R001 – 2014 Jan (Mock Exam – Mark Scheme)

MOCK EXAM – Mark Scheme
R001/01 Understanding Computer Systems
Please remember I am not an examiner, so that doesn’t mean I have the correct answers. OCR awards
candidates for “getting the answer right”. Not for getting down the answer as it appears in the mark scheme.
Candidates will *always* be awarded for correct application of knowledge, even if their answer is not in the
mark scheme. E.g. They could have an answer which is beyond the specification, it wouldn’t therefore appear
in the mark scheme, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth marks!
To this end use your common sense when marking.
Note: Where possible I have tried to link the questions asked in the mock paper in order to elicit understanding
from the “Preparation” section in the pre-release. After each question in this mark scheme I have shown in
italics the text from the pre-release from which the question derives.
SECTION A – Scenario 1
1 (a) Identify two input devices that the Data Team could use to enter data into the system. [2]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Answer: Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone (accept other sensible answers)
1 (b) Identify two output devices that the Data Team could use view reports they produce from the system [2]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Answer: Monitor, Printer (accept other sensible answers)
1 (c) State two factors which may have influenced the schools choice of information management system. For each
factor, explain how it may have had an influence. [6]
the factors that may influence the choice of information management system to use
Answer: 1 mark for factor, 2 for explanation clearly linked to the factor.
e.g. Factors: Cost (1), Availability (1), User Needs (1) (does it do everything the data team need), Data Security (1) (Uses
strong encryption and passwords)
2 (a) Describe three features of database software that make it suitable for storing and analysing student information.
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Answer: 1 mark for each of three features. 1 mark for a description of each feature.
Only award description marks for answers which are applied to the storing and analysing of student information. However,
storing covers a lot of issues, from the initial entry, through to validation and overall security.
Answers must relate to database software and not database facilities or other types of software.
Fields (1) to store each category of information (1)
Records (1) to enable each student’s information to be stored (1)
Key field (1) to ensure each student record can be identified (1)
Tables (1) to store sets of related information eg student’s tutor group, attendance/ that are linked (1)
Queries/searches (1) enable information in tables to be interrogated (1)
Reports (1) to produce visual displays of queries (1)
Switchboard (1) to enable access to the main parts of a database (1)
Forms (1) to enter data (1)
Sort (1) so that data can be put in order (candidate may specify an order or a reason) (1)
Easy to edit (1) so records can be updated (1).
3 (a) State the name of the Act that covers the storage and transfer of personal information by Austin school. [1]
how legislation affects the storing, transferring and using of personal information
how legislation affects the employers, staff, students and production of documents
Answer: Data Protection (Act) / DPA
3 (b) Describe one legal implication for the school if this data is stolen. [2]
how legislation affects the employers, staff, students and production of documents
For serious breaches (1) organisations can be made to pay (1) up to £500,000 (1)
The school could be prosecuted/fined/sued (1) because they have not kept the data securely (1)
Data held has to be protected from loss (1) so if the data is lost, an offence has occurred / the school has to inform those
whose data has been lost (that it has been lost) (1)
The Information Commissioner can issue the school with an undertaking to comply (1) to force the school to improve their
data security (1)
The Information Commissioner can serve an assessment notice on the school (1) and investigate its data security (1).
3 (c) Explain one possible implication for a student if their personal information is stolen. [2]
how legislation affects the employers, staff, students and production of documents
The student would need to change some of their details (candidate may exemplify) (1) because the personal data that is
lost may allow access to private and personal information / other named security breach (1)
Students and/or parents may get money taken out (1) as personal details allow others to impersonate them (1).
4 (a) Identify one type of wired method which the Data Team could use to connect the laptop to the school network. [1]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Answer: USB (1), Firewire (1), Ethernet (1) – Do not accept cable/network cable on its own
4 (b) Describe how a security key is used to allow a device to connection to a wireless network. [2]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
The security key is checked (1) to see if it is on a list (1) if on a list, access is granted (1)
It is like a password (1) which is checked by the system (1) and access is granted if found (1)
The user types in the security key (1) and the device will connect to the network if the key is correct (1).
4 (c) List two other examples of portable computer systems. [2]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Answer: Netbooks, Tablet computers, Smartphones (accept other sensible answers)
4 (d) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for the Data Team of using a laptop when they all need to work at the
same time. [4]
the software and hardware required to run an information management system
Advantages – Maximum 2 marks, 1 for advantage and 1 for explanation
(must be linked, accept other reasonable linked pairs)
 Working in close proximity – increased productivity
 Ease of communication
 Hot-desking / swapping
Disadvantage – Maximum 2 marks, 1 for disadvantage and 1 for explanation
(must be linked, accept other reasonable linked pairs)
 Lack of space, still need somewhere to rest laptop
 Potential file transfer issues
 Potential incompatibility of software / out-of-date software on laptop compared to school network
 Potential setup issues in office
SECTION B – Scenario 2
5 (a) Explain three actions that Maria and Stephen must take in order to comply with the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act when doing this. [6]
how legislation affects the employers, staff, students and production of documents
Answer: 1 mark for identifying the action, plus 1 mark for the explanation. Allowing mixing and matching of points.
Check whether copyright applies to a picture / photo (1) as many pictures / photos are not covered/copyright free (1)
Seek permission to use the resource (before using it) (1) from the copyright holder (1)
Acknowledge the source/original producer of the resource (1) any acceptable method (1)
Payment of fees (1) if requested (1)
Purchase the resource (1) ensuring it’s a legal copy (1)
Copyright holder may place conditions/may say no (1) which the students would have follow (1)
5 (b) State the type of software Maria and Stephen are using to create the poster and ticket. [1]
• the software and hardware that can be used to create the documents, with particular focus on hardware, including
graphics tablets, that may be used to create high quality graphics
Answer: Desktop Publishing Software, Word Processing Software
5 (c) Explain why the software you mentioned in part (b) is appropriate for the production of a poster.
• the software and hardware that can be used to create the documents, with particular focus on hardware, including
graphics tablets, that may be used to create high quality graphics
Answer: Good applications for writing / producing paper based documents (1), allow users to type words (1) and add
images (1) to easily create documents required e.g. poster / tickets (1). DTP software gives user more control over layout
(1) and where items are placed on the pages than word processing (1)
6 Discuss how an online form could be designed to allow for information to be easily captured about the booking. In
your answer make sure to explain any appropriate data validation which could occur when they submit the completed
form. [9]
• the use of ICT to collect information and data from third parties
Level 3 (7–9 Marks)
There will be an excellent understanding of the question, with a clear explanation of the how an online form could be
designed to help with easy data capture from the point of view of a user trying to book a performance. The discussion
will be balanced and they will talk about appropriate data validation such as limiting the number of tickets / night of
booking to a drop-down list and/or making certain fields mandatory.
The answer will be in the context of the question.
Subject specific terminology will be used correctly.
Level 2 (4-6 Marks)
There will be a good understanding of the question, with a reasonably clear explanation of the how an online form could
be designed to help with easy data capture from the point of view of a user trying to book a performance. The
explanation may concentrate more on the design and touch on appropriate data validation.
The answer will be in the context of the question.
There will be some use of subject specific terminology.
Level 1 – (0-3 Marks)
There will be a limited understanding of the question. The answers provided will be one disjointed, vague and not
necessarily be linked to the context in the question.
Answers may be a list of online form features, rather than a structured discussion. Little or no mention of data
Areas for consideration may include:
Form should have a title
Form should have clear instructions
Online data capture forms can limit the type of data entered to make sure the data is entered by the user in the
correct format:
o Drop down menus: to force a pre-set selection of choices (performance night, no. of tickets)
o Boxes to force a yes or no response
o A pre-set format for a date so that all forms are completed in the same way
o Radio buttons forcing a single choice from several options (performance night, no. of tickets)
o Validation rules to make sure the data meets the requirements or that all specific questions have to be
answers before the user can press submit
Mandatory fields: Full name, address, night of performance, no of tickets
Other sensible fields e.g. e-mail address
Text box for “other general” comments
Submit button
7 (a) Explain why a graphics tablet useful in helping to produce high quality graphics [2]
• the software and hardware that can be used to create the documents, with particular focus on hardware, including
graphics tablets, that may be used to create high quality graphics
Answer: Easy to use / natural to draw with (1), Use of pen / stylus simulates a pencil / brush (1), much more accurate (1)
than using a mouse / trackpad (1)
Note a graphics tablet is not a tablet, it doesn’t have a screen.
7 (b) State one type of application software which might be used by the Head of Art in order to produce a high quality
graphic, explain your answer. [3]
• the software and hardware that can be used to create the documents, with particular focus on hardware, including
graphics tablets, that may be used to create high quality graphics
Answer: Photo-editing software, Graphics manipulation software (accept other sensible answers)
7 (c) List one other piece of hardware the Head of Art might use other than a graphics tablet to help him produce the
graphics. [1]
• the software and hardware that can be used to create the documents, with particular focus on hardware, including
graphics tablets, that may be used to create high quality graphics
Answer: Digital Camera, Webcam, Mouse, Hard drive, Printer, Touch Screen, Tablet, Electronic Ink Pen (accept other
sensible answers)
8 (a) State a suitable file type for Maria and Stephen to save their poster and ticket in. [1]
 techniques for combining data held in different formats.
Answer: .pub .doc .docx .pdf (see next question)
8 (b) Explain why the file type you listed in part (a) would be appropriate. [2]
 techniques for combining data held in different formats.
Answer: Explanation in part (b) relies on file type chosen in part (a), explanation should relate to appropriate file type, so
allow follow through.
.pub .doc .docx – These are the file types most commonly associated with Desktop Publishing Packages (1) / belong to
proprietary Desktop Publishing Package programs (1) / saving the files in these file types will allow for easy
reviewing/editing (1) by the other person if they have the same software (1)
.pdf – This is an open source file type (1) / it can’t be assumed the person who will review / see the finished product will
have the right software (1) / saving/combining the file formats into a .pdf will allow the finished poster/ticket to be viewed
by almost anyone on any computing device (1)
8 (c) State one type of application software Maria and Stephen could use to send each other copies of their documents.
 techniques for combining data held in different formats.
Answer: Communication software, File transfer applications, Instant messaging clients, Email clients, video and audio
‘chat’ applications / VoIP,
8 (b) Discuss one way in which Maria and Stephen could use ICT in order to help them review each other’s work and
provide feedback [2]
 techniques for combining data held in different formats.
Answer: Email each other and comment on changes in email communication (1), User in built review functions of programs
such as word processers (1), use online collaboration systems (1), use cloud based systems (1), ring each other and give
direct feedback (1), any other form of remote voice communication (VoIP) (1), chat clients (1), remote desktop viewing /
interaction (1)