policy statement on smoking

(Updated May 2007)
As part of its continuous review of health and safety matters, the University has considered the current
evidence of the health risks associated with passive smoking, as well as the discomfort suffered by nonsmokers exposed to tobacco smoke. The University seeks to maintain a healthy and comfortable studying
and working environment for staff, students and visitors through the implementation of its Smoking Policy.
1. The University operates a total ban on smoking throughout the University's premises and in University
1. Publicity and Signage
1.1 The University's policy on smoking shall be indicated on prominent notices displayed in the main
entrances of all building
2. Support to Smokers
2.1 The University takes a positive attitude regarding the health and safety of all its staff. Any member of
staff who smokes and wishes to use the no smoking policy as an opportunity to give up or cut down will be
2.2 Employees who experience difficulties in complying with this policy may discuss this with their line
manager and/or Human Resources.
3. Smoking in the Open Air
3.1 Where curriculum activities are carried out on land owned by other organisations, smoking may be
permitted in designated areas during break periods only if the policy of the organisation allows for this.
3.2 When permitted, smoking in the open air on University land must be undertaken away from areas of
risk such as fuel storage tanks, chemical storage facilities and building entrances.
3.3 Smoking is not permitted immediately outside the entrances or open windows of any University
4. Enforcement of the Policy
4.1 As with other aspects of health and safety policy, all employees and students have a responsibility to
look after themselves and others and a duty to comply with this policy as part of the health and safety
provisions of the University. However, ultimately, it is the responsibility of line managers to ensure the
policy is observed in their area of authority.
4.2 It is expected that staff and students will co-operate voluntarily in making the policy work without the
need for more formal measures to ensure its effectiveness. However, breaches of the policy may lead to
disciplinary action and may leave the University open to criminal prosecution under smokefree legislation.
4.3 Persons whether staff, students, contractors or visitors who do not comply with the implementation of
smokefree legislation from the 1st of July 2007 may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible
criminal prosecution.
5. Visitors
5.1 To achieve the aim of a smoke free environment, this policy will also apply to visitors to all buildings.
6. Smoking Breaks
6.1 Individuals are required to agree, with their line managers, reasonable time for smoking breaks during
working hours when they can leave their work. Any such breaks must not have a disruptive effect, and at all
times the best interests of the University must be the overriding factor. Agreed times for smoking breaks
should be regarded as being over and above an employees' contractual working hours.
7. New Employees and Prospective Students
7.1 During the recruitment and selection process, new employees will be made aware of the policy on
smoking in the University. The policy document will be part of a 'localised' induction programme, and will be
included within the Staff Handbook.
7.2 The policy will be publicised in handbooks and the University Prospectus and is for students.
8. Housekeeping
8.1 The implementation of the policy on smoking and compliance with smokefree legislation, places
considerably increased pressures on the cleaning of areas immediately outside all major buildings. These
will be maintained by active management and attention to detail.