Use Student ID # instead of name. Page Limit: 2 Score Minimum: 0 Score Maximum: 100 The basic goal for AP writing is to make a claim, use textual evidence to support the claim, and skillfully explain how this works. +3 for -a specific thesis, -each insight backing up the -each piece of evidence -any beautiful, deep, sad, funny thesis, supporting the thesis or provocative sentence that doesn’t fit in the other categories. -grammar mistakes -vagueness Superior Essays (Score Range 8-9: Grade A) -3 for -repetitiveness -incorrect/wrong assertions The essay offers a persuasive interpretation of the text in question and presents an insightful analysis concerning the relationship between the text’s ideas and the literary techniques or rhetorical strategies the author uses to convey his or her meaning. Essay moves efficiently from general to specific and specific to general: textual references are apt, specific, and rationally explained. Essay demonstrates consistent and effective control over the elements of composition: the essay is thoughtfully organized; demonstrates an ability to structure concise, graceful sentences; and reflect the student’s efforts to engage the reader through mature and precisely chosen diction. At all times the writing is clear, sophisticated and persuasive. Very Good Essays (Score Range 6-7: Grade B) The essay provides a convincing reading of the text; its interpretation of the text is perceptive and offers a reasonable explanation of textual evidence and the relationship between the text’s ideas and the literary techniques or rhetorical strategies the author uses to convey his or her meaning; however, the writing does not move quite as efficiently from general to specific and specific to general as it does in the very best essays. The writing is clear but not sophisticated or as fully persuasive as it is in the top tier essays. The essays demonstrate good control over the elements of composition but may lack the structural variety, concision, and immediacy that the top tier essays reflect. The essay’s diction is properly chosen for the occasion but lacks the precision and variety exhibited in the very best essays. Adequate Essays (Score Range 5: Grade C) Essay offers a plausible interpretation of the text but presents a superficial analysis of the relationship between the text’s ideas and the literary techniques or rhetorical strategies the author uses to convey his or her meaning. Essay moves adequately from general to specific and specific to general, but is often pedestrian or plodding in its development. Essay demonstrates some lack of precision in its analysis of themes and techniques. Essay also lacks precision regarding the effective control over the elements of composition: organization may be lacking; sentences structures may be repetitive, wordy, and pedestrian; word choices are adequate for conveying basic ideas but lack the variety, precision, and maturity of better essays. Weak Essays (Score Range 3-4: Grade D) Essay fails to offer an adequate interpretation of the text and presents merely a superficial analysis of the relationship between the text’s ideas and the literary techniques or rhetorical strategies the author uses to convey his or her meaning. Essay exhibits only minimal skill in moving from generalization to specific observation and or from specific observation to generalizations. Essay relies on paraphrase or summary with little implicit or explicit analysis. Demonstrates control of language, but the writing is marred by surface errors and/or problems in organization and development. Sentence structures are elementary and word choices may reflect a limited, informal or immature vocabulary. Inadequate Essays (Score Range 1-2: Grade F) Some attempt to answer the prompt has been made but the essay may ignore or give little emphasis to the text. Textual references are slight and/or misconstrued. The essay contains serious misreadings or misunderstandings about the text. Essay demonstrates a lack of control over the elements of composition: inadequate development of ideas, accumulation of errors, inconsistent focus, repetitive. Essay also lacks clarity and organization. Essay contains serious errors in grammar and mechanics.