CLIL_ master list_2016_01_12

Agustín Llach, M. D. P. (2014). Exploring the lexical profile of young CLIL learners: Towards
an improvement in lexical use. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education,
2(1), 53-73. doi:10.1075/jicb
Alba, J. O. (2009). Themes and vocabulary in CLIL and non-CLIL instruction. Content and
Language Integrated Learning: Evidence from Research in Europe, 41, 130.
Arocena Egaña, E., Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2015). Teachers’ beliefs in multilingual education in
the Basque country and in Friesland. JICB, 3(2), 169-193. doi:10.1075/jicb
Ball, P., Kelly, K., & Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford University Press.
Banegas, D., Luis. (2012). CLIL teacher development: Challenges and experiences. LACLIL,
5(1), 46-56. doi:10.5294/laclil
Banegas, D., Luis. (2011). A Review of “CLIL: content and language integrated learning”.
Language and Education, 25(2), 182-185. doi:10.1080/09500782.2010.539045
Bentley, K. (2010). The TKT Course CLIL Module. Cambridge English.
Bonnet, A., & Dalton-Puffer, C. (2013). Great expectations? Competence and standard related
questions concerning CLIL moving into mainstream. In S. Breidbach & B. Viebrock (Eds.),
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Europe (pp. 269-284). Frankfurt: Peter
Bovellan, E. (2014). Teachers’ beliefs about learning and language as reflected in their views of
teaching materials for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). University of
Breidbach, S., & Viebrock, B. (2013). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in
Europe: Research Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Peter Lang.
Bruton, A. (2013). CLIL: Some of the reasons why … and why not. System, 41(3), 587-597.
Bruton, A. (2015). CLIL: Detail matters in the whole picture. More than a reply to J. Hüttner and
U. Smit (2014). System, 53, 119-128. doi:10.1016/j.system.2015.07.005
Bruton, A. (2011). Are the differences between CLIL and non-CLIL groups in Andalusia due to
CLIL? A reply to Lorenzo, Casal and Moore (2010). Applied Linguistics.
Brüning, C., Isabel, & Purrmann, M.-S. (2014). CLIL pedagogy in Europe: CLIL teacher
education in Germany. Utrecht Studies in Language & Communication, 27, 315-338.
Canado, M. L. P., Marsh, D., & Padilla, J. R. (2015). CLIL in Action: Voices from the
Classroom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Canga Alonso, A. (2013). The receptive vocabulary of Spanish 6th-grade primary-school
students in CLIL instruction: A preliminary study. LACLIL, 6(2), 22-41.
Catalán Jimenez, R., Maria, & Ruiz De Zarobe, Y. (2009). The receptive vocabulary of EFL
learners in two instructional contexts: CLIL versus non-CLIL instruction. Content and language
integrated learning: Evidence from research in Europe, 81-92. Retrieved from
Cenoz, J., Genesee, F., & Gorter, D. (2014). Critical Analysis of CLIL: Taking Stock and
Looking Forward. Applied Linguistics, 35(3), 243-262. doi:10.1093/applin/amt011
Cenoz, J. (2015). Content-based instruction and content and language integrated learning: the
same or different. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28(1), 8-24.
Cenoz, J., & Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2015). Learning through a second or additional language:
content-based instruction and CLIL in the twenty-first century. Language, Culture and
Curriculum, 28(1), 1-7. doi:10.1080/07908318.2014.1000921
Chaplier, C., & O’Connell, A.-M. (2015). Prolegomena to the epistemology of languages for
non-specialists: the example of CLIL. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, 3(1).
Costa, F., & D’Angelo, L. (2011). CLIL: A Suit for All Seasons. LACLIL, 4(1), 1-13.
Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning.
Cambridge University Press.
Curtis, A. (2012). Colombian teachers’ questions about CLIL: What can teachers’ questions tell
us? (Part II). laclil, 5(2), 1-12. doi:10.5294/laclil
Dafouz-Milne, E., & Guerrini, M. (2009). CLIL Across Educational Levels. Richmond
Dafouz-Milne, E. (2010). English as the medium of instruction in Spanish contexts: A look at
teacher discourses. In Y. Ruiz de Zarobe, M. Sierra, & F. Gallardo del Puerto (Eds.), Content
and Foreign Language Integrated Learning: Contributions to Multilingualism in European
Contexts (pp. 189-209). Peter Lang.
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2012). CLIL Activities with CD-ROM: A Resource for Subject and
Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.
Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Classrooms (Language Learning & Language Teachning). John Benjamins Publishing
Company. Retrieved from
Dalton-Puffer, C. (2008). Outcomes and processes in Content and Language Integrated Learning
(CLIL): current research from Europe. In W. Delanoy & L. Volkmann (Eds.), Future Perspectives for
English Language Teaching. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
Dalton-Puffer, C. (2011). Content-and-Language Integrated Learning: From Practice to
Principles. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 182-204.
Dalton-Puffer, C., Llinares, A., Lorenzo, F., & Nikula, T. (2014). You Can Stand Under My
Umbrella”: Immersion, CLIL and Bilingual Education. A Response to Cenoz, Genesee & Gorter
(2013). Applied Linguistics, 35(2), 213-218.
De Graaff, R., Jan Koopman, G., Anikina, Y., & Westhoff, G. (2007). An observation tool for
effective L2 pedagogy in content and language integrated learning (CLIL). International Journal
of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(5), 603-624.
Deller, S., & Price, C. (2007). Teaching Other Subjects Through English. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Denman, J., Tanner, R., & de Graaff, R. (2013). CLIL in junior vocational secondary education:
challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning. International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 285-300. doi:10.1080/13670050.2013.777386
Eldridge, J., Neufeld, S., & Hancio lu, N. (2010). Towards a lexical framework for CLIL. In
Depth, 3(4), 5. Retrieved from
Eurydice. (2006). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at school in Europe. Retrieved 6. 08. 2015,
Fazio, A., Isidori, E., & Bartoll, Ó. C. (2015). Teaching Physical Education in English using
CLIL Methodology: A Critical Perspective. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 186,
918-926. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.041
Gassner, D., & Maillat, D. (2006). Spoken competence in CLIL: A pragmatic take on recent
Swiss data. VIEWS Vienna English Working Papers, 15(3), 15-22.
Genesee, F., Lindholm-Leary, K., Saunders, B., & Christian, D. (2006). Educating English
Language Learners: A Synthesis of Research Evidence. Cambridge University Press.
Georgiou, S. I. (2012). Reviewing the puzzle of CLIL. ELT journal, 66(4), 495-504. Retrieved
Gierlinger, E., Hainschink, V., & Spann, H. (2007). Content and language integrated learning
(CLIL) auf der Sekundarstufe I: Entwicklung, Forschung und Praxis. Trauner.
Gierlinger, E., Carre-Karlinger, C., Fuchs, E., & Lechner, C. (2010). Die CLIL Matrix in der
Unterrichtspraxis. Innovative Impulse aus dem Europäischen Fremdsprachenzentrum des
Europarates. (Praxisreihe 13). Graz: ÖSZ-Österreichisches Sprachenzentrum. Retrieved from
Gierlinger, Erwin. (2007). Modular CLIL in lower secondary education: some insights from a
research project in Austria. In C. Dalton-Puffer & U. Smit (Eds.), Empirical perspectives on
classroom discourse (pp. 79-118). Peter Lang.
Gierlinger, E., Maria. (2007). The three pillars of modular CLIL: Findings from an Austrian
research project. Diverse contexts– converging goals. CLIL in Europe, 211-226.
Gierlinger, E., Maria. (2015). ‘You can speak German, Sir’: On the complexity of teachers’ L1
use in CLIL. Language and Education, 29(4), 347-368. doi:10.1080/09500782.2015.1023733
Gottlieb, M., & Ernst-Slavit, G. (2014). Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Definitions
and Contexts. Corwin.
Graaff, R., Koopman, G., Anikina, Y., & Westhoff, G. (2007). An Observation Tool for
Effective L2 Pedagogy in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(5), 603-623.
Grandinetti, M., Langellotti, M., & Ting, T. Y. (2013). How CLIL can provide a pragmatic
means to renovate science education – even in a sub-optimally bilingual context. International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 267-284.
Grieveson, M., & Superfine, W. (2012). The CLIL Resource Pack: Photocopiable and
Interactive Whiteboard Activities for Primary and Lower Secondary Teachers. Delta Publishing.
Retrieved from
Guillamon-Suesta, F., & Renau, M. L. (2015). A critical vision of the CLIL approach in
secondary education: A study in the Valencian community in Spain. 8(1), 1-12.
Heimes, A. (2010). Psycholinguistic Thought Meets Sociocultural Theory: Die integrativen
Zusammenhänge von Fachmethodik und Fremdsprachenlernen im bilingualen (Geschichts-)
Unterricht. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Retrieved from
Hillyard, S. (2011). First steps in CLIL: Training the teachers. LACLIL, 4(2).
Hunt, M. (2011). UK teachers’ and learners’ experiences of CLIL resulting from the EU-funded
project ECLILT. 4(1), 27-39.
Hüttner, J., Dalton-Puffer, C., & Smit, U. (2013). The power of beliefs: lay theories and their
influence on the implementation of CLIL programmes. International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 267-284. doi:10.1080/13670050.2013.777385
Hüttner, J., & Smit, U. (2014). CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning): The bigger
picture. A response to: A. Bruton. 2013. CLIL: Some of the reasons why … and why not. System
41 (2013): 587–597. System, 44, 160-167. doi:10.1016/j.system.2014.03.001
Jimenez Catalan, R., Maria, & Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2009). The receptive vocabulary of EFL
learners in two instructional contexts: CLIL versus non-CLIL instruction. In R. Jimenez Catalan,
Maria & Y. Ruiz de Zarobe (Eds.), Content and Language Integrated Learning: Evidence from
Research in Europe (pp. 81-92). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Küppers, A., & TRautmann, M. (2013). It is not CLIL that is a success - CLIL students are! Some
critical remarks on the current CLIL boom. In S. Breidbach & B. Viebrock (Eds.), Content and
language integrated learning (CLIL) in Europe (pp. 285-296). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Lasabaster, D. (2013). The use of the L1 in CLIL classes: The teachers’ perspective. LACLIL,
6(2), 1-21. doi:10.5294/laclil
Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J., Manuel. (2010). Immersion and CLIL in English: more
differences than similarities. ELT Journal, 64(4), 367-374.
Lasagabaster, D., & Doiz, A. (2015). A Longitudinal Study on the Impact of CLIL on Affective
Factors. Applied Linguistics, amv059. doi:10.1093/applin/amv059
Lightbown, P., M. (2014). Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
LLinares, A., & Whittaker, R. (2009). Teaching and learning history in secondary CLIL
classrooms: from speaking to writing. In E. Dafouz & M. C. Guerrini (Eds.), CLIL across
educational levels. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.
Llinares, A., Morton, T., & Whittaker, R. (2012). The Roles of Language in CLIL. Cambridge
University Press.
Llinares, A. (2015). Integration in CLIL: a proposal to inform research and successful pedagogy.
Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28(1), 58-73. doi:10.1080/07908318.2014.1000925
Lorenzo, F. (2007). An Analytical Framework of Language Integration in L2 Content-based
Courses: The European Dimension. Language and Education, 21(6), 502-514.
Lorenzo, F., Casal, S., & Moore, P. (2009). The effects of content and language integrated
learning in European education: Key findings from the Andalusian bilingual sections evaluation
project. Applied Linguistics, 31(3), 418-442. doi:10.1093/applin/amp041
Lyster, R. (2007). Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content: A counterbalanced
approach. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Madrid, D., & Hughes, S. (2011). Studies in Bilingual Education. Bern: Peter Lang.
Marsh, D., & Wolff, D. (2007). Diverse Contexts-Converging Goals. CLIL in Europe. Frankfurt:
Peter Lang. Retrieved from
Marsh, D. (2008). Language awareness and CLIL. In J. Cenoz & N. Hornberger (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol 6. Knowledge about Language (pp. 233-246).
New York: Springer.
Marsh, D., Perez Canado, M. L., & Padilla, J. R. (2015). CLIL in Action: Voices from the
Classroom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Massler, U. (2012). Primary CLIL and Its Stakeholders: What Children, Parents and Teachers
Think of the Potential Merits and Pitfalls of CLIL Modules in Primary Teaching. International
CLIL Research Journal, 1(4), 36-46.
Massler, U., Stotz, D., & Queisser, C. (2014). Assessment instruments for primary CLIL: the
conceptualisation and evaluation of test tasks. The Language Learning Journal, 42(2), 137-150.
McBain, R. A., & Mhunpiew, N. (2014). Development of a vocabulary instruction model for
content and language integrated learning for English language learners in Bangkok. LACLIL,
7(1), 82-97. doi:10.5294/laclil
McDougald, J. S. (2015). Teachers’ attitudes, perceptions and experiences in CLIL: A look at
content and language. Colombian Applied Linguistic Journal J, 17(1), 25.
Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL: Content and language
integrated learning in bilingual and multilingual education. Macmillan.
Mehisto, P., & Marsh, D. (2011). Approaching the economic, cognitive and health benefits of
bilingualism: Fuel for CLIL. In Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning (pp. 21-48).
Bern: Peter Lang.
Mendez Garcia, M. D. C., & Pavon Vazquez, V. (2012). Investigating the coexistence of the
mother tongue and the foreign language through teacher collaboration in CLIL contexts:
perceptions and practice of the teachers involved in the plurilingual programme in Andalusia.
International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, 1-20. doi:10.1080/13670050.2012.670195
Merikivi, R., & Pietilä, P. (2014). Vocabulary in CLIL and in Mainstream Education. Journal of
Language Teaching and Research, 5(3). doi:10.4304/jltr.5.3.487-497
Meyer, O. (2010). Towards quality CLIL: successful planning and teaching strategies. Puls, 11-
Meyer, O., Coyle, D., Halbach, A., Schuck, K., & Ting, T. (2015). A pluriliteracies approach to
content and language integrated learning – mapping learner progressions in knowledge
construction and meaning-making. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28(1), 41-57.
Morilla Garcia, C., & Gallagher, E. (2009). A New CLIL Method: AMCO And the Practical Use
of Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. In V. Pavon Vazquez & J. Avila Lopez (Eds.),
AplicacionesDidacticas Para La Ensenanza Integrada De Lengua Y Contenidos (pp. 131-151).
Cordoba: Consejeria de Educacion, Junta de Andalucia.
Morton, T. (2012). Teachers’ knowledge about language and classroom interaction in content
and language integrated learning. Madrid: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Naves, T. (2009). Effective Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Programmes. In
Y. Ruiz de Zarobe & R. Jimenez Catalan, Maria (Eds.), Content and language integrated
learning: Evidence from research in Europe. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Nikula, T. (2010). Effects of CLIL on a teacher’s classroom language use. In C. Dalton-Puffer,
T. Nikula, & U. Smit (Eds.), Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Paran, A. (2013). Content and Language Integrated Learning: Panacea or Policy Borrowing
Myth. Applied Linguistics Review, 4(2), 317-342. doi:10.1515/applirev-2013-0014
Pena Diaz, C., & Porto Requejo, M., Dolores. (2008). Teacher beliefs in a CLIL education
project. Porta Linguarum, 10, 151-161.
Pistorio, M. I. (2009). Teacher training and competences for effective CLIL teaching in
Argentina. LACLIL, 2(2), 37-43.
Pérez, A., Lorenzo, F., & Pavón, V. (2015). European bilingual models beyond lingua franca:
key findings from CLIL French programs. Lang Policy. doi:10.1007/s10993-015-9386-7
Pérez-Cañado, M. L. (2012). CLIL research in Europe: past, present, and future. International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15(3), 315-341.
Roiha, A. S. (2014). Teachers’ views on differentiation in content and language integrated
learning (CLIL): Perceptions, practices and challenges. Language and Education, 28(1), 1-18.
Román, S. N., & Núñez, J. J. T. (2015). Drama and CLIL: A new challenge for the teaching
approaches in bilingual education. Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Roquet, H., & Pérez-Vidal, C. (2015). Do Productive Skills Improve in Content and Language
Integrated Learning Contexts? The Case of Writing. Applied Linguistics, amv050.
Rumlich, D. (2013). Students’ general English proficiency prior to CLIL: Empirical evidence for
substantial differences between prospective CLIL and non-CLIL students in Germany. In S.
Breidbach & B. Viebrock (Eds.), Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Europe:
Research perspectives on policy and practice (pp. 181-202). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Schleppegrell, M. J., & O’Hallaron, C. L. (2011). Teaching Academic Language in L2
Secondary Settings. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 3-18.
Schwab., G. (2013). Bili für alle? Ergebnisse und Perspektiven eines Forschungsprojektes zur
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Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Europe: Research perspectives on policy
and practice. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Seikkula-Leino, J. (2007). CLIL learning: achievement levels and affective factors. Language
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Spratt, M. (2011). CLIL: The Nature of the Beast. English Teaching professional, 1(72), 4-6.
Sylven, L., Kersten. (2007). Swedish CLIL Students’ Extracurricular Contact with English and
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Sylven, L., Kersten, & Sundquist, P. (2012). Similarities between playing World of Warcraft and
CLIL. Apples-Journal of Applied Language Studies, 6(2), 113-130.
Sylven, L., Kersten. (2013). CLIL in Sweden – why does it not work?
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Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 301-320.
Ting, T. Y. (2011). CLIL and Neuroscience: How Are They Related? In Y. Ruiz de Zarobe, M.
Sierra, & F. Gallardo del Puerto (Eds.), Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning (pp.
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Viebrock, B. (2012). “The Situation in the CLIL Classroom Is Quite Different”-or is it?
Teachers’ mindsets, Methodological Competences and Teaching Habits. In D. Marsh & O.
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Vollmer, H., Johannes. (2013). Das Verhältnis von Sprach-und Inhaltslernen im Bilingualen
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Wegner, A. (2012). Seeing the bigger picture: What students and teachers think about CLIL.
International CLIL Research Journal, 1(4), 29-35.
Wewer, T. (2014). Assessment of young learners’ English proficiency in bilingual content
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Wiesemes, R. (2009). Developing Theories Of Practices in CLIL: CLIL as post-method
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Integrated Learning: Evidence from Research in Europe. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Zydatiß, W. (2012). Linguistic thresholds in the CLIL classroom? The threshold hypothesis
revisited. International CLIL Research Journal, 1(4), 17-28.