Parental Leave Policy - University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder Graduate Student Parental Leave Policy
Effective 12/15/2014
It is the practice of the University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) to support to the
greatest extent possible, and in a manner consistent with the effective and efficient
operation of CU-Boulder, graduate students with a need for pregnancy, childbirth,
adoption, and parental leave. Supervisors and advisors of graduate students shall comply
with these rules to accommodate graduate students with such needs.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states that, “No person in the United States
shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance." CU-Boulder is committed to providing its graduate students who may
become pregnant, are pregnant, who gave birth, or who are parents with the same access to
school programs and educational opportunities that other students have access to.
Statement of Eligibility
A graduate student is eligible to use the Time-Off Program for parental leave under these
rules within the first 12 months of the birth or adoption of a child if the graduate student is
currently enrolled in a graduate program at CU-Boulder and in good academic standing,
regardless of graduate status and whether or not the student has passed the comprehensive
examination. The child may be the student’s child or that of a spouse or domestic partner.
A. Leave for Pregnancy
If a graduate student’s physician deems it medically necessary to be absent, graduate
students who are pregnant should be treated in the same manner as those students with
other serious medical conditions. If requested, the graduate student shall provide
documentation from the student’s physician that evidences the need for and length of the
absence. Such documentation shall be submitted to and retained by the Dean of the
Graduate School’s office.
For short term absences, graduate students will work with the course instructor to make
arrangements to complete course assignments and make up the work missed due to
pregnancy or related conditions. Beginning when their medical leave ends, graduate
students will receive the same amount of time to complete their work as was allotted
before they left. If a graduate student will miss a significant amount of the semester, the
student should speak with her department regarding starting the Time-Off program.
B. Parental Leave for Child Care Following Birth or Adoption
During the time that the student will be on leave, the student should be enrolled in the
University’s Time-Off program. By participating in the program, students may take up to
one year off from their graduate studies and maintain their student status while not being
enrolled. Eligible graduate students will be granted an extension on University and
departmental requirements and academic milestones based on the approved leave.
Students on Time-Off are eligible to retain enrollment in the student health insurance plans
offered by the University. For information on this process, students should contact
Wardenburg Health Center.
Upon return from the Time-Off program, the graduate student will be returned to the
academic status previously held, including the ability to work with an advisor and to enroll
in necessary courses. To the extent feasible, the graduate student will receive a level of
financial support similar to what the student had before taking leave. For example, this may
not be possible if grant funding has a limited duration or if the student’s supervising
principal investigator has left the University.
C. Procedure
Process Step
The graduate student shall inform the chair of the department
and/or their advisor or supervisor as early as possible of the
intent to use the Time-Off program for the purposes of
parental leave.
The graduate student and department will formally agree
upon the dates constituting parental leave under this policy.
The parties will specify the academic term in which the
student will resume graduate studies. Family Medical Leave
must also be designated if the student is eligible.1
International students should discuss taking leave with the
Office of International Education to ensure there are no
unforeseen consequences to their visa status.
Student will apply for the Time-Off Program through the
registrar’s office and obtain required approvals.
If the student does not return after the completion of the
Time-Off period or request an extension, the student will be
considered withdrawn from the university. In these cases, if
the student wishes to return to the university they will be
required to reapply.
Student and
The provisions of this Policy are intended to be interpreted in conjunction with the University of Colorado’s
Family Medical Leave Policy. Leave under this Policy will be considered leave under the Family Medical
Leave Policy, and leave under the Family Medical Leave Policy that is taken for the purpose of child care as
described herein shall be considered leave under this Policy. Thus, leave taken under this Policy counts as
part of, not in addition to, the twelve weeks of leave permitted under the Family Medical Leave Policy. Please
note that Family Medical Leave must be designated to those individuals who meet eligibility requirements.
Any graduate student who anticipates a request for leave under this Policy is encouraged to read both policies
closely. Graduate Students, Departments, advisors and supervisors who have questions about this Policy
should consult as needed with the Dean of the Graduate School’s office. In complex situations, the Dean of
the Graduate School should consult with University Counsel to determine FMLA eligibility.
Upon return from the Time-Off program, the graduate student
will be returned to the status they held previously, including
the ability to work with an advisor and enroll in necessary
courses. To the extent feasible, the student will receive a
level of financial support similar to what the student had
before taking leave.
D. Possible Financial Implications
If a student leaves in the middle of a semester and is on a student appointment, that
appointment will be terminated on the student’s last day of work.
Students with loans, scholarships or any other aid should consult with the Office of
Financial Aid and/or their home department before beginning the Time-Off program.
Any graduate student who anticipates a request for leave is encouraged to read the
guidelines surrounding the Time-Off program. Graduate students, departments, and faculty
advisors who have questions about this policy should consult as needed with the Dean of
the Graduate School’s office. In complex situations, the Dean of the Graduate School
should consult with University Counsel to determine eligibility for leave under these rules.