During the lesson, learners are progressing toward the following language learning aims: shows what activities to take out of a two hour class. Content / Activities Sub-theme: Jobs Can Do Statements Resources Lesson Prepared by Vivienne Yu Can listen attentively to complete a table of information Stage plan overview: Introduction Assign students into two groups; have students brainstorm a list of as many jobs as they can think of in one minute on a piece of A3 paper. Record all jobs mentioned from their lists on the board and discuss what people do in their jobs. Ask students to rate these jobs and have them explain to the class what they are going to be, using last week’s grammar. I am going to be an actor. Supporting Tasks Read poems from Teacher Resource 1 and follow instructions for the activity. Discuss good listening skills – students can complete Activity Sheet 1 – Whole Body Listening. Teacher may use Teacher Resource 2 poster to introduce what whole-body listening is. Complete PB p.18-19 Ex 8 - 12 and AB p.18-19 Ex 8 – 12 to further practise job vocab. Play The Broken Telephone from Teacher Resource 3 to practise listening skills. Re-Read Mr Brown the Circus Clown (from Teacher Resource 2) and ask questions to check comprehension. Main Task Distribute Activity Sheet 2 – What do they do? to students. Explain to the class that four people will be speaking about their jobs, and students will have to record and complete the table. Students also will have to figure out these characters’ jobs by the clues given. Play Extra CD Track 5 once or read out the transcript from Teacher Resource 4. Review answers with students when students finish. Post Task Activities Refer to all the jobs mentioned in class, have students imagine they do one of these jobs and write about their normal day at work for ezine. Students may use Activity Sheet 3 – Future Job to write a paragraph about their imaginary job. Teacher may provide guiding questions on the board to help students generate the content of the paragraph. For example, what is the job, what is special about this job, etc. Lesson Log Students complete their Lesson Log and Self-Assessment - Task 8 Extension: Complete Activity Sheet 4 - Jobs. ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 1 of 11 Literature Mr Brown the Circus Clown by Kenn Nesbitt Course Book: Kid’s Box 5 Pupil’s Book: pp.18-19 Activity Book: pp.18-19 Teacher’s Book: pp.28-29 CD 1: Track 31-32 Extra CD 5 Teacher’s Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. Poems Whole-Body Listening The Broken Telephone CD Transcript Activity Sheets 1. 2. 3. 4. Whole-Body Listening What do they do? Future Job Jobs Additional Materials Self-Assessment Lesson Log A3 paper Teacher Resource 1 Read the following two poems to the class from the book Steady Hands: Poems About Work by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer. (For this activity, do not read the title of the poem.) Poem 1: Before reading the poem, recommend students to close their eyes while listening to picture what time of the day this poem depicts. Morning Rooster nudges the sun out of bed. Alarms jangle, sing, or speak to restless dreamers. How showers and fresh coffee transform zombies into humans, while razors, combs, toothpaste, and brushes work in two-minute shifts. Backpacks and briefcases swallow books and notes for breakfast. Engines hum heels click and doors thud behind ambitions. Poem 2: Have students guess the job of this poem and ask them what keywords helped them to figure out the job. Baker Snowy flour dusts the early lavender light in the backroom of the bakery. With each flap roll flap the baker’s hands disappear and reappear ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 2 of 11 in the folds of dough. Teacher Resource 2 Teacher shows this picture to class and discuss with students what each body part needs to do in order to practice good listening skills. During the discussion, teacher may comment on students who are practicing good listening skills. After the discussion, students complete Activity Sheet 1. ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 3 of 11 Teacher Resource 3 The Broken Telephone, is a game which one person whispers a message to another. The goal of this game is to have students pass on the message one by one until the last player announces the message to the entire group. Part 1: Depending on the size of the class, teacher may choose to have students sit or stand in a row, or have students spread out in the classroom (e.g., against the wall, at each corner of the room). If possible, teacher may divide the class into two teams and see which team gets the most information closely matching to the original message. Teacher will start whispering a line from Mr Brown the Circus Clown by Kenn Nesbitt: Mr. Brown, the circus clown puts his clothes on upside down. He wears his hat upon his toes and socks and shoes upon his nose. He ties his ties around his thighs and wraps his belt around his eyes. He hangs his earrings from his hips and stockings from his fingertips. He puts his glasses on his feet and shirt and coat around his seat. And when he's dressed, at last he stands and walks around upon his hands. Teacher to choose as much / little information from the above poem to serve as the messages to be passed around. Part 2: Regroup students and ask students to share if this game is difficult, and why it can be. Introduce tips for Active Listening: Look at the speaker and pay attention to his/her facial expression and body gesture. Try to remember some special words (keywords) that you hear. Think quietly to yourself, and see if you understand what the speaker is saying. If not, ask questions when the speaker is finished. ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 4 of 11 Teacher Resource 4 CD Transcript from Kid’s Box 5 Teacher Resource Pack, needed for today’s main task (Activity Sheet 2) ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 5 of 11 Activity Sheet 1 How do we listen with our whole body? Fill in the correct description for each body part. Eyes Ears Mouth Hands Feet Body Brain No talking, humming or making sound Faces the speaker Look at the person talking to you Quiet in lap, pockets or by your side Quiet on the floor Ready to hear ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 6 of 11 Thinking about what is being said. ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 7 of 11 Activity Sheet 2 Look at the picture. What job does this man do? When and where does he work? Does he enjoy his job? Listen to the people talk about their jobs. Complete the table. What do you think each person does? Name John When do they work? Where do they work? Why do they like What do you their job? think they do? At the weekends Robert Emma ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 8 of 11 Jane Activity Sheet 3 What type of job do you want to do in the future? Imagine you are being interviewed by Kid’s Box ezine and you have to provide a short paragraph to introduce yourself and your job. Here are some questions that may help you to think of what to write for your paragraph. What job? Why do you want to do this? What are you good at? You may refer to Pupil’s Book p.18 Exercise 8 for examples. (Draw a picture of you.) ______________________ (your name) is a famous ____________________________(job). ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 9 of 11 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Activity Sheet 4 ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 10 of 11 Date: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ Today’s theme: Today’s theme: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Today’s literature: Today’s literature: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Three things I learned or practised today: Three things I learned or practised today: ©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 11 of 11