2015 16 YRS & UNDER BOYS AND GIRLS HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIPS DAY 1 – Sunday 2nd August BOYS WA 1 NSW James Leigh 43 9.00am SA 10.45am lost to Hugo McCullum 27 Sam McCulloch 30 1 Angus Fry 39 VIC 12.30pm lost to Rory Walker 8, 25 Dain Richards 21, 49 Dalton Medcalf 26, 47 Ehren Hazell 57, 69 TAS 2 Nathan Ephraums 28 Lachlan Watson 67 ACT 2 QLD defeated 2 lost to 1 Daniel Pittendreigh 30 NSW Harry Deane 23 Matt Neeson 70 2.15pm 8 10 Ehren Hazell 20, 43, 53 William Graf 25 Dalton Medcalf 32 Daine Richards 35, 49, 70 Wade Harry 44 Jack Pickering 64 DAY 2 – Monday 3rd August BOYS VIC 8.30am 2 Ryan Nangle 19 Hrishikesh Gordadia 60 TAS WA Lost to Lost to David Medcalf 3 Ehren Hazell 5, 7, 12 Jack Pickering 40, 47 Rory Walker 49 1 NSW Joshua Brooks 27 10.15am SA 1 QLD Simon Wells 62 12.00pm ACT 1.45pm 7 5 Lost to Jack Elmer 28, 67 Caleb McCoombes 47 Daniel Pittendreigh 60 Matthew Smallwood 65 Lost to Bradley Engelbrecht 13, 31 Lachlan Sampson 29, 54 Marshall Puzey 43 Dane Gavranich 65 4 Lewis McLennan 34, 69 Matt Neeson 40 Harry Deane 64 3 Lachlan Sampson 11 Marshall Puzey 32 Bradley Engelbrecht 69 WA 6 DAY 3 – Tuesday 4thAugust BOYS TAS 1 ACT Finn Bailey 66 8.30am Lost to Turi Hides 33 Harry Deane 44 Alex Carter 52 3 SA 1 NSW Simon Wells 51 10.15am Lost to QLD 12.00pm 4 Caleb McCoombes 21 Brayden McKay 24 Michael Francis 39 Matthew Smallwood 63 TAS WA defeated 1 1.45pm James Sexton 14 3.30pm Simon Wells 8, 35 Isaac Whittaker 68 SA 3 2 Dane Gavranich 33 Bradley Engelbrecht 49 VIC Lost to 6 Daine Richards 7 Rory Walker 19 Jack Pickering 25 Wade Harry 37, 63 Dalton Medcalf 66 5 Nathan Ephraums 1, 17, 33 Hrishikesh Gordadia 19 Brad Marais 42 ACT 2 Matt Neeson 15 Harry Deane 39 DAY 4 – Thursday 6thAugust BOYS ACT 8.30am 2 Turi Hides 18 Harry Deane 59 Lost to TAS 10.15am 2 Sam McCulloch 40 Finn Bailey 52 NSW 12.00pm WA defeated 5 Daione Richards 25 Ehren Hazell 26 Dalton Medcalf 34 Rory Walker 51, 66 SA 1.45pm VIC 3 Simon Wells 18, 24 Angus Fry 50 2 Rahul Karri 55 Matthew Smallwood 70 VIC Lost to 1 Bradley Engelbrecht 45 QLD defeated 6 Nathan Ephraums 24, 36, 45 Hrishikesh Gordadia 47 William Harris 52 Josh Mulder 60 5 William Harris 4 Nathan Ephraums 6 Angus McKinnon 19 Luke Davidson 33 Ryan Nangle 69 DAY 5 – Friday 7thAugust BOYS QLD 9.00am Matthew Smallwood 11, 22, 31, 39 Michael Francis 34 Caleb McCoombes 44 Matthew Hurrell 47 WA 10.45am 12.30pm 7 defeated 5 Denver Farmer 14 Dane Gavranich 32, 34, 45 Bradley Engelbrecht 64 NSW ACT 2 Lewis McLennan 3 Harry Deane 63 SA 0 VIC 3 defeated 6 defeated Rory Walker 14 Dalton Medcalf 33 William Graf 38 Jack Pickering 48 Sam Gray 54 Harry Wade 63 Mitchell Braiden 57, 66 Nathan Ephraums 62 QLD 2.15pm 2 Caleb McCoombes 20 Matthew Gildea 43 TAS 0 SA 3 defeated DAY 6 – Saturday 8th August BOYS For 5th& 6th TAS 0 8.00am Lost to Simon Wells 6 Aiden Stock 27 Angus Fry 67 For 3rd& 4th 11.30am VIC WA For 1st& 2nd NSW 9.45am 8.30am 2 Ehren Hazell 26 Sam Gray 66 QLD Lost to 3 Matthew Gildea 7 Lachlan hardy 21 Daniel Pittendreigh 63 DAY 1 – Sunday 2nd August GIRLS QLD 2 NSW Lily Collier 31 Georgia Radcliffe 38 defeated 1 Emma Bills 67 WA 10.15am Angela Chilwell 20 Dee-Jay Hands 52 12.00pm Molly Lewis 38 Rachel Bentley 46 Laura Harrison 61 TAS ACT 2 VIC drew with 3 SA defeated 0 2 Eliza Berryman 3 Ellen Polacsek 50 1 Erin Cameron 7 NSW 8 Georgia Radcliffe 10, 41 Jamie Hemingway 31 39 Julia Bradley 33 Courtney Schonell 37 Kendall Steel 57 Kelsey Hughes 68 1.45pm lost to 9.00am DAY 2 – Monday 3rd August GIRLS WA 1 QLD 4 Phillipa Bairstow 62 Sophie Conway 21, 22, 67 Lost to Rhiannon Baxter 35 SA 1 NSW Erin Cameron 62 10.45am Lost to TAS 12.30pm 2 Phillida Bridley 27 Maddison Poke 41 ACT 0 Lost to 8.00am 9.45am Rachel Bentley 2 Phillida Bridly 4 Isabelle Sharman 6 TAS 3.00pm NSW defeated Lost to Emma Bills 3, 31, 51 Sophie Conway 28 Lost to Isabella Suleski 1, 9, 23 Philippa Bairstow 18 Erin Harwood 24 Naomi Brown 37 Dee-Jay Hands 54 QLD 0 WA 6 2 4 7 0 DAY 4 – Thursday 6thAugust GIRLS ACT 0 WA 5 defeated Lost to SA 0 Lauren Johnson 10, 62 Renee Rockliff 17, 65 Angela Chilwell 70 QLD 8 Rebecca Greiner 5, 40, 58 Ashlyn McBurnie 8 Lauren Berndt 15 Morgan Matheson 34 Emma Bills 36 Sophie Conway 50 10.45am NSW 2.15pm 0 ACT Stephanie Wylie 5, 60 Isabel Goldsmith 13 Phillida Bridly 41 Maddison Poke 48, 51 9.00am 12.30pm 12 Courtney Schonell 34 Julia Bradley 58 0 1.15pm TAS QLD Emma Bills 1, 12, 46 Morgan Matheson 9 Ashlyn McBurnie 15, 32, 44, 49 Sarah-Jane McCann 38, 59 Rebecca Greiner 68 Selina McIntyre 70 defeated 3 11.30am SA 0 DAY 3 – Tuesday 4thAugust GIRLS 4 ACT Kira McMahan 7 Emma De Broughe 44 Erin Cameron 48, 56 VIC VIC defeated 2.15pm SA 7 Courtney Schonell 5 Jaime Hemingway 12 Georgia Radcliffe 19, 33 Emily Chaffey 35 Kelsey Hughes 42 Kendall Steel 53 3 Julia Bradley 16, 19, 69 TAS 1 VIC 0 WA 2 defeated Lost to Renee Rockliff 28 Lauren Johnson 54 Laura Harrison 41 8.30am DAY 5 – Friday 7thAugust GIRLS VIC 1 ACT Drew with Viv Schweizer 43 Brittany Rosewarne 3 QLD 5 10.15am Shanelle Adams 2 Morgan Mathison 13, 30 Rebecca Greiner 49 Sophie Conway 54 12.00pm Georgia Radcliffe 49 NSW VIC 1.45pm VIC 8.00am TAS 0 WA 1 defeated 1 Drew with Renee Rockliff 41 defeated Isabella Walsh 33, 49 3 SA Brittany Rosewarne 15 Eliza Berryman 55, 56 DAY 6 – Saturday 8thAugust GIRLS For 5th& 6th 4 Brittany Rosewarne 4, 68 Eliza Berryman 30 Rachael Guy 61 1 defeated SA 2 3 Hattie Shand 2, 33 Erin Cameron 39 For 3rd& 4th WA 9.45am 0 NSW Lost to Georgia Radcliffe For 1st& 2nd 11.30am QLD TAS 1 BOYS PLAYED WON DRAW LOST FOR AGAINST DIFF POINTS PLACE ACT 6 1 5 15 33 -18 3 7th NSW 6 6 42 10 32 18 1st QLD 6 4 2 21 12 9 12 2nd SA 6 1 5 9 25 -16 3 6th TAS 6 2 4 7 19 -12 6 5th VIC 6 4 2 23 16 7 12 3rd WA 6 3 3 18 20 -2 9 4th GIRLS PLAYED WON DRAW LOST FOR AGAINST DIFF POINTS PLACE ACT 6 1 5 1 36 -35 1 7th NSW 6 3 1 2 22 7 15 10 4th QLD 6 6 35 2 33 18 1st SA 6 1 5 8 28 -20 3 6th TAS 6 4 2 15 10 5 12 2nd VIC 6 1 2 3 6 14 -8 5 5th WA 6 3 2 1 18 8 10 11 3rd FINAL PLACINGS BOYS GIRLS 1st QLD 1st 2nd NSW 2nd 3rd 3rd NSW 4th 4th WA 5th SA 5th VIC 6th TAS 6th SA 7th ACT 7th ACT PLAYER OF THE SERIES BOYS GIRLS AUSTRALIAN TEAMS BOYS GIRLS SHADOW PLAYERS SHADOW PLAYERS