Intro Art Vogel, good story. - Midwest Counterdrug Training Center

2. Minutes from Board meeting on 6 – 7 September 2012
Ted opened at 0915
Intro Art Vogel, good story.
Intro Arlen, not so good story.
Doug talked vouchers.
Hand off to Bruce to run through agenda.
Discussed partnership with Texas CDC, Adkinson. Loss of former CDC Randy Davis. Develop and meet her
and continue what was started with Randy Davis.
Loss of Chad Sackett, CDC Minnesota. Have not had great communications with the new CDC (name??)
Possible considerations for future board members. Looking for reps in OK, MN, KS? TX?.
Larry Doss promoted to LTC, unable to attend. Hand off brief to Brad.
Brad ran through slides. Ted asked question about lodging and if it was a decision point to place class at
CD based upon the cost for lodging. Ted offered Marshall County training center. Ron offered the
academy in Jefferson City. Bruce gave info on CD lodging costs and rooms. Kevin asked about meals and
the status. Bruce advised that we spoiled the students and said that it became obvious that the meals
were not always used and budget drove the meals out.
Doug briefed budget slides. Bruce talked about budget and cross fiscal contracts; talked a little bit about
budget cuts and personnel. Started into plus-ups, plus-up, TBRM and its variables. Brought out printout
Break Until 1015
Brad briefed FY13 slides.
Handoff to COL Staton to brief TBRM and PBG. Discussion from Tony and Dave from the HIDTA
perspective. How it bleeds from ONDCP to the HIDTA and what the threats they are looking at and
colleting are not correct. COL Staton agreed saying that the funding is going to the threat, but not being
executed for that threat. Leads to states spending money on other projects and if they cannot execute,
they turn-in. Dave made a point that the NG is not capable of affecting the threats.
COL Staton discussed and explained the TBRM variables and percentages. Comments from Dave and Ted
concerned that the data that coincides with the variables is not reported or input into the system that is
being used to rank each state. Tony asked if the states are required to do their own TBRM and obtain
the data from their agencies. Possible solution to the inaccuracy in the data and variables. Dave
mentioned a performance measure on the back end; similar to the 2 yr program that the HIDTAs have in
place. Tony suggested COL Staton take back to the Tiger Team a request that the data needs to be
validated by each state. End point from COL Staton is that the states are getting money for each variable
threat, but are not using it for those threats.
COL Staton covered the TBRM funding percentage map. Made a point that MCTC is not currently based
upon TBRM and that it may need to develop that same strategy in the near future.
Break until 1121
Bruce discussed PBR and items 1, 1a and 6. Talked about relationship with Combatant Commands and
Border Patrol. Discussed the meetings with Border Patrol Training Coordinators and JTFNORTH. Have
done 13 courses for BP with the agreement that they would allow state and local agents to attend.
Bruce discussed item 5 (Unified Message) about CTA funding being directed to the Schools. Possible fix
for FY14 and being part of the appropriation each year; strategy to help push forward the numbers
being fixed in the PBG.
Ted adjourned the meeting at 1145.
Ted opened 2nd day at 0855.
Bruce opened with statement about congressional support. Reiterated that without their support we
would have larger issues.
Bruce discussed contract issues. Procurement lead time and slow getting contracts back leading to
cancelling the 1st iteration of Physical Surveillance. COL Staton spoke up stating that the current USPFO
does not take the same risk as other states; which provide us less leeway.
Bruce discussed the differences between how each school operates and funding streams from DoD. This
has lead to the schools dividing and not talking to each other. Specifically the WRCTC and MCTFT.
Discussed regionalization and dividing up territories for mobile training. Point being that the agreement
would enable the schools to distribute their limited resources. Tony asked how often the directors of
each school get together. Bruce stated that is part of the problem and that they don’t get along and
don’t meet. Tony asked BG Webb if he would be able to facilitate a meeting with the schools. Bruce
brought up the CTAC and the quarterly meetings. Much discussion from the board about getting
together with the other schools (Chair/ViceChair) to work out the issues. Dave brought up that it seems
the schools are now competitors and that is not productive. More discussion toward unified schools and
struggles with NGB on how they exist. COL Staton suggested recommending a change in the CTAC bylaws to add LE representation from the schools. He also brought up that the CDCs and other schools
have forgotten that we are here to support our customers and not just spend our piece of the pie. Bruce
reminded the board that the HIDTAs are a powerful voice with NGB. Dave said that the schools need to
get their stuff together before we ask NGB to get theirs.
Break 1000
Bruce discussed Desert Snow and the FOIA action. Board had no issues.
Bruce discussed contracted courses. Tony asked about a course for Analysts and Investigators to attend
together so their teamwork attributes come out. Put practical exercises that use the two sides together.
Courses to add: Undercover Edge 3 day, Cell, Internet & Communications, Pharmaceutical Diversion,
AVCC Phase 2, IACP Leadership Course.
Bruce discussed MO Post issues and the former agreement with them and MN Post. Ron said he would
talk with the Director of MO DPS to smooth that process along.
Bruce discussed DEA Clan Lab Quantico and their cooperation for your course with NES.
Bruce discussed the DEA Basic and supporting St Louis and Chicago offices.
Bruce gave a few names of agencies and conferences we supported. IDEOA, INOA, KNOA, DARE, CADCA,
Janet briefed SA, Prevention and Treatment slides.
Bruce reminded the board to look for new members. Suggested board meeting in Mar/Apr at Camp
Ted adjourned the meeting at 1121.