THE NON-ADDITIVITY PHENOMENON IN MESOPIC PHOTOMETRY Z. VAS1*, P. BODROGI2, J. SCHANDA1, G. VARADY3 Svetotechnika 3/2010. 17-24. 1: Virtual Environment and Imaging Technologies Laboratory, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, H-8200 Veszprém, Hungary 2: Laboratory of Lighting Technology, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 4a, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany 3: University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of System- and Software Tech., Boszorkány u. 2, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary *corresponding author: ABSTRACT At mesopic luminance levels, both the rods and the cones are active. Typical applications of the models of mesopic vision include street lighting, car headlamp lighting, emergency lighting and lighting for security purposes. Present day standards are based on the photopic spectral luminous efficiency function V(λ) which describes the luminous spectral responsivity of cone vision under photopic lighting conditions. Under mesopic conditions, differences between measured or calculated values and visually observed ones occur. Current mesopic models use the combination of the V() and V’() functions to predict mesopic visibility. Visual experiments were carried out to explore human mesopic visual detection mechanisms. These experiments showed spectral non-additivity of monochromatic components of the observed light according to the activity of the chromatic channels. In the present paper, these experimental data were analyzed by a recently published model, the so-called CHC2 model [1] (from the abbreviation of chromatic conspicuity). The CHC2 model predicts the spectral non-additivity of mesopic detection performance and enables an accurate determination of threshold detection sensitivity for any spectral power distribution. For certain object chromaticities, detection sensitivity is lower than predicted by current mesopic models. This is of major importance in street lighting as the current models may underestimate the detection threshold by several tens of percents. The CHC2 model can be a step forward to an advanced (chromatic) detection based model of mesopic photometry. Keywords: mesopic luminance, detection threshold, non-additivity, CHC2 model INTRODUCTION Several models of mesopic vision were developed in the past. They can be grouped into two main groups: one for brightness evaluation [2] and the other one for modelling visual performance, mainly reaction time [3,4]. While it is well known that brightness perception does not follow Abney’s law, not even in the photopic range, this effect was not investigated for object detection performance under mesopic conditions. In real life situations, the two most important tasks are the speed of human response and object detection. In this paper, the latter group, specifically mesopic threshold detection performance will be discussed in detail and the important question of spectral non-additivity will be dealt with. Mesopic brightness models are based on heterochromatic brightness matching comparing the perceived brightness of the test field with the brightness of a reference field. Recently, it was shown [2, 3, 4] that mesopic perceived brightness and visual performance (detection, recognition, reaction time) have different spectral responsivity because the tasks of the observers are different. Significant differences were found because different tasks activate different retinal and post-retinal processing mechanisms. Two types of visual performance modelling are known: achromatic modelling [5] (resembling the luminance perception which is spectrally additive) and chromatic modelling (which provides chromatic information and can be formulated to take non-additivity into account) [4]. An achromatic model is e.g. the so called X-model which uses a linear combination of V() and V’() to predict the mesopic spectral luminous efficiency function: Vm()=xV()+(1-x)V’() where x ranges between 0 and 1 (see the Appendix). A similar model has been proposed by CIE TC 1-58 6.These models predict “bell-shaped” responsivity curves (similar to the photopic or scotopic spectral sensitivity curve) which shift between V() and V’() depending on the x parameter. The MOVE research consortium proposed a chromatic model as well. This predicts a “multi-peak behaviour” of the mesopic spectral responsivity function for object detection and recognition. „Multi-peak” behaviour means the fact that the luminous efficiency function in the mesopic range has more local maxima in the visible spectrum instead of forming a “bell-shaped” curve. This behaviour was found to be stronger for intermediate (or higher) mesopic luminance levels and for increasing target sizes. This effect was associated with perceiving hues at the detection threshold showing the activity of chromatic mechanisms. Towards the end of the 90’s of the last Century and at the beginning of the XXIst century, the interest in the performance based approach in developing mesopic photometry grew [5-8] because in real-life situations the detection and recognition of visual objects is more relevant for safety than the visual assessment of brightness. Until the mid fifties of the last Century, high pressure mercury lamps were used in street lighting followed by high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. At present, a tendency can be observed to change to so-called “daylight” metal halide (MH) lamps with more bluish light. Based on the achromatic mesopic models (e.g. 3), metal halide lamp light should provide better visibility under mesopic conditions. Recently, LEDs have been introduced in street lighting applications. As the spectral power distribution (SPD) of the LEDs can be easily modified, one could optimize it to obtain better visual performance and energy saving if the predictions of these mesopic models could be used. Experiments also showed that under mesopic conditions visual acuity of young observers was better under cool white LED light sources than under warm white LEDs. For elderly observers (above 65 years of age), no such better visual performance could be obtained [9]. Thus it is critical which spectral responsivity curve is used to set optimal SPDs for street lighting. Unfortunately, industry still misses the guidance for this most advantageous SPD. The present visual experiments and their interpretation using the CHC2 model were intended to help develop guidelines to achieve optimum spectral power distributions for different mesopic lighting applications. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The experimental layout can be seen in Figure 1.a. The task lights were projected on a large achromatic background field illuminated at 0.5 cd/m2 by a lamp built from white phosphor LEDs (chromaticity coordinates are x=0.311; y= 0.330, CCT=6000K). LEDs were chosen because nowadays LED car headlamps are getting more popular and get also used in street lighting. Figure 1.a: Experimental layout. Figure 1.b: SPD of the LED used to illuminate the background screen. Figure 1.b shows the SPD of the phosphor coated blue emitting LEDs (cool white) used to illuminate the canvas producing the background field. The size of this canvas was 80° x 60° to ensure a homogenous achromatic adaptation field. The canvas was installed in a dark room which ensured the night scenario. Two computer-controlled projectors of the same kind were used during the experiments to project the visual targets on the canvas. A primary visual target was a 2° filled disk presented at 20° or at 10° off-axis. It was a light increment projected onto the background. In the experiments, interference filters of 20 nm half bandwidth were used (440 nm, 490 nm, 540 nm, 570 nm, 600 nm, 620 nm and their additive mixtures). The observers were asked to fixate on the centre. Supporting this, a secondary visual target (a red 2° control target at L=2.5 cdm-2) was used. It was (randomly) either a number or a pictogram projected onto the centre of the visual field. The observer had to answer what the control target was. All physical measurements were carried out by a Photo Research PR 705 spectro-radiometer. Three major methods (A, B and C) were used in the contrast threshold detection experiments. In all three methods, the type of the introductory phase was the same: the visual target emerged from the background with the flicker frequency of 1.67 Hz. According to Padmos and Norren, the influence of the chromatic mechanisms appears only over a 300 ms flickering period [11]. The DAC value (digital driving value of the projector) of the primary target was increased from zero until the observer signalled detection. Method “A” was built up from two main stages. The first one, as mentioned before, was an introductory phase to assess a DAC value which was the centre of a ±30 DAC interval containing 300 randomly generated DAC values to be used in the second phase. These 300 randomly generated stimuli contained 52 stimuli with zero DAC value (i.e. no signal), to be able to calculate a percent correct point. Stimuli were presented for 2 s and hidden for another 2 s. Observers had to signal the detection of the target. This method was called the method of constant stimuli. Method “B” was a “forced choice fixed step size staircase method” [12]. The observer determined the preliminary DAC value where the stimulus was first perceived during the introductory phase. This was followed by either increasing the DAC value or decreasing it. The DAC value was decreased (increased) by 1 DAC unit until the observer nearly couldn’t (could) detect the target. This resulted in another direction change. After these changes were done several times after each other, these values were evaluated (mean value from the least 15 DAC values) to get the final threshold value. A new method was formulated as type “C” to get an even better estimation of the threshold value. The observation started with the introductory phase to assess a rough DAC detection threshold value. There were numerous primary visual targets presented after each other with the same DAC value. These targets (where the DAC was the same) formed a group. Upon the given answers to the group members, a step up (increasing the DAC value) or down (decreasing the DAC value) was calculated. Step sizes are shown in Table 1. This method converges faster and more precisely to the threshold value than the other ones. If we get closer to the real threshold, the hit ratio gets lower. This uncertainty can be avoided by the help of multiple steps and target groups. The observer doesn’t know that there are targets presented with the same DAC value (group) and this leads to different detection probabilities for the same DAC values. This way, smaller or bigger steps can be performed and a better asymptotic convergence can be reached. This property is very important in mesopic investigations because the observer tends to get tired and signals a higher threshold DAC value than the real one. Table 1. Performed steps based on the hit ratio. Hit ratio Performed steps 100% 75% -3 DAC (decreasing) -1 DAC (decreasing) Must repeat, with the same DAC value 1 DAC (increasing) 3 DAC (increasing) 50% 25% 0% In method “C” the evaluation was the following: a mean value was calculated from the last 10 DAC values (increase/decrease direction change) if an approximately 50% hit ratio was observed twice. In all three methods, if the observer missed the control target then that given answer was discarded as it indicated that the fixation of the observer shifted from the fixation point. In the 20° experiments, 4 female and 1 male, while in the 10° experiments 1 female and 1 male (aged between 20 and 26) observer took part. For each target chromaticity, they repeated the 20° tests 15 times and the 10° experiments 18 times, all of them had good colour vision tested by the FM100 Hue Test. Tests were carried out not only with single narrow band stimuli but also with composite stimuli to explore the effect of spectral non-additivity, see Table 2. Table 2. Interference filter sets used to investigate the non-additivity effect in the mesopic range. Interference filter sets used in the non-additivity experiments 440 nm 540 nm 490 nm 620 nm 620 nm 600 nm 440 nm + 620 nm 540 nm + 620 nm 490 nm + 600 nm Detection threshold was assessed both by superposing the two narrow band radiations i.e. by projecting their additive mixture (e.g. 490 nm plus 600 nm) as an increment on the background and by showing them individually (e.g. either 490 nm or 600 nm). COMPUTATIONAL METHOD If Abney’s law of additivity was fulfilled in the mesopic object detection task then the luminance sum of the two quasi-monochromatic (e.g. 490 nm, and 600 nm) lights filtered by the interference filters separately could be used to predict the detection probability of the mixture of the two (490 nm+600 nm). From the luminance increment values, a usable contrast threshold could be calculated. This contrast threshold value is the minimal luminance difference between the background and the target (i.e. the increment on the background) needed to detect the visual target. Unfortunately, due to the activity of chromatic mechanisms, Abney’s law cannot be applied and, instead of applying the concept of mesopic luminance, a more sophisticated (chromatic or spectrally opponent) model of mesopic detection is needed like the recently developed CHC2 model[1. The CHC2 model takes the chromatic mechanisms of the visual system into account to yield a more accurate predictor of detection performance. The CHC2 model[1] represents a novel approach to predict the detectability of mesopic light increments at or around the detection threshold. The contrast metric CCHC2 is computed from the CL, CM, CS and CR cone and rod contrasts where CR rod contrast is calculated using V’(λ) rod spectral sensitivity –because only the rods contribute to scotopic vision – and the L(), M() and S() are the cones spectral sensitivity functions published by Stockman and Sharpe [13] are used to determine CL, CM, CS and CR. The contrasts are calculated as the ratio of the target increment SPDs and the background SPDs. As an example, in Figure 2a, both the background SPD and the increments are shown and in Figure 2b, only the increment is shown. SPD of the background and the increments 1,4E-05 1,0E-06 1,2E-05 SPD of the increment SPD of the background 8,0E-07 Rel. Units Rel.Units 1,0E-05 SPD of the increments 1,2E-06 SPD of the increment 8,0E-06 6,0E-06 6,0E-07 4,0E-07 4,0E-06 2,0E-07 2,0E-06 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength(nm) 650 700 750 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength(nm) 650 700 750 Figure 2a. SPD of the background and the SPD added to the background by the increment (at λ=490 nm and λ=600 nm). Figure 2b. SPD of the increment generated by using two interference filters (λ=490 nm and λ=600 nm) in two parallel optical channels. The spectral difference between the two curves (Figure 2a) shows the threshold contrast needed for the detection of the object (i.e. the visual target). The CL, CM, CS and CR values are calculated from the L, M, S and R cone and rod sensitivities, weighted by the SPDs of the increment (shown in Figure 2b) –resulting ΔL, ΔM, ΔS and ΔR-, and the background(shown in Figure 2a, dashed line) –resulting Lb, Mb, Sb, Rb values-. This process is done in the following way[1]: 780 L L ( ) ( ) d ( ) . (1) 380 780 Lb L ( ) b ( ) d ( ) . (2) 380 CL L / Lb . (3) CM, CS and CR are calculated in the same way. () is the absolute SPD of the light increment i.e. it can be both quasi-monochromatic or spectrally composite, χb(λ) is the absolute SPD of the background. The CCHC2 metric uses receptor-specific contrast adaptation [1] which is realized through the expressions of CL, CM, CS and CR. Furthermore, YMPb ( ) 780 V MP 380 ( ) b ( ) d ( ) , (4) is a “mesopic luminance like” quantity for the background SPD where VMP(λ) is a multi-peak spectral responsivity curve similar to Kurtenbach et. al’s [14] for the mesopic luminance range. VMP ( ) L L( ) M M ( ) SS ( ) RV '( ) L L( ) M M ( ) (5) where the {αL, αM, αS, αR, γL, γM} parameter set represents the relative rod-cone contributions as well as the contribution of the L-M opponency. The parameter set is the result of optimization to the present, psycho-physically measured mesopic detection threshold data at 10° and 20° eccentricity derived from pooling the results of methods “A”, “B” and “C” and requiring that the standard deviation should be minimal among the parameters. With the help of Equations (1)-(5) the CCHC2 contrast metric is defined in the following way [1]: CCHC2= L (Lb /YMPb )CL + M (M b /YMPb )CM +S (S b /YMPb )CS + R (Rb /YMPb )CR +| L (Lb /YMPb )CL - M (M b /YMPb )CM| (6) where the {αL, αM, αS, αR, γL, γM} is the same as for VMP(λ). In CHC2[1], the relation between αL and αM was set to αL=1.55αM according to Sharpe and Stockman[13]. Recently, this ratio was changed to αL=1.89αM according to Sharpe and Stockman[15]. To compare the results of the new CHC2 contrast metric, three achromatic models from literature were chosen. These three recent mesopic photometry metrics are the MOVE model4, the so- called X-model 3 and CIE TC 1-58’s mesopic model 6. The three models are very similar to each other and differ considerably from the CHC2 metric[1]. They are achromatic models that exhibit spectral additivity if 1. the SPD of the background is fixed, 2. the background is large enough and 3. the target is not too intensive compared to the background. Latter three assumptions are necessary to ascertain a fixed state of adaptation independent of the intensity and spectral content of the visual target appearing on the background. To compare the performance of the CHC2 contrast metric, the CMOVE, CX and CTC1-58 contrast values were calculated in the following way: C Ltarget Lbackground Lbackground , (7) where Ltarget and Lbackground are the luminance values of the increment and the background, both calculated with the appropriate model (X, MOVE, CIE TC1-58). RESULTS Table 3 shows the optimized {αL, αM, αS, αR, γL, γM} parameter sets for 10° and 20° eccentricities and with their standard deviations which represent the inter-observer variability of 2 or 5 observers. Table 3. Optimized {αL, αM, αS, αR, γL, γM} parameter sets of the CHC2 model for 10° and 20° eccentricity with standard deviations (SD). The values are based on the present experimental dataset. Viewing angle / Parameters and SDs αL SD αM SD αS SD αR SD γL SD γM SD 10° 0.76 0.21 0.40 0.09 0.71 0.23 0.31 0.19 0.94 0.22 0.64 0.21 20° 0.68 0.15 0.36 0.05 0.46 0.26 0.69 0.11 1.02 0.32 1.32 0.21 The {αL, αM, αS, αR, γL, γM} datasets shown in Table 3 are used in Equation (6) to calculate the minimal contrast needed for safe detection between background and increment SPDs. Figure 3. Normalized spectral sensitivity curves for 10° and 20° eccentricity are plotted with standard deviation representing the inter-observer variability of the CHC2 contrast metric. The normalized spectral detection sensitivity curves by the MOVE, X and CIE TC1-58 are also shown for 0.5 cd/m2 background luminance and x=0.311; y= 0.330 background chromaticity The activity of the chromatic mechanisms can be illustrated by plotting the spectral detection responsivity curves according to the CHC2 model, and as a comparison, also according to the MOVE, the X and the CIE TC1-58 models. Figure 3 shows this comparison for the 6000 K background (the “x” parameters for the X-model and the MOVE model, and the “m” parameter were recalculated for 0.5 cd/m2: 0.768, 0,578, 0.690 respectively). All achromatic curves are different from the CHC2 model: they have only one maximum. CHC2 shows two or more local maxima, depending on eccentricity. This property is caused by the influence of the chromatic mechanisms that are spectrally opponent, and by the spatial distribution of the rods and cones on the human retina. The data shown in Table 4 are calculated from the averages of the observed and physically measured values with the help of methods “A”, “B” and “C”. More than 600 observations for 20° eccentricity (5 observers) and nearly 350 for 10° off-axis (2 observers) were done. Table 4. Mean contrast values calculated with the help of Equation (6) with minimum and maximum values of the 95% confidence intervals shown in brackets for 10° and 20° eccentricity. The column SD/M lists the normalized standard deviation of the mean contrast values, shown in the Table (M i.e. the mean of the mean values is the normalizing factor) [16]. Contrasts / Wavelength (nm) CCHC2 10° CCHC2 20° 440 620 440+620 540 620 540+620 490 600 490+600 570 1.35 (1,1.71) 0.92 (0.57,1.29) 0.91 (0.56,1.27) 1.01 (0.68,1.33) 1.76 (1.2,2.32) 1.53 (1.08,2) 1.27 (0.75,1.79) 1.22 (0.81,1.65) 0.94 (0.61,1.26) 1.01 (0.68,1.33) 1.48 (0.95,2.02) 0.67 (0.29,1.11) 0.77 (0.32,1.22) 1.36 (0.97,1.75) 1.04 (0.65,1.43) 0.91 (0.52,1.3) 1.23 (0.87,1.59) 1.26 (0.57,1.62) 1,70 (1.34,2.06) 1.22 (0.87,1.59) SD / M 0.24 0.27 Table 5 shows the calculated contrast values –with the help of Equation (6) and Equation (7)for the four models at 10° eccentricity at the given central wavelength with standard deviations, representing inter-observer variability of 2 observers. Table 5. Mean contrast values calculated with the help of Equation (6) and Equation (7) with minimum and maximum values shown in brackets (95% confidence intervals) for 10° eccentricity. The column SD/M lists the normalized standard deviation of the mean contrast values shown in the Table (M is the normalizing factor). Contrast metric/ Wavelength (nm) CMOVE CX CTC1-58 CCHC2 440 620 440+620 540 620 540+620 490 600 490+600 570 0.80 (0.44,1.15) 0.59 (0.23,0.94) 0.66 (0.3,1.02) 1.35 (1,1.71) 1.04 (0.69,1.4) 1.39 (1.03,1.74) 1.25 (0.9,1.61) 0.91 (0.56,1.27) 1.58 (1.02,2.14) 1.71 (1.15,2.27) 1.65 (1.09,2.21) 1.76 (1.2,2.32) 2.43 (1.91,2.95) 2.49 (1.97,3.01) 2.47 (1.95,2.99) 1.27 (0.75,1.79) 1.19 (0.86,1.51) 1.52 (1.19,1.84) 1.39 (1.06,1.71) 0.94 (0.61,1.26) 2.38 (1.84,2.91) 2.70 (2.17,3.24) 2.58 (2.04,3.11) 1.48 (0.95,2.02) 1.71 (1.26,2.16) 1.21 (0.76,1.66) 1.40 (0.95,1.85) 0.77 (0.32,1.22) 1.27 (0.88,1.66) 1.58 (1.19,1.97) 1.46 (1.07,1.85) 1.04 (0.65,1.43) 2.24 (1.88,2.6) 1.97 (1.61,2.33) 2.07 (1.71,2.43) 1.23 (0.87,1.59) 2.65 (2.29,3.01) 3.10 (2.74,3.45) 2.92 (2.57,3.28) 1.70 (1.34,2.06) SD / M 0.35 0.38 0.39 0.24 A true contrast metric should yield the same contrast values at the detection threshold for different targets of different chromaticities. The data in Table 5 show that the standard deviation of the detection contrast values for CCHC2 is less than the standard deviation of the other metrics. This means that CCHC2 can be considered as a good contrast metric which can be used to predict contrasts for different object chromaticities and different background SPDs. Table 6. Mean contrast values calculated with the help of Equation (6) and Equation (7) with minimum and maximum values shown in brackets (95% confidence intervals) for 20° eccentricity. The column SD/M lists the normalized standard deviation of the mean contrast values shown in the Table (M is the normalizing factor). Contrast metric/ Wavelengt h (nm) CMOVE CX CTC1-58 CCHC2 440 620 440+620 540 620 540+620 490 600 490+600 570 0.57 (0.31,0.94) 0.32 (0.2,0.55) 0.41 (0.28,0.69) 0.92 (0.57,1.29) 1.03 (0.67,1.38) 1.29 (0.93,1.64) 1.19 (0.83,1.54) 1.01 (0.68,1.33) 1.48 (0.92,2.04) 1.39 (0.83,1.95) 1.41 (0.85,1.97) 1.53 (1.08,2) 2.96 (2.44,3.48) 3.01 (2.49,3.54) 3.00 (2.48,3.52) 1.22 (0.81,1.65) 1.03 (0.67,1.38) 1.29 (0.93,1.64) 1.19 (0.83,1.54) 1.01 (0.68,1.33) 2.93 (2.39,3.46) 3.11 (2.57,3.65) 3.04 (2.51,3.58) 0.67 (0.29,1.11) 1.60 (1.15,2.05) 1.10 (0.65,1.55) 1.29 (0.84,1.74) 1.36 (0.97,1.75) 0.82 (0.43,1.21) 1.04 (0.66,1.43) 0.96 (0.57,1.35) 0.91 (0.52,1.3) 1.82 (1.46,2.18) 1.75 (1.39,2.1) 1.77 (1.41,2.13) 1.26 (0.57,1.62) 2.75 (2.39,3.1) 3.24 (2.89,3,6) 3.05 (2.7,3.38) 1.22 (0.87,1.59) SD / M 0.47 0.57 0.52 0.27 Table 6 shows the calculated contrast values –with the help of Equation (6) and Equation (7)for the four models at 20° eccentricity at the given central wavelengths together with their standard deviations representing inter-observer variability of 5 observers. The normalized standard deviation is considerable for every model but it is significantly less for the case of CHC2. This means that the CHC2 contrast metric is more appropriate for 20°eccentricity than the achromatic models. Note that the mean values of the measured data for 620 nm were used twice. This is the reason why the values are the same for the second and the fifth columns. DISCUSSION The spectral sensitivity curves predicted by the CHC2[1] model (Figure 3) show more local maxima depending on viewing angle. They have a different shape than the curves of the other (achromatic) models from literature. This difference is caused by including the chromatic channels. These “multi-peaked” curves let us conclude that there are multiple mesopic detection mechanisms working on the human retina. As can be seen from Tables 5 and 6, the achromatic models –MOVE, X and CIE TC1-58predict the detection contrast threshold values with a larger standard deviation than the CHC2 contrast metric. An ideal contrast metric model should yield the same contrast value at the detection level for different chromaticities. According to these facts, the CHC2 model can give better predictions than previous (both chromatic models and achromatic models using spectral integration) because the CHC2 model describes chromatic influence in a more plausible (i.e. non-additive) way. Hence, by including this chromatic opponency, spectral non-additivity in the mesopic range can be accounted for. Also note that the above achromatic models are based on visual experiments at 10° eccentricity only. At 20° off-axis, they can be compared only with care with CHC2 which is the result of both 10° and 20° visual tests. The achromatic models, MOVE, TC1-58 and X do not take the influence of eccentricity dependence into account, only Lp and Ls are considered to be important. This fact may also lead to errors in the predicted contrasts needed for safe detection. CONCLUSION As previous experimental data and results[1] show, the CHC2 contrast metric[1] can be used to predict mesopic detection threshold contrasts effectively. By using the CHC2 contrast metric, the spectral responsivity of the human retina in the mesopic range is well described as it takes the spectrally non-additive contribution of the chromatic channels into account. Mesopic visual performance models working with spectral integration do not account for the influence of the chromatic (i.e. spectrally opponent) channels correctly, hence spectral nonadditivity causes a problem. This is the case for every white or near-white like source used e.g. in street lighting. If a spectrally composite light source is used, non-additivity occurs, caused by the chromatic influence. Neither the VMP(λ) alone or any achromatic model can solve this problem. The above spectral integration models (chromatic or achromatic) may cause an under- or overestimation of mesopic detection sensitivity. If mesopic detection sensitivity is underestimated then lower predicted detection probability values are predicted than the real probability of detection near the detection threshold. This is only a problem from an economic point of view: more energy is used for lighting. Overestimation of detection sensitivity is more critical because in this case the predicted threshold is lower than the real contrast threshold needed for safe detection. The CHC2 model predicts the effect of spectral non-additivity in the mesopic range. This results in more accurate detection contrast threshold values and to a safe mesopic object detection condition. LITERATURE [1] Bodrogi P. Vas Z. Haferkemper N. Varady G. Schiller C. Khanh TQ. Schanda J. Effect of chromatic mechanisms on the detection of mesopic incremental targets at different eccentricities. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. Vol. 30. 85-94. 2010. [2] Sagawa K. 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University of Pannonia. Egyetem u. 10. H-8200 Veszprém. Hungary @: {} Geza Varady: Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of System- and Software Technologies. University of Pécs. Boszorkány u. 2. H-7624 Pécs. Hungary @: {}