
Poetry Fair Guidelines
Type or write the required information. Tri-boards must display an example of each of the following
poetry as discussed in class. Poems can be found in your Writer’s Notebook. Check off the box beside
each poem as you complete your final copy for your tri-board:
Autobiographical poem
Non-Sense poem and illustration
Concrete poem
Acrostic poem (done on your netbook)
Slam Poetry
Dr. Seuss trading card (done on your netbook)
Use clear handwriting or computer font that is large enough to be clearly presented on your board
Focus Topic
Being a Poetry Fair, some research will be required. From the above 7 styles of poems we have
discussed in class, you will choose ONE to perform research on. You can choose any style EXCEPT FOR
Dr. SEUSS as we did not create an original poem in his style. Choose either the favorite style of poem,
or your favorite poem that you have created. This will be the topic of your presentation. Your research
should answer but is not limited to the following questions:
1. The type of poem you are researching.
2. The definition of the style of the poem.
3. The elements of the poem (certain amount of lines, rhyming, free verse, the format it is
presented, etc.)
4. Find a popular version of that style of poem, and reference it as it is not your own.
5. The history of the style of poem – When and where did that style of poetry first originate from?
Does it serve a particular purpose?
6. Create 3 original poems in that style of your own.
7. Any other interesting facts you find and wish to include.
Display required information neatly, creatively and with colorful graphics/images. Poetry Fairs
encourage students to be creative in their presentations. Use construction paper or colored typing
paper, markers, magazines, glitter, scrapbooking materials, anything you want, the possibilities are
endless! Use markers for handwriting or use colored font if the information is written on the computer.
Represent your poem style with pictures or other objects. Poetry Fair guidelines allow for models,
shadowboxes, or illustrations that can protrude from the storyboard.
Tip* - Parents and teachers may and are allowed to ask you questions so you should have a thorough
understanding of your focus topic!
You will find below a general checklist for what has been asked of you. You are not limited to the
questions/requirements of this outline and can include other information as well. Examples of tri-folds
and display expectations are also provided.
I have included on my board a(n)[check off as completed]…
Autobiographical poem
Non-Sense poem and illustration
Concrete poem
Acrostic poem (done on your netbook)
Slam Poetry
Dr. Seuss trading card (done on your netbook)
I have chosen a focus topic: _______________
I have answered the following questions about my focus topic:
The type of poem it is
A definition of the poem
Elements that construct the poem (lines, syllables, presentation, etc.)
A popular/famous version of the poem
Referenced the popular/famous version of the poem I found
Created 3 original poems in that selected style
Included any other interesting facts I have found
Display Examples/Expectations