Minutes of the Women’s Health and Equality Consortium meeting 20 JULY 2015; 10:30 – 15:30 Present: Annette Ashley (WHEC, Chair); Tanzia Ahmed (WHEC, minutes); Vivienne Hays (WRC); Nisan Z. Kesete(FORWARD), Silvia Petretti (Positively UK), Helen Beecher-Bryant (Maternity Action), Patricia Ng (Imkaan) Apologies: Ila Chandavarkar (WRC); Sheila Coates (Rape Crisis), 1. Introductions and outline 1.1 AA welcomed partners and outlined the aims of the meeting. 2. Minutes and actions from last meeting (12 May 2015) 2.1 All amendments incorporated in the last minutes. 2.2 The Actions from the last meeting were updated, and some carried over (see table below). 3. Update on work by partner organisations WHEC 3.1 AA completing all the status reports of each project, doing handover notes 3.2 TA has successfully managed to put the network membership database on the website. 3.3 TA uploading lost resources back on website 3.4 TA to build up on the project “Cost-Benefit of Women’s Services” this year Positively UK 3.5 Acquired funding for their pregnancy project 3.6 Report on “Best Practice of Women with HIV” has gone to print 3.7 Engaged in peer-led research (this is a part of global reference group and will include UNWomen, it will involve the topic of women’s access to HIV treatment), to be released on July 19 Maternity Action 3.8 Ross is back; continues to work in pregnancy discrimination 3.9 Continuing the “5 Key Rights” campaign – trying to secure funding, webinar programs haven’t taken off yet 3.10 Work being done on migration, midwives working with refugee and asylum seekers 3.11 Continuing with their advice services; Trying to generate more funds for phone-call reception 3.12 MA website has been updated 3.13 Organising an event in September 2015 on asylum seekers FORWARD UK 3.14 It’s now mandatory for health professionals and teachers to report on FGM, Forward providing training and resources needed (background work needs to be done; engaging with Home Office and DoH) 3.15 Training teachers and students on “Parents Sessions” 3.16 Training youth advocates to work in communities 3.17 Cross-European project to start in UK on Forced Marriages and FGM 3.18 Awarded “Charity of the Year” WRC 3.19 Doing a Comic Relief funded project that involves filming women facing inequalities in their everyday life (objective is to raise awareness and support women’s sector to get more funding; primary audience will be journalists) 3.20 Fair Deal project is going quite well, getting a lot of exposure on social and mainstream media 3.21 Ila doing the Engagement Toolkit 3.22 AA to go to Informatics Meeting RAPE CRISIS 3.23 faced unprecedented referral (currently there are 51k users of RC) 3.24 RC suggested that DoH’s “Top Tips Document for Commissioners” could be circulated by VAWG groups (the documents contains commissioning good practice elements IMKAAN 3.25 Recently launched an online shop to raise funds 3.26 Completed community champions project – awareness raising on forced marriage, and within the context of violence against women and girls 4. Project updates 4.1 Ila as interim Manager, starting August 4.2 1000 Women – AA attended meeting, Joy to attend WHEC meeting; Brunel University will do the data assessment and evaluation 4.3 AA have drawn up questions and will email them to Silvia; AA has spoken to Sharon at UEL, will interview 8-10 people 4.4 TA is working on the Care Act briefing 4.5 Strategic recommendations and evaluating impact of WHEC and SP (issued was due to be raised in this meeting): UEL – 2 students to evaluate WHEC, WHEC could use their professional fundraisers to bid for funding 4.6 The role and value of women’s services for health and wellbeing: Report has been finalised and published. TA currently working on building on the project for 2015/16 (TA will commission someone to do the report). 4.7 Scoping papers on dementia and personalisation: AA commissioned 4 case studies, which have been paid for by Age UK. Final draft completed. Jointly badged project with Age UK – draft with them for design and printing (which they are paying for). 4.8 Launch of Dementia project in September 2015 4.9 Dementia project: 2 UEL students are working and have already got the frontline literature review done, got feedback from 5 women’s organisations who are keen to work in this project; for the qualitative study the students will interview women’s organisations 4.10 WHEC partners to promote WHEC and Strategic Partnership at their events and with their members. AA to put together a WHEC flyer which partners can take along to events. 4.11 Round table events organised by Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis: three events will now take place with women’s organisations and service users across three different regions. The plan is to meet with the Director of Public Health and the Chair of the local Health and Wellbeing Board in the same regions, to discuss the findings from the events with the aim of influencing changes in local policy. 4.12 1000 Women – Joy presented on the background and objectives of the project 4.13 Big Lottery Funding – NICE quality standard, partners to send materials to AA, Rape Crisis opted out 5. AOB 5.1 TA to send minutes and actions. Dates of next meetings: Thursday 17 September Thursday 19 November Thursday 21 January 2016 Table of Actions Action 1. Annette to work with Age UK on completing dementia report. Annette to work with Helen Cylwick on personalisation briefing. 2. Ila to work on toolkit and briefing (Healthwatch work) and put on website 3. Tanzia to create database of contacts for distribution and share with partners; Upload on website 4. Helen Beecher-Bryant to send partners information on the 5 Key Rights 5. Annette will speak to system partners about an updated list of who to influence and send to strategic partners 6 Annette to create WHEC flyer: TA to take over 7 Partners to raise awareness of network with own members 8. Helen to discuss design and layout of MA report with colleague and contact Annette Progress Done On-going Done Done Done To do On-going Done 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Partners to submit resources they wish to upload on the WHEC website to Tanzia AA contacted Pathway but Viv will take it forward to talk to a human rights lawyer about publishing the information Annette to look at putting together a podcast Annette to research women’s labour group to get their support and find out if there is a focus group on dementia Sheila to send partners slides from DH conference on trauma, sexual violence and impact on mental health WRC to contact Rukayah re: election video Imkaan to provide acknowledgements and contents page for 2x mental health briefings Helen to check who MA were due to meet with at NHSE and then discuss with Rukayah Annette to contact Pipal Associates about creating a secure space on the WHEC website for partners only. Rape Crisis to provide feedback from April on the meetings they attend, stakeholders they meet, etc., which may inform WHEC work Annette to invite Lorna Hughes, CQC to March WHEC meeting Annette to re-send outputs and outcomes email re: 2015/16 projects AA doing a status report for each project Annette to contact Marion, Naz, re: 1,000 Women project Sheila to send Ila case study on HIV+ women, 65 years old; AA to send email the project description to Silvia TA started working on Care Act briefing; AA to email TA contacts in DoH who can help with the Care Act Briefing Annette to ask system partners at next SP working day for feedback about their use of our work Annette to write end of year 2014/15 DH report and budget, and submit by 26 June On-going On-going Done On-going Done Done Done Done Done On-going Done (waiting for response) Done Done On-going Done; (check) On-going; Done Done Done