Heading: Energy City Project 2013 Part I. City Location Thank you for submitting a proposal to rebuild a city, in case of a catastrophic geological event. Your engineering firm will choose a city by lottery. List your team’s top 5 countries for the project. Send one representative to draw a number during advisory class. Sign-ups will follow the order of numbers drawn with #1 getting the first choice. Countries associated with earthquakes Algeria Kenya Argentina Peru Chile Philippines China Portugal Columbia Russia Congo Taiwan Haiti Tanzania Iceland Turkey Indonesia United Kingdom Japan United States Countries located near a volcano Bolivia Kenya Canada Mexico Columbia New Zealand Costa Rica Papua New Guinea Democratic Republic of Philippines the Congo Russia Fiji Islands Spain Greece Taiwan Guatemala Tanzania Iceland Tonga Islands Indonesia United States Italy Japan City Location: Country ____________________________ City Name ____________________________ (Circle One) Earthquake Volcano Location (latitude/longitude) _________________________________ Weather ________________________________________________________________________________ Environment and natural resources _______________________________________________________ Current energy sources ___________________________________________________________________ Population ______________________________________________________________________________ Economy ________________________________________________________________________________ Part II. Create a Weebly Website _____ Create a page on the Weebly Website for information about the city. Education.weebly.com (use school account!) Weebly Username ____________________________ Weebly Password _________________________ Weebly url (create in class) _______________________________________________________________ _____ Include 2 or more current pictures of the city (cite the sources). Energy City Project 2013 Part III. Research A. History of Geological Events _____ Conduct research about this city’s most recent earthquake or volcano eruption. _____ Record your notes on a page on the team Weebly Website. Most recent geologic event was (circle one): an earthquake or a volcanic eruption What were details about the geologic event? How did it happen? When did it occur? Where did it happen? Who was affected? Why do engineers need this information to help them rebuild after a disaster? _____ Include a picture from the disaster. B. Earthquake/Volcano Research- Discovery Education _____ *Sign in to Discovery Education to conduct research on earthquakes or volcanoes (depending on the location of the city). You may find pictures, videos, or interactive lessons to help you understand them. _____ Record notes on the Weebly Website. Some possible guiding questions are listed below. What is an earthquake? Where do they occur? When do they occur? How do they occur? Who is affected? What types of buildings are affected? What is a volcano? Where are they located? When do they erupt? How do they erupt? Who is affected? (direction of lava flow) What distance from the volcano is affected? C. Plate Tectonics Research- Dynamic Earth website-http://bit.ly/dynamicearth _____ *Use the interactive website to learn about plate tectonics, the types of boundaries, and the types of movements associated with the plates. _____ Add a page for research collected from the website. Guiding questions are listed below. Describe Pangea and where the continents are today. What are the names of the 15 major tectonic plates? _____ Include a map of the tectonic plates on the website. (cite source) Describe the three types of plate boundaries. On what plate(s) is your team’s city located? What types of boundary(ies) are located near your city? Describe the movements of convergent boundaries and formations that result from them. Describe the movements of divergent boundaries and formations that result from them. Describe the movements of transform boundaries and formations that result from them. Which movements occur in your city, and what formations have occurred in that location? Energy City Project 2013 D. Building structure and design Find out what engineers take into consideration when building a structure near a fault line or near a volcano. _____ Record notes on the Weebly Website. Find three different ideas when conducting research. Choose one of the ideas to apply it to the design of the school that will be in your city plan. _____ Include a sketch of the building, with the engineering design labeled, on the Weebly Website. _____ *Draw out blueprints for a future science classroom, and include it on the website. E. Energy Sources Using online resources, in-class resources, and reference books from the library… _____ *Complete the notes sheets about power plants. _____ *Create a Pros and Cons chart for energy sources (coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, biomass, wind, solar, tidal/hydropower, geothermal). _____ Choose energy sources to include in your team’s city plans. _____ Add a page to the Weebly Website. Guiding questions are listed below. What energy sources will power the buildings? What methods of transportation will be available community? What methods of conservation will the city use? Include city resources for your ideas. (Charging area for electric cars? Biofuel gas pumps?) Where will the power plants (if any) be located? Part IV. City Layout _____ Map the layout of the city on graph paper or with an online program. _____ Insert an image of the map on the website. Consider the following: housing transportation school parks food land features natural resources office buildings power plants Part V. City Model _____ Create a model of the city. Some options include: Digital model – Minecraft Digital model – Eden 2D poster (1/2 sheet) 3D model (1/2 sheet) Prezi Keynote/Powerpoint Digital model - Other Project board Other approved idea Part VI. Presentation _____ Share your proposal to rebuild the city at the City Planning meeting. Projected presentation day is ___________________________. water green energy Energy City Project 2013 Group Contact Information Name Home Phone Gaggle Email Other Group Work Contract Develop a contract to ensure quality work and effort from all members. All students, plus Mrs. Almarez, will sign the bottom of the contract. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Group Signatures ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mrs. Almarez’s Signature_________________