Title: A British Society in the Past Entry Code: 6250/E2 6250/E3 Level; Entry 2/3 Credit Value: 4 Unit Aim: This unit aims to help learners to understand the key features that affected people's lives in Britain in the past. This will be through a study of a short period of British history. In particular learners will be taught about similarities and differences between past and present and the use of historical sources. Learning Objective Assessment Criteria E2 LO1 AC1.1 know features of a identify features connected with particular British this British society in the past society in the past THE FIRST WORLD WAR 1914-1918 Assessment Criteria E3 Programme of study AC1.1 What was life like in Britain in 1900? describe features of a British society in the past What was Europe like in 1900? How did the war begin? Why did men join up? Conscription, Propaganda The Western Front How/Why did Trench warfare start? How did technology contribute to Trench warfare? What was life like in the trenches? What was the fighting like in the trenches? The Battle of the Somme The war in the air Naval warfare U-boats. The Home Front; Rationing, Women How did the war end? AC1.2 identify people from this British society in the past AC1.2 describe the importance of certain people in this British society in the past know similarities and differences between a particular British society in the past and their own society AC2.1 show how people's lives in this British society were similar to life today AC2.1 describe similarities between this British society and their own times LO3 be able to use historical sources to find out about a particular British society in the past AC3.1 identify different types of historical sources AC3.1 categorise different types of historical sources AC3.1 select information from historical sources AC3.2 use historical sources to make Visual – pictures, photographs, paintings, posters, observations about a British society in cartoons, maps, films from the time the past Artefacts – gas masks, weapons, tools, medals, household items, clothes, shoes LO2 AC2.2 show how people’s lives in this British society were different from life today AC2.2 describe how people's lives were different in this British society in the past from lives today Kaiser Wilhelm ll Lord Kitchener General Haig Lloyd George Houses, home/social life ,clothes, food, Transport Weapons, warfare Attitudes – to country, women, Work Written – letters, diaries, newspapers, Oral – eye witness recordings/memories used in radio/television/CDs/ DVDs, music Sites - war memorials, battlefields, headstones, houses Module Entry 2 Introduction List some features of everyday life in 1900 and features of life today What was life like Produce poster illustrating some in 1900 features of everyday life in1900 and some features of life today Module Entry 2 Entry 3 Produce poster illustrating with descriptions features of life in 1900 and comparing them to life today Produce power point describing features of life in 1900 with comparisons to life today Entry 3 Show film footage from the time -everyday life in 1900; or fictional TV programme. Use small display of everyday household articles from early 20th century Worksheets; True/False – Had/Did not have Discussion of similarities and differences – life in 1900 and life today