D. Alloxan diabetes E. All of these ANSWER: B 89. Poliuriya of patients with diabetes insipidus appears as a result: A. Insufficient level of antidiuretic hormone in blood B. Insufficient level of insulin in blood C. Disorders of reabsorption of water in canaliculies as a result of high osmotic pressure of urine D. Excessive intake of liquid E. Disorders of reabsorption of water in canaliculies as a result of low osmolality of urine ANSWER: A 90. Kidney threshold of glucose is: A. 8 – 10 mmol/l B. 5 – 10 mmol/l C. 1 – 5 mmol/l D. 1 – 2 mmol/l E. 10 – 15 mmol/l ANSWER: A 91. The pathological components of urine are all of the followings, except: A. Ketone bodies B. Blood C. Amino acid D. Bile pigments E. Glucose ANSWER: C 92. Skeletal muscle is A. Striated and voluntary B. Nonstriated and involuntary C. Striated and involuntary D. Nonstriated and voluntary E. All of above ANSWER: C 93. Skeletal muscle is irritated with a series of electropulses in an experiment. Every next impulse is in the period of the shortening of a single muscular contraction. What type of muscular contraction will arise? A. Smooth tetanus B. Skeletal tetanus C. Asynchronous tetanus D. A series of multy contraction E. Muscle contracture ANSWER: E 94. Smooth muscles occur in A. Uterus B. Artery C. Vein D. All the above E. Bronchi ANSWER: D 95. Striated muscle is also called A. ardiac muscle B. mooth muscle C. keletal muscle D. nvoluntary muscle E. None of the above ANSWER: C 96. The major types of muscles cells are: A. Skeletal, cardiac, smooth B. Superficial, subserous, abtruse C. Appositional, osseous, elastic D. All of the above E. None of the above ANSWER: A 97. The man's daily secretion of creatinine with urine is: A. 3-5 g B. 4-6 g C. 8-10 g D. 7-9 g E. 1-2 g ANSWER: E 98. The most important function of the skin is A. Protection B. Sweating C. Storing fat D. Insulation E. Produced energy ANSWER: A 99. The muscle tissue that can be consciously controlled is A. Smooth B. Skeletal C. Intercalated D. Cardiac E. All of the above ANSWER: B 100. Which types of polyuria do you know? A. Physiological and pathological B. Real and unreal C. Renal and extra renal D. Pancreatic and nonpancreatic E. Primary and secondary ANSWER: C