World Cultures Course Syllabus

World Cultures Syllabus
I. Course Description
First semester
 Introduction to Geography and culture
 South Asia- geography, history, religion, culture, art, government and economics
 East Asia- geography, history, religion, culture, art, government and economics
 Middle East- geography, history, religion, culture, art, government and economics
Second semester
 Africa- geography, history, religion, culture, art, government and economics
 Latin America- geography, history, religion, culture, art, government and economics
 United Nations Simulation
Final Exam
II. Grading Policy
Your grade will be an accumulation of points during each marking period. Your grade is the average of
points earned divided by the total number of possible points during the marking period. Your marking
period grade will include tests, quizzes, homework, class work, blogging assignments, participation on
the class wiki, projects and participation. Expect to have at least two tests and two or more projects per
marking period. Homework will be assigned three to five times a week.
III. Classroom procedures, rules, and consequences:
1. The students will show respect to their teachers (and other school personnel), their classmates, their
school, and the rights and property of others.
2. The students will take responsibility for their choices, their actions and their school work.
3. The students will display readiness for each lesson by being on time, taking their seats quietly, and
being prepared for class when the bell rings. Three tardies will result in a Report of Misconduct
submitted to the Vice Principal.
4. No electronic devices are permitted in the classroom. This includes iPods, cell phones, and hand held
gaming systems. These devices will be confiscated and turned in to the Vice Principal. Parents must
make arrangements with the Vice Principal to get the devices back.
5. The students will comply with the rules of the school (found in the student/parent handbook).
6. The students will follow class procedures and routines.
If You Choose to Break a Rule:
Step One: The student will be given a warning.
Step Two: The student will be given detention either before or after school the next day and the parents
may be called. Detentions must be served within two days or a ROM will be given.
Step Three: The parents of the student will be called and a ROM will be given.
* The teacher reserves the right to alter this plan according to the severity of the infraction. Warnings
may be given to a group, the class as a whole, or skipped altogether for severe infractions (severe
infractions are covered in the school discipline plan).
* Penalties double when a student chooses to break the rules for a substitute teacher.
* Students will be given a minimum of 1 days notice for detention (example: infraction on Monday, the
detention could be assigned for Tuesday), but may be served that day if possible.
* After school sports and activities will not excuse you from an afternoon detention.
* Failure to report to a teacher detention will lead to steps two and three.
IV. Materials
 Pens (black or blue ink) or pencils
 One 1 ½ inch (or larger) three-ring binder with loose leaf paper
 One pack of five tab dividers
 Two folders
 Highlighters
V. Extra Help
Extra help is available to all students either before school, during lunch, or after school by appointment.
It is the student’s responsibility to seek help.
VI. Late Work
 Any assignment turned in after the beginning of the class period on the date that it is due will be
considered late.
 Assignments turned in one day late will be worth 50% of its original value.
 Assignments will not be accepted more than a day late.
 If the student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to make up missed
assignments and notes.
A copy of this syllabus can be accessed on the courses website which can be located at This website will list assignments and other important
information for the course and will be updated weekly. Should you have any questions or concerns, we
can be reached anytime via email at and Thank you for your
cooperation and support. I look forward to a very productive school year!
Thank you,
Mr. Finelle & Mr. Tronzano
I have read the course syllabus and understand the rules and regulations for World Cultures.
Student Name (Please Print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)
Parent or Guardian Signature