OIT Computer labs are open to ALL BSU students.

BSU OIT Customer Care
Job Title: IT Support Specialist
OIT Computer labs are open to ALL BSU students.
Status: Student Employee
Wage: $7.50 – starting/training rate, $8.00
Hours: Times to work and number of hours per week are negotiable. Maximum of thirty hours permitted for
students while classes are in session (twenty hours for international students). Work hours are set each semester
based on availability of hours outside of employees’ class schedule. Current staff work 10 to 30 hours during
Fall and Spring Semesters with a reduced summer and interim semester schedule possible if desired. Start at
least one week prior to semester and work through finals’ week (including Friday) for local students. Out of
state student employee exceptions can be made.
Basic Job Duties:
 Assist student lab users with their software and hardware needs including, but not limited to, using
Bronco Web and Mail, printing, using lab applications, scanning, copying or saving files, using
BlackBoard, and more advanced technical questions.
 Provide lab maintenance and computer problem triage, update software, load toner cartridges and paper
in the printers, analyze hardware problems and obtain assistance as needed, maintain a clean and
organized lab. Open and close labs as needed.
 Promote proper lab behavior and courtesy by patrons. Provide leadership in case of emergency.
 Communicate faculty or lab-user questions or problems to manager and coworkers; contribute to the Lab
Support Staff documentation.
 Maintain confidentiality of lab codes, passwords, and any lab-user information to which staff become
privy during the course of employment.
 Participate in monthly meetings by discussing solutions to lab-user questions and teaching other
assistants prior knowledge or that gained from problem solving.
 Use time provided to improve software and hardware skills to better assist lab users.
Essential - Minimum Qualifications:
1. Excellent customer service skills, with particular strength in the communication of hands-off
instructions (i.e., let them drive the mouse). Strong drive to help others and patience.
2. Knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office software, and basic software and hardware ability.
3. Ability to lift cartons of paper, computers, and other hardware onto tables or onto cart and move
cart across campus to work area.
4. Qualified applicants will have a self-motivated interest in increasing their technical skills in the
areas of lab software and hardware and will have the opportunity for advancement.
Prior experience or class work in computer lab technology and customer service is a plus.
Application Process: E-mail application and time availability files to complab@boisestate.edu. An
acknowledgement receipt will be sent. Email questions to the same address.
---------------Kathleen Fitzgerald, Computer Labs Manager
Office of Information Technology – Computer Labs
E-mail: kathleenfitzgerald@boisestate.edu
Web: http://oit.boisestate.edu/labs/
Rev. 11/29/11