Student Government Meeting Minutes August 28, 2009 I. Call to order Katie Navarro called to order the regular meeting of the Student Government Association at 1:08P.M. on August 28, 2009 in HS. II. Roll call Brittany Benson conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Brittany Benson, Hope Chitwood, Annette Lopez, Josh Mulanax, Katie Navarro, Ben Rincker, Terri Dubay, Bryan Goodin, Laura Greenlee, Daniel Hardt, Katie Hendrickson, Julie Husong, Bryan Kirby, Josh Lee, Kyle Pendleton, Michelle Smith, Andrew Stinson, Tou Yang Organizations: All except ABC, Sigma Tau Gamma, and CRU Bartlesville were present. III. Treasurer Report Josh Mulanax reported that there is $23,000 in the SGA budget this year. EC $4,600-45.73= $4.554.27 Student Body $18, 400 Total = $22, 954.27 Discussed funds proposals IV. Parliamentarian Report Annette Lopez discussed parli pro and talked about the reference sheets V. Public Relations Hope Chitwood discussed how she will reach the student body this semester (text messages, banner with info) - asked for suggestions and sent around a contact sheet, talked about giveaways giveaways VI. Public Relations Hope Chitwood discussed how she will reach the student body this semester (text messages, banner with info) - asked for suggestions and sent around a contact sheet, talked about giveaways giveaways VII. Vice Presidents Report Bens Rincker- introduction about himself- made himself available to the body for any complaints There was a motion by Ben Rincker to make Dan Hardt the mullet poster child 2nd by Dan Consented by body VIII. Guest Speakers Student Activities BJ Armstrong Homecoming- discussed homecoming Stephanie Falch- pizza party for Greek organization and organization that brings the most alumnus to homecoming Parking lot will be reserved for homecoming, No parade (maybe shopping carts) Ronna HatleySpoke about fund proposals and all paperwork needed Explained the process of asking for funds Gary Boergermann Campus Police Discussed raising parking violation fees (parking, moving, disability, fire lane) and introduced news laws pertaining to several violations (unauthorized hang-tag permit, fraudulent use of physical disability, and tobacco policy) E-mail him with any other questions and concerns Misty Smith & CAT Sarah Pate entertainment - meeting tonight at 5:30 to discuss Sept calendar events Amy Paschal - big week committee on facebook Austin Trip - $250 with a lot of cool things included, may be open up to non-students, but as of right now...NO, Co-ed rooms, may have alcoholic beverages if over 21. Follow-up with O.I.L Annette talked about OIL follow-up, and how the program is ran. They returned the balance form their trip back to the student body budget. Renee acknowledged as best legislation while being a freshmen IX. New Business Community Counseling Explanation of organization presented by Daniel Hardt and Candi Nichols Ben moved to accept the group as an organization on campus o 2nd by Josh lee o Consent by Michelle Smith o Objection by Dave Nichols Vote on objection – denied by body Accepted as an organization on campus X. Presidents Report Katie talked about New Senators- deadline for applications extended time till next Friday, September 4 at 5P.M. Elections 8th – 10th Advisor agreement lists, needed ASAP (Hanging a flag on Main Street is very possible, Chambers -need volunteers for bluegrass festival, Dickens on blvd, senator of the month, and door prizes, shirts, promotional items, online voting in the works, recycling program, paper) XI. Student Forum Discussion about: Temp control in classrooms to save money Ben’s goals - Ben’s List coupons XII. Announcements Yearbook for organizations (Organizational page for people that need to know more about your organization) Annette - Homecoming King and Queen Resolution Student Nursing see Ben CRU big celebration Tuesday Constitution day Sept 17th Spanish Bake Sale next Friday 3pm - looking for new members Nightmare Smash 3 – twisted Alice and Wonderland Hill post- please send any info, events, at least a month in advance to website Go see Dan Next Fri. at 10am all you can eat Rib contest at Billy Sims Hillcat was chosen to go to Nationals SIFE meeting opposite week of SGA meetings OIL meeting in lounge centennial Wed 3:30 XIII. Adjournment Josh Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Kyle Pendleton Consent by body Katie Navarro adjourned the meeting at 2:35P.M. Minutes submitted by: Brittany Benson