Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 Characterization of the Dynamic Performance of Li-ion Traction Batteries for Electrical Vehicles Author: Tomasz Minko Supervisor: Søren Juhl Andreasen 1 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2 2010 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Nomenclature list Symbol π ππ ππ π0 πΌ F q R T ππ π t β³ π r Z,z ππ , π§π ππ , π§π C L R CPE π0 π Cb D πΌπ πΌπ πΌ ππ ππ π f 3 Unit ππ΄/ππ2 ππ΄/ππ2 ππ΄/ππ2 ππ΄/ππ2 . C/equiv . . K V Rad/s s . ° Ω Ω Ω F H Ω F ππ π . . . A A A V V V Hz Description current density anodic current density cathodic current density exchange current density symmetry factor faraday constant F=96.487 number of transferred electrons universal gas constant absolute temperature surface overpotential angular frequency time amplitude phase angle impedance magnitude impedance real impedance part imaginary impedance part capacitance inductance resistance constant phase element admittance measured at π = 1 warburg coefficient bulk concentration diffusion coefficient currents real part currents imaginary part currents voltage real part voltage imaginary part voltage frequency Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 4 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 List of content 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Insight on the electrochemical battery ........................................................................................................... 8 3 2.1 Battery construction ............................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Electric double layer .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 Equilibrium in electrochemical system................................................................................................ 10 2.4 Polarization in electrochemical systems .............................................................................................. 11 Electrical models ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 4 Impedance-based electrical model ....................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1 The constant phase element ........................................................................................................ 15 3.1.2 Warburg impedance .................................................................................................................... 16 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy approach. ................................................................................... 18 4.1 5 Hardware and software ........................................................................................................................ 18 Noise effect .................................................................................................................................................. 21 5.1 6 Error structure ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Experimental results .................................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Kokam lithium polimer battery 53 Ah. ................................................................................................ 24 6.1.1 Kokam lithium polimer battery 25 Ah ....................................................................................... 28 6.2 Lithium ion polymer battery 20Ah (LIPB) .......................................................................................... 31 6.3 Lithium ion polymer battery 14Ah (LIPB) .......................................................................................... 33 7 Summary and conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 34 8 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 35 5 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 6 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 1 2010 Introduction Subject of this work is focused on electrochemical batteries, which represents a group of chemical electric current sources, which works on a basis of creating an electrical energy due to chemical reactions that are taking place in a source. Among chemical electric current sources there are fuel cells (primary cell), which in order to create electric energy, their chemical reactions use chemical components in an irreversible manner. Second kind of chemical electric current sources is called secondary cell. The most characteristic attribute of secondary cells is that they can be reused, the discharged process cad be reversed. Galvanic cell was created by Alessander Volt, who by referring to Luigi Galvani experiments proved that creating an electric current is connected to a metals dipped in a electrolyte. For his experiment he used silver and zinc plates dipped in salt water.14 Since this moment different galvanic cells were founded. In 1877 Georges Leclanche invented a zinc-carbon battery (picture 16 ), in which zinc cup was both a container and an anode. Inside the cup electrolyte paste consisting water, ammonium chloride and manganese dioxide cathode was used.14 Those batteries are not very resistant for long storage and under high load electrolyte leaking is possible, though their popularity comes from low price.8 In 1950s Lewis Urry invented alkaline battery (picture 29 ). The name comes from the material used for an electrolyte, which is potassium hydroxide (KOH). Comparing alkaline and zinccarbon batteries, for the same voltage of 1.5V, alkaline have larger capacitance and can provide between 3 to 5 times longer operation time than zinc-carbon batteries.8 Because of used materials, alkaline batteries are more expensive. This work is focused on rechargeable batteries. The oldest and most commonly used rechargeable battery is lead-acid one (picture 310 ), invented in 1859 by French physicist Gaston Plante nowadays is used in most of the internal combustion motor vehicles. Battery itself is heavy, have a low cycle life, a quick self discharge, and low energy densities. Still lead-acid batteries are very attractive in systems where high voltage and high demands of power densities are not needed. Among other rechargeable batteries nickel cadmium (NiCd), nickel metal Picture 1. Zinccarbon battery hydride(NiMH), lithium ion(Li-ion), and lithium ion polymer(Li-ion polymer). Picture 2. Alkaline battery Nowadays electrochemical secondary batteries are widely used in many electrical systems. The ability of converting the chemical energy stored inside them into electrical energy makes it possible to deliver this energy to the electrical system whenever there is a need for it. They can be used as energy storage systems for windmills, which sometimes produce more energy than actual demand is. Such storage system can be also used for balancing the network grid. It could accumulate the energy at night time and use it during network load peaks. At Bornholm island tests are made, where such system is investigated witch usage of the electric cars, as storage system.15 Among other applications, electrochemical batteries are widely used for portable electronic devices like cell phones, laptops, digital cameras, different power tools. All those applications became more demanding towards the batteries. Picture 3. Lead-acid battery Size limitations, efficiency, runtime and the amount of the battery life cycles, all this made us realize that better understanding of those batteries is needed and developing new types of batteries is necessary to fulfill the growing expectations.16 This project is focused on last two mentioned types of secondary batteries, Li-ion and Li-ion polymer. Their built, rules of working are going to be described in next chapter. Moreover an approach towards creating an impedance model of the battery is going to be shown. Such model can be helpful in investigating electrochemical phenomena, like corrosion, surface treatments, battery testing, biological and photoelectric effects.11 7 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2 2010 Insight on the electrochemical battery Preface The aim of this chapter is to describe some of the reactions and effects that take place inside the battery, their built and laws being helpful in better understanding how the battery works. Firstly the built of the secondary lithium ion and lithium ion polymer battery are going to be shown, next short description about what processes occurs inside the battery. After that the description of the electric double layer will bring us closer to the how battery works, next the law of equilibrium is going to be explained, moreover polarization behaviors, kinetic control and mass transfer control. 2.1 Battery construction The built of lithium batteries chemistry has been developing during the last years. Lithium metal has been exchanged with lithium compounds. Cathodes consist of a layered crystal (graphite) into which the lithium is intercalated. Experimental cells have also used lithiated metal oxide such as LiCoO 2, NiNi0.3Co0.7O2, LiNiO2, LiV2O5, LiV6O13, LiMn4O9, LiMn2O4, LiNiO0.2CoO2. Electrolytes are usually LiPF6, although this has a problem with aluminum corrosion, and so alternatives are being sought. One such is LiBF 4. The electrolyte in current production batteries is liquid, and uses an organic solvent, as for an anode carbon compound, graphite is used.8 The lithium ion polymer a battery differs from standard lithium ion battery, the electrolyte is solid. Polymer is a material widely used in industry and everyday human’s life, it is a typical isolator. Thanks to A.G. Mc Diarmid, A.J. Heeger and H.Shirikawa who invented the conductive polymer, new applications were found for this material, also in the batteries. In year 2000 they have got a noble prize in chemistry for their work on polyacetylenes. There are known three kinds of conductive polymers:17 I. II. III. 2.2 Ionic conductive polymers – in which the polymers chain itself do not have any conductive abilities, dissolved in polymer electrolyte is a conductor. Polymers based on oxidizing mechanisms and redox reduction. Conductivity works on a basis of jumping(hopping) of the electrons between redox centers of the polymer Polymers where for transport of electrons the polymers chain bindings are responsible. Electric double layer Electrochemistry is a branch of science which teaches us about relationships between chemical processes and electric charge flow. The last mentioned part can be divided into ionic and electrode part, ionic part takes care of the processes that occur in electrolyte, electrode part about heterogenic processes which take place during the charges flow between the boundaries of the phases. Mentioned processes take place in electrochemical systems, which consist of electron conductors called electrodes(carbon, iron oxides, iron) and electrolyte, which is a ionic conductor, usually liquid-salt mixture, though constant polymer electrolytes are also available. In case when our system is built from liquid electrolyte extract and constant electrode, absorption effect always takes place. It means that our electrolytes density on the surface of electrode differ from the density measured in the middle of it. If the surface density is higher than the middle one, then it is positive absorption if lower than negative. It was mentioned that both the electrolyte and electrode are conductors, because of this and that there is a Picture 4 Interfacial double layer. 8 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 charge difference between each of those conductors there is always a charge flow in the electrodes, despite the fact that there might not be any external charge sources. The sign and initial potential is described by material electrodes and what electrolyte was made. When solid body is placed in a liquid on the surface of the solid object an electrical double layer occur.17 Picture 422 presents interfacial double layer. The double layer is built from two parallel layers of charge surrounding the object. The first layer, the surface charge (either positive or negative), constitute of ions absorbed directly onto the object, in this case the electrode. Second layer constitute of ions dragged and attached to the surface by the Coulomb force. The earliest model of double layer was presented by German physician Herman von Helmholtz. He described the double layer as a capacitor, based on physical model in which a single layer of ions is absorbed at the surface, second layer is neglected. Later an improvement was made by Louis Gouy and David Chapman. They have proposed a new approach based on diffuse model of electrical double layer. According to them electric potential decreases exponentially away from the surface of the fluid bulk. It was pointed out that new model did not describe properly highly charged double layers. Because of it the model has developed again by adding an internal Stern layer. This models is currently the most common one for describing the double layer: internal Stern Layer an external diffuse layer.18,19,20,21 Description of the effects that take place in double layer can be shown in steps: I. Non-electric similarities of charge-determining ions on the surface creates the electric surface charge (C/π2 ). Electrostatic field created by the surface charge affects the liquids (electrolyte) ions. In the result a counter charge is created in the diffuse layer, which is separate from the surface charge. The amplitudes of both charges are equal, and with opposite polarity. Complete structure is electrically neutral. II. An electric double layer is a structure which describes the electric potential changes near the surface e.g. electrodes. The difference between the double layer on an electrode and interfacial one is that electrodes surface charge can be controlled by feeding it with external electric potential. The picture number 5 represents double layer on an electrode, where:18,19,20,21,22 l. IHP inner Helmholtz layer 2. OHP outer Helmholtz layer 3. Diffuse layer 4. Solvated ions 5. Peculiar adsorptive ions 6. Solvent molecule. Picture 5 Electric double layer. 9 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2.3 Equilibrium in electrochemical system Lets consider an electrochemical system which is built as shown on the picture 6. R represents the electrolyte resistance, V voltage between two electrodes. It is also possible to describe it in other way, by dividing it into phases. Starting the description from the left there is a wire (LW), left electrode(LE), electrolyte(E), right electrode(RE), wire(RW).3 Picture 6 Electrochemical battery scheme. Different equilibriums can be pointed out: Thermal equilibrium demands that adjacent phases have its temperature equal: π πΏπ = π πΏπΈ = π πΈ = π π πΈ = π π π . II. Mechanical equilibrium demands that adjacent phases pressure was equal: ππΏπ = ππΏπΈ = ππΈ = ππ πΈ = ππ π . III. Chemical equilibrium demands that, when species are in adjacent phases, then their electric potential must πΏπΈ π πΈ π π − = ππ − ; ππ − = ππ − be equal: πππΏπ I. In case where electrodes are made of low chemical reactivity materials, like platinum, gold and that the electrolyte is an extract of ππ2 ππ4 in distilled water, current is dependent not only on ohmic resistance but π also voltage potential πΌ = , which forces the charge-transfer reactions. Without electrochemical reactions π the current will not be able to flow. Moreover the system needs to overcome certain critical potential (standard cell potential) to inaugurate the current flow. In case where materials for electrodes was characterized with high chemical reactivity and electrolytes material is a good electric conductor the current would flow more freely. π»2 π + π − ↔ 1 π» + ππ» − 2 2 1 π»2 π ↔ π2 + 2π» + + 2π − 2 By taking equilibrium condition it is possible to express electrochemical reactions in terms of the electrochemical potential equality.3 1 ππ»2 π = ππ»2 + πππ» − 2 10 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2.4 Polarization in electrochemical systems Before taking any impedance measurements it is crucial to make polarization curves (picture 73 ). According to those curves it is easier to choose appropriate EIS perturbation amplitude, plus information gained from those curves can be useful in the battery model advancement. According to the polarization curve it is possible to distinguish points in which impedance measurements should be made. Polarization curve characterizes the batteries voltage as a function of current. The current itself imitates the load on which the battery is working. Batteries are known from its very good partial load performance, since the voltage increases, load decreases. This is a big advantage for electric engines, internal combustion engines do not show this quality, they work most Picture 7 Polarization curve efficiently at full load. Polarization is caused by chemical and physical factors that are connected with various elements of the battery. It is possible to distinguish three basic regions (picture 7), which describe the current in the battery:17,3 I. II. III. Zero current Current controlled by reaction kinetics Current controlled by mass transfer The zero current region, which represent the balance between positive current of the anodic reaction and negative current of cathodic reaction. In the situation where those two currents represents forward and backward rates of the same reaction, balance of the currents, so called zero current will be achieved, though all conditions from 3.3 must be fulfilled. If the two currents represent forward and backward rates of different reactions the equilibrium will not be possible to achieve. As an example copper was chosen. Forward (anodic) reaction can be written as: πΆπ’ → πΆπ’2+ + 2π − Backwards (cathodic) reaction can be written as: πΆπ’2+ + 2π − → πΆπ’ π = ππ + ππ Where: ππ -anodic reaction current; ππ -cathodic reaction current; ππ < 0; ππ > 0 When the equilibrium is achieved: ππ = −ππ , hence π = 0. The potential at which current is zero is called equilibrium potential. In case when the equilibrium is not achieved, when zero current arises through balancing different reactions, the net rate for each reaction is not equal to zero. πΉπ → πΉπ 2+ + 2π − Is balanced by π2 + 2π»2 π + 4π − → 4ππ» − 11 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 In this case the potential at which zero current appears is called mixed potential. Kinetic control region is characterized by current densities and is exponential function of potential. Butler-Volmer equation describes influence of potential on current density: π = π0 {ππ₯π ( (1 − πΌ)ππΉ πΌππΉ ππ )} − ππ₯π (− π ) π π π π π Where: π0 is an exchange current density; ππ represents departure from the equilibrium potential if ππ = 0 then π = 0; πΌ is the traction of the surface overpotential, it promotes the cathodic reaction, πΌ ≈ 0.5, 0 < πΌ < 1. Kinetics is very important when trying to interpret measured impedance curves, it allows to explain the reaction mechanisms. The rate of the electrochemical reactions may be limited by the finite rate at which the reacting species may be carried to the electrode surface. Law of mass transfer implements kinetic equations, which are crucial for modeling the charge transfer resistance, which can be found in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.3 3 Electrical models Preface The aim of this chapter is to bring the reader closer to the idea of modeling itself, to show that the expression “model” should be anticipated with a phrase that will precise more accurately what kind of modeling is being described. Bigger focus was made on an impedance-based modeling which is the subject of this work. Moreover description of the basic and more advanced elements used for creating a model is going to be given. Introduction Researchers from all over the world have been working on developing new models of electrochemical batteries. Acquired models were varying with the degree of complexity. Depending from the usage purpose like performance estimation to circuit simulation, different models were created. Mathematical models use empirical equations or mathematical methods like stochastic approaches to predict battery runtime, efficiency, or capacity. Those models are too abstract to be able to emerge any practical meaning but they are widely used by system designers. Disadvantage of this modeling is that any I-V information are not possible to be acquired. According to Min Chen and Gabriel A. Rincon,16 most of mathematical models result in 5%-20% error. For electrical engineer electric models are more suitable than mathematical ones, they are more intuitive, useful and easier to handle. Among all of the so far created electrical models we can distinguish three main groups: Thevenin, impedance, and runtime-based models.16 The most simple Thevening model consist series resistor (π π πππππ ) and RC parallel network (π πππππ ππππ‘ πππ πΆπππππ ππππ‘ ) to predict battery response to transient load events at particular state of charge (SOC), by assuming the open-circuit voltage [πππΆ (πππΆ)] is constant. By this assumption it is though impossible to get the battery steady state voltage variations (dc response) and runtime information. Improved Thevenin models make it possible to acquire that information but still instead of πππΆ (πππΆ), which represents the voltage source they use a regulated capacitor, which occur in 5% runtime error and 0.4 V error voltages for constant charge/discharge currents. Thevenin models give us an idea about nonlinear relation between the open-circuit voltage and SOC, but do not give any information about transient behavior. Runtime-based electrical model, use a complex circuit network to simulate battery runtime and dc voltage response for constant discharge current. Those models though cannot predict battery runtime or voltage response accurately.16 12 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 3.1 2010 Impedance-based electrical model Impedance-based models use the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in order to create an acequivalent impedance model in the frequency domain. According to the shape of the impedance plot it is possible to describe the elements that should be used in such model. Impedance is dependent from surrounding temperature and battery state of charge (SOC),16 that is why it is necessary to do not create an model according to one impedance spectrum, but according to set of impedance spectrums made in different temperatures and battery state of charges, then it is possible to observe changes and trend that are taking place. Most common elements used for creating the impedance model of the battery are: resistance R, capacitance C, inductance L, and their variations. Investigated system 1 Resistor 2 Capacitor 3 Inductor 4 Capacitor and resistor in series 5 Inductor and resistor in series 13 Equivalent circuit Impedance plot Magnitude plot, phase plot 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 6 Capacitor resistor parallel and in 7 Series Resistor with parallel resistor and capacitor Tabel 1. Impedance and Bode representation of different electric elements and their combinations. If a voltage is applied across an electrochemical cell a current I forced to flow through this cell, with a value defined by chemical reactions that are taking place in the cell. This reaction is the formation of new chemical species as result of the movement of ions through the electrolyte. This movement is caused by applied voltage difference and is the cause of flowing current. If the applied voltage is a sinusoid (β³ πΈπ ππππ‘) then the responsive current will have form of sinusoid with a value (β³ πΌπ ππ(ππ‘ + π). The relationship of the applied voltage and current is known as the impedance.11 Impedance π§ has magnitude:3 π = |π§| = √π§π2 + π§π2 Where: π§π and π§π are impedance real and imaginary part respectively and they can be presented as follows: π§π = ππππ (π) π§π = ππ ππ(π) Impedance has also the phase angle π§π π = π‘ππ−1 ( ) π§π Table 1 presents impedance changes, magnitude and phase changes of such elements as resistor, capacitor, inductor and their different combinations. For simulating those systems following values were taken: πΆ = 1.1557 β π −2 ; πΏ = 1.5 β 10−3 ; π = 1.2 β 10−3 . Referring to the example number one in table 1, which represents the situation where a sinusoidal potential is applied to a resistance R, then the magnitude of impedance π§ = π and phase π = 0 in all range of the frequency. Example number two represents the same situation, but capacitor C is being under investigation. In such case impedance π§ = 1 ππΆ and π = 90°. While the frequency is increasing the magnitude decreases. A clarification of presented nyquist diagram is crucial at this point. The impedance changes are presented according to both positive and negative frequencies, lower semicircle represents positive frequencies while the one above x axis represents negative frequencies. In the future part of this project mostly, negative frequencies are going to be shown. Third case represents the inductor, π§ = ππΏ , π = 90° and towards increasing frequency, magnitude increases. Different combinations are available of those three elements, joining their attributes can give interesting results. More detailed descriptions of parallel and series combinations will be presented together with 14 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy experimental results where an attempt of creating an impedance-based model of the batteries will be shown. Not always though those elements are capable of imitating investigated system in appropriate way, not always the semicircle of impedance is going to look so perfect as in parallel connection of resistor and capacitor. In those cases an element called constant phase element (CPE) is used. 3.1.1 The constant phase element Constant phase element (CPE) is very useful, while creating an equivalent battery model. It is possible to say that CPE is a not perfect brother of capacitance C. As it was shown before parallel combination of resistor and capacitor results in plotting a depressed semicircle on nyquist plane, in real life though it is almost impossible to achieve a perfect semicircle, CPE is a solution. It is said that CPE represents the inhomogeneity of the charge distribution in EIS measurements.12 Mathematically CPE can be expressed as follows: 1 = π0 (ππ)π |π| Where: π0 is an admittance at π = 1 πππ π . π0 is described in ππ π . It is clear that when the n=1 then π0 represents admittance of the capacitor. 1 = πππ0 = πππΆ |π| Picture 8 CPE and p(CPE,R) dependency graph Picture 8 present CPE (red line) and series connection of resistor with paralel connection of resistance and CPE element (black line). CPE is a line which angle towards x axis depends from n value π = π β 90°, the semicircle also depend from n value, more specifically cemicircles depression can be described with an equation (1 − π) β 90°, so in this case where π = 0.5 π = 45° and semicircle is depressed with the same angle. Resistor in series π π = 1.5 β 10−3 which represents the electrolyte resistance., paralel resistor π ππ‘ = 4 β 10−4 Ω. Data cursor place on paralel connection of resistance and CPE element plot represents the peak and can be shown as ππππ₯ = 15 Picture 9 Magnitude Z changes 1 πΆππ π ππ‘ Picture 10 Phase vs frequency 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Where π ππ‘ = 2|π|π‘ππππππ₯ and represent the resistance of charge transfer (activation resistance), πΆππ represents double layer capacitance. Picture 9 shows the magnitude changes, for low frequencies(π → 0) |π| = π π + π ππ‘ for π → ∞ |π| = π π Picture 10 shows the phase shift changes, the peak value. 1 π ππ‘ ππ πππ₯ = √( ) β (1 + ) πΆππ π ππ‘ π π Picture 11 shows the behavior of the system, when the π parameter is being changed, starting from 0.5 and increased by 0.1 The closer value of n to 1 the more perfect, more similar CPE’s semicircle is to capacitor one Picture 11 Impedance curve shape changes for different values of n When registering the impedance curves of investigating battery an identification of its shape is crucial. When having a 45° line it can be imitated by CPE element or it could be a Warburg element, which represents the diffusion in the cell.12 3.1.2 Warburg impedance Picture 12 represents the Bode plot for of Warburg impedance (W) in series with a charge transfer resistance ( π πΆπ ) at the lower frequencies where the impedance of the Warburg dominates, the slope of the |Z| 1 Bode plot is (− ). In this region, the phase angle is 45°. At the higher frequencies, the charge transfer resistance 2 dominates and the phase angle becomes 0°.12 Picture 12 Warburg impedance nyquist plot 16 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Picture 13 show the real and imaginary parts of Z, plotted against 1 √π . The lines should be straight and parallel: The slope of both lines should be equal to π, the Warburg constant. The line for the imaginary component (shown in red) should intersect the Z axis at zero, while the intercept for the real component (shown π§π in black) is π πΆπ .12 The slope of the curves is determined according to the equation π = π‘ππ−1 ( ). For the π§π simulation π πΆπ = 0.0018Ω as shown in the picture if the line was longer it would cross the y axis at 0.0018. Picture 13 Warburg real and imaginary impedance curves The equations, which define a Warburg Impedance, are ππ€ = π 1 π2 |π| = 1 π2 √2π 1 π2 and the Warburg coefficient, π, is given by: π= π −π π π π2 πΉ 2 π΄√2 ( 1 1 π·π2 πΆππ + 1 ) 1 2 π π·π πΆπ The equation for π applies to both reversible and quasi-reversible reactions for which both halves of the couple are soluble. The subscripts O and R represent the Oxidized and Reduced forms of the species, and Cb denotes a bulk concentration. D is the diffusion coefficient of the species. The Warburg coefficient, π , can be obtained from the slope of the Warburg plot, or by fitting to an equivalent circuit model which includes a Warburg impedance. However, most equivalent circuit modeling 1 1 programs return "|π| " rather than . |π| is the magnitude of the admittance at π=1 rad/s (~0.16 Hz) .12 π= |π| √2 Summary Choosing appropriate model elements is complex, they should be chosen not only according known impedances but also according to the cells chemical reactions. 17 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 4 2010 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy approach. Preface This chapter is dedicated to the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method, the idea of this method is going to be shown, next the hardware and software used for the experiment are going to be described. Introduction For acquiring impedance-based model usage of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method is necessary. This method makes it possible to obtain an acequivalent impedance model in frequency domain, next the impedance spectra need to be evaluated, appropriate model representing the battery behavior needs to be chosen and then appropriate values for chosen model elements needs to be found by fitting the modeled spectra into original measured ones. Impedance-based models work only for a fixed SOC and temperature setting, they cannot predict dc response or runtime.16 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a tool for investigating the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions, for measuring dielectric and transport properties Picture 14 Block diagram of used equipment of material, for exploring the properties of porous electrodes. EIS can be performed either in a galvanostatic or in a potentiostatic mode. First approach is based on putting through a battery a small amplitude ac current, then its voltage response is measured. When having ac current and ac voltage responses, it is possible to acquire impedance. Battery impedance is computed online using discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs), and superimposed with ac excitation signal. Dc (charge/discharge) current defines the overall working point of the cell. To get more accurate results impedance is measured at few points. When having the impedance, which consist the real and imaginary part π = π π − π β πΌπ we can create a model which will imitate the battery behavior. 4.1 Hardware and software Picture 14 show the set up which was used for EIS measurements consist of 2 computers, which worked in a real time mode: host and target. Kepco bipolar power supply connected to a battery with supply copper wires by flat copper plates, such connection gave a wide connection surface, what is important with flat shaped outputs of the battery. Additionally in order to reduce losses on the cables, connection of the battery with power supply and NI card by thin copper wires for direct voltage measurements was made. National laboratory measurement card is used, which is responsible for gathering measured signals and organize the data traffic. Moreover battery surface temperature measurement is made, information about which is given directly to the computer. 18 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 Picture 15 Main interface of EIS program Used program was made using Labview environment. Programs interface is divided vertically into two main parts, the top part of the interface control running the subprograms, gives overall information if everything is going well during the test. Round diodes at the top indicates the status of the subprograms, if an error will occur the diode will turn on, or if the datalogging, which is nothing else than saving the measured data is not turned on, the diode will let you know. The lower part consist of a few layouts: the Main, EIS Parameters, Impedance Datalogging, Charge/Discharge Datalogging, Safety Shutdown, Error Handling Program itself give a possibility to control the charge and discharge of the batteries, by controlling the bipolar power source. Setting the current to positive values is followed with charge of the battery, with negative values with discharge. The program gives a possibility for continuous observations of voltage, current and temperature changes while testing the battery. Besides changing the current in steps, it was possible to use ramp function with different user defined ramp rates. Picture 15 and 16 represents the interface of the EIS program, its main window. Variables that can be changed in this window can be called as global ones, in this interface part manual control of the charge/discharge current is done, current values and limits, can be changed, moreover real time observations are available. Given real time graphical representations consist of: Lissajou, nyquist, and bode plots. Picture 16 Main interface of EIS program 19 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 Picture 17 Block diagram of Labview EIS program Moreover in here main manual safety control in available. Program communicates with a bipolar power source and gives possibility to cut off the load by using “Load OFF!” button. As for the EIS measurements itself in this part of the interface it is possible to set up maximum amplitude of the current used for impedance measurement. More detailed control of the EIS process is possible in the second part of the interface (picture 17): EIS parameters. This layout is handling EIS parameterization. User can define the frequency range, divided into logarithmic scale in which test is going to be run. User can define number of measurements points per decade and number of periods that are going to be sampled in order to acquire frequency domain data on the output. User can interfere into RMS Voltage amplitude value, amplitude of sinusoidal current, moreover it gives an access to control used low pass filters frequency, with cutoff frequency 10 times higher than sampled signal.24 Picture 1824 represents the EIS program ideology. Next 2 layouts: Impedance Datalogging and Charge/Discharge Datalogging, are responsible for managing the storage of the data. Taking into account that behavior of testing batteries is not known for the researcher a LabView program was implemented(Safety Shutdown layout) which automatically cuts off the load after crossing previously précised safety value, like cut off low and high voltage, max temperature. The high voltage Picture 18 Interface of the LabView EIS subprogram limit is additionally controlled by used power source, which decrees the current value when getting close to the limited voltage. Last crimp, the Error Handling contains information about an error if any occurs. Error case of each subprogram is shown in this layout, makes it easy to detect and recognize the error. Summary Used program was satisfying for this project. It is easy to handle and user friendly. For future EIS tests it would be useful to create a fitting program, which would compare experimental data with modeled data and find optimal values. 20 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 5 2010 Noise effect Preface In this chapter a problem with noise that occurred during the tests will be presented and the effects of used low pass filter. Introduction As mentioned before signal for EIS measurements is time based signal (picture 19), which is converted to frequency domain signal, then according to this conversion result impedance is calculated (picture 20, 21, 22). While making the EIS measurements signals are influence by different factors that results in an error. 5.1 Error structure Error structure can be presented as follows πππ (π) − ππππ (π) = ππππ‘ (π) + ππ π‘ππβ (π) + πππππ (π) Where: πππ (π) represents measured (observed) impedance of the tested battery, ππππ (π) is a impedance of the created battery model. On the right side of the equation ππππ‘ (π) stands for inaccuracy of the model, ππ π‘ππβ (π) represent stochastic error and πππππ (π) the bias error. The problem of interpretation of impedance data is defined to consist of two parts: first is an identification of experimental errors, which includes estimation of consistency with Kramers-Kronig method, second based on model identification, examination of residual error. The stochastic error arises from the fact that original signal is represented by function of time, which is affected by the noise coming from the instrumental source, thermal Picture 20 Measured Current, Voltage without filter affected by noise fluctuations of resistivity, thermal fluctuations of the concentration of the species and the rate of electrochemical reactions.3 Bias error cannot be assigned to the error occurred because of inaccurate battery model. Bias error represents instrumentation artifacts, parts of measured system which do not represent battery in any way and shouldn’t be taken under consideration. It also represents battery nonstationary behavior, which can be seen especially for lower frequencies, when chemical changes occur in the battery during long measurements time.3 Picture 19 shows the measured current and voltage used for EIS measurements. Current amplitude is 4A voltages 0.01V. As seen on the picture noise effect is particularly seen on voltage characteristics, where even small amplitude noise is being a high percentage of voltage amplitude and affects it in significant way. Moreover during the tests high peaks occurred with different amplitudes, sometimes the real impedance part was changed and imaginary stayed at the same level on other it was opposite. Sometimes even the frequency at which the measurement supposed to be made got changed, increased ten times or decreased. The cause of this noise was not explained, Picture 19 Measured data without filter possible is that some other equipment in 21 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Picture 22 Measured data for filter set to 4 Picture 21Measured data for filter set to 2 the laboratory was affecting the measurements. Picture 20, 21 and 22 shows different effects of using low pass filter on the measured data. First case (picture 20) represents EIS data when no filter was implemented. Two strong peaks are noticeable. Second case (picture 21) represents EIS data with used low pass filter, whose frequency was increased 4 times. Comparing the results with no filter situation, it clearly seen that even with this filter strong peaks are noticeable. Last case (picture 22) represents the situation when strong filter is used, it works well and no peaks are noticeable, though strong filter might affect result in giving fake results. For done battery impedance measurements second case option was chosen. Acquired data after conversion from time domain into frequency domain are a set of points, every one of them described with imaginary and real part of the impedance and the frequency at which the measurement point was made. Showed curves are the effect of implementing the interpolation function and then smoothing function in order to acquire important for battery Picture 24 Impedance curve with noise peaks Picture 23 Sharpen impedancje curie influence by noise peaks Picture 26 Impedance curve without noise peaks Picture 25 Smothed impedancje curve without noise peaks 22 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 According to ππππ§ππ 3 some actions can be made to reduce stochastic errors. 1. 2. 3. 4. Increasing the amplitude of modulated signal. Made tests prove it, taken EIS measurements were more accurate when the current amplitude was increased, especially important with higher capacity batteries, where higher noise was noticed. Avoid harmonics. Filter should be used in order to get rid of the harmonics. Increase the amount of sampled periods. For high frequencies big amount of periods should be sampled, for low 3-4 is enough. Faraday cage should be considered to be built in order to try to decrease effect of external sources of electric fields. In order to reduce bias error is to reduce time for measurements. It can be done by reducing the range of frequency or number of points per decade, though it will reflect in worse representation of the impedance curve shape, less measurement points, less data to work on. Summary As shown noise effect takes significant matter when using EIS method. It shows big sensitivity towards any noise. A question occurs, what is counted to actually be an error. Behaviors of tested batteries are unknown so by peaking randomly data for deleting or not taking into account inconvenient measurement points is not a very scientific approach. Kramers-Kronig algorithm should be implemented for investigating the systems stability and linearity.3 Due to time boundaries of this project error calculations and further examination of the noise problem are going to be left for future projects dedicated to this subject. 6 Experimental results In this chapter experimental results of tested batteries are going to be shown. This chapter is divided into subchapters in which each particular tested battery is going to be presented. Charging and discharging behavior, moreover impedance measurements are going to be made according to which precise information about battery internal resistance, capacitance changes during battery changes of the state of charge will be shown. Additionally the phase shift and magnitude will be presented. After presenting each battery behavior, conclusion will be made and an approach towards creating an equivalent battery impedance-based model. Problems occurred while using the Zfit program for fitting the battery impedance curves in order to retrieve the model parameters, though only manual basic fit is going to be made. The following batteries are going to be tested in the project: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. KOKAM Lithium Ion Polymer Battery, 23 Ah , Type: NMC KOKAM Lithium Ion Polymer Battery, model: SLPB 85255255 (53 Ah) , Type: NMC Amita technologies battery Model Name: AI-33 L (33Ah) Type: LMO EIG, ltd. Lithium Ion Polymer Battery, model : ePLB C020B. (20Ah) Type: NMC EiG, ltd. Lithium Ion Polymer Battery, model : ePLB F014 (14Ah)Type: LFP Thundersky LiFePO4 160 Ah battery. Type: rare earth doped LFP Where: NMC- nickel manganese cobalt; LMO- lithium manganese oxide; LFP- lithium iron phosphate. All these cells have a carbon based anode. 23 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 6.1 Kokam lithium polimer battery 53 Ah. Typical Capacity1 Nominal Voltage Charge conditions 53.0 Ah 3.7 V 53.0 A 4.2±0.03 V Max. Current Voltage Discharge conditions Continuous Current Peak Current Cut-off Voltage Cycle life [@ 80% DOD]2 Operating Temperature Charge Discharge Dimension Thickness(mm) Width(mm) Length(mm) Weight 1) 106.0 A (2C) 265 A 2.7 V >1,500 Cycles 0~40β -20~60β 8.5±0.2 255±2.0 255+5.0/-0.5 1.18±0.04 Typical Capacity: 0.5C, 4.2 ~2.7V at 25β 2) Voltage range: 4.15V~3.40V Tabel 2 Kokam 53 Ah battery specification Tested battery already used before for tests, though its state is going to be counted as almost new, before making any measurements it was a few times charged and discharged with 1C current, in order to get to know the software little bit better. First thing that occurred was batteries recovery ability from low voltages. Kokam 53 Ah battery was discharged with 26 A current (0.5 C) While discharge, after crossing level of 3.4 voltage and cutting off the discharging load, battery tends to stabilize the voltage on 3.4 voltage level. Picture 28 clearly shows this behavior. voltage on 3.4 voltage level. Picture 28 clearly shows this behavior. This ability made it difficult to take EIS Picture 28 Polarizaton and temperature changes measurements below 3.4 V especially because the EIS program curve (0.5C discharge) works only in voltage mode, so constant voltage state was difficult to obtain. It is not recommended to cross lower limit voltage 2.7, for purpose of taking the temperature characteristic an exception was made and the battery was discharged till 2.6 V. Picture 28 shows constant polarization curve (blue line) and temperature changes during the discharge cycle. Temperature curve has hyperbolic function sinh(π₯) = −π₯ Picture 27 Temperature In the function of voltage (discharge) 0.5C 24 π₯ π π₯ −π −π₯ 2 shape with the noticeable change fromπ into π at 3.5V point. It is more vivid on picture 27, which demonstrate temperature changes towards voltage changes. Noticeable is that the temperature rise takes place in two steps. Moreover after crossing the batteries lower voltage range of 3.4 V battery voltage drops drastically, what results in lower efficiency of the battery. During this last discharge period battery surface temperature has significantly increased and in CV (constant voltage) phase, dropped noticeably. Picture 29 represents 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy charge characteristic with 0.5 C and the temperature curve. As far voltage curve is a mirror reflection of discharge curve, though temperature behaves totally different. Temperature difference might be explained by different chemical reactions during charge and discharge, though it is just suggestion, those reactions are not unknown. Next step was taking the EIS measurements. The measurements were made at 13 states of battery charge points shown at the legend of the picture. Tests were taken using data shown in the table 3. Analyzing the polarization curve helped with choosing Picture 29 Charge curve (0.5C) the points at which the measurements were taken. Bigger focus was made on points where significant changes were noticeable. Very interesting observation was made. When taking a closer look on the impedance imaginary part π§π vs. frequency plot (picture 30), where red markers present π§π at 0.1Hz, black diamond markers π§π at 1Hz, black stars π§π at 10Hz and blue squares π§π at 20Hz. Max amplitude Frequency range Points per decade Sampled periods Filter strength 10 50-0.1 30 4 4 A Hz . . . Tabel 3 Data used for EIS measurements It is observable that till the V=3.88 the internal value of π§π was decreasing (solid line), after crossing this state of charge the value of π§π starts to rise. At battery voltage U=3.4 V(dashed black line) π§π at low frequencies rises to 5 β 10−4 Ω, at 3.3 V (lack solid line) π§π rises up to 0.002Ω and for 3.0 V(cyan) rises till 0.006Ω. Red markers at the picture 31 presents π§π at 0.1Hz, black diamond markers π§π at 1Hz, black stars π§π at 10Hz and blue squares π§π at 20Hz. Tracking the changes of π§π for mentioned frequencies for different battery voltage levels is presented on picture 30 and 31. Significant changes at low frequencies are observed, and tendency with previously described turning point. Picture 31 Imaginary impedance part changes Picture 30 Imaginary impedancje part changes for specific frequencies Real part of the impedance decrease asymptotically (picture 32)and show the same trend as the imaginary with same turning point. Also at low frequencies for discharge states battery real impedance part π§π rises significantly at 3.4 V (dashed black line) π§π rises till 2.8 β 10−3 Ω, at 3.3 V (black solid line) π§π rises till 5.3 β 10−3 Ω, at 3.0 V(cyan line) π§π rises till 8.5 β 10−3 Ω. Picture 33 represents the Bode plot, which consist of magnitude/frequency dependency and phase/frequency relationship. Observable is significant rise of the system magnitude at low voltage states of the battery. As it will be shown later in the battery voltage range of 4.22-3.88 magnitude ranges from 2.1 β 10−3 to 1.85 β 10−3 than for low battery voltages magnitude rises till 0.011 at 3.0V what is 5.2 times 25 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 higher value than for charged battery. Phase though decreases up till -43.6 degrees. By having a closer look at phase and magnitude similar tendency to imaginary impedance plot was noticed, where the turning point was observed at 3.88V. In the voltage range 4.22-3.88 System magnitude decreases from 2.1 β 10−3 till 1.85 β 10−3 respectively and phase increases in the range of 1.5:-3 degrees. Pictures 34 an 35 represents imaginary capacitance πΆπ and real part capacitance πΆπ changes towards frequency changes. In both cases for low battery voltages representing its discharge state significant decrease of capacitance was observed Picture 32Real impedance part changes According to ππππ§ππ 3 low frequency limit can be interpreted as double layer capacitance. Seen peak on imaginary characteristics corresponds to ππ = (2ππ π πΆ)−1 and is very useful for calculating semicircles peaks of impedance curves. Picture 33 Bode characteristics Picture 35 Imaginary part of capacitance changes Picture 34 Real part of capacitance changes Picture 36 represent nyquist plot, in other words the imaginary impedance part versus real part plot (frequency domain). It represents the changes of the impedance in different battery states of charges in the frequency range of 50-0.1 Hz. Firstly it is important to emphasize that for creating initial model of the battery according to the EIS measurements more than one spectrum is needed. Observation of the battery behavior at different state of charges is necessary. Similar as in previous examples markers were used for tracking impedance changes at certain frequencies. According to the curves it is possible to conclude that all curves start with a straight line with the angle 69 degrees. Comparing the solid line curves, which represent the battery state of charge from 4.2 till 3.88 V, it is possible to distinguish 2 semicircles which represent dynamic behavior of the battery. Characteristic ending of the curves was noticed, line app. 45 degree angle. At lower voltages the internal impedance of the battery is rising to the values pointed out before. At lower voltages of the battery the impedance semicircles amplitude decrees and curve is more similar to the straight line, what can be understood as loosing dynamic performance ability. According to the impedance curves and made observations of those curves it is possible to make first attempt of creating an equivalent model of the Kokam 53Ah lithium battery. 26 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 Starting from the high frequencies an characteristic constant phase shape is observable with following it semicircle. Because the span of smoothing function was set to small value of 0.1 it might seem that there is a third and fourth semicircle. The curve does not have perfect shapes, though sharpening it might cause unwanted faults in model estimation. Picture 37 presents proposed model for tested battery it consist of resistance π π , which represents electric conductivity of the electrolyte, separator and electrodes. π π ππ and πΆππΈπ ππ are representing resistance and capacitance of solid-state interfacial layer formed on the surface of the electrodes, and corresponds to high frequency semicircle. π ππ‘ and πΆππΈππ are faradic charge transfer resistance and double layer capacitance, which corresponds to medium Picture 36 Nyquist graph of Kokam 53 Ah battery frequencies. W represent the Warburg impedance related to a combination of the diffusional effects of lithium ion on the interface between the active material particles and electrolyte, which Is generally indicated by a straight sloping line at low frequencies. The combination of W and π ππ‘ is called faradic impedance and reflects kinetics of the battery.2 Picture 37 Proposed impedance model for Kokam 53Ah lithium battery 27 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 6.1.1 Kokam lithium polimer battery 25 Ah Picture 38 Kokam 25Ah battery Typical Capacity1 Nominal Voltage Charge conditions Max. Current Voltage Discharge conditions Continuous Current Peak Current Cut-off Voltage Cycle life [@ 80% DOD]2 Operating Temperature Charge Discharge Dimension Thickness(mm) Width(mm) Length(mm) Weight 1) 25.0 Ah 3.7 V 25.0 A 4.2±0.03 V 25A (1C) 125 A 2.7 V >800 Cycles 0~40β -20~60β 6.5±0.2 215±2.0 220±2.0 620±20 Typical Capacity: 0.5C, 4.2 ~2.7V at 25β 2) Voltage range: 4.15V~3.40V Tabel 4 Kokam 25Ah lithium battery specifications Another battery that was tested is Kokam 25Ah lithium battery. The test was run under conditions presented in table As it was mentioned before it has nickel manganese cobalt cathode and carbon based anode. It is the same type as the previously tested battery Kokam 53 Ah. The dc polarization curve shown at picture 40 looks similar as for the 53Ah battery, also the temperature curve seems to be alike. First difference was noticed while looking at temperature vs voltage plot(picture 39), where we can see that in the battery voltage range 4.15 till 3.3 the temperature rise can be shown as 45 degrees slope, after that the battery Picture 39 Polarization cuve starts losing its dynamic performance, hence voltage drop is significant in short period of time. At this point temperature rise angle slope is decreasing up to 23.3 β at 2.6 V. Battery starting was 18β, what gives 5.3β rise during the 0.5C discharge. Table 5 presents set up parameters for EIS measurements. Pictures 41 and 42 represent Kokam 25Ah battery π§π behavior at different states of charge. Similar to 53Ah battery pattern was observed, with turning point between 3.9 and 3.8V. Picture 42 presents imaginary impedance parts of different states of charge towards frequency and it can be assumed that: Picture 40 Temperature vs voltage characteristic 28 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Max amplitude Frequency range Points per decade Sampled periods Filter strength 10 50-0.1 30 4 4 A Hz . . . Tabel 5 EIS test conditions in the voltage range 4.15-3.9, which represents battery being charged π§π has decreased in the higher frequencies, though at low <2 Hz fast rise is noticeable. After crossing the turning point internal imaginary impedance rises and reaches 3.8 β 10−3 Ω level what is 14 times bigger value than for π§π at full charge state 2.7 β 10−4 Ω . Red markers at the picture 40presents π§π at 0.1Hz, black diamond markers π§π at 1Hz, black stars π§π at 10Hz and blue squares π§π at 20Hz. Tracking the changes of π§π for mentioned frequencies for different battery voltage levels is presented on picture 42. Picture 41 Imaginary impedance part changes towards frequency at different states of charge. Picture 43 present π§π changes and they characterize with the same pattern as in previous cases, it rises from 2.5 β 10−3 Ω at full charge state till 7 β 10−3 Ω at full discharge state. Picture 44 present bode characteristics, as for the phase the lower voltage level of the battery the bigger changes in the phase are noticed. At low frequencies characterize with big phase changes the peak was noticed at 0.7 Hz, where it reached -30 degree angle. At high frequencies the phase differences at different voltage levels are becoming less significant. Magnitude resembles asymptotical behavior, increases significantly at Picture 42 Imaginary impedance part changes for specific lower frequencies, though decrease at high frequencies. frequencies. Pictures 44, 46 and 47 presents batteries capacitance behavior, divided into real and imaginary characteristic. In subchapter dedicated for kokam 53 Ah battery description was given for those characteristics, their meaning. Noticeable is decrease of the capacitance both real and imaginary while battery being discharged. For imaginary the decrees is up to 13 times big, for real 5 times. As frequency increase differences of capacitance for at different voltage levels becomes smaller. Picture 43 zr changes at different battery voltage levels 29 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Picture 44 Imaginary capacitance changes Picture 47 Imaginary capacitance changes Picture 45 Real capacitance Changes Picture 46 Bode characteristics Picture 48 represent Kokam 25 Ah battery internal impedance changes displayed using nyquist plot. At high frequencies impedance can be represented as straight line with 67 65 degree angle, and it ends with a semicircle. In middle frequencies 2 semicircles become vivid, which are followed by a constant phase line of 45 degrees. As at Kokam 53 Ah battery used π ππ‘ and πΆππΈππ for describing faradic charge transfer resistance and double layer capacitance, which corresponds to medium frequencies. In Kokam 25Ah two parallel connections are going to represent described phenomena. Picture 49 presents proposed model for the battery. Picture 48 Nyquist plot 30 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Picture 49 Proposed impedance model for Kokam 25 Ah lithium battery 6.2 Lithium ion polymer battery 20Ah (LIPB) Model name: ePLB C020B. Picture 50 Eig 20Ah battery Typical Capacity Nominal Voltage Charge conditions CC CV Discharge conditions Continuous Current Max discharge current(constant) Peak Current Cut-off Voltage Cycle life [@ 80% DOD]2 Operating Temperature Charge Discharge Dimension Thickness(mm) Width(mm) Length(mm) Weight 20.0 Ah 3.65 V 10.0 A 4.15V to 1A 10A (0.5C) 100A 200 A 3.0 V >800 Cycles 0~40β -30~55β 7.2±0.2 129 ± 0.5 217±1.0 427 ± 3g Tabel 7 EiG lithium 20 Ah battery specifications Next tested battery is 20Ah nickel manganese cobalt cathode, carbon based anode. It was discharged using 0.5C current, which is 10A. Picture 53 presents the tested battery temperature and voltage curve during the discharge. Actual discharge starts from 102 π . and characteristic function π π₯ shape. After crossing 3.8V point temperature has lowered what is difficult to explain as it should increase during the discharge. After crossing 3.6 V limit Picture 51 Temperature curie and voltage curie in time dependency 31 battery temperature starts rising in π −π₯ manner until total 2010 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Picture 52 zj changes at different voltage levels Picture 53 Imaginary impedance part changes discharge. Observations of the battery imaginary impedance part are shown on picture 51 and 52. The previously described turning point was found at 3.79 V, from this point the impedance starts to rise. As at charged states of battery (3.8-4.2 V) the π§π do not change significantly (picture 52) in any frequency range as for lower voltages (3. 3-3.12) battery π§π at low frequencies increase up to 1.3 β 10−3 Ω. Changes of π§π at chosen frequencies 0.1,1,10 and 20 Hz are presented at picture 51. As for real impedance part (picture 50) changes at middle and high frequencies relevantly small, at low voltages (3.3-3.12) π§π increases more than 3 times, up to 1.5 β 10−3 Ω s in charged condition. Pictures 54 and 55 present changes of the EiG 20 Ah battery capacitance, its real and imaginary parts. The lower battery voltage level the lower value capacitances are taking. At high frequencies differences of capacitances are not as significant as for low frequencies. πΆπ decrease till −4 β 10−5 when at higher voltages it ranges between −1.4 β 10−6 and −0.6 β 10−6 . πΆπ for higher voltages ranges between −1 β 10−5 and −1.25 β 10−5 for low voltages it decrease till −4.5 β 10−5 . All values Picture 54 Real impedance part changes Picture 55 Real capacitance part changes are given in farads [F]. As seen on picture 56, which present bode diagram systems magnitude at voltage level >3.3 V do not cross the 0.005 value. Cyan color curve presents battery at discharge state, magnitude is significantly higher, it reaches 0.02 value, and phase shift rises up to -50 degree angle. By having a closer look at battery nyquist plot, which show impedance changes (picture 57) noticeable is similar battery behavior as in Kokam 25Ah one. Two semicircles are Picture 56 Imaginary capacitance part changes representing middle frequency changes, second one is less vivid but cannot be omitted. Because of this the same model as for 25Ah battery is proposed for this battery. Picture 57 Nyquist plot 32 Picture 58 Bode diagram Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 6.3 2010 Lithium ion polymer battery 14Ah (LIPB) Picture 59 Eig 14 Ah lithium battery Typical Capacity Nominal Voltage Charge conditions CC CV Rapid charge Discharge conditions Continuous Current Max discharge current(constant) Peak Current Cut-off Voltage Cycle life [@ 80% DOD]2 Operating Temperature Charge Discharge Dimension Thickness(mm) Width(mm) Length(mm) Weight 14.0 Ah 3.25 V 7.0 A 3.65V to 0.7A CC:14A; CV:3.65 to 0.7A 14A (1C) 140A(10C) 280 A(20C) 2.0 V >800 Cycles 0~40β -30~55β 7.2±0.2 129 ± 0.1 222±1.0 380 ± 5g Last tested battery for this project is EiG 14Ah lithium polymer battery. As three previous batteries were using the same materials for cathodes this one differs. Lithium iron phosphate cathode, carbon based anode are used. Table 9 represent 14Ah battery specifications. Noticeable is battery ability for high current discharge. Continuous 10C current is very unique. Picture 60 present 5C discharge, it is 70 A and higher discharge C is impossible for used power supply. Battery behaves is a very interesting way. While discharge it keeps the voltage on constant level, voltage drop is very sudden and does not characterize with much of a efficiency. Picture 59 presents battery π§π changes at Tabel 6 EiG 14Ah lithium battery specifications different voltage levels. Noticeable are changes while Picture 61 Discharge 5C temperature and voltage curve discharge of battery, but presented curves does not show changes battery internal dynamics at each particular voltage level. Curves behave asymptotically without any observable semicircles. Picture 61 presents nyquist plot, where observable is battery impedance behavior. Two curves (V=3.32 and V=3.25) present noticeable semicircles , the rest behaves as battery was discharged. EiG battery was tested in a wrong way, its specific behavior of working most efficiently in a very small voltage range and for long time made it difficult to track its dynamic behavior. Most of the measured curves present battery leas efficient Picture 60 zj changes for diferent voltage levels part and according to them it is possible to observe maximum and minimum reached values but to conclude a impedance model and observe trends that occur it will be needed to create measurements more precisely. 33 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 Picture 62 Nyquist plot Summary In this chapter four batteries were tested, from where 3 successfully. Each of the battery was described with highlighting its most noticeable attributes. Interesting is the EiG 20Ah and EiG 14Ah batteries ability for high current discharge possibility, though they have different materials as cathodes. Kokam batteries do not show such ability. From shown reason Kokam and EiG batteries are going to be used for different purposes. 14Ah EiG battery is not a good solution for electric vehicle, because it might be difficult to read battery state of charge with such small voltage changes, though other applications, where high current is needed will be perfect for them. Presented battery models are not satisfactory and not optimal. Values taken for simulation were chosen manually and should be fitted using least square method. Made model resembles characteristic taken for impedance, but it does not have ability to follow the impedance changes that describes the battery. In the future a fitting program should be made, more precise tests in case of 14Ah battery. As for other batteries Tracked markers show that in some cases it is difficult to show trends of changes, sometimes variations are to big, what is caused by the noise in the system. Kramers-Kronig algorithm should be implemented for investigating the systems stability and linearity.3 7 Summary and conclusions For the purpose of this work a few different models of batteries were tested. Unfortunately provided specifications for the batteries did not give any information about neither the battery construction, materials used for electrolyte, electrodes, further contact with the company did not give any results. Luckily some basic very helpful information about material used for cathodes and anodes of the batteries were provided by the DongEnergy Company. According to owned information about the batteries, equipment and time barriers an approach was made towards creating the battery impedance model. As it was mentioned before, thanks to EIS method it is possible to acquire information about the batteries impedance. Those information are indispensible in creating the batteries equivalent model, but it is necessary to emphasize that the model based only according to the data acquired by EIS method represents the classic example of “ fitting the elephant “. What means that creating an impedance-based model of the battery based only on the experimentally taken measurements is not enough. Such model would be satisfactory only up to certain point. Proper model should be also based on other observations and calculations, like physical calculations and chemical expertise of the battery. Such calculations demands more detailed information about batteries, like dimensions of cathode and anode, thickness of the used film. From those reasons this work was focused on the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method usage on batteries and creating an impedance-based model, but without any external supportive investigations. EIS software on its own has shown a lot good qualities, the interface made in LabView was intuitive and easy to 34 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2010 handle. Very useful turned out to be to store the results in the .m file so working in program Matlab was much easier. Communication between LabView and Matlab turned out to work perfectly. Given real time graphical representation of the measurements provides bigger control of the whole test process, moreover the user could quickly decide if run test is going well and if some parameters should be changed for further tests. EIS software was used before for modeling the fuel cells, in the battery case some problems occurs during the tests. Proper battery charging should be made in 2 steps, constant current and constant voltage. Software was not able to run with constant voltage mode what has brought some complications. For further researches on battery EIS, developing the software will be needed. Could be a good idea to store the EIS parameters in an output file with all the measured data, plus creating a fitting program could be useful. 8 Bibliography 1) Digby D. Macdonald “Reflections on the history of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy” 2) S.S. Zhang, K. Xu, T.R. Jow “Electrochemical impedance study on the low temperature of Liion batteries “ 3) Mark E Orazem & Bernard Tribollet “Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy” 4) Lyklema, J. 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